Are your hormones out of whack?
Are you trying to conceive but nothing is happening yet?
Do you have issues with inflammation, cysts or fibroids?
Has menopause confused your body and you feel stuck?
Do you experience recurring UTI’s?
Is erectile dysfunction making intimacy difficult?
Lynn has been working on a personal level with couples to assist them with fertility and conception issues. She has devoted all of her time to making this program absolutely perfect! Clients have been very excited with the results and lives are changing because of what Lynn is offering!
No matter what age you are or what chapter in life you are in, this series is for YOU! Lynn is offering several different Reproductive Package options that cater to each gender and different stages in life.
*For the First Time Ever*
Exclusively Launched on FHTJ!
- Lynn will be including silent MP3’s for enhanced sexual arousal, performance and orgasm that can be played before or during to heighten your sexual experience! Ladies you can purchase a package for your man too and these can be played on mute or you can listen aloud!
- Lynn will be working with women trying to conceive and with those throughout pregnancy
Questions to Ask Yourself...
- Has painful sex or dryness effected your sex life?
- Does Breast, Cervical, Ovarian or Prostate Cancer run in your family?
- Are you prone to yeast and urinary tract infections?
- Is Erectile Dysfunction effecting your sex life?
- Have you been exposed to any endocrine disruptors that are effecting your hormones?
- Is your body rebelling after childbirth?
- Are you having trouble conceiving?
- Are past life experiences blocking you in this lifetime?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then the Reproductive Health Series is for you!

Package A - Fertility
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions)
- Past Abortion & Surgical Recovery
- Egg Count & Quality
- Uterine,, Ovary, Fallopian Tube & Cervix Health
- Preparing Body & Mind For Baby
- Hormones & Pregnancy
- Hormones & Post Pregnancy
- Stress & Pregnancy
- Sugar Levels & Blood Pressure & Pregnancy
- Post Pregnancy Body
- And Much More
Package B - Women's Health
- Soundless MP3: Dryness, Libido, Desire & Performance
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) & Aging
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) & Childbirth Recovery
- Hormones
- Breast Health
- Vaginal, Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, Cervix, Uterus and Vulva Health
- Painful Cycles
- Endometriosis & PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Cysts & Fibroids
- Bladder & Uterine Prolapse
- Recovery (Abortion, Childbirth & Hysterectomy)
- UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)
- Menopause
- And Much More
Package C - Men's Health
- Soundless MP3: Arousal, Enhancement, & Performance
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) on Sex Judgements
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Hormone Balance
- Sperm Count & Quality
- Penis, Scrotum, Testicular, Epididymis & Prostate Health
- Andropause / Low Testosterone Levels
- Inflammation
- Diseases of the Male Reproductive System
- The Aging Male
- And Much More
Here’s What Some of Lynn’s Clients Had to Say:
"Stress free Living"
“Improved Sex Life!”
“No more pain and discomfort!”
“My Hormones Are Happy!”
“Excited for Motherhood!”
“Better lubrication!”
Others have reported:
- Alleviated Infections
- Balanced Hormones
- Increased Libido
- Weight Loss
- Total Body Wellness
- More Physical Activity
- Decreased Mood Swings
- Positive Outlook on Future
- Reversal of Previous Medical Concerns
- Relief From Chronic Pain
- Less Vaginal Dryness
- Reduced Stretchmarks
- Increased Joy
- Stress Free Living
- Reduced Irritability
- Improved Quality of Life
- And Much More
In this Series, Lynn will clear the Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions (TFE’s) around Male and Female sexuality, past sexual experiences, performance issues, the reproductive system specifically - not just physically, but emotionally as well.
We know that our thoughts, feelings and emotions create what we feel physically in our body. You have an opportunity to change the effects of those decisions in any environment or situation. Here are just a few of the Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions that will be cleared throughout this series:
- “It’s too embarrassing to talk about”
- “I’m too old for things to change”
- “I wish my sex life was better”
- “I’m just not meant to have children”
- ”I wish I had a libido!”
