Are you ready to become your own manifesting genie?

Start picnicing with your avatars today!

Who else is ready to take their manifesting game
to the next level but don’t know how?

Let me ask you, my friends:
Are you done with following manifesting guides that don’t even work anymore?
Are you fed-up with completing step after step after step as described in those guides and yet still have nothing to show for all this fuss?
Are you puzzled on why people who follow the exact same guides experience different results?
I mean, are you done with all this jazz?
Are you ready to learn the real secret all powerful manifestors follow, whether they realize it or not?

If you answered yes, it means you are ready to start manifesting like a boss!

You are at the right place!

Just drop everything, and get ready for the picnic of your life!

I am not kidding you: what you are about to discover will rock your world!

Picnic Disclaimer:

After learning this sweet secret, you will never be able to follow any of these guides anymore, at least not without applying this msssing ingredient that makes all the difference!
So, if you are not done with playing it small, think twice before you proceed!
Great! You are still here, which means you are truly ready to become your own manifesting genie!
But first, let me introduce myself:

Hi! I am Niky Rey (YES, this is me in a-magical-creature-moment above… LOL) and I want to welcome you to my PICNIC Universe! A “magical space”, where Energy Healing becomes as easy and natural as breathing! It LIVES with you 24/7 and it just stands a PICNIC away! Really: You just declare PICNIC and it is right there for you! Neutrality has your back and you can taste the power and beauty of your Core as fast as you can say or think of this one-of-a-kind mantra-word!
Here are a few words of love from my co-picnicers
(yes, we do have a lot of fun):
I lost 30 lbs effortlessly and healed nearly all physical pain and dis-ease. I have money in the bank and a new home that is PERFECT for me
“In 2011, after 30 years of a successful practice as an attorney, I quit not sure what I would do next but knowing that path was killing me. I was miserable, sick, in chronic pain, exhausted and broke. I was lonely, lost and confused about my purpose and the point of my life. Over the next couple of years, I changed my life completely but continued to live in a state of ever increasing pain and dis-ease, loss, lack, fear and hopelessness. Then I encountered Niky and my life blossomed. In the 2 years I have been working with Niky and using the PICNIC tools regularly, my life is truly transformed on all levels. I have confidence in myself and clarity in my purpose. I am a life purpose coach who talks to Angels and happy to do this work everyday! I lost 30# effortlessly and healed nearly all physical pain and dis-ease. I have money in the bank and a new home that is PERFECT for me. My energy level soars and I have so many new supportive relationships because I cleared old traumas (ones I thought I had already healed but were still stuck in my body and energetic field) & opened to receiving. Niky is the real deal and generously gives her time and talents to her students. Her energy work is profound and powerful and she teaches you to empower yourself. Treat yourself to the gift of a lifetime and work with Niky; wherever you are at this moment, after working with Niky and the PICNIC Code, you will be uplifted and expanded and forever changed for the better! ”
~ Beth
Niky Transformed My Life!!! Controlling Husband for over 20 Years Drastically Changed
“Hi Niky,
I just wanted to let you know how you have changed my life! I bought your original PICNIC through Eram's program. I used the picnic release and picnic story container multiple times. One such story was about the anger and need to control that my husband has had for over 20 years. Within days, this changed, I noticed a drastic difference in how he responded to things and the things he used to react to, he no longer did. This was huge!!!
The next thing that changed was that my business sales doubled this past December compared to last December.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your help! I so deeply appreciate it!”
~ Melissa
The Most Free I've Ever Felt To be Me in a Relationship
“I met a totally awesome man 18 yrs younger than me who really digs me. In fact, he refers to me as his "Dream Woman". The weirdest thing is, this is the most free I've ever felt to be me in a relationship! I confess, it's been a topsy-turvy Roller Coaster ride for the past couple weeks. The crown jewel of this experience though, is that I've discovered how good it feels to be a queen of neutral either way yet strong enough to set boundaries effortlessly, with absolute confidence and honesty.
Also, my mom and I've been having an especially rough time for over a year. Then, out of the blue, she sends me a large birthday check I didn't expect. This stunned me! I can now do a pricey exercise class I've been really wanting to do!
I'm like a newborn woman emerging from my contracted, stuck, stagnant identity. Expanding out of the shell of my lesser self, becoming my true expression of whom I truly wish to be... What a great feeling!
Unstuck in relationships & money dept! In Flow with Source energies, Yayyyy!
Thank you soooo much Niky Rey!”
~ Shamar
Made £6,000 on a Weekly Basis
“Dearest Nicky,
Thanks so very much for your amazing package. I have had one success after the other non-stop, almost every week. I could say I have so far accumulated around £6,000 on a weekly or 10-day basis. Your lessons have been wonderful and enlightening!”
~ Naz
So, here is the short story of HOW the Sweet Secret of the
Manifestation Process came up to PICNIC with me in order to be shared with you all:
The truth is that I was always fascinated with the Art & Science of Manifestation! It literally brings NEW LIFE to my system! It just feels sooo good to create, create and create some more!
On top of this natural fascination of mine, when I started scanning the Field to identify the trainings I was supposed to offer during 2017, I kept on receiving again and again and again ONE WORD: MANIFESTATION!

When I zoomed furtherly in, I saw the Field of Infinite Possibilities throwing a bridge into the field of new beginnings and seedings! This field was a representation of the year 2017, which in numerology is calculated as a year Number 1!
