Turn on Your Smart Cell, Awaken Your Bi Fi, and Rewrite Your DNA!
Anything Can Be Possible When You Learn How to Navigate Your Biological Internet!
“Powerful Release of Long Held Fears -- My Body Actually Shook! Enabled Me to Move Forward with Life”
"We were sitting in my sister’s room and we were working in the quantum field. And when Andie started working on me, I was looking at the lights and the lights started getting brighter and brighter because we were at a higher frequency! We were all vibrating at that space of love. And I remember as she was working on me, I was standing up and she was clearing all the fear (and this is the first time I’ve experienced this in 2012) and my body started shaking - no one’s ever done that to me. But when she was working on me, my body started shaking as she was releasing the fear. I could barely stand up. It was like I was having spasms in my body and I could feel it leaving… Andie really helped me move forward in my life to where after she did that activation on me -- after we did that work together -- I started making changes… She really moved things very quickly for me -- quantumly -- to where everything I did after that was easy/strong> -- step after step after step! Andie is a master healer and a master teacher!"
~ Iona Flores
“Miracles DO Happen! I am Confidently Pursuing My Dreams!”
"My biggest issues were a lack of clarity in terms of career and direction, lack of self-esteem, emotional pain. I am hoping to achieve a magical career using my gifts and talents, prosperity, ability to balance the emotions and to believe in myself. In the last few days I have definitely noticed a big shift. I am using the bubble a lot and have neutralised some big issues and it's working brilliantly! I have also magnetised powerful manifesting techniques which I believe have come to me as a result of the Maestro of Humanity course. I am also understanding what it is to be the hunted rather than the hunter and working towards embodying this. The shift is happening and I am expecting to be hunted much more now rather than forcing things to happen. The looking behind your eyes concept has really helped with this. A place of neutrality and no forcing. Thank you so much.
If I could tell you one thing -- Go for it! This really works and creates considerable shifts. Miracles happen and propel you on your highest journey."
~ Rachel H.
“Finally Have Resolution with My Ex &
Now We’re Able to Be Friends and Co-Parents!”
"I felt like I couldn't shake off the energy of my ex husband from my field. We have been separated for more than a year, divorced for more than a month before our session. I have tried energy clearings, ending all contracts, vows, etc. But there was still something there, like a residue. After we worked together, my ex husband and I started NOT hating each other. We started to get along, and even went on a weekend trip to take the kids to the beach and a wildlife sanctuary. We were able to talk about a lot of things we would otherwise not be able to discuss. We hashed things out between us. We found the basis for co-parenting: friendship. Andie is a very down-to-earth healer who listens to you and hears you loud and clear. I love how comfortable I immediately got the second we started talking on the phone. The healings were deep and her energy was palpable. She is a very powerful healer and I have no doubt in my mind that she can help anyone with any problem that arises."
~ Missy Dee
“Now I am Living My Dreams, Appreciated by My Family, & Truly Myself!”
"By the time I heard Andie speak the first time, I had worked with a huge number of healers, attended webinars, done one on ones, followed month long courses, etc. and still felt like what I was looking for was an illusion. Andie reminded me to stop and breathe. She taught me to go inside, that is where I would find what I was looking for. She told me what an amazing being I am and that I have so many gifts to give to myself and the world. What, little old me? Yes. YOU. Before Andie, I gave and gave until I had nothing to give myself. I lived in my head. I believed if I worked hard and solved everyone's financial problems I would feel better. I was my family's ATM, I was always worrying about money. Those around me kinda didn't really see me. They forgot my birthday and important dates, they forgot to send thank you notes, I felt I did not really matter to them.
Andie firmly guided through letting go my stories and taking whatever lessons needed to be learned. I had the weight of my world on my shoulders. I have learned how to discern what is mine and what is not. I am clearing and letting go. I am a member of her VIP group and every morning we go through a meditation and exercise in meeting our higher selves and I am learning to love myself, to appreciate myself and to like myself. In the last one year, I have become very visible to my family and friends. I have been gifted at least 7 designer purses, 2 designer wallets, shoes, phone, expensive wristwatch and cash from friends for no reason. From eternal giver to perennial receiver! I am loving it. Andie is extremely generous with her gift. She tells it like it is and does not sugar coat. I am so grateful that I met her when I did. I was ready for her.
Today, I look at myself in absolute wonder. I dream big, I have an amazing project going on in Africa that I believe I would never have embarked upon had I not done work with Andie. Thank you ever so much for helping and guiding me to realize that I belong here, I am at the right place at the right time doing absolutely what I came here to do.
If you are looking for clarity and guidance from a truly loving, generous, authentic soul, go with Andie. You will be amazed!
Working with Andie has opened up avenues in my life that I never before considered available to me. I love her and appreciate her."
~ Maria K.
“My Life Has More Joy & Ease Now! Multiple Incredible Breakthroughs!”
"I have been working with Andie for years, after hearing about her on your summit and I can honestly say that my life has more joy and ease. I am so much more grounded and finally know what it feels like to love myself.
We have been breaking through patterns and limiting beliefs that I didn't even know I had. I trust her implicitly, she can read my energy and reveal blockages and what I need to work on.
I have recommended my sister and my daughter to also work with Andie.
Both have had amazing breakthroughs.
I highly recommend Andie's work."
~ Shaheen K., Glasgow U.K.
Are you tired of always feeling like
you’re always fighting against life?
Tired of feeling like you’re not enough?
EVERYTHING is such a struggle!
Like something is weighing you down...
Does this sound familiar:
- I didn’t mean to snap like that… I don’t know why I’m so irritated all the time!
- Why is this happening to ME?!! Good things only happen to other people!
- Why am I always getting in my OWN WAY! It’s like I don’t want to succeed...
- Things might be ok right now, but just wait… something is bound to go wrong soon.
- I just don’t have the energy to struggle any more...
- I wish I could feel happy again…
- I want to believe in myself again…
- I just need to rewire my whole system and start over!

You’re stuck in a pattern of scarcity and enveloped in a negative resonance. And it feels awful, and lonely, and downright painful. Right now, you’re in the tar pit and, well, it stinks.
You want to change... desperately, maybe you’ve even tried other healing avenues already… But they’ve all failed for you. Here you are, still fearful, hugging the walls of the status quo, afraid to truly change.
I know exactly how you feel, my friend
And I know the reason why!
We are at the resetting point of our evolution and this is not an easy, simple, or comfortable process to go through. Especially not when you’re going through it alone.
But I’m here to guide you…
Science is finally catching up with what I’ve known for some time -- that our Human DNA is a Biological Internet! Our Biological Internet (or Bi Fi) behaves like the internet as well and if you know how to connect and navigate it, then you can have access to possibilities you’ve never experienced before!
How exactly is my DNA like the Internet?!!
Both are able to:
- Be used to store data
- Work as a communication network
- Call up the proper data from the network to be utilized when needed
- Work wirelessly -- like remote healing, telepathy, and remote sensing
- [Most Importantly!] Be reprogrammed -- Human DNA can be altered through resonate words and proper frequencies
So what’s a “Smart Cell” and why should I turn mine on?!
Your Smart Cell is that space within yourself where you know that you know and nothing can talk you out of it. With your Smart Cell turned on, you can mine your records of deep knowing and use this tool to serve as a Laser Point for your attention. You will be able to bring back the knowledge necessary from your universal mind to contribute to your success and to your own personal Christed matrix.