- “My hormones will never be normal or balanced”
- “Erectile Dysfunction comes with age”
- “Fertility treatments are too expensive”
- “I’m too old for good sex anyway”
- “Nothing eases the pain”
- And More
Clear Past Lives and Familial Patterns Related to the Reproductive System
Have you ever thought about what experiences with YOUR Reproductive System that your past lives might have to do with your body? What about energies around familial patterns and beliefs. What did you learn from your parents about reproduction? What did you bring in from other lifetimes? What did you get programmed with thru media, tv, and advertising? Let's clear the energies that interfere with your body it’s functionality!
ALL Reproductive Health Series Participants will have an opportunity to complete a detailed survey so that their input can guide the energies of the Live Call and Remote Remedies on how your Reproductive System affects YOU!
Get the Energetic Support you need to reach optimal Reproductive Health Here!
This Series includes 4 different energy-packed and powerful healing package options. Each package includes distinct and specialized Remote Remedies that are thoughtfully crafted with energies for YOU and YOUR Body by Lynn.
What are Remote Remedies?
The Body Channel Community has LOVED the Remote Remedy Series and asked for more because of the DAILY work the participants receive. Here’s what you need to know about Lynn’s Internationally-Acclaimed Remote Remedies:
- Remote Remedies will be 7-10 minute mini MP3s on a specific topic (and Lynn gets these topics from YOUR bodies as well as the info you write in on your Reproductive Survey)
- Remote Remedies will be delivered to you DAILY in your inbox!
- Remote Remedies will begin Oct 9 and runs until Oct 29
- Your body will receive the amazing energy that is group synergy. Group work creates synergy because everyone is trying to achieve the same goal and same target areas!
- Remote Remedies will also be on a download page that have all the MP3s from your package and will be updated daily.
- All of Lynn’s work including the Remote Remedies use the consciousness of your body and the knowledge of how long to run before turning them off! So they may run for minutes or even hours throughout your day!!
Listen to a sample recording of Lynn's most famous "Body Boost Audio"
Youth your body and create a leaner, more beautiful you with the Body Boost MP3! Feel more fit and toned in just minutes - plus experience:
If you would like to receive more such powerful audios, pick a package from below options.
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Free Trial
Discount :95%
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
21 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Female Reproductive Health
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
21 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Male Reproductive Health
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
21 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Everything In Package A, B & C
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $7,755
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
63 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Upon purchase, participants will receive the Detox 7 mp3s to start working on detoxing their body to prep for the Reproductive Series work.
Starting Oct 9 participants will start receiving their Daily Remote Remedies.
Oct 5 at 5:00pm EDT participants will enjoy the Reproductive Detox Live Call
No Refunds After Midnight EDT Oct 11.
Here What We Include In Package:
Package A |
This program Includes:
- 21 Remote Remedies
- 1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
- Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
21 Remote Remedies

In these 21 comprehensive Remote Remedies (October 9- 29), Lynn will work with the energies to prepare the bodies for conceiving, carrying a pregnancy, and post baby issues. Some of the energies include:
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) & Fertility
- Past Abortion & Surgical Recovery (Including C-Sections)
- Egg Count & Quality
- Uterine Health, Ovary Health, Fallopian Tube Health & Cervix Health Affecting Fertility
- Preparing Body & Mind For Baby
- Hormones & Pregnancy
- Hormones & Post Pregnancy (Post-Partum Depression)
- Stress & Pregnancy
- Sugar Levels & Blood Pressure & Pregnancy
- Post Pregnancy Body (Stretchmarks, Skin Elasticity, Etc.)
- And Much More
The Reproductive Detox Live Call
Call Date: October 5 at 5:00 pm EDT
In this call, Lynn covers an array of general reproductive health issues in both the male and female reproductive systems. Some of the energies include:
- UTI’s
- STD’s
- Sex Traumas
- Genetics/Family History
- Yeast Infections
- Detox of Reproductive Tract
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions)
The call will be recorded and you will be able to download and use for maintenance as needed!
Just What I Needed, To Get Through The Chaos Of Menopause & Hot Flashes
"I was having a tough time going through menopause and it put me in a funk. This is just what I needed to get through the chaos and hot flashes!"
Package A
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 95% Saving ***
Sold Out
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
Female Reproductive Health
This program Includes:
- 21 Remote Remedies
- 1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
- Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
21 Remote Remedies

In these 21 comprehensive Remote Remedies (October 9 – 29), Lynn focuses on the diseases, disorders and conditions that affect the functioning of the female reproductive system. Some of the energies include:
- Soundless MP3: Vaginal Dryness, Libido, Sexual Desire, Sexual Performance, Orgasms, Etc.
