It’s always a combination of trauma, fear, limiting beliefs (ours & ancestrally inherited) and agreements that block us from finding our Purpose. As we release these blockages, these old paradigm energies it gets quieter and more peaceful inside. We relax. We can breathe more deeply. Our defenses soften and we feel more comfortable in our skin. And as a result,we can more easily hear/feel/sense the inner promptings, direction and guidance from our Higher Self.
That’s old trauma, fear and limiting beliefs blocking you. It’s all so noisy that you can’t “hear” your Higher Self’s quiet, small voice.
It’s quite a simple matter to clear out all that “guck” and reconnect you with You, your Higher Self, where you can KNOW your Divine Purpose.
So, the first step is to release those noisy, limiting patterns that keep you from finding your purpose and living freely & abundantly on all levels!
When you think about shining, do any of these things happen to you?
Panic sets in
You freeze
You get thrown out of your center
Your mind goes blank
Your throat closes
Your mouth goes dry
You get thrown into a state of not knowing
You lose your connection with yourSelf

Here are some of the amazing results people have experienced in a short session with Karen
- Not afraid to say “No” anymore…
- Free from procrastination…
- A giant gorilla lifted from my shoulders…
- Experiencing better relationships with myself, my spouse, friends and co-workers…
- Free from OCD tendencies…
- Free from trauma…
- My sense of fun and adventure have returned…
- Free from anger and resentment…
- Free from irrational jealousy…
- Free from guilt and grief…
- The dread is gone! My sense of fun and adventure has returned…
(To read the details of these success stories, please scroll down.)
Get ready to release all those noisy, limiting patterns…
- Unconscious trauma that keeps you on red-alert
- Trauma that causes you to freeze &makes your mind go blank (deer in the headlights)
- Fear of being hurt
- Fear of being attacked
- Fear of being judged
- Fear of being persecuted
- Fear that you’re not good enough, pure enough
- Fear of really trusting yourself
- Fear of putting yourself ‘out there’
- Fear of trusting the Universe
- Fear of knowing and not knowing
- Fear of feeling uncertain
- Fear of really shining
- Feeling powerless to change any of this!
Those limiting patterns, emotions, beliefs, etc. will be released from anywhere and everywhere they exist…
- Past lives, present & future lives
- Ancestral memory, cellular memory & the DNA
- The physical, mental, emotional & spiritual levels of your Being
- All timelines, dimensions and universes, known & unknown
And, you don’t need to know what an emotional upset is about or where it originated to release it!

Get ready to embrace your Brilliance and…
- Experience greater inner peace
- Access & trust your Knowing
- Feel safe to Be & express YOU
- Open to receive abundance in all forms
- Trust in your abilities
- Feel good enough… inside & out
- Truly love yourself
- Fully take in love, support & appreciation from others
- Feel confident & strong
- Feel really comfortable & safe in your skin
- Feel the rightness around charging for your services
- Discern your next step with confidence, clarity& ease
- Finally Be free to fly!
- And Know that all is well

Free from Irrational Jealousy
"I was being haunted by irrational thoughts and fears about my romantic partner and was having concerns that were constantly being projected by mind due to past experiences of infidelity. I knew these thoughts were irrational, but I just couldn’t shake them. These thoughts were causing me to act out in controlling and negative ways and feel very jealous. This experience was so unusual for me. I’m not normally a jealous person.
I brought this issue to Karen. Without having to get into much detail at all, she quickly got that this emotional charge was the result of a past life experience together. Within only a couple minutes, she cleared this out of my field. Now I’m my confident self again. And the next day my partner was even more loving and attentive. It’s so wonderful! Karen’s clearing was so fast, deep and thorough! Thank you!
Don't let your relationships get toxic by negative thoughts and patterns, get Karen's help and you will be amazed how much your relationship will improve... like mine did 🙂 "
~ Eram Saeed ~ Texas, USA
Incredible Growth, I’m Crystal Clear Knowing of My Soul Purpose, I Endorse Karen’s Work…
"Working with Karen is Amazing (as always). She helped me release some really old energies that needed to be cleared and it’s like a thousand pounds have come off my shoulders and chest. I now have a crystal clear knowing of my soul purpose. I’ve been working for 5 years to remember who I am at a Soul level. Working today with Karen was definitely the tipping point. I’m so excited to get started!"
~ Danielle F. ~ Vaughan, ON, Canada
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Free Trial
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1,067
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Clearing the Way
50+ Energetic Clearings in 8 Powerful MP3s
BONUS: How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
(MP3 & PDF)
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $1,567
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Clearing the Way
50+ Energetic Clearings in 8 Powerful MP3s
BONUS: How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
(MP3 & PDF)
4 Group Coaching Calls ~ 1 hour each
BONUS: Guided Meditation
“Opening to Knowing Your Divine Purpose”
Discount : 91 %
Total Package Value $1,742
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Clearing the Way
50+ Energetic Clearings in 8 Powerful MP3s
BONUS: How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
(MP3 & PDF)
4 Group Coaching Calls ~ 1 hour each
BONUS: Guided Meditation
“Opening to Knowing Your Divine Purpose”
30 Min One-on-One Session
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A |
Clearing the Way

