Don't Miss the Opportunity to Work one on one with Klara
Have you been struggling to create the life you love?

Does it seem that something always shows up
to sabotage your efforts?

Have you suffered from being judged for being different, having to do everything alone or think you don't fit in society because you are not good enough?

I KNOW where you are. I've been there too...
Maybe this sounds like you...
You have many talents, skills, titles and certificates but your environment, lifestyle and bank account don’t reflect that back to you.
Despite investing lots of money and time on self improvement, healing, transformation, new skills and tools, you still feel stuck, spinning your wheels, exhausted and overwhelmed, running out of energy and money.
You know you are special, but you are slowly losing hope that you could do well in this world.
You have overcome a lot in your life, but there is no certificate nor reward for any of that.
You have this nagging feeling that maybe you’re just not good enough.
Why is this happening?
Because you are a conscious being. You came to shift the collective paradigm and to participate in a great shift in consciousness during this time on Earth.
For that to happen, you must uncover your blocks, heal your wounds and undo your judgments that are all remnants of traumatic experiences. These experiences come from a world that does not make sense, which causes feelings of separation, fear programming and exclusion for being different in family and community.
Instead - what if you could embrace your true unique essence, align with your purpose and step into the energy that will naturally influence others and circumstances through YOUR great magnetism?
The 5 STEP SYSTEM To Breakthrough from Hard Work and Struggle, into the Paradigm of Purposeful Life, Abundance and Joy!

During the course of 6 weeks, we will gather as a POWERFUL group to help each and every member while undoing the blocks and helping the subconscious- individually and collectively to find peace.
You will connect to more joy and confidence with a much deeper understanding regarding your purpose in life. As a result, you will become a magnet to more love and abundance, which is your true and natural state, YOUR birthright!
More importantly... NOW is the right time to make this shift, as prophesied.
At the end of the 6 weeks, you can expect:

- Joy and resilience to triggers and obstacles that you will be encountering in life
- Money flow through clarity in purpose, aligned action and natural magnetism
- Greater contribution and more positive influence in every area of life
- To create Natural Magnetism and stable Abundance
- Courage to take actions like never before
- Confidence to be the authentic you!
The process that we will be using is a phenomenological approach to healing and conflict resolution, adapted from the Systemic family Constellations. We will be embodying “What is”. Whether you like it or not and whether you are aware of it or not, you have been embodying “what is” already. Just the perspective you have been embodying is mostly one sided and therefore corrupted. We will be uncovering a 360 degree view of love, so you can shift into an all inclusive and loving paradigm.
It is a process that has been known to the indigenous people who used to communicate with “all that is”: Family members, ancestors, nature, problems, conflicts, diseases, past and future, etc…
Since everything is energy, everything can be given a voice. When we acknowledge “what is” without fight and judgment, things can naturally fall into place and with loving frequencies our life can transform.
Once we are connected, we can reside in the higher consciousness and create a world around us from this new found alignment. This will work on the principles of magnetism, so it shall come peacefully. But the results you will experience will be different as they arise in a more harmonious nature.
What if you don’t believe in this, will it still work?
It is guaranteed to work if you allow the image and or process to be absorbed by your mind, body and soul. You don’t need to understand it, it will work for you... Not against you. However, always remember that you are a free willed individual, and that you always have the right not to allow more love into your life if you are not ready to do so. You also have the right to choose to remain the same at all times and deal with the dynamics you already know so well. So don’t worry, you have complete and total control at all times during this process.
Just remember… when there is a will, there is always a way!
A must have in your toolbox this year!
"My session with Klara was truly mind blowing. I already love constellation work and have had profound results but even so I wasn't prepared for what happened during our session. She intuited information that even I had no knowledge of and had to ask the people concerned if it was true and yes she was spot on! Within days I could see the results from the energy that was shifted during the session and 3 weeks later I can say that everything in life is changing in a big way and its directly or indirectly connected to this session.
I would highly, highly recommend Klara to anyone that wants to move through blocks, start new projects/relationships or receive clarity. Her passion to help spiritual entrepreneurs is evident as a passion in her life. It's a must have in your tool box for this year!"
~ Eram Saeed

