- 3 Live Group Calls with Q&A and workbook 2 Hours each - You can participate in the live calls or listen to the recording that will be provided. Both are equally as effective.
- 5 Downloadable products - a total of 4 EBOOKS plus 22 MP3s
- Each MP3 contains instructions for your Soul to help you align you to your next best version of you
- The process works with higher guidance allowing a more natural and gentle progressive change to occur, where only those changes occur that a person can handle at any given time
- By becoming more aligned with your true nature, your eating patterns will automatically adjust and your body is more able to easily express its true size
- Upgrade to Package B which includes everything in package A plus a 30 minute private session with Mia
- Upgrade to Package C which includes everything in Package B plus 5 extra live monthly group calls for additional weight loss support on your weight loss journey

All the weight loss clearing products works with higher guidance to allow a more natural and gentle progressive change to occur. This applies to both the live group calls as well as the downloadable products.
After applying the modules you will start to release any patterns or habits that are no longer needed. You will gentle step into a newer and better version of yourself in alignment with your Soul’s Blueprint for this lifetime.
Your Soul knows what you need and will always provide the right insight and support at any given point in time.
Each of these products build a “new flow” from within with help of Spirit to make it easy for you to lose weight.
This channelled method has helped thousands in many different countries bring more wellness back in all areas of living including weight.
Free Trial
Discount : 87%
Total Package Value $760
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
3 Live 2 Hour Group Clearings with Q&A and workbooks
4 Ebooks Plus 22 MP3s
Discount: 83%
Total Package Value $1,010
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
3 Live 2 Hour Group Clearings with Q&A and workbooks
4 Ebooks Plus 22 MP3s
one-on-one 30 min session with Mia
Discount : 82 %
Total Package Value $1,510
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
3 Live 2 Hour Group Clearings with Q&A and workbooks
4 Ebooks Plus 22 MP3s
one-on-one 30 min session with Mia
5 Live 90 min Monthly Group calls with Q&A
Payment plans available at checkout
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Cancellation Policy Package A: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017
Cancellation Policy Package B: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017 or when session has been taken, whichever comes first.
Cancellation Policy Package C: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017 or when session has been taken or when first monthly call has been attended, whichever comes first.
Here’s what’s included in the package
Package A |
- 3 Live 2 hour Calls/Classes with Q&A
- Each of the 3 calls will focus on a different weight loss topic.
- Each call is “unique/stand alone” and will come with its own worksheet to assist you and your guidance to focus on your relevant issues for each call.
- During each call Mia will address specific topics which clear the relevant group consciousness for all participants through Mia’s live channelings.
- Through Mia’s work with Spirit, Mia has for years studied the consciousness of thousands of people who are also struggling with the same weight loss issues. This knowledge will be incorporated in all the clearings.
- Each call will be for at least 2 hours with participants being able to ask question directly to Mia during each call or beforehand via email.
- The clearings are equally as effective when you are on the call as well as when listening to the recording that will be provided of each call.
Value: $120
Format: Live 2 Hour Call with Q&A and Workbook
Thursday January 12
We can be influenced in our eating habits by incompletions from a past life because of a major life threatening event such as starvation or war.
Similarly, if we were in a past life exposed to a certain type of diet and during that lifetime felt very loved we may develop a fetish for those foods.
The same applies to ancestral healings whereby our ancestors experienced starvation or were severely underweight for other reasons such as a serious illness. This could lead to certain food preferences that run in a family from one generation to the next.
Our body also retains cellular memory which in turn can affect our organs and other systems. This call provides clearings for any such patterns that are not of your own making. You either inherited it or it is an “incompletion” from a past life.
This call assists with:
- Clearing ancestral patterns and “incompletions” from a past life that may influence your food choices
- Releasing family patterns around food such as size of portions and attachments to foods such as staple foods
- Clearing of cellular memory in various organs where it can affect your appetite or food choices
"More than half a year ago I purchased Mia's weight loss package. The main reason for this was not even weight loss because I felt I was doing quite well already since I had changed my diet to low-carb and I had been exercising several times per week for years. But I felt sure that the program would also address a very broad range of issues because food is related to very general and basic needs and that I would certainly profit from that. And I was not disappointed.
Not only did Mia clear in the group calls many ancient issues of a general nature that were also very relevant to me. The MP3s contain a very comprehensive program that deals with the many aspects that can make weight loss (and other areas of life) difficult. The program moreover helped me to improve portion control - especially in the area of "comfort foods" - without any extra effort!
After several "rounds" of listening to the MP3s I just no longer feel I need an extra amount or certain kinds of food to feel well. Before I could reduce certain types of food using will power but this was accompanied by a feeling of being deprived. Mia's program helped me to shed even some more excess weight but what is even more important to me is that it makes it much more enjoyable and quite easy to maintain the weight that I have achieved in the long run.
I also benefitted from the liver healing as part of a group call that was included.
The doctor had diagnosed elevated liver enzymes and I also suffered from frequent discomfort in the liver area. I was quite shocked about the blood test because I had followed a diet that I would consider to be quite healthy for years. But the worst thing was that this also meant that there seemed to be not too many options what I could do about it besides reducing my intake of butter a little (I did not eat much of it anyway).
But in one of her weight loss group calls Mia did a very extensive liver healing and I felt the relief right away. Therefore I started to listen to this part of the group call whenever the feeling of pressure in the liver area appeared and this always helped. I am happy to say that in the meantime the pressure has disappeared almost completely and I am confident that the next blood test will show better results."
~ Ursula B. Germany
"After the weight-loss group call I experienced feeling energetically lighter, as if the density in my body has lightened up, also feeling emotionally lighter and more conscious of my body. Mia, Thank you for the clearings and healing."
~ Audrey
Value: $120
Format: Live 2 Hour Call with Q&A and Workbook
Wednesday January 18
There will be clearings for many of the underlying emotional processes that can drive you to eat the wrong foods. We can hold these deep-seated emotional processes such as lack of love, lack of nurturing or lack of support from when we were young.
Sometimes we adapt to these dysfunctional processes and forget that they were stored away in our subconscious, only to find that they will surface again in a different way such as through overeating or eating unhealthy foods.
Sometimes, these unresolved processes of lack can almost automatically morph into lust or cravings for certain foods without you realizing it.
We will look at the driving factors that can keep you in bondage without you knowing why and will do many clearings to release the bondage.
