Finally, Flip the Script on Stress, Anxiety & Fear to Free Yourself from the Most Relentless Repeating Blocks in just 1 Session!
(Go from Fried to Revived Instantly)

Last Stop Healing for Sticky Blocks that Stumped ALL Other Healers!
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Discount: 50%
Total Package Value $297
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer
One 30 minute 1-1 repeating pattern session
Discount :72%
Total Package Value $700
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer
One 30 minute 1-1 repeating pattern session
30 days customized remote healing
Special Bonus: Additional 30 days customized remote healing

Package A: No refund after session is taken.
Package B&C: No refund after session is taken or remote healing commences, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Did you know that 95% of all disease is caused or worsened by stress? And like a loyal pet, chronic stress just sticks around and never leaves your side…it’s like the soundtrack of your life is stuck on Jaws in an endless loop and keeps playing over and over again. These chronic patterns of stress, strife and fear just keep showing up making your present a replay of the past!
Have you ever wondered …
- Why every relationship you have ends up in heartache?
- Why your career is stagnating instead of soaring?
- Why your health is on a downward spiral in spite of eating right and exercising?
It’s because your song of stress, fear and anxiety has the same tedious note...STOP, STOP, STOP! Urging you to stay in the same box you’ve dug for yourself. The volume varies from person to person, but the song never changes and you keep creating the same patterns of lack/poverty, dis-ease, heartbreak and conflict with different people/situations. Can YOU relate?
Are You Experiencing Any Of These Recurring Symptoms/Patterns?
- Feeling like you’re alone in a hostile world unsupported by God/Universe?
- Experiencing chronic health challenges like energy crashes, weight gain, inflammation, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, depression etc.?
- Experiencing the same toxic relationship patterns over and over again?
- Recreating lack/scarcity no matter what you do and feeling anxious about your dwindling bank balance and mounting debt?
- Overcome with overwhelm like you have too many tabs open on your computer?
- Feeling the angst of “I’m not good enough” and “I’ll never be good enough” so you keep self-sabotaging yourself?
- Experiencing debilitating stress, anxiety or anything less than love for life, joy or peace?
- Facing chronic recurring patterns that ensure your present is a replica of the past?
- And finally, feeling like you’ve tried EVERYTHING but nothing works for you?
The good news is that you’re in the right place and let us prove to you how Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser can clear ALL these issues...
A study, published in Circulation, found that women with severe anxiety showed a 52% increased risk of sudden cardiac death and a 30% increased risk of fatal coronary heart disease. So stress and anxiety are not just nuisance emotions that get in the way of you living your best life but also predispose you to heart disease, which is the #1 killer in the US, and have also been linked to cancer, diabetes, thyroid disease, autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, depression, inflammatory disorders, ulcers, and even the common cold!

And stress don’t just make you sick, tired and fat, it interrupts the healing process, and also prevents you from fully stepping into your soul’s purpose, emptying your pockets of joy in this one wild and precious life that’s been bestowed on you.
You’ve been playing this cat and mouse game with stress and anxiety and have tried it ALL...from designer drugs to changing your diet to energy healers and meditating like a monk but this pattern of corrosive stress and anxiety keeps bouncing back in your life like a pesky guest who never leaves. Why? Because no one has ever addressed the ROOT CAUSE of this vicious pattern of stress, burnout, depletion, disillusionment, heartbreak and overwhelm...till NOW!
No Place to Hide
But you can stop quaking in your fraidy-cat boots because there’s FINALLY a stunningly simple modality, Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser, that can help you clear ALL those sticky, stubborn, relentless blocks.
They have no place to hide as this will pull out ALL these chronic repeating patterns from the roots! Every nook, cranny and molecule will be exposed. The genius of this modality is that you can clear ALL your traumas, limiting beliefs and entities simultaneously (versus peeling back one layer at a time like most healers do) once and for all to heal chronic, stubborn blocks from your health, career, finances, relationships and THRIVE on ALL levels.
And once these chronic, sticky blocks are removed and released, YOU take control of your healing FOREVER.
Here’s What You Get with Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser
- Effortlessly clear sticky, relentless blocks to health, money, relationships and career from 10 to 0 in one fell swoop; Lisa is the healer to the healers and reigns supreme when other healers are stumped by blocks that are not moving so this is truly a final stop journey!
- Deepen your connection with your higher self and intuition and become your own healer (when blocks are cleared, your body can more efficiently heal itself)
- Release drama, trauma, old wounds, hooks and persistent entities once and for all!
- Breakup with stress and anxiety to step into infinite possibilities and have fun along the way
- Clear chronic health blocks to sleep like a baby, have unstoppable energy and mind power/clarity to design your dream life so that your future is unrecognizable from your past; no more repeating patterns of doom like you’ve changed the soundtrack of your life from Jaws to Top Gun
- Create new healthy patterns/habits and clear sticky, stubborn blocks that prevent you from backsliding into old habits/patterns
- Fall in ecstatic love with your body and life knowing unequivocally that you live in a friendly universe that is guiding you to your fullest expression
- Facing chronic recurring patterns that ensure your present is a replica of the past?
- Feel worthy of receiving anything you want knowing that you’re a child of God/Source and your playing small does not serve anyone
- Activate self confidence and love to step into your full power and authenticity so much so that your circle of family/friends will notice and yearn to know your “secret weapon”
But don’t take our word for it...the proof is in the pudding
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Lisa...
“Lisa Is The MOST Accurate Healer I Have Ever Met...The Difference is Like Night & Day!”
“It Was Very Fast… And A Very Deep Healing!”
“Lisa Has A Way Of Facilitating Healing That Is Beyond Anything I've EVER... Experienced Before. Simply Magical”
“In Just ONE Session My Recurring Financial Drama Diminished”
“I Feel So Much Lighter... As If A Heavy Burden Has Just Been Lifted Off Of Me!”