With access to this wealth of information and knowledge through your Laser Point focus, you’ll be able to rewrite your DNA and yourself through changing your internal language with tone and resonance. This will open you up to undreamed of opportunities!
Are You Ready Rewire Your DNA?!
In my program, Karma Release - Awaken to the Remembrance Within, I introduced you to the Male Microchimerism Virus. Male Microchimerism is a virus that’s been embedded into our DNA by the patriarchy since the beginning of time. This was an ancient pact our ancestors made and we are still struggling with the ramifications of that agreement. This has been life as humanity has known it -- until NOW!
Through the process of Karma Release, we were able to remove the Male Microchimerism Virus from our DNA. Working on this cellular level to change our genetic makeup enabled us to experience freedom from our past, but now we can do so much more…
“This Package (Karma Release) Changed My Life -- Financially & Personally!”
"I love this package (Karma Release/Male Microchimerism), along with Andie Depass. I truly believe that it was with Andie's help and the energetics of this package that my husband and I were able to finally successfully navigate an important loan process that we had been getting the runaround on for over two years and time was running out. Not only was the very important loan finalized, but my husband's and my communication were and are still much improved financially and personally. I'm ready to do it again."
~ Kathleen K.
“Business is Booming! New Contacts and a Big Order Just Came In!”
"My main problem has been my finances and all that it entails, like being able to buy and pay for things that are necessary for our survival.
After my session with Andie, I met with the person who is offering to share space for my business this Saturday. He is promising a lot of work and the possibility of getting me new clients. He wants to place a test order for 300 t-shirts to be produced right away.
I would encourage anyone sitting at the fence to jump in that this Male Microchimerism work and everything else you have to offer is a must if one is serious about finding their true mission."
~ Luis P.
“I am Free from my Ex-boyfriend’s Financial Karma!”
"What a powerful clearings... And not only that, she always checks on all of us to see our progress.
She helped me release cords and ties with a very powerful ex-boyfriend I had few years back. And it turns out that he still had power over me and that I had imprinted his financial issues.
I am truly grateful for this clearing as this is one of a kind program and Andie was the first one to introduce the Male Microchimerism to us!
She is a true, genuine healer ready to help everyone in need. I feel so free now and since the day I got introduced to her my life has changed for the better.
I assure you that you are in for a treat! What an amazing healer and beautiful soul ageing. Don't miss her call. Highly recommended! Blessings to all!"
~ Diana T.
Here we start -- In The Tar Pit:
Being under the control of Male Microchimerism still is what I call “The Tar Pit”.

Imagine yourself covered in thick, heavy tar:
- You can’t move freely
- You can’t reach your potential
- You can’t transcend into higher dimensions
- You can’t resonate at a higher frequency
You are stuck in the muck and it stinks!
But you don’t have to be there any longer!
In my original program, we started the process I call “The Wash Cycle”! Here you are at the beginning, desperately trying to pull yourself out of the tar pit, in need of a good cleaning up! Karma Release was the washing machine. Through that process, we identified Male Microchimerism in our bodies and began to clear our DNA of its toxic, controlling effects by taking our first cleansing dips into the wash cycle.
That was the first step, but now we can do more!
Through learning how to connect to and navigate our Biological Internet, we can actually reprogram our DNA through resonating words and certain frequencies. This process can be used to heal mental, emotional, and physical wounds once you learn how to set your Laser Point of attention.
Your DNA and your life story aren’t set!
It can all be rewritten and I’ll show you how!
Once we began washing away the tar, and removing unwanted DNA through Karma Release,we were able to start our accession into the 4th dimension. We feel these moments of glorious light where we are in touch with our higher selves. This ascended state isn’t permanent for us yet. We’ve been stuck in the muck so long that we end up going back and forth a few times during this evolution. The good news -- we are augmented a little bit each time we make this journey. More radiance! More illumination! More pieces of the true us shining through!
We are here, now, to boldly embrace this progression and
clearly transform into something magnificent!
“My Journey Through Breast Cancer With Archangel Andie by My Side”
"…. I was calm, observing. The whole thing never touched me, I could not identify with that cancer not even for a moment. But I knew, I will bring my body to all the appointments, to the surgery, treatments, that was not a problem for me. I felt blessed and grateful for all this divine GRACE and guidance. And I had an ArchAngel at my side, Andie, she did a beautiful powerful healing, which I repeated regularly and took on my MP3 player with me into the hospital – Andie was holding my hand throughout all that period, I was never alone! She sent me constantly LIGHT and Healing. Even during the operation, she was connected with me and merged with so much LOVE...
This little piece of cancer turned out to be the most precious diamond--a gift of life! I never had pain, and no lymph nodes got involved. My healing is proceeding joyfully and I even forget there was something dangerous in my breast.
I really would like to give all my blessings and thanks to Andie for all that she's done. I really love you, Andie. Thank you so, so much!"
~ Silvia M.
“Finally Able to Break Old, Negative Patterns & Now I Have Great Relationships!”
"What are my most dramatic results: Well giving myself first is one thing that I was really unable to do, saying no for people who take advantage of me was really hard! But I have made it now! I am much stronger and more connected to myself. Now I’m feeling more fulfilled when I used to feel like there is something missing. I’ve broken the pattern of losing money and opportunities (Andie told me that this pattern has something to do with not giving to myself as I give others and not giving myself priority). It didn’t happened directly after the call, but gradually over one month everything started to change including my relationship with my family (thank you dear Andie!).
What has been the impact in my life: A LOT! My relationship with my family is getting better every day, I am becoming more understanding of what is happening around me in regards to the energetic nature of the event and the people’s behavior, and the difficulties that I would face etc.. and the best thing is that I am connecting with my higher self more now.
What would I say to YOU!: Please don’t wait another day in struggle, give yourself a chance to change for the better, to have more in your life, to be more in connection with the real you and be a part of Andie’s beautiful group [Dimensional Consciousness], this will be the best prize from you to yourself."
~ Rabab Q.
Break Into Your Light
If you’re ready to burn away the tar once and for all,
then here is what this program can do for you:

- Teach you how to give permission to the inner realms of your consciousness to reveal the knowledge of yourself. We are here to know ourselves!
- Develop an appreciation for who you truly are, which enable you to participate in a higher resonating form of yourself throughout your world.
- Guide you through accessing your Biological Internet and turning on your Smart Cell to harness the power within to rewrite your DNA!
- Awaken the awareness in you of your own, deeply held energy and knowledge so that you can express who you truly are and enjoy a life well lived!
- Begin manifesting your mastery into a harmonic initiation (harmonizing who you are with yourself) within the temple of your cellular tones to rewrite your story!
- Nurture the love that YOU ARE!
- Light the fire inside of you that will burn away anything that’s holding you back so you can truly evolve!
We are going from Tar to Star!
So how are we going to do that?!! Right now, we are evolving quickly and our carbon based, 3rd dimensional energies are finally being expanded. Through this program, we will ascend into our 4th dimensional versions so that we can form a Crystalline base of solar energy, which will reflect our true beauty of light! We will free ourselves of our deficiencies and find more gratitude, more elevation, more light in all situations.
With your new, internal starlight, you will be in a space where you can illuminate to create! With your solar light for guidance, you’ll be able to discover multiple formations of pathways and see new ways to acquire what you desire as you start to blend energies together.
You have choice over what your reality is -- once and for all!
“I Am Living the Life I Came to Live! Change on a Cellular Level”
"I have worked with Andie for years and I can honestly say that my energy has changed beyond recognition. The difference being I am trusting life, I have let go of my limiting beliefs, and I am experiencing life with ease and fulfilment.
