Wondering why manifestation isn’t working?
Stop feeling like a failure and let the Goddesses of Infinite Abundance activate the dormant prosperity within you!
This program contains the EXACT tools I use to create my abundant life and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Do any of these describe how you feel?:
- Money, success and abundance always seem to be out of your grasp
- You’ve tried programs but it seems like nothing works and you’re actually left feeling worse
- Or maybe you have gotten some results, manifested some money or objects but you’re still left feeling empty and unfulfilled? You thought it would feel better than this?
The seeds of abundance could be dormant in your life

If you have tried and tried and nothing has worked,
it’s not your fault…
I too, have failed at abundance programs but now
I’ve awakened to true Goddess Power!

Expert Reviews |
Extra $20,000 in 24 hours!
“Recently, I set a goal to bring in a substantial amount of money by the end of the work week to pay for an business investment I was very excited about. By Thursday although some money had come in I wasn't yet near the amount needed for the investment and I was starting to really doubt I bring the rest in within 24 hours.
I then settled into to take a bath and listen to Gina's Abundance MP3 (Track 2). What a great decision! Immediately I felt a lot of pain clearing out of my left side, which I associate with my feminine side. After the pain subsided I found myself connecting even more deeply with the track- the words are like energetic poetry and the phrases are very empowering to speak aloud.
The next day every call I had with potential clients who had told me they were going to pay in installments if they did move forward changed to them saying yes and also wanting to pay in full for the services. Therefore I received an extra $20K in cash in addition to other payments which brought me to my goal. I know the MP3 was that powerful clearing boost that took me over the hump. Super exciting work; thank you so much Gina!”
~ Alee Reina Hoffman, Soul Channel and Creator of the Soul Board Meeting Process
Manifested $30,000 in one week!
“A business partner suddenly did not have the money that he promised for repairs on an investment property… We were looking at a shortfall of $35,000. That same day, Gina Brollier did a Goddess Activation for me and Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity and Play showed up. Lakshmi assured me that I had the support of the Exalted Masculine. Within one week, $30,000 showed up from an unexpected source.
Today - Six weeks later we have an offer on a property… We will double our money in Three Months!!!
Gina’s Goddess Activations are absolutely incredible… I was given Confirmation of my Divine Purpose and two gifts from Mary Magdalene: Perception and the Gift of Health. Gina has a true gift… You want to make sure that you get your own personal Goddess Activation. Gina launches next week!”
~ Peg Rose, Creator of “Home Whispering”
New clients, more money and inner power!
“Thanks Gina for your amazing program I loved it! I could feel the power coming from the work I did with the goddesses and I feel like a different person! Since working with this program I'm getting new clients, money comes to me and I feel so much more abundant. I felt something inside the core of my being change after your program that connected me to my inner power!!
You have a powerful gift helping people transform into their empowered self.
Thank you for your amazing work, keep it up!”
~ Annett Schneider, Life Transformation Coach and Intuitive Healer
Released limitation to stop playing small
“With each new activation I felt energies in my back break up and then leave. I know this is where I had stored my fears, lack, and beliefs in limitation – back in my subconscious. The final activation really did it for me. It pushed me out of playing small, and out into the full light of my being and potential. There is no turning back now. There is only rapid expansion ahead!”
~ Janet Doerr, The Intuitive Nutritionista, Medical Intuitive
My clients experience abundance in all forms:
Instant money windfalls
Everyday money miracles
New job offers
Huge boost in confidence
Success in business
Improved work environment
New sense of freedom and possibility
Pain Relief
Relationships healed
Toxic relationships leaving
Weight loss
Feeling strong, radiant and empowered!!!
What if the dormant success inside of you could be activated today? This program takes you down the path of complete illumination for the abundant life of your dreams.
Instant Money Miracles…
