REVEALED! The Hidden Key To Healing Your Finances and Restoring Sacredness To The Global Financial System
Cracking the Galactic Money Code!
The trauma and damage around fair energetic exchange (governed by the Divine Law of Fair Exchange) held at galactic and beyond levels.
- Clear debt and shame from bankruptcy
- Heal the global financial system
- Clear family and ancestral money patterns
- Neutralise any dark magic on your finances
- Activate your multi-dimensional abundance
- Heal money and your relationship to it
"Got the full pay and the two others WILL sign up for my big new mastermind on Monday!! Feeling a huge shift!! The work was amazing – it made me realize how close I REALLY am to having a 45k month!!!"
~ C. H.
"I have already manifested amazing results from your free Money workbook and January isn't even over yet. Yesterday I was approved for an $8000+ UN-SECURED loan with a monthly payment that I can handle. In addition to this money, I also received approval from my employer this week for a bonus payment of over $9000. Meanwhile, a friend has opened her home to me for the month of February for only $600 while I search for a new place. I didn't know what to expect, I just trusted your process and stayed true to my desires. It makes me realize that we set our own limits, whether we know it or not. Thank you so much. I really look forward to the months ahead as I continue to clear money issues and to attract the funds and situations that have eluded me thus far."
~ MP
"Hi Cristina, I am writing to share a testimonial! I have been blessed for the past two months in terms of abundance. First, I was told that my college debt was cancelled as they got me some financial aid and that the remaining $86 would go into my bank account. Also, yesterday I received the unexpected gift of a bag of colombian coffee which I adore, and a jar of coconut oil that I needed (I was thinking about going to buy some next weekend). Woohoo!"
~ JB
Two and half years ago:
I got on a plane and burst out crying.
I was taking with me only my child and no money.
The home situation I was going into was tricky.
And, though I had access to a small financial safety net...
(Care of the taxes I had paid over the years)
It wasn’t enough to create the life I wanted for my baby and I.
Or the whole planet.
In the way I wanted to do it - using my healing skills.
Brave enough to be present with money.
I’m now consistently tracking what’s coming in and what I’m spending -
(something I've never been able to follow-through with before)
With a growing curiosity about how it’s flowing through my life -
(rather than with guts gripped with an intense, undefined fear that everything is going to fall apart..)
Free enough with money to be excited about playing with the (for me) rather large amount of money I’ve got coming in
(guaranteed for the next 10 months - from only one client...)
Finally, with a deep knowing that more is always on its way.
Knowing that the number of people I serve is only going to increase.
And, that I will never feel that deep ache of disconnection from everything around me that I used to feel.
Because I’m now able to flow enough money through my life that I can support more of us –
Those of us on a mission to restore the planet to how it was always supposed to be.
The way I promised to before I came in.
If I hadn’t kept my focus on how I would turn my healing skills into a way to create money in a way that felt 100% aligned to my deepest core -
Even through the moments when I thought I’d never be able to do it - none of this would now be true.
My turning point with money came when I found the hidden key to healing my finances and making the global financial system sacred again.
And what kept me going was a deep desire to see everyone on this planet and the planet herself - fully restored to our original beauty.
If you know you have come to serve the planet through your healing skills.
And you know, that there is so much more you came in to do, but not having enough money stops you.
Consider this:
What if not fully stepping into your mission was holding back others from doing the same?
What has become clear to me through my journey to heal my money story was –
The missing piece to making the global financial system sacred again is cracking the Galactic Money Code.
Aka - the trauma and damage around fair energetic exchange (governed by the Divine Law of Fair Exchange) held at galactic and beyond levels.
In our own lightbody -
And, that the key (especially for healers and lightworkers) to healing the global financial system is healing our own money story.
Since the lightbody of healers working at the planetary and beyond, is interfaced with those le-vels, we heal them as we heal ourselves.
And because (though very damaged, fragmented and fractured) Money is still a very common medium of exchange here on this planet.
And with more access to it, and ability to flow it through without your own system being im-pacted by the darker energies often attached to it –
Just think how you could increasingly support people and projects you feel are taking us closer to how life on this planet was always supposed to be.
I also discovered that to make Money a truly a fair energy exchange we have to liberate the elements and elementals who bring it to us.