My perceptions have also changed. I have a higher vibration and I am easily attracting people and ideas into my reality.
When I first started working with Andie I had other healers and mentors, but Andie surpasses them all. I intuitively knew this is what is going to make a difference and she is a gift that came just when I needed it. I am more confident within myself and the big one for me is letting go of the notion of finding fulfilment outside of myself. I am experiencing calm and clarity as a way of life now. It's like she has given me the blueprint and I am living the life I came to live. I am releasing blocks and beliefs that no longer serve me. The work is done at the cellular level, which I have not experienced with any other healer.
Andie is generous with her time and energy, her insights are spot on. She works with a high degree of integrity, and with so much love and compassion. I totally trust her with my soul. A true gift to humanity. I feel truly blessed, that she has come into my life."
~ Shaheen K., Glasgow U.K.
“Andie Inspired Me To Branch Out Into My Own Business”
"I've had the unique experience of having Andie as a personal coach for the past year. She encouraged me to branch out into my own business, which I did about three months ago, holding my success in mind as I shifted into new and more channels of abundance, including cash dollars. Every week, I can bring my list of concerns for discussion and she shares her insights and also broader information regarding universal frequencies and dimensions, the role of the pineal gland, the Eye of Resonance, Male Microchimerism, healing, and more. In Andie, I've been blessed with someone with whom I can explore at my level daily choices, parenting and other relationships, work, and happenings in the world (including fires and floods in my backyard), as she gently and continuously nudges me towards increased perceptiveness of who and what I am. Now our relationship has progressed into a more mutual experience whereby I give of my gifts as well, making Andie not only my confidante and coach but also my friend."
~ Suzie Nixon, Harmonic Structure
““I Love the Freedom I feel from Andie’s SFC Process”clear”
"I refer clients to Andie who need energetic clearing to move into their Golden Path. Recently, she helped me clear a huge entanglement from the past – I was aware of it but could not clear it myself. Our session was magical, and I am now free to move into higher levels of myself with joy. I highly recommend this work!"
~ Joanne Justis, Chaldean Mathematician
“I Saw Recurring Thought Processes Disappear After One Session”
"If you are ready to take healing to the next level, I highly recommend Andie and her work. Her processes are quick, easy, and very effective. After one session with her, some recurring thought patterns and processes around a specific situation in my life that I had been trying to change for years, but never seemed to be able to prior, had completely gone away. I actually saw it all just going away and leaving for good! Much thanks to you Andie for your joyful compassionate nature and healing."
~ Mindy Schroeder, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Access Bars Practitioner, & Internationally Known Healer
“I Now Know my Soul’s Purpose!”
"I was led by my angels to you for assistance in helping me align with my soul purpose. I followed that guidance and knew instantly upon meeting you that you would be a life friend and mentor… Andie, you are amazing. You are here to help change the world, and you are here to help others fully step into their life's purpose. I love you like a mother and will be forever grateful to you for your compassion, warm heart, genuine presence, knowledge, and warm energy."
~ Iona Flores, Healer
Will this program work for me if I haven’t
completed Karma Release first?
Absolutely! When you work with energy there is a progression in the knowledge that you hold within yourself. Through this evolution, there are times when you know things and you don’t know how or why you know it, but you do. When you have done the work through Male Microchimerism, then you’re able to upgrade and progress in this program faster. That being said, everyone who resonates with this program will gain benefits and enlightenment through it.
Package A: This package contains 2 different sets of MP3s to get you started on your journey. The first set, Resonance Restoration, contains 15 MP3 audio files (Retail Value $1,035) Each MP3 contains a set of words that have a resonating vibration that connects into our physical body. There is an emotional aspect attached to each of these vibrations and we’ll proceed to understand how to defuse the emotion of it so we can choose to which we desire within our DNA. This MP3 series uses sounds, colors, and light to collect negative fractals and creating space for positive, 4th dimensional aspects of yourself.
Through this Resonance Restoration series, we begin encoding our thought patterns with our personal chosen sounds and light tone and tuning in energies never accessed before. We’ll resonate new aspects of ourselves and be able to easily shift from one aspect to another -- such as: from not having to having. You’ll start to have access to results you’ve never been able to before!
The second set, Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional Guide, contains 9 MP3 audio files (Retail Value $621) that will enable you to identify and utilize your guide(s), learn to anchor yourself fully into your center, and strengthen your Crystalline Base.
With the Resonance Restoration elevating our frequency and our ability to access our 4th Dimensional Guides providing stability, we’ll then be able to dive deep into our Biological Internet, activate our Smart Cell, connect with our deep sense of knowing, and through these tools learn to rewrite our DNA in 3 transformative group calls!
You will also be able to take advantage of a *FREE* 30 day trial of my exclusive VIP group, Dimensional Consciousness (Retail Value $59)!
Package B: This package will help you achieve the next level of this transformation through 3 powerful, 90 minute group coaching calls starting in August (Retail Value $1,650).
Through these classes, I’ll teach you how to play with light -- it’s with light that we shift everything. Within in each breath we take there’s an information system feeding our Biological Internet. It connects to the crystalline aspects of our brain and it’s an accessible system. It come into us every day through the air we breathe. Every day our bodies are recalibrated into this energy field full of tones of colors and resonance. Our eyes are not able to see it but it’s very physically present. You’ll learn to rewrite yourself through changing your internal language with access to these tones and resonances so that you can rewrite your DNA!
The most amazing part of these coaching calls is that they are designed to amplify your results when you repeat the steps! These classes will be the gift that keeps on giving! So be sure you give them to yourself! Your soul will thank you!
Package C: This package is for those seeking groundbreaking, personal transformation! In this package you will be able to work intensely one-on-one with Andie through 40 minute of private session. (Retail Value $200)
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Your Text
Total Package Value $1784
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional
Guide MP3s
30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
Total Package Value $3434
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional
Guide MP3s
30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
3 Incredibly, Powerful Group
Coaching Calls
Discount : 94%
Total Package Value $3634
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional
Guide MP3s
30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
3 Incredibly, Powerful Group
Coaching Calls
40 Minute Private, One-on-One Session with Andie DePass for Groundbreaking Transformations!

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Reset Reboot
This Program Includes:
- 15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
- 9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional Guide MP3s
- 30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
- Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
Replacing Irritation with Delight
Value: $69
“If You’re Seeking Guidance, Then You Need To Work With Andie!”
"My biggest issues has been trying to still my mind. I was struggling to keep it quiet long enough to access the wisdom within. As a result of my working with Andie, I am practising daily and slowly getting longer minutes of silence. It's still early days though.
If you’re considering working with Andie I would say, I would say go for it. Sometimes you just need a guide to steer you in the right direction and help you believe you can do it."
~ Lianne
Replacing Jealousy with Satisfaction
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove jealousy, feelings of unworthiness, and the mentality that you “can’t have” what you desire and making space for confidence, satisfaction, and trust. By removing this mentality of lack, you’ll experience more happiness and satisfaction in every aspect of your life.
“Open and Experiencing Abundance and Prosperity,
Able to Remove Negative Relationships”
"Andie's Male Microchimerism work is heaven sent and I am so grateful for her and heaven. There have been issues I have been working on for what seemed like forever with incremental change, when so much more was needed. I also want to do a big thank you call out to Andie for her 30 Day Money Challenge this last July and August. I literally don't know what I would have done without it. Talk about "always in the right place at the right time..."
