Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
~ Abraham Lincoln

Take your dose of new, fresh energy with The Nourisher hold right here for 5 mins with both hands and then go on! You are also improving your eyesight, taking an anti-aging dose and curing diseases in the body. Point index and middle straight and bend the other two on the thumb (or keep thumb over them to hold them down)
Our bodies are constantly fighting off germs, bacteria, viruses, pollutants, processing more than process 20, 000, 000 bits of info per second. That is more than 20 million bits of info per second. I repeat, Per second. Very simply put, the body has no desire to bother us. It will do its own thing, allowing us to do our own thing. It is already our healer. But when chronic stress, pain, illness, disease show up, we are being asked to step in, step up and upgrade the existing skill sets. It is not a cry of complaint, it is a deep desire to move from economy to business class!! It is a desire to take our power back from life's woundings, to be loved and accepted for our own authentic nature and to finally begin the journey to fulfil our potential. It is a desire to awaken the doctor within!
The good news is that we all can answer this clarion call... The great news is that all we need to do so is our breath and our hands (bonus if you can use your feet comfortably too)!
THE FIRST LAW OF ENERGY states that energy goes where our thoughts, feelings, behaviours. Which labels have you been strengthening over time that continue to keep you stuck? Get them ALL on the call! Because acknowledging what the ailment is, is the first step to awakening the doctor within - only when you see the cobweb in the corner, can you sweep it away!
Some Mental Labels and labelling:
- Dumb
- Idiot
- Loser
- Failure
- Lazy
- Procratinator
- I am not perfect
- It is easier for everyone else
- Brain Fog/ Blanking out/ Just not being able to think straight
- Lack of focus/ concentration
- Forgetfullness (we just can't remember where we placed our keys and those glasses? Right on our head while we look for them!)
- Amnesia
- Cognitive disorders - thoughts that are negative, disempowering, victim oriented
- Mental chatter
- Suspicious
- Rigid and inflexible
- Spondylitis
- Migraines
- Judgemental
- Critical
- Disapproval
- Mind games
- Manipulative
- Paralysed by fear
- Stress and stressed out
- Mental exhaustion
- Strokes, Alzeihmers, Horners syndrome
- Arthritis
- Separation and Isolation
- Persistent Old ways of thinking and being
- Insomnia/disrupted sleep
- Playing it safe — not being able to commit to new possibilities
"The information you provided was so very very helpful. I know more about my own thought patterns. I have discovered a few in our discussion. The finger holds have revealed a lot of what is "stuck" in the cells — especially as I witness the thoughts that come up when I do the holds, many things I thought were long past. There would be so much heat going through my body in the first days. And your information that the energy can move to the muscle answered my questions and help put my mind at ease.
You have given me a goal to reach !! 🙂
I am committed now to drink even more water - I am having difficulty stopping the coffee.
I am thinking if I can replace the coffee with the water, the energy will move faster and I can shift these energies in less than a year. I really do feel different in my body from the downloads. I thank you for this energy work. Biggest Hugs"
~ Chantale Levac
SLEEPING LONGER AND BETTER! (note: this is a good thing!)
"I was so impressed with the work we did. It was very focused and directed. That night I got 8 1/2 hours sleep. Very unusual for me. Then I slept during the holds on Thursday. Waking to switch holds when the bell sounded. A total of 1 1/2 hours of holding! I do not know where the path of this journey will lead. But I am doing my level best to persist with the healing. Namaste"
~ Pat Lilienthal
My Menstrual Cycle Got Normal After Years Of Irregularity
"After yesterday's hand holds yoga, I got my period on time after many years! And it is like an actual period, with proper flow (I'm sorry I'm getting into gross details but I just had to tell you this to explain why I'm so excited!) Thank you so so very much! Very grateful! "
~ SD
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us all we need to know
~ Pema Chodran

