Are you fed up with :
- Trying to figure out which diet is best for you?
- Not finding organic foods in the grocery isle?
- Constantly trying to find really good foods ?
- Spending money on supplement after supplement?
- Thinking that most everything you eat has toxins, additives or preservatives?

Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body offers a new level of nutritional assistance which can increase the light quotient in your foods and upgrade your body matrix!
If you are thinking of energy – then why not think energy and frequency to nourish and rejuvenate?
Why are we still just trying to eat for our 3D body when we are changing and upgrading our Lightbody at a faster and faster pace?

I am Cathy Hohmeyer – a Lemurian starseed, here to help all of us remember how to bridge the gap of nutrition for our transforming Light bodies.
Eons ago – we stepped down into the 3rd dimension and needed to learn to feed a denser and denser body. Now ! we are stepping back up!
Stop using 100% of your time and money trying to fix your 3d body with the diets and supplements - and start transitioning your nutritional thinking to a 4-5th dimensional methods that lets your light shine through!
I’ve spent over 30 years developing this step-up process and I want you to join me in this journey!

Nutrition is becoming :
Multidimensional – we can nourish at the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension and beyond
Diet less – during the changes, our body needs different foods at different times, and sometimes, it may not even make sense what your body is telling you that it needs -it’s OK to listen
Limitless - when you unlock your thinking and think in terms of light, energy and frequency!
“As above so below” ….
…… Let's start to move out of the duality of

What’s Good and Bad
Right and Wrong
Cheap and Expensive
Processed or Unprocessed
Empower yourself! Lets learn why we can start to let go of guilt when it comes to food.
Unlock your thinking for just a minute!
If we have a divine human blueprint and are rebuilding it step by step –
then why would there not be a perfect frequency for plants, herbs and nutrients?
Have you forgotten about the “age old” homeopathic remedies? Or the Bach flower remedies?
How can we use these in different ways now – to change the dis-ease in eating to ease and fun!
And don’t you think that it is fascinating to know that we are figuring out the true frequencies that are supposed to be in our body blueprint and that:

- There are frequencies that are fundamental frequencies to all body matrices
- There are frequencies that are unique to YOUR body signature and that you long for from a past life
- We can find what frequencies are missing or distorted and realign them to us
- We can add these frequencies of foods, plants and nutrients after a healing session to replenish and rejuvenate that area and the body more
- And that maybe there might be a KEY FREQUENCY that we can find for you that can energetically heal an issue once and for all?
I am excited to share this empowering information and to have a discussion with you!
Thank you so much for helping me get rid of what I called "an old lady hump”
“I want to Thank you for helping me with my upper back / base of my neck hump. I have seen a chiropractor that wasn't able to help me. The obvious hump at the base of my neck was noticeably diminished within a day after you did a treatment.
The hump has remained gone. Thank you so much for helping me get rid of what I called "an old lady hump”
~ Robin Durocher, RN, Fitness Center Director St.Lawrence University
“I have not been getting up as often at night to go to the bathroom”
“After her energetic body scan and releasing of blocked energies related to my bladder issue, she then looked for frequencies that my body needed to assist healing, and found that one of the frequencies that was missing was connected with Holy Basil. I felt an energy moving in my belly, I felt an adjustment there, something shifted.
Cathy was able to determine what was absent from my system, then restored and integrated the proper nourishing frequencies!
I had glanced at the clock after the session with Cathy and it was 5:55! Seeing these number patterns let’s me know that I am on the right path and that I am being divinely guided to a specific practitioner, who has the skills to assist me at this time in my healing process. I am looking forward to more “frequency sessions” with Cathy!”
~ Andrea Villiere, Reconnective Healer and Certified Sound Healing Practitioner
“My liver energy levels were within optimal limits in minutes!”
“I had received a number of results of a Biowell energy scan that told me that my liver energy was consistently low. During my session, Cathy found the issues involved – on a multidimensional level. After the session of identifications and releases she then found the missing frequencies that I needed to restore. She conducted the session with her infusion during the session then infused a few frequencies into a cup of herb tea that I drank while we were talking about her findings. I retested with the biowell and my liver energy levels were within optimal limits! While I have done many sessions with her before, it was so awesome to have the direct confirmation of the testing machine with something so nebulous to me.” She sent me home with a “frequency recipe card” to infuse into my water to augment the session and I have not had any issues since.”