Finally, it all clicked for me! The message was crisp and clear! Manifestation is the area we need to support this year, as a whole cycle of 9 years was just ignited! WOW! Manifesting fireworks!
When I started looking for the missing or outdated pieces of info and areas of confusion related to the Manifestation Process, I kept on seeing that the Sweet Secret I am just about to reveal to you here was usually being completely overlooked or not clearly understood by most!

It was only a few that really got it, and guess what?
They were all great manifestors!
Now, on the other side, most people were clueless when it came to the Sweet Secret and of course, as expected, they could never create what they wanted …
After shaking off my initial shock, I started contemplating on how I could deliver the message in a way that makes sense without overwhelming people!
And it all came together as a PICNIC!
Introducing The “PICNIC With Your Avatars” Intensive!:
This is your invitation to becoming your Own Manifesting Genie!
Where do I Start? What did Niky and the Neutrality Picnic Experience Give Me?
Unlimited thinking, Infinite possibilities, Great imagination, Creativity, Inspired living, Infinite Abundance.. AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON…
Niky, the PICINIC code and the "Neutrality medicine" gave me the freedom, the understanding, and the taste of living again, which opened the sky(ies) for me, like a playground of unlimited safe space to play, live and enjoy gracefully my life, environment, people and places.
Words are not enough to say how much I am grateful for the PICNIC code and the Amazing Powerhouse Niky Rey in my life!
Niky's laser insights, great generosity and powerful genius waked up all the dormant cells in my body, mind and spirit.
Where do I start? What did Niky and the Neutrality Picnic Experience give me?
Unlimited thinking
Infinite possibilities
Great imagination and creativity
Inspired living!
Infinite Abundance! (I feel like Goddess Lakshimi now....xoxoxo)
Living in the Possibility instead "in the conclusion"
Neutrality = Power
Breeze of Fresh Air with every breath
New life basically!
Liberating me from my "shackles", the limited thinking and heavy ways to see and experience life.
My veils started falling apart in the Light like magic.
It's all started with a conversation I heard with Niky on a telesummit. Deeply Impressed by the power of the message and her powerful expression I decided to jump in and try the 99 Days Abundance program. The thing I considered as "my biggest issue" at that time....
During these 99 days of the PICNIC journey all my stuff showed up and started washing away! As if someone turned the switch on in a dark place. Not surprisingly my confusion was way beyond my perceived "abundance issues".
Niky goes like a laser beam straight to the core issues and dissipate the illusions. Needless to say that Niky's work is like a holistic experience, nothing is left behind. Clarity, healthy spirit and Neutrality of its best!
My deepest fears, my own prison started to dissolve.
I enrolled three times in the program and the energy is constantly evolving and refreshing, like absolutely NEW, pristine, more and more powerful!
I am looking forward to what's coming! xoxo!
My life is definitely work in progress but with ease and in- joy and why not " like a PICNIC" like Niky loves to say, instead of... the other way. Co-creation with the Universe of its best!
Learning to be in Neutrality allowed me to take all my power back and stop lingering in the confusion and the illusions of the mind.
I am not even talking about the manifestations, which were astonishing (new opportunities, abundance, amazing travels, new perspective, new life!!!) but the most precious gift of all is the FREEDOM to be me and the infinite allowing of life.
I now feel free and safe to create, enjoy and infuse my life with infinite possibilities and all this .... with ease and grace, like a Picnic! The end of the war inside of me! Haleluya!
Thank you Niky, the PICNIC code, Neutrality and the Universe!
With Love and Gratitude
~ Summer, Canada
PICNIC With Your Avatars Intensive
Total Package Value $1,292
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 92% Saving ***
Refund within 7 Days Only
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
PICNIC With Your Avatars - The Masterclass
Value $297
Recorded Class - MP3
In this PICNIC Energized Masterclass, Niky will take you on an experiential PICNIC journey, introducing you to the notion of your Avatars and how working effectively with them will unlock the Manifesting Genie in you! Your perception and understanding of your capacity to create as per your choice will never be the same after attending this PICNIC Masterclass! Be prepared to be changed in a deep way, at an experiential (not just a logical) level!
Sold My Properties After taking the Abundance Master Class Life is a becoming a PICNIC
OMG I have more amazing things to celebrate with you!
We have had two sets of land for sale (for about 8 years). Last week, in our final Abundance Masterclass I celebrated with you and the class that one land set officially sold. The money is in our bank account! Woohoo!
Now, people are very interested in buying the other set of land. How wonderful! It is truly miraculous how things are working out.
Also, I have had such a smooth and enjoyable time completing tasks for my job. High quality renters have sought me out (instead of the other way around). We are making beautiful profit while providing a delightful service and I'm meeting nice people and having fun doing it.
I've almost entirely cleared debt! I feel so good and so free and abundance keeps flowing. Life is a becoming a PICNIC 🙂 thank you!
~ Gina
PICNIC With Your Avatars - The Follow Up & Q&A Session
Value $497
Recorded Class - MP3
In this special PICNIC Energy Session, Niky will complete this experiential PICNIC journey initiated with the Masterclass, by connecting the dots, amplifying, and calibrating the Energetics and bringing everything HOME for everyone! Then, Niky will start addressing as many questions as possible to make sure that everyone is clear on how to play with their Avatars on their Manifesting Journey to achieve maximum transformation in minimum time! Niky’s Q&A calls are like none, as she stays on for hours and hours, attending to every request and remaining on air until technology literally drops! If you haven’t PICNICed before with Niky, prepared to be shocked by the duration and the Energy of this session!