Releasing Self-Hatred & Embracing Self-Love
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to be free of that war inside… the defences soften and dissolve so you can more easily hear/feel/sense the promptings of your Higher Self.
Get ready to release…
- All those mean thoughts & feelings that assault you
- All pain around being rejected
- The upset around being manipulated
- Feeling ashamed & embarrassed
- Feeling like a victim
- Feeling helpless & hopeless
- The pain & shock of betrayals
- The fear around being unsafe

Get ready to embody…
- The expansiveness of your Spirit
- Deep inner peace
- Your innate strength
- A deep-felt trust in yourSelf
- Freedom to express yourSelf, fully & safely
- Trust in your intuition
- Trust your ability to make good choices
- More ease, flow& joy
Clear Of The Old Abandonment Energies & I’m Now Feeling Deeply Connected To The Love & Joy
I was feeling dissatisfied with my romantic relationship. I wanted more commitment from my partner but I really wasn’t able to clarify what that really meant or might feel like.
As Karen began her clearing, I heard the phrase, “They always leave!” I burst into tears as I told Karen what I had heard. She proceeded to release layer upon layer of trauma, grief, pain, and sorrow. She also identified a vow, “Never again!” She cleared all this past life experience and ancestral memory out of my fields as well as the cellular structure and DNA in the physical body.
After the clearing I realized that I was trying to define my relationship by focusing upon what was lacking. Now that I’m clear of these old abandonment energies, I’m perceiving an entirely different picture. I now realize how beautiful my relationship is and what a wonderful man he is. Now I feel deeply connected to the love and joy we share. It feels so, so good.
Wow! Karen’s energetic clearings are so, so powerful!
~ Eram Saeed
I would have needed more than 1000 Sessions to get done what we only did in One Session with Karen. She Cleared Gazillions of Ancestral baggage, Abuse, Manipulation, Victimhood
"I had a session with Karen Heywood and I feel so changed since my session. I am so grateful.
Throughout my entire life I have felt deficient and broken. I believed that this originated from growing up in a very dysfunctional, cruel family. No matter what I’ve done I’ve been unable to find complete healing when it came to these very deep issues.
From the beginning of the session with Karen I felt so safe, cared for, and calm. I almost felt like laughing throughout the whole session because it was such an uplifting experience. Karen is wonderfully light and calming, and such a caring person to work with; definitely someone you just want to have in your life. She’s so easy to open up to.
We released issue after issue that had been preventing me from living fully and freely. We cleared gazillions of ancestral baggage, abuse, manipulation, victimhood, etc. - on all levels – ancestral, past lives, and present time. We these cleared deep issues in seconds. It was such a light and uplifting experience. And now, 5 days later, I can only say that I feel so, so much better. I now feel love for myself. I’m able to set healthier boundaries. I feel so light, joyful and such a great relief around being freed from all those heavy weights. I am loving and enjoying my life now. Plus, I also feel so more much trust in living and enjoying my being.
I’ve done many programs and many helped me a lot; however, Karen’s way hit home for me in such a soft, loving and powerful way. I would have needed more than 1000 sessions to get done what we only did in one session. Karen’s process is a light, easy and joyful experience. She can clear the core of an issue without even knowing exactly know what it is or where it originated. All I had to do was access the bad feeling for her to clear it. For me it feels like a miracle. I don’t want to be without that care and cure. I cannot wait to hear Karen on the show.
I am so lucky and so happy to have met Karen. Thank you so much Karen! And thank you Eram for bringing Karen to the show. I can’t wait to get Karen´s package, and hear her lovely voice again. I am so grateful and happy. Thank you! "
~ Monika L. ~ Germany
Free of Anger & Resentment
"I don’t think that any treatment I’ve ever had has continued to affect me so powerfully. I can still feel it just as strongly now as I did in our session. I saw my niece and her boyfriend this week and I was totally fine with them. There was no anger or resentment, no emotional charge at all. I was so clear. It’s exactly where I need to be. That treatment was amazing, amazing! Thank you!"
~ Steve N. ~ Oshawa, ON, Canada
Releasing the Unconscious Trauma & Embracing
True Safety & Security
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to know, deep in your bones, that you can keep yourself safe. That vague uneasiness has been replaced with an expansive ease and trust.
Get ready to release all the unconscious trauma & fear(inherited& past lives)…
- Planetary natural disasters
- Galactic natural disasters
- War ~ on earth, other planets, galaxies, including the Orion wars
- Man-made & alien created disasters ~ including Lemuria & Atlantis
- Sirens ~ police, fire & ambulance
- Alarms ~ smoke alarms
- Release fear and trauma around surgeries
- Release that feeling of dread, of not knowing what’s around the corner