~ Jenny J.

With Nutritional Energetics you Can Have Fun and Feel More Empowered!
What would it feel that you could:
- Amplify your healing sessions?
- Upgrade the level of your food?
- Minimize the negative impact of food processing and additives?
- Learn to nourish mind, body and soul with specific energies?
- Take an energized bath or make an energized salad dressing?
- Even have fun creating your own infused water “tonic” bar
- Find the frequency that you need today that will help to balance your chakra Or to hasten the healing of an ankle sprain?
- Nourish yourself more when you eat less?
My rescue dog’s self-esteem has improved!”
“My husband and I adopted a Jack Russell terrier from the human society who had terrible separation anxiety. Most of the time, Apache was quiet, almost too quiet as if he didn’t have an opinion, but would cry and whine whenever we were out of his sight. He was overly-friendly and would jump on everyone and lick them. It was as if he was drowning them with love drenched in neediness.
Each morning when I came out of the bedroom or when I’d come home from work, he’d be crazy-excited as if I had been gone for years. It would be next to impossible to calm him down! He also had a lot of problems with attention and would easily get distracted, making his training rather tedious. I muscle tested that he would benefit from receiving energy healing from Cathy Hohmeyer. I asked Cathy to treat him for five days in a row, and the results are astounding!
Apache’s self-confidence and self-esteem has improved dramatically in just five days. He is more vocal and opinionated (which is a healthy thing) but doesn’t bark for no reason, and he has been following commands like sit, stay, wait etc. with much more attention. Yesterday while on his walk, we met a friend and I was so shocked that Apache didn’t jump all over her. This morning, he didn’t love-attack me like he usually does and stayed calm and quiet in his doggie bed while I petted him. No jumping! Amazing!
I am very grateful to Cathy, not only for working with Apache and correcting his imbalances and outdated beliefs, but also for inspiring me to the next level of my energy work. Without her, I would never have found out about my Lemurian background and this knowledge has made it possible for me to accomplish my Soul’s Mission. I also have greater respect for nutritional energetics and consult Cathy regularly on all things related to nutrition and food. I trust her so much that I invited her to be one of my teachers in my Holistic Health Transformation Program.
If you love energy work and want to experience some high vibrational healing (or if you want energetically-inspired support for meal preparation for yourself or your family in the “real” world), I highly recommend that you work with Cathy ASAP!”
~ Dr. Karen Kan, Founder of TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method and #1 Bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain – a Holistic Approach
Free Trial
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1,163
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
12 Frequency Essentials MP3
With 12 weeks attunement and 12 PDF
Bonus #1 2- Nutritional Support
video classes
Bonus #2
PDF Book – New Release
Intro to Mindful Preparations
Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $1,863
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
12 Frequency Essentials MP3
With 12 weeks attunement and 12 PDF
Bonus #1 2- Nutritional Support
video classes
Bonus #2
PDF Book – New Release
Intro to Mindful Preparations
7 Live Online Training Workshops with Group Healing & Clearing Sessions
Access to private Facebook
support group
Private FB support group
Discount : 92%
Total Package Value $2,313
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
12 Frequency Essentials MP3
With 12 weeks attunement and 12 PDF
Bonus #1 2- Nutritional Support
video classes
Bonus #2
PDF Book – New Release
Intro to Mindful Preparations
8 Live Online Training Workshops with Group Healing & Clearing Sessions
Access to private Facebook
support group
Private FB support group
A 25 min 1:1 remote session with Cathy
Bonus : Back Stage Pass to the virtual Nutritional Energetics Retreat
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“ For the first time in ten years, I was pain-free!!!”
“When I met Cathy, a huge layer opened up...and all of a sudden, all my pain that I'd had for years was gone! I just couldn't believe it! She used her three step process plus her intuition - as well as some other secret things she has in her little bag of frequency numbers, swirling colors etc; it was truly amazing. She removed trapped emotions and heart walls from my body and wow! Amazing things happened; that night, for the first time in ten years, I was pain-free!!!
