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Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Sydney's Interview
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Package A
Reset Reboot
You’ll find more than 600 energetic deactivations in the four modules in this package. All MP3s are energetically encoded with powerful energy clearings and downloads that will be active and effective forever.
In every MP3 I will direct Source to select the most positive, empowering and beneficial energies for YOU, to replace all the negative energies that were just cleared, because Source knows which energies are uniquely empowering and perfect for you at that time.
At the end of each MP3 you’ll receive a Vibrational Reset that resets your reality now that you’re free of the negative energies that weren’t serving you, so you can experience a new reality embodying the new positive and empowering energies you just received.
One MP3 encoded with powerful energies to clear Core Beliefs & Programs that are preventing you from receiving the GREATEST BENEFIT from the energy work in this package AND the energy work done by other healers.
10 MP3s encoded with powerful energies to clear all the relentlessly negative thoughts you have about being overweight or fat and about releasing fat.
- I’m not ready to BE who I need to be to be thinner
- I’m not willing to BE who I need to do to change how I act
- I’m not ready to BE who I need to be to commit to working out
- I’m not willing to BE who I need to be to give up my favorite snacks and junk food
- I’m not ready to DO what I need to do to change my eating habits
- I’m not willing to DO what I need to do to release any fat right now
- I’m not ready to DO what I need to do to be responsible for what I eat
- I’m not willing to DO what I need to do to make different choices than I do now
- I’m not ready to make the Choices I’d need to make to commit to working out
- I’m not willing to make the Choices I’d need to make to change what I eat
- I’m not ready to make the Choices I’d need to make to be different from my friends or family
- I’m not willing to make the Choices I’d need to make to deal with what it would take to release the fat
- I’m not ready to make the Changes I’d need to make to live my life free of excess fat
- I’m not willing to make the Changes I’d need to make to become thinner
- I’m not ready to make the Changes I’d need to make to take control of my life
- I’m not willing to make the Changes I’d need to make to to act differently than I do now
- I lack the sincere desire to BE who I’d need to be to stop eating the kind of foods I like that aren’t healthy for me
- I lack the sincere desire to DO what I’d need to do commit to being fit
- I lack the sincere desire to BE who I’d need to be to act differently than my friends or my family
- I lack the sincere desire to DO what I’d need to do to take control of my health
- I lack the sincere desire to make the Choices I’d need to make to give up the kinds of food I know I shouldn’t be eating
- I lack the sincere desire to make the Changes I’d need to make to live my life differentlky than I do now
- I lack the sincere desire to make the Choices I’d need to make to be responsible for eating healthy food
- I lack the sincere desire to make the Changes I’d need to make to commit to releasing the fat
- It’s not possible for me to BE who I’d need to be change who I am
- It’s not possible for me to DO what I’d need to do to er responsible for what my body looks like
- It’s not possible for me to BE who I’d need to be make different choices than my friends of my family
- It’s not possible for me to DO what I’d need to do to be responsible for exercising regularly
- It’s not possible for me to make the Choices I’d need to make to commit to beintg thinner
- It’s not possible for me to make the Changes I’d need to make to eat differently than I do now
- It’s not possible for me to make the Choices I’d need to make to be different than I am now
- It’s not possible for me to make the Changes I’d need to make to be responsible for what my life is like
- It’s too hard to BE who I’d need to be to look different than my friends or family
- It’s too hard to DO what I’d need to do to change my eain habits
- It’s too hard to BE who I’d need to be to give up my favorite sncks and junk food
- It’s too hard to DO what I’d need to do to make different choices than I do now
- It’s too hard to make the Choices I’d need to make to live my life free of excess fat
- It’s too hard to make the Changes I’d need to make to be thinner
- It’s too hard to make the Choices I’d need to make to eat differently than I do now
- It’s too hard to make the Changes I’d need to make to live my life free of excess fat
Source will replace these desructive energies with empowering and positive energies it deems to be in your highest and best good to receive at that time.
4 MP3s encoded with powerful energies to clear painful emotions you have about being overweight that torment you and keep you stuck in a dark and destructive place.
- I’m ashamed of how I look all day every day; it’s always on my mind
- I’m always comparing myself to other people and it upsets me that they’re always thinner than I am
- I feel so hopeless because nothing I do ever works
- When I think about what I’m going to wear in the morning, all that matters is, “what can I wear that will hide how I look?”
- I’m a bad person because I’m so fat
- Being fat makes me so miserable
- I can’t stop judging and criticizing myself for being so fat
- I get so angry at my body for being so fat that I punish it by eating food that will hurt it
- In this audio, instead of releasing specific energies, we release emotional energies known as Trapped Emotiuons and Hidden Trapped Emotions. Your Higher Self knows which ones are in your highest and best good to be released and that are ready to be released at the time.
- You can listen to this audio over and over again every week or two, since most people have dozens and dozens, if not hundreds of them.
- In this audio, instead of releasing specific energies, we release emotional energies known as Psychic Traumas and Hidden Psychic Traumas. Your Higher Self knows which ones are in your highest and best good to be released and that are ready to be released at the time.
- Listen to this audio no more than once every few weeks, because it takes time to update and readjust your physical body after such a significant amout of energy has been released
Source will replace these dark emotional energies with empowering and positive energies it deems to be in your highest and best good to receive at that time.
5 MP3s encoded with powerful energies that free you from the damaging beliefs that are holding you caprtive in a body you aren’t happy being in.
- I’m not ready to release any fat right now
- I’m not willing right now to to give up the kind oif food I know I shouldn’t be eatin
- I’m not ready to commit to being thinner right now
- I’m not willing to change what I do right now
- I lack the sincere desire to deal with what it would take to release this fat right now
- I lack the sincere desire right now to commit to being thinner
- Right now, I lack the sincere desire to eat differently than I do now
- I lack the sincere desire to make different choices than my friends or my family right now
- It’s not possible for me to be thin
- It’s not possible for me to be responsible for what I eat
- It’s not possible for me to change my eating habits
- It’s not possible for me to commit to working out
- It’s too hard to give up my favorite snacks and junk food
- It’s too hard to make different choice than I do now
- It’s too hard to live my life differently than I do now
- It’s too hard to change what I eat
- It’s too much work to takd control of my health
- It’s too much work to live my life free of excess far
- It’s too much work to be responsible for exercising regularly
- It’s too much work to make the choices and changes I’d need to make to release this fat
Source will replace the destructive beliefs that were deactivated and cleared with positive and empowering beliefs as well as any other energies it deems to be beneficial for you to receive at that time.
2 MP3s encoded with powerful energies to clear deeply rooted subconscious programs and patterns that control your relationship with eating and food
- Eating is the only way I know of to make myself feel better
- Eating is the only thing that makes the bad feelings go away
- Food is the only thing I know I can count on to be there for me
- Food is the only thing that can makes me forget how bad I feel
- I always eat when I’m ______
- Every time I’m ______, I know food will always make me feel better
- Eating is the best way to feel better when I’m ______
- I use foods to make the ______ feelings go away
Source will replace all of the corrupt subconscious programs & patterns that were deactivated and cleared with positive programs & patterns as well as any other energies it deems to be beneficial for you to receive at that time.
WHY Am I Holding On To This Fat?
You aren’t overweight because you don’t have enough self-control to do what you need to do to lose the weight. You’re overweight because energies you don’t know about are holding on to those extra pounds, kilos or stones, and until they’ve been cleared, it’s going to be between difficult and impossible to lose the fat and keep it lost. This bonus will clear some of the most common energies that are keeping you stuck in a body you hate.
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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