“She Helped Clear My Present Life, Past-lives, And Ancestral Blockages that NO OTHER HEALER COULD RESOLVE!”
“Lisa Helped Me With Everything From Physical Pain To Uncovered Emotions… Even Helped Sell Our House In Record Time!”
“I Send My Clients To Lisa When They Hit A Plateau As She’s the Ultimate Healer to the Healers!”
“I Sail Right Through Problems That I Used To Struggle With!”
“Freed of All The Guck That Was Keeping Me Sick & Unfulfilled...No Longer A Hostage to These Repeating Patterns!”
“Just ONE Session My Financial Difficulties Diminished!”
“My Chest Pain Level Went Down from 8 To ZERO… And I Lost 4.5lbs
In ONE Day!”
“Lisa Put Me On The Right Path… And I Lost 60 Pounds!”
“Lisa’s Clearings Saved My Family’s Life!”
“Changed Negative Endless Loop of Repeated Programs & My Life Is Improving In Giant Leaps!”
“My Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain Have Virtually Disappeared!”
“My Chronic Blocks with My Mother & Money Went from 10-0 in ONE Session!”
“In Just One Session She Cleared My Blocks And I Can Write Again!”
“My Chronic Addiction To Carbs Is GONE… And I Scored A FREE Gym Membership!”
“She Cleared Out Past Traumas That Were Affecting My Voice… And Reignited my Passion for Life!”
“Phew!! I Feel Like A Ton Of Bricks Has Been Lifted From My Mind And Body!”
“She Has Helped Me On So Many Levels”
“Lisa Released Long Standing Entity from My Thumb… And I Experienced Relief Immediately!”
“Everything In My Life Flows More Smoothly Now!”
“My Breathing Issues Are GONE And My Confidence And Self-Esteem Is Better Than EVER Before!”
“Both Myself And My Son’s Lives Have Opened Up In Fabulous Ways”
“If You’re Fed Up with Seeing Repetitive Patterns, Don’t Hesitate to Work With Lisa”
Meet Your Repeating Pattern Eraser
Every once in a while, a healer comes along, an old soul, who was born to do this work and disrupt the conventional healing more healing one block at a time, returning back to the healer to slowly and painfully peel back ALL the blocks that are holding you back. Lisa is precisely that healer and has earned an exquisite reputation for being the Healer to Healers as no matter how relentless and stubborn the block/pattern is (that may stump other healers) she ALWAYS removes it, no matter what, and gets it down to ZERO!
Recurring patterns with money, health and relationships don’t stand a chance of coming back as she pulls them out at the roots. Healing is all over her astrology chart and it’s just who she is. She is very accurate, like a pinpoint laser she can find dark stuff that most others can’t see and heal it FAST.
Lisa had her own dark night of the soul with a serious medical condition where her ovaries were shutting down and she felt like the walking dead. The holistic chiropractor who healed her with energy work said she was bound to get CANCER had she not intervened. And that scary experience was her awakening and initiated her into energy healing and started her on a quest to bring these treasures to light and share her gifts with the world.
She also struggled with baggage from many lifetimes and was discouraged from the same, sticky patterns showing up repeatedly. Until one day she figured out short-cuts to massive healing in minutes, even seconds and gained freedom from depression, anger, stress and anxiety that had been weighing her down all her life! Her mess became her message and she wants to do the same for YOU and facilitate freedom from chronic, sticky blocks, once and for all!
Lisa has trained in over 20 modalities including Advanced Spiritual Response Therapy, Emotion Code, Body Code, Access Consciousness Bars, Angelic Mediumship, etc. She is extremely intuitive and empathic and gets guided by Source to restore her clients back to their divine blueprint.
Lisa walks her talk, and her energy is palpable to all her clients. Her vibration is so high that it brings to mind the Emerson quote, “What you DO speaks so loudly that I cannot HEAR what you say.”
Here’s Some More Amazing Success Stories
“My Chronic Blocks With My Mother and Money Went from 10-0 in ONE session”
“My sessions with Lisa were very insightful and there was palpable movement. I needed help shifting my relationship with my mother which had reached a point of toxicity. Before the session, we were at the height of confrontation but after the session with Lisa, my mother invited me to help her sort through the clothes designated for Goodwill and we spent the next few days connecting and healing our relationship.
I also needed help with chronic financial blocks that kept showing up in my life causing me to lose money in every possible way. After the session with Lisa, money started to flow and I got a $2500 check in the mail that I had been waiting for, for a long time. Lisa’s intuition, focus and passion to help people live their best life, makes her a rare jewel.”
UPDATE: “I received an unexpected deposit into my credit union 5 days after our session!”
~ S. Goetz
“Phew!! I Feel Like A Ton Of Bricks Has Been Lifted From My Mind And Body...No Longer a Hostage to Repeating Patterns”
“After being referred to Lisa, she quickly identified many “heart walls” I had erected in my energetic body since childhood and even pinpointed the specific emotions I had been harboring in each wall. After our fourth session of clearing these walls, my relationship with a loved one whom I had “walled out” of my heart since childhood suddenly opened up and began some major healing! (This had not even been an intention of mine in my work with Lisa; I had contacted her simply to help my body heal.)
Interestingly, also after our fourth session, I developed a pain in the left side of my upper back, right behind my heart. I knew it was the shifting energy of those heart walls coming down! After my fifth session with Lisa, the pain subsided, and my loved one and I have continued to heal our relationship. Phew!! I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted from my mind/body.
