Super Value Discount on Package B. Only $347 for first 20!
*Click here for 2 Payment Option*

Did you just break up with someone or need to break-up with someone?

Are you holding onto or idealizing a past relationship?

Is your negative self-talk keeping you unfilled in your relationships?

Are you giving your energy to relationships where you are not seen, heard, or honored?

These Sound Files are for You, If You Feel:

  • Empty

  • Drained

  • Sad

  • Lonely

  • Disconnected

  • Needy

  • Stuck

  • Unlovable

Here are some of the Incredible Results that People Have Reported Just by Listening to His MP3s

"Listening to Bill's MP3 healed the pain in my heart INSTANTLY"

“Had a Profound Spiritual Experience that Helped
Shape a Relationship Change for the Positive”

“Completely Detached All Cords from a Narcissistic
Relationship, I Can Sleep again, My Heart is Healed.”

“The Session Went Beyond My Expectations, Leaving Me Surprised and Happy by the New Relationship Bill Cael Helped Me to Create with My Deceased Father”

“Having Bill in Your Life is a Bit Like Meeting Your Fairy Godfather
Who Can Help You Make Your Dreams Come True”

“Bill Brought Me Back from the Dark Night of the Soul”

“I Am Vibrating So Much I Felt Like I Was in Another Space”

“Bill has Partnered with the Bowls at Such a Strong Level of Mastery that as a Receiver of Any Form of Healing He Offers, Magic Happens.”

“Bill's Love for Healing Through Sound has Created Miracles for Many”

“After One Session with Bill, I Was Able to Move Beyond
My PTSD and Get My Life Back”

“The Sound File Created by Bill Cael has Accelerated Everything
I'm involved with on a Physical, Mental, and Emotional Level”

Ancient Tibetan Bowls and Sound Files

Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls are spiritual sound devices used to attune the listener to his or her own spirit. They were originally made by Tibetan Monks hundreds of years ago. These bowls have the innate value of years of prayers and intentions set by the Monks that played them.

When played these bowls help the listener transform and transmute areas in which he or she is stuck.

With heartfelt intention, they can also help bring in your dreams and desires.

Bill uses Ancient Tibetan Bowls in 5-7 minute Sound Files that can be played throughout your day to help break up patterns in your life and bring in new realities.

These Sound Files will bring back the MAGIC to your Life!

Listening to Bill's MP3 healed the pain in my heart INSTANTLY

"Everyone knows that one of the most difficult aspects to deal with a break up is the "neediness" or the sense of loss that eats at you daily. Every thing reminds of you that persona and you seem to not be able to get rid of thoughts of them even if you try really hard. This creates endless yearning and you end up re-connecting even when you know its not in your best interest.

Listening to Bill's MP3 healed the pain in my heart INSTANTLY...its 5 minutes but nothing short of a miracle. If you want to stay in your strength even in the aftermath of ending a relationship or thinking of ending one, this MP3 brings you into complete balance and wholeness without disconnecting from the love. Its truly amazing! I still use it daily just to feel the wholeness back in my heart :)"

~ Eram Saeed

  • Within one month of my bowl session I looked back and realized I'd created the life of my dreams seemingly without my noticing.
    A,W., Montana
  • The bowls gave me clarity around life questions that allowed me to make better decisions that I feel great about.
    S.W., Utah
  • Bill introduced me to the world of tonal healing with skill, compassion, and much laughter. Since my workshop I have noticed I stay grounded and live in appreciation. In addition, my chronic arthritis is a thing of the past.
    S.K., North Carolina
  • The bowls made me clearer and open to new possibilities. They also released stress and pain allowing me to play in the quantum field.
    C.T., Utah
  • The ancient healing bowls had a profound impact on my health and happiness . My chronic pain is much alleviated and I am creating the life I want. This is life changing work .
    T.R., New York
  • The singing bowls have made me a more peaceful person with myself and the world .
    J.R. , Montana

*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!



