The Abundance Incubator
22 Days to Birthing Your New, Magnificent Prosperity Paradigm!

Our Fortune Begins with Us! As we live in a reality made up of our consciousness, which is the aggregate of all the conscious and unconscious thoughts and beliefs that we hold, our prosperity or lack of it will reflect the level of our thinking and of our beliefs around abundance, prosperity, money, and supply.

And these belief patterns are birthed from the time we are very young, from even in the womb and brought in from past lifetimes.

The good news is that with commitment and intention, we can shift limiting old beliefs and birth new consciousness.

Merriam-Webster's simple Definition of "incubator" is as follows:

  • A device that is used to keep eggs warm before they hatch
  • A piece of medical equipment in which premature babies are placed for special care and protection after their birth
  • An organization or place that helps in the development of new business

Well, in The Abundance Incubator, what we are literally birthing is an expanded consciousness and subsequent reality of Monetary Abundance and Abundance of all forms.

As we all know the group dynamic of beings committed to a common intention – upleveling our abundance and prosperity consciousness – yields exponential results! Where two or more are gathered (Matthew 18:20), vortexes of energy are created that rapidly shift and transmute stuckness and non-Truth.

What is the Truth? We are meant to live lives abundantly (John 10:10).

  • Are you really ready to be the ABUNDANCE that you are???
  • Are you done with all the old same repeating loop patterns of lack and limitation consciousness manifesting in constriction and restriction in your money flows?
  • Are you available to surrender all burdens in a safe, loving and nurturing space as you reset your prosperity thermostat?

Then you’ve got to join me and your Spiritual Guidance Light Teams in The Abundance Incubator!

Expert Reviews

Savings of $300 USD and quality family time in affluent surroundings

Jenny-r-150x150-1“I was my honored to participate in Simone Valentine’s 21 days Abundance Incubator. I have experienced so much more clarity, confidence, and ease of ‘thinking outside the box’ in creating my upcoming new special offers of my healing works. I noticed that it was also easier to fit some FUN into my busy schedule, to have quality fun times with my husband and 2 very young kids, which can be challenging at times. Also during the 21 days, I discovered a new love for kayaking; in the past it was out of reach. We found 2 new kayaks on clearance left in our entire metro-area after calling, but it would be another 8 hours until we were able to get to the store to make the physical purchase. I just knew it was meant to be for us and it sure was! We got 2 new ‘sit on top’ kayaks for $225, and normally would cost $500 or more, at least a saving of $300 USD. Then the same day, a customer of my husband’s graciously offered us to use her beach-lake backyard to launch our kayaks anytime we want. This allowed my entire family to really enjoy the experience of living on the lake in a very affluent community for kayaking, swimming, fishing, and kids playing on the sandy-lake beach. I am sure this experience has opened up many more ‘windows of opportunities’ for abundance flow in my life of ‘what’s possible’ and this itself is just priceless. Listening to Simone’s daily MP3s and reading her healing posts further kept me focused on abundance. I can also feel the support coming through from also a caring and authentic healer.”

~ Jenny Ngo, RN, MSN, Dimensional Healing

The Abundance Incubator is designed to hold you in the Truth of your divine birthright of ABUNDANCE while removing blockages and limiting beliefs, patterns and programs that hinder you from accessing and expressing the abundance that you truly are. Over the course of 22 days you will immerse yourself in the powerful clearing energies of The Abundance Incubator while your Higher Self and Divine Spiritual Guidance Light Team prioritize and orchestrate the healing in all areas of your life.

While nestled in The Abundance Incubator, you will:

  • Release resistance to receiving Abundance
  • Heal your money wounds; change your money story
  • Increase Self Love
  • Increase Self Worth
  • Increase Self Awareness
  • Clear avoidance of looking at your numbers, bills, and balance sheets
  • Gain clarity in decision making and reduce overwhelm
  • Program your subconscious for abundance and wealth
  • Create new firm, healthy energetic boundaries, thereby maintaining your own sovereignty and preventing energy leaks
  • Release fear and doubt
  • Release shame, blame, and guilt
  • Clear physical and mental clutter
  • Clear family entanglements that block your money prosperity
  • Clear self-sabotage
  • Clear debt and indebtedness
  • Uplevel your Self Confidence and radiance
  • Become in tune with synchronicities and divine timing for which to take inspired action
  • Disconnect from mass consciousness anxieties and beliefs in lack and limitation
  • Increase your awareness and acceptance of your unique value; divest yourself of “not enoughness” patterns
  • Uncover talents, gifts and skills you may have hidden away and thus kept your abundance from coming to you
  • Allow your unique creativity and authentic self-expression to come forward in new and exciting and unexpected ways!
  • Magnetize money, opportunities, and supportive friends and community to you
  • Step more boldly into your Life Purpose

Expert Reviews

I am ecstatic to report that my business has been doing AWESOME revenues!

eramsaeed“I asked Simone to include me in The Abundance Incubator at the beginning of September, and I am ecstatic to report that my business has been doing AWESOME revenues since then! When we compare our revenue figures from just August to September, the growth has been staggering and we are thrilled! And in the area of relationships, the truth about some harmful people in my inner circle have come to the surface to be revealed, and they are no longer in my life. I believe the energy of The Abundance Incubator cleared and removed truly what no longer was serving me to allow in more divine flow and abundance. How cool is that??? Thank you Simone!”

~ Eram Saeed, Founder and Host of the global Telesummit series, From Heartache to Joy

eramsaeed“Simone added me to The Abundance Incubator and we had a record month in sales! It was exciting and a bit strange cause it seemed that things were just sort of happening "on their own" extra effort was required and everything just flowed. I have asked her to now include me in every Incubator she does!”

~ Eram Saeed, Founder and Host of the global Telesummit series, From Heartache to Joy

A brand new group — Group 3 — of The Abundance Incubator starts on Sunday, January 8, 2017!

Here's what showed up for people in Group 2:

“I LOVE The Abundance Incubator! Simone put me into Group 2 of The Abundance Incubator in October, and we had another INCREDIBLE month in revenues for that month! I can't wait for Group 3, I want to be included in every Incubator Simone does!”

~ Eram Saeed, Founder and Host of the global Telesummit series, From Heartache to Joy

“I was a part of Group 2 for Simone Valentine's The Abundance Incubator and two weeks after the last day of healings, I won a little over $14,000 playing a slot machine at a casino!!!!! Wow!!! Thanks Simone, I can't wait until you start Group 3!!!”

~ DJ, Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

“I re-listened to Simone's coaching call today, where she says to be grateful for what is received without effort, I added "and be grateful for that which is not yet received"... when I got home from work there was a totally unexpected check for $230!!!!!!”

~ ML Caward, New York U.S.A.

“Hi Simone and community, Just wanted to let you know that I have received a 4,000.00 raise and won a few more free MP3S. This is so awesome. I Am Abundance!!!!”

~ Quels Walbro, North Carolina U.S.A.

“Hi, I just wanted to share that today I won a family pass to a winter wonderland family day worth €100!! I am thrilled as my kids will be soooo excited!! Am so glad to be part of this abundance energy x”

~ M. Eiffe, Ireland

“I just wanted to share about some experiences . Three days in a row I found one penny , following 4th day one quarter , next day I won $ at Bingo night then I was offer to add more days in my current postion. I'm grateful for this experience of Abundance. ABUNDANCE TO YOU ALL!”

~ P. Lopez, California U.S.A.

“Wow! I was gifted with a ticket to see the University of North Carolina Tarheels (HUGE deal locally) basketball game on Friday! Parking is free too and I'm on the fourth row middle! Let the fun continue - it's already begun!”

~ LaRetta S., North Carolina, U.S.A.🎉

“Hi Simone, I am enjoying the Abundance Incubator immensely. I feel like i am in Spiritual University learning from many teachers, and is because I am able to support my education through financial means!

