Allowing the Divine to Lead Online Program

In this online program, you will learn how to Allow the Divine to Lead successfully.

  • You will be shown how to allow the Divine to lead; surprising you and delighting you in many ways.
  • You will learn how to access High level guidance to help you move forward with ease, understand what is underneath your challenges and what you can do about it.
  • Master level healing energies to support you energetically, clear blocks in the way of accessing Divine information for your yourself and clear what's in the way of you moving forward with your dreams.
  • Practical tips, suggestions and bonuses to assist you in moving forward more consistently
  • Master Level Intuitive Coaching provided by Stacey to help you see your blind spots, get in touch with the answers within, make suggestions on how to move past obstacles, open you up to new possibilities, help you gain clarity, and whatever else is needed to support you in attaining your dreams divinely.
  • Teachings are based on spiritual principles.
  • A simple 4-step process for allowing the Divine to lead.

Integration of 7 Universal Spiritual Laws

Integration of these laws will help you in living from this more highly evolved place more often and with greater ease. This will help you be more peaceful and successful in your everyday life.

You will receive proprietary distance energies and energetic instruction to assist you in integrating each of these spiritual laws at new levels.

  • 1

    The Law of Detachment

  • 2

    The Law of Request

  • 3

    The Law of Grace

  • 4

    The Law of Flow

  • 5

    The Law of Clarity

  • 6

    The Law of Success

  • 7

    The Law of Frequency

The master level energies will help you integrate each the above spiritual laws and will be sent to you via distance energies for approximately 30 days each in the divine order listed above.

Optional: You will also receive a mp3 audio for each spiritual law listed above. These healing audios do the same thing as the distance energies.

Each of these methods 1) distance energies and 2) listening to the energized audios is completely effective in and of itself. Or you can choose to do a combination of both – i.e., listen to an audio some days and on days when you don’t listen to an audio you will automatically receive the distance energies.

NOTE: These energies are gentle, yet effective. You can receive other healing energies for your health and well-being at the same time safely.


  • You will have a simple 4-step process for allowing the Divine to lead in your daily life.
  • You will receive valuable information you need to help you attain your goals and desires that was not in your consciousness to ask for.
  • You will be able to access innate natural skills and abilities needed to attain your goals with more ease and confidence.
  • You are significantly more likely to move past obstacles and challenges that come up sooner when you have this type of ongoing support and training. You will also learn how to better deal with challenges that come after the class is over.
  • A sense of knowing everything you want is possible.
  • Integration of spiritual principles and how to allow the Divine to lead.
  • Increase in flow, synchronicities and miracles.
  • Become more spiritually evolved.
  • During and between the calls, you will receive divine energies that support you in opening up to and implementing suggestions and ideas that resonate with you with a natural ease and in divine timing.
  • You will learn how to better leverage your time and resources so there is more time leftover for other things you want to do.



Bonus 1 :

Activation to Elevate Your Innate Skills and
Capabilities at New Levels

Value: $397

141Your skills and capability setpoints will be increased in alignment with your dreams and goals. This is done via a proprietary energetic modality. This allows you to access innate skills at new levels. This could be anything from marketing to healing to artistic skills to engineering to entrepreneurial skills to communications, etc. This modality can even help you access your innate ability to learn subjects that were previously difficult. 3 select skills will improve between 150% – 300% in areas that are divine for you over 6 months.

Bonus 2 :

Attunement for a High Level Connection with the Divine

Value: $397

146You will be attuned over the course of 6-8 months to a consistently higher connection with the Divine (Source/God). This will allow you to access high level information for yourself with much more ease

At the end of 6-8 months or so you will be able to connect with the Divine at level 40.

Bonus 3 :

Activation for Intuitively Knowing When
Something is Right For You

Value: $197

113You will receive a Master Level Activation and be taught how to intuitively know what partners, vendors, team members, classes, next steps, supplements, healthcare providers are right for you and your needs without muscle testing or using a pendulum.

This bonus is really priceless and can save you a lot of money over time as we can waste a lot of time and money when hiring or working with people whose abilities, services and products are not a vibrational match for us. Think about the last time your hired someone, or partnered with someone or purchased something that wasn’t really right for you. It could have been a health practitioner, a class, a sofa, an affiliate partner, a team member, a supplement or even being hired for a job that wasn’t right for you.

Muscle testing and pendulum usage can be challenging and is often not reliable. This activation will strengthen your innate knowing. You will also be taught how to use this ability divinely.

Here Are the Details:

  • There are a total of 12 recorded sessions. It is suggested that you listen to 2 per month to allow the energies to integrate. ( or follow your intuition and listen as right for you)
  • You will receive supportive energies start right after registering.
  • You will receive Master Level Healing Energies to clear blocks on all levels throughout the program
  • You will receive 7 audio mp3s to help you integrate the above 7 Spiritual Laws.
  • Your bonus Activations and attunements will start when you register unless you request otherwise.
  • 2 Live Online Q and A's will be held to answer your questions. If you can't attend live you can send your questions ahead of time and they will be answered on the call which will be recorded.

