- Have you ever felt a heaviness or sadness you can’t explain?
- Do you have physical ailments you can’t explain?
- Do you have some form of addiction?
- Do you often – or even sometimes – wake with a deep sense of dread?

- Do you deal with depression, PTSD, anxiety, or bi-polarism? – or some other form of “mental illness”?
- Have you ever had a healing session that made some wonderful shifts – physically, mentally, or spiritually – but they didn’t last?
- Do you feel as if you’re often getting the bad end of a deal?

- Do you easily take on the energy of others and can’t shake it?
- Are you ready to take control of your life so you can heal yourself, and shift your path to create a new reality?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this information is for you!
Most of the time the heaviness we feel, and the physical and mental health issues we experience, are a result of spirit or entity attachments.
Besides having someone do a personal clearing, you can learn to heal yourself and raise your vibrations. Doing this makes you an inhospitable host for attachments and in turn allows you to shift your path and transform your life to get the things you desire most.
“I got immediate relief from FMS, Epstein-Barr symptoms, and stomach problems.”
"I was feeling drained of energy all of the time. I could sleep 20 hours per day, and it never felt like it was enough. My son had been having issues with personal items being moved, hidden, or broken, and my 4 ½ year old daughter was waking up every night between midnight and 3 am, SCREAMING at the top of her lungs from bad dreams. This went on for several months.
I contacted Julie for assistance. She immediately considered what was happening with my family and did a clearing for us. She also walked me through her Force Field technique. Immediately, I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted. I felt energetic and no longer needed to sleep more than 6 to 8 hours per night. My son's items were not "moving" and were always where he had left them, and my daughter slept through the night!
I didn’t expect this even though she said that it would likely happen. Beyond not feeling exhausted and needing to sleep all the time, I got immediate relief from FMS, Epstein-Barr symptoms, and stomach problems. My husband stopped drinking as much or as often, my kids stopped bickering, and I was able to quickly sell my home-based business that had been on the market for a while."
~ T. L.
Become Your Own Healer!

Julie is committed to helping you improve and enrich your life by teaching you self-healing techniques, clearing entities, and connecting you with your Spirit Team.
She developed a remarkable healing technique, designed through her own healing process, which goes deeply into the core energy system of the psyche to encourage profound and instant release. Her methods are quick and easy, yet very powerful, steps to healing and shifting your life's path.
The main reason why a healing or clearing doesn’t work for someone – or the results simply didn’t last – is because they didn’t align their vibrations to the shift when it happened.
Now you can take the steps needed to empower yourself and completely change your life in the process.

This is a Deep Energetic Cleaning

You’ll get immediate results while learning how to release your pain, thoughts, and life issues – leaving behind physical, mental, and emotional trauma instantly.
Julie’s clients have experienced profound happiness, self-love and confidence, spiritual awakening, healed relationships, new love, physical healing and financial expansion.
“I LOVE this amazingly talented and gifted woman!”
"I LOVE this amazingly talented and gifted woman! I love that she wants to TEACH people about what is going on, help them understand it, and help them gain more control over their well-being and life!"
~ Tacey Little
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
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Total Package Value $1104
From Heartache to Joy
16 MP3s
Total Package Value $2701
From Heartache to Joy
16 MP3s
5 Weekly Distant Healing Sessions
21 Days of Gratitude Program
w/ Private Facebook Group
Discount : 82%
Total Package Value $4276
From Heartache to Joy
$777 $597
16 MP3s
5 Weekly Distant Healing Sessions
21 Days of Gratitude Program
w/ Private Facebook Group
25 Minute Phone Session
Entry into Julie’s Daily Prayer Journal for Six Months
7 Daily Individualized Distant Healing Sessions

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Healing.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Healing, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package A
Reset Reboot
A New Empowered You Audio Tracks
Value: $1104
Each MP3 is packed with miraculous and mind expanding information; showing you how to access your own healing power, creating a shift in your life path, and bringing in the desires of your heart.
Intro Track - MP3
This track gives you a background into Julie’s methods and insights, and how to use the other tracks. Don’t skip this – there’s a lot of information in this track that pertains to your healing process.
Get Grounded - MP3
This grounding meditation anchors you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; setting the stage for completing the rest of the healing process with ease.
Meet Your Spirit Team - MP3
It’s important to know who you’re working with – and having a clear vision or even a name – will help you know just who to call on for specific things in your life. This meditation will take you to meet your Spirit Team. Only the team members you need to be aware of at the time are who will come through. This will change depending on what you’re working on, or if you leave it to them to show you what’s most important.
Healing Your Auric Field - MP3
This meditation is a detailed walk through on visualizing and healing your auric field, inside and outside – immediately shifting your awareness and raising your vibrations. This is a massive first step in your healing process; giving you protection and strength to move forward.