Another awesome blessing is a free accommodation my friend won in a raffle that we get to use for my birthday weekend in November.

And speaking of my birthday, another gasp-worthy surprise was my ex husband offering to pay for a pamper day for me from the kids for my birthday on that trip with my friend!..... And this literally just happened as soon as i opened my email this morning.. My friend who owns a shop offered one of her eco watches worth about $120 to me for freee! I AM ABUNDANCE! I wanted you to know that I really appreciate you and your beautiful energy and that being in this amazing incubator is doing wonders for me and my life! Much love❤”

~ Missy Wise, Queensland Australia

“10/24/16: I have been noticing more signs of abundance. For examples, I received a letter from the gas company telling me I had a credit on my account and there will be no bill this month. When I hired someone to clean up the junk from the house that I was dealing with for my ex husband, the man quoted me $350 since 2 of my children and myself helped him. When we were done, he said it would normally be a $700 haul! And several free cups of coffee.

Each day I find myself grateful for even the tiny things that turn out to result in something bigger. My best example is the other day my husband and I ended up taking an unexpected detour, I wasn't watching the traffic lanes and couldn't get over so I just continued to the next exit. My detour resulted in us avoiding being in a car accident. If I had tried to exit when I realized I needed to, we would have been hit by the car that came up the shoulder and jumped into the lane I had just passed!

12/20/16: Several really wonderful things have happened...

* My friend who is a mortgage broker, contacted me to let me know that I qualify for a mortgage!

* I received a notice from the IRS that I have a $285 tax credit on an account that I had when I employed a nanny. It will come in January.

* Yesterday we received $800 in checks from my grandparents for Christmas. My kids each get $100 and I am going to save it for them to use for decorating their own rooms when we get our own home.

I am learning to be patient with myself and trust in divine timing.”

~ E. Woodward; Washington, U.S.A.

Here’s what you will receive when you say YES to Incubation in ABUNDANCE!:

Package A:

  • Twenty two days of immersion in the clearing and healing energies of The Abundance Incubator
  • Two energetic encoded MP3s to further immerse you in the incubation
  • Four Live Group Coaching Calls
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Two bonus MP3s

Package B:

All of Package A plus one 30 minute 1:1 session with Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Simone Valentine


22 days of Immersion + 2 Energetic Encoded MP3s + 4 Live Group Coaching Calls + Private Facebook Group + 3 Bonus MP3s

Discount: 93% Off
Total Package Value $1,724
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127

Sold Out


22 days of Immersion + 2 Energetic Encoded MP3s + 4 Live Group Coaching Calls + Private Facebook Group + 3 Bonus MP3s + A 30 minute with 1:1 session with Simone

Discount: 90% Off
Total Package Value $1,852
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
Only 50 Packages

Sold Out

No refunds after Sunday, January 8, 2017.
For Package B, your personal session must be used within 3 months of the purchase date.

Here’s what’s included in the package

Package A


Twenty two days of immersion in the clearing and healing energies of The Abundance Incubator

Value: $1,364

Format: Remote energy transmissions

In the sacred energy healing container of The Abundance Incubator, this where transformation happens as I facilitate with the Higher Selves and Divine Spiritual Guidance Light Teams of the group to clear blockages. At the time of your purchase, the energies of The Abundance Incubator begin to enfold you in its cocoon. And we begin the first day of transmissions on January 8, 2017, which is “Preparation Day”, where your Higher Selves will condition your fields to best prepare you to receive the clearings for the next 21 days.

All members of the Abundance Incubator will receive an email the day following each transmission day detailing what got cleared for the previous day, as well as messages from the collective’s Higher Selves and Light Teams.

Here is the process flow as we move through the 22 day journey together:

  • Part 1: Field Preparation and Opening to Receiving
  • Part 2: Release and Clearing
  • Part 3: Amplification of Self Awareness and Self Value
  • Part 4: Resetting Your Financial Set Point; Expansion of Wealth Receiving Container
  • Part 5: Radiating our True Selves and Magnetizing Prosperity and Opportunities

You will emerge from the Abundance Incubator newly aligned with expanded consciousness of prosperity and abundance AND you will have manifestations of abundance in your very life to show for it!!!

A friend gave me a $200 cash down payment…reduced the amount I owe for 2014 federal taxes by $2,000!

Susan“Just a few short days after Simone had told me to put my request for a buyer into the Abundance Incubator, a friend gave me a $200 cash down payment towards an expensive saddle I had on the market for YEARS! ...Also during the incubation I received free help to finish my overdue 2014 federal taxes. My rescuer recalculated my medical and business expenses after I found additional documentation. This reduced the amount I owed by $2000! ...The daily energy healing that she customizes to address what we need is such a wonderful experience. I cannot recall ANY time in my life when I had someone giving support EVERY DAY. It is emotionally very reassuring.”

~ Susan Rifkin, Pennsylvania, USA; Healing Touch for Animals, Certified Practitioner, science writer, MENSA

We received a TOP DOLLAR offer on my house for sale: $295,000!

“9/8/16: We received a TOP DOLLAR offer on my house for sale: $295,000 in cash with no realtor, no inspections and a 30 day contract. Unbelievable!!!!”

~ Mona Somers; Redding, California U.S.A.

Unbelievable, I received $2,000 from an estranged family member!

“Yet most of all, the greatest gift I received was the ease of a very heavy depression and a return to feeling hope of feeling much better soon one day… 9/11/16: Unbelievable, I received $2,000 from an estranged family member whom I haven’t been in contact with in years!!! Simply amazing!”

~ Caitlin Wolf; Nanaimo, Canada

During the past month there have been some unexpected things that have happened.

“During the past month there have been some unexpected things that have happened. I was chosen to receive 2 coaching and healing sessions for free ($300) from a different healer and also 2 coaching sessions and a technique to practice that can help people with past trauma from another coach for free ($300).”

~ Kelly Vran; Cumming, GA U.S.A.

I am getting viable ideas about businesses I can start!

“The program really started to kick in the last few days. I was doing creative projects I had been putting off. I made an inquiry about coordinating a local event, something I would have talked myself out of before. I contacted the hospital about a bill, and they are going to handle it for me ($1,500). I am getting viable ideas about businesses I can start.”

~ Anita; Tennessee, U.S.A.

My hair is getting back to it natural colour!

“I participated in Simone Valentine's The Abundance Program, and WOW, I am noticing my hair is getting back to its natural colour!!!”

~ Simona Mauro; Milan, Italy

I was floored! I feel extremely grateful!

“During your awesome program, I received a massage therapy session as a gift from a friend. (Monetary value of $65) I can't wait to go! It has been a couple years since I had a massage and I definitely need it! Then, just today, a complete stranger paid for my lunch! (Monetary value of $10). I was floored! I feel extremely grateful.”

~ Anne Bennett; Powell, Wyoming U.S.A.

The money always showed up!

“Every night when Simone was sending us energy transmissions I could feel the energy moving in my third eye. Her energy transmissions helped make me change my thoughts toward letting abundance into my life…Not long after our journey started I notice that more people were coming up talking to me and it included people that I did not know that well. We were laughing and having a great time. When I was short on cash the money always showed up to take care of the need. I notice more inner peace which let me know that energy was shifting.”

~ Bobby Everett; Jackson, Mississippi U.S.A.


Two energetic encoded MP3s to further immerse you in the incubation of Abundance

Value: $200

Format: MP3


Running Time: 5 Minutes

enjoys sunny morning“Daytime” anchors you in the vibration of gratitude. Gratitude is crucial to your consciousness that keeps you in an awareness of oneness with the divine flow of the Universe. When we first begin in The Abundance Incubator, you may not be able to think of much to be grateful for, and that is just fine because all is needed is your willingness to be grateful. Through powerful affirmative prayer, “Daytime” will raise your frequency so you can cultivate a permanent attitude of gratitude. This track has no music, just voice. For full incubation, listen to “Daytime” soon after you wake up for all 22 days.

