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To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

Download Eram and Zoe's Interview

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Package A

This program includes:

  • 4 Ignite Your Soul MP3s
  • 2 Bonus MP3s


Creative Expression Through Crystalline Potential

No longer see yourself as the victim - see yourself as the success story. Let go of the fear move into your expanded creative expression.

This masterclass was recorded live on 9th August 2017 utilising the Lion’s Gateway portal. Working with the Lyran council of light this in depth masterclass explores the creative potential of what we came here to explore and expand into physical form.

“Expand and dance free in the space aligning for you now dear ones this is where the magic begins.: - Lyran Council of Light.

  • Let's expand together and remember those divine moments of presence, grounding and pure divine creative expression free from the confines of the 3D reality.
  • There is A LOT of energy coming through right now around our divine potential, spiritual gifts and creative expression.

Our creative expression is everything when it comes to manifesting the reality most aligned to us. It enhances and strengthens our connection to the divine and allows the love to pour in through our hearts in infinite abundance to gift out into the world as we allow our ourselves to receive more of our expanded potential. We get to choose how we want to share our frequency with the world, we get to choose our creative expression of multidimensional self and we get to dance and play in this creative reality.

  • This live recorded workshop includes a Crystalline Activation group session and a divine feminine/divine masculine integration.
  • Channelled information from the Lyran Council of Light and a safe and creative space in which to dream beyond our current reality and jump into a new potential.
  • You will be gifted clarity as to your next creative steps in manifesting your abundant reality.

Let's expand together in the creative expression of our divine love as we open to receive ourselves fully.

Our creative expression is energetic frequency - free flowing - free forming and alignment to the existence of our sovereign being. It's colour, it's messy, it's dance, it's free form, it's bright, it's inventive, it's genius, at times it's chaotic, it's expansion of ALL that is wanting to flow through us at this time.

  • Expand into your divine potential now through allowing the space the universe is gifting you.
  • Align to your creative energy, the free flowing form of your existence as it pours out of your hearts in divine love.
  • This workshop also includes a channelled message from the Lyran Council of Light and guided meditation.
  • These activations are to truly propel your creative ascension journey.

You will receive access to the 90 minute masterclass which includes a higher dimensional DNA activation, additional channelled message from the Lyan Council of Light.

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Crystalline Light Code Activation
5 Week Program

Expand, Explore and Create in the Crystalline Light of Multi-Dimensional Living

Using her gifts as a Crystalline Grid Activator, Zoe will guide you to step into the dimensional experience most aligned with your heart’s desire – that of the 5th dimensional frequencies and learning how to anchor this light into your daily physical lives.

These activations will shake and release down from the root core of your emotional, physical and energetic being to unify, expand and ground into the crystalline grid for ascension alignment.

This course was recorded live in August 2017 - Utilising the Lion’s Gateway, The Lunar Eclipse and the August 21st Eclipse. You will gain the same benefits from this energy as intentions were set to continue receiving the energetic transmissions as if listening to live. 


  • Aligning with the accelerated timeline to your awakened ascension
  • Anchor your ascending light bodies into the crystalline grid to explore and create from this potential
  • Harmonise your light with Gaia, embracing the divine connection and grounding in your heaven on Earth
  • How to activate crystals & grids for abundant receiving
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Activation – Crystalline Light Code Frequency

The Crystalline grid houses our complete potential to live presently, live with joy, live with love, live with harmony, live with compassion, live with integrity.

It holds us in a strong resonance with those vibrations that serve our highest goods at all times of life:

  • Resonating with love
  • Resonating with unity consciousness.
  • Resonating with our higher selves.
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Activation – Higher Heart/Higher Self Integration

We awaken to our hearts, when we awaken to the remembrance that we are the potential of change. Every minute, every hour, every day holding ourselves accountable to what is possible here now on Gaia, with ourselves and each other.

  • Grounding our potential into the crystalline grid
  • Core wound healing from our roots, hearts and Earth Chakras
  • Forgiveness of self to house our connection to New Earth
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Activation – Golden Rays of Abundant Receiving

Let us come together as one and be reminded we are all on our journeys working through lessons, karmic ties and re-building a more supportive life free from fear, ego wants and judgements. We can access this through our ascending crystalline light bodies.

  • Significant changes can occur within our realities
  • Collectively looking to release and align to the more expanded version of our crystalline lights
  • This vibration – this state of cosmic awareness – this grounding of light into Gaia not only changes the reality of observer but also the continued expansion for the collective.
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Activation – Harmonising with Gaia and all creation

We the collective right now in this incarnation are HERE to anchor these truths into our daily existence – To be the example of light and what is possible. Our missions, soul paths are strengthened;

  • When we align with the Crystalline Grid
  • When we remember we ARE the grid workers of Gaia
  • Here to anchor love – unity consciousness in the new paradigm
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Activation – Embodiment of source, multi-dimensional reality and physical integration

These multi-dimensional codes are channelled at this time for our higher selves to come in and work with us – the observer of our realities.

  • There is truly nothing to heal – there is only perception, experience and continued expansion.
  • Group intentions are amplified and this group program holds that support.
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  • 5 x 90 minute recorded activations.
  • Intention setting, activating meditations, ground in the light codes, call and embody our higher selves to help clear, transmute and anchor our new awareness into the crystalline grid.
  • Ascension alignment integration, light code and sound code activation.
  • Core healing of emotional and karmic wounds to remove old blockages, limiting beliefs and programming and replace them with new language and light codes to accelerate your timeline into ascension into 5-d and beyond.
  • Channeled messages from the collective consciousness of light, the elementals, angels and guides.

Are you ready to step up to the next level of your awakening?

Are you ready to feel the potential and stay in the expanded potential of your heart and ascending light bodies?

Are you ready to truly step into your grid worker role as you expand your light, your reality expands also creating ripples effects throughout the world?

“Then it is truly my humbling honour to serve you through listening to these activations as we step together into the magical alignment to expand, explore and create in the Crystalline Light of Multi-Dimensional living. All my love” ~ Zoe Davenport


Love is the Answer

A Guide to Awakening the Heart & Stepping into True Authenticity

This is an energy book, not a thinking book, designed to gently assist you on your continued journey of living with an awakened heart. Each chapter brings a renewed awareness that love is within you the whole time. Through daily meditations, affirmations, and journaling- you may step back into the truth of who you are to always follow your own heart, intuition and authenticity. This is my truth, and a gift of love to help guide you on a journey back to your hearts and back into alignment with your souls.

Love is the answer

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The Beginning of Love

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Breaking Free From Fear Jail

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Ego Needs Love Too

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Body Talk

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Learning to be Alone

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The Child Within

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Divine Feminine Divine Masculine

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Let Go to Receive Abundance

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Love Is Our Soul Path

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Unconditional Love

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Love is the answer | Guided Meditations

10 powerful short and easy guided meditations for a daily burst of energy, grounding and self-love

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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101 Convention Center Drive, STE 810, Las Vegas, NV, 89109