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The SECRET to healing EVERY issue in life, including chronic and/or life threatening disease is re-setting BACK to your Divine Blue Print!!!!

Dr. Sahi shows you how to do EXACTLY that today! Become The Genuine Human Being and no blocks can stay in your's simple and most powerful process and 1000s of people are shifting their lives DRAMATICALLY by using her works.

If you released ALL your blocks today, how would YOU show up in life?
If you are experiencing any of the feelings below, the Genuine Human Being Transformation Process can transform you from being a shell of yourself to being your fully realised Genuine Self:
- Loneliness
- Isolated
- Disconnected
- Unloved
- Hopeless
- Unfulfilled
- Depression
- Confusion
- Anxiety
- Guilt
- Financial Lack
- Helplessness
- Resentful
- Aggressive
- Angry
- Stressed
- Nervous
Do you feel vulnerable?
Are you feeling lonely and disconnected from others, including your loved ones?
Are you finding it hard to relate to people?
Do you often feel judged?
Do you hide yourself away for fear of rejection?
Do you feel financially drained?
Do you hate yourself?
Are you exhausted?
When we stop striving to change our own self, relax and accept every part of us unconditionally, we come into our Essence, our personal authenticity and begin to live from the blueprint of our unique life path. This automatically brings happiness, love, joy and all the resources we need to sustain and thrive.
Oscar Wilde's famous quote hits home every time "Be who you are, everyone else is already taken". If we could connect with who we are, the expanded, big picture, universal version of ourselves, then life becomes simple, graceful, joyful and fulfilling. Through the Genuine Human Being Transformation Process, you CAN connect with who you are and lead the graceful, joyful and fulfilling life that is your birthright.
So let’s see if you’re ready:
- Do you want to trust yourself?
- Are you ready to make a HUGE transformational leap, feel safe and confident in all situations, and be your Authentic Self?
- Are you ready to feel safe in communicating with others without being judged?
- Are you ready to be accepted by others for who you really are?

- Are you ready to stop playing victim?
- Are you ready to step into your Genuine Power?
- Are you ready to live an authentically fulfilling life?
- Are you ready to take responsibility for your transformation?
- Are you ready to step up and be the Miracle that You Are?
If you’ve answered yes, to any of the above questions, then you are ready to take the leap from loneliness, isolation and disappointment
to CONNECTION and revealing your Genuine Human Being.
I've created The Genuine Human Being Transformational Process to help you Transform the distortions which prevent you from living an authentically fulfilling life.
In this MP3 you'll begin a relationship with simple processes connecting you to your original Essence, your true nature. The many selves and personalities within each one of us, become integrated, harmonised, balanced. Distortions within our selves create conflict and separation which is reflected in our daily lives forcing us to feel confused, depressed, unworthy, stressed, helpless and overwhelmed.
The Genuine Human Being Transformational Process allows you to dissolve these distortions instantly as you listen and follow the instructions. The conflicted parts of you are integrated gently, gracefully, kindly without you having to re experience pain or discomfort. The result is a Wholeness of Being.
You'll experience connection with your own Source. How you see and experience your every day life automatically transforms as you realise that challenges and struggles were a reflection of your own inner conflicts.
Relationships transform, your communication comes from authentic wholeness and non-judgment. Feelings of vulnerability are replaced with a deeper understanding and acceptance of others.
Anger, aggression are replaced with kindness and compassion.
Depression and anxiety are replaced with joy and sharing.
Life becomes an exquisite experience of flow and oneness!
As a medical doctor, transformational therapist, international teacher, and observer of my own life, it's clear to me that we, and no one outside of us creates the challenges and problems we experience in our lives.
These challenges seem to be based on how we think of our own self, but after deeper study, I realised the origin of our thoughts comes from our own Essence. Our Essence is a vast library of data resulting from life experiences.
When we process this data within ourselves we judge what we've experienced and start to judge life itself. This judgment creates the distortions of separation of who we are and our connection with others. This translates into feelings of distrust, lack, competitiveness, fear. And a whole host of health problems, stress, depression.
Dissolve the distortions, the illusion of separation vanishes, and we experience who we really are: genuine, authentic, loving, creative, resourceful, and fulfilled!
And what’s more, dissolving these distortions is as simple as listening to the Genuine Human Being Transformation Process MP3 and following a few EASY instructions!