The circle of life with the index finger on thumb brings relief from mental chatter and fears while the little finger hold makes it easy for us to de-label (as you will experience on the call). Do for 5 mins on either side. Breathe through the nose and keep shoulders relaxed.
My session with you was life changing!! SO MUCH transformation on ALL levels of my BEING
"My session with you was life changing!! SO MUCH transformation on ALL levels of my BEING! I felt removed from time yet grounded in my body. A birthing took place. I felt the expansiveness of my Infinite heart full of JOY which rippled through my whole field. I still can't fully comprehend all that took place. I would love to know more why Mother Mary was there and what she said. Nidhu you asked me if i felt like there was another part to me that doesn't feel like me. Something to do with a fetus that didn't survive before me. I've had more clarity about this and I have felt at times like I'm experiencing something "other" than myself. A birthing is taking place but I hesitate to come all the way through. when I focus now on what brings me JOY I feel this will guide me to come all the way through.
Nidhu, you were my midwife! Interesting that I have been a midwife and taken care of newborn babies all my life in my job!
I am SO deeply grateful to have been gifted a connection with you Nidhu. I was meant to be assisted by YOU! LOVE, GRACE, BEAUTY and JOY to you. I also thank you for the GIFT of extra time for my birthday! I open to the ABUNDANCE of LIFE NOW!!"
~ Naomi Lang
"As everyone who has worked with Nidhu says, she is delightful and amazing at the same time. Her voice for me said I'm here with you, old stuck energy and all. I hear you and see you and we will do this together. When I wrote the word that was for me and placed it on my knees, the energy coming from her through the paper was so unbelievably strong and healing. It welled up all over me. Her analysis of my past issues and how they affect my project now was extremely accurate. Some things I was not even aware of my self but could acknowledge as I heard them that they were true, My project involves my hips, thighs and knees. She is the first healer that accepted the fact that the stuck energy is old and needs much work to clear but had me understand that it can still be healed. I am so thankful and blessed to have found her. I even spent several hours walking around without my cane as at the time the number had dropped between 3 and 2. And had started as a six The number might go back up but I will know that it can go down and I will continue to witness what happens while I work with my project. Nidhu, I love you, your healing method and the people who work with you. "
~ Thelma Fitzgerald
" Nidhu made me realize something I was holding since my childhood....This session was so powerful . Feel so much lighter and peacefully after she let me understand what is holding me back from my real path. Can't say enough of how Sweet, understanding, compassionate and peacefully you are Nidhu. The Love you irradiate is priceless. Thanks for all you do and for being an Amazing soul! "
~ Marina Newton
More than half of the word health, is heal. Look at the spelling!
~ Nidhu Satish Kapoor

THE PROTECTOR will keep you safe in crowded places, stressful situations and from negativity attaching to you as well as balance yin with yang and ground you. Do for 10 mins with both hands facing upwards. Breathe through the nose.
Terrible pain I have had in my neck for years is lifting off and wonderful new things have come into my life just in the last week of having a session with Nidhu…
"I have been meaning to post this since last week when I had my session with Nidhu Kapoor. It was absolutely amazing and I am still feeling the wonderful effects. She immediately connected with the deepest issue of my life and lovingly and incredibly skilfully helped me to release so much trapped energy in my body. I am still amazed at what happened in such a short space of time! The terrible pain I have had in my neck for years is lifting and some wonderful new things have come into my life just in the last week. Nidhu Kapoor is a master healer and a beautiful being of light and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to learn in this group and to be connected to her and to all of you. Much love!"
~ Elisabeth Scheffer
Nidhu is truly a gift from above”…Left Rotator Pain Healed, Relationship with My Mother Restored..
"Oh my heavenly gosh! I had my call with Nidhu and she is pure healing light and love. I had a few issues to cover. One on my left rotator and the other having to do with money and relationship with my mother. Well, don't you know, it's all related and how Nidhu so elegantly and mindfully healed my physical pain and shared with me triggers and experiences — this is a wow, wow, WOW experience. As I said to sweet, Nidhu, I am so pleased I followed my gut and listened to Eram's call when Nidhu was on. Nidhu is truly a gift from above. Thank you, Nidhu. Much love, gratitude, with joy and laughter. I feel so free and light! "
~ Judy Ann Sato
Some Emotional Labels and labelling:
- I am not good enough
- I am not worthy
- I am not deserving
- I am a gone case
- Constant anxiety
- Lack of motivation, joy, inspiration
- Depression
- Distrust
- Despair
- Everything feels like an effort
- Allergies
- Warts, plantars, cysts
- Diabetes
- Cancer. lymphomas
- Overwhelm
- Panic attacks
- Social anxiety
- Hiding behaviors
- Addictions to damaging behaviour, including self abuse or allowing unhealthy relationships
"My call with Nidhu was amazing. Very powerful energy. I realized at one point that I was shaking all over. Nidhu compassionately related to my struggles of being a single mother. I was overcome with tears that I had obviously been holding back for a very long time. By the end of our call, MAGIC, I felt so relieved, heard, and understood. Definite progress was made."
~ Tanya Domasky
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
~ Andy Warhol

