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Download Instructions
Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.
Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.
Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.
Want more personal sessions with ChaiKim? Here are 2 Exclusive VIP Offers just for our community
Package A |
This program Includes:
- 12 Music infused with Atlantean healing energies on our 12 meridians (valued @$1,320)
- 12 Atlantean activations MP3 (valued @$1,800)
- Bonus: Sacred Geometry MP4 Healing on Self Esteem & Self Worth (valued at $250)
This program contains: 12 Guided Meditations for each of the DNA Activation plus 12 Mp3s infused with Atlantean healing energies that help clears energy blockages can be the result of stress, an injury or trauma, or bad living habits can be traced to the root of all health (physical/mental/spiritual) problems resulting in various imbalances in our life. Restoring the energy to its optimal flow in the meridians according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the ultimate goal in restoring overall health & well-being to the individual.
12 Music Infused With Atlantean Healing Energies
On Our 12 Meridians
Format: MP3
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your lung meridian. Healing any disharmony along the lung meridian, the lung rules and regulates qi throughout the body and administers respiration (breathing). In addition, the lung moves and adjusts the water channels, so disorders of this meridian may be related to disharmony of lung fluid or "water" and respiratory disorders.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your Pericardium meridian. Healing any disharmony of the Pericardium Meridian is related to the imbalance of the TCM heart and blood functions. The manifestation includes heart pain (precordial pain), chest discomfort, palpitations and an oppressed feeling in the chest. Since the Heart stores the "shen" or mental activities, Pericardium Meridian disorders are related to mania. In addition, swelling of the axilla and spasms of the elbow and arm can indicate a problem in this meridian.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your heart meridian. Healing any disharmony along the Heart Meridian leads to pain at the heart position (precordial pain or pain at the sternum). In TCM, the heart rules the blood and the pulse. Without sufficient nourishment, an individual may feel thirsty and have a dry throat. Pain in the inner side of the forearm and heat in the palm may also indicate problems in this meridian.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your large intestine meridian. Healing any disharmony along the Large Intestine Meridian can lead to symptoms of abdominal pain, intestinal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and dysentery. Since it passes through the oral cavity and the nose, symptoms like toothache, a runny nose, and nosebleeds.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being is targeted at your triple-warmer meridian clearing energy blockages can be the result of stress, an injury or trauma, or bad living habits can be traced to the root of all health (physical/mental/spiritual) problems.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your small intestines meridian. Healing any disharmony along the Small Intestine Meridian which may present mainly as symptoms along its pathway such as a swollen chin, stiff neck, sore throat, hearing problems, yellow eyes, as well as pain along the shoulder, upper arm, elbow and forearm.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your spleen meridian. Healing any disharmony in the body which may appear to be a spleen dysfunction. According to TCM, the spleen is responsible for the transformation and transportation of different substances, and is the foundation of our after-birth existence. Spleen function is essential in maintaining the digestive power of the body and transforming food into qi and blood. If the Spleen Meridian does not function properly, qi cannot be efficiently transported to the spleen. As a result, symptoms like abdominal distention, loose stools, diarrhea, epigastric pain, flatulence and a heavy sensation in the body occur. In addition, symptoms such as pain at the root of the tongue, swelling of the inner side of the lower limb may also indicate disharmony of the Spleen Meridian.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your liver meridian. Healing any disharmony of the Liver Meridian leads to groin pain, chest fullness, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, swelling of the lower abdomen and hernias.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your kidneys meridian. Healing any disharmony of Kidney Meridian can manifest as wheezing or coughing because the kidneys "grasp the qi". They also are the "mansion of fire and water," and the "residence of yin and yang". If there is insufficient nourishment and warming of the kidney, symptoms like edema (swelling), constipation, and diarrhea can indicate an imbalance in this meridian. Pain in the groin and pharynx (throat), blockages which may be located along the meridian's pathway.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your stomach meridian. Healing any disharmony along the stomach meridian that have symptoms of stomachache, rapid digestion, hunger, nausea and vomiting, or thirst. Other symptoms that relate to disorders along the meridian pathway include abdominal distension, ascites (a fluid buildup in the abdomen), sore throat, nosebleeds, or pain in the chest or knee.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your gall bladder meridian. The gall bladder is closely related to the liver. Healing any disharmony along the Gall Bladder Meridian causes symptoms such as a bitter taste in the mouth, dizziness, headache, and pain at the outer angle of the eyelids. Pain along the meridian pathway such as in the axilla (armpit), chest, lower chest, buttocks and the lateral side of the lower limbs can also indicate a disorder of the Gall Bladder Meridian.
