20% Discount Just for You! Only available for the next
- Do you lose focus and energy by getting stuck in endless processing?
- Have you tried many therapies that seem to work for only a short period of time?
- Are issues from the past controlling your present and interfering with your future?
Would you like to…
- Experience being present as the doorway to creating anything that is in your highest good?
- Find self- acceptance as a central focus point to launch your life?
- Make sense of the processing and finally finish past issues?
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Discount : 55%
Total Package Value $555
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
For You, Just
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on
finishing a past pain (physical or emotional)
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and
to get present that you can use in your daily life
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to as needed so you stay out of the quagmire of re-creating more stuff to process and to stay on your journey
Sound file to assist in the quickening of their healing (if needed)
Discount: 47%
Total Package Value $1055
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
For You, Just
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on
finishing a past pain (physical or emotional)
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and
to get present that you can use in your daily life
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to as needed so you stay out of the quagmire of re-creating more stuff to process and to stay on your journey
Sound file to assist in the quickening of their healing (if needed)
A second 1-on-1 session with Bill where he helps you move into creating a reality of your heartfelt desire
Learn and practice a technique for sorting what you desire most
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to over and over again to help you create your future.
Package A – No Refund after Session is Taken. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refund after Session is Taken
“Feel Like Myself Again”
"After one session with Bill Cael and his amazing bowls, I feel like my true self again. I haven’t felt this great in years!"
~ Mandy, Florida
“My Pain is Gone and the Results Last”
"My back pain of 20 years went away after working with Bill. And the best thing is my pain is gone and the results last!"
~ David, California
What We Focus on We Get More…
For years I was focused on processing my issues. It was an endless reservoir of issues. Issues all the way from my childhood to my adulthood – never-ending stuff. I then became a therapist or professional processor. I have many friends in the business of processing issues, and many are very successful; however, I kept seeing a common thread with all of them. There seemed to be an endless supply of stuff to clear - mental, emotional, physical, cultural…it’s endless. It also occurred to me these people kept getting weaker instead of getting stronger. The more they focus on stuff to clear the more stuff there is to clear. I did this too.
We are Here to Create
So if the focus is on stuff to clear the Universe says okay and sends us a dump truck load of stuff. It keeps us very busy. When we focus on what our hearts desires are the Universe says yes to that as well. So we get more upliftment, more fulfillment, and more beauty. “Consciously creating our reality” takes us out of the loop of needing to constantly clear our issues. Don’t get me wrong, when issues need our attention we deal, but the focus is in the direction of creation, and that makes life worth living and getting out of bed excited for the new day.
A Technique to Help
I was coaching a friend who was in the middle of a 50-year pattern. I suggested this technique, which she did with me on the phone. She then continued the process on her own and was stunned, surprised, and delighted to realize at the core of this 50-year pattern were all of these tentacles connected to family members, old lovers, former landlords, and former husbands. It went on and on. Doing the technique took a life of its own so that she felt it was leading her and she was following. She was amazed, thrilled, and astonished at all these seemingly unrelated events of people and places were somehow all connected. She was able to finally put this issue to rest and was able to move into creating her next move unencumbered.
The technique works like a vortex, vacuuming out whatever issue is causing the greatest disturbance. I have now used this technique with many people, and in every case I’ve seen completion of the issue to be cleared. Once this happens, space opens up for a new creating to take its place I’ve seen over 34 years of most people in “process mode.” They are unable to create a heartfelt life or the life of their dream because they have no space inside with which to create from due to being busy processing issues nonstop.
“Life-Altering Sessions”
"Bill Cael is an extraordinary healer and gift in this world! I have had the privilege of experiencing his Ancient Tibetan Healing Bowl sessions and they are profound...deep, life altering. I am a healer and a light worker myself so I have great discernment when working with other healers. I have worked on my issues with many healers with limited success. Bill's powerful sessions have cleared my issues in moments. He is accurate with his intuitive assessment of my issues and clears them immediately. Even his words are powerful transformers. You can feel the shifts with each word he speaks. I just had a session today and felt the burden of enormous grief lift off my back and shoulders. I felt an unwinding of constriction and resistance spiral from around my neck as if it was a noose from another dimension being lifted off my life with ease. In just a few minutes, I felt a surge of clean, fresh, vibrant energy and excitement flood my body, mind, and spirit. It has set me free from my resistance to moving forward in my life. I highly recommend Bill and his beautiful work to everyone! He is just the best!!!"
~ Deborah, New York.
“Shift into a New Way of Living your Life”
"In my session with Bill I was able to name a huge lifetime issue and with his guidance, remove it energetically throughout all time and space. I could feel the magnetism of the bowl pull all the threads of beliefs, hurts, strings of attachment out of my body and my field. I recommend you seek out his brilliant skills if you are ready to shift into a new way of living your life."
