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Download Eram and Daniel's Interview
Package A
Living the Good Life Package
7 videos
Working with Your Spirit Helpers
Probably the most important and fastest way to grow spiritually is to have a living and breathing relationship with you Higher Self. And the best way to get there is to start communication with your Spirit Helpers. This video explains who they are, how to connect with them, and how they can benefit you. It also explains what attitude for you to hold towards them, and that as a divine being you are given this extraordinary gift of their unconditional support.
The Valued Self
When you value yourself, value will magically come to you. Valuing yourself is an attractant for good fortunes. The valued self is the product of seven components: Self-awareness, self-worth, self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, self-respect and self-realization. This video will explain all seven components, and how to attain them. For the valued self to make a difference in your life, you must pretty much be resolved in all seven areas. In years and years of working with my clients I have found that women especially have a difficult time with self-esteem. They were not given the secret of how to gain it. Learn how to value yourself and reap the rewards that come along with that.
Healing Your Past
As human beings in this physical reality we function on four different levels simultaneously: the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual. For you to have a happy life you need to heal any unresolved issues of the past on all four levels. This video is designed specifically to deal with any unresolved emotional issues. You see, early in life we experience all kinds of traumas that we don’t have to capacity yet to heal and resolve. Our best way to cope with it is to bury them in our subconscious and unconscious minds. However, if you have an emotionally unresolved issue, that issue will bleed through into your present and diminish the quality of your life. This video presents a very simple and elegant way to finally be done with all those interferences, so that you can experience happiness and joy 24/7.
Your Inner Voices
Your mind talk goes on all the time. Even though it all sounds alike, there are many different voices and identities that talk to you. Some mean well and some don’t. It is important that you identify which voice is who, so that you can eliminate those that are harmful to you. Learn to identify each voice and how to get rid of the negative ones.
Secrets of Happy Relationships
Many relationships are doing poorly. A couple stays together but the spark has gone. You tolerate each other, mostly because you want to avoid the hassle of the separation or you do it for the children. You see, society is programmed for relationship failure. Between the “Man Code” and the “Good Girl Training” you simply don’t know how it is supposed to all work out. This video explains in depth why it is so, and follows that with several tips and tricks to overcome these obstacles, so that you can have magnificent and loving relationships.
Safe Venting
I consider this to be the most valuable tool in this package. Most of us have suppressed anger that you “swallowed” in your past. It is probably the most damaging aspect in people’s lives. If you cannot get it off your chest, it will fester within you. Eventually it will eat you up from the inside, just like cancer, and it is the most prevalent energetic cause for getting cancer. But what are you to do? Expressing it is a major no-no in our society. Enter “Safe Venting!” It is a complete system of being able to get anything off your chest without harming yourself or any other party. If you seriously go through this, your life will be completely different – more magical and with more ease. People will respond to you differently and most of your hassles you currently experience will simply vanish. This is especially helpful if you have any of these situations: being depressed or manic depressive, if you suffer from worry or guilt, if you have ADD or ADHD, if you are compulsive or obsessive compulsive, if you have thoughts of revenge, or if you have been traumatized or hurt in the past.
Conversations with Your Body
You are not your body. You have a body and together you work as a team. You mostly provide the intelligence and your body takes you around to where you want to go. Please treat your body well. Even though you provide most of the intelligence to your team, your Body is quite a smart organism. It senses energies and knows when something works well or is defective. This video will teach you methods on how to communicate with your body and what kind of conversations to have so that you can be healthier and have more vitality.
A half hour Align The Body with Daniel the Healer
Proper body alignment is absolutely essential to a mind and body alliance. Without it, our bones deteriorate and become disfigured, and our muscles and joints nag us with pain. Normal activity and wear and tear stiffens bones, joints and muscles, something that is extremely damaging if not properly cared for. One of the common side effects is a decrease in mobility, which often makes everyday activities seem draining.
And then there are injuries, simple damage from imbalanced walking, falling down, hitting one’s head, over-exercising, or using the wrong trainer or yoga teacher. When you need help, you don’t want to wait days in pain, or traveling somewhere to get worked on.
Relief is Available Right Away
Now you can get relief from the comfort of your own home. AlignTheBody Sessions can pull your structure back into alignment and out of pain fast, with Daniel the Healer looking at you over Skype or other video connection! The healing and alignment is done with his amazing gaze!
Long Term Relief along with Greater Wellbeing
AlignTheBody sessions relief is not just for urgent pain and minor injury, but for long term health and wellbeing. Think longevity and sustained strength in older years. We all want that, yes? To experience a more in-tune body, one that is fully aligned and spiritually happy, you must look beyond the ordinary and Daniel has this for you.
AlignTheBody sessions do much more than just align your spine and joints. They also empower your mind, strengthen your body, and create an uplifting and enlightening sensation throughout your entire being. This translates into greater success and health! So don’t postpone having a strong and healthy body alignment. When you contact Daniel, you can set up a session face to face in Encino, California, or by using a video connection from and to anywhere in the world.
About your session
AlignTheBody sessions are short encounters that you can schedule at your convenience for a single time or better yet, on a regular basis, to develop and strengthen your comfort over time. The initial session is 30 minutes. Follow-up AlignTheBody sessions (highly recommended) are 15 minutes.
People ask about how many sessions that they will need to feel good and strong and balanced. This depends on your current level of discomfort, your reception to Daniel’s advice and techniques, and your willingness to become healthier, happier, and more productive. Sessions are short, so that repeated sessions can show steady improvement without overworking your bones and ligaments with fast changes.
Eliminate the pain, aches, and frustration you feel from stiffness, low energy, and mental fatigue by using Daniel’s revolutionary alignment techniques to heal and rejuvenate from within.
Daniel’s gaze aligns you with Love. Amaze your body with the pampering it’s been waiting for!
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Unsure of which package is best suited for you? Book a call with Janie to help you with it
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.