Are you surrounded by drama and chaos when all you want to do is bring peace, abundance, joy and love to your life and the world?
Are you done with old wounds, self- sabotage and destruction?
Are you still preventing yourself from fully embracing your authentic divine power?
Are you feeling out of alignment with your inner being and expressing yourself in a way that does not feel like You?
Are you feeling lost, confused or abandoned not knowing if you’re on the right Divine path…that your life is a mess or you are beyond broken?
Are you ready to BE free?
Are you ready to feel radiant, joyful, vibrant?
Are you ready to IGNITE your switch to more? More everything......
Powerfully with Ease & Grace
Unplug from stale programming:
Stress Triggers, Anger Triggers, Martyrdom, Anxiety Disconnection, Anxiety, Guilt, Shame, Low Self Worth, Low Self Esteem, Heartache
Sexual Energy from past companions.Be Free of Mother & Father energies. Release heartache and pain.
Black Sheep Syndrome remaining small to Be loved by others Chaos, clutter, mental chatter, comparison complexes, abandonment, control, codependency, Not belonging or fitting in.
Feeling of not wanting to BE alive on Earth or yearning for 'Home', any places you want to exit life or have just given up. Unconscious Sacred wounds of the Divine Feminine
Powerfully with Ease & Grace
Plug into Joyful programming:
Embody Self Worth, playfulness & Joy. Become Ageless, timeless, eternal. Peaceful, calm tranquil & Blissful
Ignite your Creative Center- release mother, father and past lovers energies- to step into and embody pure love power, creativity and innovation
Power Tune Up- Love Tank- release low self esteem, low self worth embody confidence, self esteem
Embrace the Voice of your Heart- Heartbeat of Source- release heartache, pain, embody freedom to love & more
Release and unplug from collective and plug direct to YOU, embody your Unique Essence, your Unique Purpose and your highest vibrant Self.
Become Ageless, Timeless & Eternal. Peel off the layers and density to reveal your PURE Light, become youthful, Vibrant, anti-aging fast.
Speak the Language of your Soul, with Mercy, forgiveness, peace & Grace, hold onto your unique Golden thread of the Web of Life
EPIC LIFE!! Is Heaven what you thought it would be like? How do you want Heaven to be? What is Heaven? What will Heaven be? YOUR LIFE, HEAVEN on EARTH, You are heaven, lets Embody that NOW!
Create a healthy lovable You and find your Soulmates, Divine Partner, Soul friends, Soul Family
Empower yourself to connect direct with your Higher Self and I Am Presence
Find, intend and clarify what you would like to create in your life
Become the Divine Version of You that transforms the world around you to reflect your Inner Sanctuary
Become a Golden Wand of love sharing your vibrant raw beautiful self with the world
EXPERIENCE the Forgiveness Detox, for Relationships, events, things, money and Self to become instantly lighter, more loving and vibrant
“Since the session and i am feeling more at peace, more balanced and full of hope”
"My issue was that I was feeling disconnected from source and from my higher self for over a year..
Michelle helped me reconnect with my higher self and ""make peace"" with myself by clearing the guilt. Because of Michelle's work, I am feeling more aligned, full of light, more self-love and acceptance. The connection to source was immediate, as well as the self-forgiveness.
It has been a few days now since the session and I am feeling more at peace, more balanced and full of hope. Michelle made me see that magic is possible, that beautiful things can happen now that I am aligned (let's become a magnet now!).
My husband and daughter have benefited from the transformation because I am calmer, less negative and more patient.
Michelle is a beautiful soul, listening without judgement and so kind that she melts my heart. I have had so many sessions but never... NEVER I had so much release during a session. I usually am very emotional but had never cried so much... tears wouldn't stop flowing and during a big part of the session I was crying and sobbing. Thank You"
~ Sylvie Angelo
“Michelle activated my divine female energy to release old way of being.”
"I decide to work with Michelle to get unstuck from a loop of lack pain and struggle in relationship, money, health and health issues. Also, I wanted to work on my life purpose and getting clients in my business.
Michelle activated my divine female energy to release old way of being.
