Live The Life You Are Destined For NOW...

Let Jenny, A Former Nurse-Midwife Who Has Transformed Her Life And Over Thousand Others To Help You On Your Journey To Retrieve Your Soul’s Destiny, “Birth” Your Purpose And Live The Life You Were Born To Live…
- Do you want to wake up feeling excited, alive and fulfilled, knowing that you’re making a difference in the world with the work you do — while prospering?
- Do you yearn to live your Soul’s Destiny--the life you are destined for?
- Do you desire to tap into your treasure chest of gifts and talents?
You know that you are destined for something greater but…
- You’re unsure of what your true purpose really is or how to go about living your Soul’s purpose.
- You have a successful career, loving family and friends yet you feel unfulfilled and something is still missing in your life.
- You don’t know what your NEXT STEPS are…or you know your goals but you are unable to take effective action.
- You still have blocks, fears, doubts and resistances toward living the life you love.
- You yearn to connect to your intuition so you know what steps to take next.
- You feel you are not living up to your full potential.
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are at the RIGHT place...
It's time to live your DESTINY--the life you were born for.
You know that you can achieve more in your career, or at home, but something is holding you back from living your life to the fullest…
You might be asking yourself:
- Why am I here--what is my Soul’s purpose?
- What are my true gifts and talents?
- Can I make a difference and live my life doing what I love?
- How can I clearly connect and trust my intuition so that it can guide me?
- How do I get from where I am now to where I want to be?
Do any of these sound familiar?
- Lack of clarity and purpose--a meaningful life
- Feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from your joy
- Yearning to make a real difference with the work you do
- Wish you were able to tap into your gifts and talents
- Unable to have consistent and reliable intuition/inner guidance
- Disconnected from the Divine/God
- Stress and overwhelm
- Feeling stuck and confusion
- Feeling lost, drifting in the “sea of life”
- Many limiting beliefs holding you back: Not good enough, less than, don’t have what it takes, playing small
- Sabotaging patterns that keep repeating
- Easily distracted or unable to focus
- Deep sadness and frustration
- Low energy and fatigue
- Aches & pains
- Low self-confidence and self-esteem
- Difficult or unable to tap into fun and your creativity
- Unhealthy boundaries and unsupportive relationships
- Constant worry & anxiety about money or what’s the next step
- Fears, doubts, and resistances preventing you from moving forward
Imagine when you get the proper support, guidance and healing to uncover your Destiny and gifts, how much faster can you shift to be able to live your Soul’s purpose and dreams?
How would your life and career be different?
What else is possible in your life?
Scientific researches now show clear implications for the benefits of having a purpose in life--to healing, health, happiness and longevity. Finding your purpose is the key to living your best life.
Are you ready?
Close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be faster than you think possible. Let’s connect you to your own “Purpose Energy Line”.
I’m Jenny Ngo. I specialize in re-connecting heart centered professionals with their true purpose and passions so they can prosper doing what they love.
With my unique intuitive abilities and my signature quantum healing process, I will support you to transform any sabotaging patterns, subconscious blocks or limiting beliefs. Together, we can tap into your inner knowing so you can reach your full potential.
You can quickly shed wounds from the past, or whatever’s in the way of fulfilling your true calling, so you can live a prosperous and impactful life.
Prior to finding and living my purpose, I struggled with:
- Feeling unfulfilled–yearning to make a real difference with my work
- Lack of purpose and clarity–feeling unaligned with my higher calling
- Intimacy & Relationship challenges
- Living paycheck to paycheck
- Feeling disconnected from inner knowing–believing “I had no intuition”
- Confidence–feeling not good enough like I didn’t have what it took to live a life I love
Because of what I’ve been through, I can show you how.
Now...Imagine how your life would be if you finally are able to retrieve your Destiny and live your Soul’s purpose. Moving from unfulfillment and lack of clarity to joy and deep connection to your intuition, you will be able to experience:
- Prosperity in all areas of your life (money, relationships & health)
- Aligning & connecting to your true purpose and unique gifts
- Following your passions and doing what you love
- Increase in income & fulfillment: more clients, better job & more opportunities on your way
- Making a real impact with the work you do--while prospering
- Having clarity, focus and being on purpose
- Deeper knowing and connection to the Divine/God
- Getting pay for what’s your true worth
- Having more freedom and quicker manifestation to live the life you were destined for
- Overcoming fears, doubts and resistances that have been holding you back
- Free from physical and emotional pains
- Opportunities showing up for you more and more
- Feeling alive, excited and inspired
- Having lots of fun, playful and creative energies
- Ease, flow and synchronicities in your life
- Healthy boundaries and loving relationships
- Feeling confident and empowered
- Unhealthy boundaries and unsupportive relationships
- Reclaiming your Light and true Power
- Showing up as your true authentic self
- Overcoming limiting beliefs and sabotaging patterns that have been keeping you stuck
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Jenny
Gift of Clairvoyant opened up. Got clear on my Gifts and Talents and using them to make great money doing what I love.
"I couldn’t believe this…but Jenny helped me open up my gift of clairvoyant with my 1st session with her because for the first time I’m am visual, I can see energies and Spirits. Also thank you for your guidance around my career path, ways I can use my gifts and talents to help others and make money. Jenny, you cleared things that no one was able to cleared before. I saw a lot of beings, old wise men, put a crown on my head. Felt an energetic explosion clearing out the thick, dense energies with huge white light. Lots of white light coming out of me. I feel deep peace, centered, trust and support. When you helped me receive my highest possible God team, a whole bunch of support, beings came through, standing around me. There’s so much joy came through that I burst out laughing like a happy buddha.