~ Denise, Washington
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Discount : 55%
Total Package Value $555
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
For You, Just
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on
finishing a past pain (physical or emotional)
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and
to get present that you can use in your daily life
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to as needed so you stay out of the quagmire of re-creating more stuff to process and to stay on your journey
Sound file to assist in the quickening of their healing (if needed)
Discount: 47%
Total Package Value $1055
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
For You, Just
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on
finishing a past pain (physical or emotional)
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and
to get present that you can use in your daily life
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to as needed so you stay out of the quagmire of re-creating more stuff to process and to stay on your journey
Sound file to assist in the quickening of their healing (if needed)
A second 1-on-1 session with Bill where he helps you move into creating a reality of your heartfelt desire
Learn and practice a technique for sorting what you desire most
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to over and over again to help you create your future.
Package A – No Refund after Session is Taken. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refund after Session is Taken
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Freedom from the Past
We are creator beings. We will create consciously or unconsciously! Whatever we put our attention to, we create more of.
Wouldn’t it be wise to focus on what we truly want instead of what we don’t want?
I created this package so people could learn self-empowerment tools to finish off issues that cause short circuits in their bodies and lives. They can learn and employ this powerful force for themselves – Self Empowerment.
Working 1-on-1, I use a very powerful mantra or prayer and play an Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowl that is specific to you and your frequency at the same time. We address the specific area that you want to work on by having a very clear heartfelt intention at the beginning of the session.
Through experience, this combination works like a vacuum to pull the issue from its deepest recesses and most difficult hiding places where it holds on in the dark of the subconscious and exposes all the extended subtle tentacles of the issue to let go and dissolve at the deepest level.
Ancient Singing Bowls are incredibly effective at activating the persons Divine Blue Print so that one’s Blue Print infuses into the atomic structure of the body. A person is capable of making significant changes on any level when combined with an intention that serves their highest good.
1-on-1 Session with Bill
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on finishing a past pain (emotional or physical).
- This will allow you to know where and how to direct the healing frequencies and uproot the issue at one’s very core including addressing all the attached tendrils that you didn’t know were there.
- Once you integrate the technique (it takes nearly no time at all) you are then in the driver’s seat and in charge of directing it at will to any issue that may be bogging you down and short-circuiting your energy system.
Freedom From the Past Technique
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and get present that you can use in your daily life
- Everything upscales once we get present. Unless we are in the here and now and can sustain that state of being in our healing journey, we will see little lasting effects of all the hard work we put into our healing.
- With this technique in play you will make real progress. That is a primary way of getting stuck in a negative loop cycle that’s why I call it FREEDOM FROM THE PAST.
Recorded Session with Bowls
Recorded Session
- You will have a recording of the session so you can reconnect to what we started and you will hear how to keep the focus going on your own.
- You can use the laser focus to upscale any area in your life in need of a shift.
- This recording will have the instructions for the clearing technique and the bowls played for the frequency that you need to help you on your journey.
Accelerate Healing - MP3
Additional Sound File if Needed
- On rare occasions a person has an entrenched chronic pattern that needs special attention. In that case, a sound file will be created to target that situation.
Shredding to Sooth - MP3
This Sound File is designed to shred negative attachments, release all energy that is not your own, counter frequencies that limit your divine light, and resets your energy field to your individual perfect blueprint. In short, it shreds any weird, off, or strange energy other than your own.
Total Package Value $555
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $247
YOUR PRICE $197.60 Only!
*** 55% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Everything in Package A Plus
Looking Forward with Space
inside us to Create the Future
After working on issues of your past in our first session, our second session will focus on learning a technique to get very present. It is super fast and creates space inside of you that allows you to create your future. I will coach you to create a future that aligns with your higher self .
I know people want to get through their issues and live a better life. These packages are a thorough resource for self-empowerment to change focus from creating constant issues to be processed to creating a better life of our conscious creating, a life purpose, a life that matters. This is a place where legacies are made from.
You will have an opportunity to learn a simple and consistent way of becoming present – which is very useful at this time on the planet. Also, the more one uses the technique the deeper into themselves they reach. The inner journey is the last frontier, and it’s the most rewarding of experiences too. You will also get to participate in experiencing sounds from Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls and together with a very powerful mantra that can act as a rotor rooter on very difficult, even hidden subconscious patterns holding us from our true purpose and fulfillment to a life that is satisfying and meaningful, that we are in charge of and is a conscious creation.
Why Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls?
Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls are frequency generators that will power up any heartfelt intention. It is best to be open to the possibility that something for the person’s highest good could happen. Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls do amazing things and I’ve seen them work their gift over and over for the past 10 years. I keep watching miracles happen. It is mind-bending and expanding to watch someone have an experience of the universe using sound to reconnect them back to their source, to their Divine Blue Print, and have a physical manifestation as a result of that connection either in their body, in their life, or in the life of a loved one. It is awe-inspiring indeed.
A Second 1-on-1 Session with Bill
A second 1-on-1 session with Bill where he helps you move into creating a reality of your heartfelt Desire
- Unless there is a “from the heart connection” to what you want in your life you will never have it or it will be unsatisfying if manifested.
This is a clarifying session for what you want and most importantly why you want it.
Create the Future Technique
Learn and practice a technique for sorting what you desire most
- Learning how to create that which is for your highest good is one of the greatest accomplishments you can achieve as a manifester because you will be manifesting from your pure source alignment that only your heart knows.
Recorded Session with Bowls
- This session will be recorded so you can replay it as often as you like.
- It is also a guide to help you stay focused on what matters most to you, how to get to that clarity, and how to implement it.
Total Package Value $1055
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $487
YOUR PRICE $389.60 Only!
*** 47% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
“I’ve Moved from Spacey and Stressed to Grounded and Clear”
"I just got off the phone with Bill Cael, the world’s fastest tuner-upper. In less than 20 minutes I’ve moved from spacey and stressed to grounded and clear. And I’m laughing! He cut to the core of my issues with a potent mix of compassion, intuition, and kindness combined with his technology that marries the mantra with the deep sound healing of the ancient Tibetan bowls. This is big magic, and I highly recommend it."
~ Sarah, North Carolina
“Helping me Hone my Truths about my Body and Emotions…Allowing me to be Painful”
"Bill once again I want to thank you for the Divine timing of our session and your intuitive guidance to help me hone my truths about my body and emotions. In 2 the days leading to our session, I had added insult to my old injuries on my arm and shoulder by doing heavy work painting and renovating my studio with great enthusiasm! I started the session with strong aches and tightness in my neck shoulder and arms and some chronic back pain, which I wasn’t focusing on at that time.
After our little chat, clarifying and connecting with the main issues, and the short bowl session with Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls, which Bill facilitated, I felt an unwinding of kinks in my neck and shoulders, while sobbing my heart out. Then I noticed the pain in my lower back, which was drawing my attention and we did further work just for a few minutes. During that time, I found myself tapping on the painful parts in my back and realized that my arms could easily reach my back to do that. They had been restricted in that movement for about 6 months due to the shoulder tightness and injury. Thank you, Bill, for your excellence in the work you do and the generosity which your share your knowledge, skills and Divine connections."
~ Sushell, Australia
“I am now clear, patient, energized, focused, and capable”
"Most people find it hard to comprehend the chaos a traumatic brain injury can create in one’s life. One quickly discovers it is beyond the A.M.A. Doctor’s scope of healing. Imagine the relief to realize there is healing in a most unusual source. Before I was unable to find words, lost all sense of direction and felt irritable and confused. After two Ancient Tibetan Bowl sessions I am feeling clear, patient, energized, focused and above all else capable. I now live in the calm clarity I’ve always longed for. I am just curious if you are willing to give the Bowls the opportunity to do for you what has happened for me. I am grateful for Bill’s knowledge and the depth of attunement he uses in his practice."
~ Peggy Lou, Oregon
About Bill Cael
Bill Cael has been immersed as a medical intuitive and healer for 34 years. His modalities include multiple Systems of Regeneration where he employs Herbology, Sustain Acupressure Point Holding, Body Electronics, Iridology, Counseling, Chinese Medicine, Rapid Eye Technology, and Ancient Tibetan Sound Healing.
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Discount : 55%
Total Package Value $555
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
For You, Just
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on
finishing a past pain (physical or emotional)
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and
to get present that you can use in your daily life
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to as needed so you stay out of the quagmire of re-creating more stuff to process and to stay on your journey
Sound file to assist in the quickening of their healing (if needed)
Discount: 47%
Total Package Value $1055
From Heartache to Joy
Special Offer
For You, Just
1-on-1 Session with Bill where he coaches you on
finishing a past pain (physical or emotional)
Learn and practice a technique to clear the past and
to get present that you can use in your daily life
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to as needed so you stay out of the quagmire of re-creating more stuff to process and to stay on your journey
Sound file to assist in the quickening of their healing (if needed)
A second 1-on-1 session with Bill where he helps you move into creating a reality of your heartfelt desire
Learn and practice a technique for sorting what you desire most
Recorded session with bowls played for you to listen to over and over again to help you create your future.
Package A – No Refund after Session is Taken. Conditions apply
Package B – No Refund after Session is Taken
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.