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Download Eram and Susan's Interview
Package A
This Program Includes:
- Actualize Abundance with Ease & Joy - 4 MP3s
Actualize Abundance with Ease & Joy - MP3s
Actualize Abundance with Ease and Joy
The intention set for this class is that you have your investment increase tenfold! What could be better than that? Many have had their investment come back 10 fold! 100% of people who took this had their investment come back to them right away- sometimes before the class started!
4 classes-In these classes you will:
- Clear energy that is blocking us and clearing the limited beliefs- using Sound Therapy Angelic Songs, Light Body Activations and Consciousness tools!
- Connect to your Higher Self and create with a unlimited Source Energy
- Create What you choose with ease as you learn to use your energy to create what you would choose that lights you up and gives you your greatest joy!
- Contribute your gifts with the world and have all the Power to break through all the barriers dawn and share your gifts with the world
What if you could have an abundance of money, love health and joy? In this class we will release anything stopping you from having all the abundance you desire in your life. What could be better than that?
Class 1: Actualize Abundance- How to Ask and Receive with Joy!
This class will assist you in creating money that you invest in yourself to come back to you 10-fold and keep it coming in to bring you even more that you can imagine possible! You will learn how to stay in your own Energy Vibration and create from Joy. You will learn how to move from the Scarcity- lack self to your powerful Creative Self! You will learn tools to change your limiting beliefs that you will use your entire life! Learn Tools to create Abundance, money income clients, Joy, fun and love and more! Hear a song from the Angelic Realm how to keep creating your abundance by doing what you love!
Class 2: Clear fears and Be the Warrior you Are- not the Worrier!
Clear the Trickster Energy that is not allowing you to have and receive abundance- that unknown not named energy that has been stopping you for eons!
Clear the resistance and the distraction energies not allowing you to share your gifts with the world!
- How to stop the spinning energy keeping you from having what you asking for?
- How to master your life as Warriors not worriers! Clear distraction energies and oaths and vows and contracts!
- How to stop worrying about not having money once and for all!
In this class Experience a Chakra Warrior clearing and Creating Meditation!
To create a space for you to become a Warrior with your money!
Clear your vows of poverty keeping you from being the mighty warrior you are!
Break through the fears that are stopping you from sharing your gifts with the world and get about your business of being the powerful Worrier and Powerful Positive Contributor that you are!
Learn the #1 tool to break through the Darkness of the Soul and keep going to create what you are asking for!
Experience a Clearing Mediation with a message to allow you to be the warrior you are and to draw to you all the abundance you are asking for!
Cut Chords form all the negative energies and people who are not contributing to you! You may leave you for fears about money and transform it to a new energy of positive new joyful possibilities!
You will bring the new energy into your body and your life- You will embody this new energy of Abundance How to stop listening to those negative limiting beliefs and move from being a Worrier to a Warrior!
Class 3: Connect and Create Abundance to always have money and time and everything you ask for!
- Learn the #1 way to always have money always have time!
- Learn the 5 most effective ways to have clients, money and Abundance show up in your life
- Learn how to start your day as a blank slate and choose from there to create in a Joyful way that will bring you more fun having what you are asking for in your life and have nothing to worry about!
- Learn how to actualize what you are choosing, and have it really show up in your life, so you can have it!
- Learn the clearing statement that will uproot you from the very core of the limited belief systems you have been holding on to!
- Learn how to attract to you more than you even ever know to ask for, greater than you could even imagine! I called to me a house with a outside hot tub looking over the tops of trees with observation deck that hold 30 people- I would not have thought to ask for that!
- Learn to plan your life so you have money for everything you want for your life now and in the future!
- Learn how to be a energy magnet that pulls all clients, your income your money and all that will contribute to you to you with ease and joy!
Class 4: How to Be a contribution to Your Self your families
and the world!
In this class you will experience a Future Self meditation and a Energy Pull Meditation that puts you into a energetic alignment to create all you are asking for and more than you can even imagine! Your future self will bring you information that will bring you your Joyful Abundance and contribute to your world now and in your Future! I just Love the energy on this call! Enjoy creating Your Future self now!
