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To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.

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To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

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To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

If you do not receive your files shortly, please check your Spam Folder as they are sometimes mistakenly filtered there instead of your Inbox.

Limited Time Bonus 19 SivaSivaa MP3s.

Download it first as it will be removed from this page on 25th December.

Would you like sessions with Nandhiji? Here is an Exclusive offer just for our community


Package A

Mastery of Consciousness

This program Includes:

  • Mastery of Consciousness
  • Kalangi Kundalini Yoga- Yoga of the Achiever
  • BONUS: 30 Minutes Siddhi Ganapathy Sound Healing
  • The Science of Yoga & Wealth Call Group Call
  • BONUS: Nandhiji's Miraculous Autobiography


Mastery of Consciousness Book - PDF

What is Mastery of Consciousness?

The deeply spiritual, mystical wisdom of the Siddhars is for the first time being revealed in this book by Nandhiji. This book "Mastery of Consciousness: Awaken the Inner Prophet" is the fruit of Nandhiji's yogic journey after being initiated by the enlightened yogis, the Siddha Sages.

Nandhiji has condensed the esoteric wisdom of the Siddhars, in ways that Westerners can relate to in practical terms. Nandhiji's desire is that those who seek the Mastery of Consciousness in their lives will be able to easily incorporate this wisdom into daily yoga or spiritual practices.

The core intent of this book is to assist readers in cultivating an intimate connection to the Source of life that is eternal, all-knowing and very much alive in every cell of the body, thereby taking steps to attaining a life of freedom, purpose, inspiration, health and inner wisdom.

The teachings and wisdom of Mastery of Consciousness are tools that anyone living in the society can use to break free of the limits of the mind, body, and circumstances. To master Consciousness is to master Life.

To Awaken the Inner Prophet is to be able to wake up to the Guru, or Divine teacher, that exists within each of us as higher consciousness. From the first page to the last, this Book will hold the reader in awe with each page containing the vast arrays of the condensed wisdom of the Siddhars.

Nandhiji shares the rare wisdom and teachings of the seldom revealed source of yogic wisdom of the Siddha Sages, the liberated mystics of South India. Nandhiji's teachings of Mastery of Consciousness is from the "other India", the source of yogic wisdom that has been secretive and passed on within a close circle of initiates.

PDF Download


Kalangi Kundalini Yoga- Yoga of the Achiever - Video

Why Nandhiji was inspired to create this program:

"For years I have been wanting to share my personal daily practice with humanity and finally it's now a reality with this video, the basics of yoga to get the day started! Kalangi Kundalini Yoga is the "software" applicable within yoga to attain the most important yogic objective- higher consciousness that enables us to be leaders, manifestors, intuitive, creative and a dynamo of energy with eagle like focus.

I was gifted by my Gurus the guidance in incorporating the potent Siddha wisdom to expand consciousness through yoga practice in its most simple and easy to practice ways. My intent for those who are doing yoga for the first time is that the joy factor and the empowered mind will lead each to practice yoga daily and enable self-mastery. My intent for those already practicing yoga is that the honey they experience in their daily yoga now is the honey pot itself. I am grateful that we can now share the inner journey to celebrate the Supreme Being inherent in each of us as the Yogi!" - Nandhiji

What this downloadable Video contains:

MP4 Download


Invoke the Masters - MP3s

This special album, Invoke the Masters is the continued inspired breath of Cave of the Siddhars. Invoke the Masters has been described as a 'notch' more powerful than Cave of the Siddhars. which has been calibrated at the level of “Enlightenment”

Invoke the Masters carries within several sublime features. The special features include:

  • Inner Aum' to invoke the Goddess energy and stimulate the 'moon breath' to create harmony with the kundalini awakening- Track One.
  • The sing-along challenge of the yogic breath while chanting the powerful "Vasi" mantra- Track 6
  • The sacred experiences of the pilgrimages to the sublime realms of the enlightened yogis that are conveyed through the chants.
  • Potent Siddhar chants that are for the first time coming out of the inner circle. These chants are transforming and being immense energy fields, the listener's inner and outer realities become Source aligned.
  • The invocation of 210 Siddhars, the Beings of Light is by Siddhar Rajaswamy carries with the invocation, the secretive location where each of these Masters meditated through their life.

