Do you wonder how very successful people began their journey into success?
What do they know that you don't?
Do you crave a successful & abundant life, but the very mention of the word "success" makes you want to click to something different?
When you think about success does your mind wander into how difficult it will be, how long it would take to get there, and how you don't have "enough" ______ to get it?
Do you believe being successful requires you to give up things that are important to you (fun, family time, romance, etc)? To sacrifice what you want and who you are?
When life starts opening up for you and you begin to relax & enjoy it do things always "suddenly" go wrong to sabotage it?
When you get a raise at work or extra money do you spend it as quickly as you get it... keeping you stuck in a endless cycle of "never having enough"?
Are you too tired or don’t have enough time to action all the things you want to create in your life?
These are all commonly experienced symptoms of...
Early Childhood Programming
Often gets in the way or completely blocks us from creating the life we want, so we get what we want!
After being told repeatedly in childhood to be "sensible," now as adults (in the name of being sensible) we end up becoming numb to our own desires. There are too many layers of "should's" and "ought to's," and "you'd better's" piled on top of and suffocating what you really want.
Lack Of Clarity About Purpose & Passion
Causes you to live life on autopilot or to just respond to life instead of creating it. You will be easily swayed from one direction to another depending on people's, situation's, or a relationship's influence on your life.
When we lack clear purpose & passion, we are easily pulled out of ourselves...we allow other people to influence our direction and flow, we allow them to change our minds, we allow ourselves to shelf our dreams and desires. We become confused, depressed, and unbalanced.
Not Being Connected Into Your Soul Guidance System
Makes you feel like you are always swimming up the stream of life. You have to work twice as hard for less, you feel stuck or like you take one step forward and two steps back, you can't see your future clearly or how to create it, you feel out of sync with life.
When we are not connected into our Soul Guidance because our energy isn't running properly, it feels like life is working against us when we are really the ones working against ourselves. Our thoughts and energy are scattered, unclear, change day to day, we procrastinate, or feel unworthy of the life we want.
How can I lead you through this process,
so you can see real, tangible results?
Because I lived it! I experienced all of this and more. I was lost in a life I didn't consciously create. I made so many agreements over my lifetime that I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. I was completely disconnected from my purpose and my passion because so many people had told me it was unrealistic, impossible, or I would never support myself doing it.
I was in a marriage that didn’t honor who I was as a unique soul.
I built a life around what everyone told me life should look like...the house, the car, the businesses becoming a slave to the “stuff” in my life. I rarely traveled because we had to work to pay the expensive mortgage, the kids were in non-stop activities that required a lot of time, I was a volunteer in everything, the list goes on and on.
Until one day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I woke up from what society told me was a “dream” life to realize it was really a nightmare. I wasn’t happy in my life, passionate about my life, in love with my life, nor did I ever wake up excited to live another day of my life. It was the opposite!
So I began changing it all. I knew who I was at a soul level wasn’t what my husband wanted in a wife; we divorced so we could both find the exact lives we wanted to create. I moved into a smaller house that had minimal upkeep and allowed me to travel to my heart’s content. I homeschooled my son, so we could have amazing adventures traveling the world. I found myself, said “yes” to everything I had been denying myself before, fell in love with life and myself again.
Does falling in love with yourself and life
require such a dramatic overhaul?
Absolutely not!!! I didn’t do it all overnight either. It was one, small step and change at a time. The transformation is in throwing out all of the junky agreements that are not really yours, getting clear about your purpose and passions, and letting your Soul guidance system lead you exactly where you want to be.
“Wow. Wow. and Wow. Chameice is a Rockstar, powerhouse Master Healer!!!”
"I am so super excited of the results I got from working with her. I love the way she holds space so beautifully for you and gently but powerfully is able to adjust and shift energy for you. I have so many positive shifts in my life.
I was concerned about my relationship with my soulmate partner and by taking her recommendations our relationship is stronger and closer than ever and I could not be more happy. Through her work I was also able to land a lucrative strategic partnership contract as well as find my soul purpose. After having a session with her, the anxiety dissipated and I feel so much at peace and excited with my life and felt a calm about how my career was going.
