Did you know that YOU can discover the secrets
to manifesting everything you want NOW?
Would you like to become a power-packed, manifesting superhero of your own life?
Manifest ALWAYS being lucky
Manifest MAGICAL relationships

Ellie Drew, “The Practical Mystic,” Master Teacher and Clairvoyant Researcher wants to empower you with the knowledge of how to powerfully manifest miracles for yourself and the World.
A Sacred Mission from Spirit to Share
this information with you.
Ellie Drew had a mystical manifesting experience in 1978 at the age of 18 resulting in an absolute KNOWING we are co-creatingthis reality with the power of our collective energized thoughts. She discovered only 30% of our reality is fixed and that the restcan be consciously changed.
From 1978 to the present, with her passionately curious mind, Ellie rigorously researched the interactive properties of The God Field with her Spirit Communicators and a core team of insiders who were taught these principles.. She re-searched what worked and didn’t work, and now shares that research with you so you can be more successful in your man-ifesting.
For years, Ellie refused to share the information, until her Spirit Communicators insisted that it was time to do so through a unique experience in 1995. An eighteen inch white ball of mystical light hit her in the chest while she was driv-ing leaving this message behind: “People use the process of manifesting all the time in unconscious ways. It is time NOW for the Healers / Awakened Ones to begin manifesting Con-sciously, to heal themselves, the earth, and each other. Go teach this.
Your life is about to change right now
If you answered yes, to any of these questions, it is time for you to start manifesting with Ellie Drew to discover and become your most power authentic self.
Manifest Magical Miracles all day, every day. Ellie Drew has finally been released by spirit to share the true science of miracles.
This is the hidden information that creates wealth, success, power, fame and good luck. This simple 5 step process has been verified and researched by Ellie Drew for over 40 years to prove it is simple, effective and works every time.
- Find out why YOU are meant to be a manifesting super-hero
- Experience being a walking, talking miracle worker
- Discover why God wants you to succeed at every level and has give you Divine super powers that are waiting to be unleashed.
Ellie Drew has literally discovered, researched and verified the Secrets of the Universe Just for you.
Spirit wants YOU be be out of pain and struggle and living a life wonder, joy, inspiration, love and gratitude. Ellie Drew has been sent to show you how.

"My normal way of manifesting was always to say this or that needs to be fixed or taken care of, in a consciousway in my mind, not really putting a lot of power into it. And most of it would happen in a timely manner. But then in August of this year, Ellie Drew trained me to manifest her way . . . and things totally changed! Ellie told me to connect with the Universal Grid and to say what I wanted: I Want a Magical (fill in the blank) . . . 3 times in 3 sets saying it with 3 syllables and taking a quick deep breath to hold it and releasing it with a Pow-erful – "I WANT IT NOW!” I had been manifesting I want a Magical Dream Career, I want my Own Abun-dance of Money and within 2 weeks of Ellie's new con-nection of manifesting and Saying it with POWER I got my Magical dream career and my Own abundance of money! Talk about POWERFUL!! I am So thankful to have Ellie in my Life and for her Powerful teachings!"
~ Lorraine from Tucson, AZ
An incredible true story find out why Ellie Drew
has unique information for YOU.
- After a profound spiritual awakening at the age of 18, Ellie Drew discovered that only 30% of reality is fixed and the rest we can change.
- Ellie Drew has been working with The ARCHITECTS OF REALITY investigating, proving and testing a true sci-ence of miracles for 40 years until it was a simple process that anyone, with any situation can do.
- Spirit has only NOW asked her to come for-ward and teach you these missing pieces to create the life you deserve.
How Magically Powerful are you Ready to be?
This is the information that people just like you have used to:
- Stop a tornado from damaging their property
- Help a child who was given up for dead recover in moments
- Get upgraded VIP Luxury treatment every time you travel
- Protect a teenagers from gunfire
- Ask for sunshine when you leave the house
- Get over their ex and manifest a magical new soulmate
- Help loved ones on the other side ascend into the highest reaches of heaven
- Always get what you want!
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Discount :93%
Total Package Value $1,250
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of
Miracles Video Workshop - Online Videos
Conscious Manifesting: Be Your Own
Super Hero Worksheet - PDF
Bonus: The Miraculous I Am Love Poem
Bonus: How to attune to I AM Love
Vibration - PDF
Bonus: Miracle Vibration - PDF
Discount: 98%
Total Package Value $7,500
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of
Miracles Video Workshop - Online Videos
Conscious Manifesting: Be Your Own
Super Hero Worksheet - PDF
Bonus: The Miraculous I Am Love Poem
Bonus: How to attune to I AM Love
Vibration - PDF
Bonus: Miracle Vibration - PDF
The Way Of Lotus Flower 21 days to
Liberate Your Soul to Manifest In the God
Field - Online Videos
Bonus: What Is the Soul Field - PDF
Bonus: On the Subject Of Life & Death Poem - PDF
Bonus: One Source Poem - PDF
Discount: 98%
Total Package Value $11,500
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of
Miracles Video Workshop - Online Videos
Conscious Manifesting: Be Your Own
Super Hero Worksheet - PDF
Bonus: The Miraculous I Am Love Poem
Bonus: How to attune to I AM Love
Vibration - PDF
Bonus: Miracle Vibration - PDF
The Way Of Lotus Flower 21 days to
Liberate Your Soul to Manifest In the God
Field - Online Videos
Bonus: What Is the Soul Field - PDF
Bonus: On the Subject Of Life & Death Poem - PDF
Bonus: One Source Poem - PDF
Audio & Video Recordings of 3 Hour 1:1 Empowerment & Manifestation In a Group setting Workshop with Ellie Drew &
"The Architects of Reality"
Payment Plan Available for All Packages at Checkout
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of Miracles
Fill in the Missing Pieces to Manifest What you want, when you want