1 wk update: I start to get a clear vision of my life path. I understand my talents. I really became a new person with new mindsets compared to struggles in all areas...I started my Youtube Channel, something I never dared before to put my face out there. I received a great job offer. I got 2 other healers who asked for my help with marketing (new area I'm claiming). What a Freaking Blast of Changes. I am on!
3 wks update: Since I’ve wrote to you, I’ve been busy, got 3 new paying clients to help them with their marketing. Thank you from the heart dear Jenny :)"
~ Paul, The Netherlands
Alignment with my purpose and passions. Gained clarity and courage to follow my heart. Breakthroughs in my personal and professional life. Many opportunities are opening up for me now.
"I had been feeling stuck for 3 years straight. Since taking Jenny’s amazing program, my personal relationships have improved, I have found true love, and have had breakthroughs in my personal and professional life which led me to take more constructive action than I had thought possible. I feel more in alignment with my purpose and my passions than ever before.
I was able to let go of a lot of stored emotional pain and past regrets, which allowed me to make shifts in areas of my life that I had previously felt too overwhelmed or helpless to confront. I was also able to reverse my emotional eating habits. I gained more clarity, experienced more trust in myself and felt more spiritually connected. I also found the courage to finally listen to my heart. I also feel much lighter in body and spirit! Many opportunities are opening up for me now… I continued to put myself into the world as an artist after having withdrawn from taking risks with my art for a long time."
~ Juniper Hiltz, USA, Artist & Writer
100% in alignment with my purpose. Ready to take my work to next level of impact.
"After working with Jenny, I feel 100% in alignment with my purpose. And I am ready to take my work to the next level and making bigger impact. So no more hiding out and playing small."
~ Yuni, USA
Got dream paid job opportunity
"After working with Jenny’s [beta tester] program. I realized my purpose and passion is to work with children. An “out of the blue” opportunity has presented itself. It is working with and mentoring children! A paid position with growth potential. I truly believe this is what I have been waiting for. I am so excited! My life is transforming…thank you so much Jenny from the bottom of my heart."
~ Charlotte, USA
The more you align with your true purpose, the more return you get. True prosperity comes from living your Soul's Purpose Blueprint. So invest in yourself to live your purpose.

Join me to get the JUMPSTART to...
- Align to your Soul’s Purpose Blueprint so you can live your destiny.
- Connect you to your own “Purpose Energy Line”.
- Uncover your true passion and purpose so your life can be meaningful--feeling alive and fulfilled.
- Break free from limiting patterns and beliefs such as: playing small, not seen/heard, feeling not good enough, unsupported, undervalued and unloved.
- Have loving and harmonious relationships at home and at work.
- Make a difference and prosper doing the work you love.
- Have the courage to be who you are and live the life you were destined for.
- Reach your full potential and fulfill your mission in life.
- Unleash your unique gifts and talents.
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Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $4297
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3 Powerful MP3s
1 MP4 with healing holograms
3 Transformative Group Calls
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Private Facebook Group
Free Ticket to 3 Day Live Event
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $4547
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
3 Powerful MP3s
1 MP4 with healing holograms
3 Transformative Group Calls
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Private Facebook Group
Free Ticket to 3 Day Live Event
30-Min One on One Personal Session
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Package A – No Refunds after First Group Call. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refunds after First Group Call or Personal Session is taken, whichever comes first.
Expert Testimonials
Jenny helped me become a Money Magnet!
Highly recommend you work with Jenny very closely. You won't regret it.
"Jenny is definitely a person you want to work with... She has helped me become definitely a bigger "money magnet" than I've ever become before. Jenny is a beacon of divine light with high love, high truth, and high integrity. Jenny really shines because she is so kind, so loving, so compassionate, you just feel completely enveloped in love when you work with her. I know I do, so I highly recommend that you take this opportunity to work with Jenny very closely. You won't regret it."
~ Dr. Karen Kan, Holistic Physician & Spiritual Medicine Expert #1 Bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain - Holistic Approach
Helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products
"I found Jenny Ngo’s energy work to be very powerful. I Love her open, honest, authentic nature. She works as very clear channel to bring her GOD Team into work with your GOD Team, without any egoic intellect getting in the way. With this technique she was able to facilitate very profound clearings from my energetic fields to help me release the resistance I was feeling towards taking my work to the next level. She also offers sound practice advice from her Heart, and has helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products so I can feel on purpose. Thank You Jenny, Big Love."
~ Matt Andrews, Channel and Facilitator for ManTarA
Shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out.
"Jenny.., the real deal!!! As she started working on the issue I could sense shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out. I'm impressed with her in depth knowledge and explanation about her process. That's really amazing!!!!"
~ Aparna Vemuri, Inner Alchemy Facilitator
Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness.
"Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels--body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one's life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing."
~ Nancy Gordon, Ph.D., Psychoneuroimmunologist, Corporate Coach, National Wellness Consultant & Author- "The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It's Not What You Think...(Actually It Is What You Think"!

What’s in the way of you living your Soul’s purpose?
Don’t let fears or wounds from the past get the best of you… The fact that you are having these thoughts and feelings means that you were meant for greater things.
Are you ready to get the support, guidance and healing you need so you can live the life of your dreams?
It’s time….
To reclaim your destiny.
To unlock your unique gifts and talents.
To fulfill your Soul’s mission and live your dreams.
To embrace the gift that you are--the world desperately needs you!
More Success Stories From People Who Worked With Jenny
My partner and I developed our new gifts of Light Language...Thanks for your business guidance. I live on purpose…more money and more customers!