“I can’t recall a single instance when just speaking
to her did not heal me completely at all levels”
"I have been speaking to Dr Sangeeta for the past 8 years for any emotional or health related issue which in any case is also emotional in origin.
I can’t recall a single instance when just speaking to her did not heal me completely at all levels. The best part is that when you start understanding the conflicts within, then it’s released and there is a transformation in the cellular structure within the body. The body begins to heal and it shows you enough ways in which it is releasing the unnecessary stuff. Like you may find yourself crying a lot, increase in pain in your body, fluctuation in blood pressure, a desire to live in your authentic self and much more.
One can easily see and feel a change in the mind and body after a session with Dr Sangeeta. The best part is that for you its almost instant mostly.
I highly recommend Dr Sangeeta for any physical disease. To understand what’s causing it to correct your own thought and action patterns, to change to the natural cellular structure and to heal the body… All happening together and at once.
I am truly grateful to her for making me feel healthy time and again.
Thank you"
~ B.K., Kuwait
“I suggest everyone who is going through tough times like
cancer to experience Sangeeta’s techniques to feel alive again”
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer early September this year. For the last 2 months, I have tried almost everything not to have an operation from constant meditation, soul healing techniques to phototherapy, from eating the right foods, cutting sugar etc. What kept me awake at nights was my soul not being comfortable about anything, I was thinking about “cancer”, my future and my son all the time. My body was tense; I was agitated most of the time and I was not showing enough attention to myself and my surroundings. The “cancer” was controlling my life. I have known Sangeeta for a long time, as soon as I have seen her work about Conscious Cancer on Facebook I decided to contact her. She is such a pure soul and energy body. We had a chat about my life and her life for the last 6 years. In our first session, I have immediately felt the change in my whole body. It was as if I was charged from the universe, from the Source with positive and full-filling energy and it was as if the connection was rebuilt. It really is very hard to explain as the experiences would be very unique to each individual, but what I can clearly say is that I was not happy at all, and right after one session I was full of joy. I did want to move my physical body a lot instead of lying on bed, I did want to clean my closets and my house, a bigger energy was in my body and it was to last forever. During the other sessions, I came to understand the word “conscious cancer” even though I did not like using the word at the first stage, I began to understand that it was a gift for me to shape up my life, my body, my career… everything.
The journey is still going on, and I owe a lot to Sangeeta, who taught me to believe in my body and my soul at the same time. I am more aware of my heart, more decisive of what I am doing and more aware of the energies surrounding my, I do not panic suddenly, I listen to my inner voice and I trust my inner voice. I feel more connected at all levels: mind, body and soul… I started to observe the changes that took place in my relationships with people, my attitude towards events in life, and changes in my body. Through focusing on how all of it made me feel and acting from that feeling, even more desirable change came into my life.
I suggest everyone who is going through tough times like cancer to experience these. Sangeeta is a very special soul and a very open all time teacher, I feel privileged to having met her again. She not only helped me change my life but also accepted my boundaries and sometimes pushed them. Thank you thank you thank you Sangeeta …"
~ R.B., Istanbul, Turkey
“Literally Saved My Life”
"Dearest Sangeeta, you have deeply inspired me and over the course of you treating me for various issues over nearly 20 years now, you have literally saved my life. Over the years you have helped me shift on both a physical (saved my life and me from being paralyzed in a near fatal ATV accident) and emotional level (everything from smoothing out work relationships and finding new corporate jobs to creating deeper intimacy in my personal relationships and learning to love myself and my body exactly how I am). You’ve helped me open doors that were previously stuck. Sometimes the transformation happens instantly and sometimes it takes a few days to really open up and shift. But one thing I know for sure is that you are the real deal and I am so grateful to have you in my life. My hope for you is to continuously connect with other clients and supporters who truly appreciate your powerful gifts as much or greater than I."
~ Robyn Statman
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Your Text
Discount: 60%
Total Package Value $249
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
The Genuine Human
Being Transformational Process MP3
Discount: 54%
Total Package Value $749
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
The Genuine Human
Being Transformational Process MP3
3 Group sessions
Discount : 43%
Total Package Value $1049
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
$777 $597
The Genuine Human
Being Transformational Process MP3
3 Group sessions
1- 90 Min Individual Session

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“Toxins that had been held in my body from years were released, bloating
disappeared, I’ve lost 6kg. My bad moods are ancient history”
"Going back to my first session with her seems like long time ago now, but it has only been 2 months.