Get ready to embody…
- Feeling safe here, now
- Being truly relaxed & openDeep inner peace
- A deep-felt confidence even during emergencies
- Able to stay centered & clear even during emergencies
- A knowing that you’ll respond in a healthy manner
- A deep-felt trust in the Universe
- Able to attract more positive experiences into your life
- Trust that you’re in the right place, at the right time, to be safe
The Dread is Gone! My Sense of Fun and Adventure Have Returned..
"I had a wonderful session with Karen where she removed multiple layers of fear from my energy fields. This included the dissolution of trauma and fear in my own DNA, from my ancestral lineage as well as fear I was hooked into within the human collective. The energies that were dissolved included trauma held from accidents, surgeries, natural disasters, wars (earth & galactic), and so much more.
I was quite amazed in how this process made it possible for me to feel more in my body, more at home in this world. My outlook has shifted from one of dread, to being excited in my life, looking forward to experiencing things I had previously believed were out of my reach. My sense of fun and adventure have returned, and the feeling that I can handle whatever comes along has been renewed."
~ Susan C. ~ Toronto, Canada
Free from the Trauma of War & Natural Disasters
"Karen’s work is very different from the work I've done previously with other healers. This work is very powerful, yet gentle. She worked on releasing deep seated traumas like war, natural disasters, violence etc. from my ancestral lineage (and events known and unknown to us). These were very relevant to experiences I had growing up. My grandfather had been in a war (I heard the stories from him), we had earthquakes when I was growing up and I have seen violence and cruelty done to others.
When Karen did each clearing I felt energy release. When she did positive affirmations I felt strength build up in me in a new way! I have a very peaceful and calm feeling now when I hear about all those traumas. Also, I have a knowing that things are different now - very peaceful, loving and calm.
Thank you"
~ Angela M. ~ Pennsylvania, USA 🌷
Free from OCD tendencies!
"While I have never officially been diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, I definitely have many of the traits; the most significant being that if I like doing a particular activity, I will do it until something or someone forces me to stop. On the negative side, I can waste whole days playing solitaire or Candy Crush on my phone, and then feel guilty afterwards for such a totally unproductive use of my time. In a more positive way, I have knitted/crocheted a subdivision over my lifetime, often falling asleep while feeling compelled to do “just one more row.” In either case, once in the grips of that obsessive/compulsive energy, it usually takes a Herculean effort to make myself stop and either go to bed, or make some dinner, or do something else that needs doing.
So I took the issue to Karen and she did her magic, clearing out patterns that were dictating this behaviour. Around 7 p.m. the following evening, I suddenly put my knitting down and got up from the couch to go and make some dinner, without a single second of internal conflict. Then, in almost a state of shock, I stared at the knitting in disbelief that I had stopped right in the middle of a row. Walking towards the kitchen, I did a double take, unable to compute what I was seeing. If you don’t have any OCD tendencies, you probably won’t get the profundity of this breakthrough; but if you are like me, you will understand that this is nothing short of miraculous. The point is that I now have ‘choice’ around my knitting; I can do one more row if I so choose, or I can simply stop at any moment, at any point in the pattern, and put it away for now. How radical is that? What a freedom, thanks to Karen."
~ Laura V. ~ Toronto, Canada
Releasing Worthlessness, Valueless and Undeservedness
& Embracing Your Innate Value, Worth and Beauty
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to really know that you’re valued and valuable!
Get ready to release all the unconscious trauma & fear (inherited & past lives)…
- Anger, resentment and unfairness
- Feeling worthless, lower than low, a waste of space
- The discomfort around receiving (gifts, compliments, love, appreciation, etc.)
- Feelings of insecurity
- Feeling unstable, unsure of yourself
- Feeling Undeserving
- Feeling like you’re fatally flawed