I highly recommend working with Lisa if there are hidden blocks that hinder you from achieving any sort of goal or simply moving forward in life with more emotional/physical freedom. My mind/body are literally becoming freed of all the guck that had been keeping me sick and unfulfilled all these years. I’m no longer a hostage to these repeating patterns! Thanks, Lisa, for pinpointing the emotions I had buried for over twenty years and for clearing them so gracefully”
~ C. S.
“Changed the Negative Endless Loop of Repeating Programs & My Life Is Improving In Giant Leaps!”
“I recently met Lisa at a workshop and was amazed at the incredible strides I was able to make after working with her. She is an extraordinarily gifted energy healer. She was able to take me through Matrix Reimprinting and literally help me change the way my subconscious mind was running the negative “endless loop” of repeating programs that were sabotaging my ability to move forward in certain areas of my life.
Lisa has such a strong, positive energy field that I have physically felt negative energy leave my body as well as felt positive energy enter my body, and this was over the phone! I had been stuck in certain areas of my life and the work Lisa has done with me has enabled me to change the negative endless loop of repeating programs that I was not able to do on my own. I have never met or worked with any other energy healers who wields the level of energy and expertise that Lisa brings to a session.
She has literally raised my energy levels by association and my life is improving in giant leaps in regards to my family, my business and my confidence and performance as an energy healer working with others. Her expertise spans many different healing modalities and she is able to blend them to perfection. Lisa delivered results well beyond my expectations!”
~ Norma W.
“My Chest Pain Level Went Down To ZERO… And I Lost 4.5lbs In ONE Day...I Should Have Worked with Her Sooner!”
“I made an appointment with Lisa as the stress of our caregiving responsibilities over the past 2 years were taking a toll on me. Two of our loved ones are on hospice now, and the grief and emotional stress was becoming overwhelming. I began to experience physical pain in my chest and heavy pressure whenever I would get emotional.
When my session began, Lisa asked me, “What is your pain level in your chest on a scale of 1 to 10?” I immediately responded ’8’ and my stress level felt like 150! By the end of the session, my chest pain level was at zero! It was as if a huge weight was lifted off of my chest and my shoulders. I felt so much lighter and the next day my co-workers and friends said I looked like a new woman!
Lisa told me that stress can put energy weight on us. I couldn't help myself and weighed myself after the session... I was down 3 lbs! In the morning, I was down a total of 4.5 lbs! MIND BLOWN!!! I no longer feel completely overwhelmed. Every little thing that occurs in a normal day no longer feels like it will be ‘The straw that breaks the camel's back.’
I highly recommend to anyone that is having difficulty moving forward in their lives to have a session with Lisa... she helps you to move forward emotionally and to release the weight of emotional baggage from your past. Don't underestimate the effect stress can have on your life... and don't assume that ‘you have got this.’ I should have worked with her sooner... the change is astounding! I won't hesitate to see Lisa again for another session should I feel the need.”
~ Susan M.
“Lisa Is The MOST Accurate Healer I Have Ever Met...The Difference is Like Night & Day!”
“Lisa is the real deal... she makes me feel relaxed and listened to. I have had so many sticky blockages from ancestors, past lives, and my present life that Lisa has helped to elevate or remove. I feel better every time I leave a session. She is also the MOST accurate healer I have ever met.
“Recently, I worked with Lisa because my stress levels were through the roof... my blood pressure was very high at 171/89 and I didn’t want to take medication. I had one session with Lisa, and the next day I was processing that work. Within three days, my blood pressure had dropped to 125/83! I am going to the gym and working out again.
It’s been a long time since I enjoyed going to the gym, and I am enjoying it again... It feels great AND I had no pain! I can’t remember the last time I had no pain. I was able to do 90 minutes, and I wanted to do more! I am feeling good emotionally and stresswise... the difference is like night and day! THANK YOU!!!!”
~ Anonymous and Happy
“Controlling People Suddenly Change Their Behavior & Start Supporting Me...Everything in My Life Flows More Smoothly Now!”
“I get results from working with Lisa usually on the same day or soon after. I notice that I feel differently about things and that people’s behavior around me changes. I have had people who have been really controlling and dis empowering suddenly change not only their behavior and general atmosphere, but also suddenly agreeing with what I am saying and supporting me with it!
I have had quite a challenging life and worked a lot with Lisa and she has got me through some very difficult times, helping my life to flow more smoothly. I highly recommend Lisa because she gets to the root of the problems very quickly and it doesn't mean you have to go back into the trauma to deal with it. If you want to change your life and the repetitive patterns in your life that you are fed up with seeing, then don't hesitate to work with Lisa because she has many skills that will find the problems and release them with absolutely no judgement!”
~ Mary H.
“Miracle Worker! Transformed My Relationship With My Son!”
“Lisa is a miracle worker! My son was living in California for school and had been having a difficult battle with depression. I hadn’t heard from him in weeks. I met with Lisa and she did some remote work on him and later that same night, I received a call from him! He was open and honest about how he was feeling and it was one of the best conversations we had ever had. Lisa is always able to pinpoint the issue and help resolve it.
She has helped me completely transform my relationship with my son. We have always been close, but we would butt heads and be almost adversarial. Through working with Lisa on myself and on him, we are now at a really good place of communication, love and respect.”
~ Christine
“I’ve Become My Own Healer… Amazing!”
“One of the things I appreciate the most about healing work with Lisa, is that she always empowers me and teaches me tools to try to heal things myself. It has been extremely beneficial in stressful times to be able to stop, figure out the emotion or issue, find out if it was mine or someone else’s, figure out where it was in my body and then clear it! And Lisa is always there to help if I get stuck or my intuition is being blocked by something. It’s amazing to heal my own stuff! Who knew! Lisa knew!!!”
~ C.P.
