Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.
Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Download Eram and Gloria's Interview
Package A
Reset Reboot
This Program Includes:
- 30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love energies
- Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3.
- Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.
30 days of Daily Remote Healing-Love Energies
You will receive 30 days of Daily “ Remote Healing-Love energies.
You will be asked to send your full birth name, date of birth ( day/mo/yr ) along with your current location and one main issue. Gloria along with her team will connect with your higher self and prepare a personalized, just for you “ Soul-utions Sphere. This will be customized Divine Spherical Energies to assist you to search, shift, lift, solve everything connected with your One main issue. Finding the Spiritual-Divine lesson underneath the pain, suffering, heartaches, physical health issues, mental issues, emotional issues or more.. Then use it for your highest and greatest good, supporting, guiding, teaching, healing YOU! So you can move forward fearlessly, effortlessly, easily, unburdened... Forward and towards your most extraordinary, magical, miraculous Heaven on Earth Live With LOVE, In LOVE, Through LOVE.
You will be given “ how to activate instructions”
Please fill the form above and submit. If you are unable to see the form, go to this URL -
Please state this intention to open yourself up to receiving the healing sent to you.
I ( state name ) born ( date ) in ( city/state ) intend and choose to call forth/activate the highest pure love energies, sent by Gloria & Whole Heart Healers, that serve my highest and greatest good. Thank you.
Opening your Heart to LOVE - MP3
Instructions: Please listen to this powerful MP3 at the beginning of the program, and daily for at least 7 days, then once a week for best results. An open heart creates the opening to let Love in, so then everything else can work.
Meditation, Activation, Invocation, Spiritual Attunement. A true Gift of Love. Embedded with the purest, most divine, powerful frequencies and energies of Divine Love, Light and Truth. Please listen daily, to assist you D & P to clear your heart wounds/walls, creating a crack/opening to let love in, to allow love to heal you. Including a spiritual cleansing, releasing, clearing, dissolving, shifting, transmuting the OLD Past Traumatic Stored Discordant Energies/Emotions, safely,all in diving timing.
Please let go of the timing, an outcome, spirit knows exactly what you need, can handle etc. As this is evolutionary healing/ love in action/ please allow for the energy to do its work, to raise your vibration to clear the density, whenever, however. Please no resistance, no making anything wrong, judging it working or not working. Let it be Divine,aligning you with the power of LOVE. Setting you Free to LOVe yourself and everyone, Blessed be and so it is.
You will be given “ how to activate instructions”.
Love Yourself into Love Healing Art Mandala.

Right-Click the image and select save as or save link as to download to your system.
Instructions: Please print. Center in Love, Love of self, knowing love is yours, calling forth Love. I am Ready to Love myself into Divine and Perfect LOVE. Hold in left hand, state your intention to Activate. Bring this love into your heart, into all of your cells, organs. Intend it is enough…
This is a creative gift from spirit that Gloria created from Love and much Joy. Hand drawn and painted, embedded/infused with the Pure Source Love Energies (self love, love for others, non judgmental love, unconditional love, Divine love, High Heart Love, Love heals love. Love is everything. All things are LOVE.
The energies remain active everyday you are receiving the energies. Afterwards feel free to enjoy the mandala as an original piece of Art, that brings love into the home. Hang as desired. You will be given instructions on how to activate.
Healing Heart Wounds Inside and Outside
Healing Heart Wounds MP3 is a Divine Love Meditation/Love Activation that has unique blessings and benefits that can vary for each person and each time listening. Spirit, your higher self and your heart knows all about all of your Past Traumatic Stored Discordant Emotions & limiting beliefs including how they have negatively impacted your life. Including what your heart and soul is ready to surrender, transform or transmute and let it go. Replacing it all with Divine Love, Self Love, Pure Love.. = Blessings
Listening once a week is recommended.
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A
- Additional 30 days of Remote Healing Energies, sent daily.(Total of 60 days)
- “Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
- A private one on one healing-love session with Gloria. (40 min)
Additional 30 days (Total of 60 days) of Remote Love Healing Energies, sent daily.
Supporting you even further in moving forward fearlessly, effortlessly, easily and unburdened, in these next 30 days we are going to go EVEN DEEPER propelling you forward and towards your most extraordinary, magical, miraculous Heaven on Earth Live With LOVE, In LOVE, Through LOVE.
A total of 60 days remote healing Love activations sent to you remotely. You dont have to do anything!
