Finally, Master Manifestation for your Blissful 2019.

This is YOUR opportunity to discover the missing key to master manifestation success.


All kinds of people from top Hollywood executives to lightworkers who can’t seem to breakthrough to manifesting real lasting wealth have turned to Ani.
She transforms lives in as little as one session.

"Manifested $100,000 dollars personal contract to do what I love. Within one week of my mega-transformational private session with Ani."

~ AC, New York.

"Manifested over $40 Million in investment for our new company from the most savvy professional venture capital people in America in under a month."

~ JH, Los Angeles.

  • Have you done countless energy clearings, programs, sessions and read all the books?
  • Are you wondering why you are so spiritual and such a good person but you don’t have money showing up regularly in your bank account?
  • Have you been giving and giving to others but find yourself alone and not with your loving soulmate?

If you are wondering and hoping this can change. Yes, it can. Ani has been where you are and as she says in her video been everywhere and done everything to understand how to completely transform your life to one of blissful love and outrageous levels of fulfilment and financial abundance.

Ani has personally:

  • Married her soulmate who co-creates with amazing success with her
  • Received a Congressional medal and numerous industry awards in business
  • Manifested millions of dollars of revenue for her company
  • Been chosen as a channel for a Divine collective consciousness known as the “Divine Healed herself from life-threatening chronic illness to perfect health
  • Love of All” a superstar, team of ascended masters who bring in teachings to help humanity and you live the blissful life that is YOUR birthright.

Ani’s 4 Souls B.E.S.T system will finally release you from painful patterns that repeat and repeat in your life with relationships, money, career and self-esteem. Transform to living in your embodied bliss.

Maya participated in three group sessions and had a personal session. Find out what she says about overcoming a lifetime of Depression, Trauma, PTSD to finally move forward aligned to her true purpose.


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Discount: 94%

Total Package Value $1750

From Heartache to Joy 



Welcome to Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video


How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3


What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 

5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3


Discount: 96%

Total Package Value $3450

FHTJ Super Value 
Special O



Welcome to the Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video

How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3

What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 

5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3

How to transform the #1 block to manifestation powers (MP3)

90 Minute Group Call Transform Fear of Being in the World to Ecstatically Embodied

90 Minute Group Call Transform Scaredy Pants into Abundance

90 Minute Group Call Transform Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity into Manifesting the 3 Ps (Purpose, Passion & Paid).

BONUS 2: Magnificent Morning Journey



Discount: 96%

Total Package Value $5850

FHTJ Super Value 



Welcome to the Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video

How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3

What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 


5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3

How to transform the #1 block to manifestation powers (MP3)

90 Minute Group Call Transform Fear of Being in the World to Ecstatically Embodied

90 Minute Group Call Transform Scaredy Pants into Abundance

90 Minute Group Call Transform Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity into Manifesting the 3 Ps (Purpose, Passion & Paid).

BONUS 2: Magnificent Morning Journey


Discover & Transform your most persistent patterns in a powerful 1-1 session w Ani.
Only 44 Spots Available


BONUS 3: Open to Transform Your Life 



Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $8950

FHTJ Super Value 



Welcome to Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video

How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3

What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 


5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3

How to transform the #1 block to manifestation powers (MP3)

90 Minute Group Call Transform Fear of Being in the World to Ecstatically Embodied

90 Minute Group Call Transform Scaredy Pants into Abundance

90 Minute Group Call Transform Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity into Manifesting the 3 Ps (Purpose, Passion & Paid).

BONUS 2: Magnificent Morning Journey


Discover & Transform your most persistent patterns in a powerful 1-1 session w Ani. Only 44 Spots Available

BONUS 3: Open to Transform Your Life 


LIVE GROUP POWER CALL with Ani. Manifest all you want in 2019!!!!  (A 2+ hour Extravaganza Event!!!)

3 x Live Group Transformation into Manifestation Master Calls with Ani

Master Manifestation Mentorship 1:1 with Ani. Personal 60 Minute Session


BONUS 4: VIP Preview of Ani's Lighten Up Mastery Journey

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money back logo


Package A – No Refunds after First Group Call. Conditions apply

Package B – No Refunds after First Group Call or Personal Session is taken, whichever comes first.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A

I have received beneficial heart opening and heart healing of love energies washing over myself days after the session has ended

"Ani does have superpower teaching skills to bring out the superpower within! ...I have received beneficial heart opening and heart healing of love energies washing over myself days after the session has ended. The affects, shifts and heart opening is subtle in knowing it actually happened until being confronted by old behaviors and beliefs, and then the shift is really visible."