“I Am Now At Peace With My Mom’s Passing”
“I think most of my work with Lisa focuses on relationships... my mom, my son, my boyfriend, co-workers, siblings… everyone! With Lisa’s help I was able to heal many of the issues between my mother and I so that when she passed away, we were in a mutually good place. No resentments, no bad feelings... and there had been A LOT. It took time, and I am so glad I invested the time and resources because now we are both at peace with our relationship!”
~ C. Powell
“In Just ONE Session My Financial Difficulties Diminished!”
“I was having financial difficulties and nothing I did seemed to help. After a while, I knew that what was happening was a past life coming up to be cleared. I contacted Lisa for a session in her office and the results were just incredible! I took an amazing journey through my past and in the end… My financial difficulties became less than mole hills and I was able to manage them with no problems! One session! I recommend Lisa and will continue to do so!”
~ Jacquie R.
“Both Myself And My Son’s Lives Have Opened Up In Fabulous Ways!”
“My issues were mostly in my abdominal area. It was an ongoing problem
most of my life. It was so severe, I was considering seeing a gastroenterologist at the time I met Lisa. I was fighting that as I really didn’t want to go to a doctor and I was afraid of what they might find. Lisa and I worked together on my issues for several months, once every other week. It took about 5 or 6 sessions, and I felt I was doing better at getting a handle on my issues.
I realized that I was creating my own stress, which I stuffed into my abdomen. We did lots of very deep clearing, and I also learned from Lisa how to handle situations and clear myself when stresses arose. Overall, I’m much happier in my life with way less stress. My relationship with a very dramatic family member has become much easier to manage because I am detached, and I set healthy boundaries with her so she can no longer stress me out.
Our work together always made a huge positive difference in how I felt. I would totally recommend seeing Lisa as she is very insightful and her insights greatly help in isolating issues that are creating feelings of poor health and well-being.
I’d also like to mention that my son also saw Lisa. I was extremely stressed over observing what was happening in his life, as a father. He was dealing with controlling and overbearing relationships and wanting to keep the peace, but also have his life be his own. After working with Lisa, he left a toxic, controlling relationship, put up healthy boundaries with a family member, and his life opened up in fabulous ways... he got a job, he’s self-sufficient, and pays his own way! So not only is he now enjoying a stress free life, I don’t have to worry about him either and we are both thriving and happy! Our relationship has always been good, and now it’s even better!”
~ Howard G.
“Lisa Has A Way Of Facilitating Healing That Is Beyond Anything I've EVER... Experienced Before! Simply Magical”
“I reached out to Lisa because I was going through a time when I was feeling a great deal of anxiety and trying to work through some difficult issues in my family. I was also feeling stuck and trapped by my life. There were times I felt overwhelmed, hopeless and very sad. My sessions with Lisa have been like peeling back layers of an onion... she and I have worked extensively over the last 5 months and she has helped me identify issues that I needed to work on and she helped me clear them!
I've developed an understanding of my feelings and behaviors as well as the ability to see how certain relationships were affecting me and why. After our sessions, I would feel calmer and have a sense of well-being. There were a couple of sessions that uncovered some deeper issues that needed more work. It wasn't always easy, but Lisa has a way of guiding you through things.
I recently had an incident with a family member. The difference in how I handled it and how it made me feel was truly profound. I was calm, strong and grounded. Some things never change, but we can change the way things affect us and how we deal with them. That's how Lisa has helped me and I am grateful I found her. She has helped me raise my level of consciousness and overcome a myriad of physical ailments.
How she does it, I don't know, but Lisa has a way of facilitating healing that is beyond anything I've experienced before. Simply Magical! She is also as kind and good natured as they come! I would recommend trying three sessions with Lisa and seeing if this is good for you. It has done wonders for me! I hope this is helpful to whomever is searching for a shift. I have also referred her to a number of people and the feedback I received was great!”
~ A Happy Client
“My Chronic Addiction To Carbs Is GONE… And I Scored A FREE Gym Membership!”
“I am extremely happy with the results of my session on weight loss with Lisa. She has done the near impossible - she completely eradicated my chronic addiction to carbs! I woke up the next day craving to eat keto, and not being tempted in the slightest by all the pizza and chocolate in the fridge. I also found myself with so much energy that I went to the gym to work out, something I haven't been able to motivate myself to do in years.
The gym offered me a free membership for a year, which is worth around $500. My session with Lisa paid for itself in the first 24 hours! She is a genius and I am so grateful!”
~ Vera Mirna
“Entity Released From My Thumb… And I Experienced Relief Immediately!”
“I was having trouble sleeping and I had also been having pain in my right thumb for three days. Lisa found and released an entity in my thumb, and I experienced relief immediately! I also had no more trouble sleeping. I found I had a better mood around others, and that impacted my staff who work better when I’m positive. I would highly recommend Lisa… she is powerfully intuitive and will clear what’s needed to get you fast results!”
~ Michaela
“Lisa Helped Me With Everything From Physical Ailments To Uncovered Emotions… Even Helped Sell Our House In Record Time!”
“When I came to you almost a year ago I was lost and broken. There was a metaphorical and literal heaviness on my chest. I didn’t understand the sensation nor did I know how to address it. In my frustration, I contacted my primary doctor. He claimed it was stress/ depression and recommended medication. I didn’t feel anti- depressants were an option for me, and his explanation didn’t fully encompass all the problems I was experiencing on so many levels... I needed help and relief from the pain!
As soon as we met I instantly felt comfortable with you. You were warm, patient and understanding. In our first session alone you didn’t just remove an energy block from my chest, but resolved a looming gallbladder issue I had written off to be nagging cysts. My first session was not just productive in a physical sense, but also provided a much needed spiritual lift– an energy block I’ve had for what seemed like months on end.