Format: MP3


Running Time: 6 Minutes, 50 Seconds

nighttime“Nighttime” will send you off into your sleep cycle breathing in liquid gold light – the vibration of gold being of prosperity and healing. “Nighttime” is designed to impregnate your subconscious mind with an awareness of the abundance ever-present and all around us, so much so that literally we breathe it in. This track has music and voice. For full incubation, listen to “Nighttime” as you go to bed for all 22 days. You can fall asleep while listening to “Nighttime” and play it in a loop if you wish, so long as the volume doesn’t disturb your sleep cycle.

Such beauty and powerful truths!

“Hello Sweet Simone!!! I just have to tell you how gorgeous your Invocations/Prayers are!!! They are written and spoken with such beauty and very powerful truths!! ...I have been feeling more uplifted, hopeful and abundant since I've started the Incubator. I believe that the energies are shifting in me and therefore shifting my family members as well. There seems to be less stress and negativity & more cohesiveness and joy in our family unit. There is a noticeable change in the energy! Your messages and clearings are powerful and will continue to propel me in the knowing that I AM Abundance!”

~ Kelly Vran; Cumming, GA U.S.A.


Four Live Group Coaching Calls

Value: $88

Format: Teleconference calls via Instant Teleseminar

Running Time: 60 minutes each x 4 calls

All members in The Abundance Incubator will receive on the Thursday preceding our group coaching call an email with the dial in, passcode, and website URL information for you join the call that coming weekend.

All calls will be recorded so you can refer back to the replay if you miss the live call meeting.

Our live group coaching calls will occur at 11am Pacific time (Los Angeles, California U.S.A.) on the following dates:

  • 1

    Sunday, January 8, 2017:

    Day 1 of The Abundance Incubator journey – Kick off and Q&A Call with heart opening and strengthening process

  • 2

    Saturday, January 14, 2017:

    Day 7 of The Abundance Incubator journey – Forgiveness process to release old grudges and resentment allowing more space for abundance

  • 3

    Saturday, January 21, 2017:

    Day 14 of The Abundance Incubator journey – Release process to heal family of origin and ancestral karma around money and abundance

  • 4

    Saturday, January 28, 2017:

    Day 21 of The Abundance Incubator journey – Share, Celebrate and Q&A Call, completion of the Abundance Incubator journey, surrendering all to Source for continued healing into the beyond


Private Facebook Group

As we go through the 22 day journey together, there will be a private Facebook group to provide a safe and supportive forum to connect with one another and share our progress and breakthroughs, as well as reach out to me with questions you may have.


Two bonus MP3s

Bonus 1: “Open Your 3rd Eye”

Value: $50

Format: MP3

Running Time: 6 Minutes, 30 Seconds

In a safe and protected space that your Higher Self and Light Team provide, you use this audio to assist you with opening up your Third Eye Channel, so that you may receive the invaluable benefit of catching Source’s vision for your life. An abundance of vision leads to an abundance of clarity and creativity that creates financial abundance. Open your clairvoyance and clairaudience and have fun!

Bonus 2: Energy Healing and Q&A Group Call recording

Value: $22

Format: MP3

Running Time: 70 Minutes, 18 Seconds

Recorded in August of 2016, this contains energetic downloads for an abundance infinity healing!

The Joy Button - MP3

Running time: 8 minutes, 42 seconds

So many of us live on the "If _____, then ________ " Plan. For example, we think "If this circumstance works out, then I will be happy," or, "If I get this thing, then I will feel joyful."

Allow this tool, The Joy Button MP3, to assist you with feeling joyful right now! Use this energy healing audio to feel and integrate the energy of True Source joy into your Auric field thereby raising your vibration, resetting the cellular memory and installing a greater level of JOY for you to experience to your Highest and Best Good.

As you raise your vibration, you also raise your point of attraction. So, get off the If ____, then ____ Plan, and be happy now!

Package A

Total Package Value $1,724

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 93% Saving ***

Sold Out

No refunds after Sunday, January 8, 2017.

Package B

Includes Everything In Package A Plus


A 30 minute individual private phone or Skype audio session with Simone Valentine

Value: $128

In this powerful private session, we will go deep into the individual issues you are struggling with most to release, clear and dissolve with your Higher Self and Light Team. It will be a deep dive into you, just for you. Please prepare beforehand your priority list as the session is 30 minutes in length. And please have water, pen and paper ready! Due to the deep clearings that are done in these individual sessions they are not recorded as to avoid possibly retriggering the issue(s) back into your field.

We will conduct our session by telephone if you reside in the United States, and by Skype audio if you reside outside of the United States. I am based in the Pacific time zone, and my online calendar (TimeTrade) will provide open available time slots in your corresponding time zone.

No refunds after Sunday, January 8, 2017 or if your private 1:1 session has been availed, whichever comes first.

Package B

Total Package Value $1,852

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 90% Saving ***

Sold Out

For Package B, your personal session must be used within 3 months of the purchase date.


Cash payment for something had on sale for YEARS! Positive changes in money, mindset, social life and energy

“I began The Abundance Incubator program with an abundant use of tissues, as I described the chasm between my goals and my reality. Every facet of my life had a deficit: money, energy, health, friendship, romance. By the end of the 21 days of Abundance Incubation, I had positive changes in my money, also my mindset, social life and energy. My former reality was that I assertively, but unsuccessfully, requested fair payment. Simone's explanation of Divine Compensation allowed me to confidently and gratefully anticipate RECEIVING. Simone offers a generous amount of caring and common sense. When I described buying discount cat food and litter, she helped me see it as manifesting the $100 I saved. Just a few short days after Simone had told me to put my request for a buyer into the Abundance Incubator, a friend gave me a $200 cash down payment towards an expensive saddle I had on the market for YEARS! Wow, I had almost given up hope of ever selling it. Now my friend and I will work out a monthly payment plan for the remaining $1,000 balance.

And, for the first time on my life, a friend OFFERED to loan ME money. I used to be the one in my circle of friends who would loan out money. But here was an opportunity for me to receive instead. What a huge shift in energy! Also during the incubation I received free help to finish my overdue 2014 federal taxes. My rescuer recalculated my medical and business expenses after I found additional documentation. This reduced the amount I owed by $2000! And this was the first time since my 2003 divorce that, instead of crying about the year’s challenges, I stayed calm and focused while assembling my financial data.

I aspire to follow Henry David Thoreau’s advice to 'go confidently in the direction of your dreams.' But sometimes we desperately need to know someone 'has our back.' 'The Abundance Incubator' is aptly named. Simone Valentine delivers consistent SUPPORT and PROTECTION and NURTURING. I expect that for many people, like me, this is a totally new experience. Thanks to the incubation, Simone’s Daytime and Nighttime recordings enveloped each day. Daily emails described her energy healing for us and our 'homeplay' assignments. The daily energy healing that she customizes to address what we need is such a wonderful experience. I cannot recall ANY time in my life when I had someone giving support EVERY DAY. It is emotionally very reassuring. Thanks Simone!

Working with Simone is a long lasting and valuable gift. The emotional shifts are rewarding and priceless. Your increase in abundance of all types can easily compensate for your modest investment in time and money.”

~ Susan Rifkin, Pennsylvania, USA; Healing Touch for Animals, Certified Practitioner, science writer, MENSA

Was moved into action and received TOP Dollar cash offer on house!