A final note from me!-----------
These beautiful and powerful meditations and classes will assist in you Having More Joyful Abundance in all Areas of your life and it is my Honor and Greatest Joy to share them with you all! Enjoy Your Joyful Abundance Now and in your Future! What could be better than that?!
Exclusive Gift for FHTJ Community
“Little Angels in a Bottle”- How Essential Oils Changed my life! - PDF
What if you could open a little bottle of oil and have everything about your life show up with more ease and joy? That’s what essential oils- my “Little Angels in a Bottle”did for me! They transformed my life and brought me more health and wealth than I could even ever imagine! Are you asking for this too?
My first gift to you is from my international best selling book Transformation Find Your Wings and is my story of how Essential Oils changed my life bringing me health and wealth and joy! Have you been asking for that to?
My 2nd Essential Oils for Earth Angels with a Actualize Abundance Meditation
In this class hear about my favorite Essential Oils to help Earth Angels!(and all of us!)be in a high frequency healthy joyful vibration!
You will learn about Essential Oils that help us be OK being here in the world, how to protect our energy and how to Not have to be sick all the time!
Then experience a beautiful Actualize Abundance Meditation to bring you to abundance of health and wealth and Joy! How fun is that?
Package B
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A
- Private Soul Song Session – 20 minutes
- 4 Live Group Calls
Actualize Abundance with Ease & Joy
4 Live Group Calls
Actualize Abundance with Ease and Joy Live Classes
Individual participants will have the opportunity to receive a Soul Song Session healing on these calls weekly! All live calls also include Sound Therapy Meditations.
If you are unable to attend live you will receive a recording of each class.
All Class details will be sent to your email ID prior to the call
Week 1: Actualize Abundance Now! - Clear
Date: Thursday, August 2nd, 10 AM Central Time
From 10AM- 11AM - class with lines open for Sessions
Questions form 11:00- 11:30
Clear - fears to Be the warrior you Are! Learn -How to clear the fears blocks, resistance and procrastination energy that is stopping you, clear entities, negative energies and trickster energy stopping you from taking action!
Class details will be sent to your email ID prior to the call
Week 2: Actualize Abundance Now! - Connect
Date: Thursday, August 9th, 10 AM Central Time
From 10AM- 11AM - class with lines open for Sessions
Questions from 11:00- 11:30
How to share your gifts with the world with Ease and Joy and No fear! How to contribute to the world, your family and yourself to create a life of new Joyful Possibilities WITH EASE AND FUN
Class details will be sent to your email ID prior to the call
Week 3: Actualize Abundance Now! - Create
Date: Thursday, August 16th, 10 AM Central Time
From 10AM- 11AM - class with lines open for Sessions
Questions from 11:00- 11:30
Create, have and receive abundance, income clients and keep the money! How to Actualize Abundance in all areas of your life I’ll share tools for transformation weekly
Class details will be sent to your email ID prior to the call
Week 4: Actualize Abundance Now! - Contribute
Date: Thursday, August 23rd, 10 AM Central Time
From 10AM- 11AM - class with lines open for Sessions
Questions from 11:00- 11:30
How to anchor your energy, always have money and do what you love that brings you great joy and contributes to your life and our world!
Class details will be sent to your email ID prior to the call
20 minutes Private Soul Song Session
You will- Experience your own Soul Song with an Angelic Message from your higher Self! Experience a Frequencies Vibration Shift and Your Own Actualize Abundance Meditation created for you to bring to you what you are asking to create!
Creation Meditation
This meditation is so effective people use it daily to be grounded connected and protected and create what they are asking to create! Enjoy the sounds of harp and crystal bowl and beautiful tones as you connect to your Divine Source and create a day of Joyful Abundance!
Money Magnet Meditation
With this meditation you will become a money magnet and actualize what you are asking for with ease- Pull to you your clients, your new ideas, your money and all you ask for to contribute to yourself and the world!
Joyful Actualize Abundance Meditation
In this powerful mediation you are aligned, and your energy fields are grounded and connected to your higher self-allowing you to create and generate your abundance!
Actualize Abundance Now and in the Future!
I save one of my favorite meditations as my gift to you here! Enjoy creating abundance now and in the future!
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.