We’ve met countless times thereafter and you have been my guide through some of my darkest periods. You’ve helped me with everything from physical ailments to uncovered emotions. Each experience as enlightening as the next. In October of 2013 I came to you with my frustrations of being unable to sell my home. My family was ready to move forward and take on the next chapter. Our house had been on the market since May 2013, within a few short weeks, not only did we find our dream home but we sold ours for a more than reasonable price!!! We settled on both houses in just 4 short weeks!!
I can’t even begin to put into words my deep appreciation for all you’ve done. I have grown tremendously in this last year, I have overcome fears, improved my energy and gained self- confidence. I believe my quality of life has far surpassed anything I could have ever dreamed it’d be and I’m the person I am today because of you. Thank you for guiding me along this journey. Your passion for your work and your genuine concern for others shines through in everything you do. My life has been blessed because of you... thank you!”
~ Robin K.
I worked with Lisa on some legal issues that were evoking abject terror! Somehow it was causing me to come unhinged to the extent that I just didn’t want to deal with it. I wanted to run away! I had tried different sessions, but nothing resonated with me as deeply as it did when I got into the session with Lisa.
She quickly picked up on the energies of “paying the price for others’ mistakes,” a repeating pattern that resonated extremely strongly. I felt a surge of energy! When Lisa asked, “Were you on the Titanic? Did you drown?” that again brought vivid images! It also made sense because what Lisa did not know was that I have always had a huge fear of drowning and of the deep sea. At the start of the session, I was at a 20 on a scale of 1 to 10...30 minutes later, I was down to a ZERO!
I experienced extremely powerful energy in that session and I don’t say that often because I get so many healing sessions done that I hardly feel anything anymore, but this was so powerful! Lisa is very accurate and I recommend her intuitive guidance and energy clearing work to anyone wanting to find resolution for a repeating pattern in their lives!”
~ Eram Saeed
If you’re ready to shatter Chronic Patterns to achieve Anything you want, then the Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser is for YOU!
Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 50%
Total Package Value $297
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer
One 30 minute 1-1 repeating pattern session
Discount :72%
Total Package Value $700
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer
One 30 minute 1-1 repeating pattern session
30 days customized remote healing
Special Bonus: Additional 30 days customized remote healing

Package A: No refund after session is taken.
Package B&C: No refund after session is taken or remote healing commences, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with us to help you with it
Package A |
A 30-minute Personalized 1-1
Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser Session
A 30-minute personalized 1-1 Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser interactive healing session to permanently clear ALL your stubborn, sticky blocks in health, finances, career, relationships and love once and for all! Lisa has curated all her healing modalities and blended them to perfection coupled with her keen intuition to offer you a customized session to clear whatever is blocking you. Different blocks require different techniques which is why Lisa has spent the last 28 years diligently mastering these techniques and cutting edge tools to serve you best. Those sticky, stubborn blocks have no place to hide, every nook, cranny and molecule will be exposed. And they don’t stand a chance of surviving once Lisa deploys her master level expertise to pull them out at the roots. This technique is an absolute game changer and even if you harbor the belief that “nothing ever works for me”, this will uncover and annihilate all those secret, sticky blocks.
A private session with Lisa is a life changing experience, normally valued at $500, yet you’re snagging an incredible deal at a fraction of it’s true value!
Early Bird Offer:
Additional 30 minute 1-1 Repeating Pattern Session
If you buy now (when the cart opens) you get TWO for ONE and can score an additional 30-minute personalized session for one low price. Sessions must be booked consecutively to avail of this super sweet deal (LIMITED QUANTITIES and once they’re gone, they’re gone so grab it while you can).
This powerful rapid healing session will allow you to break free from repeating patterns/chains of the past and ensure that your future is unrecognizable from your past.
After the session you will get your issue from a 10 - 0...Gone and
- Identify and clear recurrent sticky blocks in the areas of money & finances to help you step into the flow of abundance with ease and grace
- Heal chronic health blocks permanently and rapidly and become your own healer as once the blocks are removed, the body will naturally return to homeostasis
- Clear mystery blocks/patterns that defy diagnosis / treatment
- Clear career blocks and activate your superpowers, hidden jewels/talents so you can soar in your career and love what you do
- Clear relationship blocks related to loneliness, apathy, numbness, heartache and heartbreak; lovingly let go of toxic relationships and embody love to attract new positive relationships and experiences that feed your soul
- Clear self-love and self-esteem/confidence blocks; remove self judgment and shame issues to embody more self-love, self-worth and self-esteem
Warning: If you’re attached to your addiction, suffering, stress, drama and demons, do not purchase this package because it will clear out all those patterns and do so much more! Other miraculous side effects to the healing include:
- Feeling peaceful, calm, relaxed, centered and grounded at all times
- Deepen your connection with Source/God/Universe and ignite your inner pilot light and intuition
- Release and clear drama, trauma, emotional wounds and old hurts
- Learn game-changing manifestation techniques to create an abundant future
- Massively increase your joy and happiness levels; Go from stressed to blessed by restoring your divine blueprint
- Reveal your true self by unlocking your self-confidence and worthiness
- Be driven by a vision of your future instead of repeating patterns of the past to achieve anything
- Vibrate at the highest frequency, activating the Love, Joy and Abundance you desire and deserve
“I’ve Become My Own Healer… Amazing!”
“One of the things I appreciate the most about healing work with Lisa, is that she always empowers me and teaches me tools to try to heal things myself. It has been extremely beneficial in stressful times to be able to stop, figure out the emotion or issue, find out if it was mine or someone else’s, figure out where it was in my body and then clear it! And Lisa is always there to help if I get stuck or my intuition is being blocked by something. It’s amazing to heal my own stuff! Who knew! Lisa knew!!!”
~ C.P.
“Entity Released From My Thumb… And I Experienced Relief Immediately!”