“Wow…I'm not sure where to start. The first day of our 21 days process [8-10-16] we drove up to Idaho where we have 2 rentals and have never lived. We have always said that some day we might move there and live in one of the rentals. We had actually put one of the rentals up for sale 2 weeks before we arrived there on vacation. While there we looked around at properties for sale and came home talking again about the fact we would like to move there some day. My husband has been at his job for 30 years and me at one of my jobs for 14 years the other 5.5 years. We never thought we would move at our age until maybe retirement. Within 2 weeks of being back home we put our little mountain house up for sale, looking at selling our main home after the first of the year and then actually moving to Idaho in March or April 2017. I'm shocked my steadfast husband that doesn't like change wants to move now. It was like a light switch flipped on for us both. We will be leaving our kids, grandkids, and parents behind but the way this is going and how fast things are moving forward, it just feels like it's meant to be. I'm scared and nervous especially thinking about new careers with 8-10 years to retire, it's also exciting at the same time!

9/8/16: We received a TOP DOLLAR offer on my house for sale: $295,000 in cash with no realtor, no inspections and a 30 day contract. Unbelievable!!!! I'll let you know how this progresses. And THANK YOU Simone!”

~ Mona Somers; Redding, California U.S.A.

Depression left, new friends and community entered, and received $2,000!

“It is a challenge to put into words what the 21 day journey with Simone has meant to me: the focus on abundance. During the program a trickle of friends entered into my life and visiting with neighbors allowed in feelings of friendship and connectedness whereas before I had been living my life very much alone. And sources of money appeared to help pay the bills, including me facilitating a group tarot reading—Yes!!! Thank you!!! Yet most of all, the greatest gift I received was the ease of a very heavy depression and a return to feeling hope of feeling much better soon one day. I also gained the courage to move forward with a wonderful volunteer position that before I was afraid to move forward with, as well as the courage to show myself to the world again. I also received the return of dreams during my sleep cycle. I know now the flow abundance is present and life will continue to flow. Thank you Simone, that journey was amazing! I am excited to see what more comes in the flow of abundance!

9/11/16: Unbelievable, I received $2,000 from an estranged family member whom I haven’t been in contact with in years!!! Simply amazing!”

~ Caitlin Wolf; Nanaimo, Canada

Received free energy healing sessions and feeling more supported than ever!

“Before the start of the Abundance Incubator, I wasn’t sleeping very well and I was quite worried about our finances, because my son had a freak accident and had major trauma to his two front teeth at the end of June. The cost of fixing his teeth is about $12,000. At the beginning, I was sleeping longer hours and felt quite sluggish. However, after about the first week I began to sleep much better and felt that the energy was clearing and healing! I just want to tell you that I have been feeling more uplifted, hopeful and abundant since I've started the Incubator. I believe that the energies are shifting in me and therefore shifting my family members as well. There seems to be less stress and negativity & more cohesiveness and joy in our family unit. There is a noticeable change in the energy! Simone’s messages and clearings are powerful and will continue to propel me in the knowing that I AM Abundance! I'm looking forward to the "unexpected abundance" as it is truly always here. By being mindful and practicing gratitude every day, I am feeling less worry and anxiety about how we will pay for my son’s teeth. I am focusing now on the abundance that I have and being grateful for it. During the past month there have been some unexpected things that have happened. I was chosen to receive 2 coaching and healing sessions for free ($300) from a different healer and also 2 coaching sessions and a technique to practice that can help people with past trauma from another coach for free ($300). I also did very well the last two weeks when I shopped for groceries—I saved $96 and $125 on my weekly order by buying sale items, using digital coupons, and regular coupons! My brother gave me a beautiful Proof Silver Dollar ($30) that I was admiring and also gave me a rock that had gold in it. My parents have taken me out to lunch 3 times in the past 2 weeks which is unusual. My friend did an angel reading for me for free ($25). What’s really been amazing is the amount of support I am receiving from friends, family and people I’ve never met. I’m feeling blessed and abundant! I would highly recommend working with Simone!!”

~ Kelly Vran; Cumming, GA U.S.A.

Moved out of procrastination into action and cleared a $1,500 hospital bill!

“8-10-16: I started a 21 day program I received from Eram Saeed's ("From Heartache to Joy") Backstage Pass. The program was geared toward abundance. Simone Valentine was offering it. She is calling the program "Abundance Incubator." Abundance to me encompasses my whole being, financial, relationships, health, and spiritual. During the 1st week, I noticed some physical things, my knees hurt, aches and pains, here and there.

8-18-16: One of my friends bought a salad for me ($3.00) and made me dinner ($10.00).

08-23-16: I cleaned some areas of my house, where it had needed it for a while. Then I read the clearing for the day – It was about CLEARING OUT CLUTTER! !!!

08-25-16: I found a portable phone charger on sale for $5.00 instead of the normal $10.00.

08-29-16: I listened to a webinar, and the speaker was talking about "circulating your money" to bring in more. Then I read the email from the night before about the clearings, and Simone had expressed similar thoughts about "circulating your money"!!!

08-30-16 and on: The program really started to kick in the last few days. I was doing creative projects I had been putting off. I made an inquiry about coordinating a local event, something I would have talked myself out of before. I contacted the hospital about a bill, and they are going to handle it for me ($1,500). I am getting viable ideas about businesses I can start. I will definitely recommend Simone Valentine's "Abundance Incubator" program. I'm going to gift it as soon as possible. I've had some monetary shifts, gifts have come to me, and I'm getting mind shifts: doing things I would ordinarily avoid, taking care of things I have needed to, clearing clutter. Simone is very connected to her guides. I was working on things before I even knew what clearings had been done. I was very impressed by the day to day clearings, THEY COVER EVERYTHING!!! I was impressed by how tuned in Simone is.”

~ Anita; Tennessee, U.S.A

Gray hair recolored itself!

I participated in Simone Valentine's The Abundance Program, and WOW, I am noticing my hair is getting back to its natural colour!!! And I'm not talking about the root of the hair, I'm saying the entire part of the hair that got grey is recolouring itself! It's like re-filling the hair with the natural colour! What a completely unexpected, but welcome miracle!!! Thanks Simone.”

~ Simona Mauro; Milan, Italy

A difficult month improved drastically, and received gifts of a massage and lunch!

“Hi Simone, I just want to thank you for all the wonderful clearings!! In the past, I have struggled with not feeling good enough and with not being able to receive in general. I so appreciate all the deep and powerful work you have offered! What started out as a difficult month, has improved drastically. I am feeling much lighter and more grounded now. During your awesome program, I received a massage therapy session as a gift from a friend. (Monetary value of $65) I can't wait to go! It has been a couple years since I had a massage and I definitely need it! Then, just today, a complete stranger paid for my lunch! (Monetary value of $10). I was floored! I feel extremely grateful. I can't wait to see what beautiful gifts will show up next! I would highly recommend your program to anyone interested in deep and powerful clearings around abundance. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this. With much love and gratitude.”

~ Anne Bennett; Powell, Wyoming U.S.A.

More inner peace, and friends and money just showed up!

“I was fortunate to take part in Simone Valentine’s backstage pass of her 21-day Abundance Incubator program. It is all about bringing abundance into all areas of your life. I have always felt like I had blockages in moving forward in abundance. Every night when Simone was sending us energy transmissions I could feel the energy moving in my third eye. Her energy transmissions helped make me change my thoughts toward letting abundance into my life. I followed her instructions and listen to her Mp3s. One of the abundance areas I was working on were more friends and having fun together. Not long after our journey started I notice that more people were coming up talking to me and it included people that I did not know that well. We were laughing and having a great time. When I was short on cash the money always showed up to take care of the need. I notice more inner peace which let me know that energy was shifting. The key is to stay open and it will come. Some of my goals were larger things and I feel they will be coming but they will take a little time so I cannot wait to see what else is coming. Every morning we were ask to say what we were grateful for and I am so grateful for Simone and for her letting me take part in her Abundance Incubator program. Folks this does work and I look forward to more abundance coming to me. Just remain open!”

~ Bobby Everett; Jackson, Mississippi U.S.A.

Money blessings abound!