“Since our session an amazing amount of flow is present in my life.”
"For the past 20 years I seemed to be outwardly confident, happy, prosperous...but inside I felt the exact opposite. I didn't believe that I COULD DO what my mind wanted to do. I would go through the motions and when I did not hit the mark, I would just say, “Well that is me.” I felt like a C student.
Truth is...I know that I am an A student who was stuck believing that I did not deserve to achieve my lofty goals, so I gave a 50% effort and was rewarded with 50% results. Not enough to make you collapse but just to continue to tread water and exhaust yourself. By the time I met Klara Fischerova I was so ready to lose this heavy weight I carried around for way too long and finally clear the path for my dreams to come to fruition. I was not exactly sure what was going to happen in our session but certainly was open to the opportunity of relief.
Throughout our session Klara took on parts of me, my family, my husband and even unborn babies and one stillborn baby that, unbeknownst to me, had affected the lives of my entire family. It all made perfect sense even though I would never, in a million years, think the session would go in that direction. It just goes to show how important the foundations are in our lives and when there are cracks, to shine light and set yourself free.
Klara was amazing!!!! Klara is amazing!!! I felt, after a lot of tears and a heart surprised, full. That very night was the beginning of a new outlook in my life. I am now allowing myself the full strength and power of me to shine and being a C student/person is no longer acceptable.
Since our session an amazing amount of flow is present in my life. Everything seems to be easier and more and more people are attracted to me and what I do and can do for them. I am sharing with my family the recording, since they were part of this session! And it is amazing how we all see ourselves and how everything makes perfect sense.
I very highly recommend Klara to help you clear blocks that you could not have ever known where there. They didn't belong to you but they did affect you. How could you possibly know??? This is deep and everyone deserves to heal the wounds that hold us back from being the wondrous people we are meant to be for ourselves, and for loved ones, and for those we have yet to meet but are destined to help in this amazing journey of life."
~ Cynthia Coffen Design,Graphic Designer, Creative director
“I feel aligned for action - All from only one session”
"Over the past 5 years, I have been uncovering the doubt, fear, and shame that kept me in a cycle of self sabotage, and victimization. Working with Klara helped me clear the matriarchal karma of doubt and fear that I had inherited, that was keeping me struggling in my business.
Worried I am too young to be accepted as a mentor, I disowned and hid an important part of me that excels at facilitating beauty and sensuality for fear of envy and criticism.
Klara was able to release the energy of shame I had of my own beauty and sensuality. I vowed to no longer be silent and hiding my expression of it.
I now have a clear direction on what actions to take, to share my authentic service and medicine and empower women to release their shame and relearn to accept, love and celebrate their own authentic beauty. All this clarity came from only one session!
I recommend Klara to anyone who is struggling to integrate the many aspects and talents of who you are into your business. I feel aligned for action! Mahalo Klara for the insight, courage and disentanglement!"
~ Arielle Olivier, Sanctuary Sisterhood, Hawaii
“This is a big leap in a positive direction that is
going to change my life and my business.”
"Frankly, I was blown away with Klara. I have had a lot of family constellation work in the past. I found Klara’s work to be quite profound. She was quick to move through the issues and was always going deeper to the root cause.
I got to the fear of why I was “hiding out” and not out there professionally. We cleared those huge complications! Not only did Klara go to the root of that fear, she unraveled this whole entanglement of other issues that were surrounding that fear. And the best thing was she resolved it and cleared the energy. It was amazing.
Really, one can not put a dollar amount on how valuable it is to go to the root of why you are stuck in your business. I am finally scheduling in weekly time into my calendar to work on my business, which I have never done before. I actually am excited about it.
I really think that everyone who is in business of any kind needs one of these business family constellation sessions from Klara. I felt held in a way that was profound. Klara had so much confidence and ease while working my family constellation. Even when I was nervous how in the heck we were going to resolve it, Klara was confident that it would unravel. Honestly, this is a big leap in a positive direction that is going to change my life and my business.
I am extremely grateful for the time, energy and devotion Klara has on making sure issues are completed. Klara has this grounded footing that will never leave you hanging in deep rubbish. Klara will take the extra time and expertise to really give you the most profound experience.
I can’t wait to see how my life is going to explode in the business realm. I can’t thank you enough Klara!"
~ Elizabeth Lakin, Cranial Sacral Core Synchronism and Classical Homeopathy,
“My session with Klara was mind blowing!”
"I have been having some deep seeded issue with success all my life and having a session with Klara has helped me realise, where the issue started.