“Hello Gina Brollier. I have just replayed your 2nd call to activate abundance of Goddess Lakshmi on mute, while calling my car insurance company. I've been with them for last 4 years, but my car accident over year ago made my quote price high. The energies of the call brought miracle. Originally, they were asking for £805 and my new price of annual car insurance is £625. I am so happy about it. Thank you so much for bringing these energies to us. And thank you, Eram Saeed, for bringing these talented healers to our attention. Much love. ”
~ Mirka in England
Receiving more and more without even asking…
“It was such a pleasure experiencing 'Activating Your Goddess Factor' with Gina Brollier recently and am so excited to share this with you. Being held in the Goddess energy felt like finally being home. As in this is where I belong, in Beautiful Divine Feminine Mastery, Goddess Style. I loved the whole experience, our Goddess Calls, the activations, the audios, and the Private Session was fantastic. Our lovely group blossomed and flourished during our time together and received infinitely more than One piece of the program, Healing the Inner Adolescent, was something I've yet to some across and after experiencing the healing, I feel it's so key in being in an amazing romantic relationship & creating an incredible life worthy of a Goddess.
On one of our Goddess calls I was fortunate to receive a reading about my Love Match and what came through was amazing. Everything about him was so spot on... his qualities, his character and the life we are to share together that it is indeed on possible and coming to life. It was such a supportive activation for me and by shining my light even brighter, that's how we'll come together.
During our Private Session Gina was welcoming and inviting and steps right into it. She's a very gifted intuitive, channel & healer and it was amazing how much came through in a mere 30 Minutes and illuminated what's next for me. We laughed and celebrated too.
I've benefited so much from the Goddess Factor as I feel even more vibrant, alive, filled with joy, and with so much more energy available to me like an ever flowing spring. The next steps for my business creation and life are now showing up more to greet me with much more effortless. I've been much more appreciated, honored, receiving more and more without even asking.
I absolutely loved working with Gina so much so that I've already joined her upcoming The Goddess Sanctuary: a Year of Infinite Love and Abundance and am already feeling the magic.
If you know an extraordinary life and love is for you, even if you've done many processes, programs, and so on... then it is already yours. Gina is someone who can support you in stepping into that. Simply say YES to you!”
~ Kristin, SM
Empowered in life, soul purpose and business success!
“I know that lately I have been writing more and more about my experiences with energy workers. As I experience powerful shifts with their work, integrity and being in integrity says to speak as the shifts are occurring. Last week you all may have read about the implosion that I had over the weekend. I was very lucky to have signed up for the special VIP Soul Re-Boot Sessions that Gina Brollier was offering. When you bought Gina's Goddess Activation Package, there was a second offer to work more one on one with her. I actually took that offer because those of you who know me, I do work with the people whose energy resonates strongly with mine. Those are the ones that I do work with who Source is telling me will be the most effective for me. Gina, when I got her initial free Goddess Activation on the BSP, resonated totally with my energy. Once I had that done, I waited for her call with Eram. I knew it was going to be off the charts. I bought ahead and have been working with all the activations since that time. All the calls have been resonating with my energy. The Goddess energy really resonates with me. I decided after the call that I really wanted the Soul Re-boot sessions. The first one last week brought me out of the implosion and utter disconnection. By evening, I was able to work with color if not my thoughts. The session today really was truly empowering and setting me up for success with my future goals. I now know much more about myself, my soul path and purpose, and my business is a success. Gina went into my Akashic records and also looked at the business records. Happy to say my future looks bright. I am on the right path, items that she discussed with me have already come to pass and we confirmed them on the call. It was like she was in my day and could see it happening. Like WOW!!! If your energy is resonating with Gina Brollier I just want you all to know that it is so worth the investment to work with her. She is on point! She told me the secret to my successful business partnership is to approach my business partner with compassion and honesty and bring all the issues out. I confirmed that yes in most situations these were the opportunities to have a most successful discussion with the business partner I have. I feel like I have pearls in my future and am seeding my success step by step. Thank you Source, Thank you All Beings of Light, Thank you Gina Brollier, and Thank you Eram Saeed! Many blessings to all who read this. I hope you can seed your manifestations too! — feeling grateful.”
