Are You Sick & Tired Of Feeling Sick & Tired?
Source Confirms That Over 60% Of The FHTJ Community Has Some Form Of Autoimmunity Causing Struggle In Life...
- Do you sometimes find you’re slogging through the day and struggling to get by?
- Do you feel insecure and unsure of how your body will react when it comes to food, toxins or people that trigger you?
- Are you unable to go out and enjoy restaurants, group activities, crowds or shopping malls because you feel sick, tired, pain and indigestion?
Then you’re suffering from Autoimmunity or Allergies that the medical community just doesn’t know how to treat.
Are You Experiencing Any Of These Symptoms?
- Chronic & physical pain
- Migraines & headaches
- Bloated belly
- Indigestion
- Food intolerances like gluten and dairy
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Scents & Smells
- Certain fabrics
- Aversion to Crowds
- Chronic weight gain
- Hives and rashes
- Itching
- Swelling in joints and abdomen
- Environmental Allergies
- Allergies to Jewelry and metal
- Sneezing
- Nasal congestion
- Feeling isolated
- Aggravated
- Chronic fatigue
- Poor sleep
- Low energy
- Tired
- Feeling Drained
- Overwhelmed
- Anxious
- Bothered by loud noises
- Reaction to artificial coloring & pesticides
- And so much more
Or Maybe You’ve Been Diagnosed With...

- Low thyroid
- Grave’s Disease
- Adrenal fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Gluten sensitivity
- Crohn’s Disease
- Arthritis
- Multi-chemical sensitivity syndrome
- Electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome
- Environmental allergies and intolerance
Here’s What’s Really Going On With Your Body...
You’re suffering from an Energetic sensitivity that are causing physical symptoms that the medical profession struggles to treat.
You are born sensitive because it is part of your spiritual gifts. And these gifts have been amplified as we go through the ascension process. You may have noticed that symptoms have gotten worse lately and that is because the ascension has been quickening as time goes on.
And because you don’t know how to either remove offensive energies or downgrade their reactions… you feel bad.
But the reality is you not only have physical… but emotional, mental, energetic, spiritual or dimensional allergies and autoimmunity.
What If You Could Test, Clear & Heal Your Symptoms By Yourself?
You’re about to learn how to heal yourself (and loved ones) of these debilitating symptoms.

You’ll be able to ...
The common underlying energetic patterns causing or contributing to autoimmunity
Toxin and inflammation energy frequencies from your body
Body responses to the environment
Balance and harmony to your body systems
Divine Design Training
Get the Road Map and Light Medicine tools to optimize wellness, balance immunity, and clear anxiety during the Coronavirus Pandemic and beyond

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Autoimmune Jumpstart Healing Package A
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $5302
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
Autoimmune Quick Healing Package B
Discount: 99%
Total Package Value $5599
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
25-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen
Autoimmune Deep Healing Package C
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $6402
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
50-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen
Personalized energy healing infusion into your Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy

Package A: 30 day Refund guarantee
Package B & C: No Refund after 30 days or after Session is Taken, Whichever Comes First. Please cancel scheduled session prior to requesting refund.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Note:You may request your session after full payment has been received
A Student Gets Amazing Results For Clients With Dr Karen’s TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method...
“18 year old healed autoimmunity, milk sensitivity and Crohn's Disease”
"My client, Kevin, age 18 was in terrible shape a year and a half ago. He had abdominal pain, vomiting and lost 24% of his weight. Eventually his intestines ruptured and he had emergency surgery. He ended up with sepsis and peritonitis. The surgeons took out a significant portion of his intestines and he ended up with an ileostomy (a pouch outside his stomach). He was so sick, he was close to dying. He received energy healing from another healer and was saved.
However, in Feb 2018 Kevin’s mother asked me for help. He had a severe stricture in his intestines and there was talk of doing more surgery. The passageway was only 0.2 inches wide. I used TOLPAKAN™ healing remotely with Kevin. A week later, the doctors couldn’t find the stricture! It was healed. Late March, they reattached his intestines and I did healings on him to support the healing.
Now seven months later, Kevin is a strong, healthy young man full of life. He can eat and poop normally. All signs of his autoimmunity, milk sensitivity and Crohn’s are gone! I’m very grateful for Dr. Karen’s TOLPAKAN™ Healing energies as it is SO powerful!
~ Maria Jalar, Healer, Abundant Shift, Sweden
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Dr Karen...
"All signs of his autoimmunity, milk sensitivity and Crohn’s are gone!"
"No surgery or medications needed for my Grave’s Disease!"