Conscious Manifesting : Ellie Drew’s 5 Step Process The Science of Miracles
Format: Online Video
This power-packed, easy to follow video workshop is Ellie Drews core manifesting teaching spanning nearly 40 years of using her Clairvoy-ant Powers to research The God Field. This is the exact simple process that Ellie Drew has used to save lives, change the weather, and come into direct contact with God Force that we each have within our-selves.
People just like you have used this information to create wealth and even in emergency situations.
You will learn how to manifest anything in 5 easy steps. You can use this information to Manifest all that you can dream of:
More money, better career, a book deal
Better relationships and upgrades
Happy home life, better health
"I very specifically followed Ellie Drew's conscious manifesting teachings to prepare for and execute the sale of the business I had owned for 29 years. Each step was well considered, put into action, and the net result was the perfect buyer showing up within 30 days, and a cash sale being closed in just over 60 days! I say this because it is not unusual for a business sale to take a year or more. The transition phase over to the buyer could not have gone more smoothly. I was very pleased with the price received and the new owner and I have become good friends. What more could you ask! "
~ Gary from Tucson

” The excellent information in this video was presented in a cas-ual setting to a metaphysical group in Sedona, Arizona. It is only two hours of a 2-Day workshop, but the core teachings on Con-scious Manifesting.
This is the FIRST TIME Ellie’s Spirit Communicators (Galactic Teahers,The Goddesses & Light Beings of the highest vibration) of the are pushing her out of her quiet life teaching to select group to share EVERYTHING she knows about her 40 years of researching The God Field and Manifesting with the world with you and the From Heartache to Joy Community.
The information shared in this workshop will empower you to instantly know how to use your own God Power to:
- Become the Powerful and Purposeful Super Hero of You own life
- Be able to Protect your family and property from crime or natural disaster
- Raise your children’s test scores and performance at school
- Use the power of negative emotions to fuel for your positive outcomes
- Always be Lucky and in the right place at the right time
- Able to Manfiest and Live a Magical Life
- Effortlessly attract Golden New Opportunities
- Help loved ones in time of emergency or danger
- Know how to manifest extra cash on the spot
- Improve your health and beauty dramatically
- Discover how you can even work with the weather and manifest rain or sunshine
- Manifest your ideal new career or business opportunity
- Bring in magical new friendships and upgrade your love life
- Discover how amazing and powerful you really are!
“Manifesting Miracles has become a Way of Life”
"I had known and worked with Ellie for a while, so when she finally taught Conscious Manifesting in the late 1990’s I was excited to go learn. Her stories were almost too much to be true, yet I believed Ellie because things were always happening around her. Then shortly after the class, I got my first manifesting opportunity. A storm blew through with tornados coming down at the backend of the storm – just like in Ellie’s story. I remember looking at it coming our way, and thought, “Wow, this is just like Ellie described it. Well she FIRMLY told us, if SHE can do it, WE can do it.” I decided to believe her, and I used the Manifestation Process just like she taught, and OUR HOUSE WAS PROTECTED FROM THE TORNADO, TOO!"
~ N.S. Minneapolis, MN
“Discovered the Universe says Your Wish is My Command!”
Collapsed Space and Time to arrive in 9 minutes and Protect my 14 year old daughter from gunfire
"My daughter (14 years old) was at Marine World for a Halloween "fright fest" on a Saturday night. This is one of her first "no grown-ups" outings and was located about 30 minutes highway drive from our house. Upon driving to pick her and her friends up, I phoned her cell only to hear screaming, yelling, glass breaking, metal scraping, . . . all the sounds you do NOT want to hear when you phone to check on your daughter! When I finally heard her voice, she was frantic, choking on her words "Mamma Mom Mommeeeeeeeeeeeee come now! Something's happening! There are guns, it's a gang . . . Help me!"
I was driving on the freeway bridge in fairly heavy traffic. I immediately/instinctively fell into your 5 step spiral including taking my right hand from the wheel to do the swirl and down hand motion you use. I asked that the white light of the Holy Spirit protect her and her friends. I immediately realized I needed to protect the area she was in, (like your tornado story) so I expanded my intention to include all that and all people in danger there. I included the filter that she & friends would think clearly and calmly and know what to do to avoid danger. I included a request to calm the source of the trouble enough to stop the violence long enough to break that pattern. I was passionate! But I stayed calm and knew (thanks to your EXACT process) that I would need to give it up/surrender to the universe in God's hands so I did. I "snapped" myself into the present moment (as best I can, it's still kind of hard but I use your image of the pieces zip-snapping from head to toe). Then I did another immediate CM to open traffic for me so that I could get there fast and to protect my car and all others from harm.
Then I floored it.
What would normally have been a 20-minute freeway drive I did in 9 minutes. Not one car got in my way; in fact it was like a wave moving ahead of me opening traffic. When I pulled off onto the exit, the traffic was bumper to bumper stopped from the exit all the way to the park. Again, I CM'd to clear a path, and I saw the middle divider margin had just enough for me to snake my car through to the front. I talked my daughter and friends directly to my location all the time repeating the CM steps on my original CM in my head.
A gang fight for retribution of a killed gang member had escalated to gunfire in the main plaza. My daughter and her friends were in the adjacent gift shop, which was then immediately deluged with fleeing bystanders and other gang members with guns and mayhem on their minds. They looted the shop, broke every object, glass, displays etc. My daughters friend said during the middle of it (round the time I was Conscious Manifesting she became calm and was able to think "Now, what are THEY (bad guys) going to do and how do WE get away? Move to back of store, stay low, stay quiet, hold hands so as not to lose each other in the melee, etc."
5-10 rounds were fired into the crowd. No one was hurt. My daughter and friends arrived at my car shaken but fine. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and knew immediately that the Conscious Manifesting had played a hand. Likely also that my strong intentions took hold with the scattered frantic intentions of the bystanders "wishing" to be safe and helped to guide that scattered intention into a positive solution with no harm done. Collectively, the strongest intentions won."
Conscious Manifesting Be a Super hero Worksheet
Format: PDF