“I had a major change in my business that nearly doubled my income, met a new man who is beyond amazing. He’s everything I wanted in a guy but never thought I’d find.”
"I had one session with Julie where she walked me through her Healing Your Auric Field process and my life was instantly transformed. I felt lighter, happier, and more at peace. I was working with a business coach at the time and in our conversation, a week later she asked me what I’d been doing because she could tell that everything about me was different. I told her I had a healing session with Julie and it shifted my life. My side business suddenly wasn’t my side business anymore, so I could quit my job and pursue my passion.
It’s been over a year now and I’ve never gone back to that person I was before. I worked with Julie in her gratitude program since this healing and my life dramatically shifted again. I had a major change in my business that nearly doubled my income and I could hire three employees. Plus, I met a new man who is beyond amazing. He’s everything I wanted in a guy but never thought I’d find. Julie created the healing path and held it for me as she taught me exactly what I needed to know to continue on my own. I will be forever grateful for her and her amazing, insightful gifts."
~ Shelia Jameson
“It’s been 5 months and I’m Off Antidepressants!”
"I felt guilt for so many things in my life that I was completely hopeless and was in a deep state of depression. I felt like I’d made a mess of my life, and the lives of my children and husband. I had no desire to live anymore.
A friend of mine suggested I book an appointment with Julie. She’d worked with her and had great results. I was reluctant because my medication couldn’t even help me, how was this woman supposed to? I eventually decided to go for it.
Julie taught me how to view my auric field and recognize distortions in it. She healed every part of it right before my eyes. I immediately felt like a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. Even though I was in tears, I felt more peace and joy in that moment than I had in years. It was like Julie pulled out of me all of the things I’d been carrying around for more than half my life. The next morning I woke without the heavy feeling of dread that had hung around me for at least seven years, and it’s never been back.
I had three healing sessions with Julie. Each session was another exciting shift for me. She taught me new, amazing things every time – guiding me in a loving, non-judgmental way. Her confidence in me boosted my confidence.
My life has changed so much, and my husband and children are reaping the benefits of it. It’s been 5 months and I’m off anti-depressants, I’ve started a part time job (the first time working in almost six years!), and I do things with my family again. This woman is a miracle worker. I’ll never go another day without doing the things she taught me."
~ Kelly Epperson
Balancing Chakras - MP3
In Balancing Chakras, you’ll be able to see which Chakras are out of balance, alignment, and attunement and learn how to quickly and easily shift them to be in perfectness for you. You’ll also learn how to do a quick and easy check on your Chakras daily to keep your system in balance so your vibrations stay up and your healing process stays on track.
“The change in my life was so immediate I’m still in awe of it.”
"I went through Julie’s Balancing Chakras track as a skeptic. I have never had good intuition or insight AT ALL. I was AMAZED how quickly the information came to me during this process and how accurate it was with how I was feeling at the time. Then I watched as each Chakra balanced and lined out just the way it needed to be for me. I was shocked and thrilled. The change in my life and attitude was SO IMMEDIATE I’m still in awe of it. I knew that I never wanted to go back to how I was before, so I asked Julie for more. She told me that she would have started me with grounding and healing my auric field, but because I was so focused on everything being about my unbalanced Chakras, she suggested this track. So, I went back and did the other two, and oh my gosh! They are so powerful! I could see my auric field so clearly it was crazy shocking! Once I was finished I felt so different, even more than with just the chakra balancing. I could tell this made the shifting that started with my chakras even deeper. My husband instantly noticed a difference and my son asked where his old mom went! Just since doing these two processes, my focus and thoughts have changed to a more positive approach and my work ethics improved. Being a work-from-home person can be tough for me since I have ADD tendencies. Not anymore! It’s all gone! My business has really taken off and I feel so alive! I look forward to the release of her A New Empowered You series so I can get my hands on all of it."
~ Tera Lynn
Release It - MP3
In Release it you’ll be taught a very simple, yet miraculously powerful technique that will take away from you any ‘thing’, thought, feeling, hurt, trauma or aliment that is not beneficial to you and your journey. Release It will show you things that are hidden and aid you in a deep physical and/or energetic clearing that is so powerful, it can create a personality change and shift you on multiple levels.
A Remarkable Recovery of A Solider Diagnosed
With PTSD From Being In Iraq.
"My wife arranged for me to work with Julie after being diagnosed with PTSD from being in Iraq. I was paranoid and had anger issues too, so I knew I needed help. I was skeptical and reluctantly agreed to work with her. I had a 50-minute session with her and left it unbelievably a changed man. I knew there was more work to do so set up a plan with her and worked with her weekly for a month. The first thing I saw a difference in was my anger. It was cool how things suddenly didn’t bother me anymore. After two sessions, I wasn’t paranoid anymore and had stopped having nightmares. On week three we worked on forgiveness and I think that’s when I released the guilt and sadness I carried over what I saw while in the army.