This call assists with:
- Clearing many issues of lack leading to lust for certain foods
- Clearings emotional and food cravings
- Clearings to create better feelings of well-being
"I have until now only listened to half of the “Weight loss with Spirit” MP3s, but I have already noticed a change in the way I look at food and its nutritional value.I am now much more conscious about what I eat and have noticed changes emotionally.I am now also more conscious of my environment and how that sometimes affects me and I feel lighter from within.
At a physical level I have needed to rest and could no longer go for my long walks but I have still not gained weight despite the lack of exercise at the moment because of a painful foot.
I have also noticed since I began using the MP3s that I don’t take life so serious any longer, can easily cope with worry and stressful events and I have also noticed that I can now easily let go of the past."
~ Anne, Helmond, Netherlands
"I bought Mia’s Weight-loss program and so far have lost 25 pounds in 3 months almost effortless.
I was so impressed that I also purchased the success package because I was afraid I would not pass my nursing license exam (I am 46 years old and my memory is not the best any more).
Not only did I pass but I also received two job offers. One of the hospitals called me and even skipped the peer interview – which is unusual.
I have recommended her to friends."
~ Dagmar H. US
Value: $120
Format: Live 2 Hour Call with Q&A and Workbook
Wednesday January 25
Sometimes our suppressed needs are behind our desires to eat many of the unhealthy food choices we can make.
Often we do not realize this, which can make it difficult to make a change to these unhealthy dietary habits.
When we make changes to our diet and begin incorporating healthy food choices we often deal with various stages of resistance, such as forgetfulness, anger or feelings that you are missing out on the nicer tasting (but unhealthy) foods.
This call incorporates many clearings for these subconscious patterns, blockages and resistances we can encounter when we desire to make healthier food choices.
This call assists with:
- Helping you to take charge of your diet by clearing of any unwanted subconscious beliefs that are preventing this
- Giving you your power back to bring your present eating habits back to a more natural style of eating.
- Clearing blockages, patterns and resistance to change
"Thank you for your weight loss group call!
After the call I felt settled … it was a grounded, comforting feeling. I naturally began to eat less in the evening.
I also found it easier to make decisions!
At work I stayed late, completely clearing my desk, reorganizing projects and paperwork with new-found clarity, and getting detailed projects started!"
~ Riquelle
Value: $80
Format: 5 MP3s and 1 eBook
This set of MP3s will address cravings for milk related products such as Cream, Ice Cream and also in some cases a fetish for cheese.
Each set of clearings will focus on one particular milk related addiction. You can choose which one you wish to clear.
The same set of clearings can be used for ANY milk or cream based products.
You will get these 5 modules:
Your need for Cream
This module will clear any core issues around craving ice cream or creamy foods.
Fat Overload
This module will clear triggers that cause your craving for certain creamy foods such as ice cream.
Fat and You
This module will help you cope and clear any blocks preventing you from reducing your excessive intake of any creamy or milk based products.
Fat How Did We Get Here?
This module will clear any inherited patterns or associations around the craving and excessive intake of creamy or milk based products.
Fatty Fats
This module will help your body to mainly be attracted to the healthy dairy foods.
Each MP3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Soul Essence and spirit will continue to clear issues after you have stopped listening. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.
"Mia den Haan delivers big time. Her weight loss with the help of spirit has helped me more than any other program I've tried. And I've been at this a while. As a result of the clearings I've experienced when listening to her group calls and modules, my tastebuds seem to be changing, along with other addictive type cravings. I have lost at least 10 pounds, and I seem to have FINALLY cleared my sweet tooth. So much so, that certain types of treats which used to give me pleasure now have the opposite effect. I recently tasted a spoonful of ice cream (my weakness) and found it unpleasantly sweet. One taste was enough. I actually made a face! The clearings have also made night time eating (one of my issues) a thing of the past for me. Once I got as far as the fridge. But I stopped, turned around, and went right back to bed.
In one group call, Mia worked extensively on our livers. I woke up feeling revitalized the next morning. I've noticed that prior to Mia's group calls, I usually get an energy burst and the urge to exercise. (Sometimes I am still using my Total Gym when the call starts) I realized this extra motivation was fueled by Mia, simply tapping into us, and checking our needs for the call. BEFORE she formally begins, Mia's energy is already making me feel better.
I have worked with several healers and their packages over the past 2 years, as I've tried to deal with issues from past trauma such as weight gain. With some, I've experienced shifts and relief, and I've managed to grow more accepting of my body as it is.
But permanent weight loss and control over addictive coping patterns hasn't been achieved. Mia's great gifts are finally helping me to shift this paradigm once and for all. I look forward to more positive results as I go through the modules."
~ Jody US
"Recently I bought Mia´s Your Divine Soul Essence Healing Package on Success. I bought it together with a personal session which adds extra value.
I feel the personal session takes care of that which needs deeper digging so I always take the opportunity to buy the version with a session included.
This is the 3rd or maybe 4th time I bought one of her packages. I think they give much value in that they provide so much healing/clearing and can be used again and again. I just finished listening to the 5 modules on Success for the 2nd time and it feels like I am going to continue repeating them as I feel improvements each time. All in all I have seen great improvements since I started with Mia´s healing work about a year ago. Highly recommended!"
~ Andrea A. Norway
Value: $80
Format: 5 MP3s and 1 eBook
Eating sweets may have become a habit resulting in a craving for it.
It may have started out of boredom or stress or because of cultural habits such as having sweets after dinner or with afternoon tea.
However, there can also be many other factors at play. Sometimes the body is out of balance or it is deficient in certain minerals or protein. Low cortisol function, insulin resistance and fungal overgrowth can also be at the core of this craving.
This product will clear any habits or mental/emotional states that are causing sugar cravings.
You will get these 5 modules:
Sugar Intake
This module will clear any resistance to making a change to your daily habits around sugar intake.
History of Sugar
This module will clear any past or past life attachments to sugar.
Sugar and You
This module will help you cope and clear any blocks preventing you from reducing your sugar intake.
Sugar Your Hidden Enemy
This module will clear the underlying reasons that are causing your high sugar intake.
Sugar Addiction
This module will heal any memories or sensations that can cause a sugar craving or addiction
Each MP3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Soul Essence and spirit will continue to clear issues after you have stopped listening. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.