Release the thought AND feeling that is causing you so much stress right now with every exhale. Do for 5 mins on either side. Breathe through the nose.
"I have fallen into a place of such ease and contentment feeling more peace and connection than ever before. The relatively minor blips on the screen of my life are dealt with more easily by surrendering to more rest and holds. I usually move into the harmony or inner knee holds when the need arises. I am experiencing a new depth in my friendships and receiving far more social invitations. I find myself promoting my bodywork effortlessly with a new sense of confidence and worth. People I have known for years are now seeking out my services. I am definitely experiencing a sense of gentle flow grateful for life's precious moments. Thank you so very much, Nidhu. This life has been transformed."
~ Ginny Mcmillen
Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives
~ Anonymous

THE BRAINIAC has us steepling with the tips of our thumbs and fingers touching the opposite hand. Spread the fingers and keep your elbows on a comfortable rest to hold for as long as you can. For Brain power, enhancing memory as well as recall (so students can do this in the exam hall), you may remember Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock using this!
Nidhu's Presence And Patience Allowed Me To Arrive At A New Place Of Peace And Experience A Level Of Joy I Did Not Believe Was Possible…
" I came to the call carrying a lot of anger and she met me with such grace. Earlier in the day, I had screamed at my teacher and healing mentor that I would never experience joy on the other side of this anger I was feeling and that wasn't even the point of "healing work." Nidhu's presence and patience allowed me to arrive at a new place of peace and experience a level of joy I did not believe was possible. I will forever be grateful I answered the call to experience her work. Sending each of you much love as you continue on this path. I am humbled and honored to be among you. Thank you, Nidhu!"
~ Lisa Miles Brady
"Yesterday was a hectic day for Ramadan is so special to me , anyway my In law family member visited who is annoying but the holds were amazingly awesome not only was I calm I helped him to clam down and asked to enjoy the gifts of God instead of complaining thank you so much Love n Caring makes a difference. thank you for the amazingly healing holds, just blown away... I was hurting but than slowly it went from 8 to 1 so great I was so happy n energetic that I finished the piled up work I am honoured you are in my life "
~ Mehar Sarang
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path
~ Lord Budha

With the right hand on top of the head and left hand on the heart centre, calm down your emotional distress in just a few minutes. Be at peace 🙂
"Thank you Thank you I had an incredible experience with my one on one call. Many feelings were released the cause of my heartaches and pains were revealed. I can move forward, incredible and awesome experience. Thank you I am very grateful"
~ Julia Scala
"Hello dear doctors! OMG! I absolutely loved the time we spent together. I gained so much insight yesterday about my projects that I never would have even considered to be the fundamental root of them. I thought I had resolved all those mother issues years ago. You don't know how much relief I feel today just knowing why these stuck energies are still in my body. With your loving guidance you have given me the hope I so dearly needed that I will heal. It may take some time, but there is now light where I couldn't see before. I am so grateful to be here on this phase of our healing with you all. And, I'd love to go to India just to hang out with you. 🙂 You are an angel and such a joy! Much love to you!"
~ Barbara Mitchell
Physical Labels:
Almost everything you can think of or suffer from, including PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Ageing from oxidative stress, hormonal imbalance, pain, illness, disease
"With Love I send these Words, Thank You and Gratitude, My finger split is now 95% healed this morning after yesterdays session.
Also my skin healing is better than it has been since this project startedThank You, With Love, Love, Love, With Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude"
~ Greg Gray
The lines have faded so much that I can hardly see the them. “Free Botox”
"Since I began JSJ and Nidhu showed us the"calf hold," I have done it each night just before I fall asleep as well as my normal holds because I had noticed that I had lines at the corner of my mouth. Yesterday, I remembered and checked. The lines have faded so much that I can hardly see the them. Free Botox! Thank you "
~ Janet Wyatt
I think your self emerges more clearly over time
~ Meryl Streep