I'm able to pay bills, Debts, & Mortgage with Ease
At first I thought I have not yet manifested in terms of money, but I did! Every month, I'm able to pay bills, debts, & mortgage with ease. I'm able to set aside some amount for rainy days. I'm able to offer financial help to my siblings when they are in need of one. I was able to afford repairs, maintenance, & improvements in my own home & in my family's home in my old country. Sure, I've manifested more times over.
But the big manifestation is me! I don't get overwhelmed easily over debts, bills, expenses & mortgage anymore. I'm less attached to worries. I expect less on results but enjoy more on the process. I play more & often.
Though I'm still working on fears, but my effort is subsiding, one day at a time.
Thank you so much, Niky, for sharing your gems to the world. I love you & I'm PICNICing to your new endeavor!
~ Grace
PICNIC With Your Avatars - The Case Study
Value $297
Recorded Class - MP3
In this unique PICNIC experience, Niky will provide to all the participants of the Intensive a REAL demonstration, a CASE STUDY on the practical use and application of the advanced manifestation principles shared and internalized during the first two parts of the Intensive! This is where the rubber meets the road! The theme of this CASE STUDY is urgently needed by the people who have bought the limitation that being Spiritual means NOT taking action! In fact, nothing is further from the Truth and that’s why Niky is ready to debunk those myths in a powerful way, while demonstrating the practical aspects of playing with your Avatars to create what you want! As a result of this PICNIC Energized Experiential Workshop, you will start manifesting yourself as the Spiritual Activist you always longed to be, yet were immobilized by the heavy load of the passive spirituality, which is literally all over the place these days!
Made $1,000 Extra doing work that I love, Got A Raise At My Job
I am a member of your PICNIC 99 group and have been doing your offerings since the beginning, three years ago. This program has been amazing! Here are some of the things that have been manifested during this time:
My husband got a substantial raise, which is retroactive back to July 1, 2016
I settled a property that I owned with my brother which concluded with him buying me out after 3 1/2 years of trying to work it out including me suing him.
We sold a piece of property that we had on the market for two years with not one offer in all that time
My husband’s mother gifted us with 11,000
I made 1,000 extra in the month of December doing work that I love
I got a raise at my job (which I love) and added hours
A piece of property behind our house was bought and the people are clearing it and planting an organic orchard - it is the view from my kitchen window. Now, if that’s not abundance, I don’t know what is!!!
I think there are things I’m forgetting!
I’m very grateful to be part of this and love you so much!!
Again, much, much love and infinite blessings to you – and thank you!!!
~ Mary G
The PICNIC intensives are the most advanced PICNIC experiences you can have with Niky Rey and this specific intensive is available exclusively here at the time!
Join the PICNIC tribe of manifesting genies and become an insider now!
But wait, there’s more!
Your PICNIC experience is just about to get even better!
As a token of gratitude from my heart to yours, I also want to include the following gifts to your package:
Bonus time!!![If you have any of those already, you can pass them on and gift them to someone else. Just take a moment to pay it forward!]
Trusting Yourself More & More With Every Breath!
Value $47
This is an Energetic Protocol, in the form of an MP3 track (no voice, just natural sounds and powerful PICNIC Energetics), designed to remove all energies that are blocking your ability to TRUST YOURSELF! All trust is SELF-TRUST and this is a huge portal to SELF-LOVE and ALL the GOOD stuff you want to experience in your life! Feel free to listen to this audio daily or as often as you choose and even put it on loop, as long as you are NOT driving, cooking or operating heavy machinery. Breathe, TRUST and enjoy!
PICNIC has put a beautiful smile on my face.
I am away from my home in and am currently in a different country under going major dental work. Through Picnicing the money came in after many years without. Now here I am , with all the assistance I need to do this with ease and I was even upgraded to business class. A year ago this seemed to be out of my reach and an impossibility, but WOW. PICNIC has put a beautiful smile on my face. Thank you with much love and gratitude.
~ Anna
Walk On Your Golden Path Of Grace!
Value $77
This is an Energetic Protocol, in the form of an MP3 track (no voice, just natural sounds and powerful PICNIC Energetics), designed to connect your Energy Healing Blessings with your Abundance! As you walk more and more on your Golden Path of Grace, your Healing Progress is translated into financial gains too! Your inner treasure leads you to your outer treasure! Enjoy your golden walk as often as you choose, as long as you are perfectly safe (NO driving, cooking, or operating heavy machinery, please!) Speaking of GRACE, right?
Created over 40,000 $!!!!
I have created over 40,000 dollars from 3 people who wanted to help me build my business! Thats not the only miracle that happened, they all said you dont have to pay us back! Amazing Results in my life!
~ Don
Won $1000 Grand Prize
PICNIC rocks!!! I am jumping up and down now. I just won $1,000 grand prize in a work related raffle!!! Wow!!! OMG!!! There were hundreds of numbers in the bowl!! The raffle was live on Facebook!! Honestly, I forgot all about this raffle and didn't even think about it.
This prize came at an amazing time. I'm enjoying the party
Luv you!!!
~ Anonymous
Break Free From the Tyranny of the Subconscious Mind!
This is an Energetic Protocol, in the form of an MP3 track (no voice, just natural sounds and powerful PICNIC Energetics), designed to remove all energetic blindfolds to your innate capacity to become more conscious with every breath per your conscious choice! All this scientific and not-so-scientific conversation about the role of the subconscious mind has cast a huge shadow on people’s ability to recognize, claim and receive their TRUE POWER, which is their unlimited access to PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS at all times (even during sleep or death itself).