The results have changed my life. It’s been 14 months since I worked with her and everything is better. My wife and I aren’t arguing anymore and we go out again. My kids used to be afraid of upsetting or startling me and now I play with them and have fun. I’ve been working again for the last 11 months and I’m happy I can do that. I’m thankful that my wife pushed me to do this and even more thankful that Julie was patient with me and helped me change my life for the better."
~ David P.
Forgiving Yourself - MP3
How often do you linger on the “mistakes” you’ve made? Do you hang on for dear life to the thoughts that you’re a “screw-up” or that things just don’t turn out the way you intended them to be? In Forgive Yourself, you’ll learn how to finally let these self-deprecating thoughts, feelings, and actions go – and never return.
Healing the Hurt - MP3
We’re human, and in our human experience we’ve been hurt. Sometimes the hurt we’ve experienced is so deep that it has changed our entire life. We’ve held onto this experience like a lifejacket, when in truth, it’s what’s making us drown. In this track you’ll be able to focus on a deep issue of trauma; such as sexual assault or abuse, or any form of physical, mental, & emotional abuse and be healed on the deepest level of your soul.
“Her insights and healing gifts are remarkable, without a doubt God-given.”
"I was sexually abused as a young child, on a level so unbelievable that my story would be too horrible for a movie. I lived in constant fear and paranoia. I didn’t trust anyone, and I had very few romantic relationships because of it. After trying to deal with it on my own for twenty-seven years, I finally set aside my pride and fear of judgment enough to seek counseling. I was diagnosed with depression, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder. After nearly a year of weekly counseling, with no improvement, my counselor asked me how I felt about alternative medicine and healing. I had no idea what she was talking about and asked her to explain. That’s when she told me about Julie. She’d recently had another client who’d found Julie online and worked with her privately. Her results were so amazing, that after another three sessions, the counselor suggested she be reevaluated. Her mental change was so phenomenal she was released from counseling. It had been seven months since she was released when she saw our mutual counselor in a store and approached her, giving her an update – her depression and PTSD was gone and her life was amazing. My counselor said she immediately thought of me and decided to tell me about Julie in case I wanted to reach out to her.
I found Julie and set up an appointment. Julie was amazing right from the start. She was firm in what she said, but was so kind and caring in the process that I was open to her guidance and healing. I immediately felt better after our first session and knew I wanted to work with her more. I applied for her Healing from the Inside Out program and was accepted. She did a personal clearing for me and then walked me through process after process to heal, and clear, and forgive. I released things daily just by listening to our recorded sessions. I continued with counseling and my counselor saw the change in less than two weeks.
To make this story shorter, it’s been about three years since I completed the program with Julie and my life is so different. I’m not anywhere close to the same person I was. I’m crying as I write this because I was at such a low point in my life I was thinking about killing myself, and now I’m married and pregnant with my first child. Yes, I’m going to be an older mom, but this is something I never dreamed would happen for me. I went from being a paranoid recluse living with my sister, to getting a huge work promotion, moving into my own home, dating again, and then marrying a wonderful, loving man, and in five months I’ll be having our child. I am beyond words grateful for Julie and what she’s done to change my life. I know she says she’s “only the messenger” or “only the teacher” but she’s not, she’s so much more than that. Her insights and healing gifts are remarkable, without a doubt God-given. I owe my life to her."
~ Kari L.
I Am Worthy (Meditation & Tap) - MP3
In I Am Worthy, you’re given the information you need to access your Spirit Team member who can help you along in releasing feelings of being unlovable, unworthy, and unattractive. If thoughts creep back up (they can do this until we finally nix that ego of ours) – you’ll know which teammate to instantly call on for assistance. This audio can also be used as an EFT tap.
I Am Abundant (Meditation & Tap) - MP3
In this track you’ll learn to reprogram your thoughts and energetic system to align with abundance in all aspects of your life – love, money, exceptional relationships, ideas, adventures, clients – you name it, you can have it!
Flush the Gunk - MP3
This meditation helps you to get out of your system any little bits of things that are hanging on but no longer serve you. If you’ve changed your story and plan, but you’re having just an inkling of doubt, anger, fear, or maybe the last bit of a cold hanging on, this process will help you remove those things from your body in all aspects – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Morning Kickstart (Meditation & Tap) - MP3
This is just the thing to get you going on a positive note each morning! Affirmations are great, but tapping is the optimal way of reprograming your thoughts through your energetic system. Choose which way is best for you to go through this MP3 and reap the benefits of a morning boost all day long. You can also use this during the day if you find you’re feeling a bit sluggish.
