Shift Into Alignment With The New Earth Template of Light!
Live In Peace, Happiness and Abundance, Never Wanting For Anything EVER Again…

Have you ever wondered why no matter what you do the fulfilment, joy and abundance you spend so much energy working for is always so elusive?

Are you tired of wasting so much time worrying about the past and future that you have no energy left to enjoy your life now?

If you could take a quantum leap into a New Earth of Peace, Love and Unity, ditching all that karmic residue that’s been holding you back from your happiness, would you jump?

Let me reveal something to you…

The only reason it’s been an uphill struggle for you to find fulfilment and joy in your life is that the energetic conditions of planet Earth have not supported your success.

At some point the energetic system of Earth got cut off from the Source of Creation. For thousands of years we’ve been living inside a closed system of reality, under the illusion that we are separated from the Source of Infinite Wisdom and Oneness.

When a closed system develops, it is unable to access the cosmic forces at the Source of Creation. Instead it takes the original energy used to create the system and constantly recycles it.

Within the template of separation demigods were manifested that found a way to permeate consciousness and create by draining the light of incarnated souls without being able to replenish them with source light.

In short, this is the reason the 1% have been greedily hoarding energy for themselves at the expense of most of humanity. We’ve been caught in a reality based on “survival of the fittest” and it’s almost destroyed us...

When lack and limitation are created in reality the only way a soul can gain energy is by taking it from somewhere, or someone else in creation. This incurs karma and ultimately does not satisfy the soul, no matter what riches one might gather.

Whilst humanity has found creative ways to manifest win-win situations, this type of energetic environment inevitably leads to fear of loss, greed, poverty, exploitation and limitation resulting in distortions in the energetic template that grow in strength the more they are recycled and repeated. Souls are forced to reincarnate over and over again in a vain attempt to balance the distortions in their karmic field. You might be stinking rich in this lifetime, but what about the next?

But it's okay. This way of existing is disappearing and life is just starting...

We are now entering the final phase of the transition from the old holographic Earth template of fear and separation to the new Earth template of Light and Unity.

During my live call with Eram I embodied my Atlantean, Mayan and Cosmic light bodies and created an energy synergism with the From Heartache To Joy community that opened a portal for the Cosmic Emergence 2018 to stream the completion codes of The Illumination to the planet.


Cosmic Emergence is the final wave of Timegate 2012 and it is locking in the New Earth template of Light!

As the Cosmic Emergence reboots the Earth’s light body, dormant cosmic consciousness technologies are being amped up and brought back online for humanity to use.

I am a key to one of these powerful cosmic consciousness technologies.

Introducing The Illumination Cosmic
Frequency Power Generator

The Illumination is a crystalline Cosmic Frequency Power Generator that was planted in the inner realms of Earth by the Galactic Mayan Time Lords aeons ago.

It's part of an ancient consciousness system that self-generates cosmic frequencies through its connection with the Great Central Sun. It regulates the distribution of energy through the Earth’s Template of Light via the crystalline light grid, pyramid system and sacred sites, etc... making it available for humanity to use in the creation.

When Ahtayaa attunes your energy field to The Illumination Cosmic Frequency Power Generator you are able to receive and integrate the mathematical formulas of creation and transform them into life giving, illuminant energy that can be used to create your reality in alignment with Cosmic Law, peace, harmony, balance… and joy!

When you receive The Illumination distortions in your energy field related to the old template of fear, you have no choice but to be dissolved into the light of the New Earth Template of Light. When you heal, you heal FOREVER.


Why Am I Able To Offer these Activations?

I am a Master of the Golden Ray of Truth, Galactic Mayan starseed and Daughter of Illumination. This means I carry the codes of Illumination for the advancement of worlds, universes and timelines.

I am a member of the Galactic Mayan team that originally brought The Illumination Cosmic Frequency Power Generators to Earth and planted the crystalline light grid into the Earth’s energy field.

I have incarnated into this timeline to work as a cosmic gatekeeper in the anchoring of the golden codes of Illumination for the advancement of humanity in the transition to the New Earth Template of Light.

I live and work on a cosmic trigger point located in a quartz valley on the island of Roatan in Central America, where the Mayan and Atlantean timelines converge. This powerpoint on the crystalline light grid is encoded with the mathematical formulas of creation and is home to one of the Cosmic Frequency Power Generators of The Illumination.

I was recently blessed to acquire land inside the crystal bowl of the valley and very much look forward to welcoming the spiritual community to come and experience the magical portal activations here soon!

“Believe In Her As I Do And You Will See
The Transformation In Yourself”

"Ahtayaa Leigh is without doubt one of the most unconditional and inspiring Earth Angels I have ever had the privilege of knowing and working with.