This PICNIC Frequencies Track will allow you to reclaim and restore this inner capacity of yours in a subtle yet deeply transformative way! Feel free to listen to this audio daily or as often as you choose and even put it on loop, as long as you are NOT driving, cooking or operating heavy machinery. Breathe, remember YOU ARE PURE AWARENESS and enjoy your PICNIC!
Confidence Magnified 10X!!!!
After taking Niky's class I somehow feel more confident about myself. it is confidence magnified 10X! Awesome! I also have now rented out double the amount of beds than before! Thanks Niky! Looking forward to more love and abundance!
~ Chris

Here is the deal, my friends:
I uncover & fully reveal the sweet manifesting secret to you!
It is too sweet to be missed, actually!
PICNIC With Your Avatars Intensive
Total Package Value $1,292
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 92% Saving ***
Refund within 7 Days Only
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Made $1,000 Extra doing work that I love, Got A Raise At My Job
I am a member of your PICNIC 99 group and have been doing your offerings since the beginning, three years ago. This program has been amazing! Here are some of the things that have been manifested during this time:
My husband got a substantial raise, which is retroactive back to July 1, 2016
I settled a property that I owned with my brother which concluded with him buying me out after 3 1/2 years of trying to work it out including me suing him.
We sold a piece of property that we had on the market for two years with not one offer in all that time
My husband’s mother gifted us with 11,000
I made 1,000 extra in the month of December doing work that I love
I got a raise at my job (which I love) and added hours
A piece of property behind our house was bought and the people are clearing it and planting an organic orchard - it is the view from my kitchen window. Now, if that’s not abundance, I don’t know what is!!!
I think there are things I’m forgetting!
I’m very grateful to be part of this and love you so much!!
Again, much, much love and infinite blessings to you – and thank you!!!
~ Mary G
I have ALMOST achieved $5000 per month
Just want to let you know the result of our last Ultimate Abundance package has helped me a lot. From the 3 focused project that I have written down, one and a half has been achieved, ie I have found another workplace to work in, part-time just the way I like it And I have ALMOST achieved $5000 per month, but pretty close, woohooo! And I have paid a lot of the overdue bills, which is a great feeling Oh I also got a new therapist joined on board. And I know I am on my way paying off the credit account very soon Then, the 3rd project is achieved
Thank you so much Niky, for your powerful work. You are AMAZING grace!
Much luv & gratitude
~ Jasmine
Made a 100% Speedy Recovery
I did your last 3 month course and just at the end I was in an accident where I felt lucky to be alive and only had a torn shoulder tendons. I was in a sling for three weeks and physio for five weeks and couldn't work, but have made a speedy 100% recovery.
Financially it was a disaster. Wasn't too sure the picnic was working for me in the financial area when my family gifted me £2000 for my share of abundance that I helped them get about five years ago. This money is now allowing me to explore a different way to earn money that reflects all the work I have done in the past. It is giving me breathing space and along with the accident propelling me forward to becoming the person I would like to be.
Thank you Niky.
~ Lesley
My Life keeps on Getting Better
So many things are shifting. I am realizing how much I have been practicing since 1963 when I was 15 with my portrait commission art through sittings, and am now changing/raising my price per portrait which had stayed at a constant for 30 years!!!
I love what you are saying about the archetypes. Being aware of what I am doing throughout day, attending to, watching or not, reading.
I love you. Will listen more and write more of what I am experiencing.
Help me bring my paradigm to life!
~ Katie
After 99 days I was able to Rent My Apartment…
I wanted to thank you after 99 days I was able to rent my apartment that was on the market for months and months to an amazing qualified tenant that just moved in
While I was away on vacation in Europe a few weeks ago and enjoying my Birthday, I received the fantastic news!!!!!
I also PICNICed and won over 500 Euros in the Ship's casino during my Mediterranean cruise!!!! I am so delighted and full of joy that I can't wait for some more miracles to come my way!!! I'm celebrating every day. Yeahhh
Big hugs and kisses. Thank you so much!!!
~ Polina
Relationships with Life are Strong and Nurturing
There is nothing really dramatic but a very definite, gently on-going improvement in all circumstances in my life and the lives of those around me. Blockages are falling away and long lasting ‘stuckness’ just doesn’t hold sway anymore. Little things I need just come along when necessary and large picture mind constructs don’t really seem to have much importance to me….I don’t really identify with them, they are clearly hypothetical desires. Relationships with life are strong and nurturing; it is truly a fun picnic and is becoming more and more fun.
Thank you and much love to you and all the tribe and associated friends.
This 'nothing really dramatic' is actually dramatically different, but quietly so.
~ Donald
I Manifested Miraculous Results
Wow! Wow! Wow! Talk about manifesting! It's been a rollercoaster ride since I first started dancing with this endless picnic fun! I thank you for the invitation to fly on this picnic blanket!
Soooo, what has been happening for me? I was feeling massive confusion that culminated at the end of 2016. Then blip, everything got easier.
First, January 2017, I found my perfect fit for a profession, Yayyyy! I've been trying all kinds of healing modalities and nothing felt like a good fit until I serendipitously found Reconnective Healing. Something about it felt right away like a magnet. The further I researched it the more sure I got.