“My food allergies are gone"
“Now I sleep like a baby and can eat whatever I want"
“My primary care physician was baffled about the improvement"
"From total system crash to active and energetic! The change was dramatic"
“Within minutes of the healing, the tingling in my fingers disappeared"
"My adrenal fatigue is miraculously better!"
“The improvement I experienced was tremendous… I have to call it a miracle!"
Here’s Why Dr Karen Is Unique...
Dr Karen is a medical doctor who has performed over 4,300 healing sessions.
She’s also suffered from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis herself so she’s well aware of what sensitive souls have to deal with.
She was intolerant to almost everything she ate like gluten, dairy, grains, sugar and even healthy stuff like coconut oil, nuts, seeds etc... all because she didn’t know it wasn’t just physical. She was also intolerant of cell phones, bright lights, crowds, noises & mold.
Now she knows the difference and has also taught students how to communicate directly with their gut microbiome so they can literally ask what makes them happy (and clear entities and dark energy interference from them as well)!
And Here’s What The Medical Doctors Won’t Tell You!
The sad truth is that the medical community only treats the symptoms of Autoimmune Disorders, allergies and multiple chemical sensitivities.
In fact, in many places (like New York State), you can’t even get yourself tested for autoimmunity properly because you’re limited to only a few very basic tests. So there are millions of people who don't even know they suffer from Autoimmunity
Also, Allergy Testing often doesn’t include Intolerance Testing either... which is a completely different reaction and doctors usually don’t explain the difference.
Unfortunately much of the knowledge in medicine right now is just not scientifically based and validated so it’s time for an update. A medical review has found up to 30% of what doctors do on a regular basis is not proven by science.
The TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method Is Different
Because Dr Karen is a medical doctor, she has a unique perspective that bridges science and spirituality.
This program empowers you to take charge of your healing, to understand how optimize self-healing either in conjunction with traditional medical treatment or as an alternative to it.
In addition to energy and spiritual healing, you'll have the skill sets to learn:
- How to assess what the best healing diet is for you
- How to choose a medical doctor
- How to choose other complementary alternative therapies
- How to balance the immune system and deactivate trigger responses using energy healing
TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method is a Light Medicine method that can quickly assess what needs to be healed, direct healing with precision and systemize your healing progress. Plus it gives you a quick and easy way to keep “tabs” on your immune system.
The big difference is that TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method is methodical and structured so you can ask specific questions of source, discover what is causing the problem and direct healing to that cause.
The Proof Is In The Results!
Healed “Incurable” Abdomen Pain That 3 Doctors Had Given Up On!
“I was feeling brain fog, zombie-like, and couldn't function for months… and within 24 hours I was normal!”
"I've had reversed polarity for months - which means my nervous system was running backwards and I was feeling brain fog, zombie-like, and couldn't function. If I asked a question in my mind, my Yes was a No and my No was a Yes!
I've tried Donna Eden's energy balancing routine tapping on various points - which is what people in cases like this do, but it would hold for a few minutes only.
Then, after a short session with Dr. Karen Kan - she told me to play Ascension 1 and 2 audios everyday with a specific intention in mind...and within 24 hours I was normal!
Now if I ask - is my name Lorena - I get a Yes. I am no longer proxying and my Yes is a Yes and my No is a No. My brain is starting to heal and my energy is improving - as my nervous system is running properly now. I can think better and when my kids ask me a question - it doesn't take me forever to respond!
I highly recommend Dr. Karen for any "weird" symptoms you may have. She'll get to the bottom of it."
~ Lorena Calin
“My food allergies are gone”
"I had many allergies especially to food for many years , Since I have been using Dr. Karen Kan Tolpakan healing guides and clearing out all low vibrational energies, I haven't had any issues with allergies.
I can now eat things I couldn't eat before. This program has been the best blessing for me, and now I am ready to start my Soul Mission with healing others.
Your Unlock Your Superpowers program helped me get back $20,000 that was stolen from my bank account! It really makes a difference when you connect to Source, and I do commands every day to make sure everyone on my God Team is 100% love, light, truth, and commands for entities, leading energies, and energies cloaked in light.
Thank you Dr. Karen so much for being real. I wish I lived closer to you I would give you a big hug. Bless you ! Sorry for the long note, but your program has changed my life."
~ Diane Barkley
“My primary care physician was baffled about the improvement”

"Because I’d been taking anti-anxiety medication for many years, my primary care doctor did some routine blood tests and found that my liver enzymes were through the roof. There was no way I could get off those medications quickly without a slow taper, so to say I was worried was an understatement!