"Mia helped me with a very misaligned neck. I cleared and cleared and yet there was more to get to and Mia helped me let go of ancient and current events that I was having a difficult time getting out of my neck.
I am very appreciative to be able to move without excruciating pain. My pain level went from a 10 plus to a 3 in a very short time.
Also within a week of listening to Mia's weight loss MP3s I lost five pounds and I was thrilled as I have been a very resistant case. I felt my body was finally responding. I even planned on eating nothing but smoothies but ate regularly after the first two and lost weight anyway.
I appreciate Mia’s generosity, insight and steady belief it could happen. She took me back to my time at college and a volcanic eruption that disrupted my sense of safety.
She assisted me beautifully in processing my frozen emotions with her clear energy."
~ Sherry Philips
"I really love working with Mia, I really resonate with the truth that she speaks, helping us to become more aware and to wake up to who we really are.
The healings are amazing. I have heard many occur on phone calls and telesummits and have experienced many myself. My first occurred after I listened to a series of modules for weight loss. I had a stomach ache everyday at the same time for many years. After listening only once I have not had one since which is amazing.
I had a private session and she cleared some more connecting it to loss of my father at a certain time. Also she picked up on my daughter's voice which at the time was driving me nuts and I didn’t know why and I didn’t really want to admit it. But she gave me validation and cleared whatever it was and our relationship is much more harmonious and her behavior improved (she’s 9).
She has also cleared many fears I have held for just living which has helped me to be more calm and present and to handle things better. Thank you Mia for your awesome work. I look forward to more!! Blessings!!"
~ Jamie US
Value: $80
Format: 5 MP3s and 1 eBook
A chocolate craving can be habitual such as wishing some chocolate after lunch on a regular basis. It can also be a way of looking for sustenance such as when a craving for love has morphed into a craving for chocolate.
Sometimes a chocolate craving can be caused by a mineral deficiency such as magnesium. Also hormonal imbalances and vitamin deficiencies can contribute to a chocolate craving.
These modules will clear any habits, needs or emotional issues that contribute to a chocolate craving.
You will get these 5 modules:
Craving for Chocolate or Love
This module will look at why a person has an excessive chocolate craving or addiction and begin clearing the underlying core need.
Chocolate and You
This module addresses any associations with chocolate you might have that can be at the root of your cravings such as memories from the past.
Other Causes for Chocolate Craving
This module will look at other causes that may contribute to your excessive need for chocolate.
Your Emotional State and Chocolate
This module will address emotions and the role they often play in your chocolate craving.
Triggers and Habits
This module will address any other situations or habits in your life that can trigger a chocolate craving.
Each MP3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Soul Essence and spirit will continue to clear issues after you have stopped listening. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.
"I have had a lot of readings in my life. Past lives-energy work etc. I know I am in a different place because of them.
Mia for me is #1. I give her the symptoms and she does her thing. It has worked out great for me. It has eliminated pain that I have had for a long time and my blood pressure is now in acceptable range (It has been at times 195/80 and medication did not improve it that much). As for the craving for chocolate-after clearing for chocolate… I tried to eat some-glad I had taken only a few chips out of the bag. Seems I have lost my taste for them. Before I could eat them by the hand full. WOW
I thing the greatest think that has come out of her work for me, is that my knowingness (intuition) has improved so much and the peacefulness. Things do not push my button like they used to.
Thank you"
~ Eunice G. US
"After having a private session with Mia and being in process of her success class, I have made a major break thru.
The breakthrough came by clearing massive amounts of deep ridden fears. I no longer have to spend hours on the phone, seeking approval from friends and colleagues. I did not realize I was doing this in such an excess. I have been in Real Estate Sales for many years and being held back, with fears surfacing of clients, situations. I can now feel I am sensing my intuition and using it. The best is yet to come as clearings continue!
Thank You, Mia,"
~ Paula McKinney, California
Value: $80
Format: 1 MP3 Pre-recorded Group Call With Worksheet
During this group call we delve into many issues that can lead to addictive patterns with food.
Some of these “hard to beat” addictions can start at birth because of the
way we were raised or because of family structures and genetics.
Sometimes dysfunctional family patterns or a dysfunctional environment
in which we were raised can affect us in such a way that we want to eat the resulting unresolved pain away.
During this call, there will be a variety of clearings around these earlier childhood patterns that can be at the core of a food addiction.
- Clearings for emotional dysfunctional patterns from early childhood
- Clearings for dysfunctional patterns in our environment including for churches and schools
- Clearings for underlying patterns creating “reoccurring” attractions or addictions to food
"Thank you for all of your help. I can feel there is a shift in my field that is changing what I'm compelled to buy when I go the store. I'm not as charged to buy the baked goods that plague my life. What is left is the challenge of changing my habits, which are already adjusting. These calls and MP3s are working wonders!"
~ Valorie M. US
"I really enjoyed these calls so far. Thank u Mia!
I have been running the profanity that men are in authority over me in business and personal life from childhood. By the 2nd live call and after I feel very differently about men in my job and men I meet. I work in a very male dominated business and it’s amazing how these calls have changed things.
I feel so much happier and empowered in all areas of my life. It’s been a while since I have been in a relationship and one of the reasons was that I didn’t want someone controlling me. I feel much more open to opportunities now. My boss has always been nice to me but he is even more supportive in my work and of whatever I need on my spiritual path! All this happened right away following the live calls!
The part I liked best about the program is that it encompasses all parts of life not just the title. It’s a whole health and balance thing. Mia is so intuitive and loving of the planet and forward thinking and engaging in each of her programs. Thank u for all your help Mia, You are amazing!"
~ Jessica B. US
Value: $80
Format: 6 MP3s and 1 eBook

You will get these 6 modules:
- Release of old habits in relation to food
- Increased inner well-being and inner strength and inner oneness
- Improve discernment when buying food and reducing the effect of most sensory or seductive influences
- Happier inner states and release of old unwanted states or believes that may affect dietary habits
- Improved inner states whereby our desires and food preferences may naturally improve
- More inner clarity around your weight loss issues such as which food to eat and when
1. Your Soul, You and Your Weight
In this module, you go back into your past. Your soul and spirit will help clear eating habits that may have been instilled in early childhood. It also addresses patterns with their origins in a past life and patterns where you inherited the core imprint through your genetics or parental lineage.