Siddhi Ganapathy Lord of Success

MP3 Download

Siddha Namah Sivaya Sacred Truth

MP3 Download

Sri Yantra Goddess of 9 Dimensions

MP3 Download

Nambi Hills

MP3 Download

Thai Poosam Awakened Kundalini

MP3 Download

Secretive Vasi Mantra

MP3 Download

Invoke the Siddhar Gurus

MP3 Download

Invoke the 210 Siddhar Gurus

MP3 Download


The Secret Science of Yoga for Wealth
- Group Call with Nandhiji

90 Minute Group Call

Siddha Wisdom is the perfected art and science BEYOND enlightenment where the masters manifest ceasless joy and abundance with mere thought.

In the very loving and power-packed call, Nandhiji will provide you with verifed wisdom on how to be a spiritual person with great material wellbeing.

  • Clear up spiritual myths and msiconceptions that are keeping you broke and broken
  • Find out the hidden Yogic secret to make you a “wealth dynamo”
  • Discover ancient techniques for manifestion.
PDF Download


30 Minutes Siddhi Ganapathy Sound Healing

Our human reality and our inner peace transforms when we are lit within. The Root Chakra determines our success in our career and goals; relationships and family; health and wellbeing; including our material and spiritual wealth. Lord Ganapathy's grace awakens our Root Chakra fires of Kundalini to transform us from human to Angelic.

Nandhiji conveys the initiation with this empowering mantra of Siddhi Ganapathy on behalf of his guru Siddhar Rajaswamy and the ancient lineage of Siddhar Bhoganathar. Benefits of the Siddhi Ganapathy mantra: - Transforms all limitations such as financial, health and relationship shortcomings into a positive and abundant reality that is conductive to harmony in our life.

  • Dissolves karmic obstacles that block our path towards realization and enlightenment.
  • Awakens us to the inner light.
  • Enables us to lead a life of fulfillment and grace
  • Builds a strong foundation to strenghten our spiritual practice
  • An awake Root Chakra brings peace, harmony, love, tranquility and abundance for all of humanity.
MP3 Download


Nandhiji's Miraculous Autobiography

PDF Download

Package B

Mastery of Karma

This program Includes:

  • All of Package A
  • Siva Sivaa (Limited Time)
  • Group Process: Money Karma from Ancestral, Past Life Influences and Soul Blocks Dec 30th 9am Pacific
  • BONUS: Clearing Past Karma & Awakening to Be the Yogi- Mastery of Consciousness Teachings: 21:20 min 45
  • BONUS: Awaken the Power of All Masters- Mastery of Consciousness Teachings
  • BONUS: 9. Daily Mystic Yogic Rituals- 5 Wheels of Consciousness: 48.22min
  • BONUS: Awaken the Power of the Root Chakra- MP3


Group Call: Journey to Clear Your Money Karma from Ancestral, Past Life Influences and Soul Blocks
Date: Dec 30th 9am Pacific

From Heartache to Joy Exlusive!!!

  • Have you been wondering why it is so hard to get ahead when others achieve with ease?

  • Would you like to experience ease, joy and easy with money and wealth?

  • Has your familiy history been holding you back?

Imagine the power of having a Siddha Yoga Master holding a 10,000 year lineage from the Lords of Creation helping you. In this extraordinary group call especially put together for Eram Saeed and the listeners of From Heartache to Joy you will have the opportunity to understand your Money Karma.

Nandhiji will take your through a very powerful group meditation and clearing to clear the negative money Karma and patterns in your body and soul.

This is a once many lifetime opportunity. Don’t miss out on this call.