Ellie Drew is a trained scientist who has rigorously reseached a step by step “works-every-time” process of manifestation. This is a true science of Miracles.
- This PDF is your essential take everywhere with you checklist to guide you through manifesting ANYTHING you want to create. Refer to this AFTER you have watched the two-hour manifesting video and then start practicing immediately.
These are the same steps that helped a woman safe her grandchild from doctors giving up on her in hospital to full recover within moments of applying the process. Keep a copy of this in your bag, by your desk and on your mobile device at all times.
"A grandmother who knew Ellie’s Manifesting work got a call late one night that her grandbaby was in the hospital with a fever. No matter what the doctors did, they couldn’t get the fever down, and told the mother to call the family. They might lose the baby that night. The grandmother rushed to the emergency room and told her daughter-in-law, who had been desperately praying, that she, “Had to pray differently, because Ellie SAID SO! You have to MAKE YOURSELF do your prayer in the way of Ellie’s Manifesting Process even if it’s hard. Even if you know you have to surrender the outcome, or you are wasting all your prayer power potential (PPP) and getting exhausted.” Ellie calls that moment, ‘the dark night of the Soul,’ when the ego has to surrender. Not ten minutes later, the doctor comes out with an astonished look on his face. “We don’t know what just happened, but suddenly the fever broke. It wasn’t anything we did differently - it was just gone. We think you’ll be able to bring the baby home tonight."
~ E.V., Minnesota
Test scores effortlessly go up to 94%
"My daughter had a tough test in a college-level class and was worried about forgetting all the answers and messing up the test. Her project work in this class was always good "A" work, she studied like a banshee, but her test scores were consistently in the low 70% range. We manifested together that (1) her knowledge flow smoothly and easily during the test, (2) That she recalls all that she had learned both in class and while studying, (3) that all her studies be at her fingertips, and (4) that her mind remains calm. She got a 94%. 🙂"
~ P. A. Boston, MA
I’ve been waiting my whole life for this Conscious Manifesting information!
"Dear Ellie, I received the Conscious Manifesting DVD this week and just finished watching it with tears of gratitude. Thank you so much for sharing this information and for doing it in such a matter of fact and universal way. I am one of those who has been waiting my whole life for this information. I am also a mother whose daughter was diagnosed with cancer and a major heart defect as a baby and survived, and using all I knew used parts of this process without knowing what worked or when or why. Now I finally understand.
“I have found your manifesting techniques, process and principles to be very powerful. ”
I am so grateful to have found your conscious manifesting DVD through a recommendation by my health practitioner, Pam MacDonald. (She is a partner/colleague of Dr. Andrew Weil whom you may know of through his work on integrated medicine). Since I absorbed your process (watched 5 times at least!) and began using Marcey's music in combination, my health issues which Pam and I have been working on have all improved and for the first time in 7 years I am on a continual positive upswing towards more vitality and minimal to virtually no pain and measurable improved fitness.
I have found your manifesting techniques, process and principles to be very powerful. I love the way you explain the foundations of the energy patterns at work in our universe and find your DVD to be very easy to grasp and to assimilate immediately into my daily life. Your process is a very digestible version of other intention-field processes that I have studied, most notably Deepak Chopra "Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" and Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention. I feel that you have found a way to synchronize immediately all the pieces necessary to spontaneously manifest. To me, the intention field/universal consciousness is the Holy Spirit that God empowered upon all people of the world, and that is there for us to use if we just believe, ask, trust and receive. "Knock and I will answer.""
Manifesting for a Career Intention Works!
“I did Conscious Manifesting again in relation to my artwork. I set my intention for being able to advance in my art work and study with someone so I can learn composition, color, design and drawing. Well, things seemed to start happening right after my intentions were set! I received some complements from an artist who said that my pieces at the Art Walk were the most talked about. Then I was commissioned to do a painting by another friend"
~ .Kate T. Yuma, Arizona,
Manifesting My Dream Violin!
"I want to describe my experience with Ellie's Conscious Manifesting. I have been playing my 7/8th size violin since I was in high school. It was my first violin and I've always been satisfied with it—until I started taking private lessons and just couldn't get the deeper mellow tones that I wanted because of my violin's small size. It didn't help to have an appraiser say, "It has a small, old tone." Once he said that I couldn't stop noticing this. I am still attached to my little violin because of its history. I found out it is well over 200 years old, and was made in Bohemia in the mid 18th Century. That is very exciting. It is a well made violin and is in very good shape. None-the-less, I became unsatisfied so began to look for a full size violin to replace it.
I found many dead ends—like the fact that they start at $12,000.00 with Mr. Duffy in San Diego who deals in rare and well-made violins. He convinced me that it would be a good investment and that I could make payments, but that wasn't good enough. I checked around more and found I would have to drive to Tucson to find anything reasonable and of good quality and try out several violins as it is important to play them and use many different musical pieces in the process to try different fingerings, different types of notes, different positions, different bowings, different timings, etc., etc., etc. I also checked with my orchestra conductor and she thought she knew someone who was selling one in town, but didn't provide a phone number. Soon after all this I decided to use Conscious Manifesting since nothing else was working!
I decided to Consciously Manifest one night as I was driving home from a concert. With all the emotion of a mother with a sick child I stated to the Universe that I wanted a well-made, rich and deep-toned, beautiful sounding violin that I did not need to travel to find; that would be an extremely reasonable price; that I would like to have it as soon as possible, please. And finally a big, THANK YOU! I then forced myself to believe it and proceeded to let go.
Less than a week later I discovered that I could rent a very special violin that was donated to the local college many years ago and could only be used by students taking orchestra. (I am enrolled in orchestra through the college!) The violin was under lock and key and could only be rented by a select student that was serious and mature about how to take care of a quality violin; thus it had not been rented yet and I was allowed to rent it! Two nights later I rented it! The cost ? $20 / semester. The value of the violin? $5,000. The sound? Exactly what I had imagined. All of a sudden my playing is sounding so much improved. I couldn't even go to sleep the first night after playing it and found myself getting out of my bed at 1:30 AM and playing and playing for close to an hour. What a blessing I have received. Thank you universe. You have done it again. Thank you.” (I say, You have done it again, Kate! Ellie"
~ Kate T. Yuma, Arizona, 17 Dec 2001
The Miraculous I am Love Poem
Format: PDF