The session was mind blowing. There were so many tears, sadness and grief being processed.
Klara kept holding a loving and safe place for me and this made a huge difference. Towards the end of the session I could feel a sense of positivity and a knowing, that success is my friend!
I am now open to it and can see the difference in my physical reality already.
A few days after the session I had a couple of new clients and my daughter called me saying she is feeling really good about success. She said: " I know this is my year I am going to be so successful with my blog"
I know in my heart that the session had a big impact on my daughter as well and I am so grateful for it.
Klara has a compassionate heart and genuinely wants to help. I would not hesitate in recommending her, my experience with her was amazing!"
~ Mina Firme, Spiritual Teacher- Mystic and Intuitive Healer
“I awoke this morning completely free of the pain I'd been suffering with for so long!”
I'd like to share my deepest appreciation for my family constellation session with you. I had been suffering with neck and shoulder pain for a couple of years. The information you brought to light provided great clarity and confirmation.
I was able to not only appreciate the gifts of my experiences, but heal the lingering wounds which had been energetically and physically limiting me in many ways. You helped me to see and understand many facets of the traumas in my past; and I was able to release the toxicity and tension in my body relating to these experiences. This release began almost immediately during our session. I then had the most restful and rejuvenative night's sleep and awoke this morning completely free of the pain I'd been suffering with for so long! My Son even commented on how relaxed and happy I was 🙂
Words can only begin to express my heartfelt appreciation, Klara. I will be highly recommending your services. You are an amazingly gifted contribution to us all.
Much Love and Many Blessings to you ~ Namaste!"
~ Maureen Damery
“I feel stronger and secure, in love with my partner.”
"I have no words to thank Klara... After the session I had with her, I became free of negative thoughts, doubts, sadness that I wasn't even aware of. I feel stronger and secure, in love with my partner. I feel more compassionate and aware of my own calling and purpose during this life. In general I feel at peace with myself and everyone around me.
This life is the most beautiful gift from the creator and only when we are clear of subconscious suffering we can truly make the best out of it. Thanks again wonderful Klara ! "
~ Catalina Galeano, Assistant to CEO San Jose California
“Klara always helps me get to the core issue.”
"Yesterday I received an email from a client in the Middle East. Now this is a big part of my divine mission in this lifetime, creating and selling my natural perfumes that raise vibrations and consciousness, and transform people when they are worn.
The women in the Middle East is always a focus of mine when I receive inquiries for large purchases of my perfumes. Whenever the dollar amount goes into the millions, I have this tension that comes into my body. I have a fear around the quote I give for the quantities they want and the delivery time etc.
This client has purchased from me since 2012. He knows other royal clients I have sold to and has referred my business to others. Yesterday the big millions of dollars order came in again ...and I did not want to sabotage it or screw it up like the last few I did with the royals.
I contacted Klara to help me with this. So we had a short conversation and had an amazing constellation session.
Klara's skills are so amazing.. she gets right to the root of the problem. So surprising to me was this client had fathered a boy child of mine from a past life in the royal court in the Middle East. Talk about unconscious stuff getting in the way.
During the whole session I was getting confirmation and whole body chills. I had no idea why I kept seeing visions of women in burkhas with only the eyes showing. I am meant to empower them with my perfumes. After the session I feel there is no energy block or fear around it. I look forward to filling this large order and more to come. Thank you Klara."
~ JoAnne Bassett
“Cleared My Past 5 Years Of Lingering Financial Challenges By Her Masterful Constellation Technique”
"I Want To Say Thank You For Facilitating The Beautiful Release And Reawakening The Experience During Your Process. Karla Was Amazing. During Our Session She Helped Me By Clearing My Past 5 Years Of Lingering Financial Challenges By Her Masterful Constellation Technique. She Navigated Through My Past, And Cleared All Blockage. Karla’s Ability To Pinpoint Unresolved Past Issues And Opening Up Abundance For Me Was Great And Very Helpful. Her Radiant Energy Was Truly Helpful To Me. My Mind Can See All My Blessings And The Love In My Life. Trust Me It Will Be The Greatest Investment You Can Take For Yourself And For Those You Love Around You. Your Life Can Be All You Want It To Be."
~ A.H.Ibrahim
Discount : 64%
Total Package Value $990
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing
Access to a private community
for 3 months
Discount: 48%
Total Package Value $1,490
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing
Access to a private community
for 3 months
2 Hours 1 on 1 session with Klara
Discount : 24%
Total Package Value $2,880
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing
Access to a private community
for 3 months
Half Day with Klara - Total Money Alignment for Conscious Entrepreneurs, High Achievers and Movers and Shakers