THE ANTI-AGING HOLD: Cross over palms on opposite calves. Do it sitting or lying down. Stay committed to this one for best results! Unexpected bonus — ease in moving forward!
"I believe I was guided to Nidhu Kapoor. I was suffering from a persistent cough n one day I came across Eram Saeed emails n was drawn to Nidhu. I subscribed to her package n had the first call with her. My cough cleared within a few days. Nidhu is truly special, a hidden gem with great potential & healing capacities. Thank you Nidhu from the bottom of my heart. I'm so so blessed to have had the privilege of getting to know. May God bless you abundantly for ur generosity n compassion. ️️️ "
~ Malani Achro
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Circle of life while holding middle finger: Anger resides in our throat, eyes, was, temples, forehead and upper arms. Bring down it's damaging effects right now and improve your eyesight too! Do on both sides till you yawn. Breathe through the nose.
"Happy update - My skin has improved! Thank you very very much Nidhu Will be starting on my next project , Project Perfect Vision! "
~ Ragu Suppiah
"So, I have managed to get that feeling at the pit of my stomach under control and eventually eliminate it completely. My anxiety level that were sparked when I worried about something are so low as to be non-existence. These holds and lessons and the guidance covered are amazing and have helped me so very much. I really am grateful for the results I have not only seen, but felt and experienced. My aches and pains have also disappeared as I get out of bed much happier and pain free.
I had bought your package with regard to overall success, i.e., healing and abundance, but I found that it worked much faster with healing and how it worked! Bloody fantastic. I did find I did not need the additional calls as what I have done is sufficient for not only healing me but also helping others, because if I am not in a good place, I cannot help my clients, so thank you for being inspirational.
Oh another thing, I have to say this, that since I recovered from my illness I have been on a "condensed milk" binge going through a can of condensed milk every day over a period of four weeks. That is a lot of sugar but guess what, when I watch TV shows or movies, I sit on my chubby hands without even realising it and also holding my inner knees, again without realising it. I swear these holds are phenomenal as I have not put on a single ounce. I love butter and in the past I have gone through a block every two days (yes it put butter in everything), and put on tremendous weight. Since I lost the four stone due to illness, I have not put on a single kg thanks to your holds for weight loss. I know it may sound far fetched, but I do not exercise and my work is sedentary, so how I have not put on weight from eating butter again to the point of stupidity and also the condensed milk is beyond me. I also put the condensed milk in my tea. I can only attribute this to your inner knee holds and the bottom over hands.
I am slowly weaning myself off the "milk" and it seems am losing more weight which is quite phenomenal. I have never been one to diet and feel very lucky to have found a method to help me avoid getting bigger. Love "
~ Naz Maliki
Financial Labels:
- Lack of income
- Debts
- An inability to save
- Addiction to retail therapy
- Hoarding, tight fisted behaviour
- Everything becomes about the money
- Opportunities come, but don't fructify
- Afraid to ask for what you want, often underquoting yourself
- Feel guilty/wrong about having money or being successful, especially if the family has lesser
- Too much retail therapy
- You are making money, but the life you want is out of reach
- Jealousy and envy when seeing others with more money or success like a celebrity
Imagine if you could obsess about the things you love about yourself
~ Anonymous

