Note: Please ensure all digital files are downloaded to your personal system within 30 days of purchase. FHTJ is not responsible for storing files indefinitely. We will keep deleting them from our server periodically. Hence it is the responsibility of the customer to save the files as soon as possible. However, if you lose the files or do not download before they expire please write to and the files will be sent to you for a charge of $20 per download page.

Download Instructions

Downloading an MP3 File to a PC
To download an MP3 file to your PC, right-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save Target As" if you are using Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" if you are using Firefox. Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the download is complete, you can open the file to play it or transfer it to your MP3 player.

Playing MP3 Files on a Windows System
To play your downloaded MP3 file, open it in Windows Media Player, Real Player or any other music player.

Downloading an MP3 File to a Mac
To download an MP3 file to your Macintosh computer, control-click on the "Download" button of the MP3 file and select "Save this link as." Select the directory where you want the file to be saved. Once the file is downloaded, open the MP3 file in your favorite music player or transfer it to your iPod or other MP3 player.

Package A

*Reset Reboot*

This program Includes:

  • 2 in 1 Illumination Activation!!
  • Cosmic Mind Shift
  • Cosmic Timegate Activation
  • Universal Karmic Clearing
  • 15 Days of Remote Healing
  • 3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s


2 in 1 Illumination Activation!!

Format: MP3

Within this one powerful activation you will receive the following TWO life changing attunements:

  • Cosmic Frequency Power Generator Attunement
  • New Earth Template Attunement
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Long ago, before the ancient civilizations of Lemuria, Atlantis, The Maya, Inca and Egypt were birthed into creation, the Galactic Mayan Time Lords travelled to this timeline to plant a cosmic consciousness technology system deep within the inner realms of the Earth that would be instrumental in the initiation of the great golden ages of civilization.

They call this system “The Illumination” and it is a Cosmic Frequency Power Generator that transmits cosmic frequencies from the Infinite Source of Creation and distributes this light as luminant energy on the Earth to be used by humanity to create with.

As a result of the shift to the New Earth Template of Light marked by the Cosmic Emergence 2018, The Illumination is now amped up to full capacity and ready to be joined with us in love to create a world where Spirit and Matter are One.

Through this 2 in 1 Illumination Activation the Galactic Mayan Time Lords will attune your energy field to The Illumination Cosmic Frequency Power Generator AND The New Earth Template of Light.

How will you benefit from this attunement?

  • Through The Illumination Your Energy Field and DNA Will Shift Into Alignment With The Frequency Of The New Earth Template Of Light. As a result, your thoughts, deeds and actions will shift into peace, harmony, balance and alignment with Divine Will. Any and all cords connecting you to the old template of fear and separation will be cut. This means that as you heal, the distortions of the old template will be dissolved into the light and you will be healed of those distorted energies FOREVER
  • Fear, lack and limitation will be dissolved from your life. They cannot survive within the New Earth Template of Light that is connected to Source.
  • The New Earth Template is one of perpetual balance. This means you CANNOT and WILL NOT accrue any further karma. Karma is an attempt to find balance within an imbalanced, limited system. It results in your soul reincarnating lifetime after lifetime trying to balance out distortions. Within the New Earth template of Unity with Source energies of peace, harmony and balance are embedded as the foundation of reality.
  • You will lose anxieties. Anxieties exist because of the fear of separation. When you are attuned to the new Earth template of Light where the reality is fed from the infinite source of creation, there is nothing to worry about. Your needs are always taken care of and you live in joy and trust of this fact. This is true inner peace
  • Illuminate Your Divine Plan! You will call into your energy field the light information that will reveal the path of least resistance to your highest joy in every moment, leading you to the activations that are essential for the next level of your awakening, always in perfect divine timing.
  • Overcome Poverty Consciousness! To the extent that is required according to your individual needs, The Illumination will retrain your mind to create everything in your reality from the source of infinite light for the purpose of uplifting others for the highest good of all. This aligns you with the frequency of abundance and removes karmic imprints and/or energetic distortions associated with, or resulting from, poverty consciousness
  • Overcome self sabotaging behaviours that hold you back from your highest potential. Transmute selfish and self important behaviours that separate you from others and deepen your experience of Compassion.
  • You will call into your life NOW all that you have ever been and all that you will ever be that is for your highest good and the highest good of all. You will expand into the wisdom of your soul.
  • You will remember the innocence of the Divine Child within you and call those memories into your DNA and cells. This helps you to align with timeless joy and trust in the divine plan, eliminating all fears and worries about the future that may be residual in your field from the old Earth template.
  • You will get freedom from self-limiting, habitual routines that do not serve your highest good. All habits left over from the old earth template will be dissolved into the Light of the new.
  • You will drop all self deceptions that distort your perception of reality and connect with the Truth of who you are as a cosmic being of light, and all that this involves.
  • With the permission of their higher selves, your ancestors, soul family and loved ones across all space and time will also be shifted to the New Earth Template. Like you, when they heal, they will heal FOREVER and be brought into the frequency of balance.

All this and even more than I know is embedded in this activation to reunite you with your cosmic origins.

