Nancy’s Healing, Love Filled FREE Gift!

“Thank you for listening to my interview with Eram! I love connecting with our From Heartache to Joy global community! Together our healing is a powerful conduit for transformation and change. With every healing step we are co-creating a world that works for all. My wish for you is abundance of all good things and infinite blessings. Enjoy this FREE GIFT …from my heart to yours.”

~ Nancy Jean Mirales

Meet Your Divine Energy Alchemist and Activate Your 7 Chakras!
Nancy Jean Mirales

This beautifully and lovingly guided journey takes to the garden of your heart where you will meet your Divine Energy Alchemist, Your Higher Self. Your Divine Energy Alchemist is a mirror of your true nature which is love, pure, beauty, light and divine. Here you will experience unconditional love, empowering guidance and chakra healing.

Each of your 7 Sacred Chakras will awaken, activate and charge as you experience vibrational color and sound healing. Your Divine Energy Alchemist becomes your greatest resource as you open to Becoming Your Own Energy Alchemist!

  • Renew and deepen your relationship with your higher self
  • Awaken and activate your 7 Sacred Chakras
  • Receive guidance and support from Your Divine Energy Alchemist

Right click on the button above and select "Save as" or "save link as" to download to your device.

This was the first time that I've spontaneously felt really in love with me!

“Thank you for the beautiful sacred practice tonight. I left the call after the practice as I really felt that I wanted to continue BEING with my higher self. It felt such an intimate connection that I didn't feel like sharing at that time. Afterwards it was as if I were on a date with myself!

I found myself speaking out loud to myself and saying "I love you Sarah Diane. I love you so much. I'm so very proud of you. You're amazing....." And I continued to tell myself all the many things that I love about myself! Wow! I've never done that before. I've stated that I love myself, but this was the first time that I've spontaneously felt really in love with me! Then I started stroking my hair and my face, hugging myself!

Thank you for helping me to deepen my connection with my higher self. I can really FEEL such deep love pouring from her to me. At the same time I FEEL such love for myself.”

~ Sarah Caddick

I hope that I can adequately express how immensely grateful and still quite awestruck my session with you has left me. Truly, it can best be summed up as "from (literal) heartache at every level to (literal) joy" at every level.

“The compassion and love you held for me while listening to my heartache made me feel as if I were your only client. The sheer holiness and safety of the space you created in visualization coupled with the attendance of divine beings and teachers, each very personal to me, can only be described as a journey of body, mind and Spirit rather than simply an activation or process. The energy was palpable and very strong. I have never experienced such clear, vivid and spontaneous visions.

Seeing what looked like a dark knotted ball of yarn at the front of my heart was quite a surprise and when you cleared it with Archangel Gabriel and the green apophyllite I physically felt as if I had fallen into my heart as if pulled in by a vortex. A "whoosh" if you will.

What was and is such a marvellous, gracious and beautiful gift as a result of the sacred time spent with you was the unexpected joy and euphoria I felt for many hours afterwards. I feel a very real sense of hope and connection to love and the divine and while life and circumstances are still what they are I know I am not and thanks to you I know I can handle it all with grace and strength and even joy. Thank you is not sufficient. May you feel the joy you helped me feel.”

~ Debbie Haddow

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