Your Text


Reset Reboot

Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $1000

From Heartache to Joy 


5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files


Deep Dive

Discount: 83%

Total Package Value $2000

FHTJ Super Value 

$777 $347

(For the first 20)

5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files

30-Minutes with Bill Cael and

Customized Sound File

1 Customized Sound File



Discount: 44%

Total Package Value $4500

From Heartache to Joy


5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files

30-Minutes with Bill Cael and

Customized Sound File

1 Customized Sound File

3 Months Personalized Coaching with Bill
(2 Sessions per month, Total 6 Sessions)

3 Individual Customized Sound Files
(1 Sound File Per Month)

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Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply

Package B – Refund Guaranteed till Session is Availed. (No refund after Session)

Package C – Refund Guaranteed till 1st Session is Availed. (No refund after Session)



Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support  all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package A

Reset Reboot


Breaking Free with Grace and Ease
5 Sound Files with Bonus Sound File Boost

These 5 Sound Files have been specially designed to help you get through a break-up or to cut cords from past relationships.

By releasing the energy of past relationships, you will be ready to move forward with grace and ease.

fade-leftfade-rightCutting Cords

When a relationship becomes toxic due to a myriad of reasons, it’s useful to cut the cords of dysfunction and clear the toxicity so you can reorient yourself. This Sound File helps you to let go of the past.

fade-leftfade-rightShielding and Protection

This Sound File helps you to protect yourself from toxic connections and interactions.

fade-leftfade-rightFeeling Needy

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of old limiting beliefs and patterns. This Sound File helps you to morph your neediness into confidence.

fade-leftfade-rightLonging and Heartache

We all want connections: it’s a basic human need. This Sound File helps you feel whole, connected, and full instead of empty and emotionally bleeding.

“The Tibetan Bowls Sound Files are powerful transformational tools! I have felt altered each time I listen to them”

"I have experienced new insights and profound shifts in my body, mind, and spirit! I have also used them in my healing practice to shift patterns with my clients and help to accelerate their healing. It is so rewarding to watch their pain disintegrate before my eyes. I highly recommend Bill’s beautiful work and Sound Files!"

~  Deborah, New York

“My energy is more fluid, more organized, and is allowing the
healing of an area in my body that was having continual difficulties”

"I feel like the Sound Files are reordering my energy in a way that is more fluid, more organized, and is allowing the healing of an area in my body that was having continual difficulties. They are making overall changes that are better for me in all areas. I also think that they are allowing my right brain to have equal time with my left brain, so I don't feel like I am abandoning my creativity for all the chores that must be done."

~  Alice, British Columbia

“After listening to the Sound File, I opened and can trust myself, my heart is healed, and I completely detached all cords from him”

"I felt completely shut down, especially my heart, from a recent break up with a narcissistic relationship. My self-talk was consisting of -"How could I be so gullible and duped? How could I be so stupid to fall for him? Why couldn’t I see through his lies?" I wondered how I was going to recover from this break-up. After listening to the Sound File, I opened up and can trust myself, my heart is healed, and I completely detached all cords from him. The Sound File put me back together."

~  Shelly, Utah

Energy Drain to Energy Boost

This Sound File is designed to flip your energy from draining to giving you an energy boost in a quick 3 to 5 minutes. So it’s great to listen to prior to meetings when you need a lift or after going sideways from a confrontation. It will reset you back in your own frequency.

Reset Reboot

Total Package Value $1000

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99

*** 90% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

Deep Dive

This Program Includes:

  • Includes all of package A
  • 30-Minutes with Bill Cael and Customized Sound File


30-Minutes with Bill Cael and Customized Sound File

It includes the 5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files and the Bonus Sound File Boost, a personal 30-minute session with Bill, and a Customized Sound File.

It is perfect for you if you want:

  • Personalized instruction on setting intentions
  • A custom Sound File designed to work with your specific issues
  • Guidance on how to work with the 5 Healing from Heartache with Ease and Grace Sound Files

This package is for people who want to take a Deep Dive into their lives. It includes a 30-minute private phone session with Bill Cael. He will talk with you about what is happening in your life. Using his intuition and years of healing experience, he will guide you to set a heartfelt intention that will help move you forward on your journey. This may be helping you with unresolved issues or patterns in your life. He may get impressions of a past life that needs to be resolved. It may also be about looking into the future to help you manifest the highest good in your life. This individual session is all about YOU and what YOU need.

