Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.
Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Jenny's Interview
Package A
Radical Love Transformation
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage guide
Length: 10 min
Experience deep love transformation in all areas of your life: self love, loving relationships, and love of the Divine. This powerful MP3 supports you to align to your unique Love Energy Line™. This can further bring forth and amplify more loving experiences to that of unconditional love and infinite possibilities. At this core energy of love, this is how you can radically raised your energetic frequencies and transform your life.
Magical Love Bubble
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage guide
Length: 10 min
This exuberant MP3 brings forth the essence of your Beingness, where you can experience the magic of love. You surround yourself in a love bubble of feeling good, joy and harmony while clearing out negative and dense energies. This will free you up to have more energies to go about your day. Go ahead and fill yourself and/or your environment up with this magical love.
Unlocking Sexuality, Creativity & Manifesting Superpowers
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage guide
Length: 10 min
Activate and heal your sex centers--the powerhouse--so you can unlock your true manifesting superpowers. This high vibrational MP3 aligns you to your capacity to manifest love and more money into your life. You can further experience more creativity and passionate intimacy as you heal. Once this shift happens, opportunities and gifts are opening up to you.
Healing Your Core Wounds
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage guide
Length: 10 min
Heal and integrate your “wounded self” wherever this may be, whether it’s your inner child, younger self, or past life. It helps to support you in transforming more of your core wounds and break-free of your limiting beliefs and negative experiences. This allows you to quickly free yourself of bondage and unforgiveness--as you experience love and compassion so you can love yourself back into Wholeness.
Magnetize your Soulmate
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage guide
Length: 10 min
This Heart-space MP3 magnetizes and brings you closer to your soulmate. You will be open to attract your ideal partner as you align your energies to make room for what you truly desire. It also helps to bring your current partner closer and to new height of greater love. This MP3 also connects and integrates you to your Heart and “Third Eye” or Intuitive Seeing, which affirms and aligns you to a higher vibration to be a match to manifest your soulmate relationship.
30 Days “Love Magic” Healing Journey
A journey that is going to help you UPGRADE your love life and experience a significant uplevelling in your ability to attract and create the love life you always wanted. Supporting you to heal your core wounds and past hurts so you can feel what’s like to be really loved, free to show up as your true authentic self, and unlock your potential. This journey is going to help you bring forth and radiate the love that is already within your heart to create fulfilling and supportive relationships, uncover your ability to have passionate intimacy, and enjoy life--the magic of love.
Each Day For 30 Days, You’ll receive a short daily transmission, healing, and clearing video ~5 minutes to help you shift your energetic vibration and align you to greater love.
This is what’s possible for you…
- Having trusting, supportive, loving, and fulfilling relationship so that you can speak what’s in your heart and be seen and heard.
- Attracting your soulmate who is authentic, open, loving, and kind or taking your current relationship to the next level.
- Feeling empowered and connected…be able to free yourself more and more from past hurts, core wounds and physical/emotional pain--healing your heartache.
- Feeling more free to be your true authentic self, allowing you to be more in control over how you feel and respond to life’s circumstances.
- Unleashing your sensuality and/or having passionate intimacy in your relationship
- Having clarity, focus, and trusting your intuition more and more as to what steps to take next.
- Breaking free from limiting beliefs and sabotaging patterns that have been keeping you stuck and playing small--leaving your past behind.
- Releasing the feelings of being “not good enough,” unworthy, unloved, unsupported, shameful, betrayed and abandoned--at the next level.
- Experiencing greater love and deeper connection to the Divine/God.
Welcome Message:
Welcome to the Radical Love Transformation: Experience Love Magic in 30 Days. I’m excited to be supporting you on this transformational journey. Each day for 30 days, you’ll receive a short daily transmission, healing, and clearing video for about 5-15 minutes. This will support you to shift your energetic vibration and align you to greater love. At the end of 30 days, you’ll feel more calm, confident, loving, and opening up for many possibilities to come into your life. You’ll likely to have less triggers and hurts by those around you, less heartache and pain. You’ll also likely experience more love, joy, and deeper connection in your relationship with yourself, loved ones and of the Divine.
Remember to share your wins no matter how big or small. When you share your blessings, the energy is affirmed powerfully and the Universe will send you more of the same. Plus it helps inspire others which is a great way to offer your gratitude.
Ground Rules:
I’ll be checking in once a day during the weekdays to check your progress and address your questions. From time to time, I may hop on Facebook Live to further support you. You can ask me questions regarding current symptoms and on the daily healing video.
I will not be doing any readings here in this group. Specific questions and healing requests can then be properly addressed in our (3) 90-minute group calls.