I noticed energy moving during the session and towards the end of the call felt my whole body go cold, the energy was still running around 1 hour after the session felt my whole body go cold again. Later, in the evening my husband also noticed energy moving when he placed his head on my lap.
I noticed that I was at peace and not reacting to my husband presence nor he reacting to mine.
I would recommend Michelle. I truly enjoyed the healing process.
Thank you Thank You Thank you for the forum and the opportunity to receive this healing truly a blessing. I know something shifted, also got my periods immediately after the session maybe working with feminine energy and when looking at the moon later in the evening noticed energy moving. I am calmer for sure softness is the best way to describe it."
~ Rahab Miriti Khoury
“My life is now changed”
"The issues that brought me to work with the Michelle was finding a new job and abundance of money, better relationships-new people same vibration like me, true love and a soulmate of course, freedom from emotional pain and mental issues. I also want to step out of my comfort zone, be more self-confident, forgive & forget past event, empowerment for life, stress tools, move from parental home into independence.
I've been suffering from this issue from the age of 17 (mainly emotional pain), and the rest of the problems throughout life and even until today.
My life is now changed in a way that I can give myself love through intention and breathing in and out to my heart, specific chakras, and affirmations that she taught me. In addition, there is an mp3 file and an activator card for further use which is very fun and supporting the whole process. I feel much more relaxed in my house with my family.
I recommend the Michelle’s work to other people. I enjoyed the session and the tender energy of Michelle and thank you"
~ Idan Grabli
“She addressed and worked on every worry, concern,
wish, hope, dream and fear I had without my speaking it”
"Prior to the session I was experiencing heartbreak, painful loss, financial difficulties and chronic pain. All, I believe, symptomatic of trying to move forward and let go of my fifteen-year marriage that ended four years ago, but he kept me on the hook wooing me until photos last April were brought to my attention that indicated he was not interested in me at all. At this point he filed and it was final last month. To further the angst, he has moved in with a neighbor bringing his new/old relationship with him.
Michelle took me the deepest in any energy session I have ever, ever experienced. Energy must be strong for me to feel it and this was mind blowing. I don't even know how to describe it sufficiently. When I tried to explain it to Michelle she said I was experiencing my multi-dimensional self and that makes total sense. I felt this at a physical, emotional, mental spiritual and etheric level.
She addressed and worked on every worry, concern, wish, hope, dream and fear I had without my speaking it. She took me on a journey with both her guides and Angels as well as mine and Mother Mary and Green Tara came in for me as well. She enabled me to release intense emotion and grief yet I have never felt so safe while doing so. She helped me release the victimization pattern I was holding and extended the healing to my mom, sister and female ancestry. There's so much, so much more.
Michelle is the embodiment of sweetness and light and Divine Love. She is compassionate and caring beyond compassion and care. She is an Angel.
I would urge everyone if and or when able to experience a healing with Michelle to do it! She is a catalyst and will provide the means to put you back on your path to soul mate love, abundance in many forms and that for which you came here to do. There were so many layers to her work I cannot adequately describe it or give her justice due.
I have NEVER felt energy so strongly. Those who say they don't, will. I promise.
I know, since being in that holy space she held us in, feel hope and a knowing that I can make it through the difficulty and that joy is present just patiently waiting for me to catch up."
