Sacred Sexy Reset Button - MP3
By Helena Das

Value $33

Length: 5:09 minutes

Enjoy a pleasurable pause with this “quantum quickie” and easily ground, balance and renew yourself in 5 minutes or less! Think of this process as a magical Bliss Button, especially great for those stressful days as it will leave you feeling restored and blissful within seconds. You may also use it as a daily practice or any time you like, as your sacred, sexy reset button.

In closing, as a divine feminine trailblazer in my own right, I am passionate about deeply supporting especially women to be empowered to reclaim their bodies, first and foremost. Beloved sisters (& conscious brothers), please know that the ripple effect of our sacred feminine embodiment organically leads to us take back our personal power, passion and purpose on this earth plane, which is intimately connected to our pleasure capacity and abundance on all levels. I cannot do this alone, and am still building that muscle, but I do know that having these tools and access to my sacred feminine superpowers has been truly life changing on so many levels! The more women that claim themselves, body, mind, spirit and yoni (the Sanskrit term for womb space or genitals), we will together not only heal, transform and empower ourselves like never before, we will positively affect our families, relationships, communities and ultimately the world.

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“What we deny ourselves we deny to all of life. In denying the feminine her sacred power and purpose, we have impoverished life on personal and global levels in ways we do not understand.”

~ Anet Vaughan-Lee, Sufi teacher

“The point is that the loss of soul connection, loss of connection to our femininity, may be the real cause of our anguished condition.”

~ Marion Woodman, Conscious Femininity

“I am deeply devoted to empowering women to get their sexy back in their bodies, life and bank accounts!

... there’s nothing more powerful than a woman who has embodied her soul, a woman who doesn’t believe she’s an incarnation of the Divine Feminine but dares to act like it.”

~ Sera Beak, RED, HOT & HOLY, A Heretic’s Love Story

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