As you grow in love and power discovering the God Force within you it is essential to remember the real reason we are here and given all this power to create.
This extraordinary “Universal Teaching” was channeled throug Ellie Drew the night her dear spiritual friend Mindrol passed into spirit. Ellie Drew was able to consciously leave her own body and follow her into spirit and ascend into other planes of reality where together they both discovered how to FREE SOUL MIND BODY and emotions from limiting concepts that prevent or delayed us from being our own most AUTHENTIC SELVES able to consciously manifest and create the reality of our choosing.
Ellie Drew returned from spirit into her body wants you to have this poem so you remember who you really are and why you are here with the power to create.
The Extraordinary True Story of the “I AM LOVE” Poem
A Channeled Universal Teaching for Humanity.
"The I AM LOVE Poem came through me (Ellie Drew) during a night of meditation when Judy Lin (Mindrol) was in home hospice. Before Mindrol passed, she insisted to Wayne that the moment she took her last breath he was to call . . . and now we thought she would say her master teacher in India . . . but she said to call me. Wayne said that she insisted several times, “The moment I take my last breath, call Ellie.” It was an instinctive, inner knowing that had her making this request, that neither of us would understand until after her passing.
What I found out during our time immediately after her physical death, was that in another life, Judy and I had made a promise to each other to never let the other forget who we really are. I saw us making a pact with each other, and then we put our foreheads together. In this other life, we had created this poem. It was Mindrol’s Higher Self that channeled the I AM LOVE poem to me two weeks before she died.
Later in the vision I had with her, Mindrol gave instructions of what she wanted people to know from her own experience of making the transition from life on the earth plane, to life in the next plane of existence. She was insistent that you DESTROY all your attachments. That attachments would hold you back from full awakening when you left the physical realm. Mindrol then insisted that the ONLY thing to put on the altar was the I AM LOVE poem as a reminder of who you really are; to say it ever day. Also, a candle as a reminder that you are not your physical body. That when the flame dies – your physical body dies – you Spirit goes on. Last was flowers or plants from nature. Mindrol gave me a vision of exactly how she wanted the poem to look like – a radiant blue with gold lettering, and a gold frame. This poem will powerfully wake you up to remembering who you really are. Ellie Drew."
How to attune to I AM Love Miracle Vibration
Format: PDF