I have been going through some physical and psychological processes in my life since Jan. 2014 (today Oct. 2015). You know when it comes, it hits you from every aspect of your life, which seems like this test will never be over.
Although I had a very proper diet and kept exercising, my body started to bloat around Oct. 2014 and I gained 10kg within 1 month. I hadn’t had my periods for a while.
I had been to many professors who are very well known experts in their field.. I tried every kind of diet and workout, nothing worked. This lasted for a year and I had lost my hope. I decided not to go to doctors any more, and just decided to let it be.. But being a health and weight conscious person, I was very unhappy to see my body like that as I have been exercising since the age of 15 and I had never felt like this before. It wasn’t only the weight it was also the hormone imbalance, that made me miserable and depressed.
Then … I met her ! By the end of my 1st treatment, where we worked on my past emotional history, and traumas associated with that, I started to feel a huge release. Dr Sangeeta gave me some Chinese herbs and after 2 days of taking them, whatever toxins that had been held in my body from years were released, and the bloating just disappeared. I felt the full difference after a week.
Now I’ve lost 6kg. And my bad moods are ancient history. I feel more alive than I’ve ever felt, and hopeful and peaceful, all at the same time. I really get what she said at the end of our 1st session: “there are no promises, there are results”"
~ M.C., Istanbul, Turkey
“My Ph levels were previously 6.75. Just two days of working with Sangeeta
the result went up to between 7.25 to 7.5, which is in the band of optimum health.”
"My expectation was really high when I received the intro email about the workshop from Dr Sangeeta Sahi, under whom I trained in other modalities previously. I have no hesitation from signing up based on my previous experience; I knew my thirst about the subject will be quenched. As I anticipated, the workshop was an all-encompassing delivery of what was promised and beyond.
During the workshop over two days, there was, not only plenty of information, but also exercises and changes happening on all levels. In my case, my appetite has been changed, no more need for snacking, more awareness about my diet and the quantity I need has been reduced greatly. My body is much more sensitive if I eat wrong type of food, or eating too much.
Sharing each other’s experience and explanation from Dr Sahi during the workshop makes it as personal and as inclusive for the whole group across all levels. The workshop felt like an offering of spiritual delights for the participants to take based on their own needs.
One particular strengthen I really appreciate about Dr Sahi’s deliverance, is that she challenges the participants as a collective individuals by drawing up a vision, outlining possibilities that are usually outside the norm, but not beyond the group comprehension. The challenge is for the participants to take one step outside of their self imposed comfort zone on all levels, wherever they might be, to be liberated.
I also enjoy the ongoing support from Dr Sahi if I need her advice and clarification after the workshop. Every time I get in contact, face to face, telephone or email, she provides me with guidance, inspiration, and of course a friendly chat.
On the first day before the workshop started, all participants were giving the ph strip to test their levels, my result was 6.75. To my pleasant surprise, in just two days the result was risen to between 7.25 to 7.5, which is in the band of optimum health. My satisfaction does come with a scientific proof – for the skeptics out there."
~ Pearl, London, UK
Package A
Reset Reboot
The Genuine Human Being Transformational Process MP3
Format: MP3
In this MP3 you'll begin a relationship with simple processes connecting you to your original Essence, your true nature. The many selves and personalities within each one of us, become integrated, harmonised, balanced. Distortions within our selves create conflict and separation which is reflected in our daily lives forcing us to feel confused, depressed, unworthy, stressed, helpless and overwhelmed.
The Genuine Human Being Transformational Process allows you to dissolve these distortions instantly as you listen and follow the instructions. The conflicted parts of you are integrated gently, gracefully, kindly without you having to re experience pain or discomfort. The result is a Wholeness of Being.
You'll experience connection with your own Source. How you see and experience your every day life automatically transforms as you realise that challenges and struggles were a reflection of your own inner conflicts.
The MP3s You'll Receive are:
Physically Merging With The Creator through Placental Integration
The Creator is our point of Source, where we came from. It’s the space from which we can access all that we are, and all that we came to be and do. When we were growing in our Mother’s womb, we, along with the Creator created a placenta. This placenta is an exact copy of who we are. It’s a physical and spiritual database of everything we need in our life throughout time and space. It’s our direct connection to the Creator’s energy and knowledge, as well as a direct connection to what we need to experience, to learn and to resolve the past and move effortlessly into our future.
