*** Super Hot New Bonus Added ***
Quantum Spin Wave for Eyes

(Bonus Expires Sunday Midnight)

Rann’s Quantum Spin Wave Sessions neutralize charges that keep you polarized into locked behaviors, physical restrictions, and repetitious experiences that no longer serve your current and future interests. These sessions also pack a punch. Although they typically take place is 30 minutes or less, one Quantum Spin Wave Session carries more processing power than numerous 60-minute energy sessions.
Spin Wave technology will educate your body to process similar subjects on its own. New Quantum Spin Wave Sessions focus on prevalent elements that commonly hold the greatest amounts of locked energies and clear them throughout the entirety of your timelines - this includes ancestry, lineage, and entanglements.
**There is no specific order in which Quantum Spin Wave sessions should take place.
**It is highly recommended that Quantum Spin Wave sessions not be played within a week of each other.
Quantum Spin Wave:
- Focuses on prevalent elements that commonly hold great amounts of locked energies throughout your being and body.
- Clears entangled threads which reoccur throughout the entirety of your timeline.
- Accesses brain systems and induces brainwave states for the eradication of associative and dissociative memories
- Sets a stage for Immortal Face & Body lifts to operate at elevated levels.
After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!!
"Rann did a Spin Wave session on me to help with my body image issues which included weight problems, sexual trauma, and deep hurt within me. Rann worked on the parts of me that didn't want to be freed. I can remember feeling a level of bliss that permeated my entire being!!
After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!! The crazy thing about it is that when you forget the problem that you had… it's not able to recreate itself again in your life, and that's what was so incredible about what she did for me!
Rann was able to release these issues from my being …effortlessly! It was incredible!! Rann is amazing at what she does and I can't help but love her!!
~ Tanya
If someone has a problem anywhere near what I had, they should try the Spin Wave!!!
"Before my Spin Wave session, I could not speak about a trauma that had occurred over 50 years ago. It was debilitating, and keeping me stuck in many ways. After my spin wave session, I am experiencing peace for the first time in a long time. You have no idea what it's like — to not have peace for years and years. I actually have that funny, happy feeling in my stomach!
I was skeptical to begin with; not now, however. I like the way Rann did the session. I could feel what she was doing. I had no idea what was going on, but she gave me facts to understand what I was experiencing. Throughout the whole session, the trauma just kept getting further and further away. It just eased out of site. Towards the end I was actually trying to bring it back to mind, and I couldn't do it. Now it wouldn't bother me to talk about it near as much as it would have before. You could say I'm more comfortable with it. I don't think I have to hide it anymore.
Rann, I don't know what you did, but what you did was better than what I was told to do by my psychologist in order to keep everything hidden. The biggest part is that I can talk about my past trauma without having a break down.
If someone has a problem anywhere near what I had, they should try the Spin Wave. I have gone through therapy for 18 years, but now I have peace after a one hour Spin Wave session.
~ Malcom
The Glow on My face is Brighter Than The Orgasmic Glow That Occurs After Sex!!!
All the Benefits I am Experiencing Now Are Priceless!!!
"The Immortal Rann is like a living library of wisdom. She is one of those rare gems that can help you purge your deepest, darkest, most painful experiences and then have you laughing harder than you've ever laughed before a few moments later. During my 25-minute session, she completely reframed empathy from being an overwhelming burden to being a gift I could use to easily raise my vibration and gain new skills and abilities quickly. She effectively shifted the way I receive psychic information into the level of intensity that I've always wanted. I highly recommend both the group sessions and the personal sessions. Working with Rann makes my life so much more delicious.
What I love most about what she offers are all the tangible miracles I experience immediately after our sessions. Right after listening to the Beauty Amplifier & Generator MP3 I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and couldn’t resist winking at myself while saying, “How YOU doin’?” Not only was I filled to the brim with inner confidence, but I had this amazing glow to my skin. This glow is brighter than the orgasmic glow that occurs after sex. I feel like I have this permanent radiance that outglows everyone from blushing brides to pregnant ladies combined.