Then my boyfriend and I had been going on and off for awhile. He made it clear he wouldn't be there financially to support me through the training which he considered hocus pocus. My mother also was reluctant for the same reason. It happened so quickly I knew I had to hustle if I wanted in to the last live class offered in 2 weeks. Yikes! I had to act fast.
I was at a loss, feeling massively unsupported and without hope. What could I do? That question spurred me to really soul search about what Niky Rey said about self doubt and self trust. In fact, after her talk about that very subject I wrote those phrases on sticky notes and posted them on my bathroom mirror.
The other thing she said was don't let the Trojan horse into the gates. In other words, see the disguise of a wrapped gift that hides the intent of destruction of my dreams. Don't invite in this agenda that isn't even my own.
This spurred me to ask for what I want and stand by my hopes, dreams, goals even when everyone around me is tearing them down. My prayers to the universe began to sound more like statements rather than begging please. I was ready for anything!
I opened up to other ways to access the funds and voila! It occurred to me that I could tell my godmother/aunt my dilemma. I called her in tears from frustration and she really listened to me. She has an energy healer in Hawaii she often calls so it made sense to her, my desire to do the Reconnective Healing certification course. Next thing I knew, my mom agreed! I really didn't have to argue either! Yayyyy!
So after 5 eventful days, I received my certification and even had enough money to purchase the marketing templates and training!
Another interesting thing, my boyfriend came back, tried to have the same argument and I was not having any of it. This set him straight. After that, he became the supportive boyfriend I didn't even imagine he could be! Suddenly, he was postponing his work start date of his new job and helping me paint my place and remove my wall to wall carpet. Now that may seem like not such a big deal but in the past he always told me to hire someone. If he did help me, it was more like a child who resented me. This time, he was really awesome! He worked harder than me and even offered to keep helping after he started his new job! Woohoo!
Well it is wonderful to be able to share these wonderful manifestations with you, Niky Rey my dearest Greek friend!
Much love to you, your family and all your pets too!
~ Shamar
Here are a few more Amazing Testimonials by Happy PICNICers:
Big Conflict Resolved!!! Niky’s Work Is Outstanding
“It is a help beyond words! A solved a big conflict with the help of this fantastic possibility! I had it since october, and as a result, my friend stand out for the two of us, which made the teacher withdrew her decision, which was against our contract.
Our relationship with my friend became more intimate and joyful, there is a sudden and very delightful jump in it.
I use the PICNIC ESSENTIALS every day, according to the situation, they are a big help too, especially that I had big difficulties with receiving what I wished for...
Your work is outstanding, I totally agree with Eram: your work is OUTSTANDING!
And by the way, I am one of those, who used your method. I wrote down my intention, that I enroll to the program, and the next day my husband said we got some money from my mother-in-law, and I can spend my half on what I want. :))
I am so grateful and happy I found you!”
~ Ildikó
“I signed my younger son who is 24 years old into the program with me. He doesn't know it because he really isn't into this. He is a beautiful soul who is very empathic but doesn't know it and has been very shy since Jr. high and lost all of his friends. He's had a reading challenge and was in the special Ed. system although he is very bright. He's told me how he gets so anxious in social situations that his palms sweat and he gets physical symptoms, even going to the store.... Well, he told me that he has started taking a Yoga class! This is HUGE for him. He was over and was laughing showing me some yoga moves and laughing saying he can't do them as well as the others in the class. He looked so relaxed with it and I was thrilled to see that he has taken this step. He also told me today that he ordered and started reading a book about how to win friends and influence people. Another step forward for him! I'm just so happy to see him coming out of his shell.”
~ Linda
Excitement and expectation running in the background all the time!
“I have had a change in the way I feel and if I am feeling flat or stressed, listening to the MP3s brings me back to a level state. Right now that is more important to me because it means there is internal shifting happening. There is also a feeling of excitement and expectation that seems to be running in the background all the time."
~ Edie
New levels of confidence and calmness!
“I am so excited to learn your priceless technique.
Since I signed up I have felt a certain calm knowing and confidence at work. I don’t think about commissions they just easily find me!!!
Thank you and I look forward to learning more how to be neutral and the PICNIC method!!!"
~ Polina
“Hello Niky and all my fellow travelers to SELF! This journey has been one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced! I'm in so much gratitude! Even more? I mostly feel like I'm just reclining in a hammock, soaking up the sunshine and feeling the loving breezes on my face and heart! lol Almost EVERYTHING that comes up now, is just observed and thanked then let go (unless it is something that will have to be dealt with in the near future). So, Niky? With all my heart, I thank you for all of the work that I have been doing with you because for the first time in my life, I FEEL TOTALLY SAFE!!!!! Neutrality becomes almost second nature from there. No matter what things look like 'out there'... I deeply know, I HAVE CHANGED, therefore everything else is ALSO changing!”
~ Faythe
“I wondered if you are feeling like myself....I noticed that my energy field seems clearer and more powerful! i.e.the energies are less tangled and I feel like there is so much more space and room around me...the mental chatter seems to be almost non- existent and I feel lighter and clearer”
~ Reenee
“Hi Niky, I received an unexpected $1000.00 this morning! Great call yesterday. Thank You”
~ Debbie
“I have been listening to your audios since I received, and I have manifested a couple of hundred dollars from unexpected source, which I am grateful.”
~ Naoko
NEW JOB! $3.283 MORE!!!
“I am so blessed and so grateful to be swimming in these abundant seas with you all! I’m so excited to see the energy is already working! A job offer I was waiting for finally came today AND the compensation is $3,283 above what the employer had previously quoted! THANK YOU Niky and thank you Community!!! Let’s continue to glow, grow, and hold the space of Unlimited Abundance for each other!”