Our Placenta is a Forgotten and overlooked Chakra! It is literally our Super Angel.
Most of us have experienced traumatic entries into this world, even, unnatural entries. By reconnecting and integrating with our Placenta we can heal the separation between ourselves and the Creator, our Source.
This process facilitates the reunion with your Creator Self. Doubts are effaced and deep healing along with graceful, subtle transformations are experienced. Repeating this process over time, transforms all lack into creative energy, we experience wholeness, and Perfection within our selves. This immediately translates into wise choices, balanced decisions and profound security.
Alignment With Your Genuine Essence
Our Essence is our whole life journey, including challenges and separations. Separations are a result of distorted awarenesses within each one of us, such as, we are not enough, we are imperfect, we need to achieve more, to prove ourselves etc etc. We struggle in life. We battle with Life! These distortions become reinforced with greater struggle. We must interrupt this disempowering loop!
This process of Genuine Essence Alignment is an ancient technology passed down from the Buddha, after he attained enlightenment. I’ve simplified it for present times.
By repeated use of this process we can physically experience peace, and each fragment of us that has been separated through distortions, and our fragmented personalities reintegrating and forming a whole, unified Being!
This process connects us back to our physical, Universal Mother- Earth! We know what we need to do and how to behave with confidence and certainty.
We realise that we are the miracle we’ve been always been seeking!
Bonus: A Prayer For Integrating Your Ancestral Wisdom Into Your Cells
Honouring our Ancestors is a very important part of life in ancient traditions. Why? It allows us to unify with our past through the present. It allows us to assimilate lived knowledge from their lifetimes, so that we can bypass these lessons in our lives. We can learn from their experiences and realise that we don’t need to repeat old patterns over and over.
This process done repeatedly brings forgiveness, gratitude, realization and understanding, allowing us to experience health, well being, serenity and abundance.
Dissolving Emotions Instantly - MP3
This very simple process can become a constant in our lives. Using this process we can begin to have a relationship with our selves and realise that we are not slaves to our emotions, we can govern them. Emotions move through us, as air moves through space. When we allow emotions free movement without judgement then they become free and we become free.
Through this process we become physically lighter and have a tool that we can use any time.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $249
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 61% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
Includes everything in Package A, Plus:
- 3 Group Sessions
3 Group Sessions
The dates and times of the 3 Group sessions are:
Sunday 15th April 2018, 10am PST.
Sunday 22nd April 2018, 10am PST.
Sunday 29th April 2018, 10am PST.
These group sessions are a mixture of sharing knowledge and tools and are interactive resulting in transformational shifts. It's like having a mini session with Dr Sangeeta Sahi.
The 3 group sessions are completely interactive with me, Dr Sangeeta Sahi. I share my knowledge, experiences and wisdom focussing on your individual challenges at this time in your life. These challenges maybe physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually driven. I share tools to enable you to overcome these challenges and also direct you to finding answers and ways to help and empower yourselves through inner awakening.
I guarantee you will feel lighter, healthier, energised, confident and empowered to move forward effortlessly and gracefully in your life.
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $749
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347
*** 54% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
Includes everything in Package A & Package B, Plus:
- 1 Individual Session With Dr. Sangeeta Sahi
1 Individual Session With Dr. Sangeeta Sahi
Length: 90 Mins
The 1 on 1 sessions are designed to go deeper into a person's life, and result in profound transformations.
The Individual Sessions are very special, powerful and deeply transformative. We only focus on YOU! On manifesting your unique, individual potential in this life at this time. Whatever challenges you are experiencing are dissolved and we create effective strategies based upon practical and spiritual technologies on how to move forward.
Individual sessions are for those who are committed to truly manifesting what they are here to be and do. These sessions are for individuals who know they have a greater purpose and want to serve humanity in their own unique way.
We identify that uniqueness, develop and empower it and create social, practical connections and collaborations to manifest it lovingly and effortlessly.