Get ready to embody…
- Your True Power
- Your innate freedom
- Being valued and valuable
- Feeling comfortable receiving love
- An openness to accepting all the good things in life
- Feeling centered, stable and sure of yourself
- Feeling deserving and opening to great abundance
In Only A Few Sessions With Karen, I was able to Increase My Self Worth, Self Esteem, Excel At My Job, Left Unfulfilling Relationship and Gained a Beautiful Deep Sense of Inner Peace
"I had an ‘abundance healing’ with Karen several weeks ago, followed by a session to heal the pain and life-long emotional effects of childhood sexual abuse. I think these two healings worked together to help improve my sense of self-worth. Shortly after our work together I become more motivated at work than I have ever been in my life. I had always put about 60 - 70% effort into my career. All of a sudden I was giving 90 - 100% and it felt great! I also began noticing a positive shift in my boss's attitude toward me and am now working towards a promotion.
A few weeks later I had another healing with Karen to heal the grief and guilt of an abortion. Again, I felt a deep sense of peace and an increase in my sense of self-worth and self-esteem after the session. A few days later a problematic relationship I was having trouble ending, started to feel absolutely unbearable. For a long time I had known that my needs weren't being met. I wasn’t happy or being respected, however I just couldn't ever seem to end things. Karen and I did a healing around ending this unhealthy connection and one day later I calmly and collectedly walked away from this energy-draining relationship for good.
So, in only a few sessions with Karen I was able to increase my self-worth and self-esteem, excel at my job, leave an unfulfilling relationship, and gain a beautiful deep sense of inner peace.
This is amazing. Karen's healing goes so, so deep. It is truly remarkable and life transforming."
~ Anonymous
Free From Being Blamed For Everything, I’m Experiencing better Relationships with Myself, My Spouse, Friends, Co-workers
"I started energy healing with Karen several months ago. I had a childhood belief that I was always to blame for whatever went wrong. Karen cleared it in less than 30 minutes. As a result, I’m experiencing better relationships with my spouse, friends, co-workers, and myself.
I have experienced significant positive changes in my life as a result of working with Karen. Her gentle, kind and loving approach is very supportive. She is very intuitive which really helps with those elusive beliefs that need to be cleared. I love working with Karen and the improved life I am experiencing as a result of our energy work together. "
~ D.M. ~ Georgia, USA
Road Rage Gone!
"I’ve been a road rageaholic for years. After only one session with Karen and it was gone! Amazingly, most of the time other drivers leave me alone and leave ample space in front of me and behind. It’s so much more pleasurable getting around town now. Thanks!"
~ KH ~ Toronto, Canada
Releasing Not Knowing & Embracing Knowing
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to truly trust yourself and your intuitive knowing and allow yourself to really Know your Divine Purpose.
Get ready to release the fear & trauma around…
- Being wrong, making mistakes
- Feeling nervous & scared
- Being uncertain
- Being triggered and freezing, the mind going blank (deer in the headlights)
- Inner negativity like, “Who do you think you are!”
- People being jealous of my light and happiness
- It’s unfair for me to be happy if others aren’t
- If I’m really happy I’ll attract attention and be attacked in some way

Get ready to embody…
- The ability to access real love & joy
- Confidence around your knowing
- Confidence around your not knowing
- Feeling empowered when you’re happy
- Trusting that your Center will keep you safe
- Able to respond clearly from your Center
- Being comfortable experiencing uncertainty
- Feeling safe to be present with whatever is
Free from Procrastination!!! A Giant Gorilla lifted off my shoulders and here’s the Best Part; I not only didn’t owe any money, I got an $800 return!!!
"I’m recently retired so I have tons of time, yet I just could not bring myself to file my tax return before the deadline. Fearing that I would have to pay could have been part of the problem, but in truth, there was no valid reason for me to run the risk of adding interest and late filing penalties to the bill. It’s not like I have an excess of money.
Like many people, procrastination has been a lifelong issue and can be quite paralyzing so I took my problem to Karen. As usual, she was able to cut to the quick quite easily. First, she helped me articulate the specifics so that she could properly understand the intricacies of the issue. Evidently, regarding tax returns and other such complicated forms, my mind turns to mush, similar to how a muscle feels when it has been overworked. The harder I try to push myself to complete the task, the more of a jumbled mental mess I make. Karen explained that I was locked into a pattern.
So in less than an hour on the phone, she did her magic shifting a bunch of energy out of my field, such that I sprang into action the second I hung up. I got all the papers together, booked an appointment at a nearby H & R Block, and walked out of there two hours later having filed my taxes. What a huge relief, a giant gorilla lifted off my shoulders and here’s the best part; I not only didn’t owe any money, I got an $800 return. It really doesn’t get any better than that."
~ Laura V. ~ Toronto, Canada
My Anxiety is Gone! I’m Free to Follow my Heart’s Desire to Travel & Explore the World!
"I suddenly began to experience debilitating travel anxiety 9 years ago. Sometimes I would be able to push my way through and make travel plans. However, when it came to packing and the thought of leaving the anxiety would take me over. Often I’d even cancel my travel at the last minute because of this overwhelming anxiety.
As Karen began clearing the layers, I saw a past life where I someone I loved died after I left for a trip. Karen quickly released the trauma, grief and pain around that old memory. Now I’m actually feeling excited about my next trip. This is a completely new experience. What a relief! Finally I’m free follow my heart’s desire to travel and explore the world!"
~ Eram Saeed
Releasing Approval Seeking & Embracing True Confidence
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to stand strong in yourSelf and hold a sense of love for all.
Get ready to release…
- The false idea that desire is bad, unspiritual
- It’s more spiritual to give than receive
- Fear around doing what you really desire to do
- Doing what you want to do is selfish!
- The expectation that you won’t be heard
- The feeling of ‘why bother’ trying
- The fear of going against what others want you to do
- Feeling powerless to create change