Dr. Karen calmly told me that we could focus healing on my liver and within a couple weeks, my repeat liver function tests were dramatically better. After three healing sessions, they were back to normal and I had a “happy” liver.
My primary care physician was baffled about the improvement because I hadn’t decreased my medication yet and I just told him that Dr. Karen and I “healed my liver” using energy healing! If he ever needed proof that this healing stuff works, this was it!
I put my trust in Dr. Karen and she never fails to give me hope! I tell people all the time that they need to read her book and to work with her. She is an amazing healer!"
~ G.S.
“I no longer have to take thyroid medication"
"I was on synthetic thyroid medication for years and then I crashed hard with adrenal fatigue after experiencing massive stress.
With Dr. Karen’s guidance, I’ve been able to get off my thyroid medication and liver-toxic sleep medicine. Although I still have bouts of fatigue due to being a sensitive earth angel, I am now able to handle house guests and trips in the car, things that used to be exhausting. I’m very grateful for Dr. Karen and her TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method!"
~ Gail
It’s Time To Eliminate These Issues From Your Life...
These packages are for people with autoimmunity or allergies who have had enough!
Maybe you’ve tried conventional or alternative medicine but are still struggling with your symptoms.
If you’re a highly sensitive person (like 20% of the general population and 96% of the FHTJ community) and you have autoimmunity or allergies... then this may work for you better than anything else you have have tried.
Dr Karen has done over 4,300 healing sessions and her track record speaks for itself.
You’ll Finally Have The Tools To Start Turning Your Sensitivity Into A Superpower!
Imagine a life where you can...
- Release your physical and chronic pain
- Reduce or eliminate reactions and symptoms completely while having better digestion, clearer sinuses and skin etc
- Eat the foods you want without worrying about constant side effects and digestive issues
- Enjoy the activities that “normal” people do like going to movies, concerts, parties etc so you can experience greater connection and community
- Feel more calm at work, around other people and in your personal relationships so you can participate in your life and family in a bigger way
That life is waiting for you right now…
And The Program Is Backed By A 30-Day Guarantee!
You have thirty days to try out the program and if you do not feel you have advanced your understanding, knowledge and healing of your autoimmune or allergy condition...
Then you can get a full refund.
Just as long as no 1:1 session has been booked or completed.
It’s as simple as that because Dr Karen knows this will work for you!
Just Select The Package Below That Works Best For You...
You’re about to receive simultaneous healing, clearing and training all in one!
Package A is like a semester in college totally dedicated to autoimmunity!
And the VIP Package is like getting 1:1 tutoring to advance and deepen your results.
When done with whichever program you choose, you’ll not only be armed with the understanding of what’s contributing to your symptoms…
But how to do energy healing on yourself for any future problems specific to autoimmunity.
Get it right now, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Due To The Personalized Nature Of These Packages, Each One Is Only Available To A Limited Number Of People… Don’t Miss Out!
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Autoimmune Jumpstart Healing Package A
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $5302
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
Autoimmune Quick Healing Package B
Discount: 99%
Total Package Value $5599
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
25-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen
Autoimmune Deep Healing Package C
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $6402
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
50-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen
Personalized energy healing infusion into your Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy

Package A: 30 day Refund guarantee
Package B, C & VIP: No Refund after 30 days or after Session is Taken, Whichever Comes First. Please cancel scheduled session prior to requesting refund.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Note:You may request your session after full payment has been received
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Autoimmune Jumpstart Healing
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training
6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Value: $4,111
Modules 1 and 2: Recognize
In these modules you’ll learn the TOLPAKAN™ healing way to quickly assess the immune system and you’ll start rebalancing it for all timelines where you exist.
You’ll learn ways in which to vibrate at a high frequency to start dissolving the underlying patterns causing illness.
Modules 3: Release
In this module, you’ll learn how we bridge medical knowledge with energy healing so you can quickly and efficiently neutralize energies and toxins that are low vibrational preventing you from feeling calm and comfortable.
You’ll learn and experience the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Directives, so that you can do more healing on your own.
Modules 4 and 5: Recalibration
In these two modules, we’ll be retraining and recalibrating your body systems to react less to toxins, allergens and other energies and downloading multiple Resiliency Morphic Fields™ to help you function better.
This way, you can live more “normally” and be able to socialize without suffering
Modules 6: Restore
In the final module, you’ll be learning ways to restore optimal function of your body systems as well as practical ways to support healing (home environment, nutrition, healing tools etc.)