~ Sandy S.
How does it get any better than this?
“I wanted to express my profound gratitude for your sessions because I was able to connect with my inner goddess and my Divine Feminine self. I also feel that I am part of the greater sisterhood of goddesses and our sigh of acceptance/release is a collective sigh of all women regardless of race, colour or creed. I feel that I am part of a sacred inner circle of love and femininity.
During my one-on-one session with you, I felt a great relief as you helped clear bocks regarding a new soul mate relationship. The best part was when you said there was nothing for me to do but trust in the Divine and just be the shining light that I am. Now I am filled with hope and joyful anticipation. I felt completely embraced and supported by your gentle voice and the loving energies of Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, and Mother Mary. It felt like being cradled in the womb of Gaia herself...safe, secure, loved and loving. What good company I am privileged to keep. How does it get any better than this, and what other opportunities are waiting to manifest ???
I have already booked another session with you at the end of November because I want to continue basking in the wonderful energies that permeate this sacred space. You don't shy away from sensitive issues, but address them at the heart in a gentle and loving way.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for awakening the Divine Feminine in me.”
~ Barbara S.
The greatest gift ever!
“My forever gratitude is given to Gina Broiler for the transformations she is facilitating in my life!
I have been fortunate enough to have two sessions with Gina and both gave me the release from old family patterns and the reconnection to my true self.
She reworked the pain in my left arm and neck as well as healing my intestines, virtually resetting my ability to assimilate food and feel pleasure in my body.
That is the part that is the greatest gift and the hardest to describe! I am back in my body in love. I remember who I am. I am moved and moving in love without restriction and fear. The greatest gift ever!”
~ Stacey G.
A huge miracle after suffering with no results…
“My energy has shifted in a very important way after my private session with Gina. I've always had a huge aversion of the body I am in. Which ultimately has made me sick. I've done so much healing work around this with no results. During my session with Gina we got into the root core of it and although at that moment I was feeling like 'euh, I'm not sure about this...' I do feel a significant shift now which to me is like a huge miracle! Gina is so so loving and she has amazing guides! I feel really good working with her. The Goddess sessions were beyond words beautiful. They touched me deeply. I honestly had lost all hopes and even wishes to have a partner in my life. Now I feel he's on his way and I'm worth it! Thank God Gina crossed my path Thank you Gina for being magnificently YOU!!”
~ V. in Belgium
Took me out of prison …
“Took tons of of heavy rocks of responsibility from my shoulders and then a big shift after the post: I´'m crying like a baby who was abandoned and lost and is now coming home leaving abuse and the chains of responsibility/forged guilt behind. Never will forget this. Took me out of prison… ”
~ Miriam S
Three Steps to Activating Infinite Abundance:
Step one: Clear Toxic Ancestral Threads
In this New Earth reality you are here to be fulfilled! It’s time to emancipate yourself from the burdens of your ancestors and live your wealth blueprint at the highest capacity for your soul.
Step two: Heal and Harmonize your Innocence
Are there innocent parts within you that have been programmed to keep you small and safe? That’s like keeping a finger on the prosperity pause button! We will integrate your innocence so you feel finally safe to receive what is already here for you.
Step three: Activate your Seeds of Infinite Abundance
The fears of your ancestors and your innocence have kept you treading water and playing out patterns of scarcity. When you are totally activated in your quantum abundant blueprint, the world shows up for you. Let the Goddess activate your true mastery and watch yourself become the vibrational match to Infinite Abundance!
I just knew I could trust her with my heart wide open…
“I am honored to share a testimonial about my experience with Gina:
From the moment I first listened to Gina on an interview show I knew that I wanted to connect further with her, she holds a powerful, soothing and loving space for clients and audience through her words and channelings. Going through the Goddess Activation journey was profoundly healing. For the first time in a group of this sort I felt safe to open up and put my questions out there and I always received the answer that was perfect for me at the time. My deepest insights and transformations through my work with Gina were around honoring myself and divine timing. I have felt an immense relief in surrendering the "doing" for "being" at the mental, physical and emotional cellular levels. The live calls brought me to new places of integration and expansion I didn't know were available even though I've been exploring the realm of the Divine Feminine for some time! Our one on one session was spot on: clear, precise, completely in resonance and so loving. And I love how pure and genuine Gina's presence is when she works with us, it feels quite angelic and supportive without ever being invasive or overwhelming. It's a very personal experience to connect with someone who can feel into your soul at a past life, ancestral, soulmate and energetic level, and I just knew when I first listened to Gina that I could trust her with my heart wide open. I hope to keep having the pleasure of knowing her and her gifted work!”
~ Ana Cristina (Mexico)
I was instantly transformed
“Hello my beautiful Gina, It was such a blessing and true Divine gift for me to be in your loving, sweet presence!
After you worked with me on one of the live calls I was instantly transformed. You shifted blocks from my heart chakra and I could feel again love pouring from my heart. I felt a lot of pain there, being disappointment and broken hearted a lot of times. You opened myself for a true 5D loving relationship.
And oh my God, what a journey it is to draw to myself everything I desire, to live in joy and beauty, to be my true self and live with power and grace! You Gina turned me into the Goddess I was meant to be and I can not say with words how grateful I am. It is magical!!! And I wish the same for every single woman on Earth.
Thank you, my sister Goddess!”
~ Ivelina I.
Free Trial
Discount : 89%
Total Package Value $1,200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
14 Goddess of Infinite Abundance Transformational MP3s + Instructional MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $1,977
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
14 Goddess of Infinite Abundance Transformational MP3s + Instructional MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal + 7 Live Goddess Activation Calls
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2,374
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
14 Goddess of Infinite Abundance Transformational MP3s + Instructional MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal + 7 Live Goddess Activation Calls + 1-on-1 Private Session with Gina with 21 Day Energetic Container
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
This work has been invaluable to me
"I feel this work has been invaluable to me. Not only have I been able to identify energies that have limited me but by doing so I have been able to release them to their proper place.
Very importantly the past three years I have been intensely working on my soul’s journey, because I had met a soul friend that I had confused with a soul mate. Believe me this caused grief , I was crying a lot. A year into it my body stressed. I contracted a rectocele and adrenal fatigue. Gina with your Transformational healing and Goddess work I’ve gained the clarity to regain the freedom to move freely and be liberated. This a huge breakthrough that has given me much peace and joy.
I love knowing I can call on the Goddesses at any time to assist me in any situation of need. I now practice daily connecting to source energy and know that I’m supported with love and abundance.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
~ Lynda S.
Package A |
Goddess of Infinite Abundance Basic Package
This program contains: 14 Clearing, Activation, and Integration MP3 Modules + Intro MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal
Clear Ancestral Patterns, Integrate your Innocence and Activate the 7
Seeds of Abundance for Infinite Prosperity Today!
These tracks are intended to be listened to in order. For Week 1, Listen to Activating the Seed of Infinite Wealth, followed by Integrating Infinite Wealth. Do the journal entries in your Goddess of Infinite Abundance Love and Miracles Journal for Week 1. Then move on to Week 2. Give yourself time to really receive and integrate this. Listen to each week’s tracks more than once if you’d like to really immerse yourself in the energy. Enjoy!
Intro to Goddess of Infinite Abundance
Value: Instructional
Format: MP3
Length: 3:25 min
Introduction to Goddess of Infinite Abundance. Please listen to this track first.
Activating the Seed of Infinite Wealth
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 22:29 min