~ Simone
“I’m so happy, thankful and grateful for the abundance that has already showed up since signing up…and for all that is on it’s way…looking forward to the unfolding of all the blessings we are all destined to have. Infinite blessings to all!”
~ Naseema
“Am excited to go down this journey into neutrality. I receive $700 from a family member as a house warming gift! Very unexpected but grateful! I am open to receiving abundance and happiness in my life!!!”
~ S.A. , Texas
“$125 showed up as gifts so far !”
~ Carrie
“Good News: Someone who has owed me money for over two years, finally paid me. She owed $277, but she had the good grace to send me $300. I’d like to remain NEUTRAL around money, so that it can easily flow to me in large amounts. Amen. And thank you, Niky!”
~ Sophia
“Hello everyone, Lynn from the uk. So excited, especially after just listening to the replay. I have to tell you that I am an artist and haven’t sold a painting since 2013 because of the economy. Today I SOLD a painting I created 3 years ago! Yay, getting ready for the ride! Love to you all, my fellow creators of abundance xx”
~ Lynn
“Yesterday I manifested an extra $1000 that I needed to attend a conference next month. Invoice paid in full within 3 hours of sending it. I credit the ease with which this happened to the fact that I was NOT attached to how it turned out and I was NOT stressing over where the money was going to come from. I was in a place of fun neutrality. Let’s PICNINC on!”
~ Joumana
“Earlier this week after I listened to the “Show Me the Money” MP3 and I received a referral client who is a model and extremely popular. She said I’m exactly what she has been looking for and will be doing weekly sessions with me for 125.00! that's an extra 500.00 to my income every month. Niky is awesome !”
~ Danielle
“I got a new opportunity that i didn’t received before.I got several programs which i was interested for just for free (thank you source) I got some nice new clothing for free ( Because someone else treated me with this gift) I see it in the gift of a new possibility a new way for me to step and shine into this world
I see it with new idea’s coming in for my business that will be integrated into my business in a later moment I saw it with my parents : Like my mom was gifted a lovely bouquet of flowers, My dad was gifted with 2 bottles of wine ( he loves to drink wine) Much love, Blessings,”
~ Saphira
“I was going through my late mom’s old purses and wallets before donating them to Goodwill and found a $100 bill! Glad I thought to check through them all….:-)”
~ Barbara
“Just got amazing news from my mother! They have been afraid they were going to have to lose everything in order to provide the care my father needs for his Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and my mother just learned that they qualify for a program that takes care of everything! And I didn’t even signed him up for the session and things are getting better for me and it seems like everyone around me.”
~ Nini
“I am in shock in a good way, today I received an email (only just read it) from a company that I borrowed about £600 from, as things were tight but high interest rates….I have copied some of the email below they have told me my debt is being wiped to zero and my credit score will be amended I don't need to do anything will be wiped by end of October 2014 and told me to stop minimum payments…..I feel like I've won the lottery whoo hoo.x
We will automatically clear any outstanding debt you have with us and your balance will be set to zero. This will be done by the end of October 2014. You do not need to do anything. ……
The amazing thing is this rarely happens and I never even asked they informed me love it……….x…£600 wiped off thank you God/Universe.xx”
~ Trisha
“Got a message late last week from a friend who is a professional house sitter. She has a place I’ve looked after before available for the week over Christmas and has asked if I’d like to stay there. What a great way to have a holiday but not pay for accommodation in an area of Sydney that has beautiful headland walks, near the Harbour. She left another message this morning asking if I’d like a 3 month house sit in a suburb close to where we currently live. It would save a heap of rent money! P.I.C.N.I.C at work!!!! Xx”
~ Kate
“I have been participating in a 52 week nature challenge since January. Each week a group of close to 200 artists located worldwide do a piece of art based on endangered species. This painting was chosen to be presented to veterinarian conservationists at their annual conference. Since we started I have had three articles featuring my art in the local media. So grateful for the publicity!”
~ Lynne
“More manifestations today! I will be receiving a large monetary gift at the end of this year. Yay! Also, my healing work and my book, “Dancing Your Life,” will be featured on an awesome website with lots of visitors.”
~ Linda
“My husband recently spoke at a conference, was quoted by other speakers and got an invite to a VIP yacht dinner. This is on top of lots of appreciation pouring in for his work.”
~ Sharie
“Monetary update ! I went from doing volunteer work to making over 800 dollars this month for sessions ! My model client LOVES me and I just had a successful session with her publicist and she referred a model in London to me as well as her mom !”