The result is a fulfilling, joyful, meaningful and adventurous life. A journey into the Unknown! A journey into YOU
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $1049
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777
Introductory Offer $597
*** 43% Saving ***
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
About Dr. Sangeeta Sahi:

Dr Sangeeta Sahi is a Medical Doctor, she is a specialist in the fields of anti-aging, biophysics and electromagnetic resonance therapy. She has integrated Western and Eastern medicine with her experiences and has given educational courses in England, USA, India, Dubai, France, Spain, Italy and Israel touching thousands of lives. She believes that if Mind, Spirit and Body are balanced and harmonised as a whole, then it is possible to live your life in alignment with your full potential and authenticity. Dr. Sahi has been trained by the worlds leading masters in Kundalini Yoga and Mantra (Sound Therapy) and has a profound understanding of the Human Essence, mind and body and their workings as a unified whole with the Natural and Universal laws.
“With her help, facing unresolved issues like loss and emotional baggage,
fear of intimacy or denial of vulnerability”
"When I first met Dr Sahi, I was quite surprised finding such wise soul in such a young, beautiful grounded and Earthy Lady.
Self discovering and opening your private life to changes is something very delicate. That`s why the guidance of the right guide is so important. As everything else;` help` also comes when you’re ready for it, from `the one` you need.
She helped me to get over my unhealthy situation, which our traditional medicine couldn’t resolve.
Now more balanced, I don’t have my physical pain anymore. I feel more compassionate and powerful, I know I’m closer to a full emotional commitment, to my goals and ideals and not on the last place, I have this great friendship of hers!
I am inspired by her style of making seem everything effortless and easy. With her help, facing unresolved issues like loss and emotional baggage, fear of intimacy or denial of vulnerability.. Health, happiness and success becomes the most natural things on this world.
These teachings and sessions definitely will change your life for the better. If you’re dealing with a health issue or you’re spending too much time in thoughts/emotions use your time wisely and don’t hesitate to ask for her upper hand.
You’ll become more about, into and for this life ..and it’s love. When you least expect it, you find yourself happy again.
Unify and remain fulfilled.
Sangeeta, million thank you for your Existence:)"
~ Suzanna, Bulgaria
"Genuine Teenagers
Dear parents and friends…
As you know, the young generation, especially the ones who seem to be wiser and disagree on the existing systems, are very different and unique. Some are very rebellious and forge their own path, not taking in to consideration what others think or say, some are more adaptive and can live within the rules of our society, some are lost within themselves and do not know what to do with their present lives or future, some have a few of these characteristics and perhaps others have none. Whatever the case, teenagers are open to learning, to evolve and the only thing they actually need is ; guidance.
I found out, that the guidance that these young men and women need are not towards their future, what they do or even what they will be doing in years from now; the first place they have to explore is the place which houses the keys to happiness, health, wealth and success and it lies right within themselves and they need to be guided there. For that is the only place where one stores all the obstacles of life. This guidance, however, is not to lay a pathway in front of them and dictate, it is to offer objective knowledge and motivate them to find out their own route in the journey of life.
By attending this course with Dr. Sangeeta Sahi, teenagers can learn to master their own lives, through learning how to express their true feelings, emotions… They will understand how to shift their consciousness to a much higher level and tap in to much deeper parts of their Essence. Most importantly, they will master how to manifest their wishes, weather it may be ; opportunity, money, love, education…etc without any boundaries…
I am a teenager, born in 1990. I attended a lot of Sangeeta’s workshops as well as working with her individually. The two most important things that I would strongly want point out about the course is, that while learning, one’s channels open up and when a person is ready to shift, all their fears are released. Confronting and overcoming fears and integrating them may be a challenge for some but by the end, that persons life becomes much more meaningful and effortless.
Times are changing, people are changing, energies are changing, shifting, evolving. The time of thinking, dreaming or doing is over. Now is a time to just “be”… We become our thoughts, words and actions… When one is aware of the power within themselves, one reaches a stage of effortless being…. That is when one becomes a genuine human being."
~ Emrecan Pirinçcioglu, Istanbul, Turkey
“It was an absolutely amazing experience. Of all of Sangeeta’s courses
I’ve attended, this has been the most profound ”
"I have recently attended Sangeeta’s course, Body Nourishment – Living in the Realm of the Fifth and Higher Dimensions. It’s really not all that easy to explain, because it covers a dimension that we as humans are not used to living in this day and age. We did, thousands of years ago, but we have forgotten… It was an absolutely amazing experience. Of all of Sangeeta’s courses I’ve attended, this has been the most profound.