Mary Magdalene clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Wealth
Integrating Infinite Wealth
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min
Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Wealth can be received… the Goddess way!
Activating the seed of Infinite Receiving
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 18:44 min

Quan Yin clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Receiving
Integrating Infinite Receiving
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min
Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Receiving can be received… the Goddess way!
Activating the Seed of Infinite Power
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 23:34 min

Freya clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Power
Integrating Infinite Power
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min
Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Power can be received… the Goddess way!
Activating the Seed of Infinite Manifestation
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 18:32 min

Kali clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Manifestation
Integrating Infinite Manifestation
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min
Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Manifestation can be received… the Goddess way!
ITEM 10:
Activating the Seed of Infinite Prosperity
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 15:38 min

Lakshmi clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Prosperity
ITEM 11:
Integrating Infinite Prosperity
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min

Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Prosperity can be received… the Goddess way!
ITEM 12:
Activating the Seed of Infinite Abundance
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 11:10 min

Green Tara clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Abundance
ITEM 13:
Integrating Infinite Abundance
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min
Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Abundance can be received… the Goddess way!
ITEM 14:
Activating the Seed of Infinite Truth
Value: $100
Format: MP3
Length: 14:15 min

Pallas Athena clears ancestral patterns, integrates your innocence and activates the Seed of Infinite Truth
ITEM 15:
Integrating Infinite Truth
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 6:55 min
Integration shifts you into the feminine receptive space where the Activated Truth can be received… the Goddess way!
ITEM 16:
Goddess of Infinite Abundance Love & Miracles Journal
Format: PDF
Intention is everything. When you put your intention down on paper you bring receiving into your manifest reality- fast. This journal could be the most single most important action you take this year to accelerate your path of mastery. It is fun, fast, easy and brings the Goddess into form!
I am coming back to who I really am…
"Dear Gina, thank you so much for the beautiful and deep healing mp3 and live calls that have brought me so many healings and blessings. For me it feels as if I am coming back to who I really am thanks to this package and the 2 one on ones with you. The last session with you was out of this world and I am feeling the beautiful loving Goddess that I am more and more. You flow with the Love of The Universe and bring us what is needed every time you connect with us. Every piece of information and every healing you did on the Live calls was exactly what I needed although I was never chosen. I am already missing the calls but listening to the recordings I receive deeper and deeper healing every time.
Thank you Gina from the very bottom of my heart for helping me open again to Miracles and the Love that I Am"
~ Carolina V.
Lakshmi’s Pleasure Carnival
Value: $47
Format: MP3
Length: 1:52 min
Your ability to receive pleasure is a microcosm of your ability to receive it all! Why not start with pleasure? This MP3 is music I purchased the rights to just for you for Lakshmi to raise your vibration through movement, dance and music!
Resolving Survival
Value: $77
Format: MP3
Length: 4:01 min
Mary Magdalene, Kali and Isis attune the root chakra to ascended understanding of existence, survival and the cellular belief structures keeping you from immortality awareness.
Infinity Vortex - MP3
Length: 6:28
Value: $47
Green Tara, Ascended Goddess of Prosperity brings in the energy of infinite potential. It triggers limited beliefs in your field and brings them to the surface to be removed by the infinity vortex!
Package A
Total Package Value $1,200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 89% Saving ***
Sold Out
Package B |
Goddess of Infinite Abundance Gold Package
Includes everything in Package A
Plus 7 Live Goddess Activation Calls
This energy is new, new, new and we are creating a vortex with these calls that the planet has never experienced before! We will call in the energy of the Triple Goddess on each call, with a new powerful Goddess aspect coming in each time. These calls are about activating ownership of these vibrations because when you are ok with owning who you are you are ok with owning everything. This is a very deep mastery of receiving abundance.
The numerology of triple seven is insanely powerful and each call will build on the previous call, creating an Infinite Triple Seven Vortex of Prosperity. This vortex activates the next level of prosperity in your field and aligns you to your highest soul potential of feminine receiving in New Earth reality. I can already feel it coming in and I can’t wait to witness the miracles we create!
ITEM 17:
Live Goddess Activation #1
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min

Triple Goddess Al’Uzza: Own your Infinite Confidence, Mightiness, and Starlight Radiance with this Crown Chakra Activation
ITEM 18:
Live Goddess Activation #2
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min

Triple Goddess Brigit: Own your Infinite Gifts Talents and Knowing with this Third Eye Activation
ITEM 19:
Live Goddess Activation #3
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min

Triple Goddess Isis (Aset): Own your Infinite Magic, Power and Truth with this Throat Chakra Activation
ITEM 20:
Live Goddess Activation #4
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min

Triple Goddess Ostara: Own your Infinite Renewal, Rebirth and Regeneration with this Heart Chakra Activation
ITEM 21:
Live Goddess Activation #5
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min
Triple Goddess Lilith: Own your Infinite Feminine Mastery, Balance and Harmony with this Solar Plexus Activation
ITEM 22:
Live Goddess Activation #6
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min

Triple Goddess Demeter: Own your Infinite Resourcefulness, Abundance and Manifestation with this Sacral Chakra Activation
ITEM 23:
Live Goddess Activation #7
Value: $111
Format: Live call/web
Length: 60 min