I don't know what you did, Andie! My eyes are filling with tears of gratitude and relief, I am so thankful for our session today. There was some real movement around money for me today, movement which I'd always longed for and hadn't experienced until today. Before there had been "budges" here and there for which I was mighty grateful because I needed and appreciated any change for the better. Today was different as I felt motion all around me and starting to move through me.
You went so deep and wide, moving out so much resentment, bitterness, lack, shame and alienation for me that I had known went far and wide in my soul and my experience. I feel more like myself than I have in a long, long time and I am so very thankful for that. Your recognition of the work I have done too moved me to tears. I know there's much more to do and your recognition gives me the encouragement to continue. Sometimes I need a witness to the good as well as the bad and the ugly. Here you are and I thank you. You are so dear to me.
Later, as I began to contemplate being prosperous a person, whom I knew would begrudge me this, first came to mind. I started to feel fretful and hurt about it when poof!, I thought, "I don't have to hang out with her in my mind or spirit. Why not think of people who will be happy for me in my prosperity?" And you know what? I instantly felt no need to hang out with her. Next, the names and faces of those would be happy for me (more than I would have thought possible) sprang into my consciousness and I could feel their happiness for me, along with my own happiness for myself. This is miraculous for me, truly miraculous, as I have spent so much time painfully conscious of those who would want less for me. Whoo! Thank you, thank you.
This male microchimerism work is from the divinest angels of which you are one, Andie. I am so grateful. I can feel my very foundations changing for a whole life that is joyful and prosperous. I must tell you also that my relationships with my husband and son are easier and happier."
~ Anonymous
Replacing Dishonesty with Honesty
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove judgement, dishonesty, and criticism from our lives and make space for honesty, trustworthiness, and truthfulness. Through this meditation you will leave behind these common, frequency lower energies and create more light and truth in your life.
Replacing Lack with Enough
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove lack, competition, and forcing our desires and make space for feelings of being enough, understanding ourselves and others, and drawing in our desires with ease. Learn to embrace that you are always enough -- just as you are -- in this moment. Always and forever.
“I am blossoming… Million Dollar Contracts Keep Coming In!”
"I feel like abundance is flowing my way on all levels of my life. I am so grateful for Andie’s programs and personal sessions and would like to share my experience with anyone who wants to make positive changes in any and all areas of their life.
I had emotional triggers that were causing me a lot of emotional upset and she cleared them quickly and easily so I am not triggered anymore! She is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and things always shift for the better!
Before working with Andie, I used to say horrible things about myself to myself and was living in a very low energy. Since having sessions with Andie, I actually love myself and have shifted in the way I talk and think! It has made a huge difference in my life! My money flow has improved and my relationships are much better. I feel like I am a different person than I was before. I always feel so much better after I talk to her."
My business is doing better with more clients and multiple MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACTS flowing in, I am more confident and I am looking forward to the future.
I have also added 6 new books and music to my series of Children's Book http://www.bethemagicyouare.com/
In my opinion, Andie is one of the most innovative healers on the planet."
~ Anita H., CEO, Author
Replacing Boring with Entracing
Value: $69
“I Have Been Changed For the Better - For Good!”
"I feel so much gratitude and love, Andie! It feels so good to know that from now on, I can stay away from dull, boring and lazy and emerge in a WITTY, SMART and ENTRANCING permanent energy.
Thank you Andie"
~ Paula M.
Replacing Need with Affluence
Value: $69
"My boss called me up out of the blue to give me an exceptional money bonus this month!! This never happens! I am definitely in an abundance flow thanks to Andie!!
Andie's gifts are absolutely magnificent. Her ability to tune in to the higher realms are uncalled for and I am amazed at the expansion I have experienced ever since my session. I have more clarity and have literally reinforced my intuitive skills as well as divine connection and I owe it all to Andie.
Andie infuses clarity and ease in her healing processes and unravels all the dense and heavy blocks, limiting beliefs as well as negativity. She does this with ease and grace. You do not have to relive a trauma nor remember particular events. She zeroes in on everything in a magical way and works in an all-encompassing way, you get uplifted in so many levels.
I am also grateful because her energy is imbued in crystalline light and you feel it right away. Your frequency rises just by being in her presence. Her group calls are a treat, do not miss them!
Andie gives tools, tips and techniques that you can use every day. She is an empoweror!!! I worked on abundance with her and manifested an incredible money bonus at work (this had never happened before).Thank you, Andie, for your generosity, heart and genuine attention. I am forever grateful!!!"
~ Rym D
Replace Defeat with Victory
Value: $69
Format – MP3
Replacing Insecurity with Certainty
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove being reactive, and feeling insecure and unbalanced and make space for the remembrance that you are acceptable as you are, feel your own certainty, and understand that you are equal in all ways. You will be filled with a sense of appreciation and courage!
“Andie Provides Advanced Spiritual Wisdom!”
"My intention [during my session with Andie] was to receive empowering energy, deeper enlightenment, and higher spiritual awareness. I noticed emotionally feeling accepted, aware, calm, clear, serene, and surrendered, and I joyfully anticipate more positive physical results manifesting. Ask divine intuition to guide your decision, and know Andie will provide advanced spiritual wisdom."
~ Anonymous
Replacing Melancholy with Cheerfulness
Value: $69
Format – MP3
“My Life Was A Disaster -- NOW I Have Joy, Gratitude,
Financial Freedom -- Thanks to Andie!”
"Without our magnificent Andie, all this wouldn’t have been possible, ever! Everything is just unfolding in total bliss, grace and naturally by itself. No effort necessary from my side. It is really as Andie says, things are coming into our field, we do not have to move towards them anymore!
Instead of a total disaster in life, as it had been for me a year ago, all got transformed into joy, gratitude, excitement and curiosity of what is showing up next. Now I see so much happiness, joy, fulfillment, possibilities, financial freedom, wealth and opulence in any area of life. Whatever is going to happen, any particle of me now know that I am always protected and divinely guided to the most magnificent life ever. All is so exciting now!
We are all so infinitely blessed having encountered this unique extraordinary Archangel in human form, Andie Depass, who is so generously sharing with us all her wisdom and knowledge of the Higher Dimensions, taking us by the hand helping to become WHO we really ARE. She is sent by God! And God is so proud of her !!!!"
~ Silvia M.
ITEM 10:
Replacing Ugliness with Loveliness
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove energies that leave us feeling ugly, distasteful, and unappealing and make space for who we truly are -- human beings who are lovely, agreeable, and deeply appealing. At the end of this meditation, you will feel your own strong ability to attract.
“Life Changing Experience - I now BELIEVE I am a Beautiful Soul!”
"My experience with Andie DePass was truly life changing. I took Andie’s class, I had a 1:1 session, and I can say first hand her process is extraordinary.
Her intentions for your growth are Divine. Combining her years of knowledge and research, with her compassionate nature, she will help you to reach further than you could imagine and become your highest and best self! She will take you to your Truth, she has a way of tapping into whom you really are, even if you forgot, and help you realize you are a beautiful soul.
She makes learning, growing and change a joyful process. Change and being honest with yourself can be ugly and Andie makes it doable as she walks with you at your own pace with a smile on your face. She is pure joy.
Her tools are so very effective. She will give you new spiritual routines to do on a daily basis to strengthen you along your path. I resonated with Andie and her powerful tools brought me such love and peace. Using her tools with consistency, you will be so amazed on how you can shift your life immediately.
