Positively enhance your energy for health, wealth, joy and happiness!
- Have you felt like you’ve been held back in life?
- Do you feel like you’re always making the same mistakes over and over again?
- Would you like to have more positive relationships with your family, friends or partner?
- Do you wish you could attract more wealth into your life?
- Have you ever wondered where you’ll be or what you’ll be doing in 5 or 10 years’ time?
- Are you at a cross point in your life? Or are you having trouble making a major life-changing decision?
If you feel the above confusion – welcome to clarity below
- Take control and stand in your power and be centered
- Be the one who creates your life to reflect your desires, goals and to live the life you KNOW you were meant to live
- If moulding and creating your future is your desire then find out how in a session with me
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then a Past, Present and/or Future Life Session will help you find clarity!
Creating life-long change effortlessly by addressing your Past, Present and Future Life!
A lot of our current life challenges are seated in our past lives and without understanding or knowing, we think that those challenges are of our own creation in this present lifetime or it is just bad luck that they happen in our lives, but not so.
As an active Energy Alchemist and accredited Past and Future Life Therapist, I work with you to help you finally get the answers you’re looking for!
Now you can tackle what you really want to get from life and heal and address your current life problems. Whether that’s health issues, improving your relationships from toxic to great, money problems, career decisions, low self-esteem or confidence issues, finding out your life’s purpose, PTSD and much, much more.
Whatever your presenting problem we can working together to explore your current challenges / blocks and investigate whether we go:
- Back to a time, place, scene or even event that may have consciously or unconsciously triggered these original issues. We can then clear these blocks from the past which also clears the issue or trauma from your present life.By clearing and addressing our fears, shocks, phobias or hurt from our Past Life or childhood can really help heal our self-esteem, health, wealth relationship and careers, etc.
- Or we decide to go forward with a Future Life Progression (FLP) session, where you can gain access to your future and you can find out what you’d like to know. Do you wonder who you’ll be with? Where you’ll be living? How your career is going? Which decision is the best way forward for you? With FLP you gain that understanding and insight now. Accessing your future provides an understanding about making the best possible decisions today to help you manifest your successes faster.
Take the leap forward! By opening your mind, you have the power to create your life with ease and grace - writing your own story. So what are you waiting for?
Dream Big Shine Bright Sparkle More
Karma is the law of inviolable Cosmic Justice and the Law of Cause and Effect.
By having understood what it is, we can understand the nature of self-regulation of the past, in relation to the future.
The past is treated as a system………….changeable from the present……………..with respect to the future.
And if this is so, it means that we can constructively restructure any events according to the plan of Karma of salvation…………
Broke Life Long Rut Of Self Doubt, Deep Tension And Stiffness In body
By guiding me back into my past, in this lifetime and beyond, I was able to feel deeply and easily into the feelings of being trapped and held back, feelings that have dominated my life this time around and which over time caused deep tension and stiffness in my body, especially the left side.
In my early twenties I used to feel like banging my head against a brick wall, I was trapped inside feelings and thoughts of ‘I have to get out of this’, and yet I didn’t know what I had to get out of.
Virginia took me into the physiology and neurology of these sensations of tension and stiffness in the now, by taking me back to my mother’s womb where the feelings mentioned pulled against each other (i.e feeling trapped and having to get out of this).
From that space of my mother’s womb I was taken back to when I created the feelings of being trapped and held back for the first time, the creation of them, to the source of the feeling and how it affected my physical body at that time and how this energy has transferred to my body in this lifetime.
I saw that in a previous lifetime I was caught spying and put into a barrel and drowned, dying with those feelings trapped inside me, feelings of being trapped and I’ve got to get out of this.
From this Virginia guided me to change that timeline, to one where I didn’t die. The vista opened up, I saved myself and was nurtured by another back into Life, into Love.
At this point in the session I adjusted my posture so that none of it was aligned with the memories of that past life which were affecting my neck and left side of my brain.
The recognition of this and minuscule movements in the now released it all. First there was a feeling of being semi-paralysed shifting to pins and needles and then flow through the body.
All the feelings of being trapped and held down lifted off me.
The bonus from this session with Virginia was that I changed my whole perception of my mother in this lifetime. I had a challenging relationship with her, and during the session I experienced the love of her for me at a soul level, for she, in the parallel timeline nurtured me back to health as a loving companion. This was so balancing for me, freeing and powerful.
So, to conclude, from this place of alchemising the dense energies Virginia encouraged me into the future – a 1,000 years hence, in our human understanding of time, to be precise. I met myself as a Cosmic/Galactic being who bridged universes way beyond our local ones.
I felt me in her, yes she showed herself as predominately female, and we were and are equal and balanced even though I had more density. I can now plug into that consciousness as I come back from the future to guide my way forward.
~ Hazel Moore, England, April 2017
One Session With Virginia Cleared My Self Sabotaging Patterns
I had a wonderful one on one session with Virginia. she cleaned me energetically. That lasted for a while, I was shocked, how much she had to work on me. When I thought we were ready, she said: Now we can start! 🙂 And then she cleared my past lives, which caused myself sabotage patterns in this life.
Now, 3 weeks later I can say that I am a new person. I found my boundaries, and my inner strength is way much higher than ever. I got rid of many things, which energetically represented the "old" me, bought new clothes for my new self. Buying clothes is usually a struggle for me, but this time it happened with ease. My work has improved, I have more clients. And I know this is only the beginning!