Kuber Mudra is THE FINANCIER: Ring and little finger in palm, index finger tip + middle finger tip on thumb tip. Use this with any money chants, clearings, downloads or meditation you have to triple the benefits!
" Nidhu Kapoor so deserves to be thanked and appreciated! I've been so preoccupied with not achieving certain goals ( including the ever perennial release of weight I had forgotten to see what I was receiving.
And the universe did send what I needed. #nidhukapoor #youarethebestgift #withoutyourlove I would not have learnt to open up.
This is my #hashtag #testimony #foryou thank you for your selfless contribution into not just my life but everyone's you meet.
PS - unexpected compliments too! "
~ Neelu K Bhandari
"Yesterday, I opened up my bank account app and had the most amazing surprise waiting for me! I received a $2,736.23 credit for an interest charge correction error. WoW!! I am beyond thrilled and buzzing with joy! Thank you Nidhu Kapoor for all of your guidance! Sending you much love!"
~ Katie Kelly Opitz
Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right
~ Henry Ford

Weight release/management hold 1: Hands on inner knees (can be crossed over as well) for at least 10 mins and more if possible
I promise you these storms are only trying to wash you clean
~ Jessica Katoff

Weight release/management hold 2: Hands under bum, please! for at least 10 mins and more if possible That's it? Well, persistence helps!
Receiving Money, Home Renovations Upgrade From Unexpected ways… Life is showing up in a Grand way…
"I have some great news to share about the abundance that has been flowing my way in the past three days or so ! It is of great personal value and monetary as well ! I'm so Blessed!
I was speaking with my land lord / friend in regards to an item that needed repairs ! She mentioned that I will be getting a new kitchen , floors counter, fridge sometime later this year ! I'm renting her cute little house with a great yard and deck , price cheaper then an apartment !
I was telling her that I'm going to N.B.( province in Eastern Canada) for a holiday this coming August ! Going to my home town for a class reunion , see my brothers I haven't seen since 2006 and visit a very dear friend of mine ! Well she said don't worry about rent , I got you covered ! You'll need the extra money for your Holiday ! OMG ,the tears flowed as I really needed that extra $ and left it to the Universe to provide for me !
My son Eli had a credit with an airline which he transferred so I could purchase my ticket costing me lest than half the price !
Well it goes without saying , my heart is full and grateful for these manifestations , and for all the wonderful Beings contributing to my Wellness and Health !
Thank you Nidhu Kapoor for all that you do out of the kindness of that beautiful heart ! Life is showing up in a Grand way !! Bright Blessings to all "
~ Parise Cyr
"Greetings! Thank you for sharing your amazing healing technique with us!! I wanted to report that just within 72 hours of following your guidance, I received check in the mail for $250!!! Wow huh??!!!? Thank you!!!!"
~ Shontay Gipson
Our energies are the sum total of how we think, how we feel and how we behave. When you recognise you are stuck (you know how you know? Your doctor told you!), all three aspects are stuck. Something in how we are thinking, feeling and behaving keeps holding us back... even when we move forward, it seems like a struggle, a two-steps-back-one-step-forward and the more time goes by, the more we have done the cha-cha-cha in the same place.
If you have been focussing either on the thought or the feeling (behaviour follows one or the other and is usually focussed on by coaches and trainers), then you would definitely be moving ahead, but probably with limited success. The wholely trinity of thought, feeling and behaviour is the sum total of our vibration, impacting the law of attraction constantly. It makes more sense now, does it not, that if we have been working only one or the other, the law of attraction has also been giving you limited results?
It's when all - thought, feeling and behaviour sync in - that change becomes sustainable and transformation becomes inevitable.
And for that, you need the doctor within! You know the doctor is awake when
- Feel better, usually from the first time itself
- Have a calmer mind
- Begin making decisions from a place of clarity
- Smile more 🙂
- Have better eyesight and better hearing
- Want to love and accept yourself and others
- Have a sense of connectedness in the world, beginning with yourself
- Replace the unworthiness with your birth right of worthiness and deserving
- Begin receiving easily
- Start releasing habits of self-sabotage
- Manifest more money easily and effortlessly
- Release excess weight
- You are in the flow and since the flow is where everything is, money, opportunities, gifts... they come almost everyday (yes, almost everyday!)
- Success does not go to your head, failure does not go to your heart. You know it is all about learning, moving on and moving up!
- You maintain dynamic balance in the face of life's challenges
- The inner critic? LOL
- You move forward from a space of inspiration and motivation, rather than fear
We have answers and solutions from time immemorial and when we awaken this force in us, we access our own ancient wisdom while supporting our bodies innate superior intelligence. Our healing super amplifies and the law of attraction swings our health and wealth upwards from the first time itself!
You can absolutely and guaranteed expect a sign from the universe within 24 to 72 hours like unexpected gifts, treats, monies, compliments, opportunities, answers, solutions, support and more ease. Indeed, how does this get any better!!
It's ok to have a meltdown. Just don't unpack and live there
~ Anonymous