Evening Release and Relax (Meditation & Tap) - MP3
Even though your day has been full of rewarding events and adventures, this evening audio will give you what you need to settle your mind, relax, and bring peace and calm to you and your home. You can also use this at any time during the day if you find that you’re having a hard time focusing or are feeling stressed.
Light Language is the language of our soul. It transcends many lifetimes and dimensions, and is used to communicate directly with your Creator and Spirit Team. Though it may sound different at various times, it is the Universal language of the Heavens – understood by all Soul Units on all levels of creation.
In these tracks you will have received Spirit guided healing, vibrational advancement, and spiritual attunement through Light Language. Each track is designed to elevate your energetic state to a heightened awareness and can actually put you in a trance like state.
Do not listen to these audios while driving or operating any equipment that requires your full awareness.
Light Language – Perfect Health - MP3
Perfect Health focuses on issues pertaining to each individual to create a healthy system on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Light Language – Protection - MP3
Protection is focused on bringing all of The Divine to aid in your healing process and vibrational elevation, and shield you from entity and disharmonious attachments.
Silent Track – Peace, Love, & Joy - MP3
This track is infused with peace, love, joy, and a deep sense of calmness and gratitude.
This track can be used as much as you want and at any time during the day or night, you can’t get overloaded on it! If you’re feeling unbalanced, stressed, or unhappy, this silent track will quickly align your energies and vibrations.
If you’re having company, and you know that some of your company has been harsh or critical of you in the past, this would be the perfect track to play on a loop during their time in your home.
Julie has made specific silent tracks for clients who needed help with disharmonious family relationships. These clients saw two different results with these tracks:
The family relationships where healed.
This means that the family member in disharmony with her client was receptive of the healing they were receiving while the track was playing; allowing this healing raised their vibrations and awareness which transcended the feelings of disharmony.
The family member in disharmony with her client left the client’s home.
This means they were not receptive of the healing at that time. The peace, love, and joy transmitted through the track was on such a high level that they couldn’t, or didn’t want to, accept the shift – so leaving felt more comfortable to them. If this happens, it’s paramount to play this track each time this person is in your home.
You can use this track to infuse food and water with the energetic vibrations of peace, love, and joy by placing those items near where the track is playing. This track can also help calm stressed pets.
“I don’t know where we’d be without Julie.
I stand in awe of Julie and her healing power.”
"I contacted Julie because of my 5 year old son who was exhibiting strange and scary behavior. He had horrible nightmares, and talked about heaven, hell, and fire often. He had been talking about killing himself and had told me “I want to die so you can be sad.” He’d been having a lot of problems at school, fighting and not being able to pay attention. He got suspended from school for drawing graphic pictures of him killing his teachers. He’d even asked for more paper to draw more teachers he’d killed. There were several times when I looked in his eyes I didn’t see him, and I was afraid of him. I hated how our life was and was losing faith in everything.
Julie was amazing. We talked about what was going on and she was super kind and not judgmental at all. I had her do a personal clearing on both me and my son, clear our home, and do energy healing on both of us. She waited until my son was asleep to do all this and the change was nothing short of miraculous. He woke up a different child. He reported that he had a good dream where he’d saved two of his friends and said that it was going to be a great day. That was in May 2015, and my son has never gone back to the way he was. He’s doing great in school, is happy, and doesn’t have any social issues.
Julie taught me so much, I don’t know where we’d be now without her."
~ Jennifer E.
Force Field Guided Meditation

This audio will take you through the process of creating a boundary around yourself to protect yourself from disharmonious spirit and entity attachments as well as other people’s energy, yet allow your light to still shine in the world.
Reset Reboot
Total Package Value $1104
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $99
*** 91% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B
Deep Dive
This Program Includes:
- All of Package A
- 5 Weekly Distant Intensive Group Healing Sessions
- Early Bird Bonus - 21 Days of Gratitude program
5 Weekly Distant Intensive Group Healing Sessions
Value: $1250
Starts April 1st
- Anger
- Unforgiveness
- Childhood trauma
- Lack of confidence
- Unworthiness
- Poverty mentality
- A feeling of lack
- Playing the victim
Harboring these thoughts, emotions, and past hurts creates a lot of damage in our bodies, both physically and mentally. These things are so greatly intertwined it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish which place our issue comes from. Letting go of these things can have a remarkable impact on your body.
Disadvantages of Harboring These Energies:

- Hostel and bitter relationships
- Constant state of fight or flight mode
- Heart disease
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Low-self esteem
- Suicidal thoughts
- Loneliness
- Blood pressure issues
- Digestion problems
- Insomnia
Advantages of Releasing:

- Healthier relationships
- Freedom to live in the present
- Freedom to have fun
- Improved mental health
- Improved physical health
- Improved self-esteem
- Less anxiety, stress, and hostility
- A stronger immune system
- Lower blood pressure
- Improved heart health
Each week during your distance healing session, we’ll focus on physical and mental healing, as well as a specific energetic healing.