“I was having trouble sleeping and I had also been having pain in my right thumb for three days. Lisa found and released an entity in my thumb, and I experienced relief immediately! I also had no more trouble sleeping. I found I had a better mood around others, and that impacted my staff who work better when I’m positive. I would highly recommend Lisa… she is powerfully intuitive and will clear what’s needed to get you fast results!”
~ Michaela
“Nothing Was Working In My Life, I Felt Like On A Scale Of 0 to 10… I Was At A 20!!!! After Just 43 Mins Working With Lisa… I’m At A ZERO And Back In Control!!!”
“I contacted Lisa because I was feeling very stuck, like I was inside of an amoeba. On a scale of 0-10, it felt like a 20!!! Nothing was working in my life - no opportunities were coming. My dog wouldn't even listen to me in our training sessions. I realized that happens everywhere in my life… I can't get what I ask for.
Within 43 minutes of our session, the block I felt was gone - 0! I felt so much better and lighter, like my life could move again. I felt like smiling. And bonus: Today in training, when I led, my dog followed instead of her trying to lead! Now I'm the alpha! LOL! I'm in charge of my life again.”
~ K. M.
“Lisa Saved My Life! I No Longer Take Any Medications, Have A Healthy Weight And Finally Getting Back To A Normal Life!”
“I really feel that working with Lisa may have saved my life. About a year and a half ago I was so sick that I was not able to eat or swallow food. I went through many medical tests and all my doctors did was tell me it was GERD and continued to increase my anti-reflux medicines. I was spending $300/month on high end medications with no improvement. In fact I was getting worse & worse.
My weight was down to a very unhealthy 93 lbs, I could barely work, I could hardly climb the stairs to my front door. I was unable to socialize with friends and family and knew that if I couldn’t find a cure that I couldn’t keep living like this. I have worked in acute care in the medical field for over 25 years and have always realized that there is much more to good health than just treating symptoms with medications and surgery as we do here in the West.
My search for a cure included many traditional specialist and other methods of energy healing. Things like acupuncture and tapping did help alleviate my symptoms to a degree but my work with Lisa actually has appeared to cure me. I do not take any medications now, have a healthy weight and am getting back to a normal life.
The work Lisa does is on the cutting edge of what I hope will eventually become more mainstream, this method will help anyone in any aspect of life. I can go on and on about how amazing this is but I just hope that anyone that is considering this does give it a try. It will help in any aspect of life, your health, your relationships, career, finances etc. You certainly can’t go wrong and this will only be good and beneficial for you. I would be happy to answer any questions and wish anyone reading good health and happiness.”
~ Julia M.
* During the session you will be attuning to powerful energies and also releasing a lot of unwanted ones in a very short time so it is recommended that you keep yourself well hydrated, take lots of rest and soak in an epsom salt bath post-session.
Package A
Total Package Value $297
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 50% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
Includes everything in the Powerful Package A
30 Days Of Remote Customized Clearings
On The Issue Of Your Choice
(Health, Money, Career, Relationships Or Self-Love)
This remote healing will pick up where the personalized session left off and help you clear any remnants, shadows, hooks to help you manifest your heart’s desires with ease and grace, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
A deep dive session with Lisa costs $500 an hour and you are getting over 720 hours of potent healing every month. That’s a value of $360,000!
The beauty of the remote work is that you don’t have to do it alone! You can also choose a loved one who will also get all the benefits of the remote healing. This may be your spouse, a business partner, a relative, a friend, or even a beloved pet. They do not need to be aware of or believe in energy healing for this to work because this energy comes from pure Source energy, so it is universally receivable by all, in accordance with their highest and best good.
Early Bird Offer:
Additional 30 days Customized Remote Healing
If you buy now (when the cart opens) you can score an ADDITIONAL 30-days of remote customized clearings so you get a total of 60-days of remote support. That’s 1440 hours of potent remote healing over two full months valued at $720,000! Whoa! Unheard of? You bet...but Lisa is an incredibly generous healer and wanted to pull out all the stops for you to get massive value and permanent resolution. Needless to say, these will be GONE like the dew on morning grass, so take advantage of Lisa’s largesse now to shatter ALL those sticky, recurring, chronic blocks once and for all!
No matter how deep and ingrained the subconscious blocks in your brain are, there is a secret way to reset them...
Easily, permanently, painlessly...and the remote clearing are designed to do just that! Leveraging her 28 years of expertise and over 20 different modalities, Lisa has designed a process to access your deepest subconscious blocks that are keeping you stuck and clear them. Like a virtual ninja neurosurgeon, she can go in and prune those synaptic connections that are creating repeating loops/patterns in your life and clear them like magic!
How would it feel to free yourself from these repeating blocks from the past and step into your future self with a clean slate?
It is 100% possible. But don’t take our word for’s what others reported with Lisa’s remote clearings:
And the amazing thing is, you don’t need to relive painful experiences or uncover long buried memories to do it. You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own home.
“Miracle Worker! Transformed My Relationship With My Son!”
“Lisa is a miracle worker! My son was living in California for school and had been having a difficult battle with depression. I hadn’t heard from him in weeks. I met with Lisa and she did some remote work on him and later that same night, I received a call from him! He was open and honest about how he was feeling and it was one of the best conversations we had ever had. Lisa is always able to pinpoint the issue and help resolve it.
She has helped me completely transform my relationship with my son. We have always been close, but we would butt heads and be almost adversarial. Through working with Lisa on myself and on him, we are now at a really good place of communication, love and respect.”
~ Christine
“Her Remote Work Has Saved My Family’s Life!”
“Lisa’s unconditional & supportive nature has helped me to manifest change through so many life challenges where people will tend to break mentally, emotionally & physically. Lisa is not aware, but her courageous work to remove unsupportive stuff from so many family members has made me realize that we as human beings can achieve so many tasks in our life energetically. Her remote work has saved my family’s life!