Cathy has amazing patience; she makes you feel so comfortable, like you're talking to your best friend. She has incredible knowledge of all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual body and she's also a chef in her own lodge in the Adirondacks using her special insights and knowledge to create nutritionally balanced and energetically enhanced dishes... something most likely, has never been done before! Can you imagine eating incredibly delicious food with amazing healing energetic frequencies inside? Wow!
I'm most grateful to you, Cathy. I look forward to many more sessions with you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
~ Nancy , RN
Package A |
- 12 Essential MP3s with 12 weeks attunement and PDF
- 3 Nutritional support classes
- 144 page PDF book
12 Essential MP3s with 12 weeks attunement and PDF
Value: $948 ($79 Each )
Format: MP3
Each highly infused MP3 includes the removal of negative energies, aura clearing, and all essential cell salts plus the superfoods nutritional support.
Frequency infusions take time to step down to your 3d body, however unique to EACH of these MP3s attunements is the activation of your Multidimensional Integration System to have optimum performance for bringing in these intents and nutritional infusions.
There will be 12 weeks of attunements, each week you will receive further attunement on one of the MP3s, attuning you to its contents for potentiation. This will also keep your MP3 clean and clear. This will be a superfoods and nutritional training in itself! Also included is the reminder to honor (that part of the body’s function) and to give gratitude to all the cells and tissues involved.
For even higher vibe waters : use the water MP3 to energize your water THEN use another of my MP3s to infuse that water with nutritional support Caution: start with only 2 ounces at a time if you feel your body is compromised. Make your water nourish us just like pure spring water (newly made water) was intended to !
Morning Cell Protection
Comprehensive Cellular and DNA support plus more than 15 of nature most powerful cellular protectors and detoxifiers. We call on natures herbs, plants and all Bach plant remedies needed for you at that specific time for complete cell balance. Plus energy foods to start your day. One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
Stem Cell Boost
Stem cells keep us a from aging and need support so that they don’t make cells that are away from the divine blueprint. This includes the divine request for your stem cells to be at 100% plus nutritional support like vitamin D, vitamin C, plus much more. One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
Energy Boost
Bone Building
Did you know that we take in the wrong kind of calcium? The calcium added to our processed foods plus many of the calcium supplements add the wrong kind of calcium! “Its like sand in our gears. This takes bone building support to the next level! We eliminate the wrong kind of calcium and infuse the correct one plus nourish with the synergistic minerals that make calcium for us like horsetail and nettles. One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
Pure Energized Water
Get the purest water you can get! Others energize water – but do they erase the negative memories from eons of time? This take the discordant energies from your water, then actually prepares it for actual hydration for your body (sometimes the molecules are too big to nourish the cell) Also added is the essence of lemon essential oil. One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
“I have water from a natural well in a rural area, yet I get a stomach ache when I drink my water – when you make me energized water I can drink it without my stomach hurting! More please! Thank you!”
~ D.H.
Meal Boost
Length: 3 minute
If you find yourself with just a smoothie or a less for lunch – energize with all macro and micro nutrients plus all vitamins, minerals and synergistic compounds that will nourish you for the moment. Also includes the intelligences of berries, turmeric and curcumin. Plus the intelligences of plant proteins like quinoa, One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
Detox and Balancing
Length: 3 minute
Command your liver and nadis (chakra detox channels) at 100% , clear the emotion of anger from your liver and keep your nadis clear of energetic sludge. Nourish with milk thistle and all the essential liver nutrients for balanced detox on a continual basis. Plus the all-important chlorella and spirulina! With the new energies coming in – this one is VERY important! One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
Evening Restoration
Length: 3 minute
Your evening cup of “wine” and warm milk! Gathering your energies from the day and returning and transmuting energies that are not yours, filling the holes in your aura with love and light. Addition of melatonin, glutathione and all the frequencies for pituitary and pineal health. An energetic boost of resveratrol plus colostrum. Colostrum is an essential frequency intended from your mother at birth that you may not have received at all or in the proper form. One audio attunement and PDF nutritional training
Brain Boost
Length: 3 minute
Get your purest form of cod liver oil without pills or liquids! Plus the frequencies for optimal function of your pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus. This nourishment will resonate through all levels of the body and all systems of the body. Command your brain at 100% balance, honor its function and give gratitude. One audio attunement and pdf nutritional training
“I started using brain boost in my humidifier water when my husband was having writers block on his book. Now its spring and I can’t get him to turn it off, there’s even water on the walls!
