Reprogram Your Wounded Heart: 3-Part Program to Release All the Effects of Trauma Once and For All
Value: $1200
Date: Nov 6, 13, 20 at 6 pm Pacific Time
Comprised of 3 calls in November, all revolving around releasing the effects of trauma within our body. As a group these calls target releasing inner-grief, abandonment, betrayal, self-rejection, self-criticism, distrust, and disconnection.
- Do you experience relationships and friendships that feel like there is something missing? Where you feel like there is something wrong with you because it seems like 1 and 1 don’t equal 2?
- Are you still triggered by a painful childhood?
- Do you tend to criticise and reject yourself?
- Do you feel disconnected from Source Energy, unable to access the universal wisdom within you?
- Does your body hold grief locked up tight, deep inside of you?
- Are you tired of feeling like you’ve done all the work, explored all the issues with so many healers, therapists and programs, and still find yourself dealing with the same old patterns?
- Do you want to have the tools you need to finally be free and move on?
This offer is for you if you’re finished trying to feel whole and you want to clear this out once and for all. On these calls, I’m going to show you how to:
- Gain clarity on what is sabotaging your relationship with yourself
- Release the programs and beliefs holding you hostage
- Step into the authentic expression of you, and begin feeling the confidence to express this you to the world
Topic: Dichotomy of Love & Fear
- Identify the stories you create in your life
- Release your fear-based programs
- Stop pushing your love away
Topic: Addressing Our Inner Critic
- Identify your inner critic
- Release self-rejection
- Stop resisting your highest good
Topic: Accepting Our Inherent Worth
- Identify the core wounds which are blocking your energy
- Release judgment
- Stop feeling disconnected from Divine Source Energy
Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 87% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
The Success Stories Keep Pouring In ...
“All the heavy energies have been removed and I now feel so much lighter, pain-free and clearer!”
"My appointment with Roshelle was so very revealing in many aspects, and so helpful!
Right away, Roshelle picked up on a core wound that I was carrying around: I am not enough, I am unloved, incomplete, imperfect, unworthy. I have always been an “adapter” to situations, and my higher self came through to let me know that it doesn’t mean I have to take on a heavy load, that I can say no, and if I do say no, then it means it’s not in my high interest, nor is it in theirs. I always felt so hopeless in making any changes in the world that mattered, and thought that I had to be the President to contribute or make any changes for humanity, but Roshelle assured me that simple “beingness” is enough, feeling joy, lighting me up from the inside is reflected back on others, so they feel it too.
In our session, Roshelle brought me to a space that held acceptance of myself, and cleared heavy energies from the tops my shoulders not only from myself, but also from my lineage. I felt the warmth of energy working with me, and with the heaviness that was released from my shoulders and stomach, I felt so much lighter, pain-free and clearer. Bottom line – it is essential for me to take time for myself – to be grounded daily to Gaia, and to go to that healing place to release wounds and center. "
~ Laurie H.
“I’m No Longer Overwhelmed and I’ve Stopped Overthinking!”
"I have been suffering from doing things that I would consider counter productive to what I would like my life to be like and this has been an ongoing issue since childhood due to traumas and not feeling good enough. After listening to Roshelle's audios, I have a feeling of calmness and I'm not overthinking as much as I have in the past. Just the feeling of not constantly feeling overwhelmed has been a wonderful benefit! I'm looking forward to seeing what other benefits appear as time goes by. Knowing how I have been benefiting from these audios, I would recommend Roshelle and hope others will see the great results I have so far! Thanks for this great opportunity. I really enjoyed it and hope I can participate again in the future."
~ Natalia G
“Listening to Roshelle’s MP3’s I definitely see a huge sudden accelerated change in my inner world”
"I am finally learning to always be living with source, I am dropping parts of my story more and more every day. This has allowed me to love myself more and accept myself for who I truly am! I am no longer playing the shame game or finding blame in me. After listening to Roshelle’s MP3’s… I definitely see a huge sudden accelerated change in my inner world… and there is more stillness which I appreciate and love! Thank you!"
