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To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
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To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
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To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Nidhu's Interview
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Package A |
Harnessing The Power Of Saturn And Jupiter For Manifesting Desires Within Weeks!
Calls begin on Monday, May 20th at 9:00 pm Pacific Time (Los Angeles) which is Tuesday May 21st, 9:30 am Indian Time followed by Thursday 8:00 pm Pacific Time which is Friday 8:30 am Indian Time.
We will meet twice a week, every week and each call will be an individual call as there are 4 Saturn's Decrees and 3 Jupiter's Decrees so there are 5 more decrees for you to use to complete Karma, release the wound of I am not good enough and move to manifesting the life of your dreams. Please keep drinking water, your new journal and an hour aside for yourself. You will be reminded of the day and time via email, FB and Whatsapp - we have much hope it will be a suitable time for you! The link for the call will be sent in the same email and you will receive your replay within minutes as well
Group Calls on Saturn’s Decrees
5 Group Sessions to tap into the power of Saturn, to release what no longer works, and powerful group healings and clearings using decrees.
The planet that rules over blocks, this is the most powerful way to clear and release what you do not desire anymore.
Group Calls on Jupiter's Decrees
Group sessions to harness the power and benevolence and luck that Jupiter brings. Now that we have cleared the energy to call in what we desire, we will work with the powerful Jupiter decrees to manifest exactly what we want. This is change work that will bring results that will make your head spin.
With Saturn and Jupiter retrogades this year, our relationship with the masculine energy in our lives (all men, beginning with the first man we all know, our father) will come to the fore for negative karma to be completed and positive karma to begin. From our fathers and men we get the precious testosteronic gifts of:
- 1. I am good enough. Yes, that is right - it is given to us primarily by the father!
- 2. Abilities to work and take joy in working
- 3. Sense of safety in the world (from our mothers we get a sense of safety at home) and the gift of being visible
- 4. Confidence and self esteem
- 5. Courage to speak up for ourselves, ask for what we want and to communicate easily
- 6. Objectivity to deal with not getting what we asked for
- 7. Healthy sense of self (preventing us from being people pleasers or conversely aggressive and dominating)
- 8. Physical strength, vitality and agility
- 9. Ease around monies, especially large sums of monies
- 10. Generosity, charity and philanthropy (the giver and provider energy)
- 11. Deep sense of ownership in relationships as well as material goods
If you see, points 2 to 11 are all ways to define the good enoughness of us and our lives!
You get a crash course in my Foundation Signature Program, Saturn’s Decrees, learn how to use Jupiter’s Decrees and hey, we’ll even have some fun with other other signature programs - Astars work, Moon-candle work and The very crucial Communication Series.
These calls begin our work into reclaiming our rights so you can expect life changing results!
Bonus 1:
Tap into the Secret of the Real Earth’s Wealth
Your entry into The Enchanted Glades with the 11:11 MP3s (they are also posted on the whatsapp group) for receiving and releasing with the waxing and waning moon cycle are below. The dates of the moon cycle can be gotten for your city (many thanks to Marja Pirie for letting us know about it!)
You will learn the truth behind the real secret to the Earth’s wealth. Work with enchanted fairies, goblins, unicorns and also the power of 11-11 and how do waxing and waning moon cycles help us manifest all of this.