I would highly recommend working with Chameice if you are looking to find your soul's purpose, looking for abundance in love and in your career, and looking to have your mind at ease. She is spot on, her sessions are fun, she rocks, and is such a blessing! It is a rare find to find a healer that is gifted to help you in so many different areas of your life. Thank you Chameice!"
~ Anna Barb
This program is a life changer! It will give you all of the proven methods to fully anchor into your life clearly and easily. This program combines all of my most effective skills to bust through blocks and limitations, so you can begin living on purpose and with passion instantly.
During this program I will guide you through a process called “The Passion Test”; I was trained by Jack Canfield and creator Janet Attwood to guide people through this very powerful process. The Passion test was created by Janet Attwood, an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life. She is a featured speaker to hundreds of thousands of people around the world with the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Brendon Burchard, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, and others.
Jack Canfield, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
When I did the work on discovering your passion, I wasn’t expecting that much to happen because I am already living my passion — teaching others about how to become more successful. However, the powerful process took me to an even deeper place, where I realized I was not spending enough time with my true number one passion — my family! That realization has changed the way I have lived the past year.
I also combine channeled information into this program from my team of Angelic Masters, they call themselves the 13 Golden Suns. They are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and Interplanetary Wisdom Keepers. Through a unique channeling process I use, they showed me the 13 Alchemical Laws of Transformation, that individuals need to open the “Golden Gate of the Gods.” This is a divine process that I was personally guided through, so I could lead others through it at the prophesized time. The time is now!
The “Golden Gate of the Gods” has been revered and referenced by Egyptian Priests, Tribal Elders, Shamans around the world, Mystics and Seekers throughout time. The Wisdom Keepers shared with initiates the secrets of the 13 Alchemical Laws of Transformation.
The knowledge was passed through time only from Keeper to Initiate because they didn’t want the wisdom to become corrupted or lost to humanity. It was kept secret within a select group of keepers and was only to be revealed to humanity as a whole at the exact time that the vibration of the collective was high enough to understand its power and incorporate it wisely.
The Ancient Keepers say there are two Gates for souls. These are the Silver Gate through which souls descend to Earth and the Golden Gate that souls ascend. Souls can ascend through either Gate, but the Silver Gate leads to reincarnation and ancestors and the Golden Gate leads to beyond the Earth Matrix.. the Ascended Masters, ArchAngels, Interplanetary WIsdom Keepers, and Source.
This Program guides you through the foundational first step of the 13 Alchemical Laws of Transformation. It is very important to Master this step, so you can open to the next 12.
So as you can imagine, between the combined power of the Passion Test, Step One of the 13 Alchemical Laws of Transformation, and the other processes in this package, YOU ARE GUARANTEED SUCCESS!
- You will release Early Childhood Programming
- You will release the separation and lack vibrations that push your wants away
- You will reclaim your right to have wants and desires
- You will learn to stop settling for less than you want
- You will feel worthy of receiving all you want
- You will feel safe to enjoy all you want
- You will feel enthusiasm to create more of what you want
“A woman who walks her talk and shows me how to own my path!”
"Loving, light and incredibly skilled, Chameice invoked instant confidence and homecoming! She's been able to explain my life long struggles as something that easily can be overcome - with a few adjustments. I have so much hope and eagerness after the talk with her! If it's not easy, it´s not the right remedy, she said! I can feel she's right and I have implemented all the suggestions. She’s a woman who walks her talk and shows me how to own my path!
I have listened to all the amazing meditations and energetically charged sound files. They help structure my day, calm my thoughts and focus me, like nothing ever has before!
Thank you Chameice, what a lightworker you are! You have completely blown my mind and motivated me to overcome my limitations. I will be back for more super-guidance and your incredible skills! Thank you!"
~ Silvie L.
Chameice Daniel has helped thousands of people worldwide fully anchor into their infinite power to create the lives they only dreamed were possible. After manifesting a seven-figure company, her twin flame, and her dream of traveling the world she now teaches others how to use the principles of her programs to consciously create the powerful lives they desire using the same process she used.