Her approach to wellbeing and God is one of pure intent. Over the years she has helped strengthen my core being with the Hope and Faith that she so strongly possesses. That’s the beauty of it, Ahtayaa offers all that she is to helping others on their light journeys.

Ahtayaa will help you to segregate the illusion from reality, guiding you to finding not only yourself but the way back to God. I have to say that my life has felt ever richer and fuller since I have had the honor of being a part of Ahtayaa’s life.

Believe in her as I do and you will see the transformation in yourself. The help and support I have been gifted over the years has been life saving. I know that Ahtayaa Leigh will help you transform your life, enabling you to beautifully work from your higher self.

In love and the light,"

~  Susie Walsh, UK

“I’ve Been Able To Relive Childhood Traumas And Not Feel The Pain Of Those Traumas AT ALL! I Mean… The PAIN IS NOT THERE ANYMORE!”

"Just one week after working with Ahtayaa I can already feel that my frequency has gone through the roof! I feel so much more peace and balance, I have a deeper connection with my soul’s path, a chronic ailment is clearing up and my psychic abilities have been massively amplified!

I’ve been able to relive childhood traumas and not feel the pain of those traumas AT ALL! I mean… the PAIN IS NOT THERE ANYMORE! The pain has been replaced by a palpable sense of peace, compassion and acceptance.

Within 24 hours I began rapidly processing past life traumas in my dream state, cutting away fears that have plagued me for lifetimes. 

I have a deeper connection with my path, and am receiving daily confirmations and synchronicities that validate my mission and reveal the next steps I am meant to take. I’m so excited to see how this will develop because I know that these activations will continue to have a positive impact for the rest of my life!"

~  Jacquie Cooper, Colorado, USA

“The Results Were Immediate And For The First Time In Ages,
I Had No Thoughts, Just A Profound State Of Connection.”

"I had felt really disconnected for some time so I decided to have a Gold Ray Initiation . I found her voice to be like golden honey - So soothing and supportive that I was able to completely let go and relax into a deep state of peace as she guided me. The results were immediate and for the first time in ages, I had no thoughts, just a profound state of connection.

I was involved in healing for years and even working with many healers as well as exposing myself to many modalities and truly from my personal experience, Ahtayaa is a pure and true facilitator of the Central Sun Energies - those which catalyze and reconnect one from within to their true nature."

~  Annalysa Caden

“I Feel As If Things That Used To Bother Me
Are Being Purged And Transmuting Into.. Light, Love”

"During a recent family trip I was amazed. Triggers that would have normally sent me into the corner crying, didn't. My dad, who's a great person, is also very difficult to be around. In the past I've found his behavior at times repulsive. But this trip it was different. I found myself relaxed, and comfortable, accepting and even understanding.

I feel as if things that used to bother me are being purged and transmuting into.. light, love. My synchronicities are constant and have expanded. I listened to the golden star tetrahedron meditation before I left for my trip. It was an Amazing activation. Thank you. It's just such a beautiful journey. I welcome and am excited for the next steps.

I feel myself releasing karma and healing past wounds so much quicker now. Thank you! Thank you! For being here helping and guiding me, and so many others."

~  Diana Copsey-Adams, Amanda Drain

Are You Ready To Take A Quantum Leap In Consciousness And
Merge With The New Earth Template of Light, Unity And Peace?

There’s no doubt about it. If you’re on the ascension path then Ahtayaa’s Illumination Activation Series is a must-have as the foundation of your ascension toolkit this Year of Cosmic Emergence 2018!

*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!



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Discount: 93%

Total Package Value $1368

From Heartache to Joy 


2 in 1 Illumination Activation!

Cosmic Mind Shift MP3

Cosmic Stargate Activation MP3

Universal Karmic Clearing MP3

15 Days Remote Healing

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s


Discount: 78%

Total Package Value $1701

From Heartache to Joy


2 in 1 Illumination Activation!

Cosmic Mind Shift MP3

Cosmic Stargate Activation MP3

Universal Karmic Clearing MP3

15 Days Remote Healing

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s

March Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3


Discount : 80%

Total Package Value $2898

From Heartache to Joy

$779 $579

2 in 1 Illumination Activation!

Cosmic Mind Shift MP3

Cosmic Stargate Activation MP3

Universal Karmic Clearing MP3

15 Days Remote Healing

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s

March Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

30 Min Private Session with Ahtayaa

June Solstice Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

September Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

December Solstice Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

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Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply

Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call.

Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Call, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)

Package A

*Reset Reboot*

This program Includes:

  • 2 in 1 Illumination Activation!!
  • Cosmic Mind Shift
  • Cosmic Timegate Activation
  • Universal Karmic Clearing
  • 15 Days of Remote Healing
  • 3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s


2 in 1 Illumination Activation!!