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Value: $222
This rescue remedy is a quick, powerful way to reset the body’s “reactivity” to outside stimuli and downgrade symptoms.
It’s a healing TOLPAKAN™ MP3 with voice that works on recovery, restoration and recalibration.
It can be used daily or as needed (before socializing, before holiday dinners etc) to help you minimize symptoms while you are healing layer by layer.
Consider it a multidimensional process of peeling, clearing and healing.
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Value: Priceless
You will have access to a safe community of healing and support through this private Facebook group where all the members are kind and loving “sensitive souls”.
Each month you can participate in free mini-healings and every week you’ll learn the latest healing trends in Dr. Karen’s Spiritual Medicine Digest videos.
Plus Get These Powerful Bonuses…
Dr. Karen created Ascension 1 and 2 flagship healing products so you can heal and protect your loved ones with greater ease and speed without having to test for entities and the hundreds of possible imbalances one could have contributing to an illness.
These products are like “magic healing wands”. You play them and then, as you would a wand, direct their Light-infused energies to heal whatever, whomever, wherever you wish to heal.
It is that simple. Within seconds, entities, portals, negative extraterrestrials, implants, energy cords etc can be removed for your Highest Good.
Ascension 1 - All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Value: $333
Ascension 1 is one of Dr. Karen’s flagship healing programs. It contains multi-dimensional layers of infused healing frequencies that clear negative energies and enable protection on multiple levels.
It clears a myriad of negative energies including including curses, vows, contracts, entities, portals, weapons, implants, cords, beliefs, emotions, and much more.
Used like a magic wand, Ascension 1 is directed by your mind to the target of the healing energies. You just play the program, focus your attention on your target and the program does the heavy lifting for you. It addresses issues from past, present, future, multiple dimensions and universes.
It is called All-in-One because it addresses every conceivable imbalance currently known and is energetically upgraded weekly as new frequencies become available with each Ascension event. These automatic energetic upgrades mean that no re-downloading in necessary.
You can charge water or crystals with the energy for amplified healing effects. Using Ascension 1, you can clear your home and office of negative energies including entity portals and entities.
Here is a partial list of what Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection does:
- Energetically deactivates infections including extraterrestrial infections
- Clears and protects astral realms you visit when you sleep
- Cleans and repairs soul fragments from multiple lives
- Supports grounding and cleans debris and negative energy from your aura
- Balances the hara line, assemblage beam, chakras and all the layers of the aura
- Energetically neutralizes physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual toxins
- Clears inherited imbalances including Miasms, curses, beliefs and more
- Fortifies auric, astral and Oversoul “shields” and your spiritual helmet
- Fills the void created by removal of negative energies with the highest vibration of Love and Light
- Clears and heals entities such as ghosts, Dark Angels, demons, Lower realm, Dark watchers, and Monkey demons within seconds
- Clears extraterrestrial interferences including projected negative thought forms, implants/devices, Dimensional Rifts, and manipulating frequencies
- Clears the underlying imbalances causing someone to attract or be vulnerable to entities including addictions, negative beliefs, unresolved trapped emotions, heart walls, psychic traumas etc
- Dissolves energetic cords, implants, tethers, markers, weapons, negative filters, entity cloaking devices, booby traps, reverse shields, hexes, curses, negative vows, etc
- Calls on higher level help such as the Archangels, Emissaries, Ascended Masters and other High Vibrational Light Beings to assist when needed
Jacob's Story
"I went from being a broke college kid to landing a $1000 job in one week!"
“I was broke. Being a Millennial in college, I really needed to manifest some money fast, but had few ideas and not a lot of good leads. Dr. Karen suggested that I use the Ascension product targeted towards my money and prosperity blocks. I used it daily for a week and not only did I successfully manifest a $1000 job within that week, I got a couple more in the works. And these are NOT the usual menial jobs flipping burgers that so many people my age end up with. In these jobs, I actually get to utilize a specific skillset that I enjoy and am good at in order to help these companies grow their businesses…and as a side benefit, I get to learn more about marketing for when I’m ready to launch my own business. It’s a win-win! You should definitely give this energy healing stuff a whirl. I was skeptical, but it really works!”
“My 7 year old’s “monsters” are gone!”
"I'm on holiday and have nothing but my phone. But my 7 year old daughter felt a monster in her head at bedtime. She was crying, and screaming. I put a Y-Age Aeon phototherapy patch on her neck, Silent Night patch on her foot, I sang to her and her sister told stories…nothing helped. Finally I turned the music on. And she calmed down and fell asleep within two minutes!! And she had a quiet sleep - no nightmares unlike the two nights before when she was screaming and shouting!