Week 1: Anger
Anger issues can cause problems in your life that aren’t always easy to spot. It’s been coined a negative feeling or emotion; when it needs to be viewed as just an emotion, neither good nor bad. It’s gotten flack because most people hold everything in until they explode – and in that explosion others are hurt. We haven’t been taught how to express anger in a healthy way.
During this week’s distant healing, we’ll release past grudges and the anger that holds us bound to many unhealthy things. You’ll be able to feel the shift in your life when you notice things don’t get to you like they did, that people show up differently for you, and you for them. You’ll notice a change in relationships, and a lightness to your overall being; you’ll feel more like living in the moment and having fun.
This week will perfectly coincide with Package A audio tracks Get Grounded and Release It.
Week 2: Unforgiveness
Unforgiveness is actually classified in medical books as a disease, and forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat cancer. Bottom line: Refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way. Wouldn’t you like to avoid that altogether?
In this week’s distant healing session the focus will be on allowing yourself to forgive, not just others, but also yourself. Letting go of all aspects of unforgiveness, resentments, grudges, and guilt, we can make way for peace of mind and improved health. You notice this in several ways, but some of the most profound are walking with a sense of purpose instead of dread, having fun in life, and greatly enjoying the company of others.
This week will perfectly coincide with Package A audio track Forgiving Yourself.
Week 3: Childhood Trauma
You may think of childhood trauma as something deep and dark. Though it can be, it’s not always. Simply being bullied, being left alone or feeling abandoned, being teased about your weight, wearing glasses, or having crooked teeth, and being called names are all traumatic experiences for children.
Having trauma of any kind in our life creates all the other feelings and emotions in this healing series: anger, unforgiveness, lack of confidence, unworthiness, playing the victim, and poverty mentality. They all go hand in hand.
In week three we’ll cover all areas of childhood trauma and clean them up and clear them out. This will be a massive shift in your life. There’s no way you can completely let go of childhood trauma and not jump a timeline or two. You’ll notice this shift mostly in the relationships you have, and new relationships that form. You’ll have a sense of peace in opening up and being you, because you’ll not feel any more like someone is critiquing you or attacking your character. You’ll feel like living in the moment and having child-like fun again. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
This week will perfectly coincide with Package A audio tracks Healing the Hurt and I Am Worthy.
Week 4: Confidence, Worthiness, & Self-Love
Having confidence and loving yourself is very empowering. As children we are often taught to downplay our accomplishments by being told not to brag, and to always put everyone else first. This way of thinking diminishes confidence and leaves no space for us to fully love ourselves.
Caring for others is important, caring for yourself is vital. If you don’t take care of yourself, you have nothing of value to offer to anyone else. Putting yourself ahead of others isn’t being selfish, it’s being kind to yourself. You are deserving of that, and certainly worthy.
This week’s healing will be infused with love, gratitude, and kindness for yourself. This high vibrational energy will allow you to see how important you are and how necessary it is to love and care for yourself. You’ll begin to discover that you’re no longer the yes person, and find you’re taking extra time for yourself. You’ll have some pep in your step with an infusion of self-confidence that can’t be missed! You’ll feel worthy of all the beautiful nad wonderful things that come into your life. This self-love and confidence will show up in the relationships you have, the way you present yourself, the way you speak, and the way you carry yourself. It’ll be undeniable that you’ve made a considerable change in your life and others will want to know what you’ve done!
This week will perfectly coincide with Package A audio tracks I Am Worthy and I Am Abundant.
Week 5: Poverty Mentality & Victimhood
Poverty mentality and victimhood are not only harmful to you, they are detrimental to your children and anyone else who is close to you. Chances are, you got the poverty belief system you have from your parents. If you’re over the age of 40, the chances of that are even greater. It’s believed that older generations have a greater sense of poverty mentality and victimhood then of recent generations. Influences on younger generations are generally subtle and subconscious, but they are powerful. Having a poverty mentality creates lack in all aspects of your life. It hinders you from living full out and being who you’re designed to be. Now that you know this, you have the chance to change this belief system for all generations!
In this week’s healing the focus will be on releasing the thoughts that there’s not enough for everyone, that you are the victim of circumstances, and changing those beliefs into “There is plenty for everyone!” and “I have the ability to choose my own path.”
You’ll see this shift in your life in the areas of money and career. There will be a greater flow, and ease with money, paying bills and receiving gifts. You’ll have unexpected blessings come into your life and you’ll graciously accept them. This week’s healing will be just the support you need to be able to release old beliefs and change generational thought patterns.