During this session, Bill will play bowls for you. Sometimes this is the basis for your own Customized Sound File with your own personal intention. Other times Bill will create a Sound File for you after the phone session. Your own Customized Sound File will accelerate your growth as it is specifically created for YOU. Bill will make sure that you understand the heartfelt intention that you created with him and that you are clear about what needs to be addressed in your life.

As a Master Singing Bowl Healer, Bill will intuitively choose Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls to play on your Customized Sound File. He may fill in the "missing" musical notes in your life or add to musical notes that will help you to dismantle and reform yourself in any given area of your life. These Vibrations, Tones, and Light (V.T.L.) are chosen specifically for YOU and what YOU are working on. Since they are meant specifically for you, the rate of acceleration of change is dramatically increased.

“The Session Went Beyond My Expectations, Leaving Me Surprised and Happy by the New Relationship Bill Cael Helped Me to Create with My Deceased Father”

"I didn't know Mr. Cael and his work when I first volunteer myself for this session.

At the beginning of the session, he brought up some new piece of information that resonated with me. First, he picked up that I had been very religious up to my mid 20's. He also mentioned that I had been a nun in a past lifetime and most of my current issues with relationships and finances were linked to that.

When he started playing the singing bowls, I immediately felt a current of Energy rolling up and down throughout my whole body. When he paused, I felt I was in a deep trance, in total peace.

By this time he sensed my deceased father, and I immediately felt emotional as I also could sense him. I have had many sessions with many different healers before, but was the first time someone “introduced” me to my father in this way. I also thought that I was totally healed from all the issues I had with my father when he was still in his physical form and all the sadness I got from his passing. In this session, however, I realized that I had just numbed my feelings instead of healing.

Bill Cael, after passing some information about my father's messages to me, started playing the bowls again. By the end of the session, I felt whole again. All the negative emotions were gone and a deep sense of harmony and regrown strengths were present.

On the same day, I did call for my father's protection, as Bill suggested. I "asked" my father to protect me as I was stopping my car in an unknown area, far from civilization to make a phone call. At the same time, a police car stopped and parked right in front of mine. Two police officers stayed there checking upon the documents of a few passing by cars. As soon my 90-minute phone call finished, the polices officers went away without even talking or interrupting me.

My father used to be a police officer and I had asked for him to "help with protection," so I guess this was his way of sending me help. I thought it was an extremely interesting situation indeed as it is a place that didn't make any sense for police officers to be. I have to thank Bill Cael for this as I never tried "communicating" with my father before and after this experience I totally believe that it is indeed possible.

In summary, the session went beyond my expectations, leaving me surprised and happy by the new relationship Bill Cael helped me to create with my deceased father."

~  Maria Luiza, Brazil

“Having Bill in Your Life is a Bit Like Meeting Your Fairy Godfather
Who Can Help You Make Your Dreams Come True”

"Working with Bill is an absolute joy. He is fearlessly heart-strong, heart-centered, and an endless wealth of knowledge. His years of experience have gifted him with intuition and knowing to ask the right questions to elicit a healing response. It helps to be working with someone so capable when having tough content and emotions that can come up when doing this type of work. I’m so thankful for all the wonderful work he does with me and all of the beautiful people on this planet.

Having Bill in your life is a bit like meeting your fairy godfather who can help you make your dreams come true"

~  Jessamyn Rowe, Montana

“Bill Brought Me Back from the Dark Night of the Soul”

"I was going through a rough patch in my life with my life lessons and karma. Bill came to my place and gave me a bowl session 2 days in a row. It brought me back from the dark night of the soul. I am grateful for the amazing work he does."