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Breakthroughs through Blocks, Blind Spots and Obstacles to Money and Success through these Powerful 6 Group Healings!
This program Includes:
- 6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing and recording of 1.5 hour where you see me facilitating the whole time Interacting in the group.
- Access to a private community for 3 months.
6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing

Weekly from March 3rd to April 7th at 10 AM Pacific
Removing Major Blocks for Success in Life - Relationship to Our Mothers
We will jump right into what is the most important alignment for Success. In this meeting, we will work on your Mother’s lineage and Align it so that you can open your hearts to receiving your intentions.
I will collect your information regarding your Mothers and your intentions for Success prior to the meeting. This will allow me to be guided in a way that will help the whole group and everyone who watches it to Shift on an individual and collective level as well.
To become Highly Successful, we need to be able to Receive Support from others. Of course, we can be talented and or successful at what we already do and we can certainly be determined and driven without the help of others…
But, if we are not aligned to also Receive, then eventually we all start to burn out. The ability to receive support goes all the way back to our relationship with our Mothers.
We will explore the reasons why people are not aligned with Success. From sabotaging thoughts to taking on the weight of the world… whatever it is, we will conquer these fears once and for all!
I will discuss all the different possibilities of what could be blocking your ability to move forward, from complicated births, separation during the bonding period to even different kinds of traumas that our mothers or even our ancestors have dealt with in their lives.
The alignment with your Mother could possibly be the most important process during this course.
I will collect your answers regarding what are you dealing with as a collective and facilitate healing for the whole group. You will receive a recording to undo more layers of resistance as you allow the process to sink in deeper.
Taking Action to Removing Major Blocks in Life - Relationship to Our Fathers
Just like with our Mothers, our Father’s lineage is just as important. It especially affects our ability to take an aligned, determined action. Without them aligned, we often don’t know what direction to take in life and we struggle to fully know our true Purpose. I will collect the information needed about your Father and your Intentions regarding your Purpose in Life prior to this meeting so that my facilitation will speak to you and whoever watches it afterward individually and collectively.
Knowing our Fathers play a critical role in our ability to accept ourselves, we will explore the many facets including how many of us had fathers who were not fully present in our lives. We will talk about dealing with survival, high expectations from everyone to be Strong and Successful and how not being accepted for who they were impacted their character and ability to show emotions.
There is a lot of unconscious baggage that we all are dealing with, some of our Fathers left our families because they were not able to deal with the demands and responsibility of life in general. From abuse to drugs and alcohol… we will uncover it all during this process.
At the end, I will collect everyone's answers so I can show you how deeply this rabbit hole goes for the whole humanity.
Whose Life Are You Really Living? Burdens that we took on from our Ancestors- Trauma, Victimhood, Loyalty to Poverty, Pain and Drama
Now that we have cleared up a lot in our Mother’s and Father’s lineage, let’s tidy up some more, giving voice to those in our lives who’s voices got shut down. A lot of inexplicable health symptoms usually disappear whenever we focus on this topic.
I will collect your answers during the call regarding how you feel about Life in general and your intentions for what you would like your Life to be like instead of where you currently are. Again, I will facilitate in a way that will speak to all.
This module will focus mainly on the ancestors and loved ones beyond our parents. We have hidden loyalties to our loved ones that suffered a difficult fate. This may be even more unconscious for many of you. They usually make themselves known through inexplicable health symptoms and or strange challenges in life.
I have uncovered guilt that has been transferred down to 3 generations with some of my clients and the result was the inability to be able to function in society and also the ability to receive abundance. This is just one example at how powerful our lineage can be and how we need help to uncover whatever blocks are preventing us from a happy and successful life!
I may choose a volunteer to work with because it will help everyone to gain a deep understanding about transgenerational trauma and how many burdens we have been carrying without being aware of them.
At the end of this module your heart will be open to receive the love from others that has been hindering your success. You will be able to trust more and to receive from others by inviting more Success into your life. You will also see how interconnected we all are and that by wanting success for others, you also benefit!
Opening Your System to Receiving Abundance. Clear Money Blocks
In this module we will get laser focused on Money with 2-3 volunteers. In order to volunteer: You have to have completed the previous 3 modules. You have to make yourself available prior to the meeting to be interviewed by me, so that during the meeting we can get straight to work. You also have to be open to be witnessed by the group during your healing. It is a very touching and empowering experience to be able to volunteer in front of a large group and I wish I could have each of you experience that. However, we are limited to 1.5 hour and only 2-3 will be able to go through this alignment process.
In this module, you will discover how our Money gets entangled with all kind of unconscious elements. Sometimes misrepresentations of past experiences interfere with our ability to manifest money and success. We will dive deep into the conscious mind and find any and all blocks that have been preventing you from the success you desire.
You will be surprised by the blocks that have been inserted deep into your lineage and how they have been playing a significant role in your ability to create abundance surrounding money.
We will work hard to remove all these money blocks that have been existing for such a long time. But understand, once we discover the block… it can be easily removed and replaced with positive energy to help you gain the confidence to move forward from whatever traumas previously existed.
This is an extremely powerful call, so I suggest you prepare yourself by being well rested and ready to make all the necessary changes needed to breakthrough!
Open Our System to Magnetize Money. Clear Blocks to Loving Relationships
This module will tidy up everything and you will be able to access Peace, Joy and Gratitude for being alive. You will feel excitement to create new things! You will feel inspired to show up for others in New Ways and to receive Money and Abundance in return.
After completing the 4 previous modules which have now opened you up to Success and connected you to Purpose, you will feel relieved of the unconscious Burdens. The goal of these first 4 steps was to have helped you find out that we project all kinds of things onto Money and how you can welcome abundance into your life.
I will collect your information again regarding your relationship and your intentions towards Money and I will facilitate the whole group according to your information, in a way that will speak to everybody on the call.
Our ability to receive and attract a lot of Money and Abundance in general, is connected to how well we can trust ourselves with Money, how well we can lean onto those who came before and how well we can feel and accept what Life is streaming to us through our ancestors. We can now open our hearts and trust that the universe will always conspire on our behalf.
At the end of this module you will have a better understanding of the entire process and how you can benefit from the resources given to you. All you need to do is have an open heart and be ready to receive!
Putting it All Together!
This is our last module. Now you are ready to learn the 3 techniques which you can apply for yourself, whenever you need to test different options and you can learn to make decisions that are in your best interest and in Alignment with your Purpose and Passions.
We will tap into the morphogenic field of higher consciousness and learn how to make decisions from this space. You are now the Creator with the Divine!
Now that many layers of pain and resistance have fallen off, you are ready to go out and take aligned actions. By now, you have also learned to trust your intuition and Life to be supportive of you.
I will teach you 3 intuitive tools that you can apply in decision making whenever you are unsure of what step to take next. This will be a huge take away to help you make good decisions on the path to more Success! Namaste.
I now encourage you to participate in my Deep Dive Program so that together we can explore your life’s journey!
Access to a Private Community for 3 months

