Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.

Download Instructions

Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.

Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

Download Dr. Karen and Eram's interview

Package A


8 Learning and Healing Modules

Go here to access recordings of all 8 Modules


Module 1 – Foundations of Healing


In this module, you will:

  • Learn about the energetic blueprints of all healing and how it works
  • Learn about the 4 Healing Types and why Light Warriors often take “longer” to heal
  • Experience a TOLPAKAN™ Healing attunement and power level upgrade
  • Receive energetic blueprint downloads for optimal body-mind-spirit health

Potential Benefits:

  • Increase the depth of Love and Light in yourself
  • Understand which stage of healing you’re currently experiencing and why you’re there
  • Understand the signs and symptoms of natural healing so you know what to expect
  • Have an appreciation of your Healing Type and how big a role you have in helping others
  • Be able to begin practicing TOLPAKAN™ Healing right away
  • Clear interfering and hidden entities from yourself
  • Activate the Clearing Vortices of Source Light to auto-clear entities from you
  • Be made “invisible” and undetectable to low vibrational entities (if Source permits)
  • Be able to tap into the energetic blueprints to restore optimal health – body, mind, soul


Module 2 – Becoming Impervious to Negative Energy


In this module, you will:

  • Activate the Universal shield for yourself, your home and your family members
  • Experience a Mass Clearing of negative energies from all timelines
  • Clear your sleep realms of entities, portals, ET interference and other negative energies
  • Download positive Morphic fields to speed healing and minimize detox symptoms

Potential Benefits:

  • Become impervious to entity attachments and attacks
  • Become impervious to mind control by entities and extraterrestrials
  • Clear thousands of negative emotions, beliefs, curses, vows, contracts, cords
  • Sleep more deeply and peacefully
  • Feel lighter and happier


Module 3 – Increasing Your Light Power


In this module, you will:

  • Learn how you can use the Light Scoring system to support intuitive development
  • Understand the impact of your Light Radius and Light Power on your life and others
  • Download positive Morphic fields of the 15 “Selfs” including Self-Love, Self-acceptance, Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Self-forgiveness, and Self-empowerment
  • Expand and open your Receiving channels of Abundance
  • Download the positive Morphic fields of prosperity, peace, joy, love, and more

Potential Benefits:

  • Automatically attract more positive opportunities
  • Attract more money and happier relationships
  • Attract more positivity and less negativity in all aspects of your life
  • Feel more joyful, peaceful and more self-aware


Module 4 – Reconnecting to Source, Higher Self and Your Soul’s Mission


In this module, you will:

  • Understand how and why the Higher Self may be holding you back
  • Understand the foundations of learning about one’s Soul’s mission
  • Remove blocks to fully connecting with Source
  • Remove blocks to fully connecting with your Higher Self

Potential Benefits:

  • Align your Higher Self more fully with Source
  • Align and connect more fully with Source
  • Reconnect with your Soul’s mission
  • Feel more connected and supported by the Universe


Module 5 – Restoring your Blueprints and Boundaries


In this module, you will:

  • Learn about the various foundational blueprints of optimal health and wellness
  • Understand Dimensional “anatomy” and how it relates to healthy multiverse relationships
  • Restore Light and alignment to your blueprints
  • Restore healthy relationship boundaries with everything and everyone including your alternate selves
  • Understand the Convergence of the Multiverse and how it relates to Ascension

Potential Benefits:

  • Minimize ascension symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and weight gain
  • Release hidden low vibrational energy causing self-sabotage and ill-health
  • Have the “optimal health” blueprints available to regenerate your body
  • Release negative interference at the Soul level
  • Create and sustain healthier boundaries with everything and everyone


Module 6 – Evolving your Spiritual Gifts


In this module, you will:

  • Understand clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance and the other “clairs” and how your “symptoms” are sometime related to your spiritual gifts
  • Understand your dominant spiritual gift(s) and how to use them in a practical way
  • Download the positive Morphic fields that optimize and ground your spiritual gifts
  • Release blocks to developing and deepening your spiritual gifts
  • Heal Core Beliefs in all timelines and in relationship with others
  • Learn how to decommission your “Empath” if Source allows you to

Potential Benefits:

  • Greater access to your spiritual gifts in a safe, grounded way
  • Improve your ability to manifest your intentions into reality
  • Release symptoms related to excessive empathy with others
  • Be able to “raise” and “lower” your sensitivity to outside energies
  • Feel more at peace and more grounded
  • Greater trust in yourself and higher guidance


Module 7 – Ascension


In this module, you will:

  • Learn what it means to ascend to a higher vibration
  • Understand ascension “symptoms” and how to rectify them
  • Download positive Morphic fields that help ground and integrate ascension energies
  • Understand Soul exchanges (Walk-ins) and Soul Mergers and why they may occur
  • Understand how you can assess how aligned your Vision is with Source
  • Clear and elevate the Light Score of all conscious, subconscious and subconscious hive minds affecting your ability to manifest your Vision

Potential Benefits:

  • Drastically reduce self-sabotage through rewiring your subconscious mind
  • Prevent lower vibrational souls from “merging” with you
  • Know if what you want is Source-aligned and improve Conscious Co-creation
  • Reduce or eliminate ascension symptoms of fatigue, headache, insomnia and pain


Module 8 – Healing and Regenerating


In this module, you will:

  • Download the positive Morphic fields that regenerate healthy organs, glands and cells
  • Understand how to tap into your regenerative capabilities using your mind
  • Restore your Vitality (Qi) production, storage, flow and biorhythms while sealing energy leaks
  • Clear and restore your Hara line, Chakras, Dan Tien, Meridians to optimal light and balance

Potential Benefits:

  • Have access to more energy
  • Feel more balanced, less stressed
  • Experience less pain and inflammation
  • More restful and rejuventaing sleep
  • Support natural healing on physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual levels.