Different kind of Namaste… with head slightly bowed, stay here for at least 5 mins, giving thanks for all you have and all you will receive. Honor the divine and the doctor within you and others with feet firmly on the ground (do not let knees fall open), back supported and left hand OVER right hand. Breathe through the nose. Open in 5 mins to feel more blessed!
However, sometimes in the processes, the process of detoxification means feeling worse. This is temporary, sometimes only for a few minutes and part of the healing process. In severe cases of toxity, it may take a couple of days followed by a deep desire for rest – this too, is part of the body adjusting to new, lighter energies and may NOT apply to you at all. As when we go on a diet where we give up say, coffee, we get headaches as part of the body releasing caffeine/tannin build-ups, so too in energy medicine we yawn, burp, fart, want to sleep or feel exhausted, have sudden hunger or emotional outbursts, experience a heavy head, get irrationally irritated or angry. Most of these symptoms point to a deeper resolution and have to be honoured.
In its powerful gentleness, energy medicine allows us to process all these very peacefully. And if your doctor is awake, you will enjoy the many insights, messages and learnings of this time!
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Free Trial
Hold Your Hand
Discount :79%
Total Package Value $470
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
9 MP3s
19 Emails Daily Over 3 Weeks
1 Bonus Call
4 Wednesday's of Prayer circle
PDF with the principles of De-labelling & Re-labelling
Permission to share with family
Hold Hand for And
with each other
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $870
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
It Includes Package A
8 Group Calls
Facebook Group
6 Wednesday's of Prayer circle (For You or Anyone you choose)
Let Me Hold Your Hand
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $1,017
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
It Includes Package A & Package B
30 Minute Personal Session through Skype
8 Wednesday's of Prayer circle (For You or Anyone you choose)
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
"Thank you Nidhu for giving us all insight to our ability to heal, to be "doctors" and to inspire us to honor our sacred connection to our bodies through the art and practice of mudras through yoga and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I get to continue receiving emails from you and look forward to future classes with you.
It has been fun to listen to you in Mumbai and experience the sounds of your home while making a connection with your students from around the world, all of us connecting through our breathing and our intentions.
Makes me think that if we stop to breathe together perhaps we can heal not only ourselves but also this beautiful planet we share.Thanks to all the fellow "doctors" for sharing your stories. Looking forward to sharing Nidhu's future classes with you. These mudras really work!!! With love and gratitude"
~ Jan Corcoran
"My Session with Nidhu was absolutely fantastic. I may seem dramatic hear but I feel 150% better after just one session. I have tons of energy and love of life and feel really great about myself. I plan to have many more sessions with Nidhu. She is highly recommended in my mind. Please see her - You will be changed forever "
~ Amy Swanson
The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his life by merely changing his attitude
~ Oprah Winfrey