The energies of the Divine Atlantean being are targeted at your bladder meridian. Healing any disharmony of the Bladder Meridian which may lead to problems of TCM bladder dysfunction. It is often related to symptoms caused by external pernicious influences (outside influences that cause disease such as cold, wind, fire, dampness, dryness and summer heat). Because the Tai Yang Meridian is considered the most exterior, it is the first meridian to be invaded if there is any external attack. Therefore, its disharmony can cause symptoms such as difficult urination, incontinence, painful eyes, runny nose, nose bleeding and nasal congestion. Pain in the head, neck, back, groin and buttock areas.
12 Atlantean Activations
Format: MP3
1st Activation
This Activation helps initiates new beginnings with the understanding and importance of time. Increases the speed in manifestation. Supports us in moving forward and let go of fear of the unknown and relearning what we need to let go in the process which includes the process of forgiveness of others and self. Aligning Divine synchronicities into our life.
2nd Activation
This Activation helps bring forth a deeper level of harmony within our body, aura, life and relationships. Helps us free ourselves from the limitations of our senses, gather all our energies, and concentrate them on the original source of life. Enjoying and living life to the fullest. Harmonize left and right hemispheres of the brain to give you greater clarity, peace, focus and creativity. . Harmonize areas in conflict with our physical health and wellbeing- allowing our organs to be functioning in harmony with each other and at optimal levels. Activating or strengthen the Schumann Resonance (vibration of the earth) historically has held at 7.83 Hz where our body feels best.
3rd Activation
This Activation helps bring up a deeper knowing and awareness with our community, family and friends around us. This awareness helps us understand how to be disciplined when we create or maintain our boundaries: key in maintaining healthy relationships with people as well as with our own body systems. This helps us to be aware about the importance of loving and honoring our self first before we get can be able to help others. Reintroducing the Me-first principle where we look at ourselves on areas of self-love, self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-preservation Healing ourselves from any embarrassment: guilt, shame, and traumatic experiences where we may have failed in our actions and behavior to create and honor our own boundaries. A constant reminder on the need on loving ourselves always comes first, so we may in turn are able to love others.
4th Activation
This Activation helps us cope with our shifts or ascension symptoms with ease to enable us to come into a greater wholeness and wellness in our being. Also being able to feel actual physical changes in our body that allow us to receive and be in the vibrations of greater health and happiness on all levels. Helps us to adapt to new conditions and situations with ease.
5th Activation
This Activation helps brings conscious recognition of our own virtues, essence and moral principles about ourselves and how we can use it to support our life purpose. Helps support us on issues on self worth, self-esteem and our purpose in the Divine Plan. Helps us to breakdown the heart walls and open our heart to connect with the Divine while staying true to our authentic Self.
6th Activation
This Activation helps us ensure keep spiraling upward and forward in our journey to the next level overcoming challenges with ease. Supports to transmute all non-beneficial programs that may seem never to end that is holding us back. Breaks through deep levels of stagnation. Helps us to easily embrace and heal others as well as ourselves in need of your love, psychic attachments and earthly and cosmic karmas. Able to be learn how to take full responsibility for self.
7th Activation
This Activation helps us to re-connect to our inherent Divinity, to become more empowered and supportive of changes in our lives. Connecting to your Infinite Self and Inner Child for information about your life purpose and how to stay track with life purpose. Helps bring more focus to help us to complete any tasks at hand.
8th Activation
This Activation helps catapult us forward, over the blockages while being focused on our own path and development. Releases from control issues and creating or strengthening our own boundaries. Supports in releasing and closure thorough self-forgiveness for self and others to allow us to move forward. Reclaim back our power, honor and control over our own life and move forward on our own path focusing on our positive values, self worth and choices. Supports with the breaking of old pattern and circles of addiction. Help with strengthening one's will when approaching new pathways when all seems lost.
9th Activation
This Activation helps highlight and attract the relevant people who are on the same path or situations that supports us to be alignment with our soul purpose. Helps us have a deeper understanding on the connection about those we meet on our journey and helping us move through our soul lessons with ease.
10th Activation
This Activation helps brings forth profound fortitude and strength on multiple levels i.e. physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual to overcome life challenges. Increases our self endurance and vigor.
11th Activation
This Activation helps bring clears confusion and provides greater clarity about your gifts and abilities. Tapping into the knowledge. Embrace your divine soul purpose and inherent abilities. Gaining more insights, ideas, inspirations, talents, and skills not possible before to enhance your personal evolution. Attune to our Higher self and increase creativity. Through the wisdom, we are able to find the root cause of the issue or challenges and have access to the various options for peaceful solutions.
12th Activation
This Activation helps with us develop and strengthen a higher sensory acuity. The types of psychic abilities that correspond with the five senses of seeing (Clairvoyance), hearing (Clairaudience), feeling {Clairsentience), smelling (Clairalience) and tasting (Clairgustance). Claircognizance is when we have knowledge of people or events that we would not normally have knowledge about. Spirit impresses us with truths that simply pop into our minds from out of nowhere. More connected to your inner knowing and inner GPS system. Helps us remember how to rely on our inner knowing and inner wisdom for guidance. Helps us in opening our heart space to be able to re-connect with our inner truth and liberate ourselves from perceived negative states of awareness.
