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This program Includes:

  • MP3: The Power of Prayer Channeling
  • MP3: Nurture Your Heart Channeling
  • MP3: Garden of the Heart Meditation
  • MP3 + PDF: The Prayer for Healing
  • Bonus MP3 + PDF: Gift Mother of the Roses Prayer
  • Bonus MP3: Bonus Healing of the Lightworkers Heart


The  Power of Prayer Channeling

In this channeling, Mother Mary will help you to understand the power of prayer as a way of daily living in grace. She will guide you to commune and merge with the Divine and to invoke the Divine into every aspect of your life. She will also help you to open to receive the Miraculous in your daily life.

She assures us that our prayers are always answered in God's perfect timing and wisdom for our soul's growth and our highest good. She teaches how to pray with the faith of a child, believing that with prayer all things are possible.

  • These profound channeling sessions contain pearls of wisdom, great love, inspiration and divine guidance. They include the mystical and beautiful singing of Mother Mary, which will open your heart and bring deep peace, healing and comfort. Many have received physical and emotional healing from her singing.
  • All channelings are set to exquisite, expansive flute music by David Young, a twice nominated musician for the Grammy Award.


Nurture Your Heart Channeling

In this channeling, Mother Mary teaches you how to live with an open heart and how to nurture and listen to the true needs of your heart and attract to yourself all that your heart most deeply desires.

You will learn to access the well of beauty, wisdom and love within your own heart. She also helps you to understand and release the illusion of separation.

Mother Mary teaches how an open heart is your greatest source of guidance, protection and happiness.

  • These profound channeling sessions contain pearls of wisdom, great love, inspiration and divine guidance. They include the mystical and beautiful singing of Mother Mary, which will open your heart and bring deep peace, healing and comfort. Many have received physical and emotional healing from her singing.
  • All channelings are set to exquisite, expansive flute music by David Young, a twice nominated musician for the Grammy Award.


Garden of the Heart Meditation

In this gorgeous meditation, you will be led on a journey where you will experience the sweetness, love, beauty and comfort of Heaven on Earth within your own heart. Mother Mary will guide you to feel your inner beauty and unconditional self love. You will also connect with a loving angel who brings you a precious gift.



Divine Healing Prayer

This prayer is spoken from the sanctuary of your heart, where Mother Mary joins you to become one Sacred Heart. Through her intercession, you will experience the divine flow of her grace moving through every cell of your body and filling you with radiant light, which brings miraculous healing. Through this prayer, you invoke both physical and emotional healing.

These beautiful channeled prayers which are set to exquisite music, will bring you into a state of grace. With each prayer, you will feel the profound healing presence of Mother Mary. You will experience her guidance, comfort and Divine Love.


Bonus 1

Divine Mother Healing of the Lightworkers Heart

In this inspiring channeling, Mother Mary will bring her guidance and healing energy to support Lightworkers on their journey as healers and ambassadors for the light.

The recording includes a Divine Light Chakra meditation where you will receive the profound, expansive light of the Christ and the beloved Creator.

There are many ways to be a Lightworker. Therefore, this  beautiful offering is not only for those who serve as "healers ". It is for all who serve the planet and the light in many, various ways.  This has been specially channeled for the precious members of the From Heartache to Joy community.


Bonus 2

Divine Mother of the Roses Prayer

This beautiful prayer is endearing. It brings you into a direct experience of Mother Mary's unconditional "mother love". She will sit with you in the "rose of your heart" and fill you with her sweet love and comfort. It is an experience of feeling deeply cherished and adored by your Divine Mother.

These beautiful channeled prayers which are set to exquisite music, will bring you into a state of grace. With each prayer, you will feel the profound healing presence of Mother Mary. You will experience her guidance, comfort and Divine Love.

* Roses have always been associated with Mother Mary as her flower. At the group events and individual channelings, many people smell roses, when there are no roses in the room. I often smell roses around me.