“Love Yourself” Meditation/Activation/Transmission – MP3
This is most beneficial when a person needs some true self love, self acceptance, self respect and self worth. Can listen to daily for lots of extra love or at times when you need it most or as needed like a Self Love Tune up. Assists to remind you, you are Divine Love.
Instructions: Listen after completing 7 days of Opening Your Heart. Listening daily is recommended until such time that your daily life includes self-love, self-acceptance, self-respect, self-worthiness and all relationships are loving, respectful etc. It is designed to activate and then maintain self-love, so once in the energy of Love 24/7 a once a month listening tune up is all that you need. There is no such thing as too much love.
For some, this will take awhile and for others, this will be faster. Afterwards, once a week or once a month will simply keep reminding you and it will be like a self-love tune-up.
A private one on one healing-love session with Gloria.
This is where the magic happens!
Connected heart to heart, higher self to higher self. Gloria is divinely guided, using her voice as a spiritual healing tool, words of wisdom, love, light and truth will come through, personalized and unique, Just for you. Downloaded into a Divine and Perfect Soul-utions sphere that is most beneficial for you at this time, serving highest and greatest good.
People that get sessions with Gloria routinely report:
- Drastic improvement in relationships ( self, family members, co-workers, neighbors.. even ones disconnected and not in communication for years.
- Unintentional and Intentional weight loss with a healthier self image, free from the need to judge or criticize.
- Relief of long standing fear and anxiety issues. Freedom from isolation and loneliness.
- Reduction and or return to normal B/P and cholesterol issues with either a reduction or removal of all medicines taken in the past. With support and guidance of medical Doctor.
- Shift of chronic health conditions like Diabetes, skin conditions, etc.
- Improvement of finances, opportunities, unexpected cash rewards, winnings etc.
- Chronic aches and pains mysteriously start to vanish, returning mobility, flexibility and attitude.
- Improving love in all areas of life ( self, relationships with family, friends, co-workers ) attracting healthy soul love relationships, boyfriends ) despite years of nothing ever working.
- Huge attitude shift, out of negativity, victim mentality, fear, doubt, worry, what’s the use.. to a positive- yes I can! And yes I will attitude. Everything is possible. Return to love
Can be done on skype or Zoom.
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A & B
- Extra full month of daily remote energies (Total of 90 days)
- One additional 40 min private one on one session (Total of Two private 1-1 session with Gloria and the Whole Heart Healers)
Extra full month of daily remote energies (Total of 90 days)
Now that you have really, really moved the energies out of your system and are transforming the energies through love imagine what your life will be like when you receive 3 months of such beautiful, powerful, pure Source Love.
******Please note **** this package is for three issues. Yes, you get to pick 3 different issues that you would like to work on in these 3 months so that they can be eradicated and dissolved forever!
What would you like to pick? Imagine what life would be like if you no longer had those issues and had what you really desired instead. That is what this package is going to be offering you!
You will need to send a current photo of you alone, selfie is okay, but it has to be you alone in the picture.
(Total of Two private 1-1 session with Gloria and the Whole Heart Healers)
This is where the magic happens!
Now you get not one but 2 sessions with Gloria. One can be done to address issues that are bothering you right now and you can book the second one if there are any unresolved energies that may come up later.
Connected heart to heart, higher self to higher self. Gloria is divinely guided, using her voice as a spiritual healing tool, words of wisdom, love, light and truth will come through, personalized and unique, Just for you. Downloaded into a Divine and Perfect Soul-utions sphere that is most beneficial for you at this time, serving highest and greatest good.
People that get sessions with Gloria routinely report:
- Drastic improvement in relationships ( self, family members, co-workers, neighbors.. even ones disconnected and not in communication for years.
- Unintentional and Intentional weight loss with a healthier self image, free from the need to judge or criticize.
- Relief of long standing fear and anxiety issues. Freedom from isolation and loneliness.
- Reduction and or return to normal B/P and cholesterol issues with either a reduction or removal of all medicines taken in the past. With support and guidance of medical Doctor.
- Shift of chronic health conditions like Diabetes, skin conditions, etc.
- Improvement of finances, opportunities, unexpected cash rewards, winnings etc.
- Chronic aches and pains mysteriously start to vanish, returning mobility, flexibility and attitude.
- Improving love in all areas of life ( self, relationships with family, friends, co-workers ) attracting healthy soul love relationships, boyfriends ) despite years of nothing ever working.
- Huge attitude shift, out of negativity, victim mentality, fear, doubt, worry, what’s the use.. to a positive- yes I can! And yes I will attitude. Everything is possible. Return to love
Can be done on skype or Zoom.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.