"Thank you for the so much needed business guidance you’ve given me. I feel now I live on purpose. I love your healing programs. Always when listen to your light language money come double or triple in my account. I sell a lot after your last week healing!!! Looking forward to listen today!!! We got customer deposited [2000 pesos] in advance for photography service completely out of the blue!!!!!! And also today manifest 2 extra customers out of the blue. When my partner and I watch your video on healing your money relationship—and just recently we were able to develop the singing gift of Light Language just like you. Jenny your work always is amazing!!!!! Thank you for your healing gifts, so grateful. You are an angel for my family."
~ Lilia Solorzano, Mexico, Photographer & Owner of Pinklace Photography
I got this vision...I saw me standing on stage in front of a very large group of people. It’s come true.
"Thank you for the powerful 1-1 session. I was going through a tough time in my life and business, with lots of stresses and uncertainty. My husband just had another major surgery and I wasn’t sure if I needed to go back to get a 9-5 job or continue with my coaching work. Your Light Language was so powerful--I felt peaceful and expansive for which I haven’t felt in a while. I got this vision...I saw me standing on stage in front of a very large group of people. I knew immediately of my answer--to continue growing my biz as I have always wanted to do anyway. Update: Few weeks later, Jenny my vision is coming true. I’m doing well in my business and I am actually going to speak on stage at a live event. I am so grateful for all the insights, encouragement and healing you’ve given me."
~ Amanda G., USA, business coach
I got so many visions...owning my power and worth. Deep knowing that I will be successful
"OMG Jenny! Your healing session is so powerful. I got so many visions, insights, clearings and healing that’s hard to keep up or articulate. It’s amazing, you were “right on” when you shared that I was resisting and not fully letting go. I felt it in my solar plexus and heart area. I was at a crossroad of my business, needing to revamp myself and choose another niche. I needed more clarity in my business. WOW, I saw visions of me owning my power and worth--at the next level, and be that confident woman--stop playing small. I got a deep knowing that I will be successful no matter which “market” I go into--there’s plenty to wealth to be had. I got up and danced away afterwards--feeling so amazing."
~ Cally, USA, healer
Got a job promotion the next day
"After I had 1-1 session with you Jenny, the very next day it showed up--I got a job promotion in my company."
~ Anji, New York, USA
I know my life's purpose and destiny
"After listening to these mp3s, and the group call, I know my life's purpose(s) and destiny. I feel expansive, more confident and calm after listening to them...My life seemed to always involve having to figure everything out for myself and what I need to DO that just brought up constant worry about what's going to 'happen' next. Now I feel I am existing in a lighter, higher vibrational space of calm acceptance, allowing and receiving - fearless, confident and empowered. It will continue to unfold and fall into place more effortlessly and gracefully as long as I maintain just BEING in a 'feeling' of love, joy and gratitude - no matter what - during even the simplest moments of time."
~ Ashley Hayes, USA
I realized my purpose and passion. I have a wealth of actual support.
"I am grateful for the gentle healing I have experienced and the many transformations with this wonderful program. I realized my purpose and passion for children’s rights and giving those precious souls a safe place to be, is my purpose. I also realized, I’ve been a physic.
Another, being the retrieval of blocked memories. I was not aware that I’ve blocked so much memories and disconnected from my emotions of my past especially my wounded childhood traumas. My scars and wounds are deep. They have been hard for me to accept and process.
I’ve also been working hard on forgiveness especially my moma--also suffered abuse of her own. I’m able not to go into the “stories” and no longer feel I’m a victim. Another big breakthrough is that I have forgiven my abuser and I’m stronger as the result.
My relationship with my brother has finally found its way back. We used to talk everyday, 3 times a day.... then 10 years of silence. We actually had a talk. A honest talk about childhood.
My Moma, and a few close friends & some new friends, started calling...the wealth of actual support I thought was nonexistent.. Let’s just say, I had no idea that so many thought so highly of me.
Jenny because of your commitment and healing, now I feel safe enough to remember the blocked memories that are coming and heal from them, through with the safe zone and support you have given. You have no idea how grateful I am."
~ Charlotte, USA
I finally know my purpose. Discovered my gifts and talents and creating a business, doing the work I really love.
"Through working with Jenny, she helped me uncover my my gifts and talents. As I trust in myself and my abilities, information about my purpose come through. It was what I had glimpses of before but so thankful now, I finally know. Now, I feel confident and worthy and finally have the courage step outside of my own comfort zone and professional work--to create a business, doing the work that I really love."
~ Al, USA

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Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $4297
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3 Powerful MP3s
1 MP4 with healing holograms
3 Transformative Group Calls
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Private Facebook Group
Free Ticket to 3 Day Live Event
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $4547
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
3 Powerful MP3s
1 MP4 with healing holograms
3 Transformative Group Calls
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Private Facebook Group
Free Ticket to 3 Day Live Event
30-Min One on One Personal Session
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Package A – No Refunds after First Group Call. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refunds after First Group Call or Personal Session is taken, whichever comes first.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Purpose Clarity MP3
Value: $200
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage instruction
Length: 10 min
This MP3 helps you to get clear on your Soul’s Purpose and mission. It works through clearing and healing the deeper energetic obstacles of what’s in the way such as blocks, resistances, doubts, and fears to uncover and know your Soul’s purpose and mission. It also helps to align you to your Higher Self and guidance.
I was given the name of 2 books to write and a screenplay.
"When I started listening to this MP3.., I was surprised when I heard “write.” Now I am a writer. As an actor-writer and transformational teacher I have written in all mediums, but I really wasn’t expecting to hear that...I was given the name of 2 books to write and a screenplay. I also received the insight that it is time to put my spiritual website back up."
~ Doreene, USA, Actor-Writer & Transformational teacher
I have clarity and focus. Able to get things done faster.
