Are you ready to LIVE your life instead of just “existing”?
Do you want to break free and unchained down by your circumstances?
Are you ready to overcome your challenges and stop suffering now rather many more years later?
Do you want to regain your faith and know that everything is going to be okay?
Do you need support, guidance, and healing in transforming your challenges into possibilities?
No matter what challenges you may be facing, whether it be in the area of love, health, money, and/or Spiritual connections, there’s HOPE and healing on the other side!
Once you are able to cross-over-the-bridge from challenges to amazing possibilities and make the vital perspective shifts…
- You will feel free and unchained down by your circumstances.
- You will be able to let go of your resistance to healing.
- You will feel safe, worthy, supported, and loved.
- You can align yourself to the abundance flow.
- You can see amazing possibilities opening up in your life.
- You can love your life.
- You will wake up grateful to be alive.
- You can now see that everything in your life has been a gift or blessing instead of streams of obstacles and suffering.
- You will be the creator of your life and feel connected to all that is
My clients have transformed their challenges
into amazing Miracles!
A new Mercedes!!! Life improved 200% on all levels
"Regarding Jenny's quantum healing life has improved 200% on all levels: mentally, spiritually and materially. Jenny's powerful healing energies has helped me to get unstuck and move forward in leaps and bounds, through quantum shifts in my life. The healings have created true and real joy, love, gratitude, and abundance. Jenny's loving healing work and infused MP3s are some of the most powerful and effective tools and modalities I have ever experienced and I have worked with many healers during the course of my life. If you want powerful and permanent work, Jenny is your Go-To healer. I highly recommend her!
I am happy to report a new Mercedes, new business opportunities, and people appearing daily to support my goals and vision bringing financial abundance and love. Even with the new car, new shoes also came too for swiftly moving forward. And on an additional note, on ease and grace, most of the financing abundance for the car was gifted and as an added miracle, I only spend 10 or 15 minutes at the California DMV's office registering the car. WOW! I am truly grateful to be in my quantum solvent of my true potential within me. With Jenny, I was able to move past personal issues to personal success unconditional love and prosperity. Yeah Jenny! Thank you so very much again!"
~ Dr Antonio N., PhD in Music & Author, California, USA
My sister and I are best friends now after 20 yrs of no talking!
“My sister and I have not talk for over 20 yrs. Also growing up, I did not have a good relationship with my mom. Since Jenny helped me work through my forgiveness and responsibility levels, my sister called me immediately after the clearing. WOW, this is a miracle! We are like best friends now and even mother apologized to me for all these years. The harmony, peace, and love in my family has been restored.Never imagine this is possible...I’m in my 60s. Plus, now I don’t have 1 day that I go worrying about money or how I am going to pay my rent, even without a permanent job. I trust that I will be taken care of. Thank you so much Jenny!”
~ Nancy, USA
Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny
“I met Jenny through my sister. One important factor about her I feel is important to share is that she helps me upgrade my point of reference regarding money earned. My whole life, $50,000 per year was my top salary. I worked with Jenny and NOW my salary doubled unexpectedly. I am so very grateful to her.”
~ Nora, New York, USA
WOW! Within 2 weeks got engaged & married to a doctor
“Jenny did some clearing of my heart walls and removing negative energies. She was also clearing the oppressive feelings I felt within the walls of his house from his ex-wife. As she was doing the clearing, I had major goose bumps, felt the energies releasing from me, and was in tears of gratitude came unexpectedly. After 2 weeks of meeting Jenny, I got engaged and the most interesting thing was, I was only dating for 4 months. I was not expecting for him to ask me at that point in our relationship. He is the best man for me and a Soul mate, and I never ever expected to have someone to really understood me in my life, considering this is my second marriage in my 50’s.
We got married ~4 months after. Before this, I was in acceptance of being alone for the rest of my life and only maybe dating. My husband turns out to be a doctor who is really passionate and caring in his field. I also had more clarity on the directions in my business. We are both passionate and positive people. I’m looking forward to even have more healing with Jenny in other areas and excited for my new husband to meet her as well. Jenny is very passionate and gifted in her healing work”
~ Kim, Californ
Expert Reviews |
Jenny helped me become a Money Magnet!
"Hi Karen Kan here... Jenny is an amazing healer and amazing person. I'm going to tell you right away that one of the criteria that I choose, whether to work with them or not with someone professionally is what their ascension score- is what their light score is. So the light scores of the amount of light vs. dark that they still have within them whether past, present, & future. The Ascension scores basically how expanded in the Ascension they are and I don't often tell people this, but I got to tell you that Jenny has a light score pretty much 100, 99 to 100, both of us have been working very hard in that, we do a lot of entity work and so we clear a lot of the dark and get into the light so she has a super-super high Light score. As of today, of all the other healers that I know and have met, she has the highest ascension score, the highest Ascension score. Today, I tested Jenny's at 1.3+ million...For the average person on Earth is under 100 ok,... but just to show you just how much evolution that people like Jenny have gone through and she's been incredibly sweet and amazing angel in my life supporting my work and in fact before my launch with FHTJ...Work together... let's see if you have any issues that prevents you from helping as many people as possible from selling as many packages as possible. I don't actually work on my money stuff that much at least energetically, I'm always working on you know pain and mother earth and other people and you know the money stuff is just like the last thing on my list, so I never get to it.
I was not surprised at all that my numbers are pretty high she said, but you know certain things like "the allowing"- how much do I allow the universe to