I muscle tested that it was 55% in part to the Brain Boost frequencies that assisted him when he was writing. ”
~ HC.
3 Nutritional Support Cooking Classes
Value: $175
Format: MP4
Length: 2 hours
3 Nutritional Support Modules supplying unparalled nutrition with money saving methods
These classes were given by Cathy during the annual Holistic Health Transformation Program Retreat at Cathy’s resort Lake Clear Lodge
Module #1
Getting Creative with Nourishing Bone Broths
Nutritional support for the whole body. Cathy explains the importance of gelatin, hydration and minerals and how to make it at home.
Module #2
Probiotic Nourishment
Nature’s assistance at a critical time and the many ways to make them in your own home. An intro to sustainable live foods that helps us with our ascension.
Module #3
The “sourdough challenge”
Learn at your own pace and see how the second dimension makes food come alive “out of thin air” . You will receive one email every 7 days, at the end of the 7 days you will make digestible homemade English muffins. You will learn how the second dimension has taken on a new importance for our developing lightbody (in package B classes)
Common Roots Cookbook, by Cathy & Ernest Hohmeyer “NEW RELEASE”
Value: $40
Format: PDF
Length: 144 pages
“How you prepare food is just as important as what you buy or grow.
As a chef for more than 25 years, Cathy Hohmeyer celebrates Old World traditional methods of preparing of food with her newest cookbook "Common Roots".
Over time, she came to realize that no matter who you are - from vegetarian to the carnivore, there are ways to prepare your food that can enhance their taste and wellness properties. Chef Cathy calls it 'mindful preparations' and the Cookbook will introduce you to terms such as nutrient density and bone broths and cooking with high frequency essential oils - simple ways to make foods, with the knowledge what may be lost, all with great recipes.
And this book is much more than recipes.
~ Dr Karen Kan, M.D.
"Keep yourself and your energies together when you travel" - MP3
Value: $49
I just learned the hard way!
Don’t forget to manage and nourish your energies ESPECIALLY when you travel!
This will help with brain balance, protection, reduce stress on the body, plus helps in keeping your body hydrated and oxygenated during flights and car rides. I’ve added nourishment for the immune system too.
Package A
Total Package Value $1,163
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 91% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
- All of package A plus
- 7 Online, one hour Training Workshops Value: $700
7 Live Online Training Workshops with Group Healing & Clearing Sessions
Value: $700
Format: Training Workshops
Length: 1 Hour
Every Two Weeks Beginning May 21st
Empowering new information !
Cathy’s Exclusive Nutritional Energetics program and includes Nourishing in the Nine Dimensions
Each workshop will be a fun empowering workshop with attunements, clearings and healings.
Most importantly – you will learn simple energetic steps to not only Nourish yourself but your friends and family. If you are a caregiver, you will be liberated from helplessness to being an activator. This is truly a major step in learning to manage the energies around you!
Module #1
Intro to Nutritional Energetics
An overview of the 7 week program plus
A workshop to “set your energy” for the day
Why it is important to bring in your energy for the day
The one exercise that you need to do within the first hour after you wake up
How to maintain it during the day and the simple mental exercises that you can do standing in line or riding in a car
“Setting down” for a nourished and rejuvenating rest
This class is fun and empowering! No need to know muscle testing or dowsing.