She has been named the "Queen of Abundance" by clients and has helped CEOs, CFOs, actors, writers, and people just beginning to create their dreams manifest large income streams, publishing contracts, twin flames and soulmates, and much more!
She is a natural intuitive with an academic background in psychology. She holds honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics Certificates. She was trained by Jack Canfield (famed author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul") in his famous Success Principles workshop. She is certified in Laughter Yoga, Angel Card readings, Archangel Life Coaching, Intuitive Counseling, Kinesiology, and Interfaith Ministries. She is a certified Peace Ambassador and Inner Priestess with years of shamanic training.
"I purchased Chameice's program and it is amazing! I loved the MP3s; I can feel the energy flowing through and into me, the meditations and clearings are really amazing (felt the effect after listening to it). After listening my day would become easier and things will flow smoother through the day especially in my work.
After the first one to one call with Chameice, I felt much lighter and happier and the surprise was on the next day 🙂 I received an email from my work (payrole department) telling me that I am eligible for a distinction allowance and will receive it with this month salary, we are talking about what equals $7000!!!
Thank you so much Chameice! I am so grateful for your help and really appreciate you and your work. I am so excited to see more improvements in my life and to be on the next journey once you release any other program. Much love to you dear"
~ Rabab Alrakaf
“Cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!!”
"I have to tell you the best thing ever! I did what you told me and today I got a cheque in the mail for over £2000!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had given up on getting this money because it was from years ago. Love you and your program Chameice!!!"
~ Maureen Thompson
“A publishing contract that was far more than I thought possible”
"When I started this program with Chameice I was shopping for publishers for my book. I was willing to try anything to land a publishing contract. During my first session with Chameice, she showed me how many abundance blocks I had. I didn’t realize how negative I had become and how negatively I talked about my dreams. I had received so many rejections trying to find a publisher that I had emotionally given up! She busted me on my self-sabotage so I could start getting exactly what I want and I did! A publishing contract that was far more than I thought possible. She is a Goddess! Just do it. You will thank me."
~ Katrina Polinski
“My bank account is always filled with money!”
"Dear Chameice, Groundhog day wasn't the just the case for me, it was Groundhog Year after Year with the same challenges of Finances and though a great manifestor, it was in slow motion. When Money came in, some bullcrap would show up to suck it away. Hah.
Within a Month of doing your program, I received a mini pay-raise, more work hours, I had more enthusiasm feeling propelled forward. My bank account is always filled with money. The holidays (any holidays) is now more fun with the financial security, New Years was Fab to do what I wanted when I wanted without the past empty bank account over the years!! You can imagine how Liberating it has been.
Having 2 one-on-one sessions with Chameice was Perfect timing. It was funny that my second appointment kept blundering up on schedule. So, I thought I was messing up and became hard on and behold the 3rd time I set up appointment, the right amount of emotional gunk churned up to be cleared. I couldn't stop laughing at myself that the forces were ushering me to 'shut up and go with the flow'. Grin 😉
I was usually burnt out after work being around tons of people as a Beauty Artist and Energy Healer, that listening every evening to the "Raising Into Unconditional Love" mp3 has been a wonderful support to clear all lower vibrations-entities that drain the body.
Also, money always replaces itself under wonderful ways when it is spent. I am less tense with money and love spending for I know it always gets replaced with more.
My Husband has noticed a Happier attitude with me, & actually going out to purchase the things I've held back from giving myself. It over spills into my Home, Life and Marriage.
It is Wonderful. With this I add a Caveat...everyone has to do the work (inner work/spiritual) too. Keeping your Vibration in check and thoughts.
Chameice reminds me a little bit of me, a happy butterfly who graces each flower with Joy and Love. It has been a Pleasure to work with her, no nonsense fluff and sets you off on the golden road."
~ Prem Kaur
Light Feather
“Trying not to think about how things could have turned out had I continued on the path I was on”
"Hi Chamiece,
I just wanted to thank you for your incredibly helpful session this week - you immediately got to the core issue that needed to be brought to light and addressed, and I already see results in little beautiful ways. You were truly spot on! I'm feeling so hopeful for the positive changes to come, and trying not to think about how things could have turned out had I continued on the path I was on! Thank you again, and I'm looking forward to checking in with you soon.A big hug"
~ Janice
I highly recommend this package!!!