~  JoAnne Bassett, Texas

Deep Dive

Total Package Value $2000

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777

FHTJ Super Value Special Offer $347

*** 83% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644


This Program Includes:

  • 5 Healing from Heartache with Grace & Ease Sound Files
  • 3 Months Personalized Coaching with Bill (2 Sessions per month, Total 6 Sessions)
  • 3 Individual Customized Sound Files (1 Sound File Per Month)

The VIP package has a total of THREE Individual Specific Sound Files, ONE new Sound File per month.

Two personal sessions per month for a total of six sessions over three months.

These "tweaking sessions" are designed to help the VIP person stay on track and jazzed and in AWE as they create the Inspired Life. These sessions allow us to go as deep as we need and LOCK IN the desired results.


Working with Bill Cael for 3 Months

The VIP Package is perfect for you if you want:

  • Guidance over time on how bringing love and connection into your life
  • 3 Customized Sound Files designed to work with your specific issues
  • Instruction on how to change your intentions over time as you move through your issues

The VIP offer is for people that want to Live the Inspired Life. This package is really like a life course on YOU. You will learn about what is holding you back and learn how to move forward. Bill Cael will use his intuition and 33 years of healing experience to help you figure out where to focus in your life. He will then teach you about heartfelt intentions and how to use these intentions with your own Customized Sound Files. As you begin to let go of what is holding you back from the life you want, Bill will help you to bring into your life what you truly desire.

Over the 3 months, you will work with Bill on an on-going basis. You will have 1 private session per month with your own Customized Sound File. Then you will have 1 check-in session per month where you may revise your intention to use with your existing Sound File or receive a new Sound File depending on what you need. During these private sessions with Bill, he will teach and coach you on the tools you need to make and keep the changes in your life.

At the end of 3 months, these tools will be yours forever! You will be able to use your knowledge of intention setting and of how your body works to be able to face whatever is thrown at you in the future.

“Bill's Love for Healing Through Sound has Created Miracles for Many”

"I met Mr. Bill Cael over 20 years ago at Rapid Eye Training. I deeply respect his commitment to assist in the healing of the planet.

I love his work with Tibetan Singing Bowls. He has become a Master at many things—but his love for healing through sound has created miracles for many. I consider Bill a close personal friend and love his honesty and his use of healing modalities."

~  Ranae Johnson, PhD Founder RET

“After One Session with Bill, I Was Able to Move Beyond
My PTSD and Get My Life Back”

"I came to Bill Cael at a very difficult time in my life. I had been working in a country that was oppressive to women where I witnessed and experienced events that caused much fear and anxiety. After my employment contract ended and I returned home, I thought everything would be okay - but it was not. I had nightmares, difficulty getting to sleep, anxiety, fear, and headaches. I sought out help and ended up with a diagnosis of PTSD. I worked with a therapist for over a year and although I looked functional from the outside, inside I was a mess. My symptoms were not getting better. My therapist felt that the only option was to go on anti-anxiety medicine and get sleeping pills - both of which I was against. I wanted to move past my PTSD and not just mask the symptoms.

At this point I began to work with alternative healers. I knew that I didn't feel like myself and I wanted to feel like me again. I wanted to be able to sleep and not have the lens of fear be how I viewed the world. I went to several healers and often felt better for a short period of time, but nothing was sticking. At this point, I had the pleasure of meeting Bill Cael. I had heard of sound healing, but didn't really know anything about it. I was nervous working with Bill Cael at first because he was a man and men were the cause of much of my fear. Upon meeting Bill Cael these fears were dispelled in seconds. He has a gentle, kind, sincere sprint and instantly I felt safe and cared for.

Once Bill Cael started to play the bowls, there was much dissonance in the sound of the bowls which eventually gave away to beautiful melodic rhythms. I felt calm and peaceful. Then suddenly I felt this heavy pressure on my whole body and then this force of heavy pressure dropped into my body with a thump. I sat up quickly and realized immediately that I felt whole. I felt like me again. Bill Cael explained that I had parts of myself that were disassociated due to the trauma and these pieces were floating around my body. The Ancient Singing Bowls brought all of my parts together and put them back into my body. I felt amazing! I went home that night with no headache and no fear. I slept the best I had in years with no nightmares. I was worried that like the other healers that I had been to that this would not last, but it did! After one session with Bill Cael, I was able to move beyond my PTSD and get my life back.