~ KatK: California, USA


"Being around Ani is a breath of fresh air, whether you are engaging with her one-on-one or working with her in a group environment. Her energy is not only inviting but also very magnetizing. I've literally experienced her shift the energy in the room from tense and fearful to free and nurturing. When one-on-one, she is incredibly gifted at sharing the messages that are genuine to your spirit, and not based on her own independent beliefs or consciousness, which I believes sets her apart from any other spiritual coaches."

~ Jessica Isfalt, Atlanta, GA USA

Videos You Will get to Get you transforming today:


Welcome to the Lighten Up Program

Discover your 4 B.E.S.T. Souls, why they are hugely relevant to your journey in life, for opening to everlasting Super Soul power abilities, FINALLY master REAL manifestation & abundance powers, along with the divine Love and Bliss you’ve always wanted in your life!)


The 4 Souls Overview: How to Be Your B.E.S.T. Soul

An explanation of the 4 souls, and why is each a key component of your Lighten Up Journey. Any block or pattern in each of these areas, is lowering your vibration, preventing you from manifesting all you wish to bring forth in your life, and keeping you from the bliss filled, balanced experience you are meant to have in your lifetime. Learn how to hold your soul energetic space, and bring more light to each aspect, clearing what is blocking you in all 4 soul areas, aligning to all you wish to manifest and achieve in life)


"Ani is a catalyst for anyone looking to tap into their own intuition, energy, and power. Through her years of experience working with numerous modalities, she is able to powerfully draw in whatever is needed whether in a healing session or a business consultation. What I love about Ani is that she has empowered me to tap into my own truth and guidance....and to trust it. This shift has been a game changer in my life. I would highly recommend any of the programs that Ani offers. She is very powerful and is able to bring clarity to any situation."

~ Manvir Dhaliwal


"When I met Ani, she was able to transmit love, affection and makes you feel safe. You know you can trust her to help you either find your true connection or help you also to make the connection bigger. Any one who works sharing their energy, experiences and love for another soul can guarantee growth form love. Ani shares her energy and her connection, as well as she has no qualms on teaching what she has learned, in this lifetime and from other lifetimes.

Ani inspires me to share my energy and connection with the world, distance or country not withstanding our location."

~ María Pérez-Ascencio Contreras, México City, México.


"I have known Ani for four years now...You can tell she truly loves helping people. Over the years she has most definitely helped me. She gave honest advice and guidance which has helped me to grow spiritually. Thank you Ani 😘😘😘"

~ Celina Toczydlowska, Seattle, Washington USA


How to take The Lighten Up Journey

A Guide to taking your daily transformation journey. Journaling your Gratitudes + understanding your Attitudes each day, the importance of transformation of all that’s holding you back, keeping you in lower vibration across all your 4 souls, in order to manifest at an epic level in the world around you


"My cat really loves your energy and voice, or something and always comes around when you are on! She likes to sit like the picture below - very near the phone, when you’re talking. Like she is healing!!"

~ Seraphina “Kitty”, courtesy of her owner, Kat, California, USA


What is Keeping You from Truly Manifesting Your Bliss?

Find out how to obtain the Abundance, Unconditional Happiness & Love You’re Craving, for Good! (Transformation is your Spirit’s purpose, How to easily Transform negative Patterns/beliefs/emotional triggers/energy charge that’s holding you back, Understand unhealthy attachments/Triangles keeping you in patterns diminishing your ability to manifest abundance, love, and a bliss filled life, Get your Power back)


Daily Audio Meditation MP3 Journeys

  • 1

    Manifestation Morning

    25 min. Start your morning, set your intentions and bring the energy, light, and Divine Love/Bliss power filled vibration to manifest all you want each day, every day (Bliss = Manifestation, Abundance, unconditional joy & happiness energy)