Value: $639

Format: MP3

Within this one powerful activation you will receive the following TWO life changing attunements:

  • Cosmic Frequency Power Generator Attunement
  • New Earth Template Attunement

Long ago, before the ancient civilizations of Lemuria, Atlantis, The Maya, Inca and Egypt were birthed into creation, the Galactic Mayan Time Lords travelled to this timeline to plant a cosmic consciousness technology system deep within the inner realms of the Earth that would be instrumental in the initiation of the great golden ages of civilization.

They call this system “The Illumination” and it is a Cosmic Frequency Power Generator that transmits cosmic frequencies from the Infinite Source of Creation and distributes this light as luminant energy on the Earth to be used by humanity to create with.

As a result of the shift to the New Earth Template of Light marked by the Cosmic Emergence 2018, The Illumination is now amped up to full capacity and ready to be joined with us in love to create a world where Spirit and Matter are One.

Through this 2 in 1 Illumination Activation the Galactic Mayan Time Lords will attune your energy field to The Illumination Cosmic Frequency Power Generator AND The New Earth Template of Light.

How will you benefit from this attunement?

  • Through The Illumination Your Energy Field and DNA Will Shift Into Alignment With The Frequency Of The New Earth Template Of Light. As a result, your thoughts, deeds and actions will shift into peace, harmony, balance and alignment with Divine Will. Any and all cords connecting you to the old template of fear and separation will be cut. This means that as you heal, the distortions of the old template will be dissolved into the light and you will be healed of those distorted energies FOREVER
  • Fear, lack and limitation will be dissolved from your life. They cannot survive within the New Earth Template of Light that is connected to Source.
  • The New Earth Template is one of perpetual balance. This means you CANNOT and WILL NOT accrue any further karma. Karma is an attempt to find balance within an imbalanced, limited system. It results in your soul reincarnating lifetime after lifetime trying to balance out distortions. Within the New Earth template of Unity with Source energies of peace, harmony and balance are embedded as the foundation of reality.
  • You will lose anxieties. Anxieties exist because of the fear of separation. When you are attuned to the new Earth template of Light where the reality is fed from the infinite source of creation, there is nothing to worry about. Your needs are always taken care of and you live in joy and trust of this fact. This is true inner peace
  • Illuminate Your Divine Plan! You will call into your energy field the light information that will reveal the path of least resistance to your highest joy in every moment, leading you to the activations that are essential for the next level of your awakening, always in perfect divine timing.
  • Overcome Poverty Consciousness! To the extent that is required according to your individual needs, The Illumination will retrain your mind to create everything in your reality from the source of infinite light for the purpose of uplifting others for the highest good of all. This aligns you with the frequency of abundance and removes karmic imprints and/or energetic distortions associated with, or resulting from, poverty consciousness
  • Overcome self sabotaging behaviours that hold you back from your highest potential. Transmute selfish and self important behaviours that separate you from others and deepen your experience of Compassion.
  • You will call into your life NOW all that you have ever been and all that you will ever be that is for your highest good and the highest good of all. You will expand into the wisdom of your soul.
  • You will remember the innocence of the Divine Child within you and call those memories into your DNA and cells. This helps you to align with timeless joy and trust in the divine plan, eliminating all fears and worries about the future that may be residual in your field from the old Earth template.
  • You will get freedom from self-limiting, habitual routines that do not serve your highest good. All habits left over from the old earth template will be dissolved into the Light of the new.
  • You will drop all self deceptions that distort your perception of reality and connect with the Truth of who you are as a cosmic being of light, and all that this involves.
  • With the permission of their higher selves, your ancestors, soul family and loved ones across all space and time will also be shifted to the New Earth Template. Like you, when they heal, they will heal FOREVER and be brought into the frequency of balance.

All this and even more than I know is embedded in this activation to reunite you with your cosmic origins.

Your level of cosmic perception will evolve beyond anything you can imagine right now and a year from now you will look out at the creation and smile knowing just how far you’ve come...


Cosmic Mind Shift

Value: $144

Format: MP3

With this attunement you will:

  • Open a mindgate linking your mind with the Cosmic Mind and the intelligence of the Universe.
  • Release the burdens of the mind by handing over your thoughts to be guided by Spirit to right thinking and right action in the manifestation of your divine plan for the highest good of all.
  • Dissolve self limiting thought patterns.
  • Dissolve old template mental programming that is based in fear, lack and limitation.
  • Drop all self deceptions that distort your perception of reality and connect with the Truth of who you are as a cosmic being of light.
  • Strengthen your telepathic connection with your multidimensional star family so you can send and receive messages with clarity in the advancement of your divine plan.

All this and even more than I know is embedded in this activation to reunite you with your cosmic origins.

Your level of cosmic perception will evolve beyond anything you can imagine right now and a year from now you will look out at the creation and smile knowing just how far you’ve come...