Top Benefits/Results:
- Feeling more free to be your true authentic self, allowing you to be more in control over how you feel and respond to life’s circumstances.
- Trust & Confidence--Having the courage to follow your heart to start creating the life you love
- Love and Support--Experience more love and deeper connection in your relationship
- Breaking out more and more of your blocks and past hurts that have been holding you back
Day 1: Turbo Charging your Healing with Gratitude + Presence
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~ William Arthur Ward
Day 2: Courage, Commitment & Vision
“Focus on the journey, not the destination and commit to go for what you said you want. Let’s do this!”
Day 3: Physical & Emotional Pain
“It’s time to let go of your P.A.I.N. = Pay Attention Inward Now” ~ Iyanla Vanzant
Day 4: Align to your Love Energy Line™
“Let’s heal and unlock your potential with LOVE!”
Day 5: Reclaim your Love, Power & Light
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Day 6: Your Divine Team of Advisors
“The greatest romance is with the Infinite. You have no idea how beautiful life can be. When you suddenly find God everywhere, when He comes and talks to you and guides you, the romance of divine love has begun.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Day 7: Clearing and Healing of Heart Walls & Frozen emotions
“Free yourself and let go what’s weighing you down!”
Day 8: Love YOU, Self-Love
“Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.” ~ Jenn Proske
Day 9: Healing for Healthy Boundaries
“Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They’re compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.” ~ Brené Brown
Day 10: Authenticy Healing
“Show up for who you really are, have the courage to be YOU!”
Day 11: PASSION Energy Line™
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” ~ Maya Angelou
Day 12: Healing for Self Care & FUN Time
“You are the “VIP” person in your life!”
Day 13: Healing Past Hurts/Wounds
“Healing doesn’t mean the pain never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.” ~ Unknown
Day 14: Receiving Support Healing
“One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. Connect with those around you today. Say, “I love you”, “I’m sorry”, “I appreciate you”, “I’m proud of you”…whatever you’re feeling. Send random texts, write a cute note, embrace your truth and share it…cause a smile today for someone else…and give plenty of hugs” ~ Steve Maraboli
Day 15: Love your Body
“Being a healthy woman isn’t about getting on a scale or measuring your waistline. We need to start focusing on what matters—on how we feel, and how we feel about ourselves.” ~ Michelle Obama
Day 16: Breaking Out of Fears
“F.E.A.R. = Face Everything And Rise!”
Day 17: Forgiveness, Free & Heal Yourself
“There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” ~ Bryant H. McGill
Day 18: Experience your True Nature of Love, Unconditional Love
“Unconditional love is our birthright, not judgment or condemnation, and there’s nothing we need to do to earn it. This is simply who and what we are.” ~ Anita Moorjani
Day 19: Healing your Limiting Beliefs
“Ask yourself, “Will the Divine/God tell me this?” If NO, then 99.99% it’s your limiting belief.”
Day 20: Jealousy, Envy & Judgements
“Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.” ~ Maya Angelou
Day 21: Be FREE of Guilt & Regrets Healing
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.” ~ Alexander Graham Bell
Day 22: Trust Healing
“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” ~ Stephen R. Covey
Day 23: Shame & Embarrassment Healing
“Empathy’s the antidote to shame. The two most powerful words when we’re in struggle: me too.” ~ Brené Brown
Day 24: Heartache and Broken-Heart Healing
“Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” ~ Rumi
Day 25: Love Communication and How You and Others Show Love
“What is your language of love? Share on Facebook.”
Day 26: Healing for Deeper Connection & Love
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~ Robert Brault
Day 27: Healing Sabotaging Patterns
“Healing requires from us to stop struggling, but to enjoy life more and endure it less.” ~ Darina Stoyanova
Day 28: Sex Center Healing for Sensuality & Manifestation
“It’s time to unleash your superpowers!”
Day 29: Intimacy Healing
“The highest form of love is the love that allows for intimacy without the annihilation of difference.” ~ Parker J. Palmer
Day 30: Unleash your Creativity
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ~ Maya Angelou
(3) 90 Minutes Radical Love Group Healing Calls
Join me in this LOVE transformational healing journey to experience the magic of love: self love, loving relationships, and love of the Divine. Align you to your “Love Energy Line” so that you can manifest greater love and free yourself from your past.
There is going to be lots of Light Language clearing, healing activations and time for Q&A. Group calls are recorded and the healing energies are the same as live.