"I LOVE this Purpose Clarity MP3! I could feel the pulsation of the healing energy working on my cells. It started out with such healing sounds that helped me immediately relax and go into a meditative state and leaving me feeling refresh. I have clarity and focus--I have a history of inability to focus. I'm able to focus on my work and what I need to do, and able to get things done faster with more ease and grace even if things had been challenging in the past."
~ Vickie, RN, USA
Clarity...Focused on my path. Connected to the divine open and receiving guidance and support
"Overall before and after...feeling less stressed decreased overwhelmed and confusion, more clarity. I have noticed that I feel calmer and more grounded, I feel more connected to source. I feel unity and possibility I feel open to change and to receiving...I feel as I am more focused on my path and feel less hesitant and anxious. I feel more connected to the divine. I do feel more open and receiving guidance and support."
~ Jamila, UK
My thoughts are clearer
"When I play or listen to the Purpose Clarity MP3 the top of my head gets tingly and I yawn...I feel like my thoughts are getting clearer!"
~ Laurice, USA
Pulls up the gunk and releases pain
"I am less reactive since I began listening to the mp3's. To me it feels as if the purpose clarity mp3 pulls up the gunk and releases pain…The word “release” has continued to play around in the background. Also, I have continued to be more consistent with listening to these mp3's than any other package I have purchased."
~ Rhonda W., USA
Destiny Retrieval MP3
Value: $200
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage instruction
Length: 10 min
This MP3s helps you to reclaim your Destiny, connecting and strengthening your “Purpose Energy Line”. It supports you in your Soul retrieval, healing those Soul’s fragments or aspects of you through time and dimensions that have been wounded and out of alignment of where the Divine wants to guide you now. Putting you back on the track to living your true Destiny faster!
Feel more in alignment with myself & purpose. Using my gifts in my healing work
"I have also since been getting a lot of compliments on how well I look (inside and out). In the past, I usually dismiss compliments. My thoughts/mind is being expanded. I feel like a sense of security and safety. I do feel more in alignment with myself--purpose. As an energy healer/clairvoyant I have noticed energy healing has become more brilliant colors, the communication to source is now more unspoken words translated into vibe....the way I always knew in Heart it was meant to be (for me). I had stepped back from doing the high work, since I felt unappreciated for it, or used for free with no feedback. Lately, I had felt more assured within myself to move forward with my healing work."
~ Kor, USA, energy healer
My gift of inner knowing and visions are developing
"I have been feeling much lighter and hopeful in many aspects and my spirit stronger. I noticed a lot of my fear and anxieties have subsided. I also feel my inner knowing is developing more. I am seeing more inner visions (clairvoyant)-- e.g. rose petals opening."
~ Arden Springford, USA
I was in an expansive space with violet flame and then the white light. Feeling of wholeness. Joy radiating from within my being.
"I instantly felt the intense heat over my head followed by a wave of energy trickling down my entire body. I then sensed the violet flame and then the white light...I sensed I was taken into an expansive space and there I saw lights converging towards me. I strongly sensed the ball of white light above my head. I had the feeling of wholeness, completeness and I felt joy radiating from within my being."
~ Joe Pres, Philippines
Living Your Soul’s Purpose MP3
Value: $200
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless version & PDF usage instruction
Length: 10 min
I know my purpose. I'm getting clearer and clearer about how to live my purpose
"When I play or listen to the Living Your Soul's Purpose MP3 the energy moves through me - up into the universe and down into the ground. Sometimes I get chills. I know that my purpose is to love. I feel like I'm getting clearer and clearer about how to live my purpose."
~ Laurice, USA
Gives me courage and permission to do what what I am meant to do. I want to be a healer
"Living your Soul's Purpose- I feel lighter. Happier. I feel inspiration. It gives me courage, I feel like it gives me permission to go do what I am meant to do. Yes I'd like to be a healer. It makes me feel everything is going to be alright."
~ G.J., USA
Living within my heart--connected to my divinity. Expansive joy. Smiling with joy and bliss.
"Listening to this mp3 has given me a strong knowing that I am connected to my divinity. I felt the warm and cold tingly sensation pouring all over my body... I was taken into my heart. As the mp3 was playing, it felt like I was living within my heart and I then felt the joy…that divine joy…the very expansive joy that radiated from deep within my heart and out into my physical embodiment. After I listened to this mp3, I just noticed that I was smiling…smiling for joy and for bliss…I kept on smiling even if I was in a throng of people of didn’t know me. I felt the support of the divine all around me."
~ J.G.
Divine Treasure Chest MP4
Value: $500
Format: Video MP4 + MP3 version & PDF usage instruction
Length: 9 min
This healing video helps to unlock your unique gifts and tap into the Divine treasure chest. Connecting you to the Divine and merging those aspects of your Soul that have the innate wisdoms to bring forth the perfect healing activations/downloads to further raise your ability to hone and express your unique skills and talents, and even develop new gifts. This video contains high vibrational healing holograms and healing music, Novaphonic Q' Sound frequencies to further entrain and upgrade your energies to the highest vibrations possible.
Felt like a child being taken care of by my Divine Father and Divine Mother. Feeling blissful and knowing that I am taken care of in all ways always. Many blessings that are in store for me.
"As I played the video, I felt so soothing, calming, comforting and then the love all over my body. I felt the expansion in my head, throat, heart and solar plexus...I felt the feminine energy (sensed a feminine figure with a crown) who was wrapping me with her love and the awareness came to me that I am being nourished by the divine.
Divine love was very evident running throughout my entire body. I felt liberated from limitations with the feeling that I am always supported and loved by the Divine. I really had very strong feeling of lightness, joyous, happy and spacious. It felt like I am a child that is being taken care of my Divine Father and Divine Mother. It was all love and joy that I was feeling.