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) & Aging
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) & Childbirth Recovery even years later!
- Hormones
- Breast Health
- Vaginal, Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, Cervix, Uterus and Vulva Health
- Painful Cycles
- Endometriosis & PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Cysts & Fibroids
- Bladder & Uterine Prolapse
- Recovery (Abortion, Childbirth & Hysterectomy)
- UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)
- Menopause
- And Much More
Package B
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 95% Saving ***
Sold Out
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Male’s Reproductive Health
This program Includes:
- 21 Remote Remedies
- 1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
- Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
21 Remote Remedies

In these 21 comprehensive Remote Remedies (October 9 – 29), Lynn focuses on the diseases, disorders and conditions that affect the functioning of the male reproductive system. Some of the energies include:
- Soundless MP3: Sexual Arousal, Sexual Enhancement, Sexual Performance, Orgasm, Etc.
- TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) on Sex Judgements, Aging, Performance
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Hormone Balance
- Sperm Count & Quality
- Penis, Scrotum, Testicular, Urethra, Vas Deferens, Seminal Vesicle, Epididymis & Prostate Health
- Andropause / Low Testosterone Levels
- Inflammation
- Diseases of the Male Reproductive System
- The Aging Male
- And Much More
Package C
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 95% Saving ***
Sold Out
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package D |
Everything in Packages A, B, & C
This program Includes:
- 1 Reproductive Detox Call
- 21 Fertility Remote Remedies
- 23 Women’s Reproductive Health Remote Remedies
- 21 Male Reproductive Health Remote Remedies
- Detox 7 Bonus MP3’s
That’s over 15 Hours of Energy Work!
Package D
Total Package Value $7,750
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $350
***95% Saving ***
Sold Out
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DETOX 7 Bonus MP3s
Detox 7 – Total Body Cleanse 4.0
Value: $100
This MP3 addresses Yeast, Fungus, Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Chemicals, Radiation, and Heavy Metals! Now upgraded to include Epstein Barr Virus, Microscopic Mites, Vaccine Reversal, Tape Worms and more! The overgrowth of yeast or bacteria and the presence of these other materials or properties can show up many ways, such as feeling fatigued and always worn down because the body a constantly is fighting them. Many of the mysterious symptoms from such diagnoses as arthritis, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia — I have found from the thousands of sessions I have done — can be attributed to one of the items listed above. We have expanded the list of toxins to add the 13 most common Hormone Disruptors, more medications, and more chemicals such, as Fluoride.
NEW – so many new chemicals added such as RoundUp, chemicals used in food processing and containers; much more on microscopic mites and parasites; “designer” bacteria and viruses that have mutated to make you own personal version; pathogens that are from childhood diseases such as chicken pox that have just been hanging out at such low levels but yet taxing your immune system constantly!; more on hormones in food supply chains; a look at the Zika virus!
Fungal Infection That I Have Had On My Chest For Years GONE!
"I have downloaded the Body Boost and Total Body Cleanse and use it every day. The Total Body Cleanse has eradicated a fungal infection that I have had on my chest for years. I appreciate the opportunity to have these wonderful tools."
Detox 7 – Inflammation Elimination 4.0
Value: $100
The best definition of inflammation: immune system response to diet, lifestyle and environment. It affects everything from aging, to joints and organs. This upgraded Inflammation Elimination dives right into Diet, Lifestyle, Environmental Factors as well as Entities that are causing Inflammation in your body - time to start the healing!
NEW – Inflammation is Immune System response to Diet, Lifestyle and Environment so we added in inflammatory responses to foods, stress, toxins and some TFEs (thoughts, feelings and emotions) inflaming your world including inappropriate histamine responses making it appear that you have allergies!
Ankles Looked Like They Used To 30+ Years Ago.
"The inflammation mp3 really warmed up my legs and feet. I had better flexibility afterwards. My ankles looked like they used to 30+ years ago."