~ Idiko - Split, Croatia
All my blocks and cords now removed from my Energy field
Before the session I was feeling very stuck and idle, not much clarity as to what is holding me back. So much of my life now makes sense because we were able to go back a few lifetimes and in particular the one where I saw myself seated at a table with a couple that resembled a very wealthy family much like king and queen and I was dressed in a white tunic and walking away from the privilege just like Saint Francis of Assisi. Very touching and heartfelt knowing how I'm always looking to help others in this lifetime and usually expecting nothing in return.
(My wife once had a vision of him at a time her father was to undergo a heart valve replacement in 2010.) He is still living at 90 years old. I feel he did have a hand in that surgery. Working with Virginia has been the most amazing experience in terms of what has transpired in the span of just 4 days.
I feel like a new person ready to take on the world due to a 5 years plan put into motion, which saw me as a very successful entrepreneur I've always wanted to become. I feel as though it's already in full swing since the following day a new customer showed up at my door whom I've been talking in the past and we never got to meet before.
It's a very promising future ahead with all those blocks and cords now removed from my energy field too.
~ Luis Petersen, New York
Free Trial
Discount : 93%
Total Package Value $1440
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
Recorded Instructions of the above Meditation MP3s
Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2200
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
Recorded Instructions of the above Meditation MP3s
Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
2 x 90 min Group Coaching Sessions
Private FB Group access for 3 Months
Discount : 92%
Total Package Value $2500
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
Recorded Instructions of the above Meditation MP3s
Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
2 x 90 Group Coaching Sessions
Private FB Group access for 3 months
1 x 90 min Past, Present, Future Life 1:1 Session
A Power Packed Experience!!! A Definite YES!!!
This session came as a blessing for me, just at the right time when I had asked for help in clearing blocks in making the right decision regarding my career.
Virginia led me gently and effortlessly into a visualisation 5 years into my future and my momentary self-doubt dissolved away.
Seeing me doubt my abilities as a Veterinarian, she led me back to my childhood and pre-birth period where we cleared and healed each memory and associated emotions.
My congested chest and throat cleared up. With her and my guide (whom we had called) with me, I felt cherished.
With quick questions, we reached the time I had chosen my Earthly mother to teach her to love herself and to protect her, and how I had blamed myself and believed that she didn't love me, a core belief and a lie that I had been operating from nearly 15 years.(I knew there was a connection, but hadn't anticipated the depth of that and the healing that took place)
It was as if Ms. Virginia could see right through me, and as she helped me see glimpses of my Divine nature step by step and reminded me of my capabilities, I cried. I felt nurtured.
When we went forward to my future, I felt different and confident and we gained wisdom from my future self as a Vet. on how I was on the right path and the steps that I needed to take.
I also saw my other chosen career as a Psychologist (who was without vigour and she strongly recommended I that choose the first path, haha).
I had been able to visualise and feel in vivid detail. The session caused a cognitive shift and changed my reality.
My thoughts are clearer and I am able to recognise and clear limiting beliefs especially in relationships which I had a lot of judgement around.
I am more in allowance of myself, in tune with my body and trust my abilities. I slept longer yesterday, and the detoxing effects still continue two nights later, opening up my Universe, in ways that I had not expected from just ONE session with her, and the time taken was just 50 minutes .
I can still feel the energy moving and issues being resolved.
This experience was Power-packed!!! and a definite YES!!!
I am so grateful for her BEING and this opportunity to heal. Thank you
~ Vyoma, India
Here’s what’s included in the package
Package A |
This program Includes:
- 4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
- 4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
- 4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
- Recorded Instructions of above Meditation MP3
- Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
- Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
Difficult Relationships With A Loved One
Value: $150
Many times we have difficult relationships with either our parents, siblings, partners or sometimes work colleagues. This item will shine the light needed to understand how this situation came about.
- Finding out how and why this difficulty came about
- The understanding of the dynamics of that relationship in a different light
- Our previous negative emotions and thoughts cleared with that individual
- The AHA result of the release brought about from the new knowing
- The grounding and centering bring clarity and balance and freedom
- Open your Divine Heart
15 years old Belief of Not Being Loved, Broken!!!
With quick questions, we reached the time I had chosen my Earthly mother to teach her to love herself and to protect her, and how I had blamed myself and believed that she didn't love me, a core belief and a lie that I had been operating from nearly 15 years.(I knew there was a connection, but hadn't anticipated the depth of that and the healing that took place)
~ Vyoma, India
Restored my confidence and Perception of My Mother!!!
The bonus from this session with Virginia was that I changed my whole perception of my mother in this lifetime. I had a challenging relationship with her, and during the session I experienced the love of her for me at a soul level, for she, in the parallel timeline nurtured me back to health as a loving companion. This was so balancing for me, freeing and powerful
~ Hazel, UK
Blown Away with The Results!!!
When I had the session with Virginia I could see this issue revolves around the women of my ancestry giving their power away and as a young woman living in a western culture I am having difficulties with having to bite my tongue around my mother-in-law and husband both of whom did not allow me a voice in the household that we live in.
Virginia regressed me back to a time of my great, great grandmother who dialogued with me that she was resentful of having to be married at the young age of 15. All she wanted to do at that time was play and be a child but instead she had to take on the mantle of being a wife and mother. She was bitterly disappointed with having to take on this role.
She fully resented her subservience to her mother-in-law and the family treated her badly, beating her and especially as she had 7 daughters and only 1 son.