  • 2

    Gratitude & Attitude

    10 min. align every day, building an amazing practice towards what you hold in absolute gratitude in the world around you, while uncovering what is holding you back from unconditional self-love, helping you to come into perfect alignment with the loving vibration and bliss you truly wish to embody

  • 3

    Lighten Up Check In

    10-minute instruction and quick 1-minute check in, that you can use, all day, in every moment, to check your energy state, and keep your vibration high, embodied, and filled with the loving bliss filled, abundant, manifesting frequency. This is key to keeping your vibration at a level that can keep each of your 4 soul frequencies attuned to the high love filled, abundance generating, bliss filled, manifestation energy you’ve been needing throughout your day

  • 4

    Your BEST Soul Balance

    20 min. balance the 4 aspects of your soul daily, so that you are maintaining a high frequency to your energy, in balance, where your 4 souls are working together, communicating, to bring you insights, harmony in your day, allowing your Spiritual soul to be the “soul boss” of your day, aligning you to far more blissful adventure, love, clarity, wellness, and divine orchestration in your life!

  • 5

    Empowered Evening

    33 min. end your day, opening to a powerful boost of love and blissful manifestation energy, easefully release and transform any experiences that may have brought each of your 4 soul vibrational energy down, filling yourself up with the transformative loving energy, to bring peaceful sleep, and an amazing transition towards evening


Clear Easy to Follow Overviews of Soul Balancing and How to Transform

  • 1

    Illustration of the 4 B.E.S.T Soul System

    (B=Body, E=Emotion, S=Spirit, T=Thought Souls)

  • 2

    Worksheet for Your Lighten Up journey

    The Lighten Up Journey instructions, and the transformation into manifestation process (TBD)

Holly shares how Ani brought her into contact with her beloved grandmother and shared important messages for her.

Martin Shares why he recommends Ani to people who need guidance,
support and a spiritual hug


The Divine Love Attunement

Ani channels the “Divine Love Light and Bliss of All that Is!, from Spirit source energy, providing profound shifts, the keys to unlock your energy centers & 4 soul fields, helping you to attune to this incredible LOVE attunement, into a more conscious, compassionate aspect of yourself, your Divine Greatness and Higher Self, helping you to vibrate at higher levels of unconditional love, manifestation power, happiness, joy, and blissful abundance for your 4 souls to vibrate and attract the same into all areas of your existence)

***This is Very, Powerful Life Transforming Energy, you can listen to again and again to keep you moving forward.”

Manifest Your 2019 with Bliss and Joy Mp3

Golden Nectar Soothing Transformation. Mp3 10 mins. “This blissful transformation will help you release all the stress, cares of the season and tension you are holding. Feel your body and soul soothed and blissfully experience healing Golden Nectar of Divine Bliss.”

Package A

Total Package Value $1750

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97

*** 94% Saving ***

Sold out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

Includes everything in Package A Plus

Are you a lightworker that has tried everything, but you find that money and relationships are just not working out for you?

Ani has put together this special series of deep transformation to get YOU the money, relationships and recognition of your gifts that source wants for you now. Ani and the “Divine Love of All” have brought through these incredibly powerful transformational audios for you to finally release all that has been holding you back from wealth, health and happiness now.

Make 2019 the year YOU shine your light and effortlessly receive money, miracles and manifestations flowing to you non-stop. Will you choose it?


How to transform the #1 block – the biggest Shame belief that impacts every person’s life from manifestation powers.

Transform from “I am NOT good enough”, into manifesting, “I AM perfectly ME, in all ways”

***This is the hidden pattern deep in our sub-conscious that even highly experienced lightworkers STILL hold in an Aspect of their 4 Souls. We will show you how to SHIFT IT. Now.


3 x Live Group “Transformation into Manifestation” with Ani:
(90 min sessions: get the recording, if you can’t make the entire event!)

Transform your “Fear of Being in the World”, into manifesting “Living Ecstatically Embodied” (especially good for energy sensitivities):
(January 5, 10 am PST)

***At this time with so much in the news, it is easy to pick up on all the turbulence. Ani shows you how to hold your SOUL space in any situation, so you can fully embody your light and feel safe and guided at all times out shining out in the world.