Detox 7 – Toxin Detox 4.0
Value: $100
The liver cleans the toxins from the blood, the spleen filters and recycles blood as a part of the immune system, & kidneys filter blood to create urine. All of the following can be signs of toxicity in the body because we are bombarded through our daily life: fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, sinus congestion or excessive sinus problems, headaches, bloating & gas, constipation, diarrhea or foul-smelling stools, heartburn, sleep problems, water retention, trouble losing weight, rashes & skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or acne, or menstrual disorders. Upgraded to include waste removal — let's get healthy and toss the toxins!
NEW – All new energies to clean out all the waste systems including lungs cellular waste and skin! As well as adding TFEs (thoughts feeling and emotions) related to toxic people and situations around you. We must keep the waste systems functioning properly so that when we detox the medications, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, parasites and more that the body can move them out of the body easily!!!
I No Longer Feel Like The Days Are Dragging Along
"No longer feel like the days are dragging along… I first started listening to these MP3s after undergoing chemotherapy last Fall. I was still extremely fatigued once it ended. In a session with Lynn we discussed detoxing my body. I now play the Toxin Detox almost daily and no longer feel like the days are dragging along. I am forever grateful for Lynn's talent and generosity."
Detox 7 – Colon Clean-Up 4.0
Value: $100
Most people have pounds and pounds of rotting fecal matter in their colon, overgrowth of yeast and fungus, parasites, and toxin build-up causing chaos in their body. The body goes through autointoxication — the body slowly poisons itself because it cannot rid itself of wastes! Symptoms of colon build-up are as follows: perpetual cycle of colon dysfunction; constant illness due to vitamin deficiencies even if you take vitamins; acne, sores and rashes of the skin; weakened tissues throughout the body due to toxic build-up. We will also look at brain connections to the colon as well as any control issues or other Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions tying up your digestive track! Time to dump it!
NEW – Added TFE’s (thoughts, feelings and emotions) around digestive issues that “run in the family”, clearing any entities from the colon, detox’d overgrowth in the gut and added in so much about the immune system starting in the gut and autoimmune responses in the colon such as IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease).
I Feel The Energy!! Improved The Health Issues
"I have bought the majority of Lynn's mp3s and love them, they are so easy to listen to while I'm busy at home, and I'm not a fan of meditation because I find it hard to keep still for long periods. I feel the energy from them and they have improved the health issues I have. I would highly recommend Lynn's work."
Detox 7 – Happy Hormones 4.0
Value: $100
Let's get all of those hormones in the body working FOR YOU! Hormones are a lot more than just the male/female hormones we all talk about. They are the messengers that deliver the marching orders to the entire body letting every part know its job. This affects your metabolism, your periods and menopause, your sex drive, the way your body processes sugar, how well you handle stress, and how well your immune system handles even colds and flus. Time to get the signals straight and balance those hormones!
NEW – All new energies addressing the entire Endocrine System from the Hypothalmus to the Adrenals. More diabetes and hypoglycemia support, thyroid and autoimmune issues, more detoxification and decalcification of the pineal and pituitary since they rule what happens to the rest of the Endocrine System downstream!
Just What I Needed, To Get Through The Chaos Of Menopause & Hot Flashes
"I was having a tough time going through menopause and it put me in a funk. This is just what I needed to get through the chaos and hot flashes!"
Detox 7 – Brain Balancer
Value: $100
The Brain Balancer MP3 from The Body Channel Monthly Group Call series. The Brain Mp3 focuses on deleting the effects of Aging, Improving cognitive function, Motor Skills & Memory, Releasing Painful Memories & Stories that seem to be on an endless loop, Deleting genetic markers for Brain Cancer, Dementia & other Brain Dis-orders. Dive into the thoughts, feelings & emotions that can create dis-ease between you & your Brain.
Brain Balancer Released Debilitating Memories From My Childhood
"I had a rough upbringing with a lot of neglect, abuse and tragedy. The Brain Balancer is just what I needed to help release those debilitating memories from my childhood."
Detox 7 – Autoimmune Basics
Value: $100
Autoimmune Diseases arise from an abnormal immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body. This may be restricted to certain organs or involve a particular tissue. Researchers have identified over 80 different diseases as Autoimmune and an additional 40+ as having an Autoimmune basis.