The ancestral pattern of feeling frustrated and angry and not having a voice continued on down through my mother and now to me.
We did some healing for my gggmother and brought resolution for her situation. Virginia then took me to the future to see what would happen in 2 years from now.
I was fully was able to see from the resolution and healing that we put into place in the past that in the future two years time I had now progressed to having a voice and was now standing in my power, not in an aggressive way but in a manner in which I could now respond without antagonising my husband and his mother.
I now saw myself so much more empowered and confident and being able to put my case forward without upsetting the people I love.
Fast forward 8 weeks I can NOW seriously say that the I am so much more confident around my husband and his mother. I feel no hesitation in expressing my viewpoint. I have learnt that there is a way of approaching a subject that I want to put forward. And I even feel comfortable with leaving my little one with my mother-in-law now where I was not before.
I am blown away by the change in this whole situation – it is now only 8 weeks not 2 years I am astounded but excited to know that this really works – WOW!!! Thank you Virginia. I know that if I have a decision or dilemma to address in the future – I will definitely use this method to find the clarity and resolution that I need to go forward. Why struggle with indecision if you don’t have to
~ Ayesha M, UK
Regenerate my feminine spirit, gave me confidence in understanding my own strength as a woman first and then as a human being... resolve my relationship with my mother……
Virginia guides you through each of these sessions with love, compassion and kindness in abundance. Her gentleness and empathy aids in placing implicit trust in her technique to unravel memories, some of which could be as old as a few lifetimes... My sessions with her have made me understand and resolve my relationship with my mother; regenerate my feminine spirit and given me confidence in understanding my own strength as a woman first and then as a human being...
~ Sophia, Australia
Your Purpose- Back To Womb and Spirit
Value: $150
How many times have you wondered what your purpose is here on Mother Earth? Why did we reincarnate? What contract had we entered into, in conjunction with our spirit guides, before we were born? Why were we born to these parents and into this family?
- We understand what we are here for
- We have clarity to show us our future journey
- We get a chance to know what that purpose is, showing us how to move forward
- How does this clarity help us to access peace of mind
- Open your Divine Heart
In that 5 year timeline and I looked much healthier, I was so vibrant and I swear younger looking and my soul and heart were much bigger
I wanted healing to receive love (this I did not have from my childhood) we looked at core issues on that and my weight. I was afraid of abandonment. Virginia took me into a trip into my past, first back till I was 10, then 3, then a baby at each instance there was a revelation that happened at each increment of time, she then led me to a different outcome of the same memory which afterwards I felt complete light heartedness in my body.
We then proceeded to my weight issue there she took me back on my time line again to find whence it started. I do believe that issue is resolving itself too.
I also wanted to know my future, we went five years ahead of now, I am having health issues and wanted to see if I had a romantic relationship. I was so happy in that future 5 years I saw my marriage and a new grandchild born there was so much going on in that 5 year timeline and I looked much healthier, I was so vibrant and I swear younger looking and my soul and heart were much bigger
I didn't want to return to the present day.
I asked my future self what I must do to get these results, patience and loving myself was what I was told by my future self. I'm working on these things. If you get a chance to work with Virginia please do- it made a lasting impact on me, the stress level has dropped, anxiety dropped and weirdly I'm making better food choices and not running to fridge when I get stressed or down. ty Virginia Rounds Griffiths!
~ Ann Kesler, USA
Where Psycho-Analysis or Therapy failed Sessions with Virginia Gave me Transformational Success!!!
"Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to certain people and places in life? Or why you sometimes feel an inherent longing for something? And all plausible explanations do not satisfy you- give past-life regression a go. I have known Virginia for over 2 years now and have had several therapy sessions with her; each one with transformational success. Where psycho-analysis or therapy sessions failed, I found past-life regression a fast-track way to understand "what makes me tick."
~ Marie, Auckland, New Zealand
Financial Blockage – Back To Initial Blockage
Value: $150
Time: 20 mins
There are many times we wonder why it is that financial abundance seems to be ever out of reach. Is it from our creation in this life time or is it relevant to another time and place? What have we encountered or set in place in another time that is resulting in this disparity in our present life? Or is it karmic and therefore also coming from another life?
- Understanding the how, and when is amazing
- Bring clarity to the why this is happening
- Bring about healing for this blockage
- Change the negative energy associated with financial lack
- Understand too is this ours or ancestral?
- Open your Divine Heart
Feel Like a new Person, an entrepreneur, Once a dream becoming a Reality Now!!!
I feel like a new person ready to take on the world due to a 5 years plan put into motion, which saw me as the very successful entrepreneur I've always wanted to become .I feel as though it's already in full swing since the following day a new customer showed up at my door whom I've been talking in the past and we never got to meet before.
~ Luis, New York
Life’s Purpose Found.. Priceless Experience
"... That was a WONDERFUL experience... I wished to find out about my "Life's Purpose" and business model and how it pans out in 5 and 10 years time ... I was taken on an INCREDIBLE journey of discovery, during which I gained incredible knowledge and wisdom of the future in the NOW to make it happen even more quicker ... It is a priceless experience with the result of complete alignment and the knowing all that is around the area you choose to discover and learn about ... Virginia is a WONDERFUL facilitator"
~ Shonna, Yorkshire, New York
Health Issues-Have they come from another life?