Transform your “Scaredy Pants” into “Manifesting AbunDance”,
(January 12, 10 am PST)

***Fear of success, of knowing and using your gifts can unconsciously block our abundance. Ani and the “Divine Love of All” Team Guides will help you feel fantastic being you so you can manifest with ease and joy everything you want to have in your life.

Transform your “Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity” into “Manifesting the 3 P’s: Purpose, Passion, & Paid, ALL at the same time!”,
(January 19, 10 am PST)

*What if you could know and live your true SOUL’s purpose in the world AND get easily make so much money for being YOU? Well you can, Ani is going to share the secrets she found to transform her family, and her own life from scarcity to immensity. Owning multiple luxury houses, travelling the world and sharing love and high vibrations around the world. She and the guides will help you transform so that you can find YOUR unique PURPOSE and get PAID.


Magnificent Morning Journey

An extraordinarily powerful morning meditation journey, bringing the gorgeous channeled vibrations of the Divine Love Light & Bliss of All Source energy… will help work with your conscious and subconscious energy centers and 4 soul fields, helping you integrate all you are transforming, towards having a magnificent day. Meant to provide extra support, giving an added boost to your body and energy fields, throughout your transformation weeks.

Package B

Total Package Value $3450

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147

*** 96% Saving ***

Sold out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package C

Includes everything in Package A & Package B Plus

Are you a lightworker that has tried everything, but you find that money and relationships are just not working out for you?

Ani has put together this special series of deep transformation to get YOU the money, relationships and recognition of your gifts that source wants for you now. Ani and the “Divine Love of All” have brought through these incredibly powerful transformational audios for you to finally release all that has been holding you back from wealth, health and happiness now.

Make 2019 the year YOU shine your light and effortlessly receive money, miracles and manifestations flowing to you non-stop. Will you choose it?


Master Transformation 1:1 with Ani (45 min)
Discover & Transform your most persistent patterns in a powerful 1-1 session w Ani

Ani has 44 spots available for lucky FHTJ listeners who are ready to finally transform their most painful, persistent pattern that has been holding them back.

Bring one major issue that nothing has been able to shift and the deep transformative power of the 4 Souls Balancing Process will finally set you free to be you.

Ani and the Divine Love of All Light Team guides will hold in you a safe space of deeply transformative space of love, compassion revealing with direct guidance from source what has been stopping you.

Do you want to find the root pattern and be free issues such as:

  • Toxic relationships

  • Abuse

  • Unfulfilling career

  • Money & scarcity issues

  • Alone

  • Keep having the same relationship with different people

  • Stuck and not clear on life purpose

  • Weight issues even after trying every diet and exercise

Do you want to move into feeling more love in your life, more bliss, more joy, feeling like your life has meaning and purpose?

If you feel guided to move forward to joy in 2019 make sure you take this opportunity Transform and triumph.

Roger, long-term martial arts and meditation instructor shares why he gives two thumbs up for working with Ani


"Ani is one of the most gifted intuitive coaches I have ever met. Her guidance is clear and spot on. To top it off, she delivers her message with great love and compassion. Ani is such a gem."

~ Lisa M. Los Angeles, CA USA


"Prior to doing this amazing work with Ani, I was stuck and not developing and moving forward on my path as quickly as I would have liked. My spiritual path and goals have been my major focus since my retirement, but I have found myself coming up against blocks, particularly with respect to stepping into my full power. I would often feel unsure of the next step so would freeze in place and let the opportunity pass.

During the sessions with Ani, the first thing I found was I was embraced in an unconditional love. In the meditations, the sense of love and well-being was so pervasive that it began shining an amazing healing light into all the cracks and crevices, so I could feel the blockages. I could confront on a very deep level issues from my past, especially those issues which have been buried since my childhood.

I began to feel the deep wounds of my childhood stirring within me. The feelings of being unworthy, of being unloved and of being unlovable. As a one-year old child, I was given up for adoption. I grew up with a sense of being unwanted by my biological parents, who kept all of their older children. I grew up feeling I was unworthy of being loved.

But as I worked with Ani, listening to the acceptance and love she shared. And I heard what she said as she gently encouraged, "Clear and Release. Transmute and Transform."

My soul heard the message and I was able to let go of the old patterns and belief systems.