I must say it works wonders on my daughter. I have played the music for 3 nights at bedtime, and she has, all by herself, taken off her clothing and started brushing her teeth. That never happens - normally she runs around doing anything else. And yesterday she was very sad, and she cried and was unhappy, but again in a couple of minutes (after playing the MP3) she was happy again. Great tool. Thanks."
~ Hanne-Meisler Christensen
“Immediate abundance!”
"The healing Ascension 1 MP4 is awesome and I had it playing overnight and definitely it is doing its job. Just today, another healer gave me a free 1 on 1 session without me even asking, at a time frame of maybe 2 minutes just after I had just made the mental petition that I needed to connect with someone for the issue that came up at that moment. I can only attribute it all to the clearings being done with this product.
Just today I met with a potential customer who wants to eagerly work with me providing my services. My sincere thanks and appreciation to you, Dr. Karen. Loved the visuals as well as the music – it is very relaxing and at the same time very healing. Felt lots of release as I listened and viewed the video. Much light, love and tons of blessings for all that you are doing for all. Please share this testimony as needed so others can benefit from this."
~ Luis Peterson
Ascension 2 - All-in-One Healing and Integration
Value: $633
Ascension 2 is another of Dr. Karen’s flagship healing MP3’s. Used like a magic wand where you use your mind and attention to “point” it in the direction of what you want healed, it downloads positive blueprints and morphic fields, healing frequencies, ascension support, and much more…
You can charge water or crystals with the energy for amplified healing effects. Using Ascension 2, you can increase the positive vibration of your home and office. You just have to tell it what to do!
Here is a partial list of what Ascension 2 is capable of doing:
- Elevates your Vibration in the Highest and Best way and increases your processing speed and decreases your detoxification symptoms
- Downloads and activates beneficial Morphic fields for the Assemblage beam (the vortex that creates the rest of your body) and all blueprints for a radiantly healthy body
- Download and activates supportive nature energies such as the frequency of beneficial crystals, essential oils, planets, stars, colors, sounds
- Download and activates beneficial Morphic fields and frequencies of positive emotions such as passion, joy, peace, acceptance, forgiveness and Oneness
- Download and activates beneficial Morphic fields to speed up your ability to integrate new Ascension upgrades physically, mentally, spiritually, energetically, emotionally and dimensionally
- Downloads and activates the abilities to dial up or down your spiritual “clair” gifts: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairgustience, clairessence, claircognizance
- Downloads and activates beneficial energies to create and maintain healthy boundaries physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, dimensionally and spiritually
- Downloads and reinforces the TOLPAKAN™ attunement which allows you to focus your intentions with archangel energies for the purposes of healing, “weather magic”, “traffic magic” and other creative endeavors that are of benefit to all of humanity
- Balances the energy body including major and minor chakras, aura, hara line and other parts of your energy body
- Supports Reconnection to Mother Earth’s heart, the Christ grid, and the grid of the Universe
- Increases your ability to access and connect with Source and Higher Self
Ascension 1 And 2 Combine For Amazing Results!
Dr. Karen’s students have used Ascension 1 and 2 for healing anything and everything including hurricanes.
You don’t have to be a professional healer to manifest great healing. It responds to your vision and your creativity. You can heal across multiple timelines and you can direct it remotely to a loved one thousands of miles away to support their healing.
They both come with automatic energetic upgrades, meaning that no re-downloading is necessary.
Calmed Constant Fighting In The House
Helped Twin Children (And The Parents) Finally Sleep A Full 8-10 Hours!
Used To Heal Swollen Ankle Herself & Help The Children As Well
Divine Design Training
I'll give you the Road Map and Light Medicine tools to optimize wellness, balance immunity, and clear anxiety during the Coronavirus Pandemic and beyond
- Balance Your 3 Immune Systems: Learn howto assess and balance all 3 of your immune systems
- Energetic Immunity to Viruses: Learn how to become energetically immune to pathogens such a viruses
- Release fear and anxiety absorbed from others: Learn how to discern and free yourself of negative emotions running rampant because of the pandemic, with ease, speed and grace.
- Discern the news and what's good for you: Learn how to quickly discern which articles, videos and news to watch and pay attention to for your highest good (and which ones to ignore)
- Become the eye of the storm: Learn how to become resilient body, mind and spirit using a very simple technique that puts you into an "autohealing" state
- Receive personal healing from Dr. Karen: for you and all your household family members

- Finally my divine muscle testing is working YEA YEA YEA!!! ~ Christine
- I am loving the content and every minute of the calls!!! ~ Maite
- Dr. Karen’s programs have changed my life physically, mentally, spiritually and financially! I always say don’t hesitate to invest in yourself! ~ Marion Mehrer
- The Divine Design Training has been AMAZING! ~ Teri W.