“[Regarding the Abundance Incubator Program] “Just a thank you. I have received in monetary terms:

  • One shoulder treatment for free exchange value $60.00
  • Reverse Loan to live on (applied a while ago)
  • 3 Azaleas for the garden reduced down to $2 each
  • Money to repay me taking someone to the airport and return
  • 3 Coffee’s $11.50
  • 3 reduced price BBQ chickens (which I gave to friend with 6 kids and 2 homeless boys staying at her place.
  • A delightful social belly laugh with two friends ! (more valuable than money)
  • A person who cut a bush down for me as I don’t have the strength or dexterity to do it myself.
  • Some reduced giblets and hearts for my dog ( down to $1 per pkt from $2.50 )

So blessings abound!!!! I am writing something up for a holistic practitioner from scratch so that his innovative treatment for pain can be used to help people. It has given me a little joy to use my skill and I am hopefully optimistic that whatever happens will be for the highest good.”

~ Sue John; Port Stephens, Australia

Calmer and more trusting, opened up to receiving more money, love and support

“Dear Simone, Thank you for picking me for the 21 days abundance healing backstage pass. Thank you for all the clearing you did related to abundance and personal self-worth. At first I felt a resistance while doing the MP3s day & night. My mind was saying ‘what will change’? I didn’t notice any improvement at first, but later I felt & noticed that I was calmer, less anxious, trusting, I became more daring, less shy …..…..then small events started showing up in my life:

  • Meeting like-minded people
  • Getting good prices for stuff I thought I couldn’t afford buying
  • Receiving and accepting invitations or small gestures of help and offerings from people around me (my ego used to reject)

I am & will be consciously open in the future to more generosity and opportunities from the Universe. Thank You dear Simone for your heart work & dedication. Blessings.”

~ Nasra; Beirut, Lebanon

Release and rebalance; greater empowerment

Matt“I Love Simone’s work. She was able to communicate direct with my Higher Self and ManTarA to get accurate information on why my body was manifesting certain unpleasant conditions, and more importantly she was able to direct the process of release and rebalance so that those conditions naturally cleared up very quickly, yay. Then she went further with the communication and asked ManTarA, what else would else could be done to serve me. The resulting facilitation has left me in a far more empowered place to do my work and be my Light. Thank You Simone, you are a beautiful gift. I whole heartedly endorse Simone’s work, and have no hesitation in encouraging everyone, who feels drawn to it, to invest in it.”

~ Matt Andrews, New Zealand, Facilitator of Transformation and Channel for ManTarA

Shift easily and gently

Robin“I am so appreciative of my session with Simone. She worked on me during a super busy time that left my body feeling overwhelmed. It was so wonderful to have that time with Simone as she was able to bring me into a state of relaxation and peace allowing my body to rest. The whole session was beautiful. I could feel Simone's loving energy as she did sweeping clearings and guided my body into a state of calm. I could literally feel my cells relaxing! I highly recommend her work if you are looking to shift things easily and gently.”

~ Robin Chellis, Washington U.S.A.
Light Alchemist, Soul Transformation Guide and Spiritual Mentor

Peace, clarity, releasing of blocked energy; insightful messages that helped give more focus

Annett-r“My session was Simone was exactly what I needed and brought me a great deal of peace, clarity and releasing of blocked energy! The messages channeled from my Higher Self we're very insightful, accurate, and helped to give me more focus on where I'm heading. She helped me release the cords connected to people and events from my past so that I'm able to fully move forward in my power living my purpose! She helped me get grounded in my new place that I recently relocated to and open to more receptivity to the all the positive change, freedom, and adventure that is in store for me! Thank you Simone!!”

~ Annett Schneider, Canada, Angel & Masters Channel / Intuitive, Reiki Master, Life Transformation Coach

Permanent shifts and body-shaking clearing leading into greater awareness

“It has been a few days since my session with Simone Valentine. I especially loved the clearings we did. I had a block around feeling safe that was keeping me from taking the next step with my work. She cleared it away. I felt it leave. It has not come back. Simone also helped me clear an even bigger block. It was such a big block that my body shook for a moment as it released. I felt radically different afterwards and still do. I've noticed as a result a difference in how I am relating with people (and how they are responding to me), and also my intuition around relating. I have a deeper awareness now of the subtle energy interaction that underlies spoken word. I'm very happy with the results of the clearings, and how easily/quickly it happened as Simone worked with me. I plan to have another clearing session sometime in the future.”

~ Linda White Dove, M. Ed., Massachusetts USA
RMT, Awakening Facilitator

New job, more money, happy and more connected, manifesting more easily!

“Simone Valentine! She is really something else!! I already bought her package of course and will soon enjoy another session with her! Cant wait! I was so lucky to have a session already with her last year and it was absolutely amazing! I have never felt so strong energy working in my body. It was really intense, I got tears and laughters and lots of release and answers. What I liked a lot is that Simone is quick and work fast and we could get lots done, she is also right to the point without lots of talk and questions. I would recommend her to everyone who wants things to really change for the better in life.

Since then I got a good full time job, more money, started to clean out clutter at home, and I am more happy and more connected to myself and more grounded and I also feel that my ability to manifest the things I need and want, is improving day by day....... Thank you so much Simone for all your lovely work and for being so loving and caring, you really made me feel special and seen by you during our session and even after, and that means a lot! Much love.”

~ Marie Bergeås, Sweden

Receiving more: Higher Self messages, abundance and career movement possibilities

“Thank you so much for the session. I am feeling considerably better—doubt is gone, my energy level is up. I am saying yes to opportunities to play (board games with my family, roller skating with my son and friends) instead of sitting out. The day of the session I received a check in the mail that covered my son's school tuition (which I dearly needed). It even feels better to be in my office space. And I am receiving more messages from my higher self – that I know are from my higher self in a variety of ways. Something someone says, quotes or parts of email I receive, etc. I think that your MP3s and session are the same. Exactly what I needed at just the right time…The week after I spoke with you my interns were helping me advertise for 4 different programs almost all of which filled in the first few hours registrations open. That is the fastest they have ever filled and sometimes they did not. Anyway, what you did works…[And] there are now three job possibilities!

~ Jeani Bragg, Oregon

New Projects and Contracts Opened Up

“Since our session, Simone, I've been invited to play in two different, new projects and offered a contract for two pretty well-paid concerts in Tanzania in the spring. So exciting! I love working with the MP3s. They feel great…[2 days later] Had a wonderful concert tonight. Used some of the techniques from the mp3s just before going onstage to get centered and flowing.”

~ Betty Rojas, Paris, France

Increased sales and an award: Life has been absolutely magical

“I have worked with more healers than I would like to admit and I am grateful for everyone of them…however, I chose to purchase Simone Valentine's package B, with a private session and she nailed it…Thank you again Simone, my life has definitely shifted 360 degrees since our session, a very big heartfelt thank you!!!...I am absolutely blown away by how quickly my life has shifted!...My day today was beyond amazing. I had 2 sales, spoke with more decision makers than ever before and felt very much in the groove! Again, a very big thank you!...Another beyond amazing day, I won an award, brought in $1,000 worth of sales and am talking with more decision makers than ever...

~ Lori Biehler

Unprecedented clearings; amazing specific message from my Higher Self

“I have spent the last few years going to numerous healers and NEVER gotten the type of clearing Simone was able to do on me. It was amazing how quickly and accurately she was able to pinpoint the major blocks in my life. And she was able to share some really great tools I will be able to use. Then if it couldn't get any better she delivered a message from my higher self that made reference to only something I would understand. Did I say she was amazing?!! And last night had an aching in my back, like I had been lifting something heavy or carrying around my grandson (lol), but couldn't remember lifting anything. This morning it dawned on me - Simone had cleared all the garbage I had been hauling around all these years. My overall experience with my session is that Simone is truly a remarkable and gifted healer. Many Thanks and Much Gratitude.”