The fifth dimension is the dimension that we as a planet are moving into energetically. It is the dimension of Oneness, non-duality and connectedness to all other beings and galaxies exist. It feels very light. It is a world beyond space and time, fear and worries; these are all left back in the lower dimensions. Food and drink is not required here as it is produced energetically. This is the dimension for group energy, and it is essential to be balanced. Many of us even come from or have experienced lives, or times in our lives in this dimension, in some shape or form. We are slowly remembering, and piecing together the jigsaw… and there is still more to come…
Sangeeta is a very special, highly evolved teacher in this time. She teaches a bit about healing, and a LOT about Evolution. I am honored that our paths have crossed.
The workshop consisted of teachings and exercises, to deepen our understanding of and to integrate these new changes. It gave the group the tools and the opportunity to create body nourishment for the coming changes, plus a few relevant downloads that we have become used to during the theta courses. Sangeeta has a special gift for addressing the issues of her students. Initially the group was horrified to discover we don’t need food in the fifth dimension … and along came all the usual 3rd & 4th dimensional feelings of devastation and disappointment from the group. ‘Well, it tastes nice, we enjoy food, we need food to live, it’s a sociable thing’, etc. Which of course, are true, in our dimensions. I must say that I was surprisingly not surprised, that although I have a healthy appetite at the best of times, I was somewhat relieved to discover this, on one level. This may be because, even though I may not have completely woken up to or integrated it all it yet, already spent a fair bit of time in the fifth dimension… and I am just remembering.
During the first day of the workshop we covered a lot of theory but also did some exercises. We did manifestation drawings/breathing exercises to improve our lives and bring in what we need. We also did body scans to look for balance and solar systems; and we asked which minerals the body lacked and what we needed to create them.
On the second day there was a lot of information about minerals were many more exercises. We paired up and did more body scans, checked out the different types of minerals and downloaded the ones that the body needed. Most of us experienced amazing visuals and sensations during these exercises. The last exercise before the close of the day was to witness the integration of every cell with the essence spiritual energies of the 5th dimension… Beautiful. After this, manifesting what you REALLY want to manifest and a short meditation to set you on your way.
I have found that with the necessary minerals, life has become easier, I’m not so hungry and ‘food’ is merely a habit of our everyday existence… This is definitely a course to attend if you want inspiration, and put your body’s willpower and utmost balance back into the driving seat of your soul…
My life has improved tremendously since the course, and continues to improve. I’m up for another one when it comes along…"
~ Janet, Peterborough, UK
“Literally Saved My Life”
"Dearest Sangeeta, you have deeply inspired me and over the course of you treating me for various issues over nearly 20 years now, you have literally saved my life. Over the years you have helped me shift on both a physical (saved my life and me from being paralyzed in a near fatal ATV accident) and emotional level (everything from smoothing out work relationships and finding new corporate jobs to creating deeper intimacy in my personal relationships and learning to love myself and my body exactly how I am).
You’ve helped me open doors that were previously stuck. Sometimes the transformation happens instantly and sometimes it takes a few days to really open up and shift. But one thing I know for sure is that you are the real deal and I am so grateful to have you in my life.
My hope for you is to continuously connect with other clients and supporters who truly appreciate your powerful gifts as much or greater than I."
~ Robyn, La Jolla, United States
“I have become the magic of my own universe. I heal my body,
I don't take any medications nor get infections easily”
"I had my first meeting with Dr Sangeeta Sahi mid year of 2007. I wasn't expecting what it would be like until I attended her seminars and workshops and after that there was no turning back.
All the issues that I had accumulated in this lifetime and many lifetimes started healing.
I have become the magic of my own universe. I heal my body, I don't take any medications nor get infections easily. And if anything comes up, I allow my body to heal itself. And it's not only the physical issues but even my mental thoughts, and I've changed into a better person.
I was always interested in cooking for my family and friends but after working with Dr Sangeeta my creativity in cooking and the dishes I make have transformed. Everyone tells me that my food is full of nourishment and love. She helped me grow and find a fulfilling purpose in my life.
Thank you!"
~ Jasleen, Mumbai, India
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Discount: 60%
Total Package Value $249
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
The Genuine Human
Being Transformational Process MP3
Discount: 54%
Total Package Value $749
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
The Genuine Human
Being Transformational Process MP3
3 Group sessions
Discount : 43%
Total Package Value $1049
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
$777 $597
The Genuine Human
Being Transformational Process MP3
3 Group sessions
1- 90 Min Individual Session

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.