If you would like to heal much faster in one or more areas of your life, read on . . .

Catalytic Healing is A Propellant For Your Healing!
This a proprietary healing modality created by Stacey Mayo:
- Custom catalytic healing is created for each person when you register based on what is needed and will be received well by your system.
- This healing modality will help you heal at least 1 trillion time faster than any other energetic healing modality known
- New custom catalytic healing modalities continue to be created and sent to each person as needed. This is based on what is found in Stacey's proprietary 24/7 scans that are done remotely via Source.
- Stacey's Catalytic Healing acts like a propellant to your healing, causing you to heal much faster with zero side effects.
- It is sent 24/7 via remote healing.
- It works well with any other healing modality(s) you may be currently using.
- It will support you in ways that are in your highest and best while the deep issues are healing.
- It includes custom energetic nutrition and supplements
The Inflammation and Knots in My Skull Are Less
"This morning my eyeglasses felt tight on me and this afternoon I put them on and they felt loose. This was a sign that the inflammation and knots in my skull had gone down a lot."
~ Lorna L.
Physical Health Issues
Emotional Issues
Mental Issues (except mental illness)
Spiritual Issues
Inherited Issues
Financial Issues
- You are sent different healing modalities each time your system needs something else to keep getting better.
- When sent via distance healing, this modality will help you heal at least 1 trillion times faster and more effectively than any known energy modality
- This is a Group Healing Program which helps you understand what is going on and opens you up to heal even faster.
- If you are currently receiving any of Stacey's other healing programs, it is suggested to use this program with them. The combination will have you heal significantly faster than any one of her programs by itself.
- If you are receiving healing from someone other than Stacey, this healing will work with it and won't over-process you or conflict with it,
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Discount : 59%
Total Package Value $597
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
24/7 Remote Scanning and Master Level Catalytic Healing
Short Audio to Help You Understand How the Program Works
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing When Receiving Distance Healing
5 Live Group Healing Sessions
Master Level Productivity Activation
Up-level Your Self-Care Activation
Discount: 37%
Total Package Value $947
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
(Only 5 2 Left at this price)
24/7 Remote Scanning and Master Level Catalytic Healing
Short Audio to Help You Understand How the Program Works
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing When Receiving Distance Healing
5 Live Group Healing Sessions
Master Level Productivity Activation
Up-level Your Self-Care Activation
30 Minute Private Session With Stacey

Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Here's What People Are Saying . . .
My Bone Grew Back and I was Able to Avoid Surgery!
"Thanks so much for facilitating the healing of my bone with your beautiful healing work. We wanted to avoid another surgery and thanks to you, we have. My wife and I are amazed at the substantial bone growth in my leg!"

BEFORE: Note the gap in bone in the femur. (Leg is pinned together)