"I sent Chameice pictures of myself and my partner for our session and asked her to read the energy signatures so I could have clarity about the direction of our relationship. She was extremely accurate and even described him as a "gypsy soul!" This describes him perfectly. She further explained that our relationship is a perfect energetic match for me currently because it supports my empowered energy; That he helps me stay in my power and allows me to step out of codependency patterns that many cultures consider love. She identified that he helps me understand unconditional love on a deeper level. She described our unique love signature without me saying anything.
I also asked her if she could assist me in better understanding the rebellious nature of my daughter and she explained the situation perfectly and accurately. I now have a better understanding as to what my daughter is experiencing emotionally and can try to take the necessary steps to help her move forward. I would highly recommend Chameice as her sessions are as informative as they are accurate in assisting you to find the peace to move forward.
I have done the Passion Test work and it was instrumental in moving my life forward! It offers deep insight and transformation. I highly recommend this package!!!"
~ Eram Saeed- Creator of the From Heartache to Joy Global Tele-Summit

Super Value Discount Offer!
Price Slashed for the First 20!!
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Discount: 84%
Total Package Value $600
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Giving Your Inner Child
Everything It Wants Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Worksheet
Soul Guidance System Video
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Discount: 82%
Total Package Value $1388
FHTJ Super Value
Discount Offer
Giving Your Inner Child
Everything It Wants Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Worksheet
Soul Guidance System Video
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Passion Test Video
Passion Test Worksheets
1 Mini Photo Reading
Discount : 86%
Total Package Value $3184
FHTJ Super Value
Discount offer
$777 $447
Giving Your Inner Child
Everything It Wants Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Worksheet
Soul Guidance System Video
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Member Of Private Facebook Test Group For The 13 Alchemical Laws Of Transformation
1 Hour Private One on One Session

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till Mini Photo Reading (No refunds after reading)
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till Personal Session is taken (No refunds after Session)
Your success is our success and we are here for you every step of the way.
Our COMMITMENT is to support all of YOU
and when you decide to purchase a package from FHTJ… the love doesn’t end there!
We will reach out to you to see how you are progressing and answer any questions you may have
along the path you have chosen. FHTJ Cares
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Reset Reboot
This Program Includes:
- Giving Your Inner Child Everything It Wants Video
- Following Joy To Get What You Want Video
- Following Joy To Get What You Want Worksheet
- Soul Guidance System Video
- Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Giving Your Inner Child Everything It Wants
Value: $188
Format – MP4
This guided visualization video gently guides you through clearly seeing & releasing past programs of lack & limitation.
It is infused with the Infinite Golden Light Codes of the 13 Golden Sun Masters to recode your DNA, Mind, and Energetic Field.
This recoding helps you think, see, and act clearer and with laser focus.
It opens you to infinite receiving and worthiness to go after more of what you want in life.
This video is infused with Crystals, Oils, and Golden Master Energy to Protect and Support your journey into Giving Your Inner Child Everything That It Wants.
Following Joy To Get What You Want
Value: $188
Format – MP4
This guided visualization video transportes you to the Sacred Golden Mountain of the Golden Masters, so they can present you with a gift...the gift of clearly seeing your divine soul purpose.
The Golden Masters will also guide you into discovering what your deepest joys are...your joys create a passion zone that infuses your life with almost effortless momentum.
It is infused with the Infinite Golden Light Codes of the 13 Golden Sun Masters to recode you into a deep, conscious connection to your soul purpose.
This video is infused with Crystals, Oils, and Golden Master Energy to Protect and Support your journey into Following Joy To Get What You Want
Following Joy To Get What You Want Worksheet
Value: $18
Format – PDF
This simple and easy worksheet helps you discover your “Purpose Statement” so you can clearly articulate your purpose to create it easier and attract anything or one you might need to live on purpose and with passion!
Soul Guidance System
Value: $188
Format – MP4
This guided visualization video leads you from where you are to where you want to be.