In addition to all the fun I am having from people not being able to guess my age correctly, the MP3s have also really helped with my personal life. I had a friend that was going through a divorce and wanted to lean on me daily for support. Although it was very draining for me, I still wanted to be a good friend and be there for him. Right after listening to the Elevated Boundaries MP3, I noticed that he didn’t call or text me daily anymore. He wasn’t the only one who started giving me more space. I don’t know what Rann did, but somehow all the needy people in my world stopped being needy towards me all of a sudden. It was a Godsend!
Everyone should experience Rann’s famous Facelifts. I feel like the Facelifts will pay for themselves many times over with all the free dinners that people will want to buy you to be in the presence of your beauty. That’s what it’s been like for me so far and I'm just getting started. All the benefits I am experiencing now are priceless!"
Thank you, Rann!
~ Vera S.
Are You Ready to Experience the Birth of Immortality?
Get the ALL NEW "Exclusively for FHTJ" energetic encoded Package.
(Flexible payment options available for Package B and C at checkout. Book your one on one session after full payment)
Discount : 92%
Total Package Value $1,600
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $3,040
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA and RNA ratios and telomeric availability.
1 Hour Group Session of The Youthening Face & Body Lift
30 Days of Personalized Remote Energy Delivery
Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $3,860
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA and RNA ratios and telomeric availability.
1 Hour Group Session of The Youthening Face & Body Lift
30 Days of Personalized Remote Energy Delivery
January Energy Room - Live Group Session
1 - 30 minute private session with Rann
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
- Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
- Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
- Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
- Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
- Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
- Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
- NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
- NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age

This session is designed to address any and all experiences and projections surrounding mortal life cycles and the rights of passages associated to age. These can be purely physical experiences never shared with others. These may also be public initiations or celebrations in rite of passage by way of religion, culture, race, or species. Allow this Quantum Spin Wave Session to neutralize your experiences of these events (whether conscious or unconscious), and move forward from a place of freedom.
- Clears greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to life cycles and rights of passage pertaining to age.
- Addresses associations and misapplications with life cycles and the attainment of age.
- Neutralizes both positive and negative charges which cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations related to life cycles and rites of passage throughout all timelines.
- Locates and nullifies keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns related to life cycles and rites of passage.
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency

This Quantum Spin Wave session is designed to address senescence, adolescence, molecular clock, and cellular potency. Adolescence is the moment of gradual and rapid increase of functions. Senescence is the moment of gradual and rapid deterioration of functions. In regards to Puberty, Menopause, Andropause, these moments have huge impacts on well-being, self-worth, happiness, and potency. Often, these moments are exacerbated by the observations of others in the same moments. Allow your body to be liberated from the rejections and expectations that have been built up in anticipation of these moments over your existence.
- Clears greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to senescence, adolescence, molecular timing, and cellular potency.
- Addresses associations and misapplications with senescence, adolescence, molecular timing, and cellular potency.
- Neutralizes both positive and negative charges which cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations related to senescence, adolescence, molecular timing, and cellular potency throughout all timelines.
- Locates and nullifies keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns related to senescence, adolescence, molecular timing, and cellular potency.
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging

This Quantum Spin Wave session is designed to address natural developments of bodies due to aging, weight gain, weight loss, and muscle development. Any change in physical appearance may be the greatest or worst possible scenario for an individual’s circumstances. Allow the storylines of your past and future to be cleared so that you can enjoy your appearance in its current state, and further enjoy new successes.
- Clears greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to ripening, stretching, depletion, and sagging.
- Addresses associations and misapplications with ripening, stretching, depletion, and sagging.
- Neutralizes both positive and negative charges which cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations related to ripening, stretching, depletion, and sagging throughout all timelines.
- Locates and nullifies keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns related to ripening, stretching, depletion, and sagging.
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
This Quantum Spin Wave session is designed to address sexual arousal (or lack of), sexual performance (or lack of), and limited parts. Sometimes bodies are aroused at “inappropriate” moments, and sometimes bodies aren’t ready to perform when we would like them to. Either of these circumstances can result in any number of results, and lead to chains of events and expectations. Similarly, sometimes one may feel that bodies have limited desirability due to features or lack of features. This applies to the more obvious physical features, and the not-always considered limited parts for replacement- such as teeth, eggs, sperm, hair, and numerous cellular functions needed for repair and renewal.