I Can Eat Without Fear NOW…. Food Allergies GONE…
"I worked with Lynn and she found that my allergies were being caused by too much of a specific protein in my blood… Things improved to a degree after that session and re-listening to it often… It has been several weeks now and I was tested again yesterday and still 0 food allergies are showing… I can eat without fear now."
I No Longer Have Endometrial Cells Blockage
"The work you did during our first session cleared out the cervical stenosis scar tissue, which was blocking access to my endometrial cells. I got word today that my GYN did get a sample of my endometrial cells, so I can say I no longer have that condition! Over the past year, three previous attempts of sampling my endometrial cells failed!!"
Thank You So Much For Giving Me My Virility Back
"I've done many similar meditations, many powerful, but Lynn’s work is the first that I can definitely say without any doubt that it truly had an effect. This is it. I've listened to my recordings about 20 times each, sometimes fully listening, sometimes just having it play. I'm a 46 year old man and like most men my age, age has had an effect on my ability to have an erection and keep it up. Shortly after starting her calls, I noticed I was getting erections easier and they were much firmer, but last night I really made the connection. I think I woke up 4-5 times at night with erections that I haven't had since my early 20s. It just would not stay down. Thank you so much for giving me my virility back! Much love to you for your work!"
Lynn Was A Breath Of Fresh Air During A Trying Time In My Life
"I don’t think I could have made it through my struggle with infertility without Lynn. Not only was I amazed by her ability to dive into my body and convey what it needed, but she was extremely kind and compassionate. She was a breath of fresh air during a trying time in my life. Thank you Lynn!I don’t think I could have made it through my struggle with infertility without Lynn. Not only was I amazed by her ability to dive into my body and convey what it needed, but she was extremely kind and compassionate. She was a breath of fresh air during a trying time in my life. Thank you Lynn!"
A Huge Weight Has Been Released From My Body.. I Feel Like I Have Been Given A Clean Slate With Life..
"Lynn, I wanted to thank you for your help over the past few months. I was the person with severe intimacy issues that you attributed to past life problems that are blocking me in this lifetime. I have been playing our sessions on a loop and feel like a huge weight has been released from my body. I can’t describe it in words, but I feel like I have been given a clean slate with life. You have helped me immensely with the clearings that you did for me. Thank you for all that you do!"
Healed From Lynn’s Incredible Programs
"Please convey to Lynn my many thanks and let Lynn know she has given me the most thoughtful, healing and much needed gift I've ever been given. I'm in tears and looking forward to having the energy to leap with joy soon as I heal from her incredible programs!"
I Feel Less Sad, Less Heavy And There Are Parts Of My Body That Are Starting To Come Alive!
"I'd like to thank you for the difference you have already made in my life. I've been listening to the Detox MP3s and I already feel less sad, less heavy and there are parts of my body that are starting to come alive!"
~ Maria
The Fastest Results, Full Stop!
"Lynn is my fav go-to person and I would also like to thank her for all that she does for us. The products are the best, with the fastest results, full stop! I considered getting body wraps for skin tightening and detoxing but Lynn's MP3s work much faster and you avoid the mess of the clay and the time spent travelling to the venue, the wrap session and also the travelling. Also, the best part, you can use the MP3s over and over again whereas the wraps are always one off sessions so the financial savings are enormous."
~ Shenaz
Pain Free And My Energy Has Increased Almost 10 Folds!!
"Almost a week after our private session... This session was an eye opener and helped me tremendously in finding out why my accident occurred and how I could resolve and heal the pain and trauma that resulted from it. I am relatively pain free now and my energy has increased almost 10 folds!! My work continues and I am most grateful to you for sharing your gift. You are a light and a ray of hope. Knowing that I am healing fast gives me such a tremendous desire to live a full life and to be of help to others. Thank you again Lynn, you are forever in my heart."
~ Diane
Real Measurable Shift In My Hormonal Balance
"About two weeks ago I did a Zyto Compass scan of my body to find what Essential oils and Supplements I needed. Interesting to note there were a lot of Hormonal balance products. After listening to the Hormone call yesterday, I took another scan today and I didn’t need any hormone balancing products.. So there is a real measurable shift in my hormonal balance. Pretty exciting! Thanks Lynn Waldrop!"