To accomplish this, you have to know two things- where you are and where you want to get to.
Your vision is a detailed description of where you want to go. It describes in detail what your destination will look like and what it will feel like. It causes the Reticular Activating System of your brain to begin filtering the millions of messages it receives everyday and to begin looking for ways to attract, create, achieve, and accomplish your wants.
This video leads you through this process perfectly and easily.
It is infused with the Infinite Golden Light Codes of the 13 Golden Sun Masters to access your RAS so you create a natural mental magnetism to everything you need and want to create your dreams.
This video is infused with Crystals, Oils, and Golden Master Energy to Protect and Support your journey into your Soul Guidance System
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Value: $18
Format – PDF
This worksheet is where you write down your 7 Visions for your life, so you have absolute clarity to manifest and action them.
Stop Scaring Yourself Away From Creating Your Dream Life!
The images we hold in our mind can affect us in very powerful ways. This guided visualization video is designed to prove how most of the fear we experience is self-created by imagining events in the future.
These events have not actually happened, but effect us nevertheless because we hold them in our minds as images. We actually experience the fear now in our body because our body cannot distinguish between real events and vividly imagined ones.
This video helps you become aware of the fact that you create your own fear through negative imaging, so you Stop Scaring Yourself Away From Creating Your Dream Life.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $600
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $98
*** 84% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- All of Package A
- Passion Test Video
- Passion Test Worksheet
- Mini Photo Reading
Passion Test Video
Value: $308
Format – MP4
The Passion Test is a simple, yet profound way to identify those things that are most important.
This video begins with a guided visualization that consciously connects you to your Higher Self, so you are in a powerful space and deeply connected into your Higher Self to begin the Passion Test.
The Passion Test is a powerful tool to help you understand the key success elements to live a happy, fulfilled life.
Studies have shown that successful people have all 5 of their top key success elements present in their life.
The goal is to be able to recognize, identify, and commit to living the top 5 passions in your life.
The Passion Test helps you quickly and easily identify your top 5 elements, so you can begin to incorporate them into your life.
It is infused with the Infinite Golden Light Codes of the 13 Golden Sun Masters to make connecting to your Higher Self easy.
This video is infused with Crystals, Oils, and Golden Master Energy to Protect and Support your journey during the Passion Test.
Passion Test Worksheet
Value: $88
Format – PDF
This worksheet contains the Passion Test along with the 20 Things I Love To Do supplement
Mini Photo Reading
Value: $392
During this Mini Photo Reading, you will send me your photo via email.
I will evaluate your current energy levels and email your reading to you explaining how your energy is currently running, what programs are hindering your progress, and some adjustments you can make to balance your energy.
Photos need to be current and ONLY you in the photo. I also need to clearly see your eyes in the photo.
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $1388
FHTJ Super Value Discount Offer $247
*** 82% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- Includes everything in Package A
- Member Of Private Facebook Test Group For The 13 Alchemical Laws Of Transformation
- Private One on One Session
Member Of Private Facebook Test Group For
The 13 Alchemical Laws Of Transformation
Value: $308
Member of my private Facebook Test Group for the 13 Alchemical Laws of Transformation!
In this group, I will share insider information about my new workshop I am debuting later in the year, I will post bonuses and freebies for those that wish to volunteer to test parts of the new workshop, and you will be first to know about my new workshop launch date so you can get it at the discounted price if you decide to join it!
ITEM 10:
Private One on One Session
Are you ready to fully awaken to your life purpose and step into a more authentic you?
Now is the time you have been waiting for…With assistance from my team of Angelic Masters, the 13 Golden Suns who are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and Interplanetary Wisdom Keepers, I will help you unlock the doors to your greatest potential, abundance, success, and joy.
I scan all of your energy fields to balance and release all that no longer serves your highest good. I release your blocks only to a comfortable level that will not cause you to release too much too fast causing you a rebound period.
You will feel a huge difference, but this gives your mind a chance to process and sync with soul so you are still doing the work to progress your soul. I read into energy of past lives you may still have in your energetic field that are causing you to subconsciously loop back into patterns or behaviors from that life time, but are no longer needed.