Three hours after I listened to the video and the mp3, I just couldn’t help but on smiling. I felt very blissful. It really was strong knowing that God is supporting and taking care of me. My worries are gone…I have that knowing (with great joy) that I am taken care of in all ways always. I am just feeling very grateful with very strong knowing of the great life that has been given to me and the many blessings that are in store for me – not only for me but for those around me as well."
~ Joe G.
I could feel the healing deep in my cells. Mesmerized me and increased my imagination.
"I enjoyed this MP4. The shapes on the screen mesmerized me and increased my imagination. The music left me feeling empowered, like I was in control of my future. Before listening, I felt a bit tired, but after listening, I felt alive! Ready to do something. The music was powerful...and I could feel the healing deep in my cells."
~ V.H., RN, USA
I go into a trance of receiving
"The Divine Treasure Chest MP4 is very powerful! I feel waves of energy and heat passing through my body every time I watch it. I go into a trance of receiving."
~ Laurice, USA
(3) 90 Minutes Destiny Retrieval Group Healing Calls
Value: $1500
Join me in this transformational healing journey to align you to your “Purpose Energy Line”, clarify your purpose, uncover your unique gifts and live your Soul’s purpose blueprint. There is going to be lots of Light Language clearing, healing activations and time for Q&A. Plus, unique Destiny retrieval processes/meditations to guide you to your “pre-birth planning” session and to meet your Council of Elders for healing messages, insights and guidance. Group calls are recorded and the healing energies are the same as live.
#1 Group Call: Saturday, December 29th, 2018 at 3:30pm Eastern (12:30pm Pacific / USA)
#2 Group Call: Saturday, January 12th, 2019 at 3:30pm Eastern (12:30pm Pacific/ USA)
#3 Group Call: Saturday, January 26th, 2019 at 3:30pm Eastern (12:30pm Pacific / USA)
1 Group Healing Call: Gifts & Purpose Clarity
- Amplify your Soul’s purpose and gifts manifestation
- Aligning you to your Soul’s Purpose Blueprint
- Connecting you to your own “Purpose Energy Line”
- Amplify your receiving channels to allow in help and support for your gifts and purpose
- Clearing and healing of energetic blocks, resistances, doubts, and fears toward embracing and receiving your unique gifts and true purpose
2 Group Healing Call: Destiny Retrieval
- Receiving guidance/messages from your Divine Team and your Council of Elders
- Destiny Retrieval--Healing of Soul’s fragments to where the Divine wants to guide you now
- Receiving clarity to your purpose and gifts through a “Pre-birth meeting” guided healing journey
- Connecting you to aspects of your Higher Self to bring forth the knowledge/wisdoms/experiences to help you in your life
- Strengthening and increasing your ability to receive Higher Help (your own Divine team)
3 Group Healing Call: Living Your Soul’s Purpose
- Supporting you to align your energies to more of what you desire
- Increase your levels of self worth, self love, forgiveness, etc
- Owning your true worth--valuing or charging for your gifts and skills
- Working through blocks, limiting beliefs and/or past hurts so that more of your core wounds can be your gifts and the fuel source to ignite your purpose & dreams
- Integrating and allowing your “Purpose Energy Line” to guide you in living your life more fully--while experiencing the support and love by the Divine/God
- Amplifying energies of abundance, passionate, purposeful, and joyful living
Now I can tap into my purpose energy line. All the stress and tension just melted away shifted and expanded my awareness.
"Before getting on Jenny group call, I was feeling the tension, stress, upset, and anger in my body. I felt so much heat throughout my body, tingling and numbing around my hands. As Jenny is doing her healing, all the stress and tension just melted away with ease. I was able to get in touch with my whole body and being present. I felt so peaceful and GOOD. Something within me shifted and expanded my awareness and knowing that every step of the way will be shown to me. I just needed to trust and follow my Inner Guidance. Now I am clear on how I can tap into my purpose energy line to get the messages from Above. So much gratitude for Jenny’s healing and support. She is such a gifted healer, able to help me heal deeply. Thank you Jenny for all the work that you do. "
~ Al, USA
Received Messages from my pre-birth meeting with the Council of Elders. I remembered my origins. Very special call and should be made available for a wider audience.
"This call is very special and should be made available for a wider audience to hear. I have come to the realization my purpose at this time involves more how I am 'being' than what I am supposed to be 'doing'! This is the message I received when listening to the replay of your group call during the part involving envisioning my pre-birth meeting with the Council of Elders. I also received from them the message to remember that my origins are not human, even though I am being a human now at this time. This message brought with it a feeling of contentment in standing in my true power. I was not expecting to receive any messages, was just enjoying listening to you speak during the call - and then I without a doubt received certain insights/words directed specifically to me as a "knowing" that was sent from this Council whose existence is very real. One thing that really is sinking in now for me is how it is important to feel and acknowledge the "gunk" as it comes up. I usually want to ignore uncomfortable feelings. As I was listening to the call, I found myself motivated to declutter some piles of things in my house that have been sitting in the same spot for weeks. That's a good thing! I always enjoy hearing you speak and the information and insights you share are priceless. I will listen to it again many more times."
~ Ashley, Hayes, USA
Valuable call packed with healings. Won 70 euro worth of sweet prize
"It was a valuable call packed with healings. Appreciated the Q&A part as well. During this time listening/watching to the MP3/MP4 I have been more introspective, paying more attention to my feelings, intuition and had some aha moments. Additionally as a nice bonus I won 70 euro worth of Pergale chocolate."
~ L. Lokke
Received a lot of clarity
"I received a lot of clarity. The group call was amazing. The energy was the strongest I have ever experienced with you."