~ Debbie Haddow
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Discount: 86%
Total Package Value $699
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
Discount: 78%
Total Package Value $1555
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
4 Diamond Light Healing
4 Live Calls
Alchemy Power Vortex - Energetic Powerhouse
Discount : 61%
Total Package Value $1999
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
$777 $597
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
4 Diamond Light Healing
4 Live Calls
Alchemy Power Vortex - Energetic Powerhouse
2 Personal SoulMagic Sessions with Michelle

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Reset Reboot
This Program Includes:
- 7 Light Activations - Activate & Clear AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
- 7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks ALIGN YOUR INNER SANCTUARY
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
Format – MP3
Immerse in the arms of the Angels, as God's helpers anchor increasing love and light into your physical body and your place on earth. Directly in control of the process is your Higher Self , Your I am presence, overseeing all work required to Clear & Activate every atom, cell, tissue, nervous system and organs. Each activation begins by connecting within, setting your healing and desired intention and setting you up with a breathing mudra tool to accelerate your healing and awareness of your beautiful body. As well as tapping into the amazingness, miracles and power of being alive, there is a silence section, encouraging you to go deeper and deeper into the Ki-Zone, the space where timestops and you can reboot, rejuvenate and plug into Pure Love, Pure Source. Inspiring you to switch on your own healing powers and unplug from collective and inherited programming each mp3 uses high vibrational sound and energy gifted from the Angelic Realms and Galactic forces (Gods Love Army) and dives straight into Source energies. AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency with Highest Vibrations accessible to human kind. Increase your field of Love. PURE LIGHT
Energy Pod- Fully Present and Embodied
Connect with Archangel Sandaphon, the ruling Angel and Protector of Earth and a Master of music and Lady Patience 'Shekhinah' Essential Energy Hygiene for everyone, used daily to ground and reset all your setpoints, it includes an infusion of vibrations to set your day up for miracles, connections synchronicities and love. You will receive a clearing and transmission of healing light frequencies as per your highest good as you are ready for them. You are the salt of the Earth return to the Earth Goddess or God that you are. Experience Balance and growth within your body and find the Diamond Light within. Increase your love of Being in your Body in the time on Earth and show others how to live as a Light. Best used as an AM wake up practice.
Flame & Fire Ignition Switch
Passion, Joy, desire & love. When was the last time you danced, sung and breathed in the beauty of life? We are Co-creators here to bring more joy and sing our songs. Restore to a vibrant version of You and play in the Earthy playground and beyond. Harness the Power of creativity. Infuse Carnelian & Moonstone into your cells, water to flush & clear your emotions. Become the Dancer of Life.
Activate your Self Healing System- Hands, Heart, Crown, Star. Connect with Archangel Raphael, the Supreme Healer. Body scan your self and powerfully focus, pray and Heal. Using breathing tools to revitalize energy, strengthen the body, and calm the nervous sytem. Infused with Rose quartz-stone of the heart for your cells of your body
Womb, Creative Power Center
Clear- Traumas and womb wounds. Activate Creativity and Passion. Infuse Carnelian and Quartz
Power Up- Love Tank
Self Loving, vibrating at love, dissolving less than. Infused with Amber & Citrine. Tap into your Ageless, timeless, eternal boundless self
Heart Light
Heart Light Activation. The Healing Power of Love. Connect with the Pink Flame of Divine Love and Lotus Mudra
New Soul Alignment
Chakra 11 & 12, Soul Purpose and I AM. Connect with Metatron and I AM. Infused with Flame Aura Quartz & calling in your sacred
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
Format – MP3
INTRODUCING the Powerful Ancient Wisdom of the Pyramids. CRYSTAL SINGING PYRAMIDS & CRYSTAL HARPS. Connecting to the grand mysterious power of the pyramids of Egypt and vibrational tools unlike any other because they also create their own vortexes of energy. Combined with the Highest Vibrational Crystal Medicine, from the Mineral Kingdom (the oldest Kingdom, even before our Human Kingdom these tracks are Dynamite to awaken your inner spirit.
The more we understand about the Mind, Body, Spirit and its relationship to our natural world, the more we realize it goes beyond the physical realm. We are transitioning from a carbon based body to a crystal based body, allowing for new energy frequencies to be attained. The purpose for this is that we each have our own direct communication and information exchange with the Divine, so we can be free to live our lives, not controlled by the masses, eventually Humanity will evolve to a "free' Society. The Healing and Balancing processes of the past are changing rapidly. One thing that remains a gift to all, is music, sound, voice. In one song you can be transported into all different places, space and vibrations. Musical Therapy is here to stay. Everything in this Universe, including you is vibrating at a frequency. The energy of the Earth vibrates at a 528Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer, bringing peace and harmony and restore equilibrium to everything around it.
Famous physicist, Nikola Tesla also researched energetic frequencies and claimed that if we could eliminate certain frequencies that interfered with our bodies then we could lower the chances of disease.