~ Maria
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Roshelle...
"I feel renewed, loved and protected."
"I felt the physical shifts of the integrations during our session and they continued to shift as I chose to be seen for who I am!"
“I was blown away by how accurate her readings were! She tapped right into what my hidden pain was!"
“I finally have techniques and tools that work to calm me when I get triggered!"
“I felt safe going deep into past traumas, and held in a gentle, loving space while we cleared away the old me."
"I’m no longer trapped by my past! I can finally focus on moving on."
“I feel motivated and excited to make important changes and decisions in my life."
"I feel so much lighter and full of peace now."
“I felt heard for the first time, and I started being able to listen to my own needs! I have space inside to be me!"
"I feel so connected to the Divine and in Universal Flow!"
“I have so much more clarity now! I even have the energy to change my old habits that were keeping me stuck!"
"She Read My Mind And Accurately Described
My SECRET Project To Me!"
"My very first session with Roshelle was awesome! I couldn't believe my ears when she described to me a project I'm working on, using the exact words I use to describe it! No one else in the world knows about this project. I was blown away that she tapped into this information!
I started our second session feeling unmotivated and overwhelmed with the enormity of fitting in time to start writing a special book, especially with so many other priorities in my life. Let me just say, Roshelle continued to astound me with the accuracy and her powerful clearings.
As I experienced her Heart-Fire Session, I felt the energy very strongly as issues were being cleared out. By the end of the session, not only was I feeling excited to get started and ideas were just bombarding me, but I felt such a deep and profound connection with the Divine. I highly recommend booking your session with Roshelle!"
~ Eram Saeed, Creator of From Heartache to Joy Global Telesummit
Hi, I’m Roshelle! I’ve worked with people all around the world, helping them to release the patterns and habits that create discordant beliefs and vibrations throughout their lives, and begin living from a state of love and flow.
I do this by working with my clients to release the core wounds holding them back from living the life they most desire, by releasing them from the limiting beliefs that hold them hostage.
I focus on bringing in an infusion of empowerment, self-forgiveness, inner peace, and love. Upgrading your connection to the divine flow. Channeling messages from your soul-self that are specific to the problems you’re facing in your life right now.
Multiple methodologies have gone into the creation of my unique approach, which I have brought together in order to deliver results. Results delivered in a way that honours your unique path and gifts.
- First, I channel messages directly from your Soul-Self and transmit Universal Source Energies to download the frequencies designed to create shifts in your life.
- Second, I utilize my extensive knowledge of numerous healing modalities to amplify the Universal Source Energies pouring into me and into our connection to create shifts in the vibrational field around you.
- Third, I combine the messages, flow of Universal Source Energies and understanding of numerous modalities to inform my multi-dimensional perspective on what is needed to move into a new state of being.
A signature healing program is the result, and is now available for you here at a phenomenally low price for a limited time only!
“It felt so easy to open up to her…”
~ Kerrin, Toronto
“I Felt the Pain Leaving My Body and All My Barriers Were Instantly Dissolved!”
"I have had constant neck / shoulder pain for many years, recent knee pain and emotional stress where I had a deep feeling that something was holding me back or sabotaging me and a deep seated fear of stepping into my power and being seen. Roshelle was so amazingly accurate when she dove deep into my emotions and internal self talk and into the root cause of my physical issues. Each time a new emotion was explored, she worked to help remove what was blocking me and I could feel physical stress and pain leave my body. I found the healing visualisation process amazing with Roshelle! I easily went into my heart space with the energy she held and we went on a wonderful healing journey.
I continue to have a deep sense of peace and grounding since the healing with Roshelle and find I can drop into my heart space very easily now. I feel the fear that I was holding onto was released and I now feel calmer in my everyday life. The release of physical pain in my shoulder, and neck and stress in my stomach and tightness of muscles in parts of my physical body were instant. I couldn't believe how accurate and fast Roshelle was at diving into my deepest hidden emotions and how my barriers were instantly dissolved due to the way Roshelle works and the instant connection and trust you feel when you work with her.