Healing our Self Worth & Self Esteem via Sacred Geometry - MP4
The use of colors and the Sacred Geometry shapes helps us to create clear concise messages. The message travels in the neurons of the brain where it is transformed into electro-magnetic impulses. These impulses shape the messages into concepts that our conscious mind can comprehend. Clear thoughts with clear intentions produce messages that emanate from the brain into the surrounding environment. Each thought carries its
message has a specific color and shape.
The video has various shapes and colors that helps heal areas associated with our self esteem and self worth. The more times we play it, the deeper the healing is within us.
Package B |
This program Includes:
- All of Package A
- 5 day 30 minutes (15 minutes am, 15 minutes pm) DNA Remote Healing (valued: $550)
- Two 1 hour Group Coaching Calls- (valued: $880)
- (Live 13th Atlantean Activation will be conducted during the 2nd Coaching Call with MP3 and PDF handout after the call)
5 Days 30 Mins Atlantean DNA Remote Healing
Each participant will receive an additional 5 days of Remote DNA Healing from Chai Kim.
This 5 day process will commence from the first Monday for 5 days after signing up
Two One hour group Coaching Calls
(Live 13th Atlantean Activation will be conducted during the 2nd Coaching Call with MP3 and PDF handout after the call)
The 1st group call is focused to help each participant to go deeper with the activations and the connection with each of the Atlantean Divine Being and guidance on how to use them daily in our lives.
This 2nd group call will be a group activation for the 13th Atlantean Activation during the 2nd coaching call , mp3 and pdf hand out will be provided after session.
The call details will be sent to your email ID
(1st Group Coaching Call Replay and 1 Live Group 13th Atlantean Activation will be conducted during the 2nd Coaching Call on 9th September 2017 with MP3 recordings and PDF handouts.)
13th Atlantean DNA Activation
With the rise in global consciousness, the Atlantean beings have now presented the 13th Strand Activation to activate the awareness about unity with ourselves at the deepest level. (Note: You need to complete the 12 DNA activation before proceeding with the 13th activation). This 13th activation helps brings back together all of the elements that have been in polarity within any human body and any human consciousness.
This activation brings back together all of the elements that have been in polarity within any human body and any human consciousness. Supports us to be empowered and self-willed as the activation allows the reunification of masculine and feminine, of light and dark, of negative and positive. It brings back into unity all of the old duality elements. Connects one from the earth plane to the God-Self, with the energy of the Christ as the love source that assists the veils of separation to be lifted i.e. designed to integrate Spirit and flesh. This activation weaves love throughout the initial 12 strands of DNA, thus imprinting the Divine Blueprint, Spirit’s blueprint, the innate being of you which has stemmed from the source, the beginning, and day one of creation. The Christ, the anointed spirit formed into beingness is thus resurrected, alive again within each and every being. Leap of personal evolution moving into Mastery of Being into Oneness.
Package C |
This program Includes:
- All of Package B
- Additional 5 days 30 minutes Atlantean DNA Remote Healing ( Valued: $550)
- 5 days 30 minutes (15 minutes am, 15 minutes pm) Atlantean DNA Remote Healing our parallel universes (Valued: $720)
- Two 30 Minutes 1:1 Session (valued: $700)
Additional 5 Days 30 Minutes Atlantean DNA Remote Healing
Each recipient will receive Remote DNA healing from CK for an additional 5 days (15 minutes am, 15 minutes pm) , i.e. 10 days DNA healing in total.)
This 10 day process will commence from the first Monday for 10 days after signing up.
5 Days 30 Minutes (15 minutes am, 15 minutes pm) Atlantean DNA Remote Healing Our Parallel Universes
At times challenges in other universes affect our current reality. Wouldn’t it be great to bring in all the positive aspects into this reality while healing the challenges encountered by our multiverse self. Each recipient will receive Remote DNA healing in our parallel universes/ multiverse to help bring us back into oneness.
Participants just need to be open to receive the energies sent remotely.
Two 30 Minutes 1:1 Session
In this private one-on-one session, this is a fantastic opportunity to clear any current challenge, negative belief systems vows, entities that have been holding you back from finding and fully finding your path and shining your Light and sharing your gifts with the world!
Chai Kim will work with her amazing God team to connect to cleanse and clear the focus of your intent bringing allowing the maximum possible change at this time.
Please go here to schedule your sessions with Chaikim:
Want more personal sessions with ChaiKim? Here are 2 Exclusive VIP Offers just for our community
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.