Awaken your spirit, Ancient civilizations understood the powerful benefit of sound and vibration, lets bring it back to elevate You and your environment Using Crystal Singing Pyramids and Crystal Harps, we tap into the wisdom that is perfect for healing. Quartz Crystal Singing Pyramids are built in the sacred geometry of the ancient pyramids.The Singing pyramids are similar to the powerful Tibetan Singing bowls and yet when chiming the quartz pyramids, you are connecting to the grand mysterious power of the pyramids of Egypt. By combining the powerful healing qualities of quartz crystal with specific sacred geometry, the crystal singing pyramids become a vibrational tool unlike any other because they also create their own vortexes of energy. That stimulate your chakras clears and energizes etheric, spiritual mental and physical blockages. These tracks are amazing to charge your drinking water, home environment, crystals and anything you want! vibrates at a 528Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer, bringing peace and harmony and restore equilibrium to everything around it.
Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks ALIGN YOUR INNER SANCTUARY
This are waves and wave of jealing light energies combined with sounds of th crystal singing pyramids and harps
Energy Earth Pod
Essential Energy Hygiene for everyone, used daily to ground and reset all your setpoints, it includes an infusion of vibrations to set your day up for miracles, connections synchronicities and love. When i say releasing, what it really is is tranmuting the energy into a higher form. You will receive a clearing and transmission of healing light frequencies as per your highest good as you are ready for them. You are the salt of the Earth return to the Earth Goddess or God that you are. Experience Balance and growth within your body and find the Diamond Light within. Increase your love of Being in your Body in the time on Earth and show others how to live as a Light. Best used as an AM wake up practice. Step into your own energy earth pod let the sounds wash over your body. Focus on your hips are, your hamstrings and thigh and breathe deep into the area. Choose your breathe, eitherand deep or use a breathe of fire. Using your hips as the focal point visualise an red spiral of light that continues to purfy and
Ignite your Creative Center
Release mother and father energies, embody creativity and innovation Ease and gracefully removing all energies that do not serve you at this time, feel free to repeat as often as you feel you need to. Feel your self click into your divine space your own energy earth pod let the sounds wash over your body. Anchor in more passion joy desire and love, allow yourself to restore to a vibrant dancer of life.Focus on your naval are, and breathe deep into the area. Choose your breathe, either slow and deep or use a breathe of fire. Using your navel as the focal point visualise an orange spiral of light that continues to purfy and and uplift and activate your creative life force centre.
Power Tune Up- Love Tank
Release low self esteem, low self worth embody confidence, self esteem
Voice of your Heart- Heartbeat of Source
release heartache, pain, embody freedom to love & more
Diamond Light Balance System
Cleanse, Purify pockets of your energy system previously that have been inaccessible til now- release the weight of the world, embody purity, playfulness & joy...& more
Inner Sanctuary Retreat
Release chaos, clutter, mental chatter, embody calm, peace, tranquility. removing all energies that do not serve you at this time, feel free to repeat as often as you feel you need to. Feel your self click into your divine space your own energy earth pod let the sounds wash over your body. Anchor in more passion joy desire and love, allow yourself to restore to a vibrant dancer of life.Focus on your naval are, and breathe deep into the area. Choose your breathe, either slow and deep or use a breathe of fire. Using your navel as the focal point visualise an orange spiral of light that continues to purfy and and uplift and activate your creative life force centre.
Healing'- Activate your Self Healing System
Hands, Heart, Crown, Star. Connect with Archangel Raphael, the Supreme Healer. Body scan your self and powerfully focus, pray and Heal. Using breathing tools to revitalize energy, strengthen the body, and calm the nervous system. Infused with Rose quartz-stone of the heart for your cells of your body
Soul Purpose and I am Presence
Release and unplug from collective and plug direct to YOU, embody your Essence, your purpose and your highest vibrant Self. BECOMING Ageless, Timeless, Eternal LOVE.
SLEEP your way to the Top.
Fall asleep surrounded by Angels. Bathe in the Divine Bath Wash to reset you into blissful sleep Sleep therapy track to set you for a blissful, restorative sleep. Clearings, easily and effortlessly over night. Awaken fresh, full of vitality and rejuvenated for an amazing new loving day. Radiate it out to your loved ones, pets, earth, charge up your water. Command yourself to heal and Upgrade overnight. Turnback the clock within this BliSS Spa!