People from around the world have written to Ellie to share miraculous stories of their experiences with the I AM Love poem which has been channeled from source in an extraordinary spiritual partnership. As you meditation with the poem you will begin to resonate with the spiritual frequency from where it emanates. And your life begins to change in countless miraculous ways.
- This PDF shares the practice of bringing the I AM Love poem into your life.
My eyes were opened!
"I loved every minute of the class. My eyes were opened to the amazingly simple way I can access information from within. I would love to continue taking classes from Ellie! Her teaching style is direct and honest! Thank you so much"
~ Renee from Red Feather Lake, CO
Package A
Total Package Value $1,250
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $81
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Package B |
The Remembering For Powerful Conscious Manifesting
The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice to Liberate Your Soul Field for Super-charged Mani-festation.
Format: Online Videos
Released for the first time, REMEMBER is a new educational video series channeled from the “The Architects of Reality”, Master Spiritual Teachers to remind Humanity we are Ancient Spiritual Beings Aligned with PROFOUND CREATIVE POWERS. Deeply Inspired by Spirit to produce and name the series “REMEMBER”, Ellie Drew knew it was also a COMMAND to our BIOLOGICAL systems that IT IS TIME to wake up into its own consciousness. Humanity is on the brink of a singularity moment – its own awakening called THE REMEMBERING.
Presented for the first time ever -to the listeners of From Heartache to Joy - YOU have the first chance to experience Ellie Drew’s REMEMBER 2, an essential practice to free and clear your soul field so you can be the powerfully creative conscious manifestor you were meant to be in this incarnation.
This is a massively powerful practice that will create a dramatic difference to your physical and emotional health and wellbeing as it goes to the source of what may have held issues in place for millenia of lifetimes. It will also powerfully go the core of any financial and relationship difficulties you may be experiencing clearing them for once and for all by uprooting and unhooking you from the original causes without endless processing.
Because as a Clairvoyant Researcher, Ellie has contact with your energy body while you do the practice – meaning you get additional feedback along the way to specifically support your practice. AND while filming, YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES & TEACHERS showed up to give additional teachings! Ellie linked with her inner circle, then with you as students, so she could feel into the frequencies of sound to help guide you as she filmed. Ellie Drew is A TRUE SPIRITUAL GUIDE for your human aspect to evolve so you can drop your baggage and drama to live a life of Inner Freedom.
What is REMEMBER 2?
REMEMBER 2 focuses on giving you the tools to clear away all that holds you back from manifesting ideal income, soulmate relationships, ease, joy and flow. Ellie teaches you how to once more become your Most Authentic Self through a super-powerful, transformative 21-Day Forgiveness Practice called the Way of the Lotus Flower. RESET your BIOLOGICAL system in 21-Days with The Way of the Lotus Flower Practice so your SOUL ASPECT can be unwrapped from the shadows of your own mind to SING in your life without wrong thinking interfering in your success.
The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice
This is the ONLY PLACE you will receive Ellie Drew’s researched and verified Magical Manifesting statements.
In 40 years as a Master Teacher and Clairvoyant researcher, Ellie found people do not know what to ask for. You are uncon-sciously limiting yourself.
In this program you will get statements to Program your body, mind and emotions to:
- Always be lucky
- Liberate your soul field from thousands of years to pain and struggle.
- live a Magical Life
You will learn proven, super-charged POWER techniques that will actually have what you have commanded show up in your life in miraculous ways. This is information being released for the first time by spirit on how REALITY is actually created
This is like having your own personal 21 Day Retreat With Ellie Drew to
Transform your entire Being
Video Episode 1: Emotional Unhooking Process.
Format: Online Video

In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew demonstrates what the Emotional Unhooking Process is, the Benefits of why you would use it, and gives you the opportunity to practice unhooking statements such as ‘I’m not good enough.’ ‘I’m not worthy.’ You will practice a specific breathing technique to RESET your PROGRAMABLE biological system used in The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice.
The Emotional Unhooking Process is amazing! I BEEN HEALED!
(Eric was a workshop participant who began using the Emotional Unhooking Process. In his own words here are his results . . .)
"I been heeeealed! Okay, give me your best deep-south-evangelical-church soundin' HallaLooya! Seriously, though, here is an update on my experiences since last weekend when I took your Conscious Manifesting workshop. First, the Emotional Unhooking Process. As I requested, my buttons are being shown to me very clearly (although I must admit I've known where many were, just not what to do about them). Some big money issues came up today, and my only thoughts were, "What can I do to fix this and make sure the problem doesn't arise again?" No emotional reactions! Just an echo, a memory, of what I usually feel when these challenges arise. Typically, there would have been some combination of fear, panic, anger, frustration, helplessness, humiliation, dread, or some other generally disempowering anxiety. I tried using the Emotional Unhooking Process with another issue and found that when I reevaluated the feelings after doing the Process, I found a closely related issue causing related feelings, which I then named and did the Process for, and then found the same thing again. Wondering if I was doing it right, I checked out the website. The "tutorials" section described exactly the experience I was having with the process and it answered other questions, so I know I'm on track. I'll let you know how it's going as I work on and evaluate my issues. Also, I realized from your page 2, first paragraph under "Psychological Reversal" that I had all those symptoms and they had been increasing. I had been perplexed as to why at age 35 I would be starting to have symptoms of dyslexia. Now it's gone! And I took action on things I had been procrastinating on for months. The "wall" was just not there anymore. This is really big for me. I mean, I put the "pro" in procrastination. I could write a book on it... someday. Just kidding."
~ Eric
Video Episode 2: Part 1 of 2: Why Forgiveness?
Format: Online Video