This week will perfectly coincide with Package A audio tracks I Am Abundant, I Am Worthy, Forgiving Yourself, and Release

21 Days of Gratitude Program
Value: $347
Starts April 1st

In the 21 Days of Gratitude you’ll receive detailed information and daily guidance on how to increase your gratitude to heal, raise your vibrations, and transform your life. You’ll have access to new ideas and strategies to use in changing your view of the world around you. Using these tips shifts your perspective which aids you in shifting your life path!
Introducing the power of gratitude into your daily routine is a really powerful way to transform your life... just by cultivating personal attributes can actually fortify you during times of need such as loss, grief, adversity and or emotional turmoil and it leads to more joy, greater happiness, heightened energy levels and resilience!
In fact, gratitude is our emotion that relates mostly to our ability to feel and express thankfulness and appreciation on a regular basis. Expressing gratitude regularly improves mental, physical and relational well-being... and it can also impact the overall experience of receiving abundance, joy and happiness in a positive way that can be long-lasting!
When you know how to raise your vibrations and express gratitude correctly... it can radically change your life! You will begin to experience a decrease in stress, anxiety, depression and headaches... and an increase in self-esteem, greater optimism and genuine happiness!
Join Julie on this Incredible Journey to Receiving & Expressing Gratitude!
The first 50 people will have access to a private 21 Days of Gratitude Facebook group where Julie will post and interact with you on a daily basis throughout the month of April.
“I’m looking forward to my future.”
"I participated in Julie’s 21 Days of Gratitude program and was very impressed. She guided us in activities that truly opened our eyes and made us view everything in our daily life a new light.
I was making plans to divorce my husband and midway through this program I began looking at my husband differently, and processing things on a new level. I opted not to leave, and instead shared the program with my husband who also had amazing insights. We’ve been working on our relationship for the last five months and it’s going really well. We’ve even continued the gratitude activities together. I’m looking forward to my future."
~ Janet D.
“I'm finally out of my depression slump”
"This journey with Julie has been wonderful. The activities that she had us do were really powerful in changing my perspective. I look at my life differently and the people in it. I even see myself differently! I feel so full of love and enjoy my days. I'm finally out of my depression slump and I've started a new hobby. This new year is going to be completely different than the last! Thanks Julie!"
~ Becca T.
Deep Dive
Total Package Value $2701
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $347
*** 87% Saving ***
Sold Out

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package C
Total Transformation
This Program Includes:
- Everything in Package A and Package B
- One 25 minute phone session with Julie
- Entry into Julie’s Daily Prayer Journal for Six Months.
- One week of daily, individualized and intense distant healing
One 25 minute phone session with Julie
Value: $300
In this session Julie will tune in to you physically and energetically and target your healing toward the most urgent issue(s) for you at the time. She will walk you through any items deemed necessary to aid you in learning to heal yourself, and give you tips and ideas to maintain the healing or shift that you receive. Together you’ll determine which aspect of healing needs to be targeted throughout the bonus week of daily healing.
After your one-on-one with Julie, she’ll begin intense daily energy work personalized to your needs. She’ll support you though this distant healing for a week, holding a place for you as you continue to heal and transition onto your new path. You’ll have a midweek check in to share with Julie your progress and receive additional guidance on your healing.
You’ll receive:
- Energetic, physical, and/or mental healing.
- Spirit guided information specific to your issue and healing process.
- Immediate peace and sense of calmness.
Entry into Julie’s Daily Prayer Journal for Six Months.
Being added to Julie's daily prayer journal is a special treat. You'll be a part of her inner group who's included in her morning prayers and meditation. She prays for everyone in the journal as a whole, and then goes through the list, reviewing each name and adding specific prayers as something comes up. It's a quick little "pick-me-up" in the morning, with some healing energy to help you throughout your day. It's like having your own daily mini-energy healing!
Here's what people have to say:
- "Since I've been part of Julie's prayer journal I've felt happier. I've felt like I can handle whatever comes my way, and that everything is going to be okay."
- "Julie asked if she could add me to her prayer journal and I said yes. A couple days later I realized the pain in my ankle was gone. I'd had it for almost two weeks and now it was just gone. Three days later I got to chat with Julie and she mentioned my ankle. That's when I learned that my ankle had come up for her in her morning mediation and she did some quick work on me. Sprained ankle be-gone!"
One week of daily, individualized and intense distant healing
Value: $1575
You’ll receive:
- Seven days of distant healing that is specific to your particular needs – determined after your private session.
- A mid-week questionnaire check-in and follow-up email.
Total Transformation
Total Package Value $4276
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $777
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $597
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Sold Out

Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
*NOW OPEN* 2 Payment Plan for Package C!
Pay only 50% now and the rest in 30 days!
“My migraine gone instantly and after five months now, hasn’t returned! Within two days my knee pain was gone, in three weeks I had $1287 show up unexpectedly, and in a month I bought a new car for 1/3 of the book value!”