~ Terrie Jameson

Stopped feeling sick, sad, lonely, and tired….able to recall dreams for the first time in decades

“I was so impressed with Simone Valentine, thanks to the BackStage Pass, that I enrolled in her H.E.A.R.T. program and have had my 1:1 session. My appointment with Simone Valentine improved my life both awake and asleep.

First she released recent trauma from my cellular memory. She accurately described the Gatekeeper of my subconscious, who needed to grant permission for access.

I felt a vibration surrounding my body, pulsating toward and away from me. And I sensed a soft pink, clear yellow and opalescent white healing light. I had deep yawns that vibrated like an animal’s shivering, that is believed to reset their neurology after trauma.

Then Simone focused on the physical, emotional and spiritual issues of my heart and throat. As she connected my Root Chakra to Mother Earth, my sleeping cat stirred and the electricity briefly flashed off.

Gentle pressure at the front of my head developed then dissipated, and very gentle energy flowed over me. I felt cooler after Simone cleared the front and back of my heart and throat chakras.

Pressure at the back of my head gently increased then decreased. Calm and powerful dark purple, midnight blue and dark red light flowed in through my crown chakra.

I stopped feeling sick, sad, lonely, and tired. I am grateful to be relieved of the dull fog that enveloped me. My most exciting change is that for the first time in decades, I am able to have and recall dreams. I believe this is evidence my brain is functioning better. And when I need to get something done, it is easier and the people are more friendly and helpful.

About a week later, my Shopping Angel found me a 50 cent bargain sweater, in the same colors as the healing light for my heart and throat.”

~ Susan Rifkin, Pennsylvania, USA; Healing Touch for Animals, Certified Practitioner, science writer, MENSA

Clear and profound insights from my Higher Self that set me free

“Dear Simone, thank you so much for such an awesome, deep clearance Sunday. It was profound. I was in another world the next couple of days and had some great insights. One was the instruction from my Higher Self to stop chasing after money that is gone and, instead, put that energy into generating a new, dynamic, sustainable income. I also felt like I have finally been released from the energetic prison I've been in my whole life...even longer. I even had the sense of finally emerging out of a chrysalis. Needless to say, it was a life-changing experience. Thank you so much!”

~ Helen Praria

Feeling stronger and whole; each day the changes become further ingrained

“I wanted to share about my experience with Simone. Not only is Simone kind and great at making a safe space to work with her, but she produces fantastic results. We worked on clearing beliefs I picked up while in the womb. I feel so different from the work, and each day it seems like the changes become further ingrained and noticeable. I am more calm and accepting of myself. I am less reactive to situations. I am much more comfortable with the idea of being seen. I feel stronger and more whole. Truly an amazing experience!”

~ Anastasia Kile

Intense clearing around family and generational patterns

“WOW!!!!! No words to describe how amazingly powerful my session with Simone Valentine was. We covered so much and I released so much and couldn't stop laughing to myself during the session!!! At one point she was working on my solar plexus chakra and I had an image of a little version of me spinning round in the chakra going "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and waving to my bigger self, My little self was having so much fun spinning in my yellow light, it was so funny. Also felt a lot of clearing, well on everything but intensely when she cleared my family/generation patterns. Still feeling happy and light headed so not sure if any of this is making sense! But seriously, you have to do a session with Simone. She is amazing!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Simone for being you!! Xoxoxo xoxoxoxox”

~ Jodie Park, Perth, Australia

Early life cord cutting was so powerful and freeing

“Just had an amazing private session with Simone Valentine, it was one of the most beautiful & uplifting energy sessions. She is a very gifted healer. My new "Dr of Energy" - my body, mind & spirit feels refreshed & renewed. The cord cutting work on my early life was so powerful & freeing, truly making space for ME & the go forward direction we so passionately discussed. Not to mention the physical healing energy was incredible. Thank you so much! Highly Recommended!”

~ Rhonda Hennessey, Canada

Life Purpose path confirmed

“I just had my one on one session with Simone Valentine and it was beautiful. I truly connected with her and she confirmed my path for me. I am on my path and it is so great to be here. I am safe, worthy and love me and have been able to manifest abundance in work and in my life. My Higher Self confirmed many situations through Simone. She really connected with my Light Team and HS and was able to help me bring in new love into my life. I am ready for the next steps. Simone you are wonderful! Thank you and bless you. I can't wait for the classes to start.”

~ Sandhya Srivastava, New Hampshire, USA

Opened my receptivity up to a wonderful new job with a raise after just one month!

“I was in a toxic work environment and my health was suffering big time, and I went to see Simone, who is an amazing person I greatly believe in. The core breakthrough I received from my sessions with her was how to infuse more self love into my energy field to assist with trusting myself more to make the best, most loving choices for myself. This reduced anxiety I was feeling and opened me up to receive a wonderful opportunity. I am ecstatic now because I got a new job that I love, and I even got a raise after just one month! Thank you for your guidance, Simone!”

~ Caren Stumpf, Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

Unexpected gifts and money!

“…I have to say I experienced sort of a money miracle. I told my mother to deposit some money I had saved into my bank account and she told me she would add an extra $20 and then some more when she got her check next month. My sister also bought me a set of earbuds that I so needed to listen to my meditations. I am open to receive more miracles in the form of unexpected gifts and money!”

~ Luis Burgos

Re-experiencing my spiritual gifts at an accelerated rate

“I didn't know what to expect, but was open to the possibility of undoing years of spiritual blockage. Why not, ey?? Well, I was not only spiritually unblocked, in addition, I have had the added surprise of re-experiencing my spiritual gifts at an accelerated rate. Thank you for being willing and, having the courage to do the ‘work’!”

~ A. Abel-Garvey, Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

Intuition Increased

“I was moved to purchase Simone's package after Eram introduced her to the telesummit community and during our private session, boy was I moved! The clearing that I experienced had my entire body vibrating. Since then I am far more intuitive and heart-centered. I live more in the awareness that we are divinely connected. Thank you Simone.”

~ Collette Y. Loy, Trinidad and Tobago

An unexpected miracle!

“I had the privilege of a session with Simone Valentine. She's very friendly, personable, and easy-to-talk-to. But underneath all that charm is a highly intuitive and gifted healer. With just a few words from me, she had a message from my Higher Self about issues with my Mom and brother, details of which I hadn't spoken about. She was totally accurate in everything she related. Just hearing her words broke open a flood of tears, which opened my heart, healing the guilt I'd felt about my Mom's death.

My homework was about forgiving my brother. I felt at peace when I went to bed, but started blaming him again the next day. So more homework for me.... And lo and behold, my brother responded to an email I'd sent him last week -- and it wasn't nasty and blaming! Indeed, an unexpected miracle!

Thank you, Simone. I was drawn to your work. And now, I'm looking forward to a peaceful relationship with my brother. Blessings to you.”

~ Tina Gilbert, Jamaica

Beyond words, neither reiki, quantum touch, qi gong have brought to me the kind of sensation I had with you – I was feeling completely at peace, full of confidence and light

“I had a mind blowing session with Simone Valentine last Saturday. I deeply appreciate every minute you spent with me Simone, it was amazing. I am very sensitive to energies and felt like never before! Neither reiki, quantum touch, qi gong have brought to me the kind of sensation I had with you. I had never felt my chakras being aligned and I really felt them moving to the center. After your clearings and alignments I was feeling completely at peace, full of confidence and full of light, it was beyond words. I am putting in practice the processes to fortify me since tomorrow will be a big day for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Much love and many blessings.”

~ Sylvie Angel Blessings, Portugal

Unencumbered from past relationship, freedom to move forward

“Today I had the pleasure and privilege to work with Simone Valentine. She is clearly a very gifted and dedicated healer. Sometimes in life we have areas that we need answers to, but we are too close to see them. There is nothing worse than thinking you are over someone and continually being reminded by their memory and not knowing why this is continuing and not being able to fully move forward. Understanding the process of why this is happening and then being able to actively complete the cycle is a very empowering process. Today she helped ME find the key to unlock my future to peace and freedom from my past, so that I may move forward into a bright new beginning as an unencumbered soul.