IN PROGRESS: Significant bone growth in femur as a result of Stacey's healing energies.
~ R. Johnson
I Was So Sick I Wanted to Die! Now I Feel Much Better!
"I was feeling horrible for several weeks and my mood was really low as well. I actually felt like I wanted to die. I was rejecting the energies due to old ancestral curses. Once you healed that, my pain totally left. Now I am feeling much better physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you! No on has been able to help me this much!"
~ Paul G.
My Legs Are So Much Better, I am Jumping For Joy
"I had extreme pain, now I have none. I have more feeling in my feet than I’ve had in 2 years.
My legs are so much better I am jumping for joy! I can wiggle toes and ankles now.
I couldn’t walk much – now I can walk. I am at least 95% better."
~ Janice Samuels
I Have More Joy in Relationship With My Son and Husband
"I have had more patience and joy with relationships with son and husband. I haveI felt greater acceptance of them and more openness. This is a huge shift
I also feel more joyful"
~ Laura C.
Today it Was Much Easier to Walk Than Yesterday
"Yesterday it was difficult to walk 20 minutes. Today I was able to walk 20 minutes twice and it was a lot easier than yesterday. Thank you!"
~ Marty G.
The Inflammation and Knots in My Skull Are Less
"This morning my eyeglasses felt tight on me and this afternoon I put them on and they felt loose. This was a sign that the inflammation and knots in my skull had gone down a lot."
~ Lorna L.
My Thyroid Health is Much Better
"My thyroid health has been a problem for a very long time. I was not able to take thyroid medication that I needed and wanted to take as it caused side effects. After you cleared my blocks and aligned me with it, I was able to take it with no problems -- no side effects. My thyroid health is much better, I have a lot more energy and I am enjoying life again."
~ Kristine D.
The Pain in my Neck, Shoulders, Back and Knee Went Way Down
"The pain in my neck, shoulders, back and knee went way down quickly and has not come back. Thank you."
~ Roger D.
My Cold Symptoms Were Significantly Less
"I caught a cold and the symptoms were so much less, at times it didn't even seem like I had a cold. I barely had any sinus congestion, even when I laid down to sleep."
~ Ralph S.
I Was So Sick I Wanted to Die! Now I Feel Much Better!
"I was feeling horrible for several weeks and my mood was really low as well. I actually felt like I wanted to die. I was rejecting the energies due to old ancestral curses. Once you healed that, my pain totally left. Now I am feeling much better physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you! No on has been able to help me this much!"
~ Paul G.
Amazing Results! Vet Only Gave Him a 30% Chance of Survival!
"I want to let you know how grateful I am for your work and to let you know that my 10 yr old Pappion is fully recovered from the removal of the tumor that your healing prepared him for surgery. I wish to apologize for being impatient with results before.
As a divine synchronicity of 6 total months of healing I purchased for him and myself plus the family Wealth package I purchased; he was ready for surgery on his tumor and I was financially able to get it for him. The new veterinarian I found agreed to do the surgery as long as I accepted that he only gave him a 30% chance of survival. Jelly got his surgery 3 weeks ago today. He got his stitches out last Friday.
The vet said it was the most remarkable surgery he had performed in 24 yrs. I am forwarding pictures for you.
Jelly went from 14 lbs to 7 1/2 lbs. That is just say how significant this was. It was a 6 1/2 lb tumor that was benign. It was almost as big as he was.
I can't thank you enough. The story would be too long to tell in an email if I told you each and every synchronous event over the last few months to culminate in this success.
God Bless You."
~ Maryann Becker
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Discount : 59%
Total Package Value $597
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
24/7 Remote Scanning and Master Level Catalytic Healing
Short Audio to Help You Understand How the Program Works
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing When Receiving Distance Healing
5 Live Group Healing Sessions
Master Level Productivity Activation
Up-level Your Self-Care Activation
Discount: 37%
Total Package Value $947
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
(Only 5 2 Left at this price)
24/7 Remote Scanning and Master Level Catalytic Healing
Short Audio to Help You Understand How the Program Works
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing When Receiving Distance Healing
5 Live Group Healing Sessions
Master Level Productivity Activation
Up-level Your Self-Care Activation
30 Minute Private Session With Stacey
2 payment plan available at checkout

Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with us to help you with it
Package A
Group Catalytic Healing Program

When you attend Stacey's group healing catalytic program, it is estimated you will heal 500,000 times faster than by the catalytic distance healing alone and trillions of times faster than by any energy healing method.
You can attend live online or listen to the recordings.
If you are unable to attend live, when you listen to the recordings you will get the same benefit as if you had attended live.
You will receive remote catalytic healing from the day you register, during the group healing sessions and in between the group healing sessions.
The sessions will be once every 2 weeks and will be recorded.
You will receive an email with the dates of the group sessions when they are scheduled.
Remote Scanning and Master Level Healing
Format: Remote Healing
You and/or those your purchase for will receive custom 24/7 Scanning and Catalytic Healing 24/7 every day you are subscribed to this program. This is done by God/Source
This healing will be done in ways that are in your highest and best and new modalities will be created and sent to you as your system needs it to support you in getting well more continuously.
Short Healing Audio
Format: MP3
You will receive a short healing audio after you register to help you understand how this program works.
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing
Format: Handout
This handout will tell you how to tell when your system is shifting and healing and provide tips to help you shift faster and with more ease.
Group Healing Sessions
Plus 3 1/2 months of Remote Catalytic Healing
These sessions will be held 2 x a month for 3.5 months.
During the sessions you will:
- Learn what is causing your challenges and what you need to do to resolve them in a consistent manner.
- Hear information on the call that will help you relax and open you up to healing much faster.
- Receive special Catalytic Healing energies and custom energies that are just right for you.
- Have an opportunity to ask Stacey questions.
You will receive an email with the dates of the group sessions when they are scheduled.
These calls will be recorded. You will receive the same benefit if you need to listen to the recording rather than be on the live call.
New Master Level Productivity Activation
Value: $597

This activation will start as soon as you register and will continue for 1 year. It will NOT conflict with any other energy work you are receiving or over-process you.
The activations are customized for each person. They are sent via remote healing by Source/God.
There is no audio to listen to.
This activation was created to help you be more productive in areas desired such as:
- Career/Business
- Things that need to be done or you want to do in your residence.
- Hobbies
- Other desired areas
Be an observer of where you are more productive.
“Getting Tons Done Without Wearing Myself Out!”
"I have been incredibly productive, getting things done in all areas of my life while still having plenty of time for rest and play."
~ Mona S
Uplevel Your Self-Care Activation
Value: $597