Value: $150
Time: 20 mins
When a health issue visits us unexpectedly or out of the blue, where and how has this come about? Unknown to us this health challenge could belong in the past. We may be very healthy and suddenly be stricken with an inexplicable illnesses, virus or bacteria that happened at the same age in a past life and needs to be addressed in this one. Perhaps you have been to the doctors about an issue but they find nothing wrong with you and tell you it is all your imagination.
- You get to see and understand how and why this has happened to you
- You get clarity associated with this issue
- You get to clear it
- In the recognition of the why comes healing
...how it affected my physical body at that time and how this energy has transferred to my body in this lifetime.
From that space of my mother’s womb I was taken back to when I created the feelings of being trapped and held back for the first time, the creation of them, to the source of the feeling and how it affected my physical body at that time and how this energy has transferred to my body in this lifetime.
I saw that in a previous lifetime I was caught spying and put into a barrel and drowned, dying with those feelings trapped inside me, feelings of being trapped and I’ve got to get out of this.
From this Virginia guided me to change that timeline, to one where I didn’t die. The vista opened up, I saved myself and was nurtured by another back into Life, into Love.
At this point in the session I adjusted my posture so that none of it was aligned with the memories of that past life which were affecting my neck and left side of my brain.
The recognition of this and minuscule movements in the now released it all. First there was a feeling of being semi-paralysed shifting to pins and needles and then flow through the body.
All the feelings of being trapped and held down lifted off me.
~ Hazel, UK
Today I feel around "3" about my relationships, instead of "overwhelming 10"!
There were much more happening in our session; it may take me a couple of more hours to write about it all! Yet, the best way to feed your curiosity, and to potentially have your life changed is, to work with Virginia
I feel truly lucky to have my session with Virginia Rounds Griffiths, and cannot wait to see how it all will unfold for me!
Today I feel around "3" about my relationships, instead of "overwhelming 10"!
I am so very grateful for Virginia’s work!
~ Adelaida, USA
Left a lasting impact on me, the stress level and anxiety has dropped!!!
I asked my future self what I must do to get these results, patience and loving myself was what I was told by my future self. I'm working on these things. If you get a chance to work with Virginia please do- it made a lasting impact on me, the stress level has dropped, anxiety dropped and weirdly I'm making better food choices and not running to fridge when I get stressed or down. ty Virginia Rounds Griffiths!
~ Ann
Establishing Self-Love
Value: $150
Time: 20 mins
Many of us do not understand why we feel the way we do. When our lives are not flowing the way we know they should with ease and grace this is usually a by-product of our childhood where we know or it is our perception that we are not loved. Many of us know this from when we are very little and some of us know this even from the womb. The energy of our mothers and our bonding with her in the womb is so strong this knowing is undeniable.
- Without self-love how can we hope to love others
- Loving self-first opens up our hearts to have the fullness of capacity to love others
- Self-love leads to contentment and creating our lives with the ease and grace which we desperately need
- We stop self-destruction
- We create a life of joy, laughter, peace and love
Found Closure to Childhood Abuse
I saw myself as a little girl who was hiding under the bed as the screaming and abuse was been thrown around the room by the adults who were my parents.
My regression was to address why I had such a hard time being close to my family and this scene was the first of many that came up to be cleared through Virginia’s amazing gifts .
She facilitated much healing around that situation and then bringing that little girl with me in to the future I saw how that exercise in self-love had changed the future for her and me too.
Words fail to illustrate the calm and peace I have received from that future scene where the little girl and I have agreed to be love for each other, to express self-love for us and to be companions for our future time on Mother Earth. Virginia you are amazing. The words thank you are not nearly enough
~ Anonymous
Self Love and Self-Esteem Restored!!!Feel Liberated!!!
I fully endorse Virginia’s method of showing me how to find self-love and self -esteem I cannot tell you how liberating this feeling is now that I have had healing on my issues which I have carried with me for 50 years …………I appreciate your loving energy and healing – Thank you
~ Tanya, Sydney
Health Issues – DNA Blueprint Healing
Value: $150
Time: 16 mins
All of us at some time in our present life find ourselves in need of a healing. This recording will work on the highest level needed by your entire energy matrix to clear our not only your crystalline physical body but also all of your energy bodies on all levels needed.
- Clearing and removing energies in and around your rooms / objects
- Raising the positive energies in and around your rooms / objects
- Feeling assured there are no longer unwelcome energies lurking
- A sense of wellbeing that deep clearing is occurring
- Experience wellbeing and safety
- Feel more peaceful and calm
Energy Of Healing Vortex was Out of This World!!!
WOW!!! When Virginia worked on me using the healing vortex ………..I could not believe the energy that I felt it was so strong and I could feel the swirling of the vortex as it wove a pattern of pink and diamond light energy through and around me throughout all of my energy bodies – that is what it felt like. It was a huge clearing of all negative energy that was the vision I had and afterwards I felt as if I was floating ………I felt so light, so calm, so much at peace I didn’t want to leave that space. I really want to do this again and I will make another appointment with Virginia in a few months. There is nothing like this Vortex Healing – please give it a try if you need a through healing.
~ Caitlyn, London
Got Rid of Trauma and Guilt
Virginia guided me into my past and past lives to see the patterns of the stories that are keeping me stuck and unhappy. She helped me rework some trauma and guilt and then moved me into my future to see that I could open my heart and let go of over protecting myself. I spent a lovely weekend with my daughter, happy, positive and connected.
