Pay Close Attention If You Have Any Of These Symptoms:
- You find it hard to get to sleep at night, often wake up with low energy and often feel sick and tired.
- You feel overwhelmed with stress, want to regain your creative spark and make a personal breakthrough.
- You have a strong belief and faith that success can be yours and you are ready to do what it takes to get it.
- You believe in the potential to activate dormant powers of the mind, create synchronicities and superhuman abilities.
"its been a major part of my evolution and my salvation... I started to attract a different reality"
"I feel clear about my life & purpose"
"I had a sense of connection with spirit and feel it can be even deeper with more practice"
My name is Niraj Naik MPharm, the founder of Trypnaural meditation technology and I am so excited to share with you total health mastery that will help you regain control over your health and wellness and reach your peak potential.
I’ve taken out the dogma, left out the jargon and left you with a complete system that is easy to manage and fun to do...
You will be learning directly from my experience of training and collaborating with some of the world’s top therapists like Marisa Peer (voted Britain’s best therapist) and even super human yogi’s like Wim Hof (20+ world records including climbing up Everest in his shorts!)
The Alpha Healing System
The Alpha Healing System is a 5 step, 11 week program. Each step is designed to build on the other, as it systematically programs you to overcome any personal challenges and elevates your mind to a state of optimum self healing.
What you’ll experience in the 5 steps of the Alpha Healing System:
~ STEP 1 ~
Prepare Your Conscious Mind For Change
The first and most important step is to prime your conscious mind for change.
Your conscious mind deals with rational decision making, it also acts like a filter for all the noise and information that bombards you all day long from your environment.
When used right your conscious mind is a powerful tool in getting the life you want. When you learn to take control of your conscious mind you can write positive programs into your unconscious mind that form empowered habits.
The Alpha Healing Manual
In this step you will find my entire Alpha Healing System explained in great depth inside an easy to read eBook with many scientific sources and inspirational stories to back up my method.
This is the manual that you must read and refer back to when starting the Alpha Healing System.
It is also filled with many tried and tested, practical lessons and daily exercises for self healing based on years of research.
~ STEP 2 ~
Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind For Healthy Habits
The next step is to reprogram your unconscious mind healthier habits, and remove bad habits that are holding you back from healing.
I wanted to combine all the techniques I had personally used to do reprogram my mind like self hypnosis, meditation and brainwave entrainment, without you having to do any of the hard work.
I want to give you some instant results, with least amount of effort possible.
The solution to this is using the latest breakthroughs in mind reprogramming technology to give your mind a mental upgrade!
Mind Restore Trypnosis Session
"its a level I never reached before"
"it really can take you to altered states of consciousness.. I would do it all day"
"I was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace, connection & spirit..."
~ STEP 3 ~
Alpha Mind System
Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind For Healing
In this step you will begin to experience the immense healing power of your alpha brainwave state.
Level 1. Opening your mind to the Alpha level - Alpha Initiation
This is a 11 minute Trypnaural audio with a guided meditation from Dr Suren, a world renowned stress management expert, will begin the process of training your mind to achieve alpha states at will by actually taking you into a deep alpha meditative state.
Just from this one session alone you will begin to feel a sense of well being and an awakening to more heightened states of relaxation and awareness.

Level 2. Entering the Alpha level at will - Finding Your Inner Bliss
Now that your mind has become trained to the alpha state of awareness, this next step will give you a powerful system for being able to achieve the alpha state at will.
This means whenever you are feeling tense, stressed and want to relax, you will be able to in any situation immediately go into an alpha brainwave state.
So if you have difficulty sleeping, want a burst of inspiration or just simply want to chill out, you will now be able to enjoy the alpha state whenever you feel like it.
This natural ability is your true inner magic….
As this is a more advanced subconscious programming technique, it is a little longer than the initiation, lasting 30 minutes and bringing you true bliss from within.

Level 3. Healing From Within
A guided visualization meditation using NLP recorded over Trypnaural B.E session that is designed to help you awaken your own natural inner resources of self-healing.
Guided imagery is a meditative process that uses visualization and imagination to bring awareness to the mind-body connection.