Raise Your Setpoint - MP3

Value $97

This audio will lift you above what is in the way of having what you desire. Listen 1-2 times per day and observe the shifts in your life.

Total Package Value $3,000

Regular Price $2,197


From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 90% Saving ***

Special price only good through Monday 2nd Jan, 2017 at midnight.
(Payment plan available at checkout)

Sold Out

Deferred Payments on Early Bird Price. Only on Paypal

Here’s What People Have Said About Stacey’s Programs!

archanna-shyam"One of the areas where I’m noticing many positive changes in a big way is Clarity. I am also noticing and grateful for my expanded abilities in these areas: healing, marketing and writing. All in good timing as I start attending networking events next month – yay! Another area where I seem to have grown is my ability to stay calm in the middle of chaos.

If not for the healing and powerful coaching sessions from Stacey, I’m not really sure if I could’ve come out of my closet as a medical intuitive and healer and feel as comfortable as I do right now. It has been a life-changing journey right from the start and I continue to look forward to all the possibilities with Stacey as my teacher and coach. Much gratitude.”

~ Archanaa Shyam

monna2"As a result of your bonus to help me access my innate skills, this is what happened for me over the course of approximately 30 days:

1) My coaching abilities increased 21%
2) My creativity opened up by about 21%
3) My ability to deal with stress improved by 21%

These things are foundational for my bigger dreams. Thank you so much. I love your work."

~ Monna van der Beek

viki-stanley-hutchison"Stacey Mayo was a huge help to me, as a coach, at a time when I was struggling to move forward. She assisted me in removing blocks and raising my energy so I can get back on track. The progress I made during one of her 6 month programs amazed me and I wouldn’t hesitate to turn to her again when needed."

~ Viki Stanley-Hutchison

karrieking"My participation in Stacey’s program has far exceeded my expectations and I have accomplished and learned so much more than in all other training programs and seminars I have attended. Having worked at corporate headquarters in a Fortune 500 company for 23 years, I had my share of leadership training, team building and 1:1 goal management. The tools and principles Stacey teaches were easy to practice."

~ Karrie King, California

"laura-overstreet-biering-150x150I have been able to do what I wanted, and have not stopped since! Stacey is a blessing to all with whom she comes in contact, and more, because of the ripple effect. I recommend her highly!"

~ Laura Overstreet Biering

carol-cranton"This class helped me to know when to put my house on the market. My house sold in 3 months. The next success that happened in Stacey's class was meeting a great guy. The audios that we used in between classes help with any worry and anxiety about moving. The timing worked out perfectly in finding another place to live exactly in the city I wanted to be in.

Everyone should take this class with Stacey. She is the most amazing teacher I have worked with. Thank you Stacey for helping make this time of my life easier for me."

~ Carol Cranton

"I has a bad fall and went to the doctor. The nurse called me with the results of the x-rays on Tuesday and it was not fracture, but a bad sprain and when I woke up that day I felt the best ever. It was the first time in crises that my thoughts weren't all over the place with fears, doubts, conclusion. I attribute this to the class."

~ Sally Milewski

"Hi, Stacey.

I enjoyed the Allowing Divine to Lead class very much. As a result of the class, my connection to God and self are stronger. The interference that was going on in my field before the class has been taken care of. I've been able to give things to God and trust that they will be taken care of in Divine timing I also very much like way you, as a teacher, stay flexible and allow the divine to unfold for each individual as the class went on."

~ Connie Berner

"We have a rental property that we've been renovating and it is ready for sale. We have a friend who is a realtor and less than a month ago she quoted us a price. When we sat down to sign papers she told us the house is valued $15,000 higher then her original quote."

~ Sally Milewski

About Stacey Mayo :

Stacey MayoStacey Mayo is the creator of The Sentelligent Solution. She founded the Center for Balanced Living in 1995 and has been in business 20 years. She has supported thousands of people in living out their dreams. She is a Master Coach, a Spiritual Teacher, a Certified Career Intuitive, a Sentelligent Medical Intuitive, teacher of Medical Intuitives and an Energy Practitioner.

She is an award-winning author and has appeared on the CBS evening news segment, Confident Women and is a popular speaker. She has appeared in Forbes, Newsday, the Wall St. Journal, Atlanta Sports & Fitness, Atlanta Woman and Woman’s Day. She is the Medical Intuitive columnist for the Sedona Journal She has been featured a number of times in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, including the piece, ‘Midlife,’ which engages people in considering how they can stop deferring their dreams.

Total Package Value $3,000

Regular Price $2,197


From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $297
*** 90% Saving ***

Special price only good through Monday 2nd Jan, 2017 at midnight.
(Payment plan available at checkout)

Sold Out

Deferred Payments on Early Bird Price. Only on Paypal

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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