~ Michelle Lea, Vancouver, Canada

Heart chakra and grief clearing leading to excited and energized feelings

“I recently had a session with Simone Valentine. She is a beautiful soul and she is gentle and compassionate. She worked with me on a long-standing health issue and did some heart chakra and grief clearing which was contributing to my health challenge. She also cleared some limiting beliefs that contribute to this. I felt lighter and more at peace. She also checked on a plan for the next steps in my life and got a resounding Yes! I’m so glad. Thank you Simone for your kindness and support. I am excited and energized in a way I haven't been in a long time. I feel as if I am finally letting go of all that has weighed me down.

~ Carla Nimmo, Indiana U.S.A.

Finally a breakthrough!

“I had a wonderful session with Simone Valentine. She was able to pinpoint an area that I have been having problems with for a long time. We worked and worked on the issue until it was resolved! I even have an additional technique to work with at home to make sure that I stay cleared. We were both cheering at the end of the session! Finally a breakthrough! Thank you so much, Simone.”

~ Dana W., Florida U.S.A.

Plugged energy leaks to provide for even greater financial prosperity

“I am a business owner and blogger, and I rely on my creativity and resourcefulness to make things happen for my clients, which in turn allows a wonderful inflow of prosperity. My problem was retention of that prosperity. Working with Simone, rapidly she could identify and clear the "energy leaks" that subconsciously were depleting my money supply. She assisted me with setting healthier barriers, learning how to say "No," and she provided practical steps for me to implement to plug the holes and allow me to grow my earnings, creating even greater prosperity for myself. Thank you Simone!”

~ Derrick Johnson, Designer and Organizer; Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

Guilt vibrations cleared and I have more energy and presence for my clients and commitments

“Simone is a beautifully clear channel who can tap in with the Truth of your Soul and bring you messages of comfort, support, encouragement and love that will confirm and augment confidence in yourself. I'm a licensed spiritual practitioner and my calling is to be of service to others. Sometimes this results into overextending my time and commitments. Simone helped me clear low vibrations of guilt I was experiencing about taking time out just for me and provided tools I use daily now to infuse more Self Love into my daily prayer and meditation practice. I am able to then to be more energetic and present for my clients and spiritual community, and more self aware of myself. I'm so grateful!”

~ Willard Williams, Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner; Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

Gives tangible steps to take that can be put into action immediately

“Simone's guidance has been invaluable! The clarity she brings through is abundant. She gives tangible steps to take that can be put into action immediately and there is no doubt whatsoever of which direction to go in. I tell everyone I meet about you. Thank you so much!”

~ Taryn W., Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

I could feel a huge shift in my heart; I am feeling happy and more confident

“I had an awesome session with Simone few days ago. It was so amazing, I could feel huge shift in my heart. She gave me some work to continue, which I did and I am feeling so much better. I feel lighter and am looking forward to more, especially around my shoulders and head. I recommend her to all. Thank u Simone. I really loved working with you. I could immediately feel the energies moving and I am feeling happy and also more confident about my decision in my life. Earlier I knew I was doing right, but sometimes felt low. Thank you so much Simone. You are wonderful. I am feeling so much better.”

~ KS Singh, India

Amazing restful healing sleep

“Sunday Evening I was Divinely Blessed with a Back Stage Pass for Simone Valentine. She is a beautiful inviting soul who immediately uncovered an unconscious belief system and wound that was not only timely, it was the missing piece of my life puzzle to radiate my light fully out into the world. With ease, clarity and love Simone continued with a keen sense of intuition for what my soul had been yearning for so long. Her processes are powerful and feels totally aligned with my highest good. I had an amazing restful yet healing sleep awaking to a much brighter future moving forward. Thank you so much my new friend for sharing your wonderful gifts, talents and so much more with me... Blessings with All My Love. xxx”

~ Colleen Chanel

My feet chakras were opened for the first time in as long as I can remember; [Days later] I’m still experiencing shifts!

“I had a session with Simone this past Sunday. Things lined up perfectly, it was everything I needed at the exact right moment. She is such a kind caring soul, I could feel her positive energy immediately once we were on Skype. Since I had some time from winning the backstage pass to the actual session, I was able to make some notes of things I wanted to address. She listened patiently and was so encouraging. I was looking for guidance in pretty much every aspect of my life. Not only did I get some life changing words of wisdom from my higher self, but the clearing that happened was truly incredible. My feet chakras were opened for the first time in as long as I can remember. Tons of old limiting beliefs were stripped away. I have never felt so alive and at peace. [Days later] I'm still amazed at the depth of her sessions. Truly remarkable! I'm still experiencing shifts! Bless you Simone Valentine.”

~ Ally Sorochuk, Canada

Higher Self tools are profound

"Dear Simone,
Thanks so much again for the session. So much appreciated. You practically cleared everything that there was to clear and the higher-self tools are profound. You emitted a very warm and trusting energetic atmosphere filled with knowing. I can say that if anyone works with you that they are in the hands of a very gifted healer, warm and on point. You rock!"

~ Nwebo Niermann, London; United Kingdom

Zero in on main issues and zap them, just like that! Bam!

"Beautiful session with Simone Valentine. She is one of a kind. In a very supporting and soothing manner, she helps you zero in on your main issues and zap them, just like that! Bam! I can't wait for her to be on the show (From Heartache to Joy), get ready for some amazing work. Infinite thanks to you Simone!"

~ R.T., New York, New York U.S.A.

Greater awareness of myself and knowledge about the workings of the universe and life

"I had an amazing appointment with Simone Valentine. She was very prompt and professional, yet at the same time made me feel like we were friends. Her gifts are like nothing I have ever experienced and I came away with new knowledge about myself and about the universe and how life works. I'm not sure you could even put a dollar value on what she does. She herself is a gift and I look forward to a continuing professional relationship with her."

~ Martha M., Tennessee U.S.A.

Amazing specific clearings for me and my beloved family

"Wow!!! I just had a wonderful session with Simone Valentine. She is a beautiful soul, easy to talk with, and above all very professional and to the point! She did amazing specific clearings for me and my beloved family. I am feeling full of peace, gratitude, support, and extremely happy. Her work was impeccable. Highly recommend her. Thank you Simone for all the blessings I received."

~ Dr. Martha Umana

I received confirmation that my intuition has been right on target all along – I feel lighter now

"It's incredible! I could actually feel your words enter my brain! I felt the replacement of the old belief! I feel lighter now. I feel the Truth and my connection with my Higher Self. The session was like a confirmation that my intuition has been right on target all along. This process is at a whole new level—innovative, amazing and a whole new way of being. Thank you!!!!"

~ Denise V., Culver City, California U.S.A.

Compassionate, deep listening and intuitive knowing

"As an energy healer and teacher myself, I often consult with Simone to provide further insights, clarification, and / or validations when I am tuning in with my inner guidance. Consistently, bringing compassion, deep listening and intuitive knowing in her sessions with a fresh perspective on the matter, I know I can trust that the information she brings forward is always accurate and coming from a place of integrity. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for guidance in any/every aspect of life."

~ Marvin Herrera, Northridge, California U.S.A.

Feeling energized and having fun

"I had my session with Simone Valentine who is a beautiful soul with unique abilities. We did some processes to work on my issues and with her assistance I created a mental tool to assist me which I have been having the most fun with since it was created. I was given instructions to follow to further assist me. Since our session, I have been feeling energized and having absolute fun with my tool. I do recommend utilizing her amazing skill set to move forward."