Receiving with the waxing moon MP3
Releasing with the waning Moon MP3
I am delighted to bring you a practical way to bring in 11:11 energies! This is the first time ever that the 11:11 energies are being used in a physical way and I have no doubt that many more such applications will soon start showing up in the world, so remember that you are a trendsetter 🙂
The MP3s are designed for 11 days leading upto the full moon and 11 days leading to the new moon. In one cycle, our receiving is magnified and in the latter, our clearing and releasing is enhanced
The MP3 themselves have been made in the waxing and waning moon cycles and they are, even if I say so myself, some of my most refined works 🙂
Take a look at all who showed up to help, support and have fun with in the receiving MP3:
Unicorns help us live with clarity, integrity and purpose. Fairies help us have acceptance of ourselves on the healing journey where we do encounter our own demons. Elves make working fun and easy, while Goblins are needed if money is our goal (they handle Earth's Wealth)
Their energies are part of the receiving MP3 and are meant for us to reconnect to our own personal 5D - our ability to be in joy and wonder at the continuous unfolding of life and its many mysteries - the best of us as children and to remember a long forgotten home. They bring us a lightness and happiness and remind us of our innate innocence, purity and happiness
This particular set is designed for receiving messages, insights, psyshic development, clairvoyant dreams and mystical guidance 11 days leading to the full moon i.e. the waxing cycle of the moon and have the sounds and stillness of a deep forest. There are no other voices, not even an introduction or end
They are very cooling in nature so all the excess heat, pitta and inflammation in the body will start releasing. You may experiences headaches, mild fevers, exhaustion, desire to rest (you must!). At the same time (and this will be such an interesting experience for you) you will feel energised, clearer, more active and lighter (while feeling heavier!!) because as we move upwards and onwards, we will be simultaneosuly in 3D, 4D and 5D
Enjoy being across the dimensions peacefully 🙂
The Clearing MP3 is meant for 11 days leading to the new moon i.e in the waning cycle of the moon and contain more than 100 clearings across lifetimes and generations. Saturn's Decrees and Venus's Decrees join forces to clear some old rubbish out and this is great for stress as well as helpful for any chronic projects, including disease. You will hear the sounds of the oceans as water is a huge part of healing in 2019 and this one too has no other voice, even for introduction and closing
In this way we bring the 11:11 energies (a key component of the energies of 2019) into our practice and fulfil the first requirement of 4D: Happiness by being in harmony with at least one of nature’s cycle
The MP3s are to be used thus till August 2019 and to make sure that you are reminded of the dates for the moon cycles and to feel supported during any reactions you may have, you are invited to the whatsapp group and the FB group - your village is here 🙂
Please do download and use the free whatsapp app - the conversations and bonding that happen through it is incomparable to any FB group.
Bonus 2:
Private Facebook and Whatsapp group
This is a very active community that has been built over the years with students from all my work.
You’ll be supported and encouraged to reach your potential while making a group of like-minded friends for life.
This is a very active community that has been built over the years with students from all my work.
You’ll be supported and encouraged to reach your potential while making a group of like-minded friends for life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I use this for others?
Yes, absolutely!
Q. How long will it take for me to get results?
10 seconds! How long will it take for you to get the EXACT results you want and how you want them depends on your commitment to reaching that result and your honesty and awareness of every step forward.
Q. I want more monies, but it seems so hard right now.
The 4th dimension is about authenticity around monies. And so, more monies will show up more easily because instead of the 3D ‘doing’ to get more monies, you will be ‘being’ to have more.
What did you want to be when you grew up? If you had no worries about money or other consequences, what would you be doing? Your money lies there and 4D way of living is the only way to get it.
The 4th dimension is also where we get what we want with the money, instead of the 3rd dimension ways of living with monies where we had to get the monies to buy what we wanted. So the actual cash may seem lesser, but your life will have more comfort and luxury. Maybe you won’t own the mercedes, but you will get to drive around in it!
Q. What about my increasing weight?
What about it?! Body shaming, especially for women is a huge part of the I am not good enough. There cannot be a one a one-size-fits-all of thinness. You will either see how much healthier and stronger you feel or you will appreciate the body as it is. Common sense regimes of eating on time and correctly as well as 20 minute walks or jogs or runs (there will be a desire to to use the lower body more) in the morning and evening with simple body twists will do wonders for you. If the body has been on your mind obsessively, you need to come on board pronto!
And Here Are Even More Success Stories
“Created 2 New Workshops With A Beautiful Response”
“Nidhu, I did the work yesterday and what happened was today I created 2 workshops SHIFT with the MOON free & MOON MAGIC paid. AND Already got a beautiful response. What is surprising me is the fact that at the same time I am giving & receiving!!!”
~ Shilpa C
“Got Pending Payment The Next Day (After Waiting 6 Months)”
“I got my pending money of 15K (more than US$200) after 6 months within a day. Another client just called (during the group call!) and wants to meet”
~ Lipi B
“Selling House After Many Months Of Delay”
“Yesterday, we got release to sell my husband's moms house and contents after many months of delay- abundance report!