Get ready to embody…
- A deep-felt trust that your heart-felt desires are messages from your Spirit
- The ability to acknowledge & recognize your desires
- Confidence around expressing your desires
- Trust in yourself
- Trust in your intuitive impulses
- Appreciation of your desires
- Your ability to access your Infinite Potentials
- Knowing that you can initiate change
Not afraid to say “No” Anymore! I no longer waste hours or days second guessing myself.
"I’ve struggled with boundaries all my life. To deal with my empathic nature I learned early in life to value the needs of friends and family over my own, and that would help to keep the peace. Unfortunately, people took advantage of my kindness and I was often left feeling wanting.
Karen cleared this patterning and now I’m comfortable saying “No”, with much, much less concern around reprisal. I’m more aware of my strength. My confidence has definitely risen. And I no longer waste hours or days second guessing myself. Thanks so much! It’s such a relief to have those invisible handcuffs drop away. "
~ KH ~ Toronto, Canada
I’m feeling so much more powerful & strong! Freed Me From The Chains Of Negative Patterns
"Before working with Karen I felt powerless to create change in my world. Every time I would have a conversation and express my desire for change I would be shut down, ignored, or brushed off. This has happened so many times that I grew to expect it and felt that it was a waste of energy to even bother trying.
However, since working with Karen I feel so much more expanded, powerful and strong. I have a completely different experience of myself. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin. I know deep inside that my perspective matters AND I can access the confidence that I need for those difficult conversations. It actually feels possible to create the change that I’ve been yearning for.
Thank you so, so much for freeing me from the chains of these patterns! Now that these HUGE blocks have been cleared, I’m so looking forward to attuning to and accessing my Spirit’s promptings and finding out what wonders are in store for me now! "
~ Georgina W. ~ Toronto, Canada
Releasing Stuckness &Embracing Trust for YourSelf
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to feel confident enough to trust your Innate Flow.
Get ready to release…
- The constant trying, trying, and trying… trying to heal, get better, get clear, etc.
- The sense of failure around not being able to move forward
- The trauma around all those bad things that have happened to you
- The pain, hurt and shock around being betrayed
- The expectation that bad stuff always happens to you; waiting for the other shoe to drop
- The feeling that no one has your back
- The hurt and disappointment around people using you, deceiving you
- That feeling of lack… of being less than, not enough, lacking in some way

Get ready to embody…
- Greater happiness
- A greater ability to attract more love-filled experiences
- Greater comfort around good things happening to you
- An expectation that you will attract good experiences
- A deeper trust in your intuition
- Greater trust in your ability to discern the truth
- Feeling more wholeness, completeness
- Feeling good enough!
Free to move forward!
"I could physically feel when you were drawing the fear-energies out of me. This is definitely life changing. I feel free to move forward in a healthy way now. Thank you so much!"
~ Rosie C. ~ Vaughan, ON, Canada
Feeling Empowered now!
"I can’t thank you enough for how empowered I feel after releasing what was holding me back and in fear. I feel open to what is coming, and less anxious because there is nothing to fear now. Thank you truly for your compassion and energy work. I truly can’t thank you enough for being one of my biggest and best teachers and guides, moving me through my old limitations. You are amazing and I am going to do my best to recommend you to a few people who I think would truly benefit from this."
~ Samantha P. ~ Vaughan, ON, Canada
Releasing the Fear of Persecution &
Embracing Your True Power
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to stand confidently in your Power, knowing that all is well in your world.
Get ready to release…
- The conflict between the right-brained, intuitive part & the left-brained, logical parts
- Betrayals, the trauma from being stabbed in the back
- The trauma of being tortured during the witch hunts
- Fear around fully embracing your Power
- The powerlessness you feel, especially around aggressive masculine energy
- Freezing up at the thought of expressing your gifts
- Fear of being seen

Get ready to embody…
- Your Innate Power and gifts
- Your reason for Being here, now
- The ability to act, effortlessly
- The ability to make a good living expressing your gifts
- Feeling free to express your gifts now
- Trust that your intuitive Knowing is your protection
- Greater comfort being in the spotlight
Less Pain & Increased Energy! Cut Pain Meds in Less Than ½!
I've been dealing with chronic pain and chronic fatigue for 30 years. Since my session with Karen I've really noticed a lot of positive differences in my health and my energy levels.
As Karen began to clear the trauma from a number of car accidents, she found that I was being heavily influenced by a number of dark beings who were "feeding" off of my energy. Now I realize why I've dealt with chronic fatigue for almost 30 years after that bunch was removed!!! Karen identified an energetic vow from a past life that was still influencing me and was able to remove this too! After she removed the vow, I immediately felt lighter and I was giggling inside. What a huge difference and a huge relief to be free from all of this!
The differences are many. First and foremost on my mind is that I've been taking half to less than half of my pain medications, every day since our session. My energy level has increased tremendously and I've been walking the dog for 45 minute walks instead of the usual 20. The day after our session, I was actually able to vacuum the basement which usually would take me a couple of days. It would also make me hurt quite a bit, where on this day, I didn't even feel like I had vacuumed. Yay!!! Along with the increase in energy, I have a better feeling of being more comfortable in my own skin and body.
Karen was such a sweetheart and very personable. I thoroughly enjoyed this session and I continue to live a better life than I have for so many years.
With my heart full of love and gratitude, I want to thank Karen for this life changing wonderful experience!! She really is the real deal and can make a difference in your life too. I look forward to listening to her on FHTJ on June 5th and purchasing her package.
~ Suanne Wilkinson. ~ Toronto, Canada
Releasing Not-Enoughness & Embracing Self-Acceptance
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to embrace your Brilliance and feel comfortable sharing your Light with the world.
Get ready to release…
- The thought, “OMG! Does the world really need another ___________ (book, writer, healer, etc.)?”
- The feeling of not knowing where to start or what to do
- Feeling flat, shades of grey, lack of inspiration
- Feeling intimidated just thinking about expressing your gifts
- Feeling frozen, your mind goes blank, deer in the headlights experience
- Confusion and lack of focus