#1 Group Call: Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 at 3:30pm Eastern (12:30pm Pacific / USA)
#2 Group Call: Saturday, March 16th, 2019 at 5:00pm Eastern (2:00pm Pacific/ USA)
#3 Group Call: Saturday, March 30th, 2019 at 3:30pm Eastern (12:30pm Pacific/ USA)
Group Healing Call 1: Magic of Love
- Soul upgrades and integration healing journey to connect you to bring forth the knowledge, wisdom, and experiences that can support you to greater love.
- Aligning you to your LOVE Energy Line™ and PASSION Energy Line™ so you can reclaim your power, passion, and love.
- Amplifying your ability to feel, know, and experience unconditional love.
- Opening your RECEIVING channels to having love, support and fulfilling relationships.
- Raising your vibrations and strengthening your ability to receive Higher Help--your own Divine “Love” Team.
If unable to attend LIVE, then click on this Event Page & Enter Password 9302 to submit your question or mini-healing request. DO NOT send via email.
Event Title: #1 Group Healing Call: Magic of Love
Date & Time: Saturday, March 2nd at 3:30 PM Eastern (12:30pm Pacific/USA)
To attend this event, click here 15 minutes before the event time: (you can also participate in “LIVE CHAT”, next to Q & A box)
Event Page Password: 9302
If you don't have access to the web, you can listen in by dialing (425) 440-5010, and using the following conference pin: 787696#
If that number doesn't work for some reason, here is a list of alternative numbers, including international numbers:
Replay / Download link:
Click here for: Replay/Download of the Call & enter password 9302.
If unable to open, then copy and paste entire link to your internet browser: then password 9302.
The replay will be available a few minutes after the call ends. To Download, click on the small blue download button. If would like a copy, then please download within 60 days
Group Healing Call 2: Radical Love Transformation
- Ancestral and karmic healing so that you can free yourself and heal your lineage.
- Healing and clearing of your past hurts and core wounds including betrayal and distrust so that they can be your greatest gifts instead of greatest obstacles.
- Freeing your “wounded” inner child so that you can finally be really loved, happy, and free again with my guided inner-child healing process.
- Breaking free and transmuting your limiting beliefs, fears, sabotaging patterns, and limiting loved stories that have been holding you back from tapping into your full potential.
- Healing and integrating your wounded self to the bigger and better version of yourself.
If unable to attend LIVE, then click on this Event Page & Enter Password 9316 to submit your question or mini-healing request. DO NOT send via email.
Event Title: #2 Group Healing Call: Radical Love Transformation
Date & Time: Saturday, March 16th at 5 PM Eastern (2pm Pacific/USA)
To attend this event, click here 15 minutes before the event time: (you can also participate in “LIVE CHAT”, next to Q & A box)
Event Page Password: 9316
If you don't have access to the web, you can listen in by dialing (425) 440-5010, and using the following conference pin: 787696#
If that number doesn't work for some reason, here is a list of alternative numbers, including international numbers:
Replay / Download link:
Click here for: Replay/Download of the Call & enter password 9316.
If unable to open, then copy and paste entire link to your internet browser: then password 9316.
The replay will be available a few minutes after the call ends. To Download, click on the small blue download button. If would like a copy, then please download within 60 days
Group Healing Call 3: Love In Manifestation
- Aligning to your MANIFESTING, CREATIVITY, and RECEIVING Energy Line™ so that you can tap into your creative genius zone.
- Strengthening your intuitive abilities, increasing your confidence, and trusting in your inner guidance.
- Healing your sex centers--the powerhouse--the manifesting superpowers so you can experience passionate intimacy, unleash your creativity, and manifest love and prosperity.
- Connecting and knowing your language of love and your loved ones ways of expressing love.
If unable to attend LIVE, then click on this Event Page & Enter Password 9330 to submit your question or mini-healing request. DO NOT send via email.
Event Title: #3 Group Healing Call: Love In Manifestation
Date & Time: Saturday, March 30th at 3:30 PM Eastern (12:30pm Pacific/USA)
To attend this event, click here 15 minutes before the event time: (you can also participate in “LIVE CHAT”, next to Q & A box)
Event Page Password: 9330
If you don't have access to the web, you can listen in by dialing (425) 440-5010, and using the following conference pin: 787696#
If that number doesn't work for some reason, here is a list of alternative numbers, including international numbers:
Replay / Download link:
Click here for: Replay/Download of the Call & enter password 9330.
If unable to open, then copy and paste entire link to your internet browser: then password 9330.