She passed last spring. Still grieving her passing... I did exactly as said and then that happened with lawyer yesterday! So amazing! Thank you @Nidhu so powerful. Love!
Decreeing that house will sell before winter to avoid costs of winterizing, etc. 🦋”
~ Romelyn
“Transformed With Just Half A Call Recording”
“Nidhu , you are brilliant and truly awesome. Was feeling very uncomfortable and heavy within, till I came home, heard the other half of your call, did the decree of feminine and masculine energy, slept for around 2-3 hours and got up totally fresh and light!”
~ Honey V
“Got An Instant Cheque!”
“I had just joined the group and still to begin work, when I received a cheque electronically 🙂 I wrote back because they made a spelling mistake in my name. They corrected and resent AND added $50 dollars to the original amount ”
~ Chantal
“More Money In Just A Week!”
“I must share I wrote more monies on the palm of my dear maid whose money was stuck in govt scheme for the last many months -I also asked her daughter to say the decree-today she has got a letter from govt that she will get her money in a week's time
Also, I can’t tell how you how much your call has allowed me to understand a whole gamut of shame going through women-I work with women all the time-naked mostly-as I scan them from below-used to resent looking at that view-now that I am empowered with so much from today's call'-i will look at things in a better way.”
~ Radha
“More Money As If By Magic!”
“Nidhu after writing more monies on my hand and saying the decree my son got an amazing opportunity for a musical performance in LA, it’s a small event but this was an absolute surprise which came in from nowhere.
I believe this is abundance for me even though I did not ask him to do the work. Thank you so much Nidhu for all these tips. Always in divine Gratitude ”
~ Babita
“I have got much more than I believed that I would”
“On first day, I found 9000 rupees (more than USD 150) in one of other purse. I have been having non stop sneezing and related bladder incontinence. I just said the decree ‘non stop sneezing and bladder incontinence, you can leave now’.
It has almost stopped except while waking up this morning. I said the decree again and lo it has worked again. Thank you so much Nidhu. I think I have got much more than I believed that I would get from this work!”
~ Meenakshi
“Got Surprise Help!”
“My daughter is having stage Bharatnatyam performance tomorrow. And she wanted to get her makeup done only from me & I am completely naive in it.
So Yesterday night gave decree obstacles to her make up leave now. Just 5 mins ago, I received help from my cousin's wife who too is a Bharatnatyam dancer. Yes to receiving more.. very happy now. Thank you very much”
~ Samidha
“Pain Gone!”
“I am pretty much calmer after saying the decrees
First reaction : chaos, confusion
Gradually I started feeling better. No back pain and no stomach as of now.
Thank you dear Nidhu for taking us through..
God bless you ”
~ Vinitta
“Helped Turned The Business Units Financial Results Around!”
“I’ve been feeling under the weather lately but even money wise wasn’t feeling secure for the past two months or so. Additionally at work I’m being questioned (actually an inquisition is on) on spends even though my team is making profits.
For over >2 years our company is making losses, losing contracts, job cuts, no pay hikes etc. I decreed towards all this “being in the red you can leave now” lack of money you can leave now, where will the money come from you can leave now, bad credit you can leave now etc etc.
#1. Q3 results were announced and it’s the first quarter where the company’s in the black again.
#2. Our business unit leads the way in turning the company around; from-28% to +6% in just 4 quarters. The finance guys had estimated it would take until Q1 2020 to do so.
#3. On Monday started the More monies with decrees and by late night my boss sends me a note asking me to arrange a celebratory pizza/cake cutting for the entire team this week in lieu of the stupendous Q3 results.
#4. My mgrs came to me and told me last month, if management doesn’t give out more monies keeping the team motivated will be tough. Decreed on this (without any hope I must add)....
Yesterday (25th) was payday and (though some of us still haven’t) majority of the team received salaries with an additional incremental bonus of 60%!!! When asked got to know it was a “statutory bonus.” Apparently all employees would be getting this...will wait and watch. I’m thrilled that I’m able to attract abundance for my team members too!!!