And, that, Money is also asking for our support so it can be returned to its Sacred Whole-ness.
What more can I say?
The wise healers who have been working on their money stories with me have been find-ing their healing powers have amplified 20/30/40-fold...
Healing your money story, the global financial system and massively amplifying your own healing strength...
How can you say no to that?!
- Clear debt and shame from bankruptcy
- Heal the global financial system
- Clear family and ancestral money patterns
- Neutralise any dark magic on your finances
- Activate your multi-dimensional abundance
- Heal money and your relationship to it
Expert Reviews |
“Four years ago I was diagnosed with adrenal burnout and chronic fatigue. It was two years into my healing journey when I started working with you. I was a single mum living cramped in a one bedroom place with my two small but very lively children and ex-husband, making about 5-7K a month. I was on the way to recovery but was struggling with low energy every day. I knew that I needed energetic help so when I found Cristina it was an immediate yes! Since we started working together lots has changed - Looking back the biggest differences that back then I set a goal - say to get 1000 people on my e-mail list in a month and I would reach a quarter of what I wanted i.e. 250 people. Now I’ll set an intention to reach a specific goal like getting one $50K client in six months, and instead of getting just one I got six in 3 months. Every thing takes less time and I exceed my goals with ease. I have consistent 45K months and in the first 3 months of this year I made the same as all of last year. Now it really feels like the sky is the limit. And I’m excited to see how far I can take this which is why I’ve set the intention have a million dollar client by the end of the year. And to top it off I am finally now with my Divine Partner and my energy levels are really great.”
~ Carolin Hauser
5 Money Healing Activations Audios
Value: $750
Money Healing Activation 1 - Debt and Bankruptcy
Value: $150
Length:11 min
Use this healing activation frequently to clear as much as you can contributing to your patterns of debt - both the money and energy you owe and are owed, and clear patterns and energetic architecture involved in:
- Blocking you returning money you owe
- Blocking money you owe from being returned to you
- Stopping you from clearing your credit card debt
- Keeping you using authorised and unauthorised overdraft
- Shame and pain around bankruptcy
- Fear around using a credit card
- Your energy held by others
- Energy you hold for others
- Ancestral patterns of debt and bankruptcy
- Soul lineage blocks to clearing debt and bankruptcy
Money Healing Activation 2 - The Global Economy
Value: $150
Length: 8 min
Use this healing activation frequently to reset your relationship to the Global Economy, the Banking Structures and Financial System, including your connection to:
- Your bank accounts and investments
- All levels of your bank’s energy field
- The global markets
- Currency exchange systems
- The global mortgage market
- The global debt market
- Savings you keep in a bank
- Notes, coins, and digital money
- The global investment system
- Corporate financial structures
Money Healing Activation 3 - Inheritances and Inherited Money
Value: $150
Length: 7 min
Use this healing activation frequently to clear the burden of any trauma or victimisation of your family or of others by your family inherited through material or financial inherit-ances due to:
- War
- Financial Ruin
- Disease
- Gambling
- Prostitution
- SRA (satanic ritual abuse)
- Sexual abuse
- Addiction
- Psychic attack & Dark magic
Money Healing Activation 4 - Ancient Curses
Value: $150
Length: 14 min
Use this healing activation frequently to clear effects related to Ancient Egyptian Dark Magic, Ancient Babylonian Ritual and Dark Magic and Off-planet Dark Magic including:
- Poverty consciousness
- Inability to save money
- Financial instability
- Financial betrayal
- Love/hate relationship with money
- Blocked from healing relationship with money
- Unable to heal money’s elemental aspects
- Fear and panic around money
- Repelling money
- Financial suffering and sacrifice
Money Healing Activation 5 - Multi-dimensional Abundance
Value: $150
Length: 14 min
Use this healing activation frequently to clear technological, trauma, and AI interference blocking your multi-dimensional abundance across all soul lineage embodiments and relating to all soul lineage healing contracts including but not exclusive to Fae; Angelic; Orion; Draconic; Andromedan; Annunaki; Nephilim; Lyran; Reptilian; Pleiadian influ-enced by:
- Off-planet technology
- AI interference
- Alien sentient oil (a.k.a black goo)
- Dark magic architecture
- Synthetic telepathy
- EMF interference
- Trauma control
- Hybridisation experiments
- Modification of the Original Human Lightbody
- Destruction of the sacred nature of the body
3 Recorded Money Calls
Value: $999
Listening to these 3 Money Calls MP3s will deepen your personal work with the healing activations. Each focuses on the specific themes listed below and will help to clear any personal or planetary issues you have around those themes.