Your level of cosmic perception will evolve beyond anything you can imagine right now and a year from now you will look out at the creation and smile knowing just how far you’ve come...

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Cosmic Mind Shift

Format: MP3

With this attunement you will:

  • Open a mindgate linking your mind with the Cosmic Mind and the intelligence of the Universe.
  • Release the burdens of the mind by handing over your thoughts to be guided by Spirit to right thinking and right action in the manifestation of your divine plan for the highest good of all.
  • Dissolve self limiting thought patterns.
  • Dissolve old template mental programming that is based in fear, lack and limitation.
  • Drop all self deceptions that distort your perception of reality and connect with the Truth of who you are as a cosmic being of light.
  • Strengthen your telepathic connection with your multidimensional star family so you can send and receive messages with clarity in the advancement of your divine plan.

All this and even more than I know is embedded in this activation to reunite you with your cosmic origins.

Your level of cosmic perception will evolve beyond anything you can imagine right now and a year from now you will look out at the creation and smile knowing just how far you’ve come...

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Cosmic Timegate Activation

Format: MP3

With the help of the Galactic Mayans, you will activate a Cosmic Timegate in your energy field that you can use to go beyond linear time.

You will be able to step into your cosmic timegate at any time to call into your now light information from any space, time or dimension that will help you in the manifestation of your highest good and the highest good of all in the moment.

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Universal Karmic Clearing

Format: MP3

The Illumination will locate the root of any and all karmic residues or energetic distortions left anywhere in your multidimensional energy field from the old template and dissolve all associated energies into the New Earth Template of Light to be healed FOREVER!

Free yourself from the trials and stories of the past and release yourself from anxiety about the future!

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3 639 Encoded Cosmic Portal Activations

Format: MP3

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s recorded from inside the crystal bowl (valley) of the crystal power generator in the valley where Ahtayaa lives.

Each recording lasts 6 minutes 39 seconds and have been encoded through the light of The Illumination to dissolve residyal energetic distortions at their root cause from in your energy field from the old template.


15 Days of Remote Healing

The 15 days remote healing will automatically be activated upon purchase.

For 15 days starting from the day of purchase Ahtayaa and the Galactic Mayans will support your energy field in its shift to the New Earth template, helping you dissolve energetic distortions from the old template with ease and grace.

Cosmic Emergence Affirmations

MP3 of powerful I AM affirmations that prepare your energy field to gracefully align with the portal of Cosmic Emergence and the New Earth of Light.

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How To Use These MP3s

These recordings carry the wisdom of the Galactic Time Lords who are great masters of creation. I’ve been working at many different levels of existence to bring these activations to you. I’ve crossed timelines, navigated through worlds and lived many lifetimes. I have been working with these codes for as long as my soul has lived.
I mention this only so that you can be aware of the profundity of what is shared. 

You only need to listen to each recording once for the activations to be received into your energy field.

With your first participation you will be linked to The Illumination Cosmic Frequency Power Generator and the New Earth Template of Light will be activated to the core of your DNA.

However, continued use of these MP3’s will REALLY advance your healing process, rapidly dissolving the distortions left over from the old template. 

I recommend you start off by listening to the activations weekly, more if you like. Use them as you feel guided as part of your meditation routine.

Please keep a diary of the changes, signs and synchronicities you experience in your life so that you can map out your transformation.

As the residual energies from the old template are dissolved, and the light from source circulates unobstructed, right thinking and right action will become natural and automatic, replacing any negative ‘self’ programming.

The Illumination will evolve with you, as you, becoming an increasingly active force in your field, shaping your reality in alignment with Cosmic Law for the highest good of all.

IMPORTANT: There is no right or wrong way to visualize or perceive these activations. Go with the flow, and remember that whatever you see, sense or feel is perfect for you.

Group Work

The Galactic Mayans tell me the phenomenal results achieved by working with this consciousness technology are more rapid and profound when done in groups.

It really is logical, because we are working within a template of cosmic or unity consciousness. When one person expands, we all expand.

They say it is great when groups synchronize at set times, but because these activations are based in the eternal realms of the cosmos, you can connect anywhere and at any time to receive the full impact of the energies.

The activations are constantly evolving with your energy field, giving you exactly what you need when you need it, for your highest good.

Package B

*Deep Dive*

This program Includes:

  • All in Reset Reboot
  • March Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3


Spring Equinox Cosmic Emergence Group Activation

Format: Webinar and MP3

*Please sign up here for the Group Healing to receive your call details*

Ahtayaa and the Galactic Mayans will lead a crystalline grid group activation as the Cosmic Emergence reaches its peak during the Spring Equinox.

During this activation we will work in synergy to bring results for the group much greater than we could achieve alone.

During the call we will follow the guidance of the Galactic Mayans and we will:

  • Receive the codes of Illumination into our energy fields and DNA across all space and time and in all dimensions.
  • Set the intentions for the manifestation of peace, balance, harmony and prosperity for all!
  • Distribute the codes of illumination through the crystalline grid.
  • Uplift humanity in the shift to the New Earth Template of Light.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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