Whatever your perceived physical limitations, allow this Quantum Spin Wave to open your physical availability.
- Clears greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to sexual overwhelm, sexual expectations, and limited parts lists.
- Addresses associations and misapplications with sexual overwhelm, sexual expectations, and limited parts lists.
- Neutralizes both positive and negative charges which cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations related to sexual overwhelm, sexual expectations, and limited parts lists throughout all timelines.
- Locates and nullifies keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns related to sexual overwhelm, sexual expectations, and limited parts lists.
The Immortal Face Lift

The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift is the invitation to change the linear physical evidence of dying into the sequence of regeneration and living. The conclusion of mortality and death ultimately manifests in disease and decay, which becomes physically evident over time. This face & body lift calibrates sequencing, and reminds the body of its many capabilities before certain death was imposed upon it. This face & body lift is for anyone seeking to reinvigorate his/her body from the inside out. This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Session that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
- Enlivening skin with light and color
- Regenerating skin and muscular and skeletal structure with elasticity and flexibility
- Promoting efficiencies for hydration and elimination of toxins
- Programmed quantum rapport of bodies for non sequenced immortal functions
- Metabolization of UV radiation
- Recalibration of programmed cellular activities
Post session experiences may include:
- Relaxation
- Skin sensitivity / tingling in activation points
- Muscular aching and tiredness
- Noticeable changes in skin of body and/or face
- Noticeable changes in facial demeanor
- Noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others
- Greater acceptance of personal appearance
My Immortal Face Lift Was Buzzing With Youthful Energy
"My Immortal Face Lift session with Rann was a lot of fun. I instantly felt comfortable with her energy, it was like sharing time with an old friend over the phone. As we worked on various parts of the body through particular positions, my hands became very warm and then very hot, as if I had placed them on a paved road on a hot sunny day... but it didn't hurt.
My stomach gurgled, a lot and effervescent sensations mixed with twitching here and there...it was pretty cool. It brought great awareness to energy movement in my body and the live interaction over the phone made it that much intense and fun. I hope to play energy with her again someday!"
~ Niki
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
In addition to Original Mortal Re Genesis Face Lift energies, this session addresses
- Increased sexual responsiveness
- Specific molecular timing
- Predetermined cellular proliferation rates
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
In addition to Original Mortal Re Genesis Face Lift energies, this session addresses
- Availability of repair sequences
- Adjustment of DNA and RNA ratios for increased longevity
- Elongation of Telomeres
I did the Regenerative Session… Amazing!
By the time we got to the 4th chakra I was vibrating electrically. Pleasing shocks of energy were moving up and down. I could especially feel them in my feet as they shot out and connected to the earth. At this point I realized that it was my feelings and emotions that were in charge of the electric energy - or that it was being drawn/re-assembled from my blueprint-heart…by you, from my generator, ie, the heart. In other words a remembrance, but it was not in the head or mental. Very powerful. I seemed to take back ownership of something I had nilly-willy been ignoring or trying to control.
At my throat, at certain times, I felt as if I could not breath and I had to cough a few times. My throat got really dry and I was choking on the air in my house. I also felt something in the 2nd chakra. By the time we got to the top of my head I went numb.
A lot was building After the session that night, my left nostril started to drip out a lot fluids for no apparent reason. I have some dental stuff and and other stuff on that side and it felt like I was draining out stuff. Today, I had to do a lymph message because it seemed to stick in my neck lymph's, but it was totally awesome!
At work the next day a much better relationship with women at work. Felt like self-created insecurities was not longer being reflected off my ‘face’. I felt we could be more supportive and loving with each other. When I got home from work, I went for a glorious walk and all of nature opened up to me before my eyes. Strong colors and a rightness to the order of even the little things, perfection in patterns, like clouds and baby frogs, streetlights…everything had its place. I was so grateful to see it. Felt alive, like starting things…I did not feel like I was ‘too old’ to start as I have recently felt. I felt like plant with reseeding in my cells, or maybe you connect to the innate and bring out remembrance and potentials. I really don’t know what you did, but what a difference! You definitely have the good juju. Whatever it is, I want it everyday! Totally invigorated. (BTW my 2nd chakra is really opened and spinning. Lots of writing accomplished today as well. Not sure what will happen with my skin. Maybe with this body/belief/thoughts healing it will eventually change. I am putting my stock in that. “
~ T.Hall -The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask

This specifically coded Light Mask is the designed to address the anytime pampering that you deserve. It delivers specific frequencies of light for addressing skin conditions associated with aging.