Cosmic Timegate Activation

Value: $144

Format: MP3

With the help of the Galactic Mayans, you will activate a Cosmic Timegate in your energy field that you can use to go beyond linear time.

You will be able to step into your cosmic timegate at any time to call into your now light information from any space, time or dimension that will help you in the manifestation of your highest good and the highest good of all in the moment.


Universal Karmic Clearing

Value: $144

Format: MP3

The Illumination will locate the root of any and all karmic residues or energetic distortions left anywhere in your multidimensional energy field from the old template and dissolve all associated energies into the New Earth Template of Light to be healed FOREVER!

Free yourself from the trials and stories of the past and release yourself from anxiety about the future!


3 639 Encoded Cosmic Portal Activations

Value: $99

Format: MP3

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s recorded from inside the crystal bowl (valley) of the crystal power generator in the valley where Ahtayaa lives.

Each recording lasts 6 minutes 39 seconds and have been encoded through the light of The Illumination to dissolve residyal energetic distortions at their root cause from in your energy field from the old template.


15 Days of Remote Healing

Value: $144

Format: MP3

For 15 days starting from the day of purchase Ahtayaa and the Galactic Mayans will support your energy field in its shift to the New Earth template, helping you dissolve energetic distortions from the old template with ease and grace.

Cosmic Emergence Affirmations

MP3 of powerful I AM affirmations that prepare your energy field to gracefully align with the portal of Cosmic Emergence and the New Earth of Light.

How To Use These MP3s

These recordings carry the wisdom of the Galactic Time Lords who are great masters of creation. I’ve been working at many different levels of existence to bring these activations to you. I’ve crossed timelines, navigated through worlds and lived many lifetimes. I have been working with these codes for as long as my soul has lived.
I mention this only so that you can be aware of the profundity of what is shared. 

You only need to listen to each recording once for the activations to be received into your energy field.

With your first participation you will be linked to The Illumination Cosmic Frequency Power Generator and the New Earth Template of Light will be activated to the core of your DNA.

However, continued use of these MP3’s will REALLY advance your healing process, rapidly dissolving the distortions left over from the old template. 

I recommend you start off by listening to the activations weekly, more if you like. Use them as you feel guided as part of your meditation routine.

Please keep a diary of the changes, signs and synchronicities you experience in your life so that you can map out your transformation.

As the residual energies from the old template are dissolved, and the light from source circulates unobstructed, right thinking and right action will become natural and automatic, replacing any negative ‘self’ programming.

The Illumination will evolve with you, as you, becoming an increasingly active force in your field, shaping your reality in alignment with Cosmic Law for the highest good of all.

IMPORTANT: There is no right or wrong way to visualize or perceive these activations. Go with the flow, and remember that whatever you see, sense or feel is perfect for you.

Group Work

The Galactic Mayans tell me the phenomenal results achieved by working with this consciousness technology are more rapid and profound when done in groups.

It really is logical, because we are working within a template of cosmic or unity consciousness. When one person expands, we all expand.

They say it is great when groups synchronize at set times, but because these activations are based in the eternal realms of the cosmos, you can connect anywhere and at any time to receive the full impact of the energies.

The activations are constantly evolving with your energy field, giving you exactly what you need when you need it, for your highest good.

Reset Reboot

Total Package Value $1,368

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99

*** 93% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package B

*Deep Dive*

This program Includes:

  • All in Reset Reboot
  • March Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3


Spring Equinox Cosmic Emergence Group Activation

Value: $333

Format: Webinar and MP3

Ahtayaa and the Galactic Mayans will lead a crystalline grid group activation as the Cosmic Emergence reaches its peak during the Spring Equinox.

During this activation we will work in synergy to bring results for the group much greater than we could achieve alone.

During the call we will follow the guidance of the Galactic Mayans and we will:

  • Receive the codes of Illumination into our energy fields and DNA across all space and time and in all dimensions.
  • Set the intentions for the manifestation of peace, balance, harmony and prosperity for all!
  • Distribute the codes of illumination through the crystalline grid.
  • Uplift humanity in the shift to the New Earth Template of Light.

Deep Dive

Total Package Value $1,701

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $369

*** 78% Saving ***

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Package C

*Total Transformation*

This program Includes:

  • Everything in Reset Reboot & Deep Dive Package
  • June Solstice Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3
  • September Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3
  • December Solstice Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3
  • 30 Minute Energy Tune-Up


June Solstice Cosmic Emergence 2018

Value: $333

Format: Webinar and MP3

During this group activation we will receive, integrate and transmit the summer solstice codes of light that advance us to the next level of our awakening into the New Earth template.

The focus of this activation will be revealed by the Galactic Mayans closer to the time.


