Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.
Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Janice's Interview
Package A |
4 Weeks of Live Group Video/ Call Conferencing
Class begins on Wednesday May 15th @ 7pm mst and meets at the same time every Wed at 7pm for 6 weeks.
Congratulations on deciding to commit to your BREAKTHROUGH!
Class begins May 15th at 7pm mst. Details below.
Topic: Breakthrough
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Week 1: 7 DIVINE Activations
- Access Points to the Multiverse explained: When you step into the multiverse you will receive the opportunity to to gain access to all that is and ever was. Your body holds the key. Learn the points and what they represent.
- Golden Mean Thread Activation: We have walked in darkness through this and other lifetimes we have tears in the fabric of our being which causes fear, anxiety, and eventually leads to disease and illness. These tears are always between the Vagus Nerve and other parts of our being. Everything we are doing is about healing separation, and the Thread re-weaves the fabric of our being back together.
- Your Four Power Centers: Each of us has four power centers are gifts from different Divine Beings and Creators. Unlike chakras, which are often used to help absorb shock or hold wounds, the Power Centers remind us of our pure self. You will discover your power centers and help them to function more properly.
- Learn about and Connect Your Gyroscope: We created a single gyroscope but have found that two work better. Everyone has one gyroscope which sits behind the belly button. Create a second smaller gyroscope that sits at the center of the original gyroscope. The gyroscopes work with kinetic, electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic energies to realign our true north, true south as well as healing all systems, and elements. With a gyroscope alignment, we aren’t thrown when someone tries to destroy our alignment; this means we are in harmony with the Earth, Celestra, and Luna as all three are centered and aligned using the double gyroscope.
Week 2: Turn on your intuition for the novice (mp4 video download) Discover your primary and secondary intuitive gift(s)
Turn up your intuition for the skilled profession ( mp4 video download) Using this process daily will allow you to steady and increase the accuracy of your intuitive talents.
Week 3: 2 Divine Activations
- Seeding cells - Upon conception the first cell created is the seeding cell; the seeding cell sits at the center of the pineal gland. Due to heavy pollution, psychic attack and other darkness, our seeding cells are deformed and unhealthy which opens us to illness and disease. We will replace your seeding cells to its original form.
- Super Cells are very similar to seeding cells but are used specifically for your immune system.
- Clearing Energies Through the Gyroscope - As your frequency resonates at a higher vibration, and it will after all the activation you receive, you will need to make sure you keep your energy clear of other influences.
Week 4: Meeting Your Healing Helpers and Your Map Team - Bridge Activation.
You have many different spirit helpers in this life who are specifically designed to help you with very distinct aspects of your life. Meet your healing helpers and map teams and their purpose in helping you.
Two immediate downloads to energize your practice and call in the helpers you seek.
We Call In Sacred Space - MP3
We Call In Sacred Space - to help you open up any sacred circle or ritual. Invoke the energies of the Earth, All The Directions, and Spirit to align with your powerful intentions.
Daily Meditation - MP3
Start your day (or end your day) off right with this daily meditation. Specifically designed to help you access the light that is available to you always.
Package B |
This Package Includes:
- All of Package A Plus
- 3 Weeks of Live Group Video/ Call Conferencing
- Bonus - Karma Cleanse MP3
3 Weeks of Live Group Video/ Call Conferencing
The Group Call details will be sent to you before the week 5 call
Week 5: Lemurian Temple and Love Matrix Activations
- Lemurian Temple - Temples) Each of you has a temple which you can call forth to surround your home and property to protect. Your temple has a healing chamber that you may want to center around your bed or a massage table to do healing work. Temples are made of crystals and stones, and their combined energies create all the aspects of Love such as Joy, Peace, Harmony, Grace, Understanding, Courage, Imagination, Compassion, Forgiveness, etc. You can make a copy of your temple to place around your body, your vehicle, and your business.
- Love Matrix - The Matrix is made of Love, and all its attributes and the matrix flows from all the temples on and off planet to provide all beings, energies, and elements with loving light
Week 6: Clearing Dark Energies - Through Your Gyroscope and Celestra
Using Your Gyroscope you will learn some of the most powerful tools to clear dark energies within yourself and from others.
We will also help you fill yourself up with the most potent energies to be found. Value $250
- Karma Cleanse - MP3 Value $25
Bonus: Karma Cleanse MP3 Download
karma release Mp3 will be sent on the week of this group call
You don’t have to suffer ANYMORE! Clearing Karma is easier than you think. This Mp3 will show you how.
Addressing energies and transgressions from all your lifetimes, in 10 minutes you will feel renewed and fresh. Most importantly, you will begin to immediately feel a relief and ease flowing through your life as you release the Karma that clogs your Divine flow.
You can come back to this audio over and over again to clear deeper levels of stagnation.
Week 7: Lemurian Mantra Yuta
The Lemurian Mantra Yuta brings all Yeantra Energy back into Oneness. It brings your waveform through all systems. It dissolves separations. It brings flow between all body areas. This Yuta strengthens all of the systems, physical and non-physical. It helps calm physical and emotional pain so it is not so hard to work through and let go.
Package C |
This Package Includes:
- All of Package A & Package B Plus
- 2 x 30 min session with Janice
2 x 30 min session with Janice
Janice will help you see for yourself what is blocking you. The power really comes when you are at the helm, with a gifted seer and healer, to clear your own block. Janice will work to guide you directly to YOU AS SOURCE.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.