How we can Nourish Multidimensionally
We will discuss the many ways to accomplish etheric nourishment
An overview of the 7 part Nutritional Energetics program :
- How to set your energies for the day
- Learn three simple exercises that will keep you energized and clear all day. You can do these standing in an office or riding in a car
- Learn why you need to do one of these within one hour after waking
- Ways to Nourish Multidimensionally – how we accomplish etheric nutrition
- Energies can be
- Numbers – for example the energy of a cranberry or eliminating a sore throat can be a 9 digit number that you can use for healing
- Mp3s
- Intents and more
- These can be foods, herbs, or the energies of crystals and much more
Module #2
Nourishing with Frequencies
This will be a fun class!! We will include instruction on using number frequencies, MP3s and more
Where do the numbers come from? How can you use them?
Get immediate recipes and instruction on how to help you and your family
I will show you the many ways I make waters, oils and sprays to energize my foods and household
I have my creative ideas – we will find out that the sky is the limit!
Plus I will give you over 50 numbers essential for the human body – this is a healing all in itself!
This will be a fun class!
- Learn about the numerical codes
- Make number healing “recipes”
- Learn to infuse waters and water spritzers for your home
- Learn to infuse and crystal with healing codes and give them to friends
- Make an energized salad dressing by infusing the oil
Module #3
Aura Cleanse Class
Your biofield is part of your main frequency barometer for your body and is your “new” digestive system – get it clean and clear!
In this module we will
- Clear negative influences and parasites,
- Release emotional anchors and
- Nourish your aura with proper frequencies
I will also teach you the first step in learning to sign the Language of Light, and attune you to a simple excursive to use to clean your aura .
A super potent class and learning opportunity.

Module #4-6
Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body
Cathy’s exclusive program of Nourishing thru the 9 dimensions
A 3 part look at the Nine Dimensions of Nourishment and why we need to know
Potentiate your healing, learning and manifesting once you know these principles
Dimensions 1-3, how to anchor in and how these dimensions assist us now
Dimensions 4-6, The realms we can be attuned to now. The importance of the emotions of the 4th, the heart of the 5th and the importance of acknowledging holograms of the 6th.
Dimensions 7-9, and how their dimension’s help potentiate the nourishment of the realms below.
I am so excited to share this info!!
Private Facebook Support Group
Value: Priceless
I have been apart of facebook support groups and have seen so much growth, learning and support. I offer to host a forum with the intent of just that - i hope to "see you there"
I will also post occasional frequency numbers, tips and resources from myself and others
Package B
Total Package Value $1,863
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 93% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
All of package A & B PLUS
1:1 Session with Cathy
Value: $150
Length: Remote audio call
1:1 Remote Session Body Scan with healings and clearings. Cathy will energetically look at issues and see where they may be causing imbalances in the body. Then nourish with your needed frequencies and maybe even a superfood if indicated! An mp3 is provide of the session so that you can listen again and integrate those frequencies deeper.
Back Stage Pass to the Virtual
Nutritional Energetics Retreat
Value: $300
Audio Interviews with “Energetics Experts”, Cooking with Essential Oils video and Essential Oils Training audio classes and more. This will be a wonderful resource page for even more learning!!
“From just the symptoms of near exhaustion, I am now aware of the underlying causes of my ill health, I have not been able to pin them down for decades”
“As my health has been poor for over two decades despite searching for answers, Cathy, through her energetic-based technique, has made me aware of the underlying causes which i could not pin down, myself. some of those things simply weren't actually anything directly to do with me (ancestral issues): she kindly dealt with those promptly and immediately that alone was a huge relief, for which i will always be grateful.
I am just so grateful for her help and insight.
Energetic healers like Cathy have a two-part skill-set: fast diagnosis
and an energetic adjustment. for the latter. Cathy also has a rare gift: being able to quickly and intuitively hone in on the underlying causes and, very importantly, to communicate them effectively.”
~ LM
Package C
Total Package Value $2,313
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 92% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“Cathy was one of the reasons I changed my plans to attend just one day of a holistic health conference into staying for the full event.”
“I have had the good fortune of participating in workshops - both online and in-person – where Cathy Hohmeyer was one of the instructors. Her passion for and knowledge of topics related to Real / Traditional Foods was evident in her roles as chef for meals, conducting cooking demos, and teaching classes. She took a holistic approach that included aspects on many levels – not just the physical preparation of the food itself. ”
~ Bob K.