Andie’s work is for everyone, if you are new to a spiritual path or if you are well on your way, no matter, she has the personalized healing for you. !
If you want your life to look different, I highly recommend Andie DePass."
~ Annette L.
ITEM 11:
Replacing Unfocused with Focus
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove energies that leave us feeling unfocused, directionless, and apathetic and make space for renewed focus, direction, and drive in our lives and our ascension journey. This meditation will aid you in maintaining your energy and motivation as you complete this work.
“This Meditation Enabled Me To Deeply Rest and Reset!”
"WOW!! That was amazing -- I heard you the whole time- then went into a DEEP REST-- till 12 Noon!! YOU’RE AMAZING-- Thanks so much for doing this!!! ENJOY TODAY-- BIG LONG HUGS!"
~ Betsi
ITEM 12:
Replacing Scattered with Gathered
Value: $69
Format – MP3
“Felt Wrapped in a Cocoon of Love”
"I have been in a friendly divorce, and in a place in my life where I felt lonely sometimes due to the fact that I don't have the intimate deeply connected relationship I yearned to have manifested on the physical level of everyday life. I had been into meditation, qigong and yoga on a daily basis, multiple times, yet some low vibration of unworthiness, resentment, feeling sorry for myself sometimes frequented. Sometimes that feeling of loneliness affected my passion and drive for the work i had signed up to do in this lifetime.
During the session, I felt this strong waves of energy, lifting me up, as if I was in clouds. I felt warmth, safety, and contentment in my body. That whole day after the morning session we had together, I was very content and peaceful sitting in meditations. It felt so good and deep. I have not felt loneliness these few days. And I am ready and have been taking actions to make this year my best ever.
Andie can help you speed up your healing, even if meditation, qigong, yoga and other mind-body healing modalities are part of your daily routine, as they have been for me for the past many years. Her healing work really bring it home for you, as it has done for me, and it has speedup your healing for you as well. As much as healing is a life's work, it does offer tremendous value to put you in a place where you can make decisions from the place of love, instead of lack and resentment. Intellectual knowing can only take a person as far, her healing and her energy will put you there right away, to give you a boost and head start.
Andie, I do want to thank you and acknowledge you for being the light you are. I am still feeling wrapped in the safe cocoon of love vibration. Thank you for revealing the oneness two life times ago. Thank you for the being and light you are."
~ Sue Z.
ITEM 13:
Replacing Stuck with Moving Forward
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove energies that make us feel stuck where we are, unable to create imaginative solutions, and withdrawn. We will spend time focusing on energies of progress and moving forward, loosening what’s holding us back, and re-engaging with ourselves and others.
“Cleared Unknown Blocks and Enable Me to Complete a Huge Project!”
"I was in very high gear trying to complete my huge book project. I just completed most of it today. Had severe computer issues but I persevered and did it anyway. I think you may have helped me clear some subconscious beliefs that were interfering with my progress and preventing completion. I absolutely recommend Andie as a coach. She did the Deep Work herself and is now embracing her Sovereignty and fully qualified to help others attain this goal. Yes, you can do this."
~ Anonymous
ITEM 14:
Replacing Fearful with Secure
Value: $69
“Andie Showed Me How to Access Source for Myself and Use My Gifts!”
"I've just had an amazing call from Andie Depass…..This came at a time when I am at a major crossroads in my life (when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears?)
Andie showed me that I was not serving myself, or filling up myself from Source, when I put them, everyone else first. She showed me how to access Source for myself to replenish and reconnect,... which would then enable me to help others from that place.
For one of my questions of what next re work, she heard that a unique way for me to use my healing gifts and creativity, that will bring me joy and fulfillment, and abundance, which I will be pursuing, with great excitement.
Throughout her clearing and healing work, I saw amazing colours, and felt joy bubbling throughout my body, even giving me the giggles at times, which further released fears and blockages that I was not aware of. There was so much energy the call dropped out several times! I am still buzzing..
Burdens and fears I have carried most/all of my life, let go and left me with a lighter, bubbly feeling inside, even long held tensions disappeared. There were many aha moments, from the moment she spoke, that blew me away, how much insight she had…If anyone needs some heartfelt guidance that really works, get in touch with Andie, she is amazing!"
~ Jeanette Sanders
ITEM 15:
Replacing Being Unseen & Unheard with Being Seen & Heard
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this MP3, we will play with sounds, colors, and light in order to remove the negative energies that make us feel unimportant: not being seen, heard, or accepted. We will insert into the space that we create energies of always being seen, heard, and accepted. You will take with you a deep sense of being valued for who you are.
“This Meditation Made Me Feel Like a Warrior Woman - Hear Me ROAR!”
"Thank you Andie for this wonderful meditation session. This sesion color - cardinal bleu. My imagination went pretty far during this session 🙂 I saw myself as a warrior woman.
Wow - the feeling was so real - I could even look at my strong arms and I was wearing a light armour - in a similar space as Atlantis. That was awesome!"
~ Paula M.
ITEM 16:
Asking for a 4th Dimensional Guide
Value: $69
Format – MP3
Through centering into your 4th dimensional aspect of yourself and connecting to your internal essence and your pineal gland, you will open up channels of energy and information. Through this process, you will be able to set your intention to request a 4th dimensional guide(s) that is connected to your higher aspect of yourself. You’ll identify and locate your own personal guide(s) who will be the most effective and able to communicate to you in your language. These guides used to be on this side, they understand what it was to be in a body, and as such they understand your struggles, your attachment to your ego, and your own weaknesses. Your guide(s) will enable you to move forward on your journey.
“Helped Me Deal With A Tragic Loss and Find Peace Again”
"My best friend of over forty years just passed away unexpectedly. I was trying to make sense of the situation and circumstances. Many of my thoughts were confirmed by you and this helped to give me peace of mind and focus. I now have less stress concerning this. Andie has wonderful insight and, I would say, I appreciate her ability to help shift lingering energies that are not beneficial."
~ Linda C.
ITEM 17:
Understanding Who Can Be a Guide
Value: $69
Format – MP3
Guides can be anyone who has passed on to the other side, completed trainings, and achieved higher levels of enlightenment. Sometimes our guide(s) surprise us with who appears by our side and it’s important to be prepared for whoever shows up!
Through this meditation, you will breathe in light, intension, and unconditional love in order to create a harmonic attunement to your own connection to your higher dimension. This will enable to send the message “I am awake and I am receiving” to your guides. Through this connection, your guides will present themselves to you!
“These Meditations Have Enabled Me to Connect To
My Guides and Manifest My Desires!”
"Working with Andie with her brilliant psychic consciousness can help you manifest your true desires of mind body and spirit. With Andie’s divine Spiritual awareness she with assist you in a positive uplifting way. Andie is the perfect person to help you on your path to fully awaken and release and let go of what no longer serves you. With Andie’s warm nature and these meditations you will tune into your inner wisdom and you will vibrationally align with your guides and source from within. Stay open to receive and with ANDIE and her meditations you WILL!"
~ Betsi B.
ITEM 18:
Allowing Transparent Into Yourself
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this audio recording you will center into your column of energy and amplify the radiance of your magnificence. Through this connection, you will be able to allow transparency into yourself. Feel the cosmic transparency within yourself that evolves and allows you to see who you truly are. You will vibrate your body to it’s pure, original vibrational resonance and have clarity to visualize your personal evolution. This true transparency allows you to see the true you and remove anything from your field that is NOT you.