Money Call 1 – Debt, Bankruptcy and The Global Economy
Value: $333
Format: MP3
This call provides a deep clean around your patterns of debt - both the money and energy you owe and are owed, and clear patterns and energetic architecture involved in:
- Blocking you returning money you owe
- Blocking money you owe from being returned to you
- Stopping you from clearing your credit card debt
- Keeping you using authorised and unauthorised overdraft
- Shame and pain around bankruptcy
- Fear around using a credit card
- Your energy held by others
- Energy you hold for others
- Ancestral patterns of debt and bankruptcy
- Soul lineage blocks to clearing debt and bankruptcy
As well as, reset your relationship to the Global Economy, the Banking Structures and Financial System, including your connection to:
- Your bank accounts and investments
- All levels of your bank’s energy field
- The global markets
- Currency exchange systems
- The global mortgage market
- The global debt market
- Savings you keep in a bank
- Notes, coins, and digital money
- The global investment system
- Corporate financial structures
Money Call 2 – Inheritances, Inherited Money and Ancient Curses
Value: $333
Format: MP3
This call will support you to clear on the burden of any trauma or victimisation of your family or of others by your family inherited through material or financial inheritances due to:
- War
- Financial ruin
- Disease
- Gambling
- Prostitution
- SRA (satanic ritual abuse)
- Sexual abuse
- Addiction
- Psychic attack
- Dark magic
As well as clear the effects related to Ancient Egyptian Dark Magic, Ancient Babylonian Ritual and Dark Magic and Off-planet Dark Magic including:
- Poverty consciousness
- Inability to save money
- Financial instability
- Financial betrayal
- Love/hate relationship with money
- Blocked from healing relationship with money
- Unable to heal money’s elemental aspects
- Fear and panic around money
- Repelling money
- Financial suffering and sacrifice
Money Call 3 - Multi-dimensional Abundance & Healing Your Money Relationship
Value: $333
Format: MP3
This call will help you clear technological, trauma, and AI interference blocking your multi-dimensional abundance across all soul lineage embodiments and relating to all soul lineage healing contracts including but not exclusive to Fae; Angelic; Orion; Draconic; Andromedan; Annunaki; Nephilim; Lyran; Reptilian; Pleiadian influenced by:
- Off-planet technology
- AI interference
- Alien sentient oil (a.k.a black goo)
- Dark magic architecture
- Synthetic telepathy
- EMF interference
- Trauma control
- Hybridisation experiments
- Modification of the Original Human Lightbody
- Destruction of the sacred nature of the body
You will also experience a group money healing activation (with an added clearing) to promote -
- Increased comfort around money
- An affectionate relationship with money
- More money flowing in with ease
- More ease allowing money to flow out
- Increased stability around financial decisions
- Decreased emotional reactivity around money
- Less arguments around money
- Clarity and strength around money boundaries
- Peace, forgiveness and understanding around debt
- No tension around money whatever your financial situation
Plus 2 Extra Bonus Recorded Calls - MP3s
Clearing Ancestral Blocks to Money
Healing the Global Financial System - Group Constellation Process
Bonuses |
Kickstart Recorded Calls 1 & 2 - MP3s
Value: $806
Kickstart Bonus Call 1 MP3 contains a clearing which will support you to clear anything contributing to procrastination and resistance when it comes to doing the clearings in The Wise Healers’s Path to Financial and Energetic Wealth money workbook, as well as in general, any procrastination and resistance around your finances in general.
Kickstart Bonus Call 2 MP3 is a deep clearing that will reconnect you powerfully to your Divine Core, activate your Divine Love Interface and reawaken your True Tantra Flow
Healing Money Individual Activation - Healing Your Money Relationship
Value: $200
Length: 10 min
Use this activation frequently to change your relationship with Money as well as check in on how your relationship with Money is healing and evolving so you can have:
- Increased comfort around money
- An affectionate relationship with money
- More money flowing in with ease
- More ease allowing money to flow out
- Increased stability around financial decisions
- Decreased emotional reactivity around money
- Less arguments around money
- Clarity and strength around money boundaries
- Peace, forgiveness and understanding around debt
- No tension around money whatever your financial situation
The Wise Healers Path to Financial and Energetic Wealth - Money Workbook.