I would absolutely recommend anyone wanting to release emotional pain and fear or not knowing why you feel so disjointed should work with Roshelle. I cannot say enough how super accurate and fast she was at getting me to admit my deepest secret feelings of myself and how simply she was able to allow me to release them!"
~ Rebecca J.
“She Helped Renew My Life Where I Feel Loved, Protected and Acknowledged by ME!”
"I had just turned 65 years old the week before, and was feeling so dismayed at the effects of trauma from my childhood that have been a cloud hovering over me all my life. I've done a lot of work over the years to try to clear my pain, but was looking for something new to help dissolve blocks to living life with a renewed passion and creativity.
I was pretty shocked when Roshelle went right into identifying the area of my body where I held great emotional pain and trauma: my breasts! She connected this to my father and asked me what this was about. I was caught by surprise as the floodgate to my emotions gave way to tears, and I described my past with my father. Roshelle zeroed in on this deeply hurtful terrible memory. She had already identified that I felt undeserving, unimportant and unlovable. I had blocked my growth on just about every level, intellectually, spiritually, in intimacy, in creativity, and others that she mentioned. I chose to be unseen. She was clearing blocks in present time and going backwards and forward in time with my family lineage. I felt a huge support for what was happening, a gathering of supporters with me!
Since my session with Roshelle, I have been acknowledging my desire to begin a renewed life where I feel loved, protected and acknowledged by the most important person in my life to do those things: ME! I feel inspired and ABLE to pursue my intellectual and creative abilities, to move beyond what has dis-ABLED me.
I found her voice very soothing as she softly coaxed me to open and release, I felt safe in going to the core of the pain she drew from my depths. I absolutely would like to work with her again!"
~ Celeste Crago
“Today I Feel Like a Totally Different Person and I Love It!”
"I had been very stuck in my life since early childhood when my father passed away and self sabotaging was the only thing working in my life. I desperately wanted to live the life I had always imagined for myself. Roshelle was really wonderful as she listened and she connected to my field... it was like she knew what had happened and pinpointed the stuff that was holding me back! She told me about my core wounds and how they had been there for a very long time and the description she gave me was spot on. Everything she said resonated with me as true and this explained so much about why so many different areas of my life had not been working!
I was so happy that the healing happened right then and there during my session with her! She even gave me techniques to do if I got triggered and an exercise I can do in the mornings. These both have really served to strengthen my results. It has made me feel better and better and now I feel like that part of me that caused all of this just shriveled up and died. I was transmuted. I guess I feel like that was another version of me because today I feel like a totally different person now since these issues no longer exist!
I would definitely recommend her wholeheartedly. I think that she would really help you to move forward in whatever area of your life and transmute the blocks in your way to be successful or whatever it is that you are looking for!"
~ Kelly Green
“All My Blocks Were Removed… I Can Finally Move On!!!”
"My session with Roshelle Celeste left me in tears - tears that were bubbling up since last March and even beyond that. Roshelle gave me a message that my Mom, who transitioned this past March, loves me and is extremely proud of me. This message was exactly what I needed to hear from my Mom! Deep down, I felt guilty because I was not there as she was transitioning.
Roshelle also guided me through a process that cleared the emotional knots that I have been holding and that I had thought I had cleared oh so long ago.
There were five big knots that I had tucked away so deeply that Roshelle found, with the route linked into a low back pain that started after a car accident in 2007. Roshelle helped me clear each deep knot. I ended at an altar, the source of magical gifts that I will return to and collect as those are unfolded and revealed in time.
With love and many thanks to Roshelle for guiding me through this process and clearing the wounding knots. And mostly many thanks for bringing the message from my Mom."
~ Wendy H.