In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew shares with you a specific story of WHY forgiveness is ESSENTIAL to your SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT so you can clear your SOUL FIELD. Ellie found out – through doing readings – we create our own Karma, the Universal Powers don’t tie you up – YOU DO! This episode explains why you want to do the Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice! Ellie then describes how to set up your own personal Forgiveness Altar - the elements of the altar and their meaning, for when you start your 21-Day Practice.
"Wow doesn't do this life-changing experience justice. I have been making itty-bitty steps in my Soul Development, but this retreat was ONE GIANT LEAP!"
~ MC Scott. NM
Video Episode 3: Part 2 of 2: Inspirational Instructions: Practice Makes Perfect.
Format: Online Video

In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew allows you an opportunity to practice The Way of the Lotus Flower while narrating important New Teachings and Instructions FOR YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL. Because Ellie IS a Clairvoyant Researcher and heard the Sounds of people’s Soul - she KNOWS, by their vibrational sound, what was necessary to untie people from literally lifetimes worth of twisted thinking. Watch every minute and be INSPIRED! And Practice!
Video Episode 4: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 1, 2, & 3.
Format: Online Video

In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew takes you slowly, and throughly through your first three days of doing the Forgiveness Practice. She gives you additional tips and teachings to help you be successful, and get you in the groove of breathing properly, and reminding you the reasons you are doing the Practice. This video is longer to support the additional teachings including how to clear the lack of flow around money.
Yes!!!!!! Manifesting Money and Generous Gifts
"I just started working with the practice and I have been manifesting so many gifts, opportunities and so much MONEY. Where do I start? From being given free entrances to shows, lots of free drinks and goodies in restaurants. Manifested staying in stunning 5 star hotel Suite for the price of regular room. Manifested refunds. Manifested gorgeous men EVERYWHERE. And, thank heavens money is now flowing, smoothly steadily into my life and bank account. Thank you "
~ AC, Rome, Italy.
Video Episode 5: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 4, 5, & 6.
Format: Online Video

***The Energy and Information In these episodes has been channeled from your personal future to give you real-time updated counseling and support as if Ellie Drew was right there in room with you guiding you through the process.***
In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew has the GIFT OF MONITORING YOUR OWN PERSONAL BODY AND EMOTIONAL SYSTEM WHILE YOU DO THE PRACTICE – meaning all along the way, you are given specific feedback, not only from what Ellie is perceiving in your system at the psychic level to give you correctional or additional information to help you be successful, Ellie ALSO RECEIVES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN THE MIDST OF VIDEO TEACHING from YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES updated in real time from YOUR FUTURE.
Video Episode 6: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 7, 8, & 9.
Format: Online Video

***The Energy and Information In these episodes has been channeled from your personal future to give you real-time updated counseling and support as if Ellie Drew was right there in room with you guiding you through the process.***
In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew goes right into the work as your system begins to get reset using the breath, but still only clearing the surface of your Soul Field. You will begin to feel like there is more room inside you, and you can breathe more easily. In this episode, you are only going through the easier things to clear. Soon you will be challenged to continue as your Ego begins to fight you for control and you begin to question who you are and why you have defined yourself the way you have.
Video Episode 7: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 10, 11, & 12.
Format: Online Video

***The Energy and Information In these episodes has been channeled from your personal future to give you real-time updated counseling and support as if Ellie Drew was right there in room with you guiding you through the process.***
In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew knows you are going to begin getting edgy because the Ego is realizing it is losing its power as your soul self starts to shine and blossom. By the time you get to day 12, you may need to use the Emotional Unhooking Process - so have it handy!
Video Episode 8: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 13, 14, & 15.
Format: Online Video

***The Energy and Information In these episodes has been channeled from your personal future to give you real-time updated counseling and support as if Ellie Drew was right there in room with you guiding you through the process.***
In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew warns that you may go through the Dark Night of the Soul if you have made it this far! Don’t give up! You are almost through the hardest part! Do not engage the emotions - just keep doing the work resetting your system using the breath. There is information about your Money Success with a new teaching to open up your money energy with manifesting. And an ancient teaching that spontaneously happened giving the meaning of the transitional prayer position of the hands.
Video Episode 9: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 16, 17, & 18.
Format: Online Video

***The Energy and Information In these episodes has been channeled from your personal future to give you real-time updated counseling and support as if Ellie Drew was right there in room with you guiding you through the process.***
In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew celebrates with you as you make it through the Dark Night of the Soul - feeling more liberation and freedom within you! Ellie begins to hear your SONG!
Video Episode 10: The Way of the Lotus Flower 21-Day Forgiveness Practice: Days 19, 20, & 21.
Format: Online Video