A money workbook with 12 clearings that will transform your relationship to money this year.
Fantastic! Amazing! Released and cleared
"I feel this cleanse actually was clearing me of many past life issues. I feel like I do not have a second voice questioning everything that I am doing. I feel open to my future unfolding with-out any restrictions. I have never felt this free or unblocked before. During the session I could feel the areas opening up and releasing as Cristina was saying what was opening. It was won-derful to feel so open. I believe it is leading me to really look and focus on me and my health issues and be released from them. I am changing my diet and do not feel like it is a chore. Usually it would feel that way, however this is a lifestyle change not just a "die-T". I feel like I released a person and now I can shine.
~ Sandhya (Sandy) Srivastava
Full of Joy
"During the session, we cleared a lot and immediately, I felt lighter and clearer. To me, it is a fast track for clearing. The next day I felt happiness and joy, and I am grateful to Cristina."
~ Lynda S K Ng
Profound and life changing clearing
"I had a profound clearing, which made me feel extremely lighter and happier. During the ses-sion I could physically feel a complete cleansing of various parts of my body, with the energy being released immediately. Felt so much lighter after our session."
~ Loide Bedran
An increase of $500!
"Since you started working with my Orion lineage a month ago, I've been motivated to work on my business again. I have felt more aligned with it.Things have been coming to me to show me how I can grow my business and increase my income.
I have quite a bit more to implement, but this month I'm already looking at an increase of $4-500. It isn't much, but it's the first growth I've see in a while and it should be consistent every month. So I guess that means I'm an ideal client because the work you've done at a distance has already produced results in my business."
~ Anastasia.
"I have listened to all clearings since my purchase, either one a day or every second day. I have had the most emotional and aha-moments during the clearings. I have now taken a weeks break to digest it all.
I sense strongly that the outside world 'looks' different. I can see peoples choices, having been mine for a very long time and they don't work for meany longer.
More clarity and at times unexpected emotion of very old coming up. I breathe and let them go."
~ Carina Lindstrom
"I wanted to say how empowering the session felt with you. Thank you for giving of your time so generously. Wishing you wonderful weekend and a big hello to your bright che-rub Percy!
Love Julie xx."
~ Julie Broderick
"I cherish having a second private session with you. I’m amazed at the enormous grounds covered in that short time. This is beyond brilliance. I appreciate you and send you a huge thank you!
Today I got an email that a position I had interviewed for over the phone and in person was no longer available. The email said the company was no longer hiring for that posi-tion. I prayed and asked for direction and within minutes a headhunter called about a position and wanted to send my resume to the hiring company. The company is called *******. I pray this is my opportunity and that my door has been opened!"
~ Liz Naabarko
I love this work you have created
"With the events in Paris, there was plenty to clear. I worked on it last night and this morning. Paris has always been a beloved touch stone in my life. I cleared huge layers of grief, it took me thru many generations and points in my history.
I came to a place of deep love. I went to bed with this question in my mind, " Is Paris Burning?" I woke up to do more clearing. I was inspired to lead a meditation on a support call I lead three times a week. In the meditation we threw into the Fire in the center of our ritual circle, our worn out behaviors, points of view and things we wanted to release. The women said that it was so powerful, they could smell the smoke and feel the old paradigm shifting making room for the new.
Thank you."
~ Dulcie Wright
Amazing Uncovering
"I am privileged to say, this was my second clearing with Cristina. She is a very skilled and powerful Energetic Healer. In our session, we were working on Past lives, and what was so Astounding to me, was how much of what I am currently living has direct similarities to this life that is just a Ghost Whisper. I really felt the imagery of that past life being able to come to the fore front of my mind more and more as I had time to process the work we did."