This program Includes:

  • Everything in Package A Plus
  • MP3: Divine Light Mastery Channeling
  • MP3: Divine Light Mastery Meditation
  • MP3: Developing the Courage to Follow Your Spirit
  • MP3: Rose Light Chakra Meditation
  • MP3 + PDF: Bonus Prayer for the Inner Child
  • MP3 + PDF: Bonus Prayer for Forgiveness


Divine Light Mastery Channeling

This channeling will awaken you to the truth of your own Divine Light in all of it's glory, beauty, power and expansiveness. Mother Mary teaches how to walk as a Master of Light along side the Ascended Masters and great beings of light.

  • These profound channeling sessions contain pearls of wisdom, great love, inspiration and divine guidance. They include the mystical and beautiful singing of Mother Mary, which will open your heart and bring deep peace, healing and comfort. Many have received physical and emotional healing from her singing.
  • All channelings are set to exquisite, expansive flute music by David Young, a twice nominated musician for the Grammy Award.


Divine Light Mastery Channeled Meditation

This meditation includes the beautiful singing of Mother Mary. It is designed to enhance her teachings of light and bring you into a state of expanded consciousness, bliss, peace and illumination as you fully embody your Divine Light.

You will experience the beauty and grace of your exquisite light as your Divine Essence. Mother Mary also guides you to radiate your light for planetary healing.

  • These profound channeling sessions contain pearls of wisdom, great love, inspiration and divine guidance. They include the mystical and beautiful singing of Mother Mary, which will open your heart and bring deep peace, healing and comfort. Many have received physical and emotional healing from her singing.
  • All channelings are set to exquisite, expansive flute music by David Young, a twice nominated musician for the Grammy Award.


Developing the Courage to Follow Your Spirit

In this beautiful channeling, you will learn how to listen to the call of your spirit and be guided by this loving presence. Mother Mary says that following your spirit can bring states of ecstasy and miracles. She will show you how to develop courage and allow it to become a teacher and constant companion on your path, so that you can more easily follow the voice of you spirit.

Mother Mary will teach you how to embrace and transform any fear that may be keeping you from moving forward, and to merge that fear with courage within your heart.  She will inspire you to trust and believe in yourself and your greatness and to align with your highest aspirations.

  • These profound channeling sessions contain pearls of wisdom, great love, inspiration and divine guidance. They include the mystical and beautiful singing of Mother Mary, which will open your heart and bring deep peace, healing and comfort. Many have received physical and emotional healing from her singing.
  • All channelings are set to exquisite, expansive flute music by David Young, a twice nominated musician for the Grammy Award.


Rose Light Chakra Meditation

This beautiful chakra meditation will not only clear and open your chakras, it will also open you to the Divine Love of Mother Mary. The chakras which normally follow the colors of the rainbow, are imbued with rose light which changes the colors and enhances the love vibration within them. Through these rose chakra colors, which are very beautiful, you will experience a higher frequency vibration than the usual rainbow colors. Mother Mary will also bring forth the powerfully healing rose light into your heart and throughout your entire being.



Inner Child Healing Prayer

This prayer brings a deep connection of love, healing, nurturance and sweetness with your inner child. Mother Mary will heal your childhood wounds and help you to live with more joy, freedom, creativity and playfulness. She will help you to remember your Divine Heritage as a beautiful child of your Beloved Creator. The prayer ends with a blessing for your inner child.

These beautiful channeled prayers which are set to exquisite music, will bring you into a state of grace. With each prayer, you will feel the profound healing presence of Mother Mary. You will experience her guidance, comfort and Divine Love.



Forgiveness Healing

Through the Divine Grace of Mother Mary, she will help to open your heart with love, compassion, and wisdom to forgive yourself and others. In this prayer, she also helps you to heal the illusion of separation and to see and honor the goodness and divinity in yourself and others as well as embrace oneness and unity consciousness. This prayer brings deep healing resulting in greater joy and liberation.

These beautiful channeled prayers which are set to exquisite music, will bring you into a state of grace. With each prayer, you will feel the profound healing presence of Mother Mary. You will experience her guidance, comfort and Divine Love.


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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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