You will have access to a Private Community for 3 months, with daily interaction with me and other like minded conscious people. There are often surprise bonuses and a lot of help with integration.
You will have the opportunity to be witnessed during your transformation and to interact with others who are also going through theirs.
The focus of this community will be Success, Money and Abundance.
“The healing that happened during every aspect that
presented itself was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.”
"Wow, what to say about the experience....
It was so simple, beautiful, powerful and healing. I could see how deep it goes and how far you can take it.
The healing that happened during every aspect that presented itself was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.
It showed me just how powerful we can be as healers, like children playing. It doesn’t have to be so adult and serious. We already know we just need to have the space to go there.
What has resulted is so much clarity and the connection with my healthy ancestors is the most valuable thing I could ever ask for.
And seeing how Clearing the way of family issues and not taking all that on, is so necessary.
I released a lot of guilt I was carrying around my son and I have softened a lot. The warmongering has seemed to leave me and I see how my carrying that caused reactions in others and invited conflict. I don’t need to do that anymore. I’m ok being a peaceful gentle man.
There was so much that cleared I don’t know how to describe it all or to thank you! It was major and I am in awe!"
~ Jason Frost Life Coach, Shaman and Soul Whisperer, San Francisco California
“I experienced immediate shifts in my Body Mind Connection .”
"Klara is a compassionate and very attuned guide, who skillfully and patiently allowed unfolding of my particular constellation and it was a long one.
Her ability to go from one role to next and to next is so clear that it doesn’t leave room for any kind of guessing.
What unfolded for me, I could not see before at all!
Two parts of my particular issue came together in such an integrated way, that I experienced immediate shifts in my Body Mind Connection .
My whole attitude has changed and I can see lasting change in how I approach the topic which was a problem before and now it’s not a problem at all.
I heartily recommend Klara to anyone seeking to resolve long lasting issues, being in business or personal life or simply to anyone on healing path."
~ Tatjana K. CEO and Program Director
“Letting Go of the Resistance to Take a
Massive Action towards Success”
Value: $99
Success depends on our ability to take action. There is no secret to this! But how many are really able to let go of the Resistance and really go for it? Most people struggle with completing even small projects, goals and dreams, for all kind of discomfort that the action triggers: be it fears, doubts, lack of confidence. What many of you don’t realize is that some of these fears and doubts are not even yours! They have been given to you
from your Ancestral Lineage until it became your turn to handle.
In this Breakthrough and Alignment, you will discover the dynamics behind these aspects and the group process will gently transform you on a deep subconscious level.
Get ready to become an action taking Ninja... Watch this video several times!
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $990
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347
*** 64% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
This program Includes:
- 2 Hour 1:1 Session with Klara
2 Hour 1:1 Session with Klara