- Clears eating habits instilled from early childhood
- Clears past life issues in relation food
- Clears inherited dysfunctional beliefs around food
- Clears earlier imprints from genetics and parental lineage
2. Visual Attachments to Food
This module will help you clear your visual cognition, emotional attachments and also your unconscious beliefs regarding those favourite foods that may have become an addiction. This module will also address comfort eating and will address any emotional triggers of the sensory system causing poor eating habits or desires for unhealthy food. It will clear old memory patterns that are triggered by smell or visual appeal causing you to buy unhealthy or fattening foods that are causing weight gain.
- Clears emotional attachments to food
- Clears unconscious beliefs in relation to your dietary habits
- Addresses issues related to comfort eating
- Clears sensory awareness triggers such as smell and visual appeal
3. Releasing All Other Attachments
This module will help you clear any other undesirable attachments regarding food that began in your earlier years. These attachments can be inherited through family patterns or earlier childhood experiences including cultural influences that affected your current eating habits. It clears many emotional states as well as fear based states that can lead to patterns of imbalance around food such overeating.
- Clears attachments to food from earlier years
- Clears cultural influences where it may cause unhealthy eating habits
- Clears hidden emotional or fear based states that lead to overeating such as scarcity issues
- Clears unconscious responses from earlier childhood that can lead to overeating
4. Why Are You Overweight
This module clears patterns of resistance that can affect your ability to discern between healthy and unhealthy food groups. It will clear inherited or deep subconscious states that are outside of your own awareness and will bring you into more alignment with your soul. This alignment will allow more awareness about your food and better eating habits to emerge.
- Clears denial about your current weight issues
- Clears resistance to making improvements to your diet
- Raises awareness about your diet and how to improve it
5. Release Your Indulgence
This module clears any issues that cause indulgence and overeating. Indulgence can happen when we no longer cope with our situation or it felt too stressed. Indulgence often involves a memory from your past when it felt good to indulgence such as with a Christmas meal or as part of a celebration like Thanksgiving Day.
- Clears stresses in those areas of your life where you are not coping that cause indulgence
- Clears relationship issues from earlier year that caused an indulgence for certain types of food such as milk products
- Clears old memories around overeating or indulging such as when parents gave you excessive meals
- Clears any learned behaviour around overindulgence
6. Overeating or Portion Control
This clearing will help with overeating patterns. By clearing underlying causes of why you wish to overeat, you will automatically move towards more natural eating patterns in better alignment with your own body’s needs.
While from a mental and emotional perspective the reasons why we overeat are similar to our reasons why we indulge in some foods, overeating is often a more habitual inner state than indulgence.
- Clears underlying issues why you wish overeat
- Clears habitual responses such as to a craving for certain type of foods
- Clears issues of abandonment often associated with overeating
- Clear issues around not getting enough relaxation causing you to overeat
Each MP3 was created with your convenience foremost in mind and will be quick and easy. Each listening will not take more than 10 minutes to minimize interruption of your daily activities. You can continue your day after a listening, with no need to meditate. Your Soul Essence and spirit will continue to clear issues after you have stopped listening. These clearings NEVER affect any of your activities. Your soul essence will take care of that.
"Since I can remember back to my childhood, I always have been wanting sweets and could never get enough of them. But when I got into puberty things got worse, because I started to put on weight which became a constant battle for my whole life. The bigger I became, the more consolation I sought in eating chocolate, cakes, ice cream and any kind of sweets. Without realizing it I got caught in a vicious circle without a chance to get out there anymore.
Yes, sometimes using all my willpower I seemed to win the battle, but when I broke my iron NO, even just for little bit, with the first piece of chocolate all my efforts got blown away again, and something in me was demanding or better commanding more and more and more.
This was the exact case when I joint Mia’s Weight Loss group call just a few days ago. I was fascinated not only by these complete new information and unexpected correlations and insights but above all by the clearings we all received on this call and which I could feel so clearly happening instantaneously. I was very lucky having a private session booked for the next day, so Mia could even unhook deeper layers and set me free from this slavery of sugar cravings.
In the following days I could look at all those tempting cakes, smell and practically have under my nose even the most delicious sweets without getting triggered anymore, and when my husband was offering me a dessert, just as we used to do, I was surprised how easy and natural it was for me to say “No, thank you, I don’t fancy any right now!”. I am living a miracle!!! – “Sweets have lost their power over me!”
I am infinitely grateful to Mia that she is sharing such a wonderful gift so generously with us."
~ Silvia M.
"Mia’s Success package goes deep on many levels. I could feel old patterns long ingrained into me by family, culture and past lives being dissolved.
I was surprised at what could and was holding me back, many latent fears of being seen and speaking out. One of the modules even opened me up to the practical everyday things needed to succeed in the business world or as a business owner.
What didn’t come from her spirit came from her experience in the business world. This program is helping me step out to be seen. I have more actively engaged potential clients and I am communicating with more authority and confidence…and people are listening!"
~ Anne US
Testimonial Sonhui - Received healings for her autistic son & herself
Testimonial Lauren - Severe nerve pain healed after all options has failed
Love And You - PDF + 2 MP3s
Often life’s experiences, your inner conditioning and family and societal influences can prevent your true and authentic self to emerge.
Once these unresolved issues will begin to release, your own self acceptance will improve, thereby helping to restore that original love state that you were born with. In this module Spirit will assist your true and authentic self to emerge.
- 3 Live Call with Q&A and Workbook 2hours each Past Life, Karmic Influences and Food Preferences
- 5 MP3s and EBOOK Clearings for Ice-cream Addiction and Other Milk Based Products
- 5 MP3s and EBOOK Clearings for Chocolate Addiction
- 5 MP3s and EBOOK Clearings for Sugar Craving
- 6 MP3s & 1 EBOOK Bonus Weight Loss with Spirit – A journey Through Your Timeline
- 1 MP3 Bonus Group Call with Worksheet - Food Addictions and Your Road to recovery
Package A
Total Package Value $760
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 87% Saving ***
Sold Out
Payment plans available at checkout
Cancellation Policy: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
Includes Everything in Package A Plus
One on One 30 minute session with Mia
Value: $250
In this 30 min personal session Mia uses her gifts to channel your Soul’s wisdom and that of guides as well as from spirit.