PDF handouts for all Modules

Please note that the handouts for each module will be emailed to you prior to each module.


4 Light Warrior Deep Healing MP3s

Format: Audio MP3 and Silent MP3 (frequencies only)

Length: 10 min each

Deep Healing Guide

Download PDF


Deep Healing #1 – Multiverse Clearing and Protection


Includes healing from Modules 1 & 2:

  • TOLPAKAN™ Healing attunement and power upgrade
  • Receive energetic blueprint downloads for optimal body-mind-spirit health
  • Activate the Universal shield for yourself, your home and your family members
  • Mass Clearing of negative energies from all timelines
  • Clear your sleep realms of entities, portals, ET interference and other negative energies
  • Download positive Morphic fields to speed healing and minimize detox symptoms


Download MP3


Download MP3


Deep Healing #2 - Restore and Rejuvenate Your Light


Includes healing from Modules 3 & 4:

  • Download positive Morphic fields of the 15 “Selfs” including Self-Love, Self-acceptance, Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Self-forgiveness, and Self-empowerment
  • Expand and open your Receiving channels of Abundance
  • Download the positive Morphic fields of prosperity, peace, joy, love, and more
  • Align your Higher Self more fully with Source
  • Align and connect more fully with Source
  • Reconnect with your Soul’s mission


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Deep Healing #3 - Evolved Relationships and Spiritual Gifts


Includes healing from Modules 5 & 6:

  • Restore Light and alignment to your blueprints
  • Restore healthy relationship boundaries with everything and everyone including your alternate selves
  • Download the positive Morphic fields that optimize and ground your spiritual gifts
  • Release blocks to developing and deepening your spiritual gifts
  • Heal Core Beliefs in all timelines and in relationship with others


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Deep Healing #4 - Ascension Integration and Healing


Includes healing from Modules 7 & 8:

  • Download positive Morphic fields that help ground and integrate ascension energies
  • Clear and elevate the Light Score of all conscious, subconscious and subconscious hive minds affecting your ability to manifest your Vision
  • Download the positive Morphic fields that regenerate healthy organs, glands and cells
  • Restore your Vitality (Qi) production, storage, flow and biorhythms while sealing energy leaks
  • Clear and restore your Hara line, Chakras, Dan Tien, Meridians to optimal light and balance


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Private Light Warrior Facebook Support Group

Bonus 1:

Holistic Health Transformation Program

The Holistic Health Transformation Program is designed to support you in becoming your own best Healer. The information is powerful enough that even adopting 1 or 2 of these self-healing modalities will without a doubt change your life for the better

In this program, you’ll learn how to start healing yourself from a foundation of clarity of intention, long before you change your diet, take a new supplement, or consult a holistic health practitioner. In this program are foundations on how to become a masterful self-healer. In this course you’ll learn the skill of self-muscle testing, a simple yet powerfully effective way of connecting to your subconscious and Higher Self in order to get answers to almost all your health questions.

To register for access to the student area for the Holistic Health Transformation Program, please enter your details below:

Clearing and Protection Spray - MP4 video, 2x PDFs

It is documented with scientific studies that healing cannot occur in an environment that is energetically dirty no matter how powerful the healer. When you play this video and focus your attention on a source of water, that water will be charged with multiple different TOLPAKAN™ Healing frequencies. You can use it as a room spray to clear negative energies including negative entities, harmful extraterrestrial portals, vortexes, cords, energy weapons, etc. and impart a positive FORCEFIELD that prevents any harmful attacks. No harmful beings can enter the space and higher level beings will find it easier to assist you in the ascended space. Once sprayed in a room, the effect lasts for approximately 24 hours. It is recommended that you use it in your bedroom right before falling asleep. You can also use it as a personal spray and add essential oils if you like. This spray is perfect for healers to clear their office between clients and to maintain a healthy positive attitude throughout the day. Both staff and clients will thank you! It is also great to spray at home to encourage peaceful happy relationships. You can also charge water you drink every day to clear your aura and keep you happy and peaceful. Use daily for optimal results

Package B


TOLPAKAN™ Healing Level 1 Training

Click the link below to gain student access to your TOLPAKAN Healing Level 1 Training (which includes the downloads below) as well as the growing library of TOLPAKAN Healing Guides Video training.