This 2 Hour One on One Session is a total Abundance Alignment from Start to Finish! This can be purchased immediately, but will not be scheduled until the 6 week group work has been completed. The group work is necessary to undo many of the deep blocks and burdens you are experiencing and it will help align several layers of your life and lineage. So when you do this session, we can dive deep into the outline of your life with a laser focus to unleash your Abundance!
During this session we will remove the most stubborn blocks, which didn’t get resolved with any other work before or got triggered during the group work. Also, you will become crystal clear on what you need to do next with your life and you will have access to all the deep joy and peace you deserve.
By watching the recording of this session repeatedly, you will gain more and more understanding of each part of the puzzle of your life. Your family members may get shifts without even knowing you went through a deep transformation. You will have a powerful understanding and acceptance of your purpose in life. You will discover your allies, access love, ancestral support and most importantly; you will learn how you can plug into your life force energy whenever you need it!
Includes: 30 min follow up meeting to assure that the results stick!
Video Recording Group Facilitation on Giving and Receiving

If you are someone who always is just giving and giving but never open to receiving or you think you are open to receive but no one wants to reciprocate you, this is a helpful video to watch. Several generational dynamics showed up during this presentation. Our clients showed up as our maternal grandfather's. Watch it without distractions. Please don’t listen to it while driving, as there is energy at work and some parts may trigger or temporarily tire you. You can watch it several times to uncover more layers. You don’t need to analyze it. Let your subconscious sort it out for you.
Inner Child Trauma and Money Group
Facilitation Video Recording

This has been a very interesting deep dive into the dynamics of our inner child trauma around money. If you feel tired of always working hard for only enough money to survive, I highly recommend you watch this and let it sink in. Several aspects of our subconscious have been gently facilitated. Because this one has a traumatised part in it, some participants felt very sleepy and checked out repeatedly. It is normal when doing energy work and I recommend to watch it few times until you are able to see what is happening without getting tired.
“I found many new pieces that made me connect myself, my family and my calling on a level and depth previous not reached”
"Do you have some recurring challenge showing up in your life again an again, and no matter what you do it won't budge? Then I suggest you take out you credit card and throw it at Klara Fischerova ASAP. You will be happy and surprised by the discoveries found under her secure guidance!
She is so respectful and meticulous and will not leave any stone unturned. The process was fascinating and I found many new pieces that made me connect myself, my family and my calling on a level and depth previous not reached.
Klara also followed up with me to make sure what was discovered during our session would be firmly aligned. Truth be told, I can't wait to go deeper with her into how my lineage affects other aspect of my life.
I recommend Klara from the bottom of my heart."
~ Stella Scott, Opera singer, Gestalt & Confidence therapist Malmö, Sweden
“I actually feel support from my family line for the first time ”
"Klara is very good at finding what needs healing in the family dynamics from generations before my birth. I didn't realize how much the stories of my family affected my current life.
As the 5th and last surviving child of my mother's 11 pregnancies, it never even occurred to me that those deaths and miscarriages would need acknowledging and healing to resolve the stresses of those connections.
We did some beautiful work for my deceased sisters and other ancestors that has increased the spiritual support team for my land healing work.
I feel supported in a way that was foreign to me. I felt like I was a lone wolf and now I feel like I have even more resources to call on in my healing work.
I don't know how to explain how alone I felt in my family as an empath in a home of suffering and struggle.
Caring for my family energies with Klara changes that burden so much. I actually feel support from my family line for the first time and I no longer feel the pain and grief energy that burdened my role in our family.
It was a beautiful and different experience working with Klara. She provides a safe space to actually feel the emotions I hid to survive my childhood.
I would recommend this work for anyone who has burdensome family stories of loss and martyrdom that drag you down.
Thank you!"
~ Rita Morgin. Santa Clara, California USA
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $1,490
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
This program Includes:
- Everything in Reset Reboot Package
- Total Money Alignment for Conscious Entrepreneurs, High Achievers and Movers and Shakers
Total Money Alignment for Conscious Entrepreneurs, High Achievers and Movers and Shakers