ITEM 19:
Anchoring Stability Through Sacred Geometry
Value: $69
Format – MP3
In this meditation, you will breathe in light and the higher presence of yourself with the assistance of your guide(s). With this foundation, you will stand on the grounding and stability provided by sacred geometry and focus your mind on, “I like, I love, I appreciate myself…” Then we will spin the sacred geometry clockwise and magnetize the energy in order to anchor ourselves more firmly. Your energy will be amplified and radiate from your column of light.
“I Am A New Person Thanks To These Meditations! New Job!
Happier Family! Better Relationship with My Son!”
"Beloved Andie,
I started working with you almost 2 years ago. I bought a package from Eram and had one-on-one with you. I had another session with you about a year ago. I simply adore you!!!! I can't imagine my life without you!!! I am this Ania from Edinburgh with VERY intelligent son with anxiety and very unhelpful and poisoning husband.
Now I am in VIP group and listen to the morning meditations (before going to bed) every day!
You saved my life by soothing my fear about my son. After a session with you I saw everything about my son in a new way and felt a different person. Eventually, I changed my job for a lot better with much better money! I am calmer and so is my family and now in this new job I am surrounded with beautiful friendly and supportive people!
And I'm a big fan of your meditations, too!!! After about a month of listening, in the middle of February, during meditation at the end of yoga class my teacher asked as to listen to ourselves. And.... for the first time in my life, I felt a little fire within me. It was absolutely perfect, my Soul or my Little Me. I don't know. I felt happy and light!!! Now I know that whatever is going on I am perfectly happy inside!!!
Thank you Andie!!!"
~ Ania M.
ITEM 20:
Be Of The Light
Value: $69
Format – MP3
Through this meditation, we will breathe in ease and light to surround the entirety of our energetic field. Stepping into the truth of our higher selves, we experience intense freedom. From this space, we will center on our column of light and fill our consciousness with a pulsating yellow light. Enjoy this golden, liquid light flowing through your veins as your entire physical being vibrates with this color code turned on. Through this process you will be filled with a sense of self-appreciation, confidence in your abilities, and beginning to understand your perfected image from which you were created.
ITEM 21:
A Harmonizing Wash All Over Yourself
Value: $69
Format – MP3
Breathing in light and ease while standing on the structure formed through “I like, I love, I appreciate”, you will bring into yourself a beautiful energy full of alignment and clarity. This process will bring you into a new clarity to truly see yourself. You will be able to release ancient memories that you’ve been holding on to that no longer apply to this new evolution. They are finally completed. You will embrace beauty, tranquility, and a quiet center in its place.
ITEM 22:
Your Column of Light
Value: $69
Format – MP3
Through this meditation, we will envision a column of light running through our bodies as a stable, energetic structure. This column of light connects us to the Earth and to the grids surrounding us. Gently our personal gird begins to rotate around us bringing in new understanding of our dimensional consciousness and our multi-dimensional space. From this energetic core, you will be able to open multiple channels to new concepts and understanding the creativity and wisdom of your internal intelligence.
“Since Working with Andie - I Have Been Manifesting Miracle After Miracle!”
"I've been working with Andie for about two years and have seen and felt my life open again and again with her help--financially, personally, you name it. The big new thing is the offer, from a dear friend who is moving away, of a good car in exchange for helping her organize, empty and move house. During the time I've been working with Andie, she has seen me through a few car miracles from the time that my car died utterly, repairs to the older remaining family car which was serving three people, many miraculous, spontaneous offers of long term loans of cars...all for which I was and am amazed and grateful. This is all so much a part of moving along in life, freedom, mobility, joy that have increased by so much in the time that I have known and been working with Andie. I'm so glad I made the commitment to work with her after the first time I ever heard her. I knew she is connected! Love and thanks."
~ Kathleen K.
ITEM 23:
Essence of Thought
Value: $69
Format – MP3
This meditation will guide you through centering light and energy into your mind to facilitate awareness of self, expansion of your internal intelligence, and learning on an atomic level. As you center yourself into the light that you are, you’ll sense the essence of consciousness of your universal collaboration with your internal intelligence. You’ll feel the density and radiance of this essence. Through connecting to the multiple aspects of yourself -- you’ll feel more aware, alive, tuned into information. You will be able to communicate with each cell of your body.
ITEM 24:
Energizing Your Column of Light
Value: $69
Format – MP3
This meditation starts by calling into you and your internal intelligence your new guidance systems, your guide(s). You will feel them participating and collaborating with you as you expand your competence and your knowing. You will pull the Crystalline energy that has been awaken within and feel the radiance. Through our newly excavated and cleansed your vibrational resonance, you will remove what’s no longer useful, anchor into a stable foundation, attracting in what you desire.
ITEM 25:
Essence of Thought
Value: $59
LIVE Daily Healing Meditations!
Andie’s guides have identified 958 channels that need clearing in the group and we are steadily working down the list. Dimensional Consciousness members have access to daily healing meditations as we work through them. These Morning Meditations are held Monday-Thursday at 9am PST.
Fridays with Andie!
Twice a month on Friday afternoons (3:30pm PST), Andie opens the phone lines and anyone in Dimensional Consciousness can join the call. VIP members ask questions about the healing Morning Meditations, concerns in their lives, discuss areas they’re trying to work on, or whatever is on their minds with Andie! It’s an incredible opportunity to grow and share with a vibrant and loving community.
Private Facebook Group!
This is a safe and private space for just my VIP members that you’ll have access to! In it you can share, grow, and discuss with others who are going on this journey as well.
Surprises and Bonuses!
Andie is constantly in touch with and listening to what her guides feel the group needs and bringing that to YOU! This can be in the form of FREE MP3s addressing the groups energy needs, extra calls to aid in removing blocks, or articles written by her.
“Andie is a Visionary! I am Growing in Abundance and Prosperity with her Guidance!”
"Andie's VIP group is AWESOME!! ~ We get to hang out with her on Friday afternoons in an open forum to talk about anything that's coming up for us... When the group started, she realized the need for us to work with the Grace Bank Account to bless us with abundance and prosperity ~ by teaching us about compounding our money and showing us the future of economics! She is a visionary! Andie has also been taking time in the mornings for group calls and recording meditations that are out of this world!! And there are even more benefits when you join the VIP group at an incredible deal!! ~ Come and play with us so you can share and benefit from the gifts that ArchAngel Andie brings to the party ~ :)"
~ Christine L.
“Thanks to Andie’s Guidance, I Can Manifest Better Outcomes for Myself!”
"I can not say much in words to express how grateful I am to you, dear Andie, and your amazing Dimensional Consciousness program.
Since I have started with you in this program, things started to shift in me and in my life! I am not the same person anymore, I feel more present and less reactive to things that comes up through the day! I feel more peace inside and so amazed at how any conflict or problem would just end or take a better shift by holding the thought that everything is fine and it will pass! This would never happen to me before! I have heard about many others who would resolve an obstacle or even change a whole situation by hopeful thinking and deciding that it will be resolved but I have never ever think that I could do this!
My life is easier and I am more stable financially (thank you for all the support and help by giving us financial solutions and introducing us to ways of creating financial abundance which we might never think or know about them).
I am really so happy that I have joined your program and am a part of the process of raising the frequency of the world by raising our frequency and consciousnesses I am so excited about what would come up for me tomorrow 🙂
thank you, dear Andie for your gift .."
~ Rabab Q.
“Andie had guided me through tough times with love, gentleness, and vision!”