“Cathy's processes show results fast with permanent benefit.”
“She is my go to healing activator that I call on frequently - she has helped clear my environment, assisted my cats & my dogs with inflammation, my husband and most definitely, my own health and well-being at various times. I heartily recommend any of her programs. Expect positive results.”
~ Lynn Cameron
“After the session, I felt so light and happy – I was actually giggling, which is something that I rarely do.”
“Cathy has the ability to identify and clear issues on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual as well as help to bring the body back into balance with such ease and great with amazing accuracy.
Cathy Hohmeyer comes highly recommended I hope that those of you in the FHTJ community will be able to get a chance to work with her and receive the wonderful healing benefits like I experienced today! ”
~ Georgia
“I feel like a new, confident person”
“Cathy's sessions have helped me feel much more in control of my emotions and body. Before reaching out, I was depressed and didn't feel comfortable in my body. Now I feel healthy, have more energy, and don't have a constant nagging feeling that something is wrong. She's even helped me lose good weight without even dieting and healed numerous health problems. Overall I feel like a new, confident person, all thanks to her sessions and support. ”
~ MR
“It felt like it was getting a new download of light and uplifting me.
It was a very cool sign to me and really felt like a super encouraging message form spirit, that when we talked about my session I saw a rainbow extending towards me a few feet over the water. I never saw anything like that before. It went from the rocky point across the harbor right towards me.
It felt like my heart chakra was getting worked on with huge amounts of energy moving around in it. I just wanted to tell you.. Thank you for your love filled uplifting work!”
~ Teal A., Certified Massage Therapist
“After your session I felt a major dump of negativity clearing from my field.
Your session felt thorough and spot on! I have been working on issues that needed additional clearing. Thank you ”
~ Marie McMahon, PTA, LMT, CST, CECP and Certified Emotion Code
“A friend of mine recommended me to Cathy for deep emotional clearing . I was quite skeptic in the beginning and did not have very high hopes
but since the recommendation I had was very solid I went ahead and contacted Cathy for help as I felt life was going downhill.
To my surprise she was very detail oriented and understood my issues very well. It's been a few months now already since my sessions and I feel much lighter and care free.
I have recommended her to my friends and family as well and all of them have experienced amazing results!”
~ S. Khan
“After my initial session with her, I booked sessions for my other family members. The results were diverse and the effects quite amazing.”
“Cathy Hohmeyer is a thoughtful, caring practitioner and comes with my highest recommendation. My thyroid issue, which I assumed was the most important problem to address never came up. Instead, Cathy found that my lungs needed to be cleared. No one knew that for two years I had felt rattling while breathing plus limited breathing capacity. She discovered a fungus that she was able to clear, and within minutes the rattling was gone, and has never returned. She was also able to detect and correct a cranial issue that occurred during a fall (that I totally forgot about) 3 years previous. She also cleared heart walls and a variety of emotions including one from pre-conception. All in 25 minutes!
Cathy integrates so much more into her sessions - knowledge of nutrition, numbers and the wisdom learned over years of practice and she is very generous in sharing them. She supplies an MP3 (so much fun to sit and listen!) and the session is done remotely for everyone's convenience. I highly recommend her services and look forward to doing more clearing with her in the future!”
~ Margaret K.
“Tremendous relief form a crushing feeling that I would get in the morning after waking up. ”
“She is always learning a new system of how to help people find healing and is a wealth of knowledge which she is so willing to share. My dad was diagnosed with cancer this past fall and she said that she would energize the families’ water and code it for peace, healing and joy. I have also visited with her in the past on learning to ferment foods for health and vitality and balancing the microbiome.
It is so interesting to me that she not only concentrates on the energy body but also the physical body and brings them together to live abundantly.”
~ Katrine, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
“I felt the energy of the releases very clearly , very tangibly.”