I will also read gifts you received from past lives that will serve you now so you can awaken to them and use them along your path now.
We will go over your insights from the program and the Passion Test in detail and discuss the best possible steps to take in creating the life you desire. Paths that are open and that are fully supported in all directions to create the life you desire effortlessly. We will discuss patterns and behaviors that no longer support your growth so they can be eliminated once and for all. We will discuss any and all issues with power struggle or loss of power so you can regain your full strength, vitality, and power.
I will also perform a Soul Retrieval session, if necessary, so you can reclaim any power pieces you have given away.
I will open all of your energy fields to a balanced state for optimal mind, body, spirit connection.
I will increase the flow to your higher self and intuition which will bring you a profound sense of trust and faith in yourself and decision making abilities.
I will open and release any and all heart chakra imbalances so you can feel unconditional love in all forms.
And I will cleanse your aura so you are only feeling NOW.
I will bless and charge all energy centers and assist you in making a request to all of your soul tribe, so you can clearly hear, see, feel, and know all of their divine guidance and act accordingly.
This session is completely tailored to your specific needs, so if more needs to be done or completed rest assured that it will be done, during this session, in divine order!
After this session you will:
- Feel energized and ready to manifest your BIGGEST dreams and desires
- Trust yourself and life more than you ever have
- Have strong boundaries, be able to speak your truth easily, and have profound self love and awareness that will keep you in the passion zone to create the biggest version of your life that you ever dreamed was possible!
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $3184
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777
FHTJ Super Value Discount Offer $447
*** 89% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“Chameice is a clear channel of Source/Creator”
"Chameice is a top notch healer, who has the ability to see with precise clarity the priority issues to be worked on. She then heals, clears and balances on many levels, quickly and completely.
I've been working with her packages the past year and have had many shifts in my life from her deep and precise insights and amazing healing abilities. I listen to her MP3's for daily support, which also helps my family and pets.
I have recommended Chameice to my friends and clients. We all look forward to her new offerings!
Chameice is a clear channel of Source/Creator, and is a loving, compassionate and authentic Soul."
~ Mary W.
“I will be the star that I was created from”
"WOW & Thank you. That call last night was amazing. You are a true lightworker. I now know what that means to me. Someone who shines so brightly that they need no words. It is their light that shines on our defects & brings out the lessons we need to learn. It is their light that shines on us so that we are inspired to give ourselves permission to step into our full light & become a lightworker. It is our choice which way we want to go. The people who instill limiting beliefs with their words are not lightworkers. They are simply teachers through resistance.
Lightworkers teach through grace & a state of being. I choose to step into my light in order to fulfill my higher purpose to heal the world. I will be the star that I was created from. I release the ideas that were put upon me. I embrace all the light others have shined on me to teach me. I don't need to say anything or do anything to heal the world. I need just be bright & present. Thank you Chameice for teaching me & being an example of how I want to go about the world. Thank you for lighting up my path.
Super Love you!!!"
~ Hilary Greer
“I have actualized the ideal home for me and my son and just manifested funds for the first two month’s rent!”
"Dearest Chameice,
I am so grateful for your beautiful work. Your program has changed my life on so many levels. Your meditations are very powerful. I listen to them all the time and can truly feel the vibrations of Peace, Unconditional Love and Joy marinating my energies. Most recently, your Lion’s Gate meditation had a profound effect on me. I’d been feeling as though my soul and spirit were ensnared within a tangle of thorns. As you guided us through the meditation, I felt angels lovingly untangling and setting me free and all of the heaviness uncoiling and falling away. So much freedom and space was opened up, and I knew that I could move forward and create the life I truly desire.
I am expanding and seeing positive results which are growing exponentially. I have actualized the ideal home for me and my son and
just manifested funds for the first two month’s rent! As I continue utilizing your material, my confidence and ease in realizing the life I have desired for so long continues to unfold in the most amazing ways.
Thank you so very much, Chameice for your gracious beauty and generosity in guiding me to an abundant and joyful life. My exuberance has returned, and I’m excited to experience more expansion and the unfolding of the magnificence of the possibilities which are available in life. I am eternally grateful.