The shift was profound. I now realize nothing that happened all of those years ago was my fault. I let the love embrace me and understood I AM love. I AM lovable. I AM worthy of giving and receiving love. And I AM an extremely powerful person who can move forward and manifest love and abundance into my life.

I feel powerful. I feel connected to my heart and my spiritual being. I feel like I am invincible and can now fully step into who I am and who I was always meant to be. I am so grateful.

I would whole-heartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to free themselves from old patterns and blockages. Just feel the truth of "Clear and Release. Transmute and Transform." Then just do it. As you release and transmute the old patterns and fears, you will find your true self just waiting to emerge. Empower yourself. Be who you were always meant to be.

Thank you, Ani."

~ Patricia Morning Dove, Mt. Shasta, California USA


"Personal development and growth is very important to me. Ani has been able to guide me in ways that I wasn't able to do on my own. Previously, I tried to find blocks and clear them myself...but wasn’t finding what I needed. I haven't even completed my work with her, but after several sessions, I already feel and see positive results. It's up to me to do the work, and Ani has definitely provided the guidance and tools that give me confidence to make energetic space in my life for the things I plan to accomplish. I would recommend her to anyone that is committed to making powerful shifts in living their best life."

~ Lori Peck, Portland, OR. USA


"My name is Will Cash and I live in Ireland. I met Ani 4 years ago... where I found her to be very kind and honest and when it came to connecting with Spirit, Ani was great and very clear with the messages she gave. Working with Ani again has been great, she is a fountain of knowledge regarding energy, healing and spirit. Ani has helped me tremendously on my own spiritual path and her guidance has been second to none. I would really have to say, from my heart, that Ani’s teaching and guidance has given me much more confidence with Spirit in many ways more than I can thank her for. She is a great teacher and a true Spirit friend. The benefits of working with Ani are truly amazing and I would recommend Ani very highly"

~ Kindest Regards, Will Cash. Ireland


Open to Transform your Life

An extraordinarily powerful morning meditation journey, bringing the gorgeous channeled vibrations of the Divine Love Light & Bliss of All Source energy… will help work with your conscious and subconscious energy centers and 4 soul fields, helping you integrate all you are transforming, towards having a magnificent day. Meant to provide extra support, giving an added boost to your body and energy fields, throughout your transformation weeks.


"Ani has an energy that's truly amazing and uplifting. Just being around her you feel as if the world contains possibilities you'd never dreamed of. I did a session with Ani a year and a half ago around the issue of clarity. I've done a lot of personal growth work in my life but had never experienced the kind of energy work Ani did with me. The experience was very empowering because, although I felt that Ani could see very clearly what was going on with me during the session, I didn't feel she was doing the work "to" me. Instead, she guided me to access my own ability to channel energy to unblock and release what I needed to shift. I was physically exhausted by the end of the session, which indicated to me that something profound had happened. In the time since the session, I've experienced a new sense of clarity that's allowed me to drive forward in my life, very clear about my goals and priorities, without hesitation."

~ Patti Pierson USA


"I have known Ani for years now, and she is an amazing human being, with a truly beautiful energy that makes anyone feel pleasant in her near vicinity. This, in combination with her empathic and respectful nature towards other people make her an excellent teacher.

Personally, Ani has helped me a great deal in energy work and grounding. At a particular time when I was not feeling well, and Ani had tuned in, to clarify the underlying nature of my condition in terms of energy management. She had provided me with exercises and advises with the aim getting grounded better and to get my energy back in balance. These suggestions helped me to get closer to myself, with a stronger power.

Her comments and insights on some very personal issues I shared with her, were truly healing and certainly altered my way of thinking on some aspects in life.

Ani has a great potential to help people to discover their own powers."

~ Jonas, EU

Package C

Total Package Value $5850

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247

*** 96% Saving ***

Sold out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644


Includes everything in Package A, B & C Plus

ITEM 10:

LIVE GROUP POWER CALL w Ani: Manifest all you want in 2019!!!!
(A special 2+ hour Extravaganza Event!!!)