~ Danielle
“PICNIC to my excitement! I am in awe how Universe creates! I love the ocean and swim in it no matter how cold it is ( Pacific ocean on West Coast of Canada is my playground ). This morning my husband and me went for a swim and CTV showed up wanted to take a video of us for an evening news. I had no problem to speak from my heart and stand in front of the camera in my bikini. ( I have to say that I am in my fifties and certainly shy to show up in bikini on camera and speak English, which is my second language!) I couldn't recognize myself. But because swimming is my passion, it was so natural and easy. Exactly how Niky described PICNIC experience. And on top of that, me and my husband first met at swimming in the Pacific 6 years ago and fell in love and on top of THAT, a lady who walked to us after and congratulated us, said: "Today is a great day for a PICNIC, you should have picnic here." How perfect is that! You can imagine a grin on my face The first day of our second phase! Thank you Niky for this amazing program! Thank you for who you are! Thank you all for being in my life”
~ Jitka
“Hello my dear fellow PICNICers
I just have to share my joy with you and so grateful you are here to share. I have entered my Son in the program – even so he didn’t want to know He has been in a rather dark place for the last 3 years, after his discharge from the Army – he had injured his back. Living on a Veterans Pension and in a very undesirable area – he was getting more and more depressed. I can’t tell you how worried I have been for him and so hard to watch him going down that road. The last few months he has been looking to move to an even worse area for cheaper rent. He just phoned – not only has he found a really nice place on the beach near us – beautiful area – for less rent than he is paying now. Unheard off ….yeahh. The current tenant didn’t want his furniture – almost brand new – and Jace (son) was offered to buy it for $10 000. Even so a great price – all included: new fridge, TV ,washmachine and it goes on – you get the idea It was too much for Jace. The guy just rang him and told him he can have it all for $1400 – wow – totally amazing – really amazing. Son is still in shock and the rest of the family is dancing with joy. It’s like he left the past behind him finally. I am so grateful much much love to you all.”
~ Ute
“Listened to it last night and this morning my boss brought my 5 year anniversary card which included an unexpected gift of 100.00 gift card! Woo hoo!!!”
~ Pam
“I have some great news on my latest manifestation….Tonight I was going on a date but that got cancelled, so my friend invited me to listen to him give Astrology Readings on a Radio Show in America…..I was Introduced as being a Numerologist and as a result have been asked to be a Guest on November 08th 2014 giving free Numerology Readings….The bit I didn’t realise is they have 12,000 listeners to that 2 hour show and they give my website details out to the Audience………..So a cancelled date ended up me making new Connections and to be a Guest Speaker to thousands Whoo hoo it was awesome. Plus I had said Months ago I would love to do Numerology Readings on the Radio……Next time I’m signing up my friends and my son for the 99 days…”
~ Trisha
“Instead of a bill i just got a surprise check back from comcast for 160 dollars!”
~ Jerry
“Hi folks, I just got a raise and what are my new duties? Exactly what I’ve been already doing! Interesting…”
~ Lu
“Good morning all my PICNIC friends, I received a very nice unexpected bonus today, completely out of the blue !! Yeah it is working !! Love, love, love this energy and our wonderful group.”
~ Diane
1st $1M CLIENT and $530 I DIDN’T EXPECT
“OMG! I listened last night and did the abundance meditation – and really FELT it so much that it made me kind of excited about today. Well, I just got a phone call that my broker will be adding another $265 to every one of my commission checks from now on! And it’s included in two separate commission checks I’m getting today – $530 more that I didn’t expect at all! There’s more: this afternoon I showed a house to some great new cash buyers who also plan to refer a friend who’s looking for a $1M+ home! I’ve worked so hard and couldn’t come close to a million dollar client, and now one may just land in my lap. Crazy.”
~ Nancy
“Had an interview today … They were going to let me know tomorrow … But called me 30 minutes after my interview and asked me to join there team!!! Yeah!!! And at a great salary !!!!… I P.I.C.N.I.C before during and after the interview !!! Feeling very blessed !!”
~ Sherrie
“OMG!!!!!! Last week things have moved in a positive way for me and my daughter . On thursday I received an e- mail from a family member requesting my approval to sell a piece of land , well located. She already found a buyer. As we are 6 co-owners each one of us will receive 50 000 euros. I was a bit hesitant, because of the trend that I have been holding on " Not able to receive anything from anybody".why is it so ? don't know ? When I thought about this divine offer from the universe I said "Yes" . I was relieved to finally accept gracefully this wonderful gift.....I'm so Happy !!!!!! This is the result of the PICNIC programme”
~ C. K.
“Hi Niky, just want to give a quick testimonial here. I joined the Abundance program on Monday morning. On Tuesday, just over 24 hours later I got a voicemail message from the Tax Office asking me to call the back about my 2012 Tax return. When I called them yesterday they told me that I was entitled to a tax credit that I hadn't claimed, and that *they* were going to correct my Tax return in my favor - imagine that!
The amount of the unexpected tax credit? €42,000!! Incredible!!!”
~ Tony F.
“Hi Niky, thank you for adding me to the group. A few days after I signed up, my husband received a bonus for €6000! Lots of love and gratitude!”
~ Julie
“I am an actress and things have been so slow. Monday morning I had an acting job in my inbox!-I had signed up Sunday evening!!”
Many, many Thanks
~ Terrie
“My husband Clive received a donation for $1,000 for his non profit sustainable farm project, yesterday.
Then I heard from good friend Rebecca, that right after I signed her up, she sold her truck she had been trying to sell for a month.
Also she found out the pump she was buying for her well was now going to be $1,500, instead of $3,500 she was originally told! So it is working already Niky, thank you so much, I have been praying for this for a long time!”
~ Anonymous
“My husband doesn’t know that I have purchased this program and that I am doing this wonderful process. I’ve noticed lately that he has been receiving small unexpected gifts like a free meal, or movie tickets and even an unexpected check showed up for him for $830.00. I just smile to myself when he tells me about his great luck all of a sudden. The funniest one was when we were on the phone together yesterday talking and he told me to hold on for a minute. He came back on the phone and said that he was just standing in a parking lot and a $10 bill blew over right by his shoe. He looked around and no one else was around. So, I guess my PICNIC energy is flowing to him! I LOVE TO PICNIC !!!”