In a relaxed state of mind you can more easily access the power of this healing process because you become naturally more imaginative.
When used with special trance music that get you into deep relaxed states this power is magnified.
Your conscious mind becomes less attentive to outside distraction and your awareness rises.
When this music is laced with a special script of a vivid story you can more easily learn skills that help you to deal with stress, pain or difficult feelings. You tune out of the negative and focus more on the positive.
Guided imagery can help with specific issues like sleep problems and anxiety. It can also increase creativity and boost your immune system.
You can create new neural pathways and even reinforce positive behaviours using guided imagery.
Our brains can’t distinguish between real events and imagined ones.
Imagine yourself in a very difficult time like a heated argument…
Just this feeling alone will release stress hormones in your body. If however you focus on a uplifting experience or love for someone close to you, this will increase the levels of endorphins and serotonin.
In turn this will make you more relaxed and positive.
Using guided imagery you can encourage your mind to imagine positive healing experiences.
This can lead to healthier coping habits and new more empowering behaviours.
By focusing your intention on reaching your goals and creating a desired image of your life and yourself, you can rewire your brain to create new pathways that reinforce this behaviour.
This simple technique has been used for many years by trainers and success coaches to build self confidence and improve peak performance.

Level 4. Yoga Nidra
A full 30 minute guided Yoga Nidra meditation combined with Trypnaural brainwave entrainment (alpha/theta/delta) for manifesting your intentions.
If you are aware of the law of attraction, this ancient meditation technique is an ultra powerful method for harnessing its power.
The practice of Yoga Nidra, an ancient meditation technique from India, allows your mind to flow into a deep hypnotic state of deep alpha, theta and delta brainwaves.
It is also referred to as ‘Yogi Sleep’ – a state of lucid sleeping, when you are asleep yet your mind is still present.
In this state of deep meditation you can plant your intentions that program your unconscious mind.
Located in your brainstem at the core of your unconscious mind, is your reticular activating system and mastery over its function gives you more control over your own life, being able to attract more of the things you want and even invoke your own internal power for self healing.
This focuses the awareness of your reticular activating system (RAS) on the intention that you set.
For example if you set your intention to recover from chronic illness, your mind will focus more on creating behaviours that are beneficial to boosting your immune system.

~ STEP 4 ~
Breathing Your Way Back To Healing
Learn To Boost Your Immune System Through Breathing!
Now you will move on from listening to audios, to actually learning some practical techniques for boosting your immune system.
This is my step by step guide to breathing yourself back to healing. This is based on the ancient breathing system called pranayama, and similar to the method developed by the Wim Hof who was proven to possess a superhuman immune system under scientific study.
How to correct your breath so that you can flood your body with vital oxygen.
An advanced breathwork exercise known as the Extended Exhalation that switches off your stress and guides you into an instant Alpha state of relaxation and healing.
A scientific prayer/healing affirmation that had a near miraculous effect on calming my nervous system and invoking a healing response.
A creative NLP visualization technique to enhance your inner healing powers.
How to combine everything you have learned into a simple routine you can do to take you to optimum states of health and beyond.
"Can't believe how simple and powerful it is"
"I now understand the power we all have"
"it felt like I was on magic mushrooms"
~ STEP 5 ~
Bio-Hacking Your Way To An Optimized Version Of You
To Be Followed As Part Of The Exercises On Each Step.
Here you will learn the fastest and most effective way to rebuild your body back to a better, healthier and happier version of your previous self.
From the principles you learn in Ayurveda you realize that it is better to know yourself first too before prescribing any one diet.
The amazing system found in Ayurveda help you to really understand who you truly are and what’s right just for you.
So, I came up with my own that is based on all three: Ayurveda, Paleo and SCD. I call this the Alpha Omega Diet.
My Alpha Omega diet plan takes into account the latest research on the enormous benefits of having a high consumption of Omega essential acid (especially Alpha Linolenic Acid – one of the reasons for the name the Alpha Healing System)
After this step you will be able to:
- Uncover what the world’s longest living cultures know about not just living to 80, 90, even 100 years - but enjoying a sublime, pain-free, energetic quality of life all the way.