  • December 30, 2018 (get the recording, if you can’t make the entire event!)
  • Gain clarity – What do you really want to manifest in 2019?
  • Open to your purpose, your passion, and how will you get paid being what you love!
  • Open to your full abundance in 2019 with the Divine Love, Bliss, and transformation manifestation power that will be channeled in for the ENTIRE session!
  • Transform the blocks, beliefs, triggers, triangles, & patterns holding you back from a fabulous 2019
  • Learn the secrets techniques Ani has used for years in manifesting EPIC abundance in her life, including:
  • Healing completely from a “chronic illness”, on daily oxygen for 12 months, with numerous doctors unable to give her solutions or hope
  • Living life in complete spiritual flow, divinely guided to help sponsor teachings from and meeting HH Dalai Lama; assisted darshan line “blessings” with “Hugging Saint” Amma, working with many top spiritual “masters” around the globe
  • Easily generating multi millions, forming 9 successful global companies, with an average 29x exit of her incubated company portfolio, in the most innovative areas of advisory, incubation, investment, business and technology in the world – many with paid deals won - BEFORE the actual company was formed!
  • Growing her private stock portfolio >700% in 12 months, with no formal investment training at the time – as a challenge contest!
  • Building triple digit growth companies, winning top global awards, many within one year of formation
  • Being chosen as a top 40 under 40 business leader, given a congressional award for philanthropy and leadership
  • Advising superstars in business, spiritual empowerment, entertainment, gaming, and multiple exciting industries, with conscious multi-millionaires & billionaires in her personal network.
  • Transforming early trauma, her parents losing everything while she was a teenager, into massive abundance, conscious understanding, love, and gratitude
  • A thriving, deeply loving, decades long marriage with her soul mate
  • Owning multiple gorgeous houses, with her own private beach, sacred lands with juniper trees, in divine areas of the world
  • Being paid to travel across 6 continents, having an absolute blast in life and livelihood

ITEM 11:

3 x Live Group Transformation into Manifestation Master Calls with Ani (90 minutes)

The Lighten Up Master Blast Sessions: JUMPSTART Your 2019 into manifestation magnificence!

In 2019, Blast Your Past: turn transformation into manifestation!! Transform the main patterns, beliefs, and vibrations that are keeping you from manifesting abundance and living your bliss at an epic level!

With your VIP program, get 3 Additional Live w Ani, “Transformation to Manifestation” Group Calls!!!! (in addition to the 3 group transformations from package B/C): (90 min sessions each! Get the recording, if you can’t make the entire event!)

Transform “NO, I Can’t!” into manifesting “YES, I CAN!” January 26, 2019, 10 am PST

You can do anything you choose. You are beautiful, and you are blessed. The guides are going to work with you to powerfully transform all your fears and doubts. You will be in the powerful SOUL balanced space of empowered Yes in 2019.

Transform from “Triggered Reaction”, into manifesting “Transformed Action”: Feb 2, 2019, 10 am PST

if the news and other people just did not bother you anymore. Ani and the guides will balance your Soul embodiment, so you can take purposeful, aligned action and manifest the life you want to live now.

Transform your “Heartache” into manifesting “Heart LOVE”:
Feb 9, 2019, 10 am PST

We all deserve love. Ani greatest honor and joy is bring through the powerfully transformative, unconditional love of the “Divine Love of All” to bathe you in bliss and transform all the past heartaches, pains of family and romantic relationship. Soul balancing means you will be free to create, manifest and receive real, heart-filling, lasting love in every area of your life in 2019.


ITEM 12:

Master Manifestation Mentorship 1:1 with Ani (45 min)

Manifest & clear all obstacles to your abundance, in a powerful 1-1 session w Ani

Learn the secrets techniques Ani has used for years in manifesting EPIC abundance in her life, including:

  • Healing completely from a “chronic illness”, on daily oxygen for 12 months, with numerous doctors unable to give her solutions or hope
  • Living life in complete spiritual flow, divinely guided to help sponsor teachings from and meeting HH Dalai Lama; assisted darshan line “blessings” with “Hugging Saint” Amma, working with many top spiritual “masters” around the globe
  • Easily generating multi millions, forming 9 successful global companies, with an average 29x exit of her incubated company portfolio, in the most innovative areas of advisory, incubation, investment, business and technology in the world – many with paid deals won - BEFORE the actual company was formed!
  • Growing her private stock portfolio >700% in 12 months, with no formal investment training at the time – as a challenge contest!
  • Building triple digit growth companies, winning top global awards, many within one year of formation
  • Being chosen as a top 40 under 40 business leader, given a congressional award for philanthropy and leadership
  • Advising superstars in business, spiritual empowerment, entertainment, gaming, and multiple exciting industries, with conscious multi-millionaires & billionaires in her personal network.
  • Transforming early trauma, her parents losing everything while she was a teenager, into massive abundance, conscious understanding, love, and gratitude
  • A thriving, deeply loving, decades long marriage with her soul mate
  • Owning multiple gorgeous houses, with her own private beach, sacred lands with juniper trees, in divine areas of the world
  • Being paid to travel across 6 continents, having an absolute blast in life and livelihood

Ani can’t wait to meet you and help you on your SOUL’S journey to embodied bliss.

It is her greatest joy to help YOU find your own truth, your gifts and live your blissful abundant, joy-filled life.


"I have been blessed to have had shared in a personal and professional connection with Ani for twenty years. She is the modern female champion of preventing spiritual sabotage from succeeding. She doesn’t run scared from these fears but faces them head on, as well as, gentle greets them as teachers. And this is her greatest gift - in showing the modern day man and woman how our inner light is always growing even in the midst of ‘seemingly’ being threatened by forces that are experienced as obstructing our growth internally and externally. Ani understands how in this physical reality we can experience life as polar opposites - love and fear – whilst also having a deep understanding that underneath this polarity- that there there is no separation between between the physical world and the spiritual realms - that there is always divinity- an opportunity for us to be guided even more deeply- that we don’t need to be swayed from our inevitable spiritual success, on our path of love and abundance."

~ Connie Micale, Transpersonal
psychotherapist, LCSW, San Francisco, CA USA


"Ani has the most comforting and warm energy I have ever seen. She radiates positive energy all of the time, and always speaks from the heart. It was such a pleasure to meet her, and I love to watch her work. She always lets spirit speak the highest truth through her. My life has changed for it - as I have watched others’ lives also change because of the beautiful messages Ani delivers through spirit. I am so grateful to have met her and experienced her work."

~ Jenna Terloski Los Angeles, CA USA


Ease & Grace Journey Audio (~60-minute POWERFUL journey – you won’t want to miss!)

The Ease and Grace Journey is a powerful session that will help you energetically transform any remaining discomfort you may feel, in overcoming any past area of your life, where you are still holding regret, discomfort, or having difficulty finding compassion or letting go of the energetic charge from the experience, allowing you to raise your conscious vibration to epic levels, through the journey, into extraordinary blissful release and powerfully abundant, blissful, loving manifestation energy, that is lasting!

The energy of ease and grace, is all about coming to a deeper understanding of any experiences we’ve had in life, transforming what’s holding us back from compassion. For ourselves and others, releasing any energies making us uncomfortable (thoughts or emotions or unhealthy attachments), and finding deeper forgiveness and compassion with anyone or anything we may hold attachment towards. It’s meant to be used through your week when performing transformation sessions


VIP pre-invitation to Ani’s 2019 Lighten Up Mastery Journey

Exclusive Live Transformation to Manifestation Group Mentorship w Ani!!! Exciting sessions, bonus gifts, amazing guest teachers, and even fabulous locations to meet Ani in person with group events and a special retreat!


Total Package Value $8950

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $847

*** 90% Saving ***

Sold out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

About Ani

Ani is a living expression of compassion, love and extraordinary joy who heals through soul presence. She has been chosen by spirit since a very young age to bring forth the next evolutionary wave of humanity by catalysing personal, business and planetary transformation. 

Ani’s work combines the deep wisdom of sacred lineage, profound personal research and a lifetime of experience as the leader of some of the world’s most innovative tech companies in Silicon Valley. She is passionate about helping people find and activate their own unique “superpowers” so they can create massive positive transformation for themselves, business and the world. 