Hold the sides of the neck to release the tension in your shoulders and neck and come into balance by being able to see all points of views – what new opportunity will this bring you in 24 to 72 hours? Let us know!!
Package A |
Hold Your Hand
- 9 MP3s
- 19 emails daily over 3 weeks
- 4 Wednesday’s of prayer circle
9 MP3s
De-label, & Re-label, All Fingers Including Thumb
Format: MP3
Length: 70 minutes
Value: $66
Holding each finger with its own verbal process and unique gong clearing means you are working through your project that much faster! Not all fingers have the same time of holding in this recording, so don’t look at the watch. Just keep an hour and 10 minutes for yourself and your me time. Be hydrated, be open to receiving and enjoy the multitude of shifts that will take place. YES TO MOVING FORWARD with MORE HEALTH & WEALTH! If you want to focus on just finger, choose from below!
Note- This MP3 has Verbal instructions & gong clearings
The Thumb Special
Format: MP3
Length: 10 minutes
Value: $22

Hold the thumb for health, sustenance and confidence - your journey begins here! Unlabel, Delable and Relable!
Note- This MP3 has Verbal instructions & gong clearings
The Index Finger Special
Format: MP3
Length: 10 minutes
Value: $22

Hold the index finger for courage, strength and returning to the flow!
Note - This Mp3 has Verbal instructions & gong clearings
The Middle Finger Special
Format: MP3
Length: 10 minutes
Value: $22

Hold the middle finger for balance, abundance and improving your eyesight (and vision).
The Ring Finger Special
Format: MP3
Length: 10 minutes
Value: $22

Hold the ring finger for vitality, breathing better and being in harmony with the universe
The Little Finger Special
Format: MP3
Length: 10 minutes
Value: $22

Hold the little finger for enhancing creativity, intuition and inspiration
Note: any finger you resist is the one that carries most power to transform your life. Be in the knowing, hold it only for as long as you can without pushing it. Work with the body's responses and allow for diving timing to bring you more.
The 10 Fingers Special
Format: MP3
Length: 10 minutes
Value: $22

Hold the fists closed lightly together with thumb outside (like a you’re ready to box but without the tension☺) to get all the above in one shot of 10 mins. This is for 10 mins and is pure gong sound!
Purely Gong Healing Part 1
Format: MP3
Length: 20 minutes
Value: $33
Are you ready to take your holds to 10 mins on each side (or 20 mins, if there is no side?) Then this one is the one to use. No voice instruction because you know what to do (hello, doctor!!)
Purely Gong Healing Part 2
Format: MP3
Length: 40 minutes
Value: $44
Congratulations! You are taking on 40 mins of a hold! Make sure you have time to be by yourself once done because this one will make you feel so different, you will probably be responding to your predicament with deep quiet or even smiles 🙂 The Gong plays a little differently at the end of 20 mins in case you have to change hands, toes or sides.
19 Emails Daily Over 3 Weeks
Value: $99
These emails explore the power of healing in our hands and feet.You can share these with family and friends.
These are daily emails for 3 weeks beginning on the Monday after you join. Even if you have done hand holds for three weeks with me, do them again! You will be surprised to see how you are responding this time around
Value: $50 (Priceless!)
In the middle of the three weeks of emails, we will speak to verify doubts and answer queries.
4 Wednesdays of Prayer Circle and Healing
Value: $46
While there are no restrictions as such on the number of prayers one might wish for themselves it is highly recommended, suggested and ideal that one focus on the 1 requirement that is a priority for one right now. The prayers are not activated to any one religion and or higher intelligence– from ascended masters like Lord Buddha and Sai Baba to the magical powers of the unicorns and archangels to deities like Lord Ganpati and Laxmi Maa
Walk Out Of The Prison of Limitation - MP3 &
Get Unstuck - Move Ahead In 2 Minutes - MP3
Value: Priceless!
All of us have thoughts that imprison us and keep us stuck without us realising them. We are aware of some of these, but a lot of them operate in the shadow zone, impacting our lives for the worse. Here we work with the subconscious in another dimension (which is really as simple as what I ask you to do on the recording) and we can do this is in 3 and 2 mins without identifying the actual limiting belief. Do these often for best results. Here's to your glittering future!
Help With Damaging Wounds Sexual Abuse - MP3