~ Kirstyn
I Could Feel The Difference Almost Immediately
"My session with Lynn was amazing. 1st of all Lynn tapped into a polarity switch in the brain which she adjusted and I felt the results within a short period of time…Also, the mention of a right hip issue led to Lynn seeing that the ball joint was slightly out of it's socket and she put it back in place. I could feel the difference almost immediately. Words really cannot express the gratitude I feel."
~ Tamara
Lynn Delivered A Quick Intervention For Vision Which Lasted Only A Few Minutes, And By The End Of It My Vision Recovered Completely…
"Lynn is a high class energy healer with an exceptionally strong impact. Last autumn I had a problem with blurred vision and nothing could improve it. Lynn delivered a quick intervention for vision which lasted only a few minutes, and by the end of it my vision recovered completely - sharp and clear without any blurring. I felt extremely relieved from all the tension that was in my eyes as well and it has remained like that since then. Since then my eyes have felt relaxed, happy, stronger, and the vision in both visual fields has equalised, whereas before my visual field was dominated by the performance of one eye. I am very grateful to Lynn for healing my eyes completely and for making me very happy. Thank you, Lynn. You make the world a better place."
~ Louise
I Have Noticed Huge Improvements In My Skin And Detoxing
"I'm more grateful than I can tell you! I've seen dermatologists and doctors for 2 years without resolution to thinning hair and hair loss. The medical establishment simply doesn't know. I've been listening to your calls and have noticed huge improvements in my skin and detoxing and all areas you covered on those calls. Your work is truly more valuable than years of expensive therapy!!!"
~ Cara
Life Changing Experience
"I just want to thank you for your MP3's. I have been listening to them frequently. They are among the very top packages that I have purchased from webinars. Your MP3s actually work for me and I am so very grateful. When I am able I look forward to having a one on one with you. Wishing you the very best. Thank you, again, for your awesome Work!"
~ Audrey
Lynn Is A Wonder Worker
"Lynn is the most fabulously gifted healer I have ever come across. I listen daily to her downloads and my body feels great!"
~ Jean
"Lynn continues to amaze and astound with her ability to connect with bodies and discern with almost 100% accuracy the underlying cause of the dis-ease or discomfort. Her ability is uncanny. Just this week she helped me to know the truth about my 9 year old daughter's continued headaches. Her pediatrician was running too many tests including MRIs, blood tests, un necessary name it. They finally came up with a suspected diagnosis of mega colon which was scary. I talked to Lynn last week worried sick and she told me it wasn't mega colon but rather chronic constipation was the cause behind all symptoms. Today I just came back from the appointment with a GI Specialist and he said the EXACT same thing! If I could have just worked with Lynn we would have avoided all that toxic radiation. I have cancelled all subsequent tests and will be working with Lynn to improve my daughter’s nutrition issues. Thanks Lynn for being such an amazing source of support!!!"
~ Eram Saeed, Host & Founder of Global Telesummit From Heartache to Joy
About Lynn Waldrop

As a Medical Intuitive, Lynn Waldrop is known as "The Body Channel" and she has worked with hundreds of thousands of clients in over 171 countries and has 30 years of energy work experience. She energetically dives into the body of her clients anywhere in the world AND the body shows her the dis-ease and dis-harmony and how to change it! Her work includes not just the physical issues but the thoughts, feelings and emotions, and even entity work! She is the Creator of "The Body Channel", a Certified Color Therapy & Tuning Fork Master and Reiki Master. Lynn empowers her clients to create and generate change in their own life & body — her motto is "life is like Play Doh, if you don't like what you have created, laugh at it, smash it, and create something new!"
Lynn has been referred to as a "Medical Intuitive on Steroids" and her clients are enjoying pain-free release from the issues that have plagued them for decades.
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Free Trial
Discount :95%
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
21 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Female Reproductive Health
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
21 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Male Reproductive Health
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $2,950
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
21 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Everything In Package A, B & C
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $7,755
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
63 Remote Remedies
1 Reproductive Detox Live Call
Detox 7 Bonus MP3s
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Upon purchase, participants will receive the Detox 7 mp3s to start working on detoxing their body to prep for the Reproductive Series work.
Starting Oct 9 participants will start receiving their Daily Remote Remedies.
Oct 5 at 5:00pm EDT participants will enjoy the Reproductive Detox Live Call
No Refunds After Midnight EDT Oct 11.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.