September Equinox Cosmic Emergence 2018

Value: $333

Format: Webinar and MP3

During this group activation we will receive, integrate and transmit the September equinox codes of light that advance us to the next level of our awakening into the New Earth template.

The focus of this activation will be revealed by the Galactic Mayans closer to the time.


December Solstice Cosmic Emergence 2018

Value: $333

Format: Webinar and MP3

During this group activation we will receive, integrate and transmit the winter solstice codes of light that advance us to the next level of our awakening into the New Earth template.

The focus of this activation will be revealed by the Galactic Mayans closer to the time.

ITEM 10:

30 Minute Energy Tune-Up

Value: $198

Format: 1 on 1 Skype Session

Prior to the session Ahtayaa will ask you to focus on the intentions you want to manifest, so that you can bring the power of these intentions to your session.

Ahtayaa, working with the Galactic Mayans, will guide the process of flushing your energetic field with the golden light of illumination to assist you in transmuting energetic distortions left over from the old template of separation.

After the session you can expect to experience:

  • A greater sense of clarity.
  • More grounded in your multidimensional body
  • More peace, balance and harmony.
  • Inspired and invigorated to advance on your path.

Total Transformation

Total Package Value $2,898

From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777

Introductory Offer $579

*** 80% Saving ***

*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!


Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

“It Left Me Feeling Absolutely Glowing And Completely Re-Energized Like Every Molecule Had Been Renewed!”

"I had been feeling detached and unable to fully engage the present moment after a series of traumatic events and I wanted to reconnect and re-engage my heart.

What happened for me throughout the attunement was the sense of being at one with Great Spirit. Being in the presence of the angelic and my own higher self. It left me feeling absolutely glowing and completely re-energized like every molecule had been renewed.

This beautiful feeling of at oneness is still with me now. It is a return to Source.

More than a healing this is a complete reconnect whilst in physical form with the highest frequency imaginable!

I cannot recommend Ahtayaa and the Golden Ray Initiations highly enough! If you want to feel what it’s like to know TRUE peace don’t miss out on this opportunity!"

~  Anandi Sun Dancer

“This Is What I Have Been Searching For All Of My Life. The Golden Ray Has Reawakened My Connection To The Divine”

"I feel so blessed to have been guided to the Golden Ray Initiations. This is what I have been searching for all of my life. The Golden Ray has reawakened my conscious connection with the Divine. 

The activation brought back to me a memory of an ability I was taught by Thoth in another life. I have worked throughout this life in various areas with the energies, to clear them. I knew that in other lifetimes, I had worked with Thoth in the establishment and maintenance of the Christ Consciousness grid. I knew this work was done through the heart, but I did not have memory of how to do this fully, and today as we worked through the heart with the Golden Merkabah Torus and the Solar Sun of us and Mother Gaia, I remembered how it was done. I am so thankful to have this memory returned. 

I am also so thankful that from the first meditation with the Golden Ray, the healing of the separation of the Divine Father energies began to heal, I realize how this has kept me from fully manifesting that which I came here to do.  

I always knew I was loved, but I felt I must have done something wrong and had not been forgiven, and so was unworthy, and this is helping me to heal. Thanks and Blessings."

~  Becky Prante, USA

“For Some Months Now I Have Been Feeling Stuck And Unable To Move Forward On My Path. Ahtayaa's GSLK Attunement Changed Everything For Me!”

"The Great Solar Light Key attunement I received was nothing short of miraculous! For some months now I have been feeling stuck and unable to move forward on my path. Ahtayaa's GSLK attunement changed everything for me....I have had one spiritual experience after another and even had a previous Atlantean life revealed to me a couple nights ago! I feel so much has been unblocked and am now able to move forward with ease and grace instead of the struggles I have been experiencing for the last few months. Thank you thank you thank you, Ahtayaa!"

~  Karen Davis Black

“I Know What My Next Steps Are, And I Don't Feel Stress About It Anymore!”

" received this beautiful attunement this morning. It was a very good experience, I felt the energies working in my being and I felt the "key" spinning and working inside me. After the attunement, I felt so peaceful and calm, and this yummy sensation in my being that everything its going to be okay. I know what my next steps are, and I don't feel stress about it anymore. I am a healer, and I know that with this attunement my healing abilities will get stronger and that I could now step out of my comfort zone and start my mission. Thank you so much for this beautiful opportunity.!!!!!"

~  Georgina Sanchez

“The Great Solar Light Key Was Beyond The Expected.”

"The Great Solar Light Key was beyond the expected. The activation was fantastic, felt a marvelous unconditional love, to the point that was very difficult to get out of the moment, it felt so good that I wanted to stay there. I waited some days to see how it evolved. Since then everything has been wonderful. Thank you so much Ahtayaa Leigh for such a wonderful gift."