Get ready to embody…
- Accepting and acknowledging that you bring a special something to the world
- Feeling free to express your gifts now
- Knowing how valuable you and your gifts are
- A deep felt trust in your intuitive knowing of where to start
- Feeling inspired from within
- Being relaxed and confident around expressing your gifts
Increased Self-Acceptance & Improved Relationships
"I’ve been on a healing journey for a few years now and have seen a number of different healers. Then I discovered Karen. I’m not sure how this lady heals but she is amazing. Having a healing session with Karen feels gentle yet powerful, and the effects I see in my life after are quick and remarkable. My sense of self-acceptance has increased dramatically, my relationships have improved, and all with a gentle ease. I can’t say enough good things about my experience with Karen. "
~ Laurel W. ~ Vancouver, BC, Canada
Releasing Guilt and Regret & Embracing Your Purity and Goodness
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to really know that you’re a beautiful, pure Being who is loved & valued.
Get ready to release…
- The guilt, regret, pain & sorrow around abortions and miscarriages (yours and/or your ancestor’s)
- The trauma and invasiveness around the abortion procedure
- The guilt and upset around how you tried to abort the fetus
- Release the judgment of others around being pregnant, and the abortion
- Release the self-judgment around getting pregnant in the first place
- Release that “sinful” feeling

Get ready to embody…
- The truth that you are healthy, loving and pure
- The reality that you are healed and whole
- The beauty of You and your Essence
- The purity of your Spirit and Beingness
- The Knowing that you are good
- Your original Innocence
I Ended a Long-Term Dead-End Relationship
"I have more energy and also deeper sleep since my healing with Karen! I really noticed results in about 3 to 4 days and I'm still releasing old stuck energy. I even noticed that my family is being more cooperative with me. I whole heartedly recommend Karen’s work. Between the work that I’ve done with Karen and the From Heartache to Joy community, I finally found the courage to end my long term dead end relationship. Thank you! "
~ Jagjit Kaur ~ England
Free from Guilt & Regret Around an Abortion
"I had an abortion 16 years ago and never got over it. Although I feel it was the right decision at the time, I also struggled with feelings of wanting to keep the baby. One day I would be sure I wanted to end the pregnancy and the next I would day dream about being a mother. I somehow felt that the fetus would be a girl and even named her.
Because of the issues I had at the time and the lack of stability in my life, I did not feel that I was equipped to be a mother and I did go through with the abortion. Again, I feel it was the right decision, but the grief I felt around the procedure never left. If someone asked me why I didn't have children I would say that it was my biggest regret in life and get teary. I would cry and apologize to the universe for letting myself get pregnant and having to make the decision I did. I would cry at the drop of a hat discussing abortion and motherhood. In short, this experience was not processing.
I had a healing with Karen around the abortion and during the healing I felt the old grief and guilt come to the surface. Karen helped me stay with the feeling and then, with the magic of her healing, I felt the old trauma (of the actual procedure) as well as the deep-felt grief and guilt start to dissipate. Certain things Karen said during the healing gave me a new understanding and, ultimately, peace around what happened and the decision I made.
When I think about the abortion now, I am still a little sad but I don't feel the deep sorrow or the debilitating guilt I used to. I'm sorry that it happened but it seems far away, in the past, where it should be, and the trauma aspect of the experience is completely gone.Karen helped me heal this pain that many sessions of talk therapy just couldn't touch.I now feel like I can move forward and find my purpose now. I am very grateful. Thank you."
~ Anonymous
Free from Guilt & Grief. I’m Able To Think about My dad Without Tears Streaming Down My Face….
"Thanks so much for your help today. After getting off the phone I felt lighter, both physically and emotionally. I’ve been able to think about my Dad without tears streaming down my face. The heavy guilt feeling is also gone.
I hope you realize how important you are to me and I’m sure to all the others you help as well."
~ Diane M. ~ Embro, ON, Canada
ITEM 10:
Releasing Lack & Embracing Abundance
Format: MP3
Imagine what it will feel like to embrace expansive abundance and share your gifts with the world.
Get ready to release…
- Feeling that you’re lacking, not enough
- Feeling that you’re lacking, not enough
- The idea that it’s inappropriate to charge for spiritual services
- The pain and discomfort around not having enough money
- The belief that it’s more spiritual to give than receive
- The belief, “I can’t make a living expressing my gifts”