This VIP package will give you access to spending an entire half day with me. If you are up to bigger and better things in life and you can’t afford waiting to breakthrough, then you need to blast through those blocks and align your system right now!
This VIP package is for the person who knows what they want, but they just need that extra push to get on the right track to obtaining the results they desire with their clients and finances!
During the first part of the day, we will align your Family Lineage and we will build a solid foundation of support that you can confidently stand on to help you get clear on your purpose.
The second part of the day, we will align you and your project or business with your ideal team, audience and clients. These are the people whom you are meant to lead and or serve.
If you have been wondering what has been missing in order for you to get to the next level… then get ready to get energetically Aligned! This will enable me to test your different modules of decision making, your directions and all your options to see if what you have will allow you to magnetize the Money and Success that you are seeking.
Together we will work on a solid plan that will have you exactly where you need to be on your path in life!
Bonus: One hour Follow up to make sure that the results stick Access to me for the 3 months.
“Klara always helps me get to the core issue.”
"Yesterday I received an email from a client in the Middle East. Now this is a big part of my divine mission in this lifetime, creating and selling my natural perfumes that raise vibrations and consciousness, and transform people when they are worn.
The women in the Middle East is always a focus of mine when I receive inquiries for large purchases of my perfumes. Whenever the dollar amount goes into the millions, I have this tension that comes into my body. I have a fear around the quote I give for the quantities they want and the delivery time etc.
This client has purchased from me since 2012. He knows other royal clients I have sold to and has referred my business to others. Yesterday the big millions of dollars order came in again ...and I did not want to sabotage it or screw it up like the last few I did with the royals.
I contacted Klara to help me with this. So we had a short conversation and had an amazing constellation session.
Klara's skills are so amazing.. she gets right to the root of the problem. So surprising to me was this client had fathered a boy child of mine from a past life in the royal court in the Middle East. Talk about unconscious stuff getting in the way.
During the whole session I was getting confirmation and whole body chills. I had no idea why I kept seeing visions of women in burkhas with only the eyes showing. I am meant to empower them with my perfumes. After the session I feel there is no energy block or fear around it. I look forward to filling this large order and more to come. Thank you Klara."
~ JoAnne Bassett
“I feel stronger and secure, in love with my partner.”
"I have no words to thank Klara... After the session I had with her, I became free of negative thoughts, doubts, sadness that I wasn't even aware of. I feel stronger and secure, in love with my partner. I feel more compassionate and aware of my own calling and purpose during this life. In general I feel at peace with myself and everyone around me.
This life is the most beautiful gift from the creator and only when we are clear of subconscious suffering we can truly make the best out of it. Thanks again wonderful Klara ! "
~ Catalina Galeano, Assistant to CEO San Jose California
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Total Package Value $2,880
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“I found a six figure job ”
"I got immense value out of our first session together! Soon after it, I found a six figure job (or rather the job found me) that brought me more joy, satisfaction, and money than any other job has ever brought me. Every day I continue to enjoy my new found freedom and independence, and I know that it is a divine gift.
It is too soon to know after our second session what will happen... but I already feel much more clarity, confidence and calm and fully trust that I will find my ideal relationship when the time is right. In our first session, you helped me with my professional success. In our second session, you helped me shift out of a pattern in my romantic relationships. In the future, it might have to do with my relationship with my daughter."
~ Robin T., Integrative Nutrition consultant at Designs for Health, Berkeley CA
“I was able to forgive and move on.”
"I did a family constellation with Klara. It was a breakthrough for myself to realize that whatever was done to me, when I was a child, was almost without free will. My mother was in fact a victim herself to a devastating history of Holocaust in our family. This fact helped me to forgive and move on. It also helped me with seeing other people's chain of events and the effects on their lives, and now I can help them to reconcile with their fate during their healing treatment."
~ Avivit Shani, Classical Homeopath, Israel
“I feel bigger within myself.”
"I have known Klara for years. And since I met her I instantly connected with her and have always trusted in her ways.
I have been truly committed to my personal development and I got the insight to reach out to Klara and have a Family Constellation Session.
If I can describe the process in one word, that would be "transparent".
I so appreciate how Klara dives into the process without any judgement but pure open heart to release and unlock.
I feel bigger within myself. A giant layer of old stuff went away and created space for me and the allowance to bring forward my skills, my gifts, myself to the world!"
~ Fe Bailey, Producer- Director - Artist,Kailua, Hawai'i ,
“Grateful beyond words and emotions for the depth
Klara was willing to go with the clearing.”
"I have been riding the financial success/failure roller coaster for nearly 40 years now, so I contacted Klara to help me to identify and clear, once and for all, the blockages I have towards responsibility and perceived “burden” of being responsible for money. I also am moving to the next level in my business and as often happens with me, I self sabotage growth in business for these same reasons.
I was surprised, while I completely resonated with the direction our session, it went leading to a longing for approval from a mother who was emotionally empty inside. The session revealed a deep wound in my mother for the loss of the ceremonial and traditional ways of living on the earth…the honoring of nature. After Klara was able to walk through the emotional grief and longing as she stood in representation of my mother, she was able to encourage my mother (energetically) to hold my vision and dream of a Sanctuary in Nature in her heart.