The replay will be available a few minutes after the call ends. To Download, click on the small blue download button. If would like a copy, then please download within 60 days
90 Days Energetic Love Bubble
Format: Energetic Love Bubble with PDF instruction
Jenny’s healing “LOVE Bubble” is an energetic support bubble focusing on LOVE. It is safe for everyone/everything and it is for the Highest Good of all involved. It’s like holding you and those on your list in a safe, protective, and supportive environment similar to the analogy of “your garden” by providing energetic support and nutrients for you to nurture and grow your "love” garden.
You and those in your “Love Bubble list" will also benefit from my signature healing of clearing and healing of negative entities attachments, heart-walls, trapped emotions, and frozen emotions. NO detoxing or processing symptoms from being a part of or included in this Love Bubble. So you can include your immediate family members. Starting from your Date of Purchase.
Removing Heart Walls, Addictive Heart Energies & Frozen Emotions
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage guide
Length: 10 min
Quickly clears out heartwalls, addictive heart energies, and frozen emotions in you, loved ones, pets/animals, your home, your businesses, and more. No matter how many heartwalls, addictive heart energies, and/or frozen emotions one person, animal, or place may have, it can be all cleared safely for the Highest Good of all at quantum speed!
- More than 93% of people have heart walls due to unprocessed or trapped emotions. More heartwalls can also be re-created by negative entities (ETs) or dwelling in past hurts. Heartwalls can cause health problems, such as depression and heart disease. In addition, unhealed heartwalls can block you from achieving success or from giving and receiving love. They can even block you from attracting your soulmate.
- Addictive Heart Energies are energies created out of the heart’s desperation to feel love, happiness, or another form of positive energy and can be the driving force behind addictions.
- This MP3 further releases frozen emotions from your energy field which drive your beliefs and your actions. Many times these frozen emotional fields block a person/animal from healing a chronic physical or emotional issue.
2 FREE Tickets to my 3 Day LIVE Event
Format: Purpose to Prosperity Live Event
Date: April 26- 27- 28, 2019 in North Carolina, USA
Join me LIVE for 3 days of healing and transformations. You will be able to have purpose clarity, uncover your unique gifts and talents, and unleash your prosperity energy. You will be surrounded in an environment that is fun, supportive and safe to clear, release and heal your energetic blocks, limiting beliefs and/or past hurts so you can live your purpose and prosper doing what you love.
Imagine having 3 days immersion up close and in person with me—while receiving healing activations, tools/processes, support and guidance…how much FASTER can you heal and SKYROCKET your ability to live your purpose & dreams? What else is possible for you?
*Claim your FREE ticket ASAP--limited space and will be first come first serve while space available. Click Here to Reserve Your Spot:
Divine Love Advisors MP3
Value: $100
Would you like to have your own team of Divine Love Advisors to help you in the love department? Then each time you use this MP3, you will be able to usher in the highest possible Love Advisors to assist you for your highest good. Feel the love and support that are here for you! Use it as often as you would like especially when you need a boost of Divine Love. It is safe for ALL to use.
Package C
Includes Everything in Package A Plus
ITEM 10:
VIP Love Healing Package
(3) 30-Minute Private 1-1 Session with Jenny
With more support, healing and integration to work with you on a longer-term 1-1 basis, Jenny will help you get to the root of the problems so that you can heal at the core levels. Once you make this shift, then your love life can be transformed and be able to radiate and attract your ideal relationship and the life you want to have. With proper healing, support and guidance, you can make QUANTUM LEAP in your life.
Jenny will work with you and the God Teams to laser focus on your energetic blocks, support you to align your energies to more of what you desire, and also align you to your unique Love Energy Line™ so that you can experience the magic of love. She will also give you energetic feedbacks and guidance in order for you to know which areas to further focus on--so that you can heal quickly. The sessions will be recorded.
- Will take ~5 minutes. You will need to fill out a secured session assessment form of your issues or desired outcomes that you would like to work on during your session.
- After you successfully submit the form, you will immediately get the link on the confirmation page to my appointment calendar. Then you select a time/date for your session.
After booking, you should also get a confirmation email ~immediately (but do allow up to 30-min) from my online scheduler “Accuity”. You will have your appointment details in your time zone. If you DID NOT receive this email, then check junk/spam/promotion folder. If still don’t see this appointment confirmation email, then please send us an email for which day & time you might have booked so we can check this for you.
Please write down or add your appointment date & time in your calendar. An appointment reminder will be sent ~3hrs, 24 hrs, and/or 72 hrs prior to your appointment. (But sometimes you may not get these reminders because they went to your promo/spam folder or typo/incorrect email address entered during booking.)
Please email for any scheduling issues to
- It is your responsibility to make it to your scheduled appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment time, you must reschedule at least 48 hours before via the confirmation/reschedule email link. All sessions moved, cancelled, or missed in less than 48 hours notice will be forfeited unless pre-arranged with me or by me.