Especially, Lisa’s work/knowledge helped my children; the most for my son, there’s a big change! After balancing his brain and left and right side of his body, I saw an immediate result within a day. My son started counting triple digit addition in his brain the very next day. My daughter is now able to meditate & can focus on her inner world, which is amazing.
Last, but not least, it is me who was completely lost in my current life challenges. It is Lisa who has given me courage to fight & take a stand to do energy work!”
~ J.P.
Package B
Total Package Value $700
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $227
*** 72% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will it work for me?
Rapid Repeating Pattern Eraser is channeled from pure Source energy and is universally compatible with everyone. From the very beginning, we’ll also clear any resistance and blocks to you receiving the most out of the package.
Q. When can I expect results?
Everyone’s emotional history and way of processing the clearings is different.
Shifts happen instantly so results can happen instantly but some people notice shifts right away, and others take longer to get the desired outcome. You may begin to notice shifts right after your personalized session, or it may take a month or so to manifest during the remote clearings. Even in the most stubborn, sticky patterns, evidence that things are shifting positively can usually be seen in less than three weeks.
The important thing is to commit to your breakthrough and follow the guidance for what you need during this process.
Here Are Even More Amazing Success Stories
“My Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain Have Virtually Disappeared!”
“When I began working with Lisa, I was a mess. I had low energy, felt depressed and stressed/overwhelmed. By the end of the first session, I felt the sadness lift and a significant decrease to the feeling of stress/overwhelm. Over the next several days, my energy level began to increase, as well. Realizing that I felt much better, I decided to continue remote treatment with Lisa… it is the best thing I’ve ever done!
Since then I have felt a tremendous change in my outlook and in the way I feel. I would highly recommend this technique for anyone who is feeling very down or stuck in their lives. I should also add that since working with Lisa, the neck and shoulder pain that have nagged me for years have virtually disappeared. My lower back, where I had a constant, low grade sciatic pain, is comfortable and pain free.”
~ Anna G.
“I Send My Clients To Lisa When They Hit A Plateau!”
“If you can’t seem to move forward, Lisa will help. I am a specialist in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. I’m also a world-wide trainer in these techniques. I often send my clients to Lisa when they are at a “plateau” or results are slowing. Just like in weight loss, people hit plateaus… and Lisa can jump start the healing to start flowing again. No matter what your belief system is or what modality you are using, sessions with Lisa will help.”
~ Karin D.
“She Cleared Out Past Traumas That Were Affecting My Voice… And Gave Me My Passion Back!”
“As a singer, I began to fear I would have to give up my career because I had developed some sort of breathing problem. It wasn’t an illness; it was something else tied in with my emotions. I wasn’t able to hold my breath for the long notes, and as a result, my pitch and my confidence suffered greatly, and I stopped singing.
Lisa was able to dig deep down underneath the layers and clear out the past traumas that were affecting my voice. The very next day, I was able to sing to the heavens and send my long notes high into the sky!!! I even had breath left over. Lisa’s work is very powerful and I will forever be indebted to her for giving me back my deepest passion.”
~ Debbie W.
“Released Trapped Emotions And My Hands And Wrists Have Stopped Hurting!”
“Lisa is amazing and has helped me in more ways than I even understand. Sessions with Lisa always leave me feeling calmer, less stressed and emotionally stronger. I am a Massage Therapist and have been plagued recently with wrist and hand pain. In our last session, Lisa was able to release trapped emotions and my hands and wrists have stopped hurting! She’s been a great help with relationship issues, as well as helping me raise my energetic vibration. I recommend her to my colleagues, clients, friends… everyone!!”
~ Christine P.
“I Sail Right Through Problems That I Used To Struggle With!”
“I started asking Lisa to work on me about a year ago when I was out of work due to a layoff and looking for another job. Every time Lisa works on me now, I find the body work and emotion work fascinating. The aspects that she aligns and the forces that she nullifies fascinate me with every healing. The benefits continue to flow as I learn how to handle situations that come up in my daily life. I use tools that Lisa provides and sail through problems that I used to struggle with.
Anyone who is into self-discovery, or has trouble moving past old hurts, will benefit from this type of healing. This healing goes far beyond anything a psychologist can help with. It gets to “the heart of the matter” by addressing energy bottlenecks in the body and spirit. It lends new meaning to the word ‘clearing.’ You will see both physical and emotional benefits and continue on this journey of healthy discovery.”
~ Sheila W.
“Lisa Put Me On The Right Path… And I Lost 60 Pounds!”
Since I meet Lisa, my life has been changing. For one thing, I lost 60 pounds and came back to my normal weight. My soul has been happier, I have cleared thinking that was blocking my life, career, and I know that everything is going to be all right. She has put me on the right path of my life. I truly recommend you try 4 sessions and you will see how your life changes for the better and how happy you will see your life develop! You will feel alive again.”
~ Joey D.
“She Has Helped Me On So Many Levels!”
“Lisa is amazing the way she is able to find the block and gets to the root of it and continues working on it till it has been cleared! She is able to find out how far back it has been an issue and helps eliminate any attachment brought forward. She has helped me on so many levels! Thank you, Lisa. Looking forward to continue working with you!”
~ Carmen R.
“My Breathing Issues Are GONE And My Confidence And Self-Esteem Is Better Than EVER Before!”
“I first contacted Lisa because I had developed asthma like breathing issues after a particularly emotionally trying time in my life. Within a few sessions the breathing issues were almost completely gone and after a few more, they are gone and have not come back! On top of healing my breathing, Lisa has helped me in so many ways.