~ D.H., USA
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Value: $200
This Divine Destiny healing call is loaded with many rounds of Light Language activations, healing transmissions, and guided meditations. It builds your strong foundations to healing, opening up your receiving channels, moving through your blocks, fears and resistances, connect to your Council of Elders for guidance/messages, and getting purpose clarity.
Light language shift things quickly
"The group healing call was fantastic! So much energy and healing. The light language does seem to shift things quickly."
~ Laurice, USA
Pain subsiding--felt pretty good and more energetic than I have been in days.
"Before the group call, my backache was quite intense (7-8 out of scale 10), but 15 minutes into the call, it reduced drastically (to 3-4)and by the time I had to sign off from the call, I felt pretty good (1-2) and more energetic than I have been in days."
~ Arden, USA
Saw visions and fell asleep
"The group call healing energies were powerful. I was drifted to sleep. Before I fell asleep, I saw in my mind’s eye the words "Rewards" then I saw golden ball of lights and then the statue of Liberty."
90 Days ABUNDANCE Bubble
Value: $800
Format: Energetic Abundance Bubble with PDF instruction
Jenny's healing "Abundance Bubble", is an energetic supportive bubble for abundance. It's like holding you and those on your "Abundance Bubble List" in a safe, protective, and supportive environment similar to the analogy of "your garden", providing energetic support/nutrients for you to grow your "abundant" garden. You and those on your list — which can include your immediate family members in your household, spouse/partner, pets, businesses, banking accounts will also benefit from Jenny's signature healing of clearing/healing of negative entities attachments, heart walls, trapped emotions, and frozen emotions. NO detoxing or processing symptoms from being a part of or included in this Abundance Bubble. Safe for everyone/everything, as this bubble of supportive energies are for the Highest Good of all involved. Great to include your immediate family members - see pdf for more details. Abundance Bubble ends 90 days from date of purchase.
Husband won $2,500 and I won $200
"I just thought of what and who I wanted in the bubble. Last night my husband won $2,500. Playing slots at a local casino!!! A few wks. later, I won $200 at casino!!! Every little bit helps. Feeling more abundant every day. Thank You Jenny!"
~ Vickie, USA
My condo completely unscathed, saved in a big fire all around
"I just wanted to let everyone know that my condo, in my abundance bubble, smack in the middle of an area severely impacted by the fire in Gatlinburg, came out completely unscathed. Feeling super supported and fortunate right now!"
~ Erin
Bonus 1:
FREE Ticket to 3 Day LIVE Event
Value: $697
Purpose to Prosperity Live Event
April 26- 27- 28, 2019 in North Carolina, USA
Join me LIVE for 3 days of healing and transformations. Receive purpose clarity, uncover your unique gifts, and unleash prosperity. Retrieval of your Soul's Destiny and healing of energetic blocks, limiting beliefs and/or past hurts so you can live your purpose and prosper doing what you love.
Imagine having 3 days immersion up close and in person with me—while receiving healing activations, support and guidance…how much FASTER you can heal and SKYROCKET your ability to live your purpose & dreams? What else is possible for you?
Note: Limited Space. First come, first serve basis--while space available.
Private Facebook Group
Holiday Spirit Jingle MP3
Need to rock into the holiday spirit? Or feeling down, need to overcome the holiday blues? Say hello to holiday joy and good-bye to holiday blues! Amp up your mood and feelin’ good again. Must have for the holiday jingle or anytime you need a-pick-me-up. Working through the underlying reasons preventing you from feeling good and connected to your joy at the level you can quickly come into alignment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I listen to my MP3s on silent?
Yes! There’s a silent/soundless MP3 version included with the same healing energies. You can listen to any MP3/MP4 at any volume level or soundless--during the day or at night when you sleep. You can listen to the Music version--just relaxing music without audible Light Language.
Q. Can I play my MP3 on loop?
Yes you can put any of these MP3s or MP4 on loop. When looping or put on repeat play continuously, recommend up to 8 hours since they do have powerful healing energies.
Q. Is it OK to multitask while listening to MP3 or watch MP4.
YES, you can multitask in general except for when you are doing anything that require 100% of your attention or potentially dangerous such as driving, operating machinery, or internet banking due to possible drowsiness,etc. But many people can use MP3s/Group Calls while doing some things that are relatively safe with great benefit.
Q. Can I infuse my water with the energies of the MP3s?
Yes, this is a wonderful way to reap the added “healing water” benefits of the MP3. Refer to the pdf instruction for a short video tutorial to infuse healing energies to your water and food.
Q. Do I need to listen to all the MP3s/MP4? Is there an order in which I should listen to them?
Although, there is no definite particular order that you have to use these MP3s/MP4; however, I do recommend when starting out that you listen to all the MP3s/MP4 a few times in this order below so you can get all the healing benefits from each. Remember, you can always follow your guidance (muscle test, use a pendulum, ask your guides, etc) for more individualized usage such as which MP3 or how often to use.
- Purpose Clarity MP3
- Destiny Retrieval MP3
- Living your Soul’s Purpose MP3
- Divine Treasure Chest MP4
Q. What if I feel uncomfortable when listening to the MP3’s or watch MP4
Due to the nature of transformational healing work--aligning, shifting, re-calibrating, and expanding your energy fields for your Highest Good. Although most people, feel very good--calm, peaceful and connected to their Divine essence. It is not uncommon to have various sensations in the body including discomforts while using my healing works. The healing energies are actually loosening up those old limiting, discordant and dense energies so that they can be healed. In the process of releasing and healing, it can feel a little uncomfortable for some people. Remember, this is a good confirmation that “gunk” energies are releasing and it’s a positive sign of healing. Remember, Healing = Feeling + Mindfulness. As you allow yourself to feel and be present, then these dense energies can be transformed quicker--leaving you feeling good. Also, trust that it is not a mistake or something going wrong. The more that you can be present and relax into trusting that this is part of the transformative healing process, the faster you will be able to move through the discomfort and experience more healing.