“From start to finish, I felt safe and held, understood, deeply accepted and loved. The first session released a few core issues for me and touched deeply into an old reoccurring issue/ infection that I had been unable to shift myself, and many other healers had overlooked. The detox was quite strong, which, given the intensity of the issue , was not surprising, and when I contacted Cathy about this, she Lovingly and generously dove in and removed the roots, gifting me more time and energy, to make sure my session was truly complete, making sure my whole system was balanced and nourished and stable, and that the micro biomes in my body were given what they needed to be healthy and well. There have been so many powerful and subtle changes for me on so many levels since my session. I know the gifts from this work will continue to unfold. I'm crying with gratitude as I write this, I felt so loved and really seen by Cathy , which was huge for me, and allowed me to fully receive and integrate.
I highly recommend Cathy, I genuinely feel she is a gifted healer with a vast tool box to tackle any issue that may arise, her loving , wise, grounded presence is further enhanced by her tenacity and determination to get to the core and facilitate authentic change for the better.”
~ A.W.
“It's like my heart is "lighter" - my stomach pain has decreased”
“I have a nice sense of a weight lifted off my shoulders right now. It's like my heart is "lighter". My stomach hasn't been nearly as bad as it usually is.... I'd say I'm very happy with the results after just one session!”
~ Chani, Holistic Health Practitioner and Etheric Herbalist
“We’ve stayed with you before and we think that there is magic here”
~ The Brown Family
“You can feel the multidimensionality in the food that you create! I cant put my finger on it – but thank you ”
~ Todd L.
“My mole disappeared within days”
“I came to Cathy because I had an unsightly dark mole on my face it - had been building for weeks and I tried all of my holistic remedies and tricks that I knew. Cathy did a body scan and found I needed the color red plus she released 3 emotional blocks and balanced a misalignment in my rib cage. I called her in a couple of days, it was gone!”
~ Lynnie M.
About Cathy Hohmeyer:
Cathy Hohmeyer, Nutritional Energetics “Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body. Cathy began studying energetics early in her Occupational Therapy career while understanding 3d body health and wellness.
She began her “shift”, giving up a supervisory promotion in Washington DC and returning to her native small town to develop a small resort for health and wellness. Working on different model, she and her family have developed a place in nature, for rejuvenation, which now fits into today’s true wellness pattern.
Cathy has studied with some of the best energy activators, always looking at developing her signature Nutritional Energetics program relating it to body systems and nutrition.
With her “self-empowered energetics” program, she works to clear blocks and energies not serving the body, while providing energetic nutrition to get the body’s frequencies back in focus and return it to its natural healing state. Studying traditional foods and super foods, she has brought these areas into the energetics arena for nutrition that can run deep, disregarding the concerns of foods that we may not be able to “digest” on a 3d level.
Chef Cathy teaches how to nourish our multidimensional selves through 9 levels of nutrition. Just like Mother Earth who has dimensions from the iron core crystal to the cosmos – so do humans have the ability to nourish themselves at different levels, through different avenues. In her restaurant, she uses her unique skills to energize foods her customers eat and works with willing participants on an individual level – teaching them how to nourish their Family – through the 9 dimensions.
Free Trial
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1,163
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
12 Frequency Essentials MP3
With 12 weeks attunement and 12 PDF
Bonus #1 2- Nutritional Support
video classes
Bonus #2
PDF Book – New Release
Intro to Mindful Preparations
Discount: 93%
Total Package Value $1,863
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
12 Frequency Essentials MP3
With 12 weeks attunement and 12 PDF
Bonus #1 2- Nutritional Support
video classes
Bonus #2
PDF Book – New Release
Intro to Mindful Preparations
7 Live Online Training Workshops with Group Healing & Clearing Sessions
Access to private Facebook
support group
Private FB support group
Discount : 92%
Total Package Value $2,313
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
12 Frequency Essentials MP3
With 12 weeks attunement and 12 PDF
Bonus #1 2- Nutritional Support
video classes
Bonus #2
PDF Book – New Release
Intro to Mindful Preparations
8 Live Online Training Workshops with Group Healing & Clearing Sessions
Access to private Facebook
support group
Private FB support group
A 25 min 1:1 remote session with Cathy
Bonus : Back Stage Pass to the virtual Nutritional Energetics Retreat
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.