This is the same method she has also used for some of her so called miracle healings such as with autism, diabetic retinopathy, multiple sclerosis and improved mobility.
You can give her any issue you wish to address and she will request spirit for information.
All healings are under the direction of spirit only.
Session valid for 6 months.
Read some of Mia's success stories |
"During the 1990s when I was still running my IT business, I began receiving guidance that I was no longer on purpose; however, initially I did not give it the attention it deserved. Thus I became gradually more and more stressed and only started to take more notice when I had a somewhat blurred vision in one eye. Ironically, I was denying my spiritual guidance and did not want to see the truth! Unbeknown to me my blood pressure was far too high (around 190-200). Resulting from that and other work related stresses, my retina had started detaching, which could lead to blindness if not treated. As I only had weeks before I was scheduled for laser surgery, I decided to give it all and was able to reverse the high blood pressure and fixed the retina issue within weeks which the eye specialist later confirmed. Thus I avoided laser surgery. To this day my blood pressure has been within the normal range without ever needing any medication.
An elderly family member suffered from severe sciatic pains on one side of her body many years ago. By the time I found out she had already received many hours of physiotherapy as well as 15 injections. As nothing was helping she could barely speak from the pain when I phoned her from Australia. With her permission I started a very intensive daily distant healing process (she lives in the Netherlands) for about 5 days. After the 5 days she was pain free and that severe pain never returned. It turned out it was caused by a swelling or bulge around the spinal area called L4. Based on scans prior to giving her these healings, her specialist had decided she needed an operation. Spirit told me at the end of the 5 days healing that she no longer needed this operation. This was confirmed 3 months later, during a visit to the specialist who was going to perform her operation. This visit was already booked before I began the healings. She was told by this specialist she no longer needed the operation. That same problem has never returned.
Several years ago one of my relatives who was in her 80s, was diagnosed with end stage renal failure with less than 10% of her kidneys still working. It was no longer possible for her to get a transplant or receive dialysis because of other major health implications. When I began giving her distant healings she was already completely bedridden. Within less than two weeks she was fully mobile again. I was privileged to give her quality of life during that period. Much to the shock and amazement of those around her she was able to walk and travel and visit family until a few days before her transition 12 weeks later."
Package B
Total Package Value $1,010
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 82% Saving ***
Sold Out
Payment plans available at checkout
Cancellation Policy: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017 or when session has been taken, whichever comes first.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Includes Everything in Package A & B Plus
Value: $500
During these live, interactive events you can either ask your question in relation to your weight issues directly or submit your questions beforehand. Mia will receive guidance from spirit for common weight loss issues for the group and for individual questions. She will provide clearings through direct communication with the soul of each person attending these clearings.
We will be looking at a variety of weight loss issues such as:
- Why you are emotionally overeating
- Why you may be addicted or attracted to certain foods and clear any of the underlying issues
- Reasons why you may lack the willpower to start losing weight
- Other reasons that block your discernment in relation to certain foods and their effect on your wellbeing
- What prevents you to eat more natural and in a more balanced way
Participants can ask questions and will receive guidance from spirit. You can ask questions on any topic related to your personal issue in relation to your weight.
The clearings during these calls focus on releasing all those habits, patterns and learned behaviours affecting your behaviour and the choices you make in relation to making better choices when eating food.
Replays of each call will be provided.
The calls are generally held on the 4th Sunday of each month. You will be given the dial-in/streaming info for the next calls after you register. If you register by the Friday before the call, you can join that month. If you register after that, you can join the following months. Call details will be emailed closer to the time.
"Your group clearing calls are phenomenal! Truly the gift to one's self that keeps on giving! Not only does energy start moving and your soul starts to align, but as you listen to the replay, you also "discover" more each time you listen! Amazing!"
~ Michele
"I have had the privilege of being a part of your 3 group calls this March 2015. Many parts of the clearings that you did for other people resonated for me, and I believe created many shifts for me.
After listening to the 2nd call, I almost felt "spaced out", and that I know was mostly due to the fact that I was processing things in a very big way! It actually took several hours. Lucky for me I was able to go to bed, soon after the call and let my body rest and sleep. Thank you!
I was very impressed by your level of work, your clearings and your very unique way of imparting these to us all on these group calls. Your ability to zero in on the individuals, and how many of the group were clearing things, how many were completing a particular clearing for the different processes that came up amazed me over and over again!
You also, again and again, checked in to see that whatever clearings you guided us through, were going to be in the highest good for everyone on the call or even for those who would listen on the replays. I believe I was cleared of multiple fears, resistances and blockages that held me back from going forward in life itself, as well as in my own "creations".
You have a very high level of integrity, and your "Gift" of healing is surely something to be desired by many of us who are on this path! Thank You, is almost not enough. I very much look forward to other packages and calls that you will be offering in the future"
~ Barbara, Canada
Package C
Total Package Value $1,510
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $277
*** 82% Saving ***
Sold Out
Payment plans available at checkout
Cancellation Policy: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017 or when session has been taken or when first monthly call has been attended, whichever comes first.
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Mia has successfully worked with people of all ages including the very young and has helped people with a variety of issues.
Here are some of the results clients have reported:
- Permanent healing of Diabetic Retinopathy after laser eye surgery failed
- Permanently disappearing of Ovarian Cyst - confirmed by physician
- Clearing Weight Gain Issues
- Multiple Sclerosis pain reduction, improved mobility, no longer needing a walking aid
- Reducing Swollen Feet that would not change by any means
- Cleared severe Tonsillitis that no longer responded to antibiotics
- Long standing Diabetes type 1, permanent reduction of insulin intake as well as stable blood sugar levels
- High blood pressure back to normal on a permanent basis without the need for medication
- Relieve of backaches, headaches, neck and shoulder pain
- Reduced stress levels, panic attacks, anxiety, trauma,
- Cleared sexual abuse issues both from early childhood and in relationships
- Cleared grief, sadness, loss, loneliness and abandonment both in children and adults
- Cleared childhood issues including those that are often no longer remembered (your Soul always remembers)
- Cleared bullying issues, being stalked
- Improved self-worth, social anxiety, shyness in adults and children
- Increase mental and emotional wellbeing
- Reduced carer strain or overload
- More harmonious family relationships between partners, siblings, parent and child
- Reduced Workplace stresses, cleared issues such as bullying and control in the workplace
- Spiritual Guidance with career options, career development, help with study anxiety
- Improved corporate decision making and management of business
- Improved management skills in dealing with difficult clients and staff
- Clarity with your purpose in life
- Insight through spiritual means, clarity on any issue
- Further development of Spiritual Gifts such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance
- Spiritual Guidance on any issue
- Improved Mobility
- No more Autism, improved cognitive development such as speech impediments
- Cleared nightmares with panic, improved sleeping patterns, no more relentless crying
- Fears in the classroom for other children or teachers, learning issues, bullying issues,
- Cleared extreme shyness relative to the child’s developmental age
- Cleared Headaches, bumps, bruises, cleared pains that were not quantifiable
- Cleared sibling rivalry, stopped biting issues, cleared restlessness and anxiety driven behavior
- Cleared any issues of loss such as with a close friend, relative or a parent, or in the classroom
- Suicidal thoughts or tendencies. However always immediately seek professional help first .