What a gift!
~ Stacey, Seattle
Weight Loss-Starting to become a slimmer you
Value: $150
How many of us are struggling with our weight? With this struggle do we use our will power? Is your will power strong enough? Or do we make a decision as we see the weight creeping up; strongly make a determined decision to address this and yet fall short of doing so because the struggle is too much as we give in to temptation.
- Use your sub-conscious mind to address your weight issue
- If you have never tried this the benefits can be astounding
- Your subconscious takes on board what you want and as you listen every day for 28 days it starts to infiltrate and by pass the conscious mind to being about the change you want
- Feel better about yourself, more confident because you look better
- Lose the weight you need to lose
Time: 20 mins
After 6 months of working with Virginia, Feel like a new person pain disappeared, lost weight
I am so estatic with the session I had with Virginia. I have had problems with my thighs and legs for many years and my walking is always restricted by the pain. I had a car accident in my early years and this pain has been with me for so long.
When we went into the future we explored 3 different scenarios of how I will be in the future with this pain and what I should do about it.
In the first scene the pain was a little better but that was due to me working less hours but I was not able to sustain the lesser hours because I was less well off.
In the second scene I have had an operation but I am decidedly worse. Inn and out of hospitals and more pain as a result
In the third scene I feel so much better in my body and the pain is only about 10% of what it was and I see that I have had alternative therapies and it is acupuncture that seems to be working well for me as well as going on a healthy diet
This is my update now 6 months later and I just want to update that I had taken the 3rd option and my pain has almost disappeared. I am feeling so much better and I have lost weight too. Words cannot express my gratitude for giving me quality of life back. Thank you so much
~ Yvonne, Wiltshire
I ended up losing 1.7 kg after 1 week
I just wanted to send you a huge thank you for our future life session. I ended up losing 1.7kg after 1 week... which, for someone who is not that heavy, I thought was pretty awesome! I am getting and gaining confidence back every single day.
The future scene where I realized how I had been sabotaging myself was so helpful for me and I now am eating sensibly with the wisdom of my Future self. That is HUGE for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
~ Sheila, Swindon
Career Confidence - Courage to be an Entrepreneur
Value: $150
Time: 20 mins
None of us are immune to workplace issues and there are many times when issues arise that make us want to change our career or the jobs we are in.
- Feel confident about leaving your job
- Confidently put the steps in place to change your career by new study or learning what is needed
- Excitedly start to look to change to something that speaks to our heart
- No longer having to feel blocked/ hampered by your present situation
- Look confidently and with excitement to the future you will create
A Power Packed Experience!!! A Definite YES!!!
This session came as a blessing for me, just at the right time when I had asked for help in clearing blocks in making the right decision regarding my career.
Virginia led me gently and effortlessly into a visualisation 5 years into my future and my momentary self-doubt dissolved away.
Seeing me doubt my abilities as a Veterinarian, she led me back to my childhood and pre-birth period where we cleared and healed each memory and associated emotions.
When we went forward to my future, I felt different and confident and we gained wisdom from my future self as a Vet. on how I was on the right path and the steps that I needed to take.
I also saw my other chosen career as a Psychologist (who was without vigour and she strongly recommended I that choose the first path, haha).
~ Vyoma, India
Meet Your Future Self
Value: $150
Time: 16 mins
If you could go to 1000 years in the future to meet with your Future Self what do you think you would encounter in that future time? Wouldn’t it be amazing to meet your future self and be able to observe what you have become, how would he/she look? You are able to do this because now we are given the understanding of Quantum physics and that knowledge says we are living Past, Present and Future time in the NOW!!!. How mind boggling is that?
- What would it be like to meet your future self? What would you say to your FS?
- What information would you ask your future self, about how to start your future journey now!!
- Total peace of mind that when you play this MP3 you can clear all foodWhat skills do you need for the future? Are they the same as you have now or would you now or do you need a new skill set?
- What year do you meet in?
- How is your FS dressed?
- What one thing can they tell you to that you really need to know NOW!!!
Meeting my Future self was mind blowing experience for me!!!
Going to the future was mind blowing!!! I had seen the past life and Virginia had facilitated the healing for that life and then with that knowledge we went to the future and met with my Future self who was just this amazing being – Wow meeting my Future self was a wonderful experience for me.!!!
This Future self was neither male or female and this was shown to me by the male and female aspect changing as I was looking at myself thousands of years ahead of now.
The buildings were glowing and pulsating with a blue and pink opalescent energy and I was told that this is how the buildings of the future will be. They will be built as positive energy producers for the people of the earth at that time.
The people around me seemed to be really contented and had no stresses. There was a harmonious energy and of course this was perpetrated by the energy from the buildings
My Future self, had come back from the year 3800AD and we met in the year 2875. This FS had come from the 3800 to 2875 as a time traveller to be an observer to report back to the Council from the year 3800. WOW!!!
~ Linda, Honolulu
An Incredible Journey of looking into my future
Priceless and Worth while Experience
WOW that was a WONDERFUL experience! I wished to find out about my ‘life's purpose’ and how my business model pans out in 5 and 10 years’ time and I was taken on an incredible journey of discovery. I went into the future and saw the success of my business developing in ways I hadn’t even realised it would! I saw very distinctly what I was doing, the skills I had gained and picked up courses I now need to undertake today to get to where I need to be. I’m really excited that I can start working on my future success today. What a priceless and worthwhile experience.