PDF Download
PDF Download

**** Bonus Pack Teaching MP3s to Prepare you on
your way to Spiritual Wealth ****


Clearing Past Karma & Awakening to Be the Yogi- Mastery of Consciousness Teachings

When we realize we are the Spirit having this amazing human experience, we awaken to our purpose in this universe. We enhance the potency of each thought to uplift humanity in inspired doings through our Knowing. Inspired we are the many as One.

MP3 Download


Awaken the Power of All Masters- Mastery of Consciousness Teachings

Awaken and summon the powers of all Masters of Consciousness and each thought arising is the Guru, the immenseness of Consciousness. The Prophet Be.

Consciousness Sutra 105: Each Thought, the Guru "invoke to be all masters of higher consciousness tuned to the magnified intent of goodness for humanity and each thought arising is the guru, the master.

MP3 Download


Awaken the Power of the Root Chakra- MP3

Awakening the Inner Fire by invoking Lord Ganesh, be empowered in magnificent realities!

Receive the Siddhi Ganesh mantra; learn the ancient Siddha Thirumulanathar Pranayama -the breathing technique and receive the many invaluable yogic tips to enhance our life experiences by expanding consciousness.

MP3 Download


Daily Mystic Yogic Rituals- 5 Wheels of Consciousness

We utilize Joy to weave a potent ritual that as your foundational understanding can be utilized through your daily yoga and meditation practice.

A Siddha is a 'perfect' Being- awake and liberated, in consciousness- the Yogi. Awakening the 5 Wheels of Consciousness, attain the yogic discipline through Joy! The attainment of awakening, and the journey of a Yogi is the prayers of several life times of seeking answered- simple daily rituals we can do by ourselves to be the Yogi. The five simple rituals will transform our inner and outer realities. As a Yogi we think outside the box; we are inspired and a genius in doings; we are free Beings who uplift ourselves, humanity and Mother Earth.

In Mastery of Consciousness, we break the limits of mind, body and circumstances. Awake, we are the Siddha Yogi in joys of being the Sun! :)))

MP3 Download

Package C

Mastery of Money

This program Includes:

  • All of Package A & Package B
  • Soul Blessing Reading for Wealth 45 mins.


Soul Blessing Reading for Wealth

Duration: 45 Mins

Until very recently you would have had to journey thousands of miles to remote South India and seek for decades, purifying your soul in order to be able to make contact with a Siddha Master. Even then you might only glimpse them among a crowd and be unable to be granted a private audience.

Reclusive they dwell in far away places absorbed in the Turiya state of bliss consciousness working for humanity’s upliftment from afar.

In these troubled times, Nandhiji has chosen to come the West and share the knowledge of the states beyond Enlightenment so that we may all live in state of material and spiritual bliss.

Eram has persuaded Nandhiji to speak for the first time with a summit audience and provide soul readings and blessings for the members of the From Heartache to Joy who feel sincerely called to make a change and uplift themselves and humanity.

How well do your know your own Soul?

  • Would you like to know what your major obstacle to wealth is?
  • Would you like that obstacle to be removed?
  • Would you like to receive money blessings and grace especially for the needs of your life and soul from the Lords of Creation, Lord Shiva, Babaji and the ancient line of Siddha Masters, Gurus, Gods and Goddesses who flow through Nandhiji’s consciousness.

Some opportunities are once in a lifetime/
This is a once in many lifetimes opportunity to uplift your soul’s journey and receive priceless blessings of Divine Grace

PDF Download

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who wants to know and understand themselves and their lives better.
  • All those who are struggling life with jobs they don’t like, money problems, debt, and difficulities.
  • People who have “tried everything” but just can’t seem to clear themselves of invisible issues that are holding them back. People who just can’t go on alone and in trouble who are ready for a major breakthrough who have prayed for Divine Grace and Assistance.

Find out why it is your Divine right to be Wealthy, prosperious and rich materialy and spiritually.

Receive the gifts of your answered prayers
experience the relief and miracles of Divine Grace from the Siddha Masters.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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