“My Life is Better Than Ever... It's Like a Whole New World Opened Up for ME!”
"I highly recommend working with Roshelle to shift key deep-seated patterns and limiting beliefs and step into a new relationship with yourself! I had such profound shifts in multiple areas of my life from my session with Roshelle. Immediately after my session, felt connected to my higher self. Since the session, I can stand in my truth in a way that honours my experience, and speak from this place without guilt, fear or shame. This has reduced my anxiety significantly since I no longer over-plan or overthink situations- instead I trust my inner voice and confidently speak with care from that place in the moment.
As a result, I'm now able to let go of situations much quicker than before and I've stopped feeling responsible for taking care of everyone else's stuff! With this, my sleep has improved too. I used to spend hours at night processing my day, but now I'm sleeping deeper and I'm dreaming again!
My personal relationships with those close to me have also shifted to a more balanced and positive space where I am no longer drawn into the personal dramas and ego trips of others. I have also noticed that I no longer feel disempowered within a multi-generational construct. I am able to transcend this painful cycle which had left me feeling diminished, demoralized and undignified in the past. After my Heart-Fire Session with Roshelle, I feel liberated, no longer bound to people, situations or circumstances which are out of my control."
~ Angeli Chitale, Naturopathic Doctor
“Roshelle is My Trusted Coach!”
"Roshelle is amazing because she is able to tune in and get to the heart of the issue. Without telling her a single thing about a certain family member, she honed in on the pattern and energy dynamic and how it influenced my life and was able to lead me through a powerful healing exercise. I immediately felt lighter and clearer and able to relate to this person in a different way. I had been through many therapy sessions that NEVER brought the level of insight and impact that Roshelle brought in one session!
In other sessions, she has been able to pinpoint limitations I’ve had around money or time and created an amazing energetic clearing that really made an impact. She helped me to see and say yes to my purpose and potential at a level far beyond my current aspirations. Roshelle is my trusted coach for helping and healing. She connects with incredible intuition and accuracy to your Higher Self and brings innovative energy awareness and tools to help transform things on all levels.
Working with Roshelle will change your life! You will experience greater levels of clarity, impact, and fulfillment!"
~ Diane Pryzmus, Intuitive Business Coach, NC
“My Future is Crystal Clear Now Thanks to Roshelle!”
"My session with Roshelle was beyond my expectations… I never realized that I needed to go that deep in order to get a clearer vision on who I am and what my purpose in life truly is all about. It has created a whole new level in my life that I never even imagined possible! I was able to come to terms with my purpose and I will be forever grateful to Roshelle for confirming something very personal to me that holds my heart in a very dear space. This experience was magical in every sense of the word… from the journey she took me on to the place I needed to see! I invite anybody who wants to reach that personal level of knowing your truth, to have a session with Roshelle! Thank you so much for this incredible journey!"
~ Tracey B Buysse, FHTJ Team Member
About Roshelle Celeste
Roshelle is an Intuitive Soul Coach and Quantum Energy Facilitator. She is passionate about helping individuals on a spiritual path to embrace their gifts and welcome themselves more deeply than they've ever given themselves permission to do before. She guides them through releasing limiting subconscious patterns and core wounds that keep them playing with what is familiar, but ultimately holding them back from experiencing the life they've always dreamed of. She activates their heart flame and uses it to burn away all that is not in their highest good and release that which does not belong to them.
Through working with Roshelle, countless people from all around the world have transformed their lives, healing their core wounds and living a life on purpose with who they are and the gifts they are here to share. Her clients experience profound shifts that open their awareness to new possibilities in their lives and they begin to create shifts in their consciousness as they hold increasingly higher frequencies in their body and energy fields.
Her client’s have shared they feel:
- Safe, acknowledged and accepted.
- Motivated, excited and full of clarity.
- Renewed, loved and protected.
- Renewed, lighter and full of peace.
- Connected to the Divine and to Universal Flow.
Total Package Value $1200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 87% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.