~  Martha S. Umana

“After My Activation Began I Started Feeling More Sure Of Myself And More Confident. I Finished My Book Within 2 Weeks!”

"Right around the time I met Ahtayaa I was trying to find myself and my true purpose here on earth. I felt confused, lost and unsure of everything. I knew I had it in me to be a writer but I didn't know how.

After my activation I started feeling more sure of myself and more confident. Immediately following the sessions I was able to finish my book in 2 weeks. I felt less indecisive and all of a sudden it was like I had answers to the questions I have been wondering about for years. I started meeting people that were into meditation and things of that nature.

Thanks to the Golden Ray Initiations I was able to find my purpose.

If you’re considering joining the Golden Ray Initiations, GO FOR IT! If you’re struggling to find your purpose DEFINITELY join…. You will find peace of mind."

~  Lee Sha Prescott

“I'm Feeling A Sense Of Empowerment, Renewed Focus And Purpose.
I’m Witnessing Major Shifts In My Daily Life!”

"My experience with the Golden Ray is an extremely a positive one! I find the activations and meditations to be very effective, powerful and at the same time peaceful and calming. I am feeling very centered and balanced, more so than I've been recently. I also feel an overwhelming sense of joy and authentic love coming through the activations and meditations as well. 

I'm feeling a sense of empowerment, renewed focus and purpose. I’m witnessing major shifts in my daily life as well. Opportunities presenting themselves out of the blue, relationships are healing and new ones are being formed that are more in alignment with where I'm at in the present moment. Overall just a greater sense of Self. 

I am very grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to be introduced and attuned to the Golden Ray. Much love and appreciation to you Ahtayaa!"

~  Melvin Evans

“The Initiation She Provided Was Not Only A Beautiful
And Deep Experience, But A Life Changing One!”

"In my nearly 25 years in eastern and western spirituality, I have experienced many initiations and attunements from traditions all over the world. When I wanted to explore the mysteries of the Golden Ray and Christ Consciousness, I searched all over the internet for someone, who is in a real deep connection and resonance with this Divine Energy. I´m so glad, that I found beautiful Ahtayaa. She is radiating and living this energy and this is the most important fact for me. The initiation she provided was not only a beautiful and deep experience, but a life changing one! I am now in an even deeper connection with the Golden Ray and I can recommend this attunement to everyone - whether you are as experienced as myself or a total beginner or anything in between. Ahtayaa will find a way to work with you from wherever you are at the moment. This is also a sign of a good teacher. Thank you, beautiful golden Ahtayaa! It is my pleasure and honor to work with you!"

~  Dieter Schwartz

“I Used To Fear Energy, But Working With You
And The Golden Ray Initiations Has Helped Me Grow In My Power!”

"When I came across the Golden Ray Initiations I was in a situation of wanting more. I had been drawn to energy healing about 10 years ago but I wasn’t in the right space at that time to engage in healing. When my guides led me to the Golden Ray Initiations I intuitively knew that this opportunity was what I needed to bring true balance into my life.

I used to fear energy, but working with you and the Golden Ray Initiations has helped me grow in my power. I now confidently stand in my energy, without the fear.

Immediately following the initiations I went through a very big spiritual body detox which has caused me to make rapid steps forward in my own self healing, and I am now feeling empowered to help the planet rise in light.

I would encourage anyone contemplating working with you to take a chance on themselves because working with the Golden Ray has been so beneficial in my life. I have moved forward so quickly on my path and the Golden Ray amplifies my healing sessions."

~  Sharon Parnell

“Every Time I Use The Golden Ray, I Can Feel A Shift Instantly In Vibration And Frequency In Everything Around Me”

"Through many synchronistic happenings, I was guided to Ahtayaa's Golden Ray Initiations. This is when all of the information came together and all the pieces fell into alignment. I instantly felt it in my heart center that I needed this information to evolve my sacred heart work. 

The power of the heart is amazing. Every time I use the Golden Ray, I can feel a shift instantly in vibration and frequency in everything around me. 

This work is beautiful. This work is powerful. Accessing the love, power, and wisdom of the sacred heart while transcending space and time through the Golden Ray will assist your warrior spirit to carry out the divine plan to bring Christ Consciousness to the Universe."

~  Sarah Lipow

“Working With The Golden Ray And Ahtayaa, Has Completely Changed My Life!”

"I feel so grateful, to have met such an amazing, gifted, and integrity based women and be attuned with such an amazing gift that I know will help so many people and raise the consciousness of our planet. The day after the attunement I woke up and felt light like a feather, and felt a shift in my energy.

Over the course of three months, I began to see orbs of light, and sparks of light flash here and there, psychic abilities that were almost dormant, coming back to me.

Now, I have energy all through the day, and I barely worked out, until this past week. I have noticed my negative self-talk disappearing almost as if it never existed, as if I’ve tuned into a new person overnight. People around me started to notice and feel this shift in me.