Q. What is Light Language? Is there anything I need to do in order to receive maximum benefits?
As you’ve experienced during this interview, the Light Language is powerful and transformative. My Light Language is multi-dimensional and high vibrational sound healing, that balances the thinking mind and connects you to your Heart/Higher Guidance while “chopping” away those dense and limiting energies including limiting beliefs, blocks, past hurts, and more. Hence, supporting you to be more of the vibration to let go those “gunk” energies that are no longer serving you and be more of the vibration to what you desire--at the level you are able to come into alignment for faster healing. Furthermore, Light Language “speaks” to your heart’s knowing vibrationally, so it is not meant to be interpreted literally or necessary to be understood by you for healing to occur. So, there’s nothing else “to do” to receive the healing, except to be an open vessel to receive and trust the healing process is for your Highest Good.
Q. When will I see results?
Everyone is at different levels of personal development and healing. Hence, healing and alignment occur at different rate. Many times, our issues are interconnected and so much deeper than what we might think or can see. Plus, we can only heal, at the level we are able to let go and receive (kinked garden hose analogy). The more proper support, guidance and healing you get--the faster you can transform.
Q. Can I use the MP3s for others in my home?
Yes, of course all the members of your immediate household will benefit from you listening and playing the MP3s/MP4 in their presence. You can also share this package with your immediate family members living with you.
Q. Do I need to attend the calls live to benefit?
All the calls will be recorded complete with all transformational energies--hence same as live. So you will not miss out if you cannot attend live. You can also submit any questions or mini-healing requests you have ahead of time. Many folks, do find it very beneficial to come to live group calls whenever they can.
Q. Do I need to listen to all the calls? If so, in which order?
I do highly recommend (whenever possible), you listen to all the group calls since I’ll be covering various important topics and healing energies to support you to receive and heal. Each group call sets the foundations and builds upon each other.
Q. How will you deliver the Live calls? Will I be able to ask questions on the Live calls?
I will be using instant teleseminars to deliver our calls, the same as this summit. YES, there will be Q&A time during all the group calls.
Package A
Total Package Value $4297
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 96% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Includes everything in Package A Plus
A Private 30 minute 1 on 1 session with Jenny
Value: $250
As a transformational healer and intuitive coach, Jenny's gift is to quickly help you unlock your potential so you can live more on purpose—doing what you love! Jenny will work with you and the Divine Teams to laser focus on your energetic blocks, support you to align your energies to more of what you desire, and also align you to your own “Purpose Energy Line” so you can uncover your gifts and live your purpose faster. She will also give you energetic feedbacks and guidance in order for you to know which areas to further focus on--so that you can heal quickly. The session will be recorded.
Many of Jenny’s clients experience:
- Purpose/Life/Career/Business clarity
- Releasing limiting beliefs, blocks and patterns
- Increased levels of self-love and self-worth
- Strengthen intuition and trust
- Pain, stress and anxiety relief
- Improvement in their relationships, health conditions and overall well-being
Saved my life and the lives of my family
"I have so much gratitude for Jenny' works and want to personally thanked her for bringing this work to the Light and sharing with the masses. Jenny has literally saved my life and the lives of my family. My life has gone from 0 to 90 in the short time as we began this work with Jenny."
~ Reverend Sophia B, USA
My home foreclosure has been cancelled.
"Hello Jenny! No words to qualify the help you gave me. I tried pinching my skin to feel if it's me and if the results I got was real. Thank you so much! The home foreclosure has been cancelled after a couples of days of our 1-1 session. Thank your Team very fervently for me also. They were very lovely and very much caring than usual. I had joyful tears when they were advising me."
~ Mr T., Washington D.C., USA
I got a high paying job. I’m a money magnet.
"Jenny many thanks to you for your healing energies and showing me the way to Abundance and True Happiness. Since Joining your group less than a month ago, I got a high paying job and I my life is shifting in a very harmonious way...I am looking forward to your call .I AM A MONEY MAGNET....Much Love"
~ Elise, USA
Money is pouring in
"Since purchase Jenny's program, I got $10,000 unexpected backed payment from the government. Financially is so good now. I play bingo x 30 yrs, recently I won $750, $850, and then $1,400. I'm telling you I can't lose. It's been amazing. The money is pouring in every time I turn around I'm getting money. I got another $1,000 sitting right here and I even haven't take to the bank yet. I have not had any financial issues since. Where I was, compared where I am now, it's like two different places. I am giving thanks! You are such an angel. I am so grateful for you Jenny!"
~ Del, USA
Seeing through my blind spots and helping transcend them
"I wanted to acknowledge Jenny for the profound healing that I have received during our one-on-one sessions and also how much her packages have helped me. Jenny she's so kind and nurturing and compassionate that it’s like my inner child finally feels like she's safe and she wants to come out and she wants to play! Jenny is able to look at you, know kind of seeing my blind spots whatever limitations that I have and help me transcend them. Working with Jenny has been really a very good decision in my life not only for my own mental emotional health but absolutely from from a spiritual perspective... I would say if one is considering on whether or not to to work with Jenny on a one-on-one basis I would say definitely. Definitely yes"
~ Demetria,USA, Host & Creator of The Fierce Soul Freedom Video Summit
Since working with Jenny I am thriving in my career and feeling so much more empowered.