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $699
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 86% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- 4 Diamond Light Healing
- 4 Live Calls
- Alchemy Power Vortex- Energetic Powerhouse
4 Diamond Light Healing
Format – Distant Remote. Once a week .
With Distant Healing I am able to connect to you through Divine Healing Energy (that essence which gives and sustains all life). Once you experience the shift in frequency it enables you to facilitate your own healing; creating balance, self-empowerment and peace of mind. This session is done via distance healing, meaning there is no phone, Skype or face to face facilitation. From the comfort of your own home, or anywhere you feel comfortable, you relax and be open to receive the energy. **Health **Relationships ***Abundance **Soul
4 Live Calls- Golden Grid Prayer Circle - Diamond Gold Light Transmission, Q & A to Amplify, Align & Ignite.
UNPLUG from societies programming and reboot yourself YOUR WAY
Format – Live Call
Connecting with the highest vibrational teams available in our sacred Golden Flame Circle to support in closing the chapters of the past and leap into our new EPIC Joy.
Vibrant Health & Wellness
Dive deep into your beautiful body, the Temple and center of your life. Using the combined power of the Universal Light and Crystal Singing Pyramid. Charging & Clearing
Amazing Abundance & Prosperity
Radiant Relationships
Divine Cosmic Love Energy Transmission
Call out to your dream partner, take a journey of love to a field of timelessness joy and turn You on! Embody the most radiant version of You, channeling and BEING all the energies you desire. Attract TRUE LOVE.
“Receiving money more fluidly, being appreciated at a greater level, my intuition is more finely tuned & creativity is flowing much more fluidly”
" I've cleared many energies out of my field, especially the last several years, I was looking to clear any ancestral, collective energy still lingering in my field that can be flushed out, especially fear of being in full power fully lit up. I have often given my power away, many a times for fear of unwanted attention, dense energies etc. Also activate any dormant intuitive gifts, healing modalities. Being more aligned on my path leading to more wealth in all it's ways. Align with my Divine Love Match & what might be in the way of meeting him!
Michelle is amazing! When we initially made contact, the process already begun. At a far greater level than I've experienced. She's so intuitive, and able to flow with the energy with such ease grace, working to heal the issues brought forth & knew exactly where I am in the ascension/healing phases. Soon into the session my energy field was shifting to a whole new level & the Angelic Love Activation/Diamond Gold Embodiment is out of this world. I could feel not only in my body, but energy bodies at a whole new level, lighter, clearer & more present. I've felt this many a times, though nothing at this level & continues. Even when coming into contact with dense energies since, they quickly dissipate or don't even penetrate my field.
The shifts in my energy field happened so quickly. I'm able to hold this kind of higher embodiment frequency far better than in the past. My whole field feels much more vibrant & alive. I'm suddenly receiving money more fluidly without more effort. I'm being appreciated at a greater level & being seen more for who I truly am. My intuition is more finely tuned & creativity is flowing much more fluidly. Even tiny things like a small headache or sore muscle, I've been abe to heal rapidly. Connecting more with the people who I'm more in alignment and meant to connect with. I feel more joyful more of the time & come back into the new set point much more effortlessly. Pure Magic!
Even a challenging situation with a loved one who has Dementia & a host of health issues, there has been more beneficial support lining up for them. I Absolutely Recommend Michelle! She holds a really beautiful & powerful space for transformation."
~ Kristin Busby
Alchemy Power Vortex- Energetic Powerhouse
Format – MP4s
Created with the Creative, free spirited wild at heart souls in mind. Working with all your senses, to activate your entire Being on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric & Spiritual levels. Using a Universal Vortex to shift your mindset, elevate your vibration, seduce your ears and Being. A super powerful cleanse and radiant soul booster. Rewrite your Subconscious and program your heart & BE. BE your Vibrant HUEman Self, become who you were meant to BE, before the world changed you, and even better and beyond!
- The Universal Chakra - Earth, experience Being in your body free from shame, guilt, fear. Owning your body and tapping into Earth and Cosmos.