- Get the last diet, detox and cleansing advice you’ll ever need in The Pure Balance Program: a PDF book that brings together everything I know about nutrition as a qualified pharmacist (includes an easy recipe for my all-time favorite ultra nutritious Green Drink and the Alpha Omega Smoothie).
- Find out exactly what foods are right for your condition using a simple quiz. I provide a guide to Ayurvedic eating, and some of my famous healthy shopping lists and you get up-to-date information on the latest bio-hacks - advances in nutrition, exercise routines and techniques for creating a disease free body.
These tried and tested lifestyle hacks are designed to take 7 minutes or less to do, so you can fit getting healthy into your life no matter how busy your schedule may be.
Nutrition Hacks
Two recipes that will help you get all the nutrition you need for the day ahead. These taste great and take just a few minutes to make! Including cutting-edge bio-hacks that will give you the edge when healing yourself.
Exercise Hacks
Scientifically proven to be the most effective way to exercise for optimum health and it takes just 7 minutes a day to do, no need for the gym!
Sleep Hacks
This is a special blueprint for forming healthy sleep routines with proven techniques to take control of your sleeping habits and learn to properly relax
Plus The Exclusive Bonuses
Healing Secrets of Tibet's Hidden Fountain Of Youth
Video instruction of the 5 Rites
Proven Home Remedies
Scientific AUM Meditation
Healing Harmonics - Ocean Meditation
Imagine being able to reduce stress, increase your energy level, optimize your mental capabilities and activate your own inner pharmacy by using some little known but simple and effective techniques that have been used for thousands of years.
Inside Breath Control, You will learn how to do these powerful techniques through video tutorials, be given scientific explanations of why these techniques work and will learn how to put these techniques into practice.
The breathing techniques found inside of Breath Control can be used to help you:
Lose weight
Increase energy
Heal quicker
Get deeper sleep
Improve digestion
Live longer
Improve mood
Reduce Anxiety/Panic
What Will You Find Inside Breath Control
Inside of Breath Control, you will learn how to use different types of breathwork to influence your physiology for more health and wellbeing, including how to reach peak performance states by combining it with different modalities. With a scientific explanation of why and how breathwork works.
With high definition video training + work books that teaches you everything you need to know to become a true breathwork master from the comfort of your own home!
5 Course Modules:
How to turn off stress and lower heart rate & blood pressure
How to raise core body temperature, heart rate and produce a controlled stress response to ward off illness and inflammatory diseases.
Benefits of intermittent hypoxia for more stamina, better circulation and even ability to move stem cells around the body for anti-aging, longevity and peak performance.
How to clear toxins from your gut, remove nasal and sinus congestion and purify your blood.
How to drink air to purify digestive system, suppress hunger, eliminate bad bacteria and promote growth of good bacteria.
"50% reduction in arthritis symptoms"
"my spirit felt alive in just a few minutes"
"it was mystical, magical... bigger than myself"
Plus Soma The Awakening - Live Webinar/Breathwork Meditation
Now I invite you to a very special online webinar + live breathwork meditation where I will teach you even more about the power of breathwork to awaken your 'inner pharmacy'
On this webinar you will learn how to 'awaken' your inner pharmacy using 5 different Soma breathwork techniques:
How to turn off stress and lower heart rate & blood pressure.
How to raise core body temperature, heart rate and produce a controlled stress response to ward of illness and inflammatory diseases.
Benefits of intermittent hypoxia for more stamina, better circulation and even ability to move stem cells around the body for anti-aging, longevity and peak performance.
How to purify digestive system, suppress hunger, eliminate bad bacteria and promote growth of good bacteria.
How to detox and clear congestion.
Then we will all breathe together for the last half, using my special Soma awakening meditation powered by Trypnaural music technology 🙂
Then we will all breathe together for the last half, using my special Soma awakening meditation powered by Trypnaural music technology 🙂
Total Package Value $304.85
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 68% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
"better than Kriya"
"It was a feeling of total bliss"
What Others Are Saying About SOMA Breath
“Severe ulcerative colitis for almost 2 years Healed”
"I am the mother of a 21 year old son, who has been suffering with bouts of severe ulcerative colitis for almost 2 years... I was stunned when I ran across Niraj, after reading his story and seeing the similarities between him and my son. I immediately bought his SOMA Life Tools and introduced it to my son.