- This class has been awesome for me! The combination of scientific and practical combined with spiritual and emotional satisfies my different aspects. I therefore absorbed the information on all of these levels without them fighting each other about what I was seeing/hearing.~ Kimi Okada
- I got rid of my husband’s sinus headache today using STOIM and the commands ~ Pam
Reset and Reboot 2.0 - MP3
The Reset and Reboot 2.0 contains TOLPAKAN™ healing frequencies to rejuvenate and revive the physical, mental, emotional spiritual, energetic and dimensional parts of you and is quick self-healing to do daily so that your body can recalibrate itself after ascension upgrades and other healing work. It can be used as a “booster” any time of the day or as needed.
Total Package Value $5,302
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
*** 95% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Autoimmune Quick Healing
- Everything in Package A Plus
- 25-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen (Value $297) includes:
- Laser-Focused Autoimmune and Allergy Assessment/Healing
- MP3 Recording and Summary Notes in MS Word or PDF
25-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing
session with Dr. Karen
Value: $297
Laser-Focused Autoimmune and Allergy Assessment/Healing: In this 25 minute session, Dr. Karen will do an autoimmune/allergy assessment and start you on a quick path to healing.
Each session is recorded on MP3 (downloadable) or MP4 (non-downloadable) - you get to choose which format you desire. In addition, you get a MS Word summary of the session. If you require PDF, just let Dr. Karen know.
A lot of work gets done during these sessions. It is advised that you spend just a few minutes summarizing your symptoms/issues so that Dr. Karen can use the majority of the time doing assessments and healing.
Total Package Value $5,599
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $377
*** 93% Saving ***
Limited to 25 people
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Autoimmune Deep Healing
- Everything in Package A Plus
- 50-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen (Value $550) includes:
- Autoimmune/Allergy/Sensitivity Assessment and Healing
- Home and Personal Entity Clearing
- MP3 Recording and Summary Notes in MS Word or PDF
- Personalized energy healing infusion into your Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy (Value $550) – during your private session
50-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing
session with Dr. Karen
Value: $550
In this 50 minute recorded sessions, Dr. Karen will do an autoimmune/allergy assessment and start you on a quick path to healing.
You may choose to go deeper in healing other symptoms or ask Dr. Karen to do your Sensitive Soul Typing™, Divine Quadrant™ assessment, your Soul Mission Matrix™and/ or your Soul Experience Template™.
It is highly recommended to allow Dr. Karen to do a whole house clearing for you. If you are taking medications or supplements, Dr. Karen can assess those for you to see what is the optimal dose or how best to offset any side effects.
Each session is recorded on MP3 (downloadable) or MP4 (non-downloadable) - you get to choose which format you desire. In addition, you get a MS Word summary of the session. If you require PDF, just let Dr. Karen know.
A lot of work gets done during these sessions. It is advised that you spend just a few minutes summarizing your symptoms/issues so that Dr. Karen can use the majority of the time doing assessments and healing.
Personalized energy healing infusion into your Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy (Value $550) – During your private session
This works to help you release unwanted energies, recalibrate your energy systems and restore balance to your body systems.
During the last 5-10 minutes of your session, Dr. Karen will custom-infuse your copy of the Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy with healing energies specific to your needs.
This will maximize your results and your healing speed.
Total Package Value $6,402
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $677
*** 89% Saving ***
Limited to 25 people
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How will I know if this program is working for me?
You’ll know the program is working for you if...
- You feel calmer, more peaceful and have more energy. You also may notice how you don’t react as violently to the environment as much as you did before (food, EMF sensitivity, toxins etc)
- You’re sleeping more peacefully and if your body feels less inflamed and bloated
- You have less joint swelling and pain
- Your lab tests improve because your results are measurable
Q. How long will it take to notice symptom relief?
It depends. For some people, they notice improvement almost immediately.
A lot depends on your age, how long you’ve had your symptoms, how healthy your diet and lifestyle habits are, the degree of stress in your everyday life, how long you’ve been on your spiritual journey, your Soul Mission, your Healing type (level of spiritual responsibility you have in this lifetime) and how many alternate lives are afflicted with similar energies.
Healing is like peeling back the layers of an onion. With each layer healed, the next layer heals deeper.
