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Package A

Re-Awakening Reboot


Trauma Clearing Process Meditation

Format – MP3 & PDF

This audio is intended to augment the process of clearing and healing issues and symptoms relating to trauma as well as assist in attaining and maintaining a more relaxed, centered state of well- being. Designed as a Personal Private Session

Infused with Soothing Theta Binaural Beat Background Rhythms and Theta Healing

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Forgiveness Process Meditation

Format – MP3 & PDF

This audio is intended to augment the process of embracing the beauty and peace of forgiveness to heal your body, mind and spirit. It will also assist in experiencing more freedom and lightness in your life. Designed as a Personal Private Session

Infused with Soothing Theta Binaural Beat Background Rhythms and Theta Healing

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Self Love Process Meditation

Format – MP3 & PDF

This audio is intended to provide a space of warm encouragement for opening to and embracing authentic self-love. Self-love is a clear, healthy regard for one's own well-being and happiness – one which does not depend on outer circumstances or judgment. Designed as a Personal Private Session

Infused with Soothing Theta Binaural Beat Background Rhythms and Theta Healing

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Source Code of Your Soul Reboot Process Meditation

Format – MP3 & PDF

Clears undesirable programming, limiting beliefs & thought forms, completed soul contracts. Realigns Chakras & energy fields and re-integrates unique personal blueprint. Reboots entire being to original Source Code of Your Soul.

Infused with Theta Healing

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Hawaiian Mana Manifesting Meditation

Format – MP3 & PDF

Assists in Manifesting Focused Intention

Infused with Soothing Theta Binaural Beat Background Rhythms and Theta Healing

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Micro Cosmic Orbit Meditation

Format – MP3 & PDF

Personal Meditation For general or focused healing meditation

Infused with Soothing Theta Binaural Beat Background Rhythms and Theta Healing

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Source Code of Your Soul Reboot Process Meditation

An extended version of the process done on the call. This process meditation clears and aligns all of your energy fields, connects you with Source, reboots and balances your system to your original unique divine blueprint and brings you back in-line, re-connecting you with your authentic self. This process meditation empowers you to create your own realities and live the life you truly desire.

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Hawaiian Mana Manifestation Process Meditation

This manifestation process can be used to create anything you desire and actualize it within your life. It could be vibrant health, financial prosperity, your ideal partner. And it can be used to stimulate and support our capacities for clearing the toxicity of trauma, embracing forgiveness, nurturing self-love and an overall sense of centered balance, well-being and happiness.

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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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