"I'm so very grateful to have Andie's exquisite care and steadfast presence in my life, especially during the tricky times where it can be difficult to know my left from my right. She's my Earth Angel and Way Shower Extraordinaire. "
~ Celine, Canada
“Surrounded by Peace Thanks to Andie and Her VIP Group”
"Thank you Andie,
Today I joined the VIP Call for the first time and I am still under the peaceful and fulfilling energy of our group. It feels like magic and I wish I could keep this energy forever.
It has been a full day of cleaning, cooking and taking care of my children and my children's friends. I have to recognize that it is not evident to find time for me, yet I promise myself to change my life. I have no clue how, yet I feel I am blessed to have my life touched by very special people like you and by the beautiful souls and energy of our group."
~ Paula Molnar
Collecting Self & Experience Gifts from All Lifetimes
Value: $69
Format – MP3
The meditation starts with breathing in undifferentiated light of the Holy Spirit, all colors seen and unseen, are called upon to come and play with you! Then you will calling in your, own personal guides and request their presence and connection to your light. Granting your guide(s) permission to step into your sphere of influence in order to recognize the platform of support surrounding you and elevate peace, kindness, and a deeper sense of self-love within yourself. You will appreciate who you are, what you’ve been contributing, and experience gifts from all your lifetimes.
Soul Remembering the Soul - MP3
This meditation begins by going into the wisdom held within your pineal gland. In the center of your pineal gland, you’ll find an eye in a pyramid which contains memories of multiple dimensional aspects of your soul’s experience. Bring your consciousness into this space to remember your soul’s experience and examine the multiple dimensional experiments that you’ve already contributed and collaborated with. You are helping yourself remember to who that you are!
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $1784
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 94% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- Everything In Package A
- 3 Incredibly, Powerful Group Coaching Calls
ITEMS 27-31:
3 Group Coaching Calls
Value: $1650
Format – Live Calls (90 Minute Each)
Group Coaching Calls are an amazingly effective tool you can use to advance your transformation and receive lasting benefits from this innovative program. The most amazing part of these coaching calls is that they are designed to amplify your results when you repeat the steps! You will be able to access these calls via telephone or via the internet through a webcast. Replay emails will be sent out following each call in case you are unable to attend them live so that you can still reap the benefits! In fact, many people have said they find the replays as powerful (if not more!) than the Live Calls! You will be able to download these recordings to listen to again and again.
In these calls you will:
- Give yourself the time to decompress, releasing the breath that you held any negativity in, and taking the opportunity to open up just enough to feel what it would be like to have what you desire and make you feel good.
- Finding your subconscious within yourself and how you access the subconsciousness. You’ll open up the volumes of energies in which you can tap into for your benefit.
- Investigate the resonating effect of the vibrational field of word resonance.
- Sense your subconscious biases and then observe and understand them so that you can choose and release what doesn’t serve you. You’ll be able to move forward as an aware conscious being!
- Neutralize and defuse the emotional reaction to benefit stillness and tranquility to move forward with your life.
- Enhance your ability to hold a light vibration in that ascended augmentation.
- Anchor yourself into a stable and yet malleable environment - being held to your natural center.
- Learn to connect and navigate your Biological Internet
- Develop a Laser Point of attention through activating your Smart Cell
- Use these tools to Rewrite Your DNA!
- Replicate these steps to intensify your results!
Dates & Times:
These classes will be held on Mondays at 5pm PST starting in August

“Experienced Incredible Healing on Group Call”
"I was on the call earlier today and with each caller's question and healing I felt it too myself! So powerful - Thank you Andie & Eram! ❤"
~ Julie Schmidt
“She Has Helped Me See and Fulfill My Greatest Potential!”
"I have greatly appreciated Andie's 3 coaching sessions with me. It blew me away, well nearly, when she spoke to me about my greatest abilities and also this helped me to step into some shoes, which until now I've shied away from, yet known at some level I have the ability to do. I've quietly worked with some of the skills she has encouraged me to practice and I feel many changes within occuring as I morph into more of who I truly am and proceed forward being my bright shiny self in this world at this time and what I have to offer.
I love Andie and I love her connection to the Holy Spirit. She is a very gifted special being, whom we are greatly blessed to have here in our midst on this planet at this time, as she uplifts us to higher frequency way of being along with gathering us lightworkers and others into their rightful place, dusting the dust off our wings of love. I love talking and listening with her because she has a very broad and greater perspective than many, like that of a great golden eagle flying high in the sky looking down, who sees much and because she can laugh with you. Thank you so much Andie"
~ Beatrice S.
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $3434
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $177
*** 95% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- Everything In Packages A & B,
- 40 minute Private, One-on-One Session with Andie DePass for Groundbreaking Transformations!
ITEM 32:
40 minute Private, One-on-One Session with Andie DePass for Groundbreaking Transformations!
Value: $200
This package is for those seeking groundbreaking, personal transformation! In this package you will be able to work intensely one-on-one with Andie through 40 minute private session. Sessions can be recorded.
If you’re ready to start feeling good and put in some personal work,
then this is what you’ve been looking for!
In these sessions you will be able to work on:
- Looking at your personal strength and weaknesses.
- Delve into any questions or difficulties you’re experiencing.
- Activating trust and shifting doubts into Yes I can.
- Refine your technique in using these new tools.
- Reconnecting to your soul and igniting a new spark of life within your soul

"My phone session with Andie Depass was Wonderful and Miraculous. I am an empath, and I sense that Andie's energy is so pure and unencumbered. She is so loving and caring. Her transmissions are "Off the Charts." I totally trust her with my life and well-being. Thank you Andie and Thank you Eram. You are both Angels incarnate! All of the Love there is for you!!"
~ George S.
"I had a private session with Andie and she took me through a powerful rebirthing process, where we cleared deep seated issues connected to my self-sabotage pattern. I can already feel a shift, as I no longer feel attached to this issue when thinking about it. Andie is authentic and full of love, a person who passionately wants to help others."
~ Soni
“Deep, Quick Healing for the Physical and Emotional Hurts of Abuse”
"I had a session because I wanted a deeper healing of the early infant sexual abuse from my father. I have done many years of healing work, though when I heard you talk, I knew there was more to be done. I also wanted help with healing herpes virus that I received in an abusive relationship. I feel that I received a great amount of healing over the years through many healing modalities that I received and also trained and studied these modalities: Access energy, Theta Healing, cranio-sacral therapy, Rebirthing Breath work, Body Harmony, counseling, homeopathic and naturopathic medicine, Quantum Biofeedback and more. Everything helped, though nothing completely healed the whole situation and all its aspects.
I was very amazed during our session when after I told Andie what I was wanting to heal she started speaking and healing every aspect of these traumas, as I heard her words I could feel things deeply throughout my whole body. I felt quite different and very good. Feeling good lasted for a few days with different memories coming to the surface as she mentioned might happen. I allowed them to pass through as she suggested as they cleared. I felt very good and strong physically and emotionally. Then the last couple of days I have been feeling pretty tired, though also believing this is part of the process of healing so deeply. I am looking forward to do more sessions in order to continue this deep healing work.
I would definitely suggest working with Andie, she is addressing energy and situations that I believe is different than anyone else I have heard of and clears energies and constrictions I didn't even know were possible to clear. She works quickly and deeply."
~ Ann K.
