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Would you like more sessions with Ellen? Here is an Exclusive offer just for our community
Package A |
Ellen Watts lives a magical life and now she is going to show how YOU can as well.
Cosmic Ordering Money & Abundance
Delivery from the Universe
This Package Include:
- Cosmic Co-creating Money & Abundance Masterclass MP4 & Slides
- Limiting Belief Spotter & Unbloker Masterclass MP4 & Slides
- 1 month's membership to The Co-Creator's Club
- Audio of Cosmic Ordering Made Easier read by Ellen MP3s
- Downloadable PDF Copy of Cosmic Ordering Made Easier
- ABUNDANCE BONUS 1 - A One day Virtual Vision board Making Day
- ABUNDANCE BONUS 2 - Ellen's own 30 Minute End of day Gratitude Meditation Overnight Tranformation Activator MP3 & PDF
- ABUNDANCE BONUS 3 - 30 day Abundance Affirmations & Movements for Cosmic Ordering Power PDF & Emails.
- ABUNDANCE BONUS 4 Ellen’s Special Order Recorder GIFT PDF
Cosmic Co-creating Money & Abundance Masterclass
Format: MP4 & Slides
This super fun high energy video of a live group coaching will take you through the step by step process to get money and abundance showing up for you right away & in the right way.
She answers all your questions and will share with you the EXACT wording she has used to Order money & material things with outrageous success! Feel the energy and get in the know and the flow to:
- Cosmic Order more money
- Cosmic Order luxury vacations
- Cosmic Order great clothes for free
Limiting Belief Spotter & Unblocker Masterclass
Format: MP4 & Slides
Ellen knows that the key to success is knowing how identify and release those hidden unconscious beliefs that have kept you from living your magical life.
Drawing on thousands of sessions with people from all over the world in all kinds of situations, she will take you through a fantastic interactive group webinar with Q & A that will help you release everything that keeps your “Cosmic Order hovering.”
Once you unlock these 4 areas of your life your Cosmic Orders can get delivered on time, every time. Join Ellen for a delicious live experience of magical success secrets.
- This is the secret you need to “receive and allow in” your big and small Cosmic Orders
1 month's membership to The Co-Creator's Club
includes a Live Monthly Masterclass and a Live Group Coaching Call.
Format: Two Live Group Sessions
Two Live Group Sessions with Ellen a Month!
What's included -
The Co-Creators Club is a special Academy style global membership of like-minded, like-purposed, Cosmically curious friends who would love to create more of what they want. more often. It bridges the gap between Ellen’s Cosmic Ordering books and programmes, her action focused, make it happen, Get it Sorted programmes, and her business VIP coaching and mentoring programmes.
Each month she will host a LIVE webinar Masterclass training on a focus area of Cosmic Ordering, such as health, relationships, money or finding the love of your life or a masterclass in a particular technique such as Cosmic Ordering with Vision boards or Overcoming Limiting Beliefs & Fears.
Also each month, there will be a LIVE group coaching call where you can ask Ellen anything and she will answer as many questions as possible in the hour. We can learn so much listening to someone else's situation and applying the solutions to our own. Sometimes it's just easier to spot other people's blocks and others will be able to spot yours and there's something magical about hearing about others successes which inspire us to grow and take the next step ourselves. "A rising tide raises ALL ships!"
Secret Facebook Group with Ellen - The best place to share all these wonderful success stories is in the secret Facebook group which is included in your membership. It is secret so that no one will even know you're there - so you can talk and share freely and support each other as you learn these wonderful lessons and co-create the life you truly want.
- You will have the power and magic of Ellen right there with the group helping you and cheering you on
- The exciting example of the fantastic energy and stories of other people will keep you positive, supported and focused
- Life gets busy, this group will help you remember to keep those Cosmic Order’s rolling in from the Universe in every situation.
Audio of Cosmic Ordering Made Easier read by Ellen
Format: MP3s
A 'hot-from-the-recording-studio' Audio book version of 'Cosmic Ordering Made Easier' infused with Ellen's Watts lovely energy amplifications.
This is the book you will want to listen to again and again at home, in the car and on the go, to let the secret keys of Cosmic Ordering success and heart-warming stories lift you into the success zone every day.
It’s like having a new best friend as Ellen shares her own funny, down to earth adventures learning to master Cosmic Ordering. And then shares her detailed step by step process, proving that if she can, you can as well.
- Keep a copy on your phone to listen to the stories and keep yourself reminded to Cosmic Order Everything!
- Let Ellen’s lovely soothing voice and the uplifting music infuse you with magical, positive vibes
- Great to share and listen to with your spouse or best friend
Copy of Cosmic Ordering Made Easier
Format: PDF
Get the Runaway Bestseller that started it all. It's more than a Book, it's your best friend through life's adventure.
Get your own personal PDF copy of the book everyone is reading & raving about.
Save it to your phone and devices so you read it anywhere. Ellen's had extraordinary success "ordering on the go" at the supermarket, in line at the bank and in the middle of meetings.
Use the handy notes and workbook section of the book to prepare, place, receive and keep your order anytime, anyplace. It's fun and it's easy when you know how.
- Print and highlight notes on your special pages to have in your home or office
- If you have a copy already pay it forward and share this as a gift to someone whose life you can light up with Comic Ordering.
- Read a chapter before bed to get in the Cosmic zone and keep your vibration high and positive for a magical day ahead
A One day Virtual Vision board Making Day
Wow, this is going to be so much fun! Join a virtual group of new besties as you and Ellen have a fantastic time making a virtual vision board for yourself and getting clear on what you REALLY want.
- Amazing stories will be shared in the group
- Get inspired by other people’s big requests
- Let the laughter and excitement with your new Cosmic Friends lift your into the Cosmic creativity zone.
Vision board day will be 15 - 16th Dec - and will be a live event in the Co-Creators FB group - Facebook invitations will be sent within a few days of them buying the package - not something I can send in advance as it’s a secret group.
Ellen's own 30 Minute End of day Gratitude Meditation Overnight Tranformation Activator
Format: MP3 & PDF
Ellen Watts has developed a joyful Cosmic Ordering Gratitude 30 minute bedtime exercise that guides you into the ideal state to make your dreams come true while you sleep.
Yes, even while you sleep your energy can be in the ideal state to allow the Universe to gently and easily deliver to your door all your cosmic orders big and small. This exercise will help you sleep and dream sweet dreams. It also prevents you from ‘leaking’ what you don’t want in the night too and attracting more of that!
- Soothing and beautiful, this lovely recording will help you dream big and Cosmic Order wonderful things even while you sleep.
30 day Abundance Affirmations & Movements
for Cosmic Ordering Power
Format: PDF & Emails.
Cosmic Ordering is for EVERYTHING no order is too big or too small for the Universe.
- These sweet 30 day reminders will help you remember to Cosmic Order for every situation in your life all day, every day.
- Ellen has channeled perfect, high vibe and joyful little affirmations you can look forward to daily to remind you that your Cosmic Orders are on the way.
Will be delivered to your inbox 😊 when you sign up for co-creator's club bonus
Ellen’s Special Order Recorder - PDF
Ellen has helped women and men around the world really fine-tune their Cosmic Order. You will get a beautiful "done-for-you" checklist with everything you might want to consider to get your order just right for YOU. PLUS Ellen's special ‘Cosmic Order Recorder’ journal page for keeping track of your Orders and ‘lessons learnt’
- PLUS a personal video recorded message from Ellen with a mini lesson in how to use both to keep the orders magically flowing in to your life.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.