Testimonials |
“I had laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy in my left eye in December 2009. It did not stop the bleeding instead it caused permanent scarring and flashing in my eye! In September 2011 after several very intense healing sessions with Mia my eye has stopped bleeding.
I have had diabetes type 1 for many years and at times I could no longer bring down my levels with just insulin alone. I called Mia with my readings at around 20 mmols and not being able to bring it down with insulin and after a 3 hour session, my BSL was back within the normal range. I can now manage my diabetes and with less insulin than before the healings.
I was also given help with both ketoacidosis, with apparently only 4 hours to live, as well as a blood clot in my left arm. I have on many separate occasions had bad family situations just suddenly change for the better after a session. I highly recommend Mia’s healings to anyone who requires physical or emotional healing, or for those seeking an upgrade to a better version of themselves.
Thank you so much Mia and Spirit, I certainly have a lot to be appreciative for.”
~ Amanda T. – Wynnum Australia
“I received a distant healing from Mia after my tonsillitis had still not improved when I was halfway through my second course of antibiotics.
I had already been in bed for 7 days due to lack of energy and was unable to eat due to extreme pain in my throat.
After only one brief distant healing with Mia, my symptoms immediately eased whereby I was able to get up within a few hours and was able to eat solid food for the first time in a week.
I was able to go back to work within 3 days.
Two years later I was diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary which was not going away even while on medication. I received Mia’s help with the pain. The pain went away almost immediately after the healings occurred. Several weeks later my doctor did more tests and the cyst had completely disappeared. The doctor was surprised it had totally disappeared.”
~ Brittany DW. – Brisbane Australia
“Extract from the book “Affirming and Focusing on Living a Better Life” by Kerie Logan the mother of Mia’s young client Arlen, who had Autism and could barely speak and had severe mobility issues before he received Mia’s distant healings in 2012.
At the time Arlen would walk a few feet and fall to his knees. He could not walk downstairs without someone holding his hand, and he could not jump or run. To my surprise and that of everyone else he started to gain his daredevil confidence. One day he was in the living room jumping off the couch. When he landed he did not fall on his knees. His balance was much better. I watched him do it over and over again. It was like a miracle had taken place right before my eyes. Within two weeks after the healings began he started to run around the house. I know it is a rule at the gym’s kids club to not allow the children to run, but the women were amazed to watch him run for the first time. They did not have the hearts to tell him to stop. To be able to witness him being able to run with joy and excitement just makes my heart sing. Every time I am grateful that words cannot speak. The gift Mia den Haan gave me is what every parent would wish. It was a blessing and I am so thankful.
Arlen was referred to Easter Seals for speech therapy however services were stopped in 2012 before Arlen could attend. This was what Kerie wrote in her book about Mia’s healings.
The next healing my son received was for his communication. When you have a child with autism, the communication barrier varies. My son is four and a half and could say words, but putting those words together to form a sentence was not easy for him. At times it felt like a guessing game and I had to learn to show objects of various foods to get a response from him. However, a week after Arlen received his speech evaluation he received his first distant healing for his communication. Within a few days people saw his use of words expand and it still does to this day. Every day his use of words and sentences expands. Now I have to watch my own words because there have been times he will recall and repeat what I said. I cannot help but smile with joy. I have not changed his diet or tried any new techniques. The average child can say the sentences Arlen now speaks at a much younger age, but an autistic child cannot. I can now have a conversation with my son and to me that has been priceless. While it may be hard for some people to believe in my son’s amazing healings, but he did not get any speech therapy over the summer from preschool and no other resources were available.”
~ Kerie Logan – Oregon USA
“At the age of five my son Jesse could barely speak and showed all the signs of autism, and although we did seek help through his Early Childhood Teacher when he was only three, for some reason, it never became available. It wasn’t until he began attending Prep in January 2011 that we were advised by his teacher, how to get him properly diagnosed, so he could get the extra learning support he needed.
In March 2011, he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and arrangements were made for him to attend the Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP) 2 days per week. He also began to see a Speech Therapist and an Occupational Therapist once a week. However, despite all the extra help, his improvement was minimal. It wasn’t until late June 2011 when we decided to put him on one of Mia’s healing packages for the second time that his autism really started to improve dramatically!
In less than two weeks after the healing work began Jesse was speaking in full sentences and he began interacting more with his peers! My son’s phenomenal progress was also noted by his teachers at both his Prep school and the ECDP. He will no longer be attend ECDP after the school holidays and will be full time back at primary school.
When Mia first worked with my son when he was four she told us he would be healed, but only when he was ready, in his timing and not ours! His speech and cognitive behavior did improve somewhat at the time but not enough. However this time he was ready and the improvements are showing it..
Also, one night he was crying with severe pain in one knee and one ankle. Mia’s guidance told us it was fear related. Once the fear was released Mia’s guides told me he would be feeling good in a couple of minutes. As it turned out, he actually fell asleep in a couple of minutes.”
~ Jesse’s Mother – Amanda T. Wynnum Australia
“I’m one of your fellow TSSC members, and I wanted to give you a belated testimonial for your show. Remember the woman you worked with, who was having troubles with her hip? At the time, you said that that particular healing probably wouldn’t be available to others, since she had such a complicated personal tangle to undo around it.
Sol I really wasn’t expecting anything, but I noticed a short while later that my own hips (which are better but still a little rigid, the remains of a neuromuscular immune etc. illness) were moving better! I had more fluidity, and more range of motion in them.