Much Love and Many Blessings to you"
~ Maureen Damery
“The person renting my condo asked if he could extend his lease for another year!”
"I had an incredible day today. The person renting my condo asked if he could extend his lease for another year. Best news, as the renter is a responsible person who pays rent on time and is a business person who travels a lot. My response, woohoo! What relief on my part as this will be seamless without disruption of cash flow. I am so grateful. This happens a few days before I depart for NZ this coming Monday. So, I don't have to worry about new tenant moving in while am out of the country. I feel blessed. Thank you Chameice Daniel RH for the great program. This is hardly two weeks since I started with your program."
~ Thembie Gamache
“I feel empowered to be "me", and encouraged to shine my light”
"Dearest Chameice Daniel, I had a session on Friday night and you left me with powerful insights, and thoughts about the situation regarding my love life (I still wait for the things to unfold, but I already feel empowered). In many weeks, I slept well. I don't know what you did, but the next day I felt LOT better.
You came in not as a healer, but as a friend, who knows, who mentors. I love it when you help with your keen insights to genuinely help us. And we are just starting with group calls etc.
Your mp3s are powerful (I have had many releases, and purging, and still came back for more - going slow like the instructions.). I feel empowered to be "me", and encouraged to shine my light (many "told" me for the sake of telling - but you guided...n the way you guided was beautiful. SO happy to have found a mentor n friend in you. love and light"
~ Sari Grace
“I feel like I have a new life”
"I have never felt like a lucky person but since Chameice taught me how to manifest right I am getting almost anything I want.
I struggled to just make it through the month before Chameice taught me this system. I could barely pay my bills. I was living paycheck to paycheck. Now I have extra money to buy things I want not just what I need. I feel like I have a new life. If only I would have known this stuff a long time ago. I can’t thank you enough for this amazing new life."
~ Frankie
“Received a check for $50,000”
"I personally tested all of the principles out on myself after I received them just to see how the energy flowed and to see how fast the 13 Alchemical Laws of Transformation work. I started to see results immediately! Things I had been lining up in many areas of my life just fell into place all at once. My focus improved, I had zero reactivity to difficult situations or people, I noticed I was always in my power and speaking my truth to the point it surprised me at times, and I felt a deep excitement seeing everything I wanted flowing in...the most amazing part was receiving a check for $50,000 that had been owed to me for a year! This levels you up in ways you didn’t know you needed leveled up in."
~ Chameice Daniel
About Chameice Daniel
Chameice Daniel is a natural intuitive and channel of the divine. She was born with the ability to see energy signatures in and around people and situations. As a natural intuitive, life was not always easy; she could sense when people were lying, cheating, what people would create with their lives, and knew everything about their relationships. She learned very early in life that most people believe the stories that their culture, society, and families told them about life’s “shoulds.” What life “should” look like, what love “should” look like, and what they “should” look like. Chameice found it very interesting that these accumulated “shoulds” rarely, if ever, supported their unique soul journey.
This set Chameice down her path to find a solution to eliminating “shoulds” from people’s lives so they could be the conscious creators of the lives they always dreamed about. She created the internationally renowned Travelers of Transformation retreat that has received international travel awards due to its ability to propel people out of their comfort zone into divinely manifesting the love, abundance, and joy that is their destiny.
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Total Package Value $600
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
Giving Your Inner Child
Everything It Wants Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Worksheet
Soul Guidance System Video
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Discount: 82%
Total Package Value $1388
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Giving Your Inner Child
Everything It Wants Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Worksheet
Soul Guidance System Video
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Passion Test Video
Passion Test Worksheets
1 Mini Photo Reading
Discount : 86%
Total Package Value $3184
FHTJ Super Value
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$777 $447
Giving Your Inner Child
Everything It Wants Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Video
Following Joy To Get
What You Want Worksheet
Soul Guidance System Video
Soul Guidance System Worksheet
Member Of Private Facebook Test Group For The 13 Alchemical Laws Of Transformation
1 Hour Private One on One Session

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.