I did a few more sessions with Bill Cael after this to set bring in what I desired in my life. At the start of each session, we set heart-felt intentions and then Bill played the bowls. Within a month of my sessions with Bill Cael I had began to date the man I eventually married and was hired at my dream job. I also had more joy and peace in my life than I can ever remember having. My sessions with Bill Cael truly change my life."

~  Lynn, Singapore

“Completely Detached All Cords from a Narcissistic
Relationship, I Can Sleep again, My Heart is Healed.”

"I felt completely shut down especially my heart from a recent break up with a narcissistic relationship.

My self talk of: How could I be so gullible and duped? How could I be so stupid to fall for him ? Why couldn’t I see through his lies?

I was having panic attacks and would jolt awake every couple of hours. I wondered how I was going to recover from this break-up. After listening to the sound file:

  • I could sleep again (as in back to normal)
  • I opened back up and can trust myself
  • My heart is healed
  • I completely detached all cords from him. The sound file put me back together."

~  Shelly, Utah


Total Package Value $4500

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $2500

*** 44% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“Have Access to Greater Possibilities than Ever Before”

"Increase in vibrational frequency. Greater increased connection to God source. Clarity of mind. Puts me in my body – where I can manifest. I’m touching deed seeded content from ancient history to release easily. Easier to be in the moment breaks up the day. It opens up space. Have access to greater possibilities than ever before."

~  Clarissa and Travis, Utah

“Bill's Custom Sound File has been Extremely Helpful for People to Bridge the Gap to Awakening and to Overcome Obstacles They Can't Surmount Any Other Way”

"I am an awakening teacher teaching people to be in the present moment. Sound has been neglected in western cultures as a presence tool. I use sound to help my students to stay present. Bill's custom Sound File has been extremely helpful for them to bridge the gap to awakening and to overcome obstacles they can't surmount any other way."

~  Gabor Harsanyi, Hungary

“Felt So Much More Balanced and Clear Than I Have in a Long Time”

"After my second session with Bill, I felt so much more balanced and clear than I have in a long time. I was able to easily express my feeling and needs to my husband. I also knew which steps I was planning to take in the next few months."

~ Elizabeth, Singapore

“Very Powerful Shift and Transformation to Support Us in Creating
More Success in Both Helping People and Making More Money Doing It”

"Working with the customized Sound File that Bill created for my business, we experienced a very powerful shift and transformation to support us in creating more success in both helping people and making more money doing it."

~  Carol and Jon, Utah

“Had a Profound Spiritual Experience that Helped
Shape a Relationship Change for the Positive”

"I have known Bill Cael for over 20 years, and I highly recommend him both as a healer and an outstanding leader with integrity. I attended my first Tibetan Bowl Class in 2011 with Bill and had a profound spiritual experience that helped shape a relationship change for the positive.

Then I attended Bill’s class on learning to play the bowls. I will be forever grateful because when I became ill last year, playing my bowls assisted me greatly in my healing process. Bill also made a Sound File of the bowls that I listened to daily that would immediately bring me to a calm state.

I have had many phone sessions with Bill and I am always better for having been in his presence. I highly recommend him professionally and personally."

~  Lynell Beckstrom, Oregon

“The Sound File Created by Bill Cael has Accelerated Everything
I'm involved with on a Physical, Mental, and Emotional Level”

"The Sound File created by Bill Cael has accelerated everything I'm involved with on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I am in touch with my body more than I have ever been and I know what my body wants. I know what food and supplements it wants or that I desire. I have a very clear communication and connection now with my body and emotions."

~  Nurit, Hungary

“I’m Much Improved. I’ll Come Out On Top.”

"My Sound File helps me get to and stay asleep. It totally calms my mind. My life was filled with anxiety because of betrayal as a child and in my marriage. I felt like a victim and had negative self-talk. My self-talk now is, “I’m much improved. I’ll come out on top" The Sound File helps me be more comfortable with myself and to stay positive. It is easier to be true to myself."