"I had an amazing healing session with Julie! I contacted her because I was having migraines that medicine couldn’t help, and pain and stiffness in my knee making it nearly impossible to walk or stand for very long. Julie went straight to the root of the problem and addressed it head on – and it had nothing to do with me physically! She tuned in to something traumatic that happened to me as a child. She told me that because I was holding on to trauma, it had manifested in my physical body. She also pinpointed other issues I had, (trust and financial) that all correlated with this one thing. She began her healing process and walked me through a process that allowed me to release the trauma. The side effect? My migraine was gone instantly and after five months now, hasn’t returned! Within two days my knee pain was gone, in three weeks I had $1287 show up unexpectedly, and in a month I bought a new car for 1/3 of the book value!
Probably the most important thing is that I learned how to really let go of my guilt and forgive, not only the person who hurt me, but myself. This was huge. I’d lived my whole life feeling like I’d done something wrong, that I was a failure, and everything I touched fell apart. I stand in awe of Julie and her healing power. She’s the best."
~ Trisha Dillard
“I’m currently cancer free!”
"When I contacted Julie I was very, very sick. I’d been battling cancer and thought I’d had it beat when I got some bad test results back. The day we spoke was a particularly bad day. I had had a migraine for over a week, was constantly nauseous, (I hadn’t eaten in four days) and I was so weak I couldn’t stand or walk on my own.
Julie quickly tuned into my body and silently did her thing…whatever that thing is, I don’t know what it is, but it’s amazing. I felt an immediate shift in my body and tears started flowing. I really didn’t know what was happening but if felt like everything was being flushed out by those tears. I broke out into a sweat and it felt like things were dropping off my body. In less than 10 minutes it was over. My migraine was gone, I wasn’t sick to my stomach, I stood on my own and walked to the kitchen for some food!
My kids witnessed the transformation and were shocked. My daughter had been lying in bed beside me crying because she thought I was going to die, now she was crying because I was up and “normal” again.
Julie asked if she could add me to her prayer book for the next few weeks and I wasn’t about to turn that down. I thought that if this could happen in a few minutes, who knew what could happen if she prayed for me daily.
That was about two years ago now. I can’t remember the results of the next blood test, I only know that I didn’t have to take chemo again and am currently cancer free!"
“What I’m about to tell you is so phenomenal it’s almost unbelievable,
but it’s true because it happened to me.”
"I’ve known Julie for a while and had worked with her in the past and have had some pretty awesome shifts in my life. However, what I’m about to tell you is so phenomenal it’s almost unbelievable, but it’s true because it happened to me.
I received a phone call one day that my boyfriend of several months had been in a car accident. I sent a frantic email to Julie’s office asking for immediate help. I told her I didn’t know anything other than (per an MRI) he had a severe head injury, a possible broken neck, and was in a coma.
I don’t know if she was actually IN the hospital room with him, or what exactly happened…but she described him, his room, and what was going on with him. She said when she met up with him he was out of his physical body and was standing at the end of the bed looking at himself.
The short version is this:
- She had him put up a Force Field around his physical body. (She said his looked like an aluminum bullet.)
- She scanned his body and implemented her healing techniques.
- He said he wanted to visit me, so they came to see me in my living room. She described to the T where I was and what I was doing – even the position I was lying in on the couch! I told her I felt like someone touched my forehead while I was lying there and she said that he’d kissed me in the center of it.
- She told him he needed to be back in his body to wake up so they returned to the hospital.
- He asked her name, she told him, he said goodbye to her and got back in his body.
She immediately called me and while we were speaking on the phone my boyfriend beeped in! He’d just woken up and the first words out of his mouth where “Where’s my phone? I need to call Jennifer.” He told me that while he was out he had a strange dream about this lady who put him in an aluminum bullet and whisked him off to visit me, but I was sleeping on my couch so he kissed me and left.
Like I said, I don’t know how she did this, but I’m so amazed and grateful that she did. The MRI scan showed severe bleeding, and though my boyfriend was insisting he wanted to leave the hospital the doctor was saying he shouldn’t. He asked for another MRI (because he swore he felt fine) so they did another. The first MRI, about two hours before, showed bleeding and swelling. The second MRI of his brain showed absolutely NO DAMAGE AT ALL. She instantly healed him!
Oh, and remember that his Force Field looked like an aluminum bullet? My boyfriend is a welder and his favorite medium to work with is aluminum. He didn’t believe in healing like this, so when I mentioned that I contacted someone to help him he didn’t believe it. I asked if the girl in his dream had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and he replied with, “Yes she did. How did you… I don’t ever want to talk about this again."
~ Jennifer Corn
“By the end of the call, I actually stopped coughing
and my throat felt free and expanded.”