Thank you for being a wonderful facilitator, I felt safe and secure the whole time and now I’m very excited about my future - I highly recommend the Future Life experience for anyone curious about their future or who would like to know the best courses they can take for future development.
~ Shonna - Guilford, UK
A 1,000 years hence….
I met myself as a Cosmic/Galactic being who bridged universes way beyond our local ones.
So, to conclude, from this place of alchemising the dense energies Virginia encouraged me into the future – a 1,000 years hence, in our human understanding of time, to be precise. I met myself as a Cosmic/Galactic being who bridged universes way beyond our local ones.
I felt me in her, yes she showed herself as predominately female, and we were and are equal and balanced even though I had more density. I can now plug into that consciousness as I come back from the future to guide my way forward.
~ Anonymous
ITEM 10:
Your Best Possible Future Outcome
Value: $150
Time: 16 mins
How often do we ponder and dialogue with ourselves about what decision to make to have the best outcome for ourselves in the future?
What steps do we need to put into place to ensure that decision works out to our advantage and creates the best possible future for us? How effective are we when it comes to making decisions which of course can be self-sabotaging? Do you sometimes NOT make a decision for fear that it might be the wrong one and then stay stuck in a place that you become frustrated about.
- Take a look at 5 years in the future – see what you are doing in your career, your relationship and more-empowering
- Are you excited?
- If not go back a few years and see what needs to be changed
- Then go forward and see what the outcome is now
- How excited are you to see what you are doing in the future?
- Create your future with this exercise
- It is an exciting and beneficial peek at the decision making process for your future
Felt different and confident
When we went forward to my future, I felt different and confident and we gained wisdom from my future self as a Vet. on how I was on the right path and the steps that I needed to take.
I also saw my other chosen career as a Psychologist (who was without vigour and she strongly recommended I that choose the first path, haha).
~ Vyoma, India
Released Fear of being drowned!!!
I came to Virginia uncertain and apprehensive of what I might be letting myself in for. I am so glad I did! I've always had an issue I had with the water which meant I could not go near the beach or even swimming pools. This was eliminated in that first session. In a past life I had drowned and with this realisation I was able to release the fear of water then in the future life I saw myself having started swimming lessons.
I am totally free of my water fears now -and I have started swimming lessons - thank you, words cannot express my feelings enough.
~ Debbie Watson - Bracknell, Berkshire
ITEM 11:
Meet Your Perfect Future Partner
Value: $150
Time: 16 mins
How many of us are minus a loved one? If you are needing the companionship and sacred love of a special person in your life then this package could be the one for you to actually connect with their energy and then to manifest their energy in the not too distant future.
- Connect with the energy of your yet to be partner
- Get to see him/her now
- See you both in 5/10 years’ time – what you are doing together and how full your life is
- See where you are living together and how your life is unfolding
Thrilled To meet my Future Partner
Virginia asked me to see where I was living. I see in 2 years time that I am living in a semi-detached house in Surrey which I just love and when I entered the house I was met by my new partner who I see as tall and strong and he has my dinner ready for me. OMG!!! Could it get any better.
Oh Bliss!!! I am thrilled with the new and successful and empowered future me, with my new partner, new house and new job.
~ Marina, UK
...he was tall, had a beard, beautiful blue eyes. Wow talk about sexy,, he was about 45 …
As I was unhappy with having been alone for some years now I had a session with Virginia to take me forward to see a future partner.
I can tell you I was so surprised with what confronted me in that vision 5 years in the future. There he was he was tall, had a beard, beautiful blue eyes. Wow talk about sexy,, he was about 45 and had had a previously been married and we had two of his children with us and two of mine.
The energy was so real the vision so clear I almost had to pinch myself to see if this was true. I knew it was a vision but I am thrilled with that vision and I a really strong feeling he is not as far away as 5 years. I am hoping that this feeling is true. I cannot wait to meet him and I will KNOW when I do
OMG!!! Thank you Virginia for this precious gift of going to the future.
~ Shirley, Cambridge
ITEM 12:
Castle of Abundance - Attracting Wealth
Value: $150
Time: 16 mins
How often do we day dream about how we want to access untold wealth to be able to live and build a life of our creation never having to struggle from lack again? To always have plenty to pay the bills with and live with the confidence of that certainty.
- Peace of mind to start creating a future of plenty
- Creating your future life of abundance
- Knowing the calm that this confidence brings
- Perhaps finding ways of tweaking your present business or career to reflect your new life of abundance
The joy of just seeing that future scene unfold was the best thing I could possibly ask for
I have lived with a feeling of lack most of my life and although I work hard and I am reasonably well off I wanted to change that feeling once and for all. I came to Virginia to use her Past. Present, Future life modality that she is well known for.
We went back to many lives of lack from my past most of them I saw myself in rags hungry. I then saw myself having moved in with a lovely older lady who changed my circumstances by gifting me her property when she passed on. I then saw that I had married a man of property and my whole circumstances had changed. Virginia then took me to the future and I saw a vision of myself as a successful entrepreneur but now I was not working in an office unfulfilled I was now following my heart’s passion and experimenting with essential oils. My future self told me that I was to experiment first before leaving my current job and that before too long I would be starting my new enterprise. Oh joy!!! I cannot tell you how elated I felt at what I saw we did some work around anchoring that energy and bringing it back with me in to the present so that it can start to work it’s magic. The joy of just seeing that future scene unfold was the best thing I could possibly ask for. I can also tell you that I felt that energy so strongly that I am waiting for this future to unfold soonest
~ Georgia, London
Bonus 1:
Releasing Stress Meditation
Value: $150
We take on stress on stress from family, work, and situations that are thrown at us as we live each day. A little stress is a good thing but we seem more to be bombarded and take on negative stress which if allowed to accumulate has a negative effect on our energy fields. Listening to this MP3 every day will help to relieve you of this stress.