- Your session will expire 6 months, please redeem within 180 days from your purchase date without exceptions. My appointment slots do get booked up fast, so please book ASAP for best times/availability.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I listen to my MP3s on silent?
Yes! There’s a silent/soundless MP3 version included with the same healing energies. You can listen to any MP3 at any volume level or soundless--during the day or at night when you sleep. You can listen to the Music version--just relaxing music without audible Light Language.
Q. Can I play my MP3 on loop?
Yes you can put any of these MP3s on loop. When looping or put on repeat play continuously, recommend up to 8 hours since they do have powerful healing energies.
Q. Is it OK to multitask while listening to MP3.
YES, you can multitask in general except for when you are doing anything that require 100% of your attention or potentially dangerous such as driving, operating machinery, or internet banking due to possible drowsiness,etc. But many people can use MP3s/Group Calls while doing some things that are relatively safe with great benefit.
Q. Can I infuse my water with the energies of the MP3s?
Yes, this is a wonderful way to reap the added “healing water” benefits of the MP3. Refer to the pdf instruction for a short video tutorial to infuse healing energies to your water and food.
Q. Do I need to listen to all the MP3s? Is there an order in which I should listen to them?
Although, there is no definite particular order that you have to use these MP3s; however, I do recommend when starting out that you listen to all the MP3s a few times in the order of item #. This way you can get all the healing benefits from each MP3. Remember, you can always follow your guidance (muscle test, use a pendulum, ask your guides, etc) for more individualized usage such as which MP3 or how often to use.
Q. What if I feel uncomfortable when listening to the MP3s
Due to the nature of transformational healing work--aligning, shifting, re-calibrating, and expanding your energy fields for your Highest Good. Although most people, feel very good--calm, peaceful and connected to their Divine essence. It is not uncommon to have various sensations in the body including discomforts while using my healing works. The healing energies are actually loosening up those old limiting, discordant and dense energies so that they can be healed. In the process of releasing and healing, it can feel a little uncomfortable for some people. Remember, this is a good confirmation that “gunk” energies are releasing and it’s a positive sign of healing. Remember, Healing = Feeling + Mindfulness. As you allow yourself to feel and be present, then these dense energies can be transformed quicker--leaving you feeling good. Also, trust that it is not a mistake or something going wrong. The more that you can be present and relax into trusting that this is part of the transformative healing process, the faster you will be able to move through the discomfort and experience more healing.
Q. What is Light Language? Is there anything I need to do in order to receive maximum benefits?
As you’ve experienced during this interview, the Light Language is powerful and transformative. My Light Language is multi-dimensional and high vibrational sound healing, that balances the thinking mind and connects you to your Heart/Higher Guidance while “chopping” away those dense and limiting energies including limiting beliefs, blocks, past hurts, and more. Hence, supporting you to be more of the vibration to let go those “gunk” energies that are no longer serving you and be more of the vibration to what you desire--at the level you are able to come into alignment for faster healing. Furthermore, Light Language “speaks” to your heart’s knowing vibrationally, so it is not meant to be interpreted literally or necessary to be understood by you for healing to occur. So, there’s nothing else “to do” to receive the healing, except to be an open vessel to receive and trust the healing process is for your Highest Good.
Q. When will I see results?
Everyone is at different levels of personal development and healing. Hence, healing and alignment occur at different rate. However, some of my clients notice improvement almost immediately. Many times, our issues are interconnected and so much deeper than what we might think or can see. Plus, we can only heal, at the level we are able to let go and receive (kinked garden hose analogy). The more proper support, guidance and healing you get--the faster you can transform.
Q. Can I use the MP3s for others in my home?
Yes, of course all the members of your immediate household will benefit from you listening and playing the MP3s in their presence. You can also share this package with your immediate family members in your household--living with you.
Q. Do I need to attend the calls live to benefit?
All the calls will be recorded complete with all transformational energies--hence same as live. So you will not miss out if you cannot attend live. You can also submit any questions or mini-healing requests you have ahead of time. Many folks, do find it very beneficial to come to live group calls whenever they can.
Q. Do I need to listen to all the calls? If so, in which order?
I do highly recommend (whenever possible), you listen to all the group calls since I’ll be covering various important topics and healing energies to support you to receive and heal. Each group call sets the foundations and builds upon each other.
Q. How will you deliver the Live calls? Will I be able to ask questions on the Live calls?
I will be using instant teleseminars to deliver our calls, the same as this summit. YES, there will be Q&A time during all the group calls.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with Janie to help you with it

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.