~ Diane
“So would really like to share something that honestly I wasn't sure would ever change and with this energy it has. The day after our call on Sunday, my husband asked if it was possible that we could ever get back together for good. We have been apart for almost 4 yrs only seeing each other every once in a while. SOOOO how amazing is that? I wonder what else is possible when we haven't even really gotten started!”
~ L.M.
“I saw a facebook post from an ex boyfriend. I've not seen him in years but we are facebook friends. As I read his post I realized I had lots of unresolved emotions about the relationship. I used the Release Mode MP3 and the PICNIC mantra. There was a huge wave of release.
I'm going to do this for all my past relationships, and I am aware I have some deeper stuff around self love in regards to romantic relationships that I want to address. I'm so glad to have all the PICNIC tools.”
~ Linda
“11 years ago I left my marriage of 32 years and somehow lost contact with my kids. At that time they were 16,18,22 and 26. In the beginning they wouldn’t even speak to me, though there was some contact after that. Three years ago my middle daughter completely cut me out of her life and that of my 3 grandchildren. She has called me twice in the past 3 months. Today she called again in tears and apologized profusely for having been so wrong. She said she just realized that her dad’s manipulations and my mother’s lies were what made her hate me so much and she was so sorry for all the time that has been wasted. She never believed I loved her till now. I’m both thrilled and speechless. I had reached the point of giving up on a decent relationship with my kids and grandkids. Thank you Niky for putting this possibility out there and with so little effort required from us.”
~ Edie
“Hey Niky! Awesome news. I got engaged yesterday. I have been together with my now fiancee (lol still cannot believe it) for over 8 years now and he always was reluctant to marriage. Now, we are on holiday and make a day trip to Gibraltar and we see all this beautiful rings and he is like "we buy a ring here, we do it here". i was so standing beside me I simply couldn't believe it. And we bought a ring and he asked me. I know, not the super romantic type but that doesn't matter. We love each other and I really did not think this would happen in the next years. PICNIC and you rule!”
~ A
“I could never believe that I would lose weight without dieting and especially during the period that I also quit smoking! Usually, quitting smoking adds a few pounds to your current weight even if you watch what you eat! I have to admit that I LOVE the way the PICNIC Code handles this type of things!LOL! Thank you Niky Rey!”
~ Nikki
“I am releasing weight with ease and I am making better nutritional choices without struggling. I released a lot of annoying symptoms, like itching, allergies and body pains and I enjoy a newly acquired level of wellness altogether.”
~ Evagelos
“I quit smoking, my sugar addiction is cured, my chronic headaches and migraines are eliminated, I stopped using pain killers and other pills regularly, I no longer use chemical products on my body either, I eat more naturally, I started releasing weight, I no longer drink alcohol and my right knee that was in pain (often excruciating) for more than 3 years, is completely healed now!”
~ Alex
“I notice my body’s shape changing in interesting ways (becoming tighter and better contoured), while interestingly I also reduced the number of cigarettes I smoke per day (which kind of makes an unusual pair)!”
~ Athena
I received 900 euros from two different sources in one day!
“I was taken to the hospital due to a sudden sickness (a blessing in disguise) and I met a doctor that I could finally trust to operate a surgery on my hernia, which has restricted me significantly during the last few years. Now, the best part is that my surgeon revealed to me how to be treated for FREE, for a surgery that would normally cost me 2.800 – 3.000 euros! My live appearances for the season started at least a month earlier than usually and I have been busier than any other year so far. My first two students enrolled already too. During the last few days, more and more people are interested in my house that I have put on sale. Regarding my health, I am releasing weight with ease and I am making better nutritional choices without struggling. I released a lot of annoying symptoms, like itching, allergies and body pains and I enjoy a newly acquired level of wellness altogether.”
~ Akis K., singer, song-writer, guitar teacher
I received 2.500 euros in cash, I randomly found another 100 euros and I launched a new business project that will provide me with a healthy additional income in my spare time.
“I was invited to participate to a Bazaar, where I had the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and very savvy entrepreneurs. I received very timely business coaching for FREE and I now have a crystal clear vision of my next steps and a concrete business plan in place. I am creating six new products for my main business already and I attracted a new business partner, who markets an exclusive product with a great margin of profit in a very hungry niche. The coolest part is that I manifested this partnership out of the blue! This opportunity alone will put me in a completely different tax bracket within a few short months! On top of all these, my arm that was in pain for a long time is totally healed!”
~ Despina F.
I doubled my business revenue very quickly (from 150 to more than 300 euros per day) and then I almost tripled it (bringing in more than 400 euros per day).
“Very soon I became the busiest track driver in our collaboration and, as a result of that, the most prosperous of all by far! I also received a tax deduction of 6.800 euros. Meanwhile, my chronic knee pain got healed too and I lost weight without dieting, to the extent that I can now wear certain clothes that I couldn’t fit in for 7 years!”
~ Yannis K.
About Niky Rey

After years and years of struggle and a lot of emotional pain, Niky Rey healed her life through a unique healing system she created, that embraces the miraculous potential of the Quantum Field (also known as the Zero Point Field in Quantum Physics) and utilizes the power of Vibrational Neutrality. Backed up by innovative vibrational technology, the P.I.C.N.I.C. Code allows deep and profound transformation in the easiest and most subtle yet powerful way. Niky Rey is now ready to share her creation with the world and to assist people with their most pressing problems like money and manifesting the life of their dreams the P.I.C.N.I.C. way!
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 7 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.