Bonus 2:
Value: $150
How many times do we feel as if we should be more confident in our dealings with family, friends, work colleagues and other situations as we go about our daily lives. It is important to stand in our power and having self-confidence allows you to manoeuvre through life with ease and grace. Listening to this bonus MP3 will help you to step into that self-confident you.
Transmuting and Cutting Cords to people, places, and events in past, present and future lives - MP3
We are all living many past, parallel and future lives simultaneously and as a consequence we are energetically corded throughout all these lives to others beings. Plus bearing in mind that we cord others just as others cord us.
Quantum physics says everything is energy, it can be transformed and transmuted to change, so we have the ability to change negative into positive energy. The detecting and transmuting of these attached energy cords then becomes a very important part of our spiritual hygiene. Our most important goal is to be a clear vessel, so that we can be the best possible instrument for the work we came to do on Mother Earth and for our Souls journey; we alone must be responsible for that.
Imagine how many cords you may have from every person you’ve ever meet, or walked past in the street and then multiply that by your many lives you’ve lived and parallel lives you are living. These multiple attachments means you are constantly affected by other people’s energies, those who wish us well and those who don’t. This is one of the reasons we find ourselves being tossed around by life. If we don’t stand in our power looking after our spiritual hygiene then who can. By using this method we take full responsibility for our journey forward unaffected by others energies.
Package A
Total Package Value $1440
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 93% Saving ***
Package A: No Refunds after 30 Days
Package B |
Includes Everything in Package A Plus
- 2 Group Coaching Sessions
- Private FB Group access for 3 Months
ITEM 13:
2 x Group Coaching Sessions
Value: $800
Time: 2 X 90mins
Begin Saturday 10th June 2017 @ 9pm BST which is 4pm EST, 3pm CST, 1pm PST – and is 6am Australian, 8am New Zealand time June 11th.
1 x One Group Session of 90 mins includes a Past Life Session via zoom where you will be taken into a mediative state and where we address an issue that has been bothering you. This can be any issue that is personal to you. Questions from me in the session will help bring clarity around why this issue is in your life. We will also include Q&A after this Group Coaching Session for you to explore more.
1 x One Group Coaching session of 90 mins which covers a Future Life Session via zoom where you will be taken into your future 5years from now and see what is happening in your life then.
This session will give you a glimpse of how your life is in 5 years and what if anything needs to be adjusted to create your best possible future in this lifetime.
We will also include Q&A after this Group Coaching Session for you to explore more.
A Private FB site will be accessed by purchasers of Packages B & C for more questions and interaction and will only be accessed for 3 months.
ITEM 14:
Private FB Access for 3 Months
Value: Priceless
A Private FB site will be accessed by purchasers of Packages B & C for more questions and interaction and will only be accessed for 3 months.
Package B
Total Package Value $2200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $157
*** 92% Saving ***
Refund Policy: No refunds after 30 days or once you have received your Coaching Sessions with Virginia. All sessions will be conducted through Skype or Zoom
Package C |
Includes Everything in Package A & B Plus
- 1 x 90 min Past, Present, Future Life 1:1 Session
ITEM 15:
1 x P-P-F Life 1 to 1 session with Virginia includes Q&A
only for first 50 purchasers
(includes healing if needed)
Value: Priceless
Duration: 1 X 90mins
This Package C session is very indepth and you will be able to dive in and really get to grips with your issues. Many time’s this involves transitioning through many lives for clarity, understanding, clearing and healing what is presented for you to resolve. We then go to the future to see the result of the past life clearing. And we use that positive information to bring back into our NOW to start creating your best possible future. A lot of indepth healing happens in these sessions.
Package C
Total Package Value $2500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 92% Saving ***
Refund Policy: No refunds after 30 days or once you have received your Coaching Sessions or 1 on 1 with Virginia. All sessions will be conducted through Skype or Zoom
Feeling Thrilled at the possibility of having my dream job
I wanted to see where it was that my company had chosen for our new move because I was unhappy with having to move because of the ease of transportation that I enjoy now to my work place. I only know that new place of work was in Croydon and I have not been there. The company haven’t moved there yet.
I saw a concrete office block built around 1970’s very plain but functional. This building had 7 floors. I took the lift to the 4th floor which was the place I could see I would now be working in.
I didn’t feel it was an office that I would be in permanently. I just wanted to know the transport situation. My vision of the train station being about a 9 minute walk made me feel better about the move. Virginia then took me forward 2 years and now I was smiling and happy. I now saw I was working in a lovely glass building in East London and it had a lovely view of the Thames and I was so much happier with this job and the location.
Virginia asked me to see where I was living. I see in 2 years time that I am living in a semi-detached house in Surrey which I just love and when I entered the house I was met by my new partner who I see as tall and strong and he has my dinner ready for my. OMG!!! Could it get any better.
Oh Bliss!!! I am thrilled with the new and successful and empowered future me, with my new partner, new house and new job.