TKH Guides Training


Introductory Module:


In this video, you’ll energetically receive a TOLPAKAN ™ Healing attunement and power boost. You’ll learn the fundamentals of TOLPAKAN™ healing

Intro PDF

Download PDF

Intro Video

Download MP4


Training Module 1: How to have a Conversation with Source through Divine Muscle Testing


Format: 4 MP4/MP3 Video/audio Recordings
1 LIVE webinar with Q&A (MP4/MP3 replays)

Length: 4 x 50 mins
1 x 90 min with Q&A

  • Learn 5+ methods of Divine Muscle Testing
  • Understand the most common blocks to connecting with Source when muscle testing
  • Learn the healing intention that increases your accuracy while minimizing interference
  • Learn how to ask questions that get the most useful answers from Source
  • Heal underlying imbalances preventing accurate muscle testing
  • Download positive Morphic fields to improve accuracy and reliability of muscle testing


Training Module 2: TKH Method for Clearing Negative Energy


  • Learn how to use the TKH Guide to discover specific imbalances needing healing
  • Understand why some healing types (3 & 4) may need to “know more” before they heal
  • Learn about the most common imbalances causing pain and dysfunction
  • Learn the basic TOLPAKAN ™ healing directives and visualization techniques to clear imbalances
  • Download positive Morphic fields to clear resistance to rapid healing
  • Expand your God Team, weeding out low vibrational guides, and attracting higher vibrational ones that will address your specific needs


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Module 2

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Training Module 3: TKH Method for Downloading and Activating Positive Energy


  • Learn how to use the TKH Guide to discover and download positive healing frequencies
  • Learn about the positive Morphic fields most beneficial to download and activate
  • Learn the basic TOLPAKAN™ healing directives and visualization techniques activate healing


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Module 3

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Training Module 4: TKH Method for Deciphering What Source Wants You to Know



Training Module 5: Putting it All Together


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TOLPAKAN™ Healing guides

TKH Guide 3

Download PDF


Healing Elixir Formulas

Format: Audio MP3, Silent MP3 & PDF guide

Length: 10 min each

Play these MP3s and “charge” your drinking water or food with their frequencies. You can also play them and direct the healing energies to yourself rather than to water.


Divine Muscle Testing Elixir


This elixir will help remove blocks to accurate dowsing or muscle testing and increase your alignment and connection to your Higher Self and Source. This will also help with grounding, removing entity interference and leading energies to improve your accuracy. Drink this elixir for at least 11 days and then use “as needed” if you feel your muscle testing has weakened. Sometimes ascension events can make you less grounded and affect the accuracy of your testing.


Addictions-Be-Gone Elixir


This Elixir will heal underlying imbalances contributing to your addictive behavior, layer by layer, including issues pertaining to “alternate lives” (eg. Past lives). I helps to heal your gut microbes (microbiome), balance your brain chemicals and hormones, release certain allergies and intolerances, and turns down your sensitivity to outside negativity. For best results use for at least 21 days (does not need to be in a row) and intermittently thereafter as needed. Please note: certain emotions may arise and cravings may increase temporarily as the clearing is taking place, so be kind to yourself and drink plenty of pure water.


Pain Erasure Elixir


This multidimensional healing elixir is programmed to heal the underlying imbalances causing most pain conditions including autoimmunity, toxins, intolerances, energy weapons, implants, blocks in energy Qi flow, blocks to healthy lymphatic flow and pernicious influences (such as “excess dampness” as described in Chinese medicine) and much more. This can be used “as needed” for pain symptoms as they arise.


Mood Miracle Elixir


This Elixir works on multiple levels on the most common underlying issues related to mood symptoms including: imbalanced gut (microbiome) issues, balancing neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), removing entity interference, creating a buffer between you and other people’s negative energy, removing trapped emotions and heart walls from your multiverse lives and downloading the blueprints for positive emotions, along with angelic and gem frequencies that elevate mood. This can be used “as needed” to brighten your mood.


The “best of” Dr. Karen’s Radio Show Interviews
With Top Healers with Group Healing Activations

Format: MP3

Length: 14 x 90 min

These MP3 replays of Dr. Karen Kan’s radio show include some of the best teaching and healing activations for Indigos, Earth Angels, Starseeds, Empaths, Walk-ins and Hybrids:

  • How to become a money magnet with Jenny Ngo
  • How to enhance your spiritual gifts with Jenny Ngo
  • How to realign your Assemblage Beam with Tyhson Banighen
  • How to become spiritually “bulletproof” with Diana Kushenbach
  • How to know if your Higher Self is holding you back with Diana Kushenbach
  • Healing activations for Starseeds and Earth Angels with Lottie Cooper
  • Healing activations for Empaths with Lottie Cooper
  • Healing activations for happy romantic relationships with Lottie Cooper
  • Healing activations for authenticity, self-trust and alignment with Source
  • Healing contracts, curses and vows with Jenny Ngo
  • Healing activations for healing addictions with Dr. Karen Kan
  • What’s your Light Score? with Dr. Karen Kan
  • Walk-ins and soul exchanges with Yvonne Perry
  • Alien-Human Hybrids and their Light mission on earth with Miguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb

Download Zip File containing all of the above MP3s

Download ZIP

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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