~ Cathy Weaver-Scheloske

I feel a lightness in my heart; everything resonated with me VERY deeply

"I just wanted to say THANK YOU again Simone! I feel a lightness in my heart; it doesn't feel as heavy, and I know what you brought through from my Higher Self is 100% true. I have been told several times before about how many guardian angels I have protecting me, and everything resonated with me VERY deeply. I feel blessed to have had that session with you, and also the references and events that will help me on my journey to open my heart back up and be at peace...finally."

~ Earthlynn R T., Los Angeles, California U.S.A.

Miraculous evolution and expansion

"The coaching session with Simone was outstanding! She has such a clear intuitive knowing speaking with my higher self and right on with the guidance and insight. My life has continued to evolve and expand in miraculous ways and I am grateful!"

~ Monica McCurdy, Long Beach, California U.S.A..

Heart expanding; brought into alignment with my Soul

"My session with Simone was so amazing and heart expanding. Being able to communicate with my higher self via this beautiful being brought me into alignment and into a space where I became aware of what my soul was saying. It was amazing to tune into this higher intelligence that is me and I see tremendous benefit in tapping into this rich resource. Thank you Simone!!"

~ Cyndi A., Long Beach, California U.S.A.

Money blocks cleared on my father’s side of the family five generations back; My body, spirit and mind strengthened; I felt more connected with my Higher Self; Information about my life path confirmed; My vibration frequency is higher; Clarity and awareness resulted from the clearings

"Backstage pass with Simone Valentine: here's to one special lady. I had my session with her on Saturday 3rd October. I am imbued with a sense of gratitude and felt so touched. I was able to connect to my Higher Self in the session with her. She facilitates clearings with Your Higher Self and your team. At least this is my understanding. She checks in with My Higher Self and asked it what messages it had for me. She cleared money blocks on my father's side and 5 generations before in the lineage. I felt clearer and more present and grounded. Yes when that happens, entangled energetic patterns are cleared as the brain fog is lifted in a particular area… I got clearings in the heart root, sacral and feet chakras. The quality of energy was beautiful and strengthening to my body, spirit and mind. A Balanced Approach and that impressed me.She gave me a process to connect more deeply with my Higher Self and to learn to trust in it and its reliability. The key message was that I have done many clearings and now it is time TO DO. Put it all to the test by DOING now. Most apt message!

I felt more connected to my Higher Self than I have felt in years and I was given certain info about my life path that was done in a paid assessment with another well known healer and confirmed unknowingly by Simone Valentine. This is too much of a coincidence and not something I felt ready for.”

I feel a neurological shift in functioning as I feel more focused, present and grounded at the same time. This is the state I am in 2 days after my session with Simone. I notice that my vibration rate has increased and remains stable at a higher frequency point. I am clearer and calmer and accepting and coming to terms with my fears of failure in establishing a business and becoming self employed. She knew I feared I would fail and have to go back to my old life without me telling her and she gave me the advice to do and see what happens next. I realize that I will not go broke or destitute setting up and getting a website or to advertise within a defined amount. If I do not make a sale, I will not be in the poorhouse. lol!. I am not out of control, just stepping out into the unknown but with a rope there with defined limits. One add with a budget for the first time will not make me broke or poverty stricken. One Step at a time.”

I have sudden clarity as I am aware of my upbringing and I was raised to think business was risky and when my dad went out on his own as a self employed surgeon, he kept his full time job at the General Hospital until retirement. I can see this now since you did clearings on my father's side and I would not have made the connection btw his behaviour and attitude about safety and financial risk and my fears about going into business for myself if you had not done those clearings. I was avoiding setting up the website and registering the company and even doing my first add. I had fears before of safety and financial risk because of the generational patterns and beliefs in my family. The awareness is there now consciously as you were effective in clearing those generational patterns in terms of money and safety."

~ R.M., Trinidad and Tobago

Tears flowing down my face and I could feel the shifts at each and every stage of the clearings

"Hi..I was lucky and blessed to have had a backstage pass with Simone Valentine . I had my session with her early this morning. Firstly Simone has a soothing and calming voice which puts you right at ease. She cleared on my abundance blocks today in various chakras and I had tears flowing down my face and I could feel the shifts at each and every stage of the clearings. After each Clearing whether on chakras, subconscious or ecosystem I felt more at peace, happier, lighter and excited. I got acknowledgement that I was in my true path regarding my business. She also gave me the answer I needed to hear regarding a relationship. I felt heard by someone after a very long time. I was given some home play to do at home. I for one will definitely work with her again. I highly recommend Simone valentine to others who want and need quick shifts. I am truly grateful to Simone, Eram Saeed and the FHTJ team for giving me the opportunity to work with such an amazing healer.

“A few days have gone by since my session with Simone Valentine and I'm still undergoing major shifts. I couldn't understand strange things that was happening to me physically, mentally and emotionally. Simone however clarified it was normal what I was going thru after a session with her. Once again I can only thank the universe, my higher self and Eram Saeed for bringing forth such a powerful healer and amazing soul into my life. I am so grateful all that is happening to me and all that will continue unfolding."

~ Nishna Rambocus, Mauritius

Throat Chakra and subconscious blocks clearings led to a greater connection with my Higher Self

“Hi, I want to share about the wonderful session I had with Simone Valentine. She is a caring and deeply intuitive person. I had been having this awareness for some time that there is some blockage in my throat Chakra which is not letting me move forward. This was the first thing she identified without my telling her and as she cleared it I felt heat shifting out of the throat. She also worked on and identified some other issues I had. When she was clearing I could feel the shifts in my body. I have been releasing heat from my right leg and right arm even since the session – I feel it's very significant for me.

She also gave some work I can do on my own to help overcome my issues. When she was clearing out the issues from my subconscious mind I actually felt the connection and that something was being worked on. I highly recommend her to everyone. Thank you Simone Valentine.”

“Hi Simone, Ever since our session in October when you identified my blocked throat chakra which I feel is not letting me move forward I have been coming across a steady stream of links...activations...etc about clearing this chakra as though the universe is helping me to finish the work you started.

And I have also been receiving information to have a greater connection with my higher self. This information is coming on it's own without my having to do anything about it. I feel this has come about after the work you did with me.So I can say your work was like a dam gate was opened and the water is pouring out still. I am sure more help will come my way without my consciously looking for it where it's needed.”

~ Harkamal Kaur, India

About Simone Valentine:

SimoneSimone Valentine is an Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach. She considers herself to have been a seeker of Truth her entire life. She used to "church surf” in her formative years looking for the "right” spiritual place to call home. The search continued while she attended college, centered inside the pages of the great literature she immersed herself in during her course study.

Never really finding that “home” or a sense that she fit in anywhere – be it in church, school, or work – Simone decided to leave her then job at a large nonprofit organization in Washington, DC and move to California to attend graduate school studying filmmaking after the events of September 11, 2001. While the glow of Hollywood lights dazzled her surface mind and goals, it was in California that she experienced her deepest, most profound spiritual awakening.

After experiencing burnout working in the film/TV industry and the sudden passing of close friend, she turned to meditation, deep spiritual study, and different energy healing modalities to heal the holes in her life. In these pursuits she discovered her healing gifts and that her life purpose was to be Lightworker.

Simone is an intuitive empath, Reiki TUMMO and Pranic Healing practitioner, Universal Intelligence Mentor, Medium, and Affirmative Prayer Warrior. Accessing deep levels of intuition, she assists her clients by connecting with the energy of the Higher Self to deliver guiding messages and energetic processes for healing and upliftment by identifying – and then removing – subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that hold people back in all areas of life so they are clear and freed up to create what they really want in life. 

Her great joy is to assist those seeking to heal their lives – seekers out there just like she was who are committed to creating real and lasting change—for themselves, their families, their communities, and for our planet.


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22 days of Immersion + 2 Energetic Encoded MP3s + 4 Live Group Coaching Calls + Private Facebook Group + 3 Bonus MP3s + A 30 minute with 1:1 session with Simone

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Total Package Value $1,852
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
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