~ Cynthia Castell
"Hi Cristina,
I felt my energetic mood change during our session. When I focused on my tension and anxieties, within my body, I felt there were pockets of these emotions in my chest around my heart and solar plexus regions and tensions in my lower right abdomen, I experienced gurgling of energies and a feeling of wanting to laugh as the energies were being transformed and released. When I breathe now, I feel free to do so, were as previously I felt restricted.
Thank you so much for your time, expertise and advice, which I have now taken. I look forward to experiencing your ancestral releasing course."
~ Glenn Abson
"Since the first advanced sacred embodiment class where I cleared on my mother, she has been contacted about a job and is actually submitting her resume. It's the first time she hasn't made an excuse or negative comments about working in a year."
~ Anon
"Cristina is astonishing. She is truly gifted with the knowing and instinctive knowledge that I know will set me free! And believe me I have tried all and been through all! She is the first healer to truly see who I am and where I come from that was unknown to me but truly vital to be found.
She has given me the keys that I believe are the last pieces of the puzzle. Up to now, I had to know my way to progress but thank heavens Cristina is in the position to really see beyond all and I am so grateful and appreciative of her and her help! Not only is she generous with her time and wisdom but truly caring and compassionate!
It will be a red letter day when I can see my true life unfold and it will be so very much because of Cristina’s true vision.
Thank you Cristina! I love you! xo"
~ Michelle Matthau
"Hi Cristina! I am doing well and very grateful for your validation of what I have been going through my whole life… Interestingly, a big issue that stands out is when you said I had been programmed to not survive or partially survive and we unwound that.
When I think of my future now, I am feeling much calmer. Also the part about healers im-planting at a higher level validates what I felt but could not verbalize.
I look forward to working with you on the calls to come and individually again, as I feel led "by my body" as you taught me!
Thank you very much for your generosity today.
Picture someone who is running a 100 miles marathon with a pebble in their shoe, exhausted, in pain and not sure how to get the pebble out or that it was even a pebble in the shoe.
That is how I felt before our session today.
Now I feel renewed to continue my life journey but not to be in pain.
Connecting soon…"
~ Eileen O Keefe.
"Cristina and Matt Kahn are the only people whose work seems to be "big" enough for me"
~ Anon
"This is been a profound experience.Thank you very much.Love and so much gratitude to you."
~ Judith Muller. Author of the forthcoming book Alchemy of Power and Presence: Your Gender Specific Pathway to Quantum Success.
"This was a mind blowing (literally) experience. Eager to see how the work settles in. Much gratitude and appreciation. Feels like I’m renewing an old relationship with you. Thanks again and again"
~ Liz
I listened to the broadcast today. The clearings were powerful, my lineages seem layered, & I can feel into the amazing freedom that is inherent in doing this program. I did the first clearing this afternoon and then slept for 4 hours. Been moving slowly ever since. Going to put my head phones on and listen to more at bedtime.
Thank you for sourcing this powerful work, Cristina."
~ Dulcie
"My love life took on the biggest change and I'm still trying to make sense of it. I have been in an almost 4 year relationship with a man I love deeply; however , wasn't always getting my needs met. I did the meditations and I got so intolerant of the way I was feel-ing I put on ultimatums of things I needed from him to continue the relationship, he changed some things but not all and I had to tell him I couldn't continue even though I loved him.
What I'm trying to make sense of is that all the things I was needing from him I received in the form of another man (which was not what I wanted). But how can I not pay attention to the answer to all my requests just handed to me easily effortlessly and willingly, it's both painful and amazing at the same time.
Cristina, thank you for assisting me in getting my strength back to take control of my own happiness. I know this may not seem to be a good testimonial but I believed my boyfriend had cheated on me many times but I could never prove it and he always de-nied it. By me putting on ultimatums of things I needed for us to continue: counselling, password free social media and phone, paternity test from an alleged affair that involved a woman having a child she claimed was his and he denies and him not providing me with the test or even going and getting one.
I was finally able to let my heart off the hook and that is true empowerment. I know other women may be going thru the same thing and I want them to know the heart medication along with the divine connection to the beloved is potent and powerful."
~ Anon
"I had the pleasure to personally experience Cristinas´ great work.
I was able to improve my relationship with my family only by listening to her first appearance on Eram´s show, and by using her recordings. During my session with her, not only did she help me, but also one of my cats.
She sensed that he was taking on my energies in his prostate and cleared him.