“Potent. Life Changing. Constant Fear transmuted to Peace and Gratitude”
"I worked with Andie Depass’ packages and had multiple sessions with her. Her work is so powerful, so potent and so life changing. It was and is life changing for me in so many ways. I felt great shifts after each session with Andie. Today, I looked back at my life even several months ago...and I am amazed at how different I feel now. I see so many amazing changes in the way I am becoming, the way I am responding, the way I feel, and the way things change and unfold in my life. I've dealt with so much trauma and pain in the past, I've lived in fear everyday for so many years...I never thought what I am experiencing now and the way I am feeling now was actually possible. With Andie's guidance and support I came to the place where I feel so much peace and gratitude and calmness. Andie taught me so many valuable tools that I am applying on a regular basis that I feel like I finally have ground under my feet. It's an awesome feeling and I am so grateful to Andie for all the guidance, love, support and for her unique gift."
~ Anonymous
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $3634
From Heartache to Joy Introductory Offer $227
*** 94% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!
“New Clients, Relationship Freedom, and Finally On Track!!!”
"Within four days of my first session with Andie I had four new clients. I was in desperate need for money and they just came right out of the woodwork looking for me! It would have been amazing enough had it stopped there. However, it didn't.
A fascinating chain of events began the very evening of our session that led to my (now ex) husband making a very poor choice. Up to this point, I've always forgiven him and let him get away with lying and hiding. Not this time!!! I finally realized for the first time that I was free! That I didn't have to put up with his lies any more! I left him and I couldn't be happier! I feel like I've been living HIS life for years. I'm just so ready to live MINE!!
I thought it would be hard or difficult to go it on my own as a single mom. But I'm loving it! I truly haven't been this happy in years! What's more, my business has continued to grow thanks to your session and your classes. It looks like I will actually be able to support my daughter and I.
Thank you for everything, Andie! You have changed my life!!!"
~ Shae A.
“My Manifestation Skills, Confidence, and Self Esteem Have Increased!”
"I had a great private session last night with Andie Depass. I purchased her package after listening to the replay. 2 hours before the session, I manifested a dinner by talking to a stranger in the street. Andie has the ability to read my energy and told me things that I never heard before. I received a clearing and an activation during the session. I feel brighter and lighter, my self confidence and self esteem are increasing, I also know myself more on decision making. I truly recommend her package with the private session. Merci Andie and Thank you ALL"
~ Marie H.
“It’s Like She Knew Me Before Our Session Started!”
"I had my first session with Andie yesterday and she is awesome! I told her she had my number before I even called! She is so knowledgeable and compassionate,I felt like I had known her forever! She gave me very valuable information and I have to work hard to make her proud before our next session! Thank you Andie,you are a joy!"
~ Janie R.
“HEALED: Finally Coming Home to My Heart and My Precious Sacred Soul!”
"I heard Andie on the past show ... TODAY!!!! Tears stream down my face ... deep grief ... the deepest ... family wreckage ... a Mother who literally burned my precious baby fingers ... and then the men who came after to further the abuse ... my heart ... shattered ... in a million pieces ... and today (along with so many other synchronicities) ... I could feel the FEMININE Healing ... it is so alive ... in my dreams ... downloads ... glyphs ... I am in complete overwhelm ... it's so exciting though ... and it feels so true ... I am coming home ... to my heart ... but more deeply to my precious sacred soul! Thank you!"
~ Brenda Joy
“My Daughter is Speaking to Me Again!”
"I had 45 minutes session with Andie in March this year. Andie did healing for relationship between my daughter and me. My daughter has refused to talk to me and did not let me to see my grandchildren or to have anything to do with me. Soon after I had my healing session with Andie, my daughter called me and I had pleasant conversation with her. Her attitude towards me has completely changed and she is very grateful for support she gets from me.
Thank you, Andie!"
~ Rose D.
“Deep Soulful Healing with ArchAngel Andie!”
"Andie Depass is an ArchAngel on Earth and she says that we are all ArchAngels! Her energy is amazing and she gets right to the core of the issue. I've been working with Andie for almost a year and she is always bringing to light what is ready to be revealed and healed. She has the compassion of Quan Yin ~ and she will give a little tough love if needed, too. Her activations are deeply soulful and you can experience more with her monthly free energy calls ~ but if you really want to move some energy in your life, I highly recommend the one-on-one calls with ArchAngel Andie"
~ Christine L.
“EVERYTHING I Had Been Praying for Miraculously Appeared (Car, Job, Apartment!)”
"I met Andie last April, I was at a real low point. I had exhausted all my resources both financial and emotional tried every modality, sought counsel from everyone and was desperate to move myself forward but simply could not.
After a long successful career 28 years and happily supporting myself, owning my own home, charting my own course, I had hit a wall. In 2008 I had been laid off due to the financial crisis, I used all my resources just to survive and somehow wound up in a relationship that had turned abusive. My soul was dying and I had given up.
Andie's endless patience, compassion and grace were my guide. Her processes were unlike anything I had tried. Every time we worked together, there was a shift.
Andie has created a deeply committed community of like-minded souls all seeking to grow and support each others. We post daily on her page, ask questions, seek advice and all support each other's journey. I have never experienced a community like this.
After months of coaching I left my circumstances with little resources and, as she predicted everything, EVERYTHING I had been seeking and praying for miraculously showed up. As if it had been there all along and was just waiting for me to show up in truth. It wasn't until Andie showed up that these huge shifts were possible. Today I have an amazing new job I love, an awesome new car, and I just moved into a great apartment exactly where I wanted to live.
I can't stop smiling ...
Countless healers, 9 years ...nothing.
Andie DePass, 5 months.... EVERYTHING!
This woman is a gift to all those brave enough to go on the journey"
~ Melissa G.
About Andie Depass
Andie is a certified Reiki Master, NLP Practitioner, Emotions Code Practitioner, and Quantum Energy Healer. She is also an author, healer, and Soul Frequency Consciousness Coach. But she is so much more than that! Andie descends from a long line of magicians and healers, including her maternal grandfather, who was a Medicine Man for his Iroquois tribe. She is a birthright healer and as such is born to do this divine and transforming work with you!
For years, she shut away her gifts in order to survive an abusive childhood, but when they reawakened and reemerged, her talents became a powerful force! One of her most potent strengths is her ability to open pathways for others. She can heal and open channels long blocked for her clients. Through this genius, Andie is able to create opportunities to help her clients achieve their goals.
Perhaps her most amazing gift is that she, herself, is an amplifier of other people’s desires in order to bring them the manifestation of those desires. When clients come into contact with Andie, she intensifies the energy of their wishes and dreams to produce life changing results! She is the master of masters when it comes to manifesting!
Andie brings grace and peace to her work and infuses her clients with a serene energy of unity. She is a true and deep nurturer and rarefied healer. For years, Andie has helped many clients find their Spiritual Identity and Life Path -- and she can do the same for YOU!
Sacred Geometry Images by Endre Balogh
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Total Package Value $1784
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional
Guide MP3s
30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
Total Package Value $3434
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional
Guide MP3s
30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
3 Incredibly, Powerful Group
Coaching Calls
Discount : 94%
Total Package Value $3634
From Heartache to Joy
Introductory Offer
15 Resonance Restoration MP3s
9 Utilizing Your 4th Dimensional
Guide MP3s
30 *FREE* Trial of Dimensional Consciousness
Exclusive FHTJ Bonus MP3
3 Incredibly, Powerful Group
Coaching Calls
40 Minute Private, One-on-One Session with Andie DePass for Groundbreaking Transformations!

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.