Thanks to Niraj and the courage he demonstrates by sharing his story so candidly, as well as his miraculous SOMA Life Tools, I have my son back and I couldn't be more grateful! Since then I too, have also started using the SOMA Tools with tremendous results - even my husband has shown an interest, after noticing the changes in both my son and myself."
~ Brandi Eckert
Niraj’s insight and strategies were key for me in breaking past that place of doubt and stepping into a new life of health and happiness.
"Niraj’s tools and techniques resulted in a massive improvement in my overall health and well-being. The sort of positive changes that my doctor’s thought to be impossible without the use of more powerful medications. Niraj’s insight and strategies were key for me in breaking past that place of doubt and stepping into a new life of health and happiness."
~ Christoper Kocurek
“I fell asleep listening to the meditations and was forced to awaken feeling different parts of my brain opening, and parts I have never felt before”
"Being in the Army I have endured the hardest stress of my life. I always knew deep within me that I was different. I saw this in everyone else around me. I knew I had to unlock the power within me first before I could help everyone around me. Even just last night I fell asleep listening to the meditations and was forced to awaken feeling different parts of my brain opening, and parts I have never felt before! So I know I am on the right path and have found the right place to go to! So thanks Niraj"
~ Johnny Allen, USA Army
The muscle is 50% back & I'm walking pretty well again
"Wow, that's all I can say! My story began this summer with a mysterious wasting of an entire muscle in my leg. I was unable to walk properly & a chiropractor and then a doctor were worried I had a serious degenerative disease! I had been dabbling with meditation, still pretty skeptical, but got deeper into it & came across! Niraj's SOMA Tools For Life. I tested some of the healing tracks along with others I had. I was overjoyed to notice a twitching of the wasted muscle while listening to a SOMA Life track!! Then over the following weeks I noticed a pattern, that this twitching occurred again and only when I listened to the healing tracks from Niraj's system. Now the muscle is 50% back & I'm walking pretty well again!!!! Niraj, you're a wizard. Don't know how it works, but it does!"
~ Rich Mallison
“Managed to earn an extra £6K in a couple of months.”
"Being a long time sufferer of ADHD, I had struggled to manage my hectic DJ/Studio schedule, but thanks to this system I have become much more focused and managed to earn an extra £6K in a couple of months. So you could say I'm more than happy with the SOMA Life Tools"
~ James Alexander Topi
SOMA Tools For Life helped me tremendously, and gave me back my health.
"The best thing that happened in a long time is that I found Niraj. His health coaching and the techniques found in the SOMA Tools For Life helped me tremendously, and gave me back my health. I received a clean bill of health this morning and amazed my doctors. I contribute this to Niraj's coaching. I am so grateful for his help, his encouragement, and his care. I highly recommend the SOMA Life Tools and Niraj's coaching! Thanks Nij!"
~ J Holsen
"I was housebound for over 5 years. Now I am able to go out and make new friends and see places. I am 72 but now feel like I am 45!"
~ J Pratt
"Totally amazing only a few days have gone by since i started this system and the results have been virtually immediate. Thank you so much Niraj for your creative genius!"
~ J Silbiger
"I listened to your free sample, I had not slept that well in a few weeks and I woke refreshed; actually was surprised to feel that way; it had been so long!"
~ C Shoemaker
"I have to say that the meditations allow me to pull down my blood pressure to a normal low reading in just 15 minutes! That is worth it's weight in gold! Thank you so much!"
~ B. Thacker
“Amazing shifts in realty for me, increased psychic events, deeper relationships, completely stopped using anti depressants that I was on for 15 years”
"You have helped my own evolution so much from the SOMA Life Tools membership. Amazing shifts in realty for me, increased psychic events, deeper relationships, completely stopped using anti depressants that I was on for 15 years. I feel like I am healing internally. Thank you sweet friends. You have helped me feel peaceful thus I in turn can help others feel peaceful"
~ P Botwinick
Total Package Value $304.85
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 68% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.