You may already have gotten tons of feedback of this kind, but I just wanted to be sure you know that your own range may be greater than you imagine!”
~ Sunday
“Mia’s profound work is deeply spiritual and immeasurably upgraded my relationship with my mother. I am very grateful for this, as mom is 87 and taking care of her can be wearing. Also, I had deep genetic issues around masculine and feminine energy balances, that had resulted in my being raped when I was in my 30s. I had a deep shift during my session with Mia, and it immediately relieved several physical symptoms, including a piercing headache.
Because my session was so multilayered, I expect to be reaping benefits for the next 3 months! Thanks so very much Mia!”
~ Maiyah Olivas
“Mia gave me some priceless information. She read energy in my matrix that I hadn’t been able to see, let-alone identify. It was around the interactions I had with my parents when I was little. Mia has done some amazing work with autistic children and as a result sees and understands the brain in a uniquely informed and insightful way. She got that I saw upset on my mother’s face and heard upset sounds, and she said that the visual-kinetic aspect of my brain got all wired up with this upset. She was right – my mother was unwell and unhappy, and it made her emotionally unpredictable. There was no emotional safety, and it got all wired into me feeling small and powerless, which under girded a bunch of stuff around being unable to be financially successful or make my way in this world. All exactly what I chose for my setup, to support the work I came here to do, and the process I came here to have for myself.
Mia said it would take her 2 weeks to clear this but I could do it myself, and that was no problem. Over the next few days I became aware of several layers of this energy as they arose. Allowed them to be, found the places where things were stuck or needed undoing, and created healing for myself.”
~ Maddy Schafer (Energy Healer) – New Zealand
“I have had the great pleasure of working with Mia for some time now.
Her integrity is impeccable and her ability to hone in on blocks and clear them is remarkable. She works at very high level planes to access the information and once the clearings are complete there is no need to return to those issues again.
She is capable of tuning into and working on issues beyond the individual thus aiding in altering human experience on a larger scale.
It has taken me but a mere several months to reach the level of steady happiness in my life that I am living today.
I have more success in my work, more confidence in myself, and my life has transformed quite notably.
I have magical moments occurring on a daily basis, my intuition is expanding and I mostly experience inner peace these days. When I do feel a little out of synch, I am able to get back into alignment quickly.
I am so grateful for the work I have been able to do with Mia and for her mastery of the highest order. I continue to work with her on a regular basis.”
~ Betsy Shands US
“Thank you Mia very much for the session and taking the time to clear and rebalance all that needed to be cleared and rebalanced.
Mia's insights are totally spot on and I am so glad that the blockages are now cleared. I feel so much lighter and the underlying feeling of helplessness has cleared. I am also so happy the entanglements with men have been cleared!!
Some weeks later I continue to feel the benefit of the clearing and the relationship with myself (my SELF) has a sense of purity and clarity to it.
I also wanted to encourage all those Souls's that are drawn to her for healing, to do so. Mia is a beautiful, authentic healer who brings great wisdom and clarity to all those that she works with.
I am grateful that I was led to you Mia and for the upgrades, I look forward to the future with a lightness of spirit.”
~ Jane UK
My experience working with her was like a energetic ride into the cosmic time machine and she can help one clear past life traumas that may be blocking one’s ability to trust and connect in the now.
Love her and her gentle, sincere and powerful gifts!
Gratitude for you my dear Mia.”
~ Rhonda Rule in California Energetic Healer
“When you work with Mia it's all about you.
Mia sees beneath the surface to events and feelings you may have long forgotten.
When Mia talks about something it's always a key to solve a problem for you. Mia is exceptionally gifted, gentle and extremely generous. Her insights are laser sharp. Her clearings are often immediate ... They continue over time ... They are deeply healing.
I came to Mia with tremendous grief, overwhelming exhaustion, and a sudden, debilitating arthritis in one hand. After feeling powerful energy shifts by using Mia's clearing MP3s and participating in her group calls, I signed up for her 15 days of intensive healing. As a result, I feel much lighter. In fact a colleague recently commented that I seem much lighter to her!
I have a reserve of energy now and my hand feels almost brand new! I use Mia's clearing MP3s whenever needed. I realize working through grief is a process, and Mia's MP3s keep taking me to the next level.
Your healing of my left hand saved me quite a lot of money in that the occupational therapy was so expensive I had discontinued going. It was my plan to continue with it at a later date, with the knowledge that I might need surgery. The very knowledgeable therapist taught me ways to live with my hand's dysfunction. However, working with you restored function by, I'd say, 95 percent ... and virtually eliminated the pain. Although I'm still careful with my left hand, for the most part it's back to normal.
Mia is so special to me ... just hearing her voice brings deep comfort and healing! I wholeheartedly recommend working with Mia!”
~ Audrey
“Dear Mia, You are very loving and giving. Talking to you is like chatting with a dear friend.
Your healing abilities are beyond words and much needed in our world at this time.
I am forever grateful to you for the 15 days you worked on me daily - before, during and after - my dad suffered from a sudden severe stroke.
He passed away peacefully on Day 7 and the hospital experience was so pleasant it almost felt unreal - there were 'angels' everywhere.
With the clearings you gave me, I (the usual nervous wreck) was able to go through a very difficult period with inner peace, strength and clarity.
My love and gratitude”
~ Wendy
“I have been fortunate in knowing Mia and having the privilege of several sessions with her and her spirit guidance.
These sessions have helped me to become more aware of old negative patterns and well-rehearsed habits that have held me back in the past and prevented me from moving forward. They have helped me to look deeply into who I really am and what my true purpose here on earth is.
They have given me strength and courage to follow that path, while letting go of fears and anxieties and have shown me new ways of being. I have new-founded hope and faith that I can make changes if I trust, and let go of wanting to control everything with my mind. I have gained new insights into issues that I had been trying to deal with on my own for years.
After a session with Mia, I have felt more peace about the situation which had been troubling me, and new hope that the situation can be resolved.
Mia is a warm and caring person with a great desire to help others to see their own 'specialness' and Truth, and develop themselves through insight into who they really are.
I would highly recommend her work to anyone who feels conflict in their lives.”
~ Libby C. – Hervey Bay Australia
“After several sessions with Mia I found that various areas of my life began to work much better and that stresses I used to get that affected me greatly diminished a lot after a spiritual healing session.