Virginia asked if I would be able to recognise this house in Surrey in the future and I described the way that the window panes were criss-crossed it was very distinctive and I will know this house in the future
I cannot describe how amazing this journey has been – I cannot wait for the all of this to unfold – the feeling of being there and seeing it all unfold I just KNOW this is mine to focus on and to bring to me quicker than the 2 year timeline.
~ Marina, Reading, UK
Life Altering Experience!!!
I Highly Recommend it!
Virginia is a colleague of mine ... However, I have never been facilitated in a "journey" by her before ... That was a WONDERFUL experience... I wished to find out about my "Life's Purpose" and business model and how it pans out in 5 and 10 years time ... I was taken on an INCREDIBLE journey of discovery, during which I gained incredible knowledge and wisdom of the future in the NOW to make it happen even more quicker ... It is a priceless experience with the result of complete alignment and the knowing all that is around the area you choose to discover and learn about ... Virginia is a WONDERFUL facilitator ... You feel secure and safe as you journey to the relevant space of your choice and learn all you need to know to take you there NOW ... I highly recommend the experience
~ Shonna, UK
I feel Around "3" About My Relationships, Instead of “Overwhelming 10"!
Yesterday I had a session with Virginia. It was very powerful and emotional session.
I struggle with one problem that consumes all of me right now, which is my relationship with the world, people, and myself. I came to the session feeling overwhelming “10” about my issue. Virginia guided me to my past life(s). We were looking for where and how it all started. Here I have to tell you, that I am aware of some of my past lives.
And not once, but many times, I have seen a particular vision of one particular life, where I've been chased by the crowd and then killed. The same vision came up again.
Fast forward in our session, I was able to see what I have never yet seen before, and it came as a total surprise to me! There was, as I would perceive it, a parallel life, or an alternative outcome for that specific scene, where I did not run from that angry crowd, but turned toward them and kept my heart open and stood in my power listening to the sudden complete silence surrounding us all, and then watching them turning and walking away … That experience was incredible!!!
And I believe, it is a “game changer” for me!!! Imagine, living this life with the memories of being chased, prosecuted and killed violently, or remaining in your heart when facing (instead of running from) the most terrifying events in your life, and see the” terror walking away”! 🙂
There were much more happening in our session; it may take me a couple of more hours to write about it all! Yet, the best way to feed your curiosity, and to potentially have your life changed is, to work with Virginia 🙂
I feel truly lucky to have my session with Virginia Rounds Griffiths, and cannot wait to see how it all will unfold for me!
Today I feel around "3" about my relationships, instead of "overwhelming 10"!
I am so very grateful for Virginia’s work!
~ Adelaida, USA
About Virginia Rounds Griffiths:
Virginia is an International Multi-Dimensional Energy Alchemist, Teacher and Intuitive who has worked worldwide; including Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK and the USA.
Virginia was born in the South Pacific and attributes many of her inherent gifts to her ancient LeMurian heritage. Virginia has been a spiritual intuitive all of her life and has a deep love and knowledge of working with spirit and energy; she works closely with her Spiritual TEAM and regularly uses the powerful art of Ho’oponopono in connection with her Kahuna lineage. She has also studied many modalities including Pranic Healing, Signature Cell Healing, Magnetic Healing, EFT, Ho’oponopono and more; she is also a Reiki and Seichim Master.
Virginia adds “It’s with complete honour and humility I proudly access powerful healing energies in connection with my Spiritual Hierarchy TEAM with whom I have been blessed to work for 20 plus years. I am dedicated to being of service to all sentient beings on Mother Earth and I have dedicated my life to Mother/Father Divine Creator”.
Virginia is a gifted metaphysical practitioner with the ability to read energy frequencies derived from a name or place, just by tuning into that energy - whether in person or remotely. She works on a 1-on-1 basis accessing her client's energy system.
“I can conduct scans on both the ‘physical’ and ‘multi-energy bodies’ indeed the entire energy matrix – I then inform you on the state of that energetic matrix. We then work together to release any negative energies found there and ensure you are radiating at your optimum levels of healthy mind, body and spirit”.
Free Trial
Discount : 93%
Total Package Value $1440
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
Recorded Instructions of the above Meditation MP3s
Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2200
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
Recorded Instructions of the above Meditation MP3s
Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
2 x 90 min Group Coaching Sessions
Private FB Group access for 3 Months
Discount : 92%
Total Package Value $2500
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 Past Life Meditation MP3s
4 Present Life Meditation MP3s
4 Future Life Meditation MP3s
Recorded Instructions of the above Meditation MP3s
Bonus 1: Releasing Stress Meditation MP3
Bonus 2: Self-Confidence Meditation MP3
2 x 90 Group Coaching Sessions
Private FB Group access for 3 months
1 x 90 min Past, Present, Future Life 1:1 Session
Package A: No Refunds after 30 Days
Package B: Once you have received your 1 on 1 with Virginia no refund is permitted. All sessions will be conducted on Skype
In Package C: Once you have received your 1 on 1 with Virginia no refund is permitted. All sessions will be conducted on Skype or Zoom
Energetic and Spiritual Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. It is widely recognized as a valuable and effective I do not medically diagnose nor do I prescribe medical treatment. If a client has a physical injury or disease condition I require that he or she is under the care of a registered medical practitioner. I do not advise clients to discontinue any medical treatment they are receiving. I intend my work to be in harmony with any other healing modality that a client uses.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.