"I've been in a very challenging relationship for the past 4 years with a man I love dearly but he doesn't have the tools necessary to love me the way I need to be loved. It has left me frustrated broken hearted and feeling had got to the point where even financially I was struggling as this love had rendered me stagnant. Since working with Jenny I am thriving in my career and feeling so much more empowered. I'm picking myself back up and excited about moving forward and feeling so much less detached whether it's with him or not. Jenny you are a gift from God thank you so much for your generous heartfelt and sincere passion for what you do!"
~ N.B., Virginia
My pain is gone the rest of the day after listening, as well as any anxiety
"I have been a registered nurse for 30 years. In my long career I have dealt with many people who were in severe pain, anxious and even forlorn about their love life. I too experience pain, anxiety and feelings of missing my one true love. I feel so much more at peace every day when I listen to the MP3s. I love to sit in my serenity garden I am building and meditate while listening to them. My pain is gone the rest of the day after listening, as well as any anxiety. Also, I am gaining perspective on my love life in a very positive manner. Jenny had a live Q&A call for us where she helped me significantly with a question I had..."
~ Retta, RN
Kept me focused on my purpose and helped me complete the steps I needed to do. Newfound gratitude and confidence
"I listened to this Purpose Clarity MP3 - at least 30 times. I like to listen to it when I need help to get going in a situation. It helps to break through my fatigue and/or inertia when I have to get something done. I used silent (soundless) MP3 to help me complete tasks. I listened repeatedly on silent this morning because I was tired, hurting from arthritis and fibromyalgia. The MP3 kept me focused and helped me complete the steps I needed to do. I also used it repeatedly another day to help me put away laundry. I have trouble with repetitive tasks that are not interesting. This MP3 kept me focused on my purpose and helped me complete a task I did not feel like doing. I do feel that your program helped me become more self assertive and confident. Also, my rescue cat had become much more affectionate and he seems to be more comfortable in his skin, less skittish. My cat has severe separation Anxiety and used to get angry whenever I go out.” I know that my life with my cat and my man are part of my purpose. I have newfound gratitude."
~ Gabriella T., USA
Package B
Total Package Value $4547
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 95% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
I was taken out of the density. Sensed the comfort, the security, the divine love and the strong trust. Felt the loving and expansive energy
"As I listened to this mp3, I sensed that I was wrapped in white light with cottony feeling. It seemed I was taken out of the density. I felt the tingly sensation from the top of my head down to the bottom of feet but more intensely in my causal chakra. My solar plexus was freed of tightness and I really felt the expansion and the soothing feeling running through my energetic column was very palpable. At the end of the mp3, I felt the loving and expansive energy in my throat chakra... I strongly sensed the comfort, the security, the divine love and the strong trust. I felt strongly grounded into the earth."
~ Joe Pres, Philippines
Deep trust in myself. Knowing that “all is well”. Just priceless
"The MP3 really relaxes me and help me move through some anxieties and uncertainty feelings. I allowed myself to let go as I listened to the soothing healing music. There was a deep trust in myself and God. The message I got was the Divine got my back. I felt deep tears of resonation and knowing that “all is well”. Keep trusting and moving forward even not knowing what’s going to show up next. This is a huge confirmation for me--just priceless, exactly what I needed"
~ Al, USA
Money saved paid for package investment! Husband more supportive.
"Love, trust and general well being-- I had challenges with marriage, and also insecurity about trusting the Divine and high anxiety about uncertain future. Since the participation of remote-healing, I have signed up for 6- months bundle. Listening to various MP3s, I have felt being supported and loved by the "unknown Divine". Even when things got challenging, I would regain my balance much quicker (e.g.; from being depressed for weeks to re-focusing within days). Also, there were a few times when I thought I would need to spend a few hundred dollars on home/auto repair, I ended up finding options of taking care of the problem within a hundred dollar! Those along paid for the investments in those MP3s! My husband also has been much more supportive and helpful so I am also feeling better about my relationship. I have yet to schedule the 1:1 and cannot wait to do so soon!:) Thank you so much Jenny!!"
~ A.S., USA
About Jenny Thao Ngo
Jenny Ngo, RN, MSN is a transformational healer, intuitive coach and an international speaker. Starting out in modern medicine, Jenny worked as a Registered Nurse and Certified Nurse Midwife for over 12 years. She has transformed her life from a demanding profession, unfulfillment, lack of clarity, and struggles to an awakened spiritual journey of healing and transformation. Through her journey she has not only learned to quickly and effectively heal herself, but also be the powerful catalyst for fast and massive transformation and healing to thousands of people around the world.
She discovered her own unique healing abilities and found her true calling as a transformational healer and coach. Now, as a spiritual “midwife”, she helps people “birth” their purpose and live their dreams. Jenny’s healing abilities, allow her clients to quickly uncover their true purpose and passions, find true value in their worth, unlock their unique gifts, reconnect to their intuition, and break free from limitations.
Her mission is to use her healing and intuitive abilities to help people unlock their full potential so that they can live their true purpose and prosper doing what they love. Jenny’s signature quantum healing process allows her clients to connect to their inner knowing, and free themselves from limiting beliefs and wounds of the past--so that they can fulfill their true calling.

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Discount: 96%
Total Package Value $4297
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
3 Powerful MP3s
1 MP4 with healing holograms
3 Transformative Group Calls
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Private Facebook Group
Free Ticket to 3 Day Live Event
Discount : 95%
Total Package Value $4547
FHTJ Super Value
Special Offer
3 Powerful MP3s
1 MP4 with healing holograms
3 Transformative Group Calls
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Pre-recorded DIVINE DESTINY Healing Call
Private Facebook Group
Free Ticket to 3 Day Live Event
30-Min One on One Personal Session
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Click Here to Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days
(Please choose 2 payment option at checkout)

Package A – No Refunds after First Group Call. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refunds after First Group Call or Personal Session is taken, whichever comes first.
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.