This is an energetic light mask that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
- Increasing collagen production
- Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
- Shrinking pores
- Reducing the appearance of pigmentation
Post session experiences may include:
- Flushed skin
- Tightness of skin
- Glowing shine
- Increased confidence in appearance
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask

This specifically coded Light Mask is the designed to address and deliver specific frequencies of light for addressing hair loss associated with hormonal changes.
This is an energetic light mask that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
- Increasing blood flow in the scalp
- Stimulating hair follicle metabolisms
- Reducing hair loss
- Increasing hair production over time
Post session experiences may include:
- Flushed skin
- Tightness of skin
- Increased hair growth
- Increased confidence in appearance
Instant feedback, and after 17 years of marriage, remarkable!
Rann, thank you from my heart for developing and sharing the Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift! What an amazing experience! All should know that it is very tangible, experiential and I had discernible results.
Right after the treatment, my husband (who I had spent the entire day with but had gone out on an errand) returned home. Within ten minutes he suddenly said "wow , you look lovely this evening". Instant feedback, and after 17 years of marriage, remarkable!
~ Chris W, UK
Scrubbing Bubbles Energy Bath - MP3
Value: $270
This brief energy session is a combination of Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift activation energies alongside one of Rann’s coded energy baths for personal clarity, ebullience, and the spirit of expanding youth. Sit back and relax as The Immortal Rann activates your body, mind and spirit into joy, ease, and rejuvenation.
Package A
Total Package Value $1,600
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 92% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
- All of Package A
- 1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
- 1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA and RNA ratios and telomeric availability.
- 1 hour group sessions of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift for Puberty, Menopause and Andropause
- 1 Hour Group Session of The Youthening Face & Body Lift
- 30 Days of Personalized Remote Energy Delivery.
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis
Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.

In addition to Original Mortal Re Genesis Immortal Face Lift energies, this session addresses
- Increased sexual responsiveness
- Specific molecular timing
- Predetermined cellular proliferation rates
ITEM 10:
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis
Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA and RNA ratios and telomeric availability.
In addition to Original Mortal Re Genesis Immortal Face Lift energies, this session addresses
- Availability of repair sequences
- Adjustment of DNA and RNA ratios for increased longevity
- Elongation of Telomeres
ITEM 11:
1 hour group sessions of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift for Puberty, Menopause and Andropause
In addition to Original Mortal Re Genesis Immortal Face Lift energies, this session addresses
- Issues within the group yet to be specifically covered
- Audience requests
- Additional locked charges within face and body pertaining to major life changes.
ITEM 12:
1 Hour Group Session of The Youthening Face & Body Lift
This Energetic Face & Body Lift is the invitation to embrace all of the energy available to you, no matter which stage of life you enjoy in this moment. It is common in this reality to surrender energetic magnitude to youth as one becomes older, which manifests as a decrease in vitality on several mental, physical and energetic levels. This face & body lift session removes blockages of energy due to mortal entrainment, and is for anyone seeking to reclaim his/her immortal energetic flows.This is an energetic body & face lift that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
- Enlivening skin with appearance of child-like youth
- Toning skin and muscular and skeletal structure with elasticity and flexibility
- Promoting efficiencies for hydration and elimination of toxins
- Promoting the inclusion of fun, boundless energy, being seen AND heard; receiving, processing, and balanced
- Integration and application
- Allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation
Post session experiences may include:
- Facial muscular aching
- Skin sensitivity
- More energy
- Restlessness
- Noticeable changes in physical features of body and/or face
- Noticeable changes in facial demeanor
- Noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others
ITEM 13:
30 Days of Personalized Remote Energy Delivery.
Receive personal attention with remote energy delivery from The Immortal Rann- every day for 30 days beginning at each individual registration of this package. Each remote energy delivery will be timed to support your individual dynamic physical changes on current and quantum levels.
Package B
Total Package Value $3,040
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $167
*** 89% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
- All of Package A & Package B
- January Energy Room - Live Group Session
- 1 - 30 minute private session with Rann
ITEM 14:
January Energy Room - Live Group Session (90 minutes)
Enjoy access to The Energy Room where you can join beings from all over the globe in monthly group sessions facilitated by The Immortal Rann.
Rann's toolbox will be open, and each Energy Room session will be unique to the energies of the moment. Participants will be able to openly contribute during each session.*
The Energy Room is followed by a 30 minute Energy Lounge, where all participants are welcome to relax and expand in newly revealed energies.
*Specific questions may or may not be addressed due to certain time and topic restraints.
ITEM 15:
1 - 30 minute private session with Rann
Session MP3s are included
Enjoy accessibility to Rann's real time awareness and her many tools. Rann will tailor these available modalities to your needs as appropriate in the moment.
Meditation is a state, not an amount of time. Many of us are not given the space required to meditate in day to day situations. Sometimes all you need is a few visualizations or tools in order to change your state in immediate circumstances. Other times, it is nice to hone meditation skills in order to achieve greater enlightenment. This session will provide guidance for you, whatever your current level.
Coding sessions are purposeful in their intent. Coding can increase the effectiveness of what you intend to create, increase the speed of the actualization of your creations, and program your spaces to maintain themselves under specified conditions. During Coding Sessions Rann creates and utilizes coding for the client's immediate benefit and future utilization. She also teaches clients the ways to best utilize their newly programmed environments.
Dinking is a modality created by Rann for the collapsing of anchor points. An anchor point is a grand or minute thought form, intention, control point, or creation point. We use these points to hold space and maintain our realities. Whenever you outgrow your reality or wish to create something bigger, existing anchor points can cause these things to fail or never come to fruition. Dinking removes anchor points instantly, creates vast shifts, can be specifically focused, and can be utilized to ease the processing from other healing sessions. Some popular areas of focus are money, trauma, patterns, fears, gain and loss, resistance to change, sabotage programs, and more.
The Time Spa
The Time Spa is an operating system for all modalities developed by Rann. It is designed to work with energy that is not restricted to linear time.
Quantum Rapport
Quantum Rapport is a session with Rann where you are brought into close connection and coaching with one of your master bodies in order to experience energy or receive certain information. This is accomplished by a method of conscious quantum jumping.
Dispersion Clearing & Processing is designed to create and assist dynamic changes with the greatest of ease. Dispersion tags conflicting constructs, beliefs, behaviors, patterns, etc. It then purges their causes and infrastructural blockages, thereby returning static matter into pure energy.
Assisted Space Programming
Assisted Space Programming is available for those who wish to clear energies that are no longer serving their homes and businesses. If you would like to maintain your environments generative and prosperous conditions, this is what you've been looking for. Not only is your space cleared of undesired energies, but the new space is designed to create an environment that suits your needs.
Rann Freed Me From Life Long Weight problems, Sexual trauma, and Deep hurt
"Rann did a Spin Wave session on me to help with my body image issues which included weight problems, sexual trauma, and deep hurt within me. Rann worked on the parts of me that didn't want to be freed. I can remember feeling a level of bliss that permeated my entire being!!
After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!! The crazy thing about it is that when you forget the problem that you had… it's not able to recreate itself again in your life, and that's what was so incredible about what she did for me!
Rann was able to release these issues from my being …effortlessly! It was incredible!! Rann is amazing at what she does and I can't help but love her!!"
~ Tanya
Rann is like Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)...only in the female form! And by golly she can Dink!!
"Rann is the most incredible woman you will ever meet! She not only is able to heal...she is able to transform just about anything you ask her to! She took me from hating my job and every minute of the day I had to be there, to loving it with earnest! She was able to bring me back to being present IN my body...which also means that I can now have a relationship with my body instead of a battle. Rann not only gave me healing, but she gave me the tools to continue to heal! This woman has taught me more than anyone I have ever met, she brought me to center! She is like Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)...only in the female form! And by golly she can Dink!!”
~ Tara - Be with Me Sessions
All I can Say is.. I Feel Great!!!
“This Rann stuff is different - And it’s going to keep being different. More people are going to be on board with what she is doing.”
~ CJ
I’m Very happy, People Around Me Have Noticed Results
"I had The Immortal Face Lift sampler yesterday. This morning I woke up in a really good mood- totally energized. Later today my friends were telling me, “You know that you’re glowing, right?”
Sayuri - The Immortal Face Lift, The Youthening Face & Body Lift, The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift"
~ Sayuri - The Immortal Face Lift, The Youthening Face & Body Lift, The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift
You came into my life for a reason. I can’t wait for my next session
“I didn’t know what to expect from an energetic face lift. I stayed with you the whole time and just allowed the energy to move. It was very intense! Afterwards I had tons of energy - and I was very focused. I am usually the type of person to set something aside for later. But after the session, I took all of those things that I had set aside, and put them all in their places. I’m still amazed by it!
You came into my life for a reason. I can’t wait for my next session!”
~ Carol -The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift
I have Been My Healthy Self, and It Feel Awesome!!!
Rann is the Bob Ross of the energy healing crowd. She encourages clients to sense and move energy in whatever way suits them. I felt really relaxed and had the giggles a lot during the session. I feel more light hearted.
~ Sue, CA
Package C
Total Package Value $3,860
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $267
*** 93% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
I No Longer Need Extractions Or Replacements, Gums Healed!!!
The dentist at the time of my 3 month laser cleaning found the teeth and gums are better so no talk of extractions and replacements for the bottom front. They are stronger and not moving. Great!
~ MC
“I loved Everything! Rann is a brilliant delight! I loved every minute of our time!! And look for amazing changes ahead!"
~ Kathy - Mix and match session
About Rann Goldrich

The Immortal Rann Goldrich is a high functioning intuitive with talents of recall, knowing, and innovation. She is also a single mother, teacher, writer, speaker, and contagiously fun. Rann has been a reader since childhood, and is now a master palmist. She has had a number of expansive awakenings, has studied under several master teachers, and has degrees in architecture and environmental design.
Rann now applies her knowledge and talents towards the architecture of energy. She has contributed to the development of energetic modalities, and created several modalities of her own including: conscious creating, liberating bodies from locked charges, collapsing anchor points, quantum jumping, changing appearances, and joyful living.
Rann’s innate gift is in universal coding. She encodes energy, and energy knows what to do- much like a builder knows what to do with architectural drawings. In this way she creates empowering shifts at massive and minute scales with small amounts of time and distress.
The Immortal Rann is a facilitator of happiness, operating at interdimensional levels. She creates tools for prosperity, insight, and increasing awareness for everyone and everything in oneness.
Are You Ready to Experience the Birth of Immortality?
Get the ALL NEW "Exclusively for FHTJ" energetic encoded Package.
(Flexible payment options available for Package B and C at checkout. Book your one on one session after full payment)
Discount : 92%
Total Package Value $1,600
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $3,040
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA and RNA ratios and telomeric availability.
1 Hour Group Session of The Youthening Face & Body Lift
30 Days of Personalized Remote Energy Delivery
Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $3,860
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Life Cycles and Rites of Passage Pertaining to Age
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Senescence, Adolescence, Molecular Clocks, and Cellular Potency
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Ripening, Stretching, Depletion & Sagging
Quantum Spin Wave Session for Sexual Overwhelm, Sexual Expectations, and Limited Parts Lists
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
Mortal Regenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA ratios and telomeric expression
NEW The Immortal Red Light Facial Mask
NEW The Immortal Red Light Hair Mask
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for changing linear sequences of mortality.
1 hour group session of The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift with additional coding for DNA and RNA ratios and telomeric availability.
1 Hour Group Session of The Youthening Face & Body Lift
30 Days of Personalized Remote Energy Delivery
January Energy Room - Live Group Session
1 - 30 minute private session with Rann
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.