Get ready to embody…
- Deeply knowing your value and worth
- A full-body knowing that you are bringing a special something to this world, something that it wants and needs
- Clarity and vision around your purpose
- Feeling that you’re completely free to express your gifts now
- Able to receive goodness into your life experience
- Knowing that it is right action to charge for spiritual services
Free of Judging Myself Around Charging for Healing Services
"Before working with Karen I lacked clarity, vision around my purpose. I doubted my abilities as a healer. And I certainly didn’t believe it was possible for me to make a living doing healing work because I held a deep-seated belief that it’s “unspiritual” to charge money for healing services.
After only one session with Karen I no longer have any doubt around my healing abilities! I’m so relieved to be able to say that I’m now free to move forward with a new sense of clarity and purpose. Going with the flow no longer scares me. And, the icing on the cake is my feeling a “rightness” around charging for my spiritual healing services! Amazing!
Karen, I’m so grateful for this new-found freedom. I love how I’m now able to delve deeper into my personal practice. I so deeply appreciate your gifts and look forward to working with you again! "
~ Nina L. ~ Vancouver, BC, Canada
I felt noticeably lighter, look Physically more Beautiful and came out wiser full of valuable insights.
"Our session dealt with healing around my issues of difficulties in receiving (something that I've grappled with all thirty decades of my life). Having set the scene with her genuine and compassionate nature, I was naturally very comfortable with Karen.
The session itself went deep, clearing through lifetimes and DNA. She cleared issues interalia, about receiving money (guilt, responsibility, fear, sorrow, grief), receiving compliments and the idea that's "spiritual to give than to receive. She guided me to connect to my Higher Self and conclude the healing on each issue with affirmations. This process was quite beautiful.
The effects were tangible and immediate on the call and continued after. Lots evidently shifted on the call. I felt noticeably lighter and came out wiser full of valuable insights. Note this issue we worked on is a huge issue for me and it seemed to have vanished all within one hour. It was quite phenomenal. Karen was spot on the issues and added so many more nuggets and valuable insights and explanations when the situation dictated - some points raised I didn't even know existed. It all made perfect sense when we cleared each issue. She is unbelievable.
Since our session I'm relaxed, more connected, confident, approaching challenges with more insight with an excitement to connect to my true purpose. It's a gorgeous state of being. I actually looked physically more beautiful afterwards.
I would wholeheartedly recommend Karen for deep, quick and tangible results in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere. She is undoubtedly gifted and no one should be deprived of her gift.
Thank you for choosing me! "
~ Naz HB ~ South Africa
How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
Format: MP3 & PDF
One of the most powerful skills to possess is knowing how to discern between…
- Truth & lies
- Thoughts & prompting from your Higher Self
- Egoic impulses & impulses that originate from your Higher Self
Use it anytime you’re…
- Not sure where a thought, feeling or idea is originating from
- Feeling any self-doubt or uncertainty
- Receiving guidance from others
You’re not alone! - MP3
Release the beliefs that tell you…
- You’re all alone here
- You have to do it alone
- No one has your back
When you’re clear of these beliefs, support can show up & you’re more able to accept the assistance that’s being offered!
Package A
Total Package Value $1057
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $97
*** 91% Saving ***
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Package B |
Dive Even Deeper Into the Brilliance of your Being
This program Includes:
- All of Package A Plus
- 4 Group Coaching Calls ~ 1 hour each
- BONUS: Guided Meditation “Opening to Knowing Your Divine Purpose”

ITEM 11:
1-hour coaching calls ~ 4 weeks
Here’s a fabulous opportunity to take all the topics in Package A to an even deeper level of clearing. On each call a number of people will be chosen to be used as a surrogate or proxy to clear the energies for the entire group. And as you know, when we’re gathered in a group, the clearings are super-powered!
As well as clearing blockages, we’ll also be exploring how to open to know your Divine Purpose.
Guided Meditation
“Opening to Knowing Your Divine Purpose”
Format: MP3
This package also comes with a beautiful guided meditation entitled, “Opening to your Divine Purpose”. You’ll be gently guided into your Heart, into your Innate Knowing. Then you’ll be invited to ask your burning questions and receive guidance from your Spirit, your Higher Self.
Package B
Total Package Value $1567
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $127
*** 92% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C |
Get Even Clearer About YOUR Divine Purpose
This program Includes:
- All of Package A & Package B Plus
- One-on-One Session ½ hour

ITEM 12:
1 half-hour one-on-one Session
This is a fantastic opportunity to get super-clear. Release the trauma, fear and beliefs that have been holding you back from finding and fully expressing your Brilliance, and sharing your gifts with the world!
Profound Fear Cleared in Minutes!
"Due to some issues with my irrational neighbor, I was plagued with the stress of being sued. I thought too much about it, and feared that my fear alone would bring into reality. I knew I shouldn’t be holding these fears but no matter what I did, they kept dogging me at every opportunity.
When I brought this matter to Karen she simply attuned to my field and within minutes she cleared it all out. Now when I think about this issue there’s no emotional charge at all. Karen brought me to neutral around these subjects, all in less than 5 minutes! I wish I’d met Karen earlier. I would have saved myself so much wasted time and energy. Thanks Karen!
If you also have lingering worries or fears that are affecting your life, Karen can get rid of those for you in minutes too... give her a try, you won't regret it! "
~ Eram Saeed ~ Texas, USA
Package C
Total Package Value $1742
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 91% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
About Karen Heywood