As promised, here is something to help with the damaging wounds of rape/sexual abuse. This work is by no means the only recording you will ever need, but it will help you begin healing and if you have already been doing work on facing these demons, it will support you. This is a difficult journey to take alone and recognising that, Eram will be back with more to help and support us all. The two body holds below are 1) THE WINDOW to support the limbic brain to make changes while feeling safe and 2) THE FORGIVER where we palm the upper chest hold to shift us from the anger of being violated and bring some ease with what happened. Do them both for 5 - 10 mins (you can do them while lying down too) Thanking Sheila for bringing this to light on the call and to Sabina for her message to me to include the Divine Masculine. Say YES to being in your own authentic Goddess Power and begin!
Package A
Total Package Value $470
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 79% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
- 8 group calls through Instant Teleseminar once a week over 2 months
- FB group and unlimited support through it
8 Group calls
Value: $400
Format: Instant Teleseminar
Length: 1 hr each
Miracles happen all the time, but in a group with the same agenda, they happen more and faster! Our group calls are to understand (or remember) the three laws of energy and use them to our benefit while healing our stresses, aches and pains. These calls are learning and sharing based
FB group and unlimited support through it
Package B
Total Package Value $870
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 89% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
- All of Package A & Package B
- 30 min personal sessions through Skype
30 min Personal Sessions Through Skype
Value: $147
Format: Skype
Length: 30 minutes
Speak to me, hear your unique magic gong clearing, take your Energy Medicine prescription – You are not alone
Package C
Total Package Value $1,017
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 85% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
With ONE Session..Panic Attacks GONE... Sleepless Nights GONE..Im Off My Anxiety Drugs..
"The session with Nidhu exceeded my expectations in every aspect. I’ve been suffering from panic attacks, could not sleep at night for months, lost my appetite and was extremely agitated. A friend recommended Nidhu to me.
She was very articulate in her delivery and I felt that she is truly gifted with powers to heal spiritually from deep within., She was right on the dot in making me realize what I was going through and how to come over it. The exercises she recommended have helped quite a lot. I have regained my sleep since I have talked to her.
I felt very relaxed after the therapy. My anxiety has literally vanished since then. I am off my anxiety drugs which I was taking from last one month since the therapy.
I would highly recommend anyone who is suffering with anxiety, panic attacks and fears of the unknown to experience what I have experienced with Ms. Kapoor. Thank you once again. God bless you all."
~ Shahbaz Haider Agha
Monies within 10 mins of group call!
"Received a cheque today of a substantial amount within 10 minutes of today's call. Thank you Nidhu and everyone on the call. YES to more monies!!"
~ A Dudani
"I have no words to express my gratitude for Nidhu and her work, and also for you (Eram) and the beautiful work you do with the telesummit and beyond. My session with Nidhu was fantastic. I could feel the energy shift (and I usually can't really feel energy that much) and was in awe with Nidhu's loving, compassionate support. She is truly an extraordinary healer. The energy was so powerful that the call dropped! I felt energized and supported. I felt that before the call I was falling apart (due to straining relationship issues) but after Nidhu's loving care in the session, I felt whole again. I am deeply grateful!"
~ HM Nashville, TN
About Nidhu Satish Kapoor

Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Free Trial
Hold Your Hand
Discount :79%
Total Package Value $470
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
9 MP3s
19 Emails Daily Over 3 Weeks
1 Bonus Call
4 Wednesday's of Prayer circle
PDF with the principles of De-labelling & Re-labelling
Permission to share with family
Hold Hand for And
with each other
Discount: 89%
Total Package Value $870
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
It Includes Package A
8 Group Calls
Facebook Group
6 Wednesday's of Prayer circle (For You or Anyone you choose)
Let Me Hold Your Hand
Discount : 85%
Total Package Value $1,017
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
It Includes Package A & Package B
30 Minute Personal Session through Skype
8 Wednesday's of Prayer circle (For You or Anyone you choose)
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.