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Would you like more sessions with Debbi? Here is an Exclusive offer just for our community
Package A |
Welcome to My Healing Matrix Reboot - MP3
Length: 9:36
My Healing Matrix Reboot Invocation - MP3
Attune soul, atomic, cellular, and molecular levels with cosmic love and bliss. Initiate supreme health as cosmic energies purify distress, toxins, parasites, bacteria and dis-ease from your being.
Comments: Let the habit body reboot and the body elemental come into a profound new balance. Receive a vibrant love ascension energy upgrade through the totality of your being.
Crown Chakra Activation with Skull, Hair,
and Scalp Energy Reset - MP3
Length: 7:11
Invoke the thousand petal lotus of your spiritual connectivity center. Activate new life force receptors in the dura membrane and fascia tissues. Receive a divine harmonic cleansing and alignment in skull and facial bones.
Comments: Energetically clear past trauma imprints and injuries. Release negative messages and self-judgments. Align with a new love flow. Connect with that which is not born and does not die – Your Eternal Self.
Cerebral Energy Center Reboot for the Brain &
Central Nervous System (CNS) - MP3
Length: 11:23
Install new intelligence and health patterns at micro levels with amethyst diamond light waves. Activate your divine brain and CNS templates. Chromosomes and genes receive the matrix of eternal youthfulness. Reset parasympathetic, sympathetic and autonomic nervous system.
Comments: Clear foggy brain, and mold, yeast, bacteria, virus and parasite genomes. Restore brain and memory. Trigger brain regeneration. Create a joyful nervous system hardwired for your enlightenment and success.
Third Eye Energy Center & Physical Eyes Regeneration - MP3
Length: 8:18
Cleanse your eyes as you receive the healing matrix reboot to sharpen vision and function and to clear any impairment. Activate your visionary capacities and inner sight and knowing.
Comments: Bless your eyes and your third eye chakra with spiritual perception and gifts. Transcend hormonal issues, headaches, depression, anxiety and sight issues.
Throat and Voice Energy Center with Thyroid Reset - MP3
Length: 9:29
Initiate supportive forces for perfect metabolism. Reset your thyroid energy matrix. Clear blockages to speaking up. Embody speaking your truth with wisdom and love. Amplify your voice with your soul’s intentions.
Comments: Come into a higher vibrational attunement. Clear your DNA lineage of maternal repression and paternal aggression.
Spine and Back Reboot - MP3
Length: 16:12
Activate healing forces to clear pain, spasms and nerve flow abnormalities from your spine. Strengthen bone mass. Open to new cosmic pathways of light and Qi to energize and recharge your spinal template of perfection
Comments: Stand strong and and release the unconscious need to be punished or to suffer. Clear energy and cellular memory of poverty oaths and vows. Heal auric holes. Install new psychic protection in your energy field.
Heart Energy System & Circulatory System Reboot - MP3
Length: 15:57
Cleanse and purify your blood in violet light streams. Initiate repair of irregular heartbeat, abnormalities of blood-flow, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and conditions that lead to heart-attack. Activate your Thymus gland with the perfect activity for maximal health.
Comments: Meet your inner magical Child AND your inner Genius. Receive a harmonic love attunement for arteries, veins and capillaries. Connect with infinite health and eternal youthfulness matrices. Experience the power of your sacred heart and the violet light of transmutation that lives here.
Lungs & Trachea Upgrade - MP3
Rejuvenate your lungs in their new ascension health matrix. Open to clear inflammation, mucous, coughing, infection and sensitivity to dust, molds and pollutants. Come to peace with your family.
Comments: Rebirth yourself as the golden divine baby activating the golden light brain and nervous system. Initiate the Whole body respiration cycle.
ITEM 10:
Digestive System Reboot for Stomach,
Gallbladder & Intestines - MP3
Shift overeating patterns and weight issues. Activate the body’s intuitive neural pathways and trusting your gut instincts.
Align stomach- gallbladder-liver-small intestine energy pathways with maximal health. Reset intestinal walls and peristaltic rhythm for optimal health. Open to clear Inflammation, pain, bowel disease, diarrhea/constipation, parasites, viruses, bloating and gastric reflux.
Comments: Release energetic cords and psychic residue. Install psychic protection boundaries. Release energetic parasites and their effects. Align all organs with enlightenment matrices. Clear, heal and align root chakra with evolutionary matrixes. Open to shift eating disorders and addictions. Initiate a mitochondria upgrade
ITEM 11:
Liver & Emotional Detox Reboot - MP3
Length: 9:28
Receive an angelic light bath purification. Connect the golden template of perfection to the physical body. Invite a divine restoration for perfect blood clotting, cholesterol and glucose levels, bile secretion and iron and protein production.
Comments: Clear soul sickness and blood impurities. Release toxic emotions. Receive an emotional upgrade to ascension frequencies. Heal the inner abuser and addiction, self-hatred and self-harming issues.
ITEM 12:
Pancreas & Blood Sugar Levels Reboot - MP3
Length: 12:50
Reset your pancreas to the health matrix of perfect blood sugar to shift patterns of diabetes, fatigue, weight gain, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, and inflammation. Repair and restore optimal functional levels of cellular metabolism. Clear exhaustion and inertia from your being.
Comments: Release fear, doubt, anxiety and negative programming from your solar plexus center. Integrate spirit and soul into your physical tissues. Recharge yourself with revitalizing, renewing energies to create your greatest health and harmony.
ITEM 13:
Urinary System Upgrade Kidneys & Bladder Reboot - MP3
Increase kidney and adrenal health and efficiency. Restore valuable Qi energy. Transform the conduits that convert universal life energy into human life energy.
Increase your bladder health energy. Strengthen, repair and enliven the muscles that control frequency and urgency of urination. Cleanse UTI’s.
Comments: Open to clear fear fright and phobias. Create the perfect flow in your life. Activate intelligent divine life forces within you that create emotional equilibrium and balance the yin-yang energies. Feel more vitally alive.
Gems of Awakening - MP3
Light up your energy centers in these sacred gemstones of illumination. Rejuvenate your body-mind and spirit. Activate your auric field with the vibrational essence of sparkling cosmic ambiance. Discover the luminous pearl of your divine mission.
Package B |
ITEM 14:
3 Coaching Classes Power Boosting the Healing Matrix
Length: 75 minutes each
Spiritual Healing, Metaphysical Attunement, Body Energetics, Transformational tools, Deciphering Emotional and Mental Causation, More Matrix Empowerment and Initiations, Implementing Divine Intervention & Grace
Comments: Using Group Synergy and Oneness to Expand Soul and Personal Evolutionary Growth, Experiential, PDF’s provided, Q & A, one-on-one time,
Each coaching class is scheduled twice to accommodate time zones. Wednesday: January 3rd, 10th and 17th, 9 am MST and 6 pm MST. Calls will be recorded and links sent.
ITEM 15:
Private Facebook Group
How Exciting!! Interact and stay connected with the My Healing Matrix Group and Debbi!
Awakening Your Spiritual Intuitive Senses
Receive this remarkable transmission to activate your Divine intuitive energy centers. Align with the beauty of Source energy. Reconnect golden pathways pf neural networks in your spiritual brain and spine. Bring 24th dimensional light fields into your cells and energy fields to resource you. Move into the heaven on earth experience. Escort unevolved aspects of your being into spiritual maturity and mastery. Activate your intuitive healing matrix with white rose diamond light.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.