Karen Heywood is an Emotional Transformer who performs super-quick multi-dimensional energetic clearings.
Karen grew up in a tumultuous environment and being an emotional empath, she felt as though she was being assaulted with emotional energies. As a result, she suffered from depression. Over the years she had a number of profound spiritual experiences, so she also knew there was so much more to life that what she was experiencing. Her periodic visions also informed her that she needed to learn how to manage her emotions. So off she went on her quest. However, what she found in the mainstream was less than satisfactory. Intuitively she knew that there had to be more to all this!
During her spiritual exploration she came across the ideas of embracing, neutrality and the power of the heart. After much practice applying these 3 principles, the Art of Embracing was born… a technique that empowers people to be Present with uncomfortable emotions, and fully embrace and accept them. And when the emotions are fully accepted, they completely dissolve or/or morph into a positive quality of Being.
Over the past 10 years Karen has fine-tuned her ability to release people from the prisons of their patterning and reconnect them to their own Spirits. By holding unconditional love and acceptance for her clients and their emotional upset, she facilitates the super-quick release of limiting patterns and the re-embodiment of the higher vibrational patterns.
Patterns that Karen clears includes: blockages, negative emotions, limiting thoughts, beliefs, traumas, agreements, vows, curses and entity attachments that prevent people from connecting to their own Divinity and manifesting their heart’s desires and purpose for Being. These patterns are cleared from the past lives, present & future lives; ancestral memory, the cellular memory and the DNA, human & no-so-human collectives, other timelines, dimensions and universes, known & unknown.
Felt Much Lighter, Happier, Less Restrictive and More Optimistic!!!
Helped With Insomnia, I’m Sleeping Much Better
"Karen has a very sweet energy and personality. We worked to address my soul’s/human self difficulty in owning and standing in my power due to fear of persecution like so many times in my past/lifetimes.
I served as a surrogate for her future program. She worked to clear any blocks, oaths, vows, etc that were standing in my way. Then she had me repeat a sequence of positive phrases to shift away the energy blocks she was picking up from me and future listeners. After the call I felt much lighter, happier, less restrictive and more optimistic!
My severe insomnia/not being able to sleep until 3 or 4 am had totally shifted and now back to going to bed between 10-12p and sleeping through the night with few to no wake-ups.
More unfolding as new layers of healing occurring.
She can really help those who need a positive boost in their lives with her infectious positive personality. "
~ Sarah
As the Session Completed the Density and Hopelessness I Felt Was Lifted...
"During our session, Karen and I were scheduled to work on fear of being seen and heard. By the time our call was to happen, I was deep in the depths of intense releases from other programs and called to say I was not up to it. Karen felt my overwhelm and asked what she could help with in the moment. She has beautiful light energy and is a pleasure to work with. She helped with several issues and even though she went over the allotted time was willing to help more. As the session completed the density and hopelessness I felt was lifted and I felt more able to continue on my path. I look forward to her launch. I'm sure she will help many others. Thank you Karen"
~ Christine
Karen is the Real Deal!!
"I was lucky to be gifted a session with Karen Heywood. I did not know much about her except she does energetic clearings. Wow - she does ever so much more. She can see flashes of your past lives as well as feel the depth of feelings associated with energetic blocks that can be keeping you from your desires. She can see you in the glory of your light body self, and do so in a gentle and caring way that makes it safe to explore those painful parts we would prefer not to probe. She does this so naturally that you know you are in the presence of a beautiful healer. She found and cleared several energetic blocks that were so deep and old - I don't know if would have found them on my own because they were very deep and painful. She held sacred space for me while we both worked through them. Incredible! As a discerning (and at times skeptical) person who has been on the spiritual path for a while - I can tell you she is the real deal. "
In Love, Light and Service,
~ Carolyn McDougald ~ Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Below Introductory Prices are for Limited Packages Only!
This is not currently offered anywhere else and will never be offered again at this price.
Free Trial
Discount : 91%
Total Package Value $1,067
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
Clearing the Way
50+ Energetic Clearings in 8 Powerful MP3s
BONUS: How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
(MP3 & PDF)
Discount: 92%
Total Package Value $1,567
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Clearing the Way
50+ Energetic Clearings in 8 Powerful MP3s
BONUS: How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
(MP3 & PDF)
4 Group Coaching Calls ~ 1 hour each
BONUS: Guided Meditation
“Opening to Knowing Your Divine Purpose”
Discount : 91 %
Total Package Value $1,742
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
Clearing the Way
50+ Energetic Clearings in 8 Powerful MP3s
BONUS: How to discern between your mind & your Higher Self
(MP3 & PDF)
4 Group Coaching Calls ~ 1 hour each
BONUS: Guided Meditation
“Opening to Knowing Your Divine Purpose”
30 Min One-on-One Session
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.