For the most efficient healing, working with Dr. Karen privately 1:1 through the VIP program is highly recommended.
Here Are Even More Success Stories....
“Allergies, food intolerances and rashes gone”
"I was feeling brain fog, zombie-like, and couldn't function for months… and within 24 hours I was normal!"
“No surgery or medications needed for my Grave’s Disease!”
"I often tell people that Dr. Karen saved my life. Not only did I get Stevens Johnson’s syndrome, a potentially fatal autoimmune condition, which Dr. Karen helped me resolve, I ended up with Grave’s Disease.
After consulting the endocrinologist, I was in tears. He said it was impossible to heal Grave’s Disease naturally and my only two choices were destroying my thyroid gland with drugs or surgery.
No one believed I could heal myself, not my primary care physician nor the endocrinologist. Dr. Karen, on the other hand, believed in me. She believed I could heal. Because she has training as a medical doctor in addition to being an energy healer, I felt comfortable following her self-care suggestions and knew that medications to alleviate the symptoms might be necessary at first.
Between her energy work and my hard work in changing my diet and lifestyle, I feel like I’m a whole new person. I have much better boundaries and I don’t sabotage myself by eating what I’m not supposed to. The great news is that I’m almost completely recovered from Grave’s – my lab tests prove it. And I didn’t have to destroy my thyroid in the process.
I feel vindicated and I feel like proudly waving my lab test results in front of the faces of my other doctors shouting, “See! I told you I could do it!” Like I say to others, Dr. Karen saved my life. I refer everyone to Dr. Karen. Granted many people aren’t ready to take responsibility for their self-healing, but if you are, I highly recommend you learn from Dr. Karen."
~ Jess
“Allergies, food intolerances and rashes gone”
"For many years, I was plagued with allergies, food intolerances, reactions to supplements and things like skin rashes. I changed my diet which was very helpful but didn’t completely address all of these issues, especially the rashes.
Since working with Dr. Karen, using her mp3’s and also learning the TOLPAKAN healing method, I am essentially symptom free! And on the rare occasion that I have an issue, I have amazing tools to figure it out and resolve it.
I have learned so much from Dr. Karen; she and her methods are truly a blessing. I absolutely would not be where I am today without her!"
~ Kim Pucharski
“From total system crash to active and energetic! The change was dramatic"
"I was recovering, slowly and painfully from a total system crash at age 42. I had spiritually been floundering for a decade. I contracted Mono for the second time, was extremely depressed, lost weight and ambition. I was in a fairly constant state of experiencing physical symptoms from anxiety, inflammation, and chronic, debilitating fatigue. My nervous system was on hyper drive and this was causing me to experience stressful physical symptoms.
Dr. Karen and I had been working together for 2 years before she released TOPALKAN healing. Prior to that she was using the Body Code, to clear my symptoms, which were varied and unpredictable, yet I was making some slow, but steady progress. I was visiting her about every 6 weeks, and admittedly it was sometimes difficult to wait for my next appointment.
Then Dr. Karen started using, and most importantly, teaching the TOLPAKAN™ healing method. In short, not only did my healing speed up, but my comprehension of who I am in this realm, and how to be a real part of my own healing was born. Now, I do not believe I am here to be a healer, but I still immersed myself into the study of TOLPAKAN healing, whenever I can. I heal my family and friends if they are willing.
The change was dramatic.
Now, two years later, I visit Dr Karen much less frequently, but happily I can watch or listen to her online. If I have a sudden flare up or pain, or feel depressed or overwhelmed, I can stop and identify what is happening, and I have a tool kit to help clear negative energy, download morphic fields, muscle test if something is for my divine alignment or, when needed, simply wait. I have learned to muscle test, and write things down so I can be both an observer and participant in my own healing.
What a comfort to be learning and having a whole community of Light Warrior support. I understood what it is like to be a sensitive, and I finally accepted that I am not the only one sensitive to sounds, lights, different abuses and other people’s energy!
Now, I am active, energetic and engaged in life and I am positive that Dr. Karen and TOLPAKAN™ healing played a huge part in my recovery, and daily health."
~ Amy C-S
“Within minutes of the healing, the tingling in my fingers disappeared”
"My autoimmune issues flared up massively after a recent stress. My fibromyalgia, Bechet’s and carpal tunnel symptoms suddenly got worse! I had significant pain and my fingers were numb.
Within minutes of the healing, the tingling in my fingers disappeared and I felt a whole lot better! I felt so much better the next day - pain free, peaceful and contemplative. Words can't express my gratitude. If you have issues with autoimmunity, I highly recommend getting a session with Dr. Karen – she’s awesome!"