After our session, I felt happy, energized and started dancing through my living room. And this during a time when I was feeling depressed and powerless.
She also gave me advise on which of her recordings I should use and, thus, empowered me to help myself.
Cristina is a very lovely and gifted person and I can absolutely recommend working with her. "
Thank you very much for your help."
~ Carolin Rau
"For years I had gone to healers and not a lot had shifted in my life, but my love life was jinxed and nothing seemed to work out.
While I was on your package I met this person, with whom things took off like a dream...its been 6-7 weeks now and each day is more magical than the previous one...I find myself centered and sorted, in my power and exploring my feminine nature to the fullest… I had not been intimate for 8 years and now the intimacy is beyond words...its a relationship which is fulfilling and nurturing at all levels ...
The good part is that I am able to be vulnerable without being needy ...and feel balanced and sorted through it all...
I have started waking up at 5.30-6 since your clearings and my parents have also taken to spirituality and working on their energy seriously… the results are profound and the sense of peace and calm I feel are unlike anything I have ever experienced.
I have immense gratitude for your kindness and integrity in the healing process and I cant thank you enough for your love and support throughout!
~ Shweta Singh
"Words cannot begin to express my gratitude to you both. I purchased Cristina's package shortly after listening to her introduction on From Heartache To Joy. Initially, I hesitated to invest in the product because our finances have been challenging as of late. Luckily, my resistance was short-lived.
Participating in The Embody The Sacred Program turned out to be a "game changer" on every level. I was astounded by the depth and breadth of Cristina's knowledge. She is a divinely gifted healer, a compassionate and empathetic teacher and a way shower of galactic proportions! I particularly appreciated the online community that Cristina facili-tated for our group.
In the short time since our personal session, my body is lighter, my mind is clearer and my husband is happier! Your generosity and talents are deeply felt and sincerely appre-ciated."
~ Gigi in Philadelphia
"Lovely Cristina,
I had a break through during the first call, a contract landed on my desk during the call that saw me financially through month end.
There was a definite shift financially and from a creative perspective.I have managed to come up with creative ideas for passive income streams one of which I am putting into place now… I have not been this creative in a long time! …
… I enjoyed the course endlessly and felt uplifted and held through-out.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your loving support Cristina, I believe that things are shifting for me.
Love and blessings."
~ Judith, South Africa.
"My skin has definitely improved, and I feel better about myself and my weight. I also notice an improvement in my bladder. Some days there’s no leakage!! 🙂 I feel big, BIG differences in myself since our session Sept 30! I’m very happy about it. 🙂
And I use the statements to clear things on myself multiple times a day, every day (“Run the energy of…”)
Thanks so much. xo"
~ Anon
"I very much want to tell you that I'm a glad, thrilled in fact, to have found you. And wonderfully, I'm not even entirely sure why. I've been in what you might call, the "New Energy community" for quite some years now.
My e-mail inbox overflows daily with invitations to interviews, clearing, activations and the like. By necessity I discard most of what I receive. Plus I don't think I'd ever listened to Eram Saeed's program. (I hope I have the right program).
But somehow your name attracted me. I listened to the show and I almost fell over my-self in a rush to purchase your offer.
I'm very pleased that my intuition seems to be 'amping up.' And I wanted you to know that that is what has brought me into contact with you. Pure intuition…
… And my knees, which I had mentioned were hurting me on the call last week,
feel so much better that I went running again a couple of days ago."
~ Mark Sims
"Thank you for your love Cristina, you are the best Birthday gift I have ever received"
~ Anon
About Cristina Bevir:
Cristina is the creatrix of Sacred Embodiment – The Method, a super-high vibrational energy clearing process. With more than thirty years of energy healing studies, she works with people to awaken their lightbody to Universal levels and beyond so they can quickly reach their highest spiritual potential. She supports couples to cultivate a sacred sex life so they can develop a soul-to-soul connection and surrender to the kind of soulful sex that flows naturally from the heart. She works with entrepreneurs to upgrade their lightbody so they have 7 and 8-figure breakthroughs. Her deep commitment to connecting directly with Source has re-sulted in many powerful awakenings for her clients and her mission this year is to help healers and lightworkers finally make the money they have always deserved.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options.SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.