***The Energy and Information In these episodes has been channeled from your personal future to give you real-time updated counseling and support as if Ellie Drew was right there in room with you guiding you through the process.***
In this episode, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew gives you the opportunity to assist in Global Healing by inviting in your Ancestors and other people who are stuck on the other side to join you in this Forgiveness Practice, as well as doing a healing for the world. Since we are clearing the global energy, we run into the anger of injustice, and we clear that. As you finish Day-21 Congratulations! As you heal yourself, you heal the world!
A+++ Perfect 100. Many wonderful pointers.
"I was totally unprepared for this incredible experience! Ellie is Inspired and Inspiring!"
~ Amira, Kent, UK
I’ve been waiting my whole life for this Conscious Manifesting information!
"Dear Ellie, I received the Conscious Manifesting DVD this week and just finished watching it with tears of gratitude. Thank you so much for sharing this information and for doing it in such a matter of fact and universal way. I am one of those who has been waiting my whole life for this information. I am also a mother whose daughter was diagnosed with cancer and a major heart defect as a baby and survived, and using all I knew used parts of this process without knowing what worked or when or why. Now I finally understand.
“I have found your manifesting techniques, process and principles to be very powerful. ”
I am so grateful to have found your conscious manifesting DVD through a recommendation by my health practitioner, Pam MacDonald. (She is a partner/colleague of Dr. Andrew Weil whom you may know of through his work on integrated medicine). Since I absorbed your process (watched 5 times at least!) and began using Marcey's music in combination, my health issues which Pam and I have been working on have all improved and for the first time in 7 years I am on a continual positive upswing towards more vitality and minimal to virtually no pain and measurable improved fitness.
I have found your manifesting techniques, process and principles to be very powerful. I love the way you explain the foundations of the energy patterns at work in our universe and find your DVD to be very easy to grasp and to assimilate immediately into my daily life. Your process is a very digestible version of other intention-field processes that I have studied, most notably Deepak Chopra "Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire" and Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention. I feel that you have found a way to synchronize immediately all the pieces necessary to spontaneously manifest. To me, the intention field/universal consciousness is the Holy Spirit that God empowered upon all people of the world, and that is there for us to use if we just believe, ask, trust and receive. "Knock and I will answer.""
~ Kalama, USA
"Exceptional. This was just right for me. Touched me in a deep place. Thank you, Ellie."
~ Rosanna, Michigan.
What is the Soul Field
Format: PDF

Your soul field determines your success and experiences in this life. This is what you are clearing with the Remember 2 Way of the Lotus Flower practices.
Ellie provides this quick and easy overview so you can under-stand what your soul field is and how it affects your daily life.
On the Subject of LIfe and Death
Format: PDF

This lovely and uplifting poem will set you free to manifest your life as a thrilling prosperous adventure.
- Directly channeled from spirit it contains frequency and information that will help you finally free of regret, sadness and longing for those who have passed in to spirit.
- Also free up your own energy to fully live and embrace your life.
One Source Poem
Format: PDF

Would you like to rediscover the true one source of all good things in life? This is the poem that powerfully reminds you of your own power. No matter what has happened to you in life with career, or relationshps, this is the boost that will help you transend those issues.
Easily return to remembering who you really are and recharge your manifesting super powers.
"Ellie, I wanted to give you feedback that I very successfully used the instructions for your Conscious Manifesting process in the sale of my home. I did build a "manifesting board" as you suggested and found that very helpful for envisioning the actual steps. It went fast! The first buyers made a full price offer, they were both doctors so the financing process was no issue. And get this: I got $15K more than my realtor's appraiser had estimated the home should sell for. Awesome!!! "
~ GC Prescott, AZ
Package B
Total Package Value $7,500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $133
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Package C |
Discover and Live Your Divine Life Purpose
Video & Audio recording of 3 Hour Live EMPOWERMENT & MANIFESTATION Workshop with Ellie Drew and the Master Guides
(Online Video & Downloadable MP3 Versions are provided)
Saturday September 23rd, 9AM PACIFIC - This call is over and only recording is provided now
POWERFUL private 1:1 Session in a Group Setting!!!! Yes, Ellie can do that.
Find out why you are here and get your PERSONAL DIVINE Assignment
Workshop with Ellie Drew and the Master Guides from the Sun and Galactic Councils

Have you been asking spirit Help You Become the Powerful Manifestor of a New Miraculous Reality for YOURSELF and the PLANET?
“The Dalai Lama - "The World Will Be Saved By Woman"
Will you be one of them?
This is powerful PRIVATE SESSION IN A GROUP SETTING. Ellie Direw is a Master Teacher with an extremely powerful team of “The Architects of Reality: Galactic Masters Teachers, Ascended Beings and Light Beings” who will scanning your field, clearing, activating you personally during this incredible personal LIVE event. You will receive hundreds of hours worth of private sessions in this one experience. Spirit has designed this session differently to give you 1:1 attention in a group setting so that Ellie can reach the critical mass of 8,000 people needed to change the world. Your help and empowered and activated presence are vitally needed on earth at this time. Your presence on the call is vitally important to the future of the earth.