- Angelic Karma Cleanse - Remove human discordances, Becoming HUEman. Super powerful Cleanser with Crystal Singing Pyramid
- Forgiveness Elixir - Self Forgiveness, Money Forgiveness, Lovers Forgiveness, Family Forgiveness
- Divine Cosmic Partner connections - Through your heart, journey to the space of no-time and send loving vibes to your ideal partner, sending clear messages to the Universe
- Energetic Crystal Environment Flush - Protect the boundaries of your home sanctuary, or anywhere you go, with this flush. Also use to flush your own body system, personally run your own energies daily to become a master of your own energy field. Using Clear Quartz and Herkimer Diamonds
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $1555
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347
*** 78% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- 2 Personal SoulMagic Sessions with Michelle.
2 Personal Soul Magic Sessions with Michelle.
Format – One on One Phone/Skype Session
"SoulMagic" Session are individual intuitive based, using creative energetic tools and processes that come through in each session. No session is the same and guided by my own Angelic Team and personal creative flare they are guaranteed to create a shift of energy that will propel you on your journey and magnify your desires that you bring for the session.
Session One Amplify your Soul Frequency. Private one on one session that will elevate you to your highest version of yourself, in a safe miraculous container of Love. Using Michelle's God given gifts she will tap into your energetic field, with assistance from her Divine Team shift and clear what is no longer serving you and directly reunite you with dormant or things that you require to move forward in your life. Empowering you with tools for deeper connection with your I Am presence, through your Heart portal and Flame of Divine Love, so you can start a powerful Spiritual Practice to really Amplify You. Using the Flames of Divine Love to clear blocks, neutralize, raise your frequency, restore your True Essence
Session Two Ignite Your Epic Life - What do you truly desire? Lets work together in other time, space and dimensions to create an EPIC life, all that you were born for and all that you desire. Lets lay it all out on the table, away from what you don’t want and INTO what you really really really want from your heart, lets shift the energies keeping you stuck and bring it to reality. LETS dream, lets rescript your life into a story of Deeper love, meaning and Power. Lets close the chapters of the past, beginning with a brand new life volume to start filling with your wildest, ultimate joys. Using the Flames of Divine Love to set your future weaving into Epic
**** BONUS EMPATH's Energy Evolution Kit ****
Align Your Inner Sanctuary- Set of Activation Energy Cards. Crystals and Energy Medicine, transmitted into card you can use to charge yourself, environment and more. Used with meditation, contemplation, activation, healing for self, others and SO SO much more. One for each area of your life and can be used on different parts of your body.
Crystal Prescription- Personalized Unique Medicine to support and assist your healing at a deeper and supportive level. Your Personal Session will work on YOUR life clearing what needs to be cleared as per your highest good, and the Crystal Prescription will take it to a new level. The Prescription will give you a remedy that you can use for on going support long after our session, so that any and all shifts that your receive can remain intact. This will work throughout your physical, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies. After working with you during our one to one session I will take a inner journey deep into the Crystal Temple within the inner planes of existence to retrieve your personal combination. I will provide a report and empower you with tools to make the most of it.
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $1999
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $597
*** 61% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!
“Michelle helped clear guilt, shame and sadness that I was carrying for a long time”
"Thank you so much for the beautiful session. I have been feeling so much more connected and aligned. My heart has been lighter since the process of self-forgiveness and removing the guilt and shame. I am deeply grateful for our time together and for all the kindness you showed even when I share so much. What a beautiful soul Michelle is! During our session, I felt her loving energy surrounding me and she listened with an open heart, without judgement, showing me so much love (I was feeling as if I was in a bubble of love and tenderness, what an amazing feeling). In a few minutes, she helped clear guilt, shame and sadness that I was carrying for a long time. I have had so many sessions with so many healers but never... NEVER I had so much release during a session. Tears wouldn't stop flowing , I was crying and sobbing. I left the session with my heart full of love, kindness and hope for the miracles that, now that I am aligned, are ready to come. I have been listening to my personal Inner Goddess mp3 and when I am working, I have by my side my activator card. Since the session I am feeling more at peace, more balanced and can't wait for the unfolding for the days to come. Thank you with all my heart, Michelle!"