~  Joanne, Washington

“My Sound File Pulled Me from the Depths of Grief, Mourning, and Depression”

"I have personally worked with Bill for 5 years. His sessions were life-changing. When I received his Sound File, I felt as if he was right there in the room with the bowls around my being. This is a tremendous tool for healing and emotional well-being due to the fact that it is designed for you. I was in a fog after the death of my youngest daughter. The Sound File pulled me from the depths of grief, mourning, and depression."

~  Kate, Idaho

“I Am Convinced that the Singing Bowls Used on My Body Dissolved My Fibroids”

"Bill Introduced me to the fascinating world of Singing Bowls. I am convinced that the bowls used on my body dissolved my fibroids. I believe bowls are the missing piece in helping resolve many female concerns that Singing Bowls will be the medicine of the future."

~  Lisa Levine, Thailand

“An Effortless Realignment with Myself and the Cosmos”

"Several years ago during a stressful time in my life, Bill Cael introduced me to an extraordinary technology he created that has become indispensable. My Sound File is based on the unique tone and timbre of my voice. I like to think of it as the bowls translating and enriching my core self. I keep my Sound File on my laptop and phone and use it to meditate, for inspiration, inspire, sleep and heal - an effortless realignment with myself and the cosmos. "

~  Sarah Kairoff, North Carolina

“Had a Profound Spiritual Experience that Helped
Shape a Relationship Change for the Positive”

"I have known Bill Cael for over 20 years, and I highly recommend him both as a healer and an outstanding leader with integrity. I attended my first Tibetan Bowl Class in 2011 with Bill and had a profound spiritual experience that helped shape a relationship change for the positive.

Then I attended Bill’s class on learning to play the bowls. I will be forever grateful because when I became ill last year, playing my bowls assisted me greatly in my healing process. Bill also made a Sound File of the bowls that I listened to daily that would immediately bring me to a calm state.

I have had many phone sessions with Bill and I am always better for having been in his presence. I highly recommend him professionally and personally."

~  Lynell Beckstrom, Oregon

“Very Powerful Shift and Transformation to Support Us in Creating
More Success in Both Helping People and Making More Money Doing It”

"Working with the customized Sound File that Bill created for my business, we experienced a very powerful shift and transformation to support us in creating more success in both helping people and making more money doing it."

~  Carol and Jon, Utah

About Bill Cael

As an intuitive healer for 33 years, Bill Cael began his journey toward the Tibetan Bowls at a very young age. At age 12, he discovered his interest and aptitude for music and particularly focused on percussion. By age 16, he began his professional experience as a drummer. Combining his love of and talent in music with his training in Rapid Eye Technology, Body Electronics and his experience in chiropractic, naturopathy, and psychotherapy, Bill’s approach to sound frequency wholeness is extensive and elegantly holistic. Since being introduced to the Ancient Tibetan Bowls in early 2008, he has embarked on a path of service and education that has profoundly altered and enhanced his own life and the lives of many other people.

*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package B!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!



Your Text


Reset Reboot

Discount: 90%

Total Package Value $1000

From Heartache to Joy 


5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files


Deep Dive

Discount: 83%

Total Package Value $2000

FHTJ Super Value 

$777 $347

(For the first 20)

5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files

30-Minutes with Bill Cael and

Customized Sound File

1 Customized Sound File



Discount: 44%

Total Package Value $4500

From Heartache to Joy


5 Breaking Free with Grace and Ease Sound Files

30-Minutes with Bill Cael and

Customized Sound File

1 Customized Sound File

3 Months Personalized Coaching with Bill
(2 Sessions per month, Total 6 Sessions)

3 Individual Customized Sound Files
(1 Sound File Per Month)

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money back logo


Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply

Package B – Refund Guaranteed till Session is Availed. (No refund after Session)

Package C – Refund Guaranteed till 1st Session is Availed. (No refund after Session)



Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support  all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

Copyright © 2018 - Cosmic Media LLC
101 Convention Center Drive, STE 810, Las Vegas, NV, 89109