~ Retta
“My adrenal fatigue is miraculously better!”
"When I bought the package, my body was in a state of almost shutting down. I had severe adrenal fatigue, extreme exhaustion with breathing difficulty/chest tightness upon any physical exertion. I could barely function. I also had a wide array of other debilitating symptoms; some of them were uncommon and weird symptoms. Being extremely sensitive energetically also compounded the complexity of all my issues.
When I heard Dr. Karen on From Heartache to Joy, I was so impressed by the way she worked: the speed and precision with which she used highly intuitive ability to converse with Source through divine muscle testing. I also had an Aha! moment when watching her video of four healing types which I never knew before.
I bought Dr. Karen’s package somehow having inner knowing that she can help me solve some if not all of my health issues and empower me to move forward on my healing and spiritual journey. Dr. Karen’s healing MP3’s are so out of this world! They lessened some of my symptoms and giving me much needed inner peace during such challenging circumstances."
~ W.P.
“The improvement I experienced was tremendous… I have to call it a miracle!”
"Before working with Dr. Karen, I could barely do any basic household chores, for example, after washing dishes, I had to rest in bed, at the same time experiencing some breathing issue from weak Qi for more than 2 hours; walking in the park for only 10 min and going up and down of stairs were all so arduous for me; driving and buying groceries were such uphill battle (had to ask a friend to do it for me); opening and closing windows (the type needed some strength to be pushed up and down) would be a struggle and result in chest tightness and breathing difficulty for hours.
Dr. Karen was able to go straight to the heart of the matter in a very clear, gentle and concise way and she has facilitated important shifts each session. After working with Dr. Karen for 3 months, I am happy to report that I can do all of the above activities with greater ease. I can now do my basic household chores and go grocery shopping without collapsing and being short of breath. The improvement I experienced was tremendous comparing where I was and where I am now. I have to call it a miracle!"
~ Weiping Yu
“Now I sleep like a baby and can eat whatever I want"
"I bought Dr. Karen’s programs to learn how to better heal myself and to better help others heal themselves. Before her programs I had difficulty sleeping, digestive problems and regular muscular pain.
Now, I sleep regularly like a baby, am able to eat whatever I want and I no longer have recurring digestive issues. The occasional muscular pain I get is now easy to deal with. I recommend Dr. Karen’s programs to sensitive, open-minded people who are willing to learn, grow and embrace change."
~ Lloyd Burrell
About Dr. Karen Kan
Dr. Karen Kan is a doctor of Light Medicine and the founder of the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method. As an Earth Angel-Starseed empathic physician and having worked with over 2500 patients, delivered over 80 babies and performed over 4300 healing sessions, Dr. Karen is able to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.
In a past life in Lemuria, Dr. Karen was attuned to the powerful healing energies of the Archangels and was incarnated in this lifetime to fulfill her Soul Mission to protect and heal Earth and empower her people through attuning them to their innate healing abilities. These energies have been upgraded with power and light thanks to the Ascension process, and is now known as the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method.
As a mentor and healer trainer, Dr. Karen helps Light Warrior Sensitive Souls harness their superpowers, express their soul’s mission and experience joy in the process. As an expert in Light Medicine, Dr. Karen is a little like Yoda from Star Wars®, training Padawans® to be able to use The Force and become Jedi Masters®. Working with Dr. Karen and TOLPAKAN™ Healing is like being tapped into a spiritual super-computer where you can type in any question and receive near-instant answers.
But what Dr. Karen is most passionate about is helping the world move from Darkness to Light.
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Autoimmune Jumpstart Healing Package A
Discount: 95%
Total Package Value $5302
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
Autoimmune Quick Healing Package B
Discount: 99%
Total Package Value $5599
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
25-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen
Autoimmune Deep Healing Package C
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $6402
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Feel Fantastic Formula™ Healing & Training 6 recorded TOLPAKAN™ Group healing/training
Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy MP3
Light Warrior Support Group on Facebook
Bonus: Ascension 1 All-in-One Clearing and Protection
Bonus: Ascension 2 All-in-One Healing and Integration
Bonus: Divine Design Training
50-minute Private 1:1 TOLPAKAN™ Healing session with Dr. Karen
Personalized energy healing infusion into your Autoimmune-Allergy Rescue Remedy

Package A: 30 day Refund guarantee
Package B, C & VIP: No Refund after 30 days or after Session is Taken, Whichever Comes First. Please cancel scheduled session prior to requesting refund.
Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded.
Note:You may request your session after full payment has been received
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.