~ Sylvie Angelo
“I feel so much lighter”
"Lots of layers clearing away, I feel so much lighter. It was like a switch was turned on, my hands just lit up. As you said that’s my healing hands being activated, just as I said I’m going to do more holistic work. Thank you, Michelle"
~ Yvonne Skudder
“My Session with Michelle was Life Changing”
"I had a session with you a few months ago and it was life changing for me. We tapped into my ideal mate, his energy and cleared those blocks on my side. We did forgiveness work and cut the cords to my ex, who gave me a lot of trouble. After our session, I could be more myself and be free of him"
~ Fi Veitch
“I’m totally calm and rejuvenated”
"Amazing! I’m totally calm and rejuvenated. I could feel the exact moment that the session began and when you finished. I felt warm and tingly and sensations on different areas of my body and just at total peace. The session was just perfect and exactly what I needed. I don’t think there is anything that you can do to make the experience better."
~ Lisa Eldridge
“My throat chakra is balanced because I've learned to speak my truth in love”
"I was serious about suicide after becoming involved with an emotionally and verbally abusive man and after coming out of a divorce. I was very tired and wanted to go home but then I found out I was pregnant at 40 when I didn't think I could not have children. Your session has opened something very loving, a new connection, I feel different and it's hard being so sensitive. I'm a natural healer and work with natural remedies. My throat chakra is now balanced because I've learned to speak my truth in love. I had kept that blocked a very long time and now have thyroid disease. Its feels clearer. I'm glad about the third eye chakra as I feel that's very important and yes transition is a key word but I feel sometimes I'm taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back but I'm okay with it. Thank you so much for your time. You did a wonderful job. Love and light."
~ Holly
- I am a little overwhelmed at what I saw and experienced but it felt so comfortable. Thank you so much for taking me home. ~ Maureen Moat
- During the time your specified, for our remote session. I saw a pink light cover the whole room. My dog has been very calm since. Thank you. ~ Billy
- I started using the P3’s twice a day, then once a day and then I needed to give my body a rest from them, there was amazing clearings from my body. I loved the tracks exactly as they were. There's still integration happening even now DEFINITELY created major shifts!! Michelle was AMAZING! ~ Chizelle
- I deeply appreciated the session. There was certainly some energy that began to flow much more openly. The solar plexus reading is mine and fits me 100%. I feel lighter and more energized. ~ Debbie H
- Michelle worked with me on forgiveness for my ex-husband, i feel totally free. I can’t wait to meet my soulmate from this free space ~ Jodi Foran
- Thank you so much for my session today...l have felt really light and bubbly all day...l have drank a lot of water today after our session...l would really recommend your services to others...l am feeling great now and l know l would sleep well... Thank you once again... Love and Light... ~ Yvonne
About Michelle Gould
Michelle is founder of Abundant Spirit Education & creator of SoulMagic™. Michelle is a Radiant Soul Alchemist who Empowers Divine Love, bringing through high vibrational light to help the planet anchor more love and joy.
Michelle supports free-spirited, nature & animal loving souls committed to enhancing their lives through personal transformation, unblocking and activating abundance & innovation from within.
Assisting stressed out, burnt out, maxed out souls to create their own Self-nurturing rituals to help them light up their lives with abundance, passion and joy. She helps them by connecting them to their divine soul space within, so they can breathe, dance and sing again to Be radiant and abundant.
Michelle has had multiple awakenings through various occurrences and through experiencing a rough traumatic life journey is passionate about showing others to BE themselves, shine their Inner Beauty, and discover tapestry of their soul providing the space for transformation into a life they love. Passionately bringing Radical Forgiveness Detox to the planet to transform life as we know it and Ancient Wisdom of High Vibrational Healing Crystals.
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Discount: 86%
Total Package Value $699
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
Discount: 78%
Total Package Value $1555
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
4 Diamond Light Healing
4 Live Calls
Alchemy Power Vortex - Energetic Powerhouse
Discount : 61%
Total Package Value $1999
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
$777 $597
7 Light Activations- Activate & Clear
AMPLYFY your Soul Frequency
7 Crystal Vibrations Power Energy Tracks
4 Diamond Light Healing
4 Live Calls
Alchemy Power Vortex - Energetic Powerhouse
2 Personal SoulMagic Sessions with Michelle

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till Session is Availed.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till 1st Session is Availed.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.