"My session with Julie is absolutely out of this world. She was spot on about a couple issues I didn't think anyone can see! Oh boy, can't hide from her and that's what I really appreciate about Julie.
She guided me to release this hidden anger, shame and betrayal that I have and the energy that came though the call messed up the electronics on both ends! As an energy healer myself, I am impressed by the amount of energy that came through the call. All the shifting was so powerful that by the end of the call, I actually stopped coughing and my throat felt free and expanded.
My whole body especially my stomach and throat felt energy shifting and it took a few days for me to integrate all the healing I received from Julie.
What a gift to be able to have someone see what is hidden and help you release it without judgment. Julie gave me important coaching tools to handle certain situations that was absolutely empowering and she was really kind to share with me a graphic on how to release soul contracts. This in itself is beautiful and so very powerful.
I highly recommend sessions with Julie. Anyone ready for change will receive so much more than what you can imaged at the moment,
Thank you Julie!"
~ Jade Yin Hom, Light & Laughter Alchemist
“I am beyond impressed! Julie worked on my thyroid, and
I felt her laser like energy make the swelling go down.”
"I had the opportunity to work with Julie, and I am beyond impressed! We worked on my thyroid, and I felt Julie's laser like energy begin to work on and around my thyroid. She freed the energy constriction and then she began to release what was underneath the problem. I felt my back tension release, and issues of cording with my mother cleared...and she asked twice, "Did you have two sisters?" She said my Mother was indicating two sisters. I remembered I tested positive for vanishing twin syndrome...and Julie confirmed, that yes, I had a twin sister that did not make it and she delivered a message from that twin of resolution. who knew all that was behind enlarged thyroid! My thyroid swelling is going down! Thank you again Julie, you are a master healer!"
~ Robin Masci
“My back pain was instantly gone, my shoulder pain went from a nine to a three,
and my neck pain from an eight to four.”
"I had one 25 minute session with Julie and am so impressed with her healing abilities! My back pain was instantly gone, my shoulder pain went from a nine to a three, and my neck pain from an eight to four. Today, it's all gone. I woke up with NO PAIN AT ALL. This is a first for me in over two years! Who knew that the anger I held against my ex-husband was the root of the issues? Julie did. Thank you! I'm so grateful."
~ Jill Hopkins
“Julie was able to identify a spider web of anger and resentment in my gut and heart, and remove the strands that had created these feelings and beliefs.”
"Over the past 35 years, I have worked with over a hundred healers. Julie Kellogg is definitely one of THE best. With the increased light coming in from the last full moon portals, I was being very aware of certain areas of my life that still needed improved. Julie was able to identify a spider web of anger and resentment in my gut and heart, and remove the strands that had created these feelings and beliefs. As she worked on me, I felt these strands dissolving, I had the image of a pirate ship flying a black flag leaving my heart and being replaced by a white flag of mercy and compassion. Shortly after Julie's healing work, I was at a small gathering at a friend's home when my wife commented that I was a better listener and more present and compassionate than ever before. My personal feeling was of walls around my heart being released and more energy flowing in. Thank you Julie for your gentle yet powerful work. You are truly awesome!"
~ Gary Pincus - Spiritual Coach
About Julie Kellogg
Julie is an intuitive healer, spiritual consultant, and medium. She has been blessed with the ability to see and communicate with Spirit all her life. She’s a gifted energy shifter, space clearer, and teacher who has the ability to assist others in changing their consciousness and perception, which results in shifting their life path and creating happiness and success.
The healing practice Julie uses to assist others was Spirit led during the process of her own healing. She has compiled her lessons of healing into an intensive program titled Healing from the Inside Out, and wrote the eBooks Freedom from Entity Attachments and Your Cut-to-the-Chase Guidebook on Tapping.
Her mission is to dispel the misconceptions about the spirit world and assist people in clearing energy patterns through teaching self-healing.
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Total Package Value $1104
From Heartache to Joy
16 MP3s
Total Package Value $2701
From Heartache to Joy
16 MP3s
5 Weekly Distant Healing Sessions
21 Days of Gratitude Program
w/ Private Facebook Group
Discount : 82%
Total Package Value $4276
From Heartache to Joy
$777 $597
16 MP3s
5 Weekly Distant Healing Sessions
21 Days of Gratitude Program
w/ Private Facebook Group
25 Minute Phone Session
Entry into Julie’s Daily Prayer Journal for Six Months
7 Daily Individualized Distant Healing Sessions

Package A – 30 Days Refund Guarantee. Conditions apply
Package B – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Healing.
Package C – Refund Guaranteed till First Group Healing, or till Personal Session is taken (whichever comes first)
Need Help? Write to: support@fromheartachetojoy.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Note: They have 6 months to use their session.
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WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.