Triple Goddess Diana: Own your Infinite Resilience, Presence and Power with this Root Chakra Activation
Helps you fully love and embody all aspects of YOU…
"My name is Jennifer Barnes. I have been working with Gina and her Goddess activation series for a little over a month now. First off, I have to say, as soon as you hear Gina speak, you can feel the powerful energy she radiates. It immediately calms you and yet energizes you at the same time! It is some of the most intense energy I have felt from a healer! I have noticed after doing her Goddess activation, I am getting more attention from guys and the type of guy I am attracting is changing. Even though, I don't think I have met my Soul Mate just yet, the guys I used to date were.. well they weren't very healthy for me. Now I am attracting such kind and compassionate men, it is so nice to see such a different type of man than I am used to. As I said, I don't believe I have met my Soul Mate just yet but working with Gina's mp3s is helping me to love myself unconditionally first and I am balancing the Divine Feminine as well as learning to let my Divine Masculine support me as well so I know that as I work on loving myself fully, my Divine Partner is on the way. I totally recommend working with Gina, not just to find a Soul Mate but she also helps you to fully love and embody all aspects of YOU. I am so grateful for Gina! Thank you!"
~ Jenn B.
I was transformed…
"I truly am thrilled to have worked with you! Thank you for helping me one my journey. I am forty one years old and I have always enjoyed running but it was not something that came easy to me. I always felt a disconnect from my body and a struggle to breathe. Because of this, I only ran 3 to 5 miles and it would be here and there....never anything consistent.
I felt this push to go running in the cold, dark weather so I listened and went.
As I was running, I suddenly felt the presence of energies that I was not used to. I then heard Quan Yin say in this powerful, feminine voice "IT IS NOW "OUR" TURN!!!! Lakshmi, Kali, Green Tara and of course Quan Yin announced their presence and I began to breathe on an entire different level. My power increased and I felt them grounding me in my body.
I then heard them say, "notice how you have been looking to embrace your feminine power but you always turn to the male energies for guidance (which I do pray to Archangel Michael, Jesus, and Raphael)." YOU MUST WALK WITH US NOW!"
I ran like I have never run before and I was transformed in a matter of a couple of miles!
Truly Amazing! Thank you for assisting me with this massive transition.
Love and Blessings to you Gina!"
~ Jessica V.
Package B
Total Package Value $1,977
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 92% Saving ***
Sold Out
Package C |
Goddess of Infinite Abundance Ultimate Package
Includes everything in Package A + Package B
plus (1) 30 minute Personal Wealth Activation Session
With Kali’s 21-Day Energetic Container
One on one sessions with Goddess energies are off-the-charts amazing! In this session we will look into your field to clear anything obstructing your wealth potential and Kali will activate the vibrations of your Authentic Wealth Blueprint. This work is so specific and accurate it can uncover unseen elements. If you feel there is something holding you back that you can’t pinpoint my etheric team may have just what you need to shift it permanently. I can’t wait to work with you!
ITEM 24:
1-on-1 30 Minute Personal Wealth Activation Session with 21 day Energetic Container
Value: $397
Format: Live phone session
Length: 30 mins
During your 30 minute Soulmate Activation Session you will:
- Receive a 7 chakra wealth analysis and clearing to remove negative energy influences keeping you stuck.
- Receive a custom activation from Kali with the exact vibration you need to align to your Authentic Wealth Blueprint
- Kali will hold you in an energetic container for 21 days to anchor your new vibration and support you in embodying it. This new wealth vibration will be embodied so deeply it will become your new normal!