I know how it feels to experience childhood trauma, anxiety, fatigue, and so forth. With the power of the Golden Ray, we no longer have to stay in pain, stay in suffering and broken hearts, but have the ability to live a life full of self-love, freedom and enlightenment. It’s all worth the investment and I recommend this to anyone that is ready and open to all it has to offer, and know that you’re loved and in safe hands."

~  Alexus Emerson

“It Is A Quantum Jump!!”

"Special blessings to you for guiding many with the Great Solar Light Key Activation!! I feel so grateful that I was gifted this activation! It has been very positive and I choose to continue with this growth!!! It is a quantum jump!! I am thankful and bless you and the Universe for this great blessing!!!! Love and Golden Light, Elizabeth"

~  Elizabeth Hunter

“The Activation Left Me With Lasting Peace, Harmony And Balance.”

"On my spiritual path I've experienced a multitude of energetic initiations and as I've refined my sadhana, I've developed a higher taste to Divine resonate frequencies of the most Divine kind. I've been engaging in multidimensional work for awhile and needed a recharge, Ahtayaa appeared and was very patient, loving and deeply in tune with my soul. The activation left me with lasting peace, harmony and balance. I felt deeply grounded and filled with love during her most brilliant esoteric cosmic shamanic journey. Thank you Ahtayaa, I'm keeping close to you. Bless you for your presence and service!!"

~  Jessica Zanello

“My Neck Which Was In Pain For Two Days Has Gone And
I Felt My Heart Became Lighter”

"During the activation I felt my whole head get heavy and about 5 minutes towards the end of head suddenly heated up and I broke out into a major sweat. My neck which was in pain for two days has gone and I felt my heart became lighter. Amazing! Thanks and appreciation."

~  Angela Cheong

“I Would Encourage Anyone To Participate In Your Activations, Meditations
And Classes Because Words Cannot Describe The Experience!”

"I was feeling a bit stuck in my healing work. I had moved to a new state to be with my new partner. I was transitioning out of my private practice as a counselor to start my life as a counselor/energy worker. My partner was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has made a full recovery after treatment. My experience has been uplifting and encouraging. I have made some progress with my work and have started to host a monthly energy share. I would encourage anyone to participate in your activations, meditations and classes because words cannot describe the experience!"

~  Will Halm

“I Have A Growing Feeling Of Freedom, Wholeness And Oneness Within Myself. I Am Beginning To Understand What My Life Is All About.”

"Before I started the learning with Ahtayaa and the Golden Ray Initiations I felt so lonely in my journey. Now I can hardly imagine that feeling anymore! 

The initiations opened me up completely to the Divine and I learned to accept it as my leading source. 

I now trust my huge capacity to feel energy on a very subtle level. Day by day, I am preparing for a role in which I lead healing and contribute to bringing all humans to a higher level of consciousness. 

I have a growing feeling of freedom, wholeness and oneness within myself. I am beginning to understand what my life is all about

My Higher Self grows stronger by the day and I feel I am where I should be. 

I love your approach, Ahtayaa, and your recognition that we are all on this journey in which a lot is known and a lot is still unknown and waiting for us to discover. I can feel the purity and integrity with which you work.  

The Golden Ray Initiations are no doubt completely life transforming if you are ready and open to receive."

~  Carole Donkers

“I Noticed That Within Days Years Of Repressed
Feelings Started Bubbling Up For Release.”

"Prior to working with you I felt "stuck" in a perpetual cycle of judgement, emotional malaise and physical pain. I wanted to get outside of myself, feel more connected to nature and people.

I noticed that within days years of repressed feelings started bubbling up for release.

I encourage other empaths that I encounter to consider the Golden Ray Initiations because of its foundations of Love and its broad aspects regarding the techniques of healing. Basically, nothing escapes the Golden Ray's healing potential when one intends and is open to its healing work.

You have such an open, loving heart that is so attractive and beckons people to your presence! Keep on making the world a better place Ahtayaa!"

~  Suzy Conley

“My Healing Practice Has Now Evolved And I Have Clarity About My Path”

"I was attracted to the Golden Ray Initiations because I knew I can heal people with the golden light/energy, but I didn’t know how to use it or I didn’t know if the way I use it is ok. So I found the Golden Ray Initiations were perfect for me.

I would really recommend you do the Golden Ray Initiations with Ahtayaa if you are interested in taking your healing practice to a higher level. It is a very powerful tool and you can do so much good with it. I feel it is much stronger and more useful than the reiki I used before. My healing practice has now evolved and I have clarity about my path!"

~  Andreja Sem

“A Brilliant Teacher For Our Time”

"Ahtayaa is enthusiastic, no passionate, about what she does, which is incredibly inspiring. She is very knowledgeable and thorough in her approach. A brilliant teacher for our time."

