Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.
Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Nidhu's Interview
Plus a Limited Time Bonus
Reclaim your RightFULL place
(With Jupiter and Saturn, the masculine heavyweights of the solar system, retrograde, attention shifts to the masculine and men in our lives. From our first masculine, our fathers we get ALL our rights. These rights are key to crossing the bridge of 4D from 3D to 5D. Indeed, you cannot cross without them. The bridge is manned by rights toll keeper and he will not allow passage till you have them all! Use the clearing MP3 (verbal and using Saturn's Clearing Decree of You Can Leave Now) to remove the energies taking the place of these 47 rights in the waning cycle of the moon. Each clearing decree has been spoken three times, the number of Jupiter)
Package A |
The Enchanted Glade Series
(11:11 Work To Awaken The Flower Within)
Your entry into The Enchanted Glades with the 11:11 MP3s (they are also posted on the whatsapp group) for receiving and releasing with the waxing and waning moon cycle are below. The dates of the moon cycle can be gotten for your city (many thanks to Marja Pirie for letting us know about it!)
Receiving with the waxing moon MP3
Releasing with the waning Moon MP3
Begin with the clearing MP3 (above) on 22nd March so that you get 11 days to the new moon. Then we will take a break for three days and begin the receiving MP3 for 11 days to the full moon
I am delighted to bring you a practical way to bring in 11:11 energies! This is the first time ever that the 11:11 energies are being used in a physical way and I have no doubt that many more such applications will soon start showing up in the world, so remember that you are a trendsetter 🙂
The MP3s are designed for 11 days leading upto the full moon and 11 days leading to the new moon. In one cycle, our receiving is magnified and in the latter, our clearing and releasing is enhanced
The MP3 themselves have been made in the waxing and waning moon cycles and they are, even if I say so myself, some of my most refined works 🙂
Take a look at all who showed up to help, support and have fun with in the receiving MP3:
Unicorns help us live with clarity, integrity and purpose. Fairies help us have acceptance of ourselves on the healing journey where we do encounter our own demons. Elves make working fun and easy, while Goblins are needed if money is our goal (they handle Earth's Wealth)
Their energies are part of the receiving MP3 and are meant for us to reconnect to our own personal 5D - our ability to be in joy and wonder at the continuous unfolding of life and its many mysteries - the best of us as children and to remember a long forgotten home. They bring us a lightness and happiness and remind us of our innate innocence, purity and happiness
This particular set is designed for receiving messages, insights, psyshic development, clairvoyant dreams and mystical guidance 11 days leading to the full moon i.e. the waxing cycle of the moon and have the sounds and stillness of a deep forest. There are no other voices, not even an introduction or end
They are very cooling in nature so all the excess heat, pitta and inflammation in the body will start releasing. You may experiences headaches, mild fevers, exhaustion, desire to rest (you must!). At the same time (and this will be such an interesting experience for you) you will feel energised, clearer, more active and lighter (while feeling heavier!!) because as we move upwards and onwards, we will be simultaneosuly in 3D, 4D and 5D
Enjoy being across the dimensions peacefully 🙂
The Clearing MP3 is meant for 11 days leading to the new moon i.e in the waning cycle of the moon and contain more than 100 clearings across lifetimes and generations. Saturn's Decrees and Venus's Decrees join forces to clear some old rubbish out and this is great for stress as well as helpful for any chronic projects, including disease. You will hear the sounds of the oceans as water is a huge part of healing in 2019 and this one too has no other voice, even for introduction and closing
In this way we bring the 11:11 energies (a key component of the energies of 2019) into our practice and fulfil the first requirement of 4D: Happiness by being in harmony with at least one of nature’s cycle
The MP3s are to be used thus till August 2019 and to make sure that you are reminded of the dates for the moon cycles and to feel supported during any reactions you may have, you are invited to the whatsapp group and the FB group - your village is here 🙂
Please do download and use the free whatsapp app - the conversations and bonding that happen through it is wonderful, although don't stress about it. We always have FB!
The Walk TOGETHER 30 Day Challenge
Our calls begin on April 2nd, 10.10am IST as does your 30 day Walk TOGETHER challenge. More details will be sent to your email.
As for the Walk TOGETHER challenge, ah well, that is the one form of exercise highly recommended for this time. To begin with, we do 20 mins a day (anytime) for the first week, 30 mins for the second week, 45 mins for the remaining two weeks. We are allowed to miss only 6 days and since we will be reporting back to the group on a daily basis, this is going to be soo cool to do TOGETHER across the world!!
Jupiter and Saturn Retrogade can make us feel very uncomfortable and heavy in the body. Layers of fat around the stomach and hips can take place with very little motivation to work it off giving the inner critic much fodder for its mill! At the same time, the light of 5D will be too much for the body to receive so it will get heavier to “stay” in 3D. The easiest thing to do is walk! If you are having trouble doing any form of exercise, this will motivate you much because each day we let the group know we have done our walk for the day.
3 calls on Mercury Retrograde
Mercury retrograde comes around thrice a year and this time in July it will bring us a desire to surrender to whatever is happening around us. Most commonly disrupting communication, travel and electronics, it’s power is the power of patience, slowing down and stillness. Easier said than done, right?!
Three calls spanning the three weeks of the retrograde will help much with mudra work, breath work and working with the energies of the week. Coming as it does weeks before Jupiter retrograde, this period requires a call set uniquely its own! Mercury goes retrograde on July 7th 2019 and the calls begin in the following week
Private Facebook and Whatsapp group
This is a very active community that has been built over the years with students from all my work.
You’ll be supported and encouraged to reach your potential while making a group of like-minded friends for life.
This is a very active community that has been built over the years with students from all my work.
You’ll be supported and encouraged to reach your potential while making a group of like-minded friends for life.
Package B |
This Package Include:
- All of Package A Plus
- 5 group calls to understand how Saturn’s Decrees work
- 3 group calls to understand how Jupiters Decrees work
- 1 x 30 minute 1on1 session for the relationship with the father
- 1 x Personally Created Healing Track
Saturn’s Decrees + Jupiter’s Decrees
(Awakening The Empath Within)
Our calls begin on April 2nd, 10.10am IST as does your 30 day Walk TOGETHER challenge. We will meet twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays (the latter being Lord Jupiter's assigned day). Please keep drinking water and an hour aside for yourself. You will be reminded of the day and time via email, FB and Whatsapp - we have much hope it will be a suitable time for you! The link for the call will be sent in the same email and you will receive your replay the same day too
5 group calls to understand how Saturn’s Decrees work
3 group calls to understand how Jupiters Decrees work
1 x 30 minute one on one session for the relationship with the father
WIth Saturn and Jupiter retrogades this year, our relationship with the masculine energy in our lives (all men, beginning with the first man we all know, our father) will come to the fore for negative karma to be completed and positive karma to begin. From our fathers and men we get the precious testosteronic gifts of:
- Abilities to work and take joy in working
- Sense of safety in the world (from our mothers we get a sense of safety at home) and the gift of being visible
- Confidence and self esteem
- Courage to speak up for ourselves, ask for what we want and to communicate easily
- Objectivity to deal with not getting what we asked for
- Healthy sense of self (preventing us from being people pleasers or conversely aggressive and dominating)
- Physical strength, vitality and agility
- Ease around monies, especially large sums of monies
- Generousity, charity and philanthropy (the giver and provider energy)
- Deep sense of ownership in relationships as well as material goods
These gifts translate in our lives as our ALL OUR RIGHTS, so check your score on them (part of your gift pdf) and come along for the journey you know you want to take!
You get a crash course in my Foundation Signature Program, Saturn’s Decrees, learn how to use Jupiter’s Decrees and hey, we’ll even have some fun knowing more and working with the six yang organs of gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder and triple burner, my other signature programs - Astars work, Moon-candle work and The very crucial Communication Series.
These calls begin our work into reclaiming our rights so you can expect life changing results!
I look forward to listening to you on the calls and our very own personal session, where you and I will make your own rightFULL MP3.
This will then be mixed and matched with the MP3s from package A (WHAT FUN!!) and sent to you so you will have your own, personal, unique 2019 MP3 to work with (like, whaat!!!).If you know that the key to your health and wealth is loving and accepting yourself exactly how you are, weight and all, this package is for you
Note: This also means that our calls will be on Instant Teleseminar or Whatsapp, not Skype
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I use this for others?
Yes, absolutely!
Q. How long will it take for me to get results?
10 seconds! How long will it take for you to get the EXACT results you want and how you want them depends on your commitment to reaching that result and your honesty and awareness of every step forward.
Q. How would you describe the processes?
Unique. Mind Blowing. Simple. Easy. Powerful shifts in 10 seconds.
I am the sole owner of ALL the processes being used in the packages - The Enchanted Glade MP3s, Saturn’s Decrees, Venus’s Decrees, Jupiter’s Decrees, Astars, The Communication Series, Rainbow healing, Candle decrees and 11:11 Moonshine.
All of them are easy to know and use within minutes and except for Rainbow healing that needs a drawing book and colouring material, nothing else is required except a willingness to keep an open mind, surrender the results and have fun while healing!
Q. I want more monies, but it seems like the 4th dimension is moving away from that monies?
The 4th dimension is about authenticity around monies. And so, more monies will show up more easily because instead of the 3D ‘doing’ to get more monies, you will be ‘being’ to have more.
What did you want to be when you grew up? If you had no worries about money or other consequences, what would you be doing? Your money lies there and 4D way of living is the only way to get it.
The 4th dimension is also where we get what we want with the money, instead of the 3rd dimension ways of living with monies where we had to get the monies to buy what we wanted. So the actual cash may seem lesser, but your life will have more comfort and luxury. Maybe you won’t own the mercedes, but you will get to drive around in it!
Q. What about my increasing weight?
This year will be hard to be motivated to lose weight. The 4th dimension does not care about body shaming and industry standard of one-size-fits-all of thinnness. You will either see how much healthier and stronger you feel or you will appreciate the body as it is.
Common sense regimes of eating on time and correctly as well as 20 minute walks or jogs or runs (there will be a desire to to use the lower body more) in the morning and evening with simple body twists will do wonders for you.
Pick up Package A for the Walk TOGETHER challenge for 30 days for a NEW YOU!
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.