This felt like a deep connection of respect and support that I have been longing for all of my life. I was able to feel her support and love as this was symbolically happening. Now that I see her wounded and broken hearted, I can bring compassion and empathy to her and embrace the support I can now feel from her. Klara also gracefully showed me the support of the masculine/father as both of my parents were able to look at me honestly as a visionary with a passion to restore our earth and her children in health, wellness and balance.
I am grateful beyond words and emotions for the depth Klara was willing to go with the clearing. She is truly masterful in her ability to “see” and “feel” what is in the field and to bring it forth in such a beautiful and resolute way. I am hopeful to follow up soon with news of much success as we move into the next level of offerings here at Divina Vida. I have no doubt that Klara has finally been able to clear that which many others have attempted to clear with regard to my issues with money. I am beyond grateful for her wisdom, her gifts and her heart full of love."
~ Lisa Morris Caretaker and Steward of a magnificent organic farm and Sanctuary in Nature in Costa Rica.
“Created greater alignment for me to create a life I love!”
"Klara is truly gifted! After our first session I feel a great clearing and understanding of how constellations really work. She built a new foundation for my loved one and myself that is a space of love, created a clearing to be in the receiving mode for that love and helped me let go of what no longer serves me from past relationships and move on. She was spot on in her energetic alignment and created greater alignment for me to create a life I love! I'm so grateful for the gift she has given me. I immediately started recommending her to friends after we completed our session."
~ Devon Poer, Business and Branding Coach,
“Klara jumped right into my family muck with me, and turned it into magic.”
"My session with Klara was fun, deeply moving, mysterious and I learned so much about my family, ancestors, and about how deeply my relationships affect my wellbeing...
Before my session, I felt repelled by my hometown, and the house I grew up in (that my mom still lives in). Whenever I went home to visit I would go to great lengths to not spend time in the house, and to sleep elsewhere. It almost felt haunted to me, and I experienced a lot of anxiety and disorientation if I spent too much time there. I also had a lot of judgment about the town I grew up in- it felt superficial and soulless, and I would feel angry and fearful whenever I had to fly home to a family gathering. Basically, I wanted nothing to do with it, and I didn't want to be there.
My session with Klara was about one month ago. Two weeks ago, I flew home to be with my family. The extreme cold weather made our previous plans to spend the week skiing fall through. So we all ended up staying at my mom's house. Rather than find another place to stay, I felt a clear yes to just sleeping there in the couch, even in the downstairs room that had once felt creepiest to me.
I don't actually know what happened in my session with Klara, but I know that I spent five days cozied up in my mom's house with my entire family, surrounded by snow, and the entire time felt peaceful and healthy. We played board games, read books, sat by the fire, and all had a deeply relaxing and nurturing time- it felt like there was a magical flow nurturing us the whole time.
I slept in my mom's house, and I even deeply appreciated its beauty. I took walks every day in the forest behind her house and experienced deep inspiration and insight on these walks- one day I even saw 15 deer in the woods staring at me! This was the house where I grew up, but I had built huge resistance and judgment towards it, and hadn't appreciated the nature around it for 15 years (even though when I was a child it felt so magical to me...)
Working with Klara helped me bring more integration to my relationship with my birth family, and even to my "home land". Whereas before, I had created a huge gap which caused a lot of pain, it's like Klara's work helped me integrate my own higher self with my past and my family- no longer leaving out parts of myself.
I definitely recommend working with Klara. I felt deeply seen, and like she jumped right into my family muck with me, and turned it into magic"
“Klara is truly masterful in her ability to “see” and “feel” what is in the field and to bring it forth”
"Wow! Due to technological issues, I was not able to watch the constellation that Klara did, I was only able to hear her words.
I have now just finished watching the video of the session and am moved beyond measure by the depth of emotion I witnessed as she represented all the aspects of my ancestors and projects. She is truly masterful in her ability to “see” and “feel” what is in the field and to bring it forth in such a beautiful and resolute way. Thank you Klara. I am without doubt that this session will have deep and lasting results in the development of my project here in Costa Rica"
About Klara Fischerova

Lineage, Family Healing and Money Alignment for Heart Centered Entrepreneurs
Klara is a modern medicine woman, who’s ridden through her own Dark Night of the Soul through Divorce and Complete Dissolution of Life as she knew it… as with any Initiation, this experience just prepared her to now support You… To walk through fire alongside you, to work through any issue or challenge by shamanicaly unwinding the brambles of family and lineage trauma and unlocking the Practical Solutions that have been hidden from You.
Originally from Slovakia, she now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her Life Partner on Life Purpose and puppies. Together they are empowering people financially and inspiring other heart centered entrepreneurs to align their businesses to a new paradigm of 5D consciousness. She has two healthy sovereign thinking kids Magdalena 19 and Matteo 15 whom she is raising in harmony with her former husband.
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Total Package Value $990
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Total Package Value $1,490
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing
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2 Hours 1 on 1 session with Klara
Discount : 24%
Total Package Value $2,880
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory offer
6 Live Group Classes over Zoom Video Conferencing
Access to a private community
for 3 months
Half Day with Klara - Total Money Alignment for Conscious Entrepreneurs, High Achievers and Movers and Shakers

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.