~  Tanya Blackiston, UK

"I experienced a major release of fear from my throat, heart and past life stuff. I felt the energy coursing through my body. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

~  Rahab Miriti-Khoury

“Ahtayaa has a gift for taking the invisible and making it real.”

"Back in September 2016, I was sitting at my dining room table and heard the words gently roll past my ears "The Golden Ray". I had no idea what that was, so I googled the Golden Ray and found an article that Ahtayaa had written, which included a meditation called 'The Great Golden Flush'. I began doing the meditation and clearing out past fears, filling up with light, and feeling more clear and alive than ever before!

Next, I signed up for her energy healing course and started doing more of her activations. That October, I did the DNA activation with her and after I had finished, I felt very sleepy. So I took a nap, and then woke up and went to be with my husband. That is the moment that I believe I got pregnant.

After that point, I continued to do the activations that Ahtayaa offers, and felt like I met up with my little baby's light body in the Golden temple. Every time I went there, she was there. It was such a gift.

During one of the activations I began to ask what we should name our little girl. I began to hear the word Clarity come through. Again and again the word Clarity felt like it was raining down on me. The next day I did another meditation, and heard spirit say "Clarity can be her spirit name, but you can call her Claire on Earth." Then I guided my husband and I in a meditation to meet with her little spirit. He received the same message. This is when we knew that Clarity was her name and would be filled with golden light.

On July 8 2017, her actual due date from conception, we went to the beach, with the rising of the full moon, to do a pregnancy release ceremony that spirit encouraged us to do. We addressed and released our fears, and called her spirit to her Earth body.

The next morning, I did the DNA activation meditation again and felt like I only saw an outline of my little Clarity's light body this time. As I was in the chambers, I saw her light body enter my very pregnant belly and that evening I went into labor.

I share this experience with you because I'm so touched by the work that Ahtayaa is doing. She is such a gifted teacher that exudes love, and her caring nature can be felt from miles and miles away. The information, upgrades, light codes, guided activations, knowledge-based energy work, and certification that she teaches is absolutely wonderful! I feel so blessed to have connected with her here on Earth.

Ahtayaa has a gift for taking the invisible and making it real. She gracefully blends the two worlds of spirituality and human existence like a true cosmic artist. She makes all her programs affordable, easy to understand, and you can feel her love in every post, email, and meditation that she shares!

Since hearing those words 'the Golden ray', I feel like I have truly evolved and have had tremendous soul growth from working with her teachings! Thank you Ahtayaa for following your light and helping me follow and share mine!"

~ Sophie Frabotta

About Ahtayaa Leigh

Ahtayaa Leigh is a multidimensional Galactic Mayan starseed, ascension guide and non-trance channel for the Goddess Athena, one of the 12 Lords of Light from the Great Central Sun. Since her awakening in 2007 she has been fulfilling her divine mission working as a cosmic gatekeeper to anchor Christ Consciousness on Earth. She is based on the island of Roatan in Central America where the Mayan and Atlantean timelines converge; a powerpoint on the planetary crystalline grid.

After years of initiations, she has been empowered by the Lords of Light to transmit The Golden Ray Initiations™, a series of potent energy healing activations that download and anchor the solar geometric codes of light into your energy system that restore your primordial DNA, activate your Golden Merkaba of Light and ignite your energy system with the Cosmic Template of Creation.

Having experienced a rapid and mystical awakening she has walked the path of transmutation and spiritual rebirth for many years. Her life work is now dedicated to guiding others going through the same process of deep transformation and ascension.

At the planetary level, Ahtayaa travels to sacred destinations performing activations that support the healing of Mother Earth and the evolution of human consciousness.

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Discount: 93%

Total Package Value $1368

From Heartache to Joy 


2 in 1 Illumination Activation!

Cosmic Mind Shift MP3

Cosmic Stargate Activation MP3

Universal Karmic Clearing MP3

15 Days Remote Healing

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s


Discount: 78%

Total Package Value $1701

From Heartache to Joy


2 in 1 Illumination Activation!

Cosmic Mind Shift MP3

Cosmic Stargate Activation MP3

Universal Karmic Clearing MP3

15 Days Remote Healing

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s

March Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3


Discount : 80%

Total Package Value $2898

From Heartache to Joy

$779 $579

2 in 1 Illumination Activation!

Cosmic Mind Shift MP3

Cosmic Stargate Activation MP3

Universal Karmic Clearing MP3

15 Days Remote Healing

3 x Cosmic Portal Activation MP3’s

March Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

30 Min Private Session with Ahtayaa

June Solstice Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

September Equinox Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

December Solstice Group Healing Activation – Portal of Cosmic Emergence - Webinar and MP3

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