This activation will start as soon as you register and will continue for 1 year. It will NOT conflict with any other energy work you are receiving or over-process you.
The activations are customized for each person. They are sent via remote healing by Source/God.
There is no audio to listen to.
Good self-care is important to attain and maintain the level of health desired.
Rebuilding Trust

This 7 minute audio will support you in rebuilding trust in yourself, your intuition, your ability to make good decisions, your ability to manifest and know you are abundant, and other things you desire to trust in.
It will transform deep hidden issues that are in the way of you trusting in ways that are in your highest and best.
You can listen to it as often as desired. It will heal more blocks and deep hidden issues each time you listen to it.
Total Package Value $597
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247 $227
*** 59% Saving ***
Sold Out

2 payment plan available at checkout
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Private Session with Stacey
A Private Session With Stacey
Heal 4000 x Faster than with Package A by Itself !!

You will receive everything in Package A plus a 30 minute phone or skype reading and healing session with Stacey
This may be a good choice for you if you have a lot of questions about what is going on with you and what is needed to get better.
You will receive healing during these sessions that will help you shift as you open up to understanding what is behind your challenges that you did not know before or could not previously shift.
People who do 30 minute private sessions with Stacey typically heal 4000 x faster than without the session.
If you want to hold a session for a family member, both you and the family member will benefit. You will receive extra healing during the session.
Total Package Value $947
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $597
(Only 5 2 Available at this Price)
*** 37% Saving ***
Sold Out

2 payment plan available at checkout
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Here Are Even More Success Stories....
“I Was Able To Testify Against My Abuser and We Won!”
"I was sexually, emotional and mentally abused by my high school coach over 20 years ago. I was recently asked to testify against him in court.
I was very, very frightened about facing him in court and the repercussions of testifying. I felt I had to do it as he had abused a lot of other girls as well.
I booked a session with Stacey to clear what was in the way of doing this effectively. I received a lot of healing and it also helped me to get centered in my knowing and to have the confidence to do this.
I am thrilled to say that we won the case!!! I could not have done this without you Stacey.
I now want to get trained to help people like you do.Thank you so much!"
~ S.M.
I No Longer Have Heart Failure!
"My heart has stabilized and my lungs are better too. I can walk really fast and not get out of breath. I am walking 10 blocks everyday without any symptoms, went up flight of large stairs without any problems or symptoms."
~ Tracey J.
The Black Spots on My Tongue Are Gone!
"I woke up one morning with black spots and gray coloring all over my tongue. It was frightening. After about 1 week, the black spots and gray color were all gone. I did not go to a doctor or take any medicine for it. Thank you."
~ Lydia G.
My Lyme Disease is Gone!
"I had chronic lyme disease for many years and now I can tell it is gone.
Thank you."
~ Karen B
Recovering Faster from Surgery!
"I had a stem cell procedure and was having hard time recovering from the procedure. I am receiving catalytic healing now and I am doing great and am recovering faster than expected. Thank you."
~ Frank S.
About Stacey Mayo
Stacey Mayo is the creator of The Sentelligent Solution™, Eye Healing Transmissions, Ego Healing, and Regenerate and Grace Healing Transmissions. She founded the Center for Balanced Living in 1995 and has been in business for over 20 years. She has supported thousands of people in getting healthier and living out their dreams. She is a successful Master Level Medical Intuitive, Master Level Coach, and teacher of Medical Intuitives and a Master level Energy Practitioner. She is the only healer on the planet at this time that has a high-level understanding and corresponding ability of how to heal the Ego and why this is essential for healing the body and mind.
She is an award-winning author, has appeared on the CBS evening news segment Confident Women, and is a popular speaker. She has appeared in Forbes, Newsday, the Wall Street Journal, Atlanta Sports & Fitness, Atlanta Woman, and Woman’s Day. She is the Medical Intuitive columnist for the Sedona Journal. She has been featured a number of times in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, including the piece ‘Midlife,’ which engages people in considering how they can stop deferring their dreams.
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Discount : 59%
Total Package Value $597
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
24/7 Remote Scanning and Master Level Catalytic Healing
Short Audio to Help You Understand How the Program Works
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing When Receiving Distance Healing
5 Live Group Healing Sessions
Master Level Productivity Activation
Up-level Your Self-Care Activation
Discount: 37%
Total Package Value $947
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
(Only 5 2 Left at this price)
24/7 Remote Scanning and Master Level Catalytic Healing
Short Audio to Help You Understand How the Program Works
Handout: How to Tell If You Are Healing When Receiving Distance Healing
5 Live Group Healing Sessions
Master Level Productivity Activation
Up-level Your Self-Care Activation
30 Minute Private Session With Stacey
2 payment plan available at checkout

Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with us to help you with it
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.