Detailed Insights and Upbeat Compassion
"Gina offers such a loving, supportive, upbeat, and insightful reading. Whether a few minutes on a group call, or a private session, I'm impressed with the detail of Gina's insights and the upbeat compassion that she offers. I hope to continue working with Gina to upgrade many aspects of my life. And I'm very excited to meet my soulmate that Gina has predicted will show up soon!"
~ Lori T.
Accurate messages and continuing results...
"Several weeks ago I received the gift & pleasure of a Soulmate & Divine Goddess Activation with the lovely Gina Brollier!
The effects for me have been continuing & deepening ever since, with some of the gorgeous & profound imagery she spoke inside this session actually even showing up physically this past week.
I noticed first how accurate & specific she was to my own inner spiritual experience, in what came thru her. This gave me confidence in what was transmitted, which was also MOVING, meaning that things were not only addressed but actually shifted. It was both strengthening & re-assuring, enabling me to soften into a space of allowance & trust, to RECEIVE the full support of both the feminine & masculine energies.
Both sides of the my ancestral lines had at that point been cleared. Gina listened fully to both myself & what was coming from benevolent spiritual beings through her for me, and responded fully to what continued to unfold during the session. The things she heard & saw & put in place for me, applied to my work & being & whole life, as well as my Soulmate's presence.
She reminded me to be soft & trust, with her words as-well-as in her own very loving embodiment of a beautiful harmony of both gentleness & power. I've continued to feel the benefits & true supportedness from having had this session, & wholeheartedly recommend giving yourself the gift of the same experience customized for YOU !
Much love & thanks to you for your kind & loving attention & support & the depth & quality of your work, Gina ! "
~ Sabine in Alaska
Visceral experiences…
"I would like to share my experience with the session I had with Gina Brollier yesterday as part of her package.
As soon Gina started working on me, over the phone, I started feeling chills falling down on me over and over, cramps in my stomach all throughout the session. That was a sign for me that she was really working on me. It forced me to focus and pay attention to what was happening.
Gina treated me like as friend, not as a client, there was a lot of compassion coming out from her and she went through as many aspects as she could, without stopping. In 30 min time, I felt fulfilled and did not feel that there were any questions that she did not address. Thank you Gina and Eram Saeed for the opportunity"
~ Naj Mas, UAE
Package C
Total Package Value $2,374
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
*** 92% Saving ***
Sold Out
What clients have been saying about sessions with Gina:
- I am still in awe of your amazing ability!
- I feel like the world was lifted off my shoulders
- I am beyond grateful for you for such a powerful and in-depth session!
- Thank you for playing a vital role in my healing and awakening journey!
- I’m so grateful you came into my life and I know you were sent by God to me
- I highly recommend you give yourself the gift of working with Gina!
The end of suffering in perpetual scarcity is now!
Activate your Infinite Abundance Today for a life you truly love.

About Gina Brollier:
Gina Brollier was born to be a healer. Guided by angels and ascended masters since the age of 5, she always felt at home in the mystic realms. Initiated into the “dark night of the soul” she struggled through years of darkness, depression and sadness, finally finding salvation by awakening her spiritual gifts. She now lives a life of freedom, love and miracles and is committed to awakening others to the possibility within themselves. As a guide and guardian of the Akashic Records on earth, Gina facilitates healings, activations, and transmissions at soul level. She finds this work to be the deepest and most accurate way to transform lives. Gina’s signature process is the Goddess Activation: activating women in their 5D Feminine Mastery for a life of love, prosperity and fulfillment. Her mission is to serve humanity in Unity Consciousness and beyond and anchor the planet in divine love for all beings.
Free Trial
Discount : 89%
Total Package Value $1,200
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
14 Goddess of Infinite Abundance Transformational MP3s + Instructional MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $1,977
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
14 Goddess of Infinite Abundance Transformational MP3s + Instructional MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal + 7 Live Goddess Activation Calls
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $2,374
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
14 Goddess of Infinite Abundance Transformational MP3s + Instructional MP3 + 3 Bonus MP3s + Love and Miracles Journal + 7 Live Goddess Activation Calls + 1-on-1 Private Session with Gina with 21 Day Energetic Container
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel and get a full refund any time before: 30 days after the date of your purchase, the date of the first Goddess Activation call, or the date of your personal session with Gina, whichever comes first.
Your personal session must be used within 4 months from the date of purchase. Once scheduled, sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled. A 10 minute grace period will be held for the call but after that grace period it will be considered a no-show.
Gina will make her best effort to record your personal session. However, due to technical issues that can occur, she does not guarantee that the session will be recorded or, if recorded, that the audio quality of the recording will be satisfactory.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.