I’ve tried just about every healing modality there is, both conventional and nonconventional for anxiety, depression and stomach pain. Since working with Lisa the heavy sadness I’ve carried for so long has lifted and my confidence and self-esteem is better than it has ever been and the physical pains I’ve had in my stomach since I was a young child are gone! Even my mind is clearer and everyday life stressors no longer put me in a tailspin.
Lisa is kind, compassionate, non-judgmental and so very easy to talk to. Her tremendous gift of getting to the root of issues both emotional and physical is amazing. I never thought at middle age, I could be so happy and calm. I am thankful and feel very blessed to have worked with Lisa and I highly recommend her!”
~ Lisa P
“I Feel So Much Lighter... As If A Heavy Burden Has Just Been Lifted Off Of Me!”
“I bless the day I was referred to Lisa... she’s a true healer in every way, not only skilled but also compassionate, generous, centered and loving. It just feels safe and nurturing to have her show the way out of the utter darkness we sometimes find ourselves trapped in. I highly recommend her healing work. We just had a session and I feel infused with love, light, enthusiasm and optimism – a sharp contrast to the place I was in just a few hours before. I also feel lighter, as if a heavy burden has just been lifted off of me... I am truly and deeply grateful.”
~ H.M.
“In Just One Session She Cleared My Blocks And I Can Write Again!”
“Lisa is a warm and incredibly gifted intuitive healer and coach! I would recommend her to anyone who wants fast results as she gets to the core of the issue quickly! I have been stuck and struggling to write for the past 2 months and in one session she cleared my blocks and I am on a roll and easily and joyfully writing again! Thank you.”
~ Michelle E., Alberta, Canada
“She Works On Him Almost As Much As She Does Me... And WOW! Is That Turning Things Around For Him!”
“In this world of multiple medications for every little thing diagnosed, I have found the ultimate healer, who gives no medications. This is BIG, as I have several malfunctioning areas of my body. Medications cause more problems than I already have, so when I started healing with Lisa, I was overwhelmed by how quickly she can turn things around for me. One thing that is outstanding for me is that my polarity is always spinning in the wrong direction. There is no way you can heal when this happens.
Lisa always checks that for me, first thing. As time goes on, I am holding onto my electrical balance for longer and longer periods. Hence, I can begin healing on the areas she works on. Depending on what is bothering me on any particular day, she will use different modalities of healing.
We recently rescued a puppy from the SPCA. He had been living in the shelter most of his young life, several months. When we found him, he was approximately 4 – 5 months old. This little fellow also had an imbalance of his polarity, so he found it difficult to concentrate on puppy training, was very fearful and anxious.
So, of course, I asked Lisa if she could help him. She works on him almost as much as she does me, and WOW! is that turning things around for him. Now, he is learning very quickly and is very well behaved. I am so proud of him and of Lisa for being able to help him. At this point, I do not know what I would do without my personal healer. She is very, very special and caring, a true natural healer.”
~ Claudia G.
About Lisa Anderson
Lisa has always been extremely intuitive, but she didn’t really know she was different! Not realizing the magnitude of her own gifts, Lisa believed everyone knew what she knew.
It took a long time for her to realize that they didn’t! It came so easily to her that she didn’t realize what an extraordinary and unique gift she has - to be able to “see” and “know” what keeps people stuck in the muck in ways others don’t!
A long time ago, in a land far away, a session with a holistic chiropractor who also did energy work, found and cleared a serious physical issue medical doctors couldn’t figure out. This was a whole new world to her, this was the beginning of her journey.
Her results were so fabulous, and she was so intrigued, she embarked on this path to learn everything she could get to improve her life and get happy. She has trained extensively in many, many modalities.
The Universe thought that was neat, and started sending her clients before she felt ready or had the intention to do this work for others. Other healers were sending to her the people they couldn’t help.
She has enjoyed the challenges her clients have brought for clearing, and the teaching from Spirit. She now uses her knowledge and God-given gifts to help others achieve life-changing results, too. It brings her the most happiness in the world to see others happy and thriving and going for the life of their dreams!
Lisa’s Clients report phenomenal results in their lives
“She Cleared Out Past Traumas That Were Affecting My Voice… And Gave Me My Passion & Career Back!”
“As a singer, I began to fear I would have to give up my career because I had developed some sort of breathing problem. It wasn’t an illness; it was something else tied in with my emotions. I wasn’t able to hold my breath for the long notes, and as a result, my pitch and my confidence suffered greatly, and I stopped singing. Lisa was able to dig deep down underneath the layers and clear out the past traumas that were affecting my voice. The very next day, I was able to sing to the heavens and send my long notes high into the sky!!! I even had breath left over. Lisa’s work is very powerful and I will forever be indebted to her for giving me back my deepest passion.”
~ Debbie W.
“My Chronic Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain Have Virtually Disappeared!”
“When I began working with Lisa, I was a mess. I had low energy, felt depressed and stressed/overwhelmed. By the end of the first session, I felt the sadness lift and a significant decrease to the feeling of stress/overwhelm. Over the next several days, my energy level began to increase, as well. Realizing that I felt much better, I decided to continue treatment with Lisa… it is the best thing I’ve ever done! Since then I have felt a tremendous change in my outlook and in the way I feel. I would highly recommend this technique for anyone who is feeling very down or stuck in their lives. I should also add that since working with Lisa, the neck and shoulder pain that have nagged me for years have virtually disappeared. My lower back, where I had a constant, low grade sciatic pain, is comfortable and pain free.”
~ Anna G.
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Discount: 50%
Total Package Value $297
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer
One 30 minute 1-1 repeating pattern session
Discount :72%
Total Package Value $700
From Heartache to Joy
Special offer
One 30 minute 1-1 repeating pattern session
30 days customized remote healing
Special Bonus: Additional 30 days customized remote healing

Package A: No refund after session is taken.
Package B&C: No refund after session is taken or remote healing commences, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with us to help you with it
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.