In this 3 hour live empowerment:
- Ellie will answer your deepest held questions about your individual life purpose
- Clear the blocks and traumas that have held you back and get you ready to be POWERFUL NOW
- Activate you and attune you to the frequencies of Manifestation Mastery for a Lucky and Magical Life!!!!
Ellie’s mission is to get 8,000 of the world’s most able spiritual people activated and ready to be their most authentic selves, powerfully manifesting a better world. If you are reading this you have been called.
In this 3-Hour Live Training & Q & A, Clairvoyant Researcher Ellie Drew, M.S. and Your Guides will channel direct divine guidance especially and weave the teachings of conscious manifestation and creation for you and your loved ones.
- You have already reached an intermediate or advanced level of personal and spiritual development
- You are an established or aspiring healer, spiritual teacher, intuitive of have a real desire to help other poeple
- You have become stuck after trying and doing countless programs and workshops and you do not know how to breakthrough and get the results you have been looking for
- You are ready for a BIG change in your life but you don’t know what it is.
- You have not been able to fully let go of problems that just seem to keep recurring no matter how you try to change.
Ellie Drew has received guidance from Spirit to step forward to reach and help you with these incredible teachings of empowerment. Will you join her LIVE to get your deepest concerns that you may have been holding for lifetimes taken care of for once and for all so you have find your life purpose and live a rich, satisfying life?
This is the game changer that will teach and activate you into in-credible power and purpose. For best results you must be on the call LIVE for the Q & A with Ellie to receive personalized divine assignment and messages specifically for YOUR soul and Divine Incarnation.
Let’s do this - together! Are you in?
Package C
Total Package Value $11,500
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $163
*** 98% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
About Ellie Drew
At the age of 18, during a nine-month personal retreat, Ellie Drew had an 'awakening of consciousness’ experience. She knew and experienced, without doubt, we are co-creating this reality. Now known as “The Practical Mystic” Ellie has spent the last 40 years studying and perfecting the scientific principles of manifestation.
In the course of extensive personal research, vetted by student experiences and the scientific community, she has discovered that the world around us is only 30% fixed, and the rest we can change, if only we knew how.
As a Conscious Clairvoyant, Clairaudient Spiritual Researcher, Ellie Drew has received and perfected the blueprint for effective Conscious Manifesting. In the course of her work she has experienced being able to consciously shift weather, save her house from a tornado, help critically ill people in ICU recover miraculously, and empower advanced teachers around the world to fine-tune their gifts so we can join together and positively manifest a better world of justice and wellbeing for all.
Ellie Drew, M.S., President and Founder of the non-profit Institute for Conscious Change, Founder and Honorary Lifetime Member of the National Qigong (Chi Gong) Association. As a Practical Mystic, Ellie has taken the myths and misconceptions out of spiritual teaching and healing, her work has been used by scientists and top spiritual teachers around the world to help people.
Ellie Drew Channels directly from the Master Teachers in Spirit including – The Architects of Reality, The Galactic Teachers, The Sun Temple Shamans and Master Guides. Warning - You will not be the same after Ellie Drew. She won’t let you be the same. She will demand you step forth into your rightful inheritance - as Your Most Authentic Self. Ellie is here to let you know we need you. The Earth needs you Pushing Power at your Highest Consciousness levels. This is OUR TIME to leave a legacy of health, wealth, and loving relationships for all, with full Personal Sovereignty, and Freed Technology.
After you have met Ellie Drew and experienced her work your life and reality will never be the same again. Are you ready? It's time for humanity to ascend into our spiritual birthright and reclaim our Co-Creative Power. Game On!
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Discount :93%
Total Package Value $1,250
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of
Miracles Video Workshop - Online Videos
Conscious Manifesting: Be Your Own
Super Hero Worksheet - PDF
Bonus: The Miraculous I Am Love Poem
Bonus: How to attune to I AM Love
Vibration - PDF
Bonus: Miracle Vibration - PDF
Discount: 98%
Total Package Value $7,500
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of
Miracles Video Workshop - Online Videos
Conscious Manifesting: Be Your Own
Super Hero Worksheet - PDF
Bonus: The Miraculous I Am Love Poem
Bonus: How to attune to I AM Love
Vibration - PDF
Bonus: Miracle Vibration - PDF
The Way Of Lotus Flower 21 days to
Liberate Your Soul to Manifest In the God
Field - Online Videos
Bonus: What Is the Soul Field - PDF
Bonus: On the Subject Of Life & Death Poem - PDF
Bonus: One Source Poem - PDF
Discount: 98%
Total Package Value $11,500
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Conscious Manifesting: The Science of
Miracles Video Workshop - Online Videos
Conscious Manifesting: Be Your Own
Super Hero Worksheet - PDF
Bonus: The Miraculous I Am Love Poem
Bonus: How to attune to I AM Love
Vibration - PDF
Bonus: Miracle Vibration - PDF
The Way Of Lotus Flower 21 days to
Liberate Your Soul to Manifest In the God
Field - Online Videos
Bonus: What Is the Soul Field - PDF
Bonus: On the Subject Of Life & Death Poem - PDF
Bonus: One Source Poem - PDF
Audio & Video Recordings of 3 Hour 1:1 Empowerment & Manifestation In a Group setting Workshop with Ellie Drew &
"The Architects of Reality"
Payment Plan Available for All Packages at Checkout
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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