Hailing from a family line of spiritual leaders & healers from India, Ani was raised by a father who was a Scientist and a mother who was a Nurse. This background her discover that her profound mystical experiences have a sound basis in the very laws of science. She has collaborated with masters of consciousness and spirituality across 6 continents, sponsored the divine teachings of HH Dalai Lama, and assisted “hugging saint” Amma with her Darshan blessing line. She is just as comfortable meeting with world leaders, to teaching trance meditation to Fortune 10 business executives, while incubating and advising the most exciting tech startups around the world 

She has received many industry awards for the exceptional growth rate of companies that she has managed or advised. She has been honored by InBusiness Magazine, as a Top 40 under 40 Leader, received a Congressional Medal for Leadership. Ani studied Materials Science & Chemical Engineering at the University of California which allows her to have deep understanding into the human system. She currently leads one of the most prestigious technology startup hubs in America. 

Her “magic”, comes from a lifetimes of honing skills to access deeper consciousness and "Intuitive" abilities. She draws upon her experience as a full trance medium for spirit, Karuna Reiki Master, Shamanic Intuitive and guidance from the Ascended Masters. Ani has now developed an important body of work channelling the Divine Love of All that creates instantaneous change through soul presence. 

Ani has a miraculous gift for helping people from all walks of life overcome the seemingly impossible and shift into a deep sense of empowered love and possibility. Many people have witnessed miraculous events in the weather patterns, animal behaviour and in themselves when Ani channels the Divine Love of All. Extraordinary wisdom and infinite love and compassion embrace and uplift each person into a new state of being 

Ani has spent a lifetime supporting philanthropic and social business that uplifts Women, Children, Animals, & Mother Earth. She and her husband are based in the pristine environment of the Pacific Northwest.


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Discount: 94%

Total Package Value $1750

From Heartache to Joy 



Welcome to Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video


How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3


What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 

5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3


Discount: 96%

Total Package Value $3450

FHTJ Super Value 
Special O



Welcome to the Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video

How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3

What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 

5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3

How to transform the #1 block to manifestation powers (MP3)

90 Minute Group Call Transform Fear of Being in the World to Ecstatically Embodied

90 Minute Group Call Transform Scaredy Pants into Abundance

90 Minute Group Call Transform Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity into Manifesting the 3 Ps (Purpose, Passion & Paid).

BONUS 2: Magnificent Morning Journey



Discount: 96%

Total Package Value $5850

FHTJ Super Value 



Welcome to the Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video

How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3

What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 


5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3

How to transform the #1 block to manifestation powers (MP3)

90 Minute Group Call Transform Fear of Being in the World to Ecstatically Embodied

90 Minute Group Call Transform Scaredy Pants into Abundance

90 Minute Group Call Transform Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity into Manifesting the 3 Ps (Purpose, Passion & Paid).

BONUS 2: Magnificent Morning Journey


Discover & Transform your most persistent patterns in a powerful 1-1 session w Ani.
Only 44 Spots Available


BONUS 3: Open to Transform Your Life 



Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $8950

FHTJ Super Value 



Welcome to Lighten Up

Program Video


The 4 Souls Overview:  

How to Be Your Soul 

Embodied Video

How to take The Lighten

Up Journey MP3

What is Keeping You from

Truly Manifesting Your

Bliss? MP4 


5 Daily Meditation

Journey MP3s

Illustration of the Soul

System (PDF)

Worksheet for your Lighten

Up Transformation Journey


BONUS1: The Divine Love

 Attunement MP3

How to transform the #1 block to manifestation powers (MP3)

90 Minute Group Call Transform Fear of Being in the World to Ecstatically Embodied

90 Minute Group Call Transform Scaredy Pants into Abundance

90 Minute Group Call Transform Confused, Hopeless, Scarcity into Manifesting the 3 Ps (Purpose, Passion & Paid).

BONUS 2: Magnificent Morning Journey


Discover & Transform your most persistent patterns in a powerful 1-1 session w Ani. Only 44 Spots Available

BONUS 3: Open to Transform Your Life 


LIVE GROUP POWER CALL with Ani. Manifest all you want in 2019!!!!  (A 2+ hour Extravaganza Event!!!)

3 x Live Group Transformation into Manifestation Master Calls with Ani

Master Manifestation Mentorship 1:1 with Ani. Personal 60 Minute Session


BONUS 4: VIP Preview of Ani's Lighten Up Mastery Journey

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Package A – No Refunds after First Group Call. Conditions apply

Package B – No Refunds after First Group Call or Personal Session is taken, whichever comes first.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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