Working for a large organization and with a lot of corporate responsibility, managing large projects totaling millions of Euro's, I found that the spiritual guidance I received helped me in my decision making as well as dealing in a harmonious way with difficult clients or staff.
Thus, I can recommend Mia for any situation dealing with difficulties related to people.”
~ Piet K. Netherlands
“I bought Mia's package when I was very depressed and filled with sadness and loneliness at the lowest point of my life. My session with Mia was so incredibly interesting-I think she is the most unique energy healer I have ever experienced!:) I felt a big shift in my heart by the end of the session and learned so much helpful info. The MP3 items in the package were amazingly helpful. They contain so many sections along with PDFs to summarize the sections all with numerous clearings for many different super helpful topics-it's just like having Mia there to clear issues that come up!:) I look forward to being able to use them whenever I feel stressed or worried in the future. I especially loved item # 3 clearings for change as I was having a lot of trouble being able to clear blockages to be able to move forward in a positive direction in my life. After I listened to the recorded clearings in the order stated I feel so much more positive and excited about my future. I don't feel depressed anymore at all. Thank you so very much Mia for your amazing package!:)A million thanks and lots of love”
~ Kate B. Miami beach, FL
“During the past 5 years I have had several healings from Mia for different situations. One such situation was when my ageing mother and I shared the same house and were not relating well. After a session with Mia my awareness of her changed and that resulted in a much improved relationship between us.
On another occasion a close relative of mine who was still young at the time, was critical ill in hospital and we were told by her doctors that they were not sure if she would make it through the night. Mia did a channeled healing session that same night and told me she was going to live, which she did. That guidance gave me the assurance I needed during those difficult times, when medically no assurance could be given at first.
A third occasion was at work when I was having difficulties with a more senior staff member. After a session with Mia that situation much improved to make it more tolerable for me to deal with the situation.”
~ Helina Y. Brisbane - Australia
“I had a personal session with Mia and I'm very impressed by her Mia‘s Soul Healing and her ability to see and to remove what's been stopping me from living my life in a richer way.
In my case it was stuck emotions from a life-threatening event in my early childhood. I truly feel my issues with those emotions have been cleared with the Soul Healing, because this is really going to the core of me.
I can now go back into life with renewed interest and create my new life-story because I think this Mia Den Haan Soul Healing is going to open up new doors for me.”
~ Karin O.
“What makes Mia different from many healers is that she does not spend session time taking you through guided imagery to ground and then connect you to Source.
She had me email beforehand, the problem I wanted help with and when the session began, she immediately went to work to find the core issue of the cause of the medical problem.
I have multiple problems with my brain function and these problems have gotten so bad over the last 10 years that I have lost multiple jobs and all money in savings. I used borrowed money and I asked for help with adult onset dyslexia and micro seizures.
She began working behind my forehead, the frontal lobe. I was most impressed because I don't recall telling her that my dementia is the frontal lobe type.
She said one root cause was from fear, from a sudden traumatic shock/trauma. She "downloaded" the energy and her guides said to wait a week to integrate this. Immediately after the session, feelings of fear swelled up from within and I became very panicky for a while.
I believe this was part of the healing process to finally release these emotions. The next morning, my heart space felt so very different, as deep peace and sense of expansion.
I felt very present in my heart space like never before remembering. I have been listening to healers on tele summits for years and bought many packages, but rarely feel the "energy" everyone talks of. I didn't feel it while Mia was working on me, but there has definitely been a shift.
I am very encouraged and most impressed.
One well known Medical Intuitive had actually refunded my money as she declined to even give me a session as she stated that my case was too complex and she didn't feel comfortable taking my money. Mia trusted Source ability for us to work together to help my situation and I am so very encouraged after this first session. All things are possible, especially with the intention of Mia and her guides”
~ Carol A
“Any and all time spent with Mia is invaluable. She has a beautiful, calm energy and is compassionate beyond measure. I have benefited greatly from her recorded clearings, her group calls and a personal session. As far as I am concerned, she is unquestionably the go-to person for anyone who is seriously interested in intense personal growth.”
About Mia Den Haan:
Mia has been an energy worker for more than 30 years, initially offering hands on healing. After a major “awakening” in 2000 Mia’s healing work began evolving, whereby in 2002, she was given this special Healing method, called Your Divine Soul Essence™, through her ability to channel Spirit. This method is currently still the main modality in her healing practice.
Mia has spent thousands of hours in sessions offering her spiritual services to clients in more than 35 countries. With her gift Mia has helped many of all ages including Medical Practitioners, Lawyers, Business men and women, Scientists, Film stars, Healers and Alternative Healing Practitioners and individuals including young children.
As a Spiritual Healer and Channel for Spirit, Mia receives information directly from your Soul’s highest level of wisdom. She can receive guidance for any issues, personal or family matters or business. She receives information about your body and mental, emotional and spiritual planes, karmic issues or your genetic lineage.
The miracle healings, including those of a physical nature, that people have received were all done through distant healings. Her autism healings were documented in two books, one authored by the mother of one of her severely disabled and autistic young client.
Mia has from time to time received prophecies such as the ones about future weather and planetary changes that are now happening , which were documented in an earlier published book she authored.
Mia is also a certified Life and Business Coach with many years of practical business experience as a business owner an employer since 1990. Her spiritual gifts have also been used in business dynamics such as with workplace bullying, management, burnout and a variety of interpersonal, staff and management related issues.
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Discount : 87%
Total Package Value $760
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
3 Live 2 Hour Group Clearings with Q&A and workbooks
4 Ebooks Plus 22 MP3s
Discount: 83%
Total Package Value $1,010
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
3 Live 2 Hour Group Clearings with Q&A and workbooks
4 Ebooks Plus 22 MP3s
one-on-one 30 min session with Mia
Discount : 82 %
Total Package Value $1,510
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
3 Live 2 Hour Group Clearings with Q&A and workbooks
4 Ebooks Plus 22 MP3s
one-on-one 30 min session with Mia
5 Live 90 min Monthly Group calls with Q&A
Payment plans available at checkout
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Cancellation Policy Package A: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017
Cancellation Policy Package B: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017 or when session has been taken, whichever comes first.
Cancellation Policy Package C: Non-refundable after January 10th 2017 or when session has been taken or when first monthly call has been attended, whichever comes first.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.