#5. Met my friends after a long gap of a few months and was not only treated for dinner but also got lots of gifts.
Beyond grateful for the wonderful blessings that I’m receiving.
🏼 thank you, Nidhu,”
~ Sudhriti M
“Results in just a coupla days cover health, wealth, roads clearing...”
“1. Body is feeling great.
2. An initiative of mine which I created got its first client yesterday.
3. Got free tickets to a musical evening, with husband.
4. An old payment got cleared from another client in the same concert.
5. Husband and me were traveling in our car and the road was blocked, the men working told us to turn back, but my husband preferred going that way. I turned the window frame down and requested their head to take out the block which he happily did, roads cleared
6. Did a group dinner with couple of friends and where we would have paid an approx 2.5k for the dinner if we were just us, we paid 1k. We are magic or what, whatttttt!!”
~ Farida
“My Mother Made Me A Believer With This!”
“I was carrying ALL my original documents for completing paperwork at my new job and I left them behind on the local train. I went straight to the station master’s office the moment, I realised, panicking and out of breath.
I knew it would take months to get these papers again and I was constantly berating myself. O God, what will happen now, O God, somebody do something, I was so desperate. The Station Master (Andheri) left a message with the Station Master (Borivalli) of the last stop of the train, but nobody was calling back with any news.
I was beside myself and then I asked my mother to help. She began the decrees and by the time she said the 6th sentence, the station master (Borivalli) called and said, we have the bag.
Ok, fine, mom, I am a believer now 🙂 The video below is me with the bag returning from Borivalli and heading to work.”
~ Nikhil K Goregaoker
About Nidhu Kapoor
The Retrograde Specialist is in the house again with her potent blends using her very own Saturn’s Decrees - the world’s quickest way to shift because it happens in seconds! - for the heavy weight retrogrades this year, Saturn and Jupiter. She reads the energies of the present time to let us know that humanity is ready to let go of the not good enoughness and that both the authoritative Saturn and Gentle Giant Jupiter are supporting us phenomenally right now! Our Energy Reader is adept at reading between the lines and is scarily accurate in the readings! She uses her own free spirited approach and unique multi-modality toolbox to bring us to the bestest version of ouselves, and so we are always in the flow with her… Her work brings us growth, independence, freedom and there is a joy and fun to working with her! Hundreds of people know Nidhu’s Narnia (as dear FHTJ member Aleks Mikic called it) and you are invited to as well!
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Discount: 85%
Total Package Value $993
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Harnessing The Power Of Saturn And Jupiter
For Manifesting Desires Within Weeks!
5 Group Sessions to tap into the power of Saturn, to release what no longer works, and powerful group healings and clearings using decrees.
3 Group sessions to harness the power and benevolence and luck that Jupiter brings. Now that we have cleared the energy to call in what we desire, we will work with the powerful Jupiter decrees to manifest exactly what we want.
Bonus 1: Tap into the Secret of the Real Earth’s Wealth
You will learn the truth behind the real secret to the Earth’s wealth. Work with enchanted fairies, goblins, unicorns and also the power of 11-11 and how do waxing and waning moon cycles help us manifest all of this.
Bonus 2: Private Facebook and Whatsapp group
Discount: 79%
Total Package Value $1192
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Harnessing The Power Of Saturn And Jupiter
For Manifesting Desires Within Weeks!
5 Group Sessions to tap into the power of Saturn, to release what no longer works, and powerful group healings and clearings using decrees.
3 Group sessions to harness the power and benevolence and luck that Jupiter brings. Now that we have cleared the energy to call in what we desire, we will work with the powerful Jupiter decrees to manifest exactly what we want.
Bonus 1: Tap into the Secret of the Real Earth’s Wealth
You will learn the truth behind the real secret to the Earth’s wealth. Work with enchanted fairies, goblins, unicorns and also the power of 11-11 and how do waxing and waning moon cycles help us manifest all of this.
Bonus 2: Private Facebook and Whatsapp group
1 x 30 minute 1 on 1 session
1 x Personally Created Healing Track
2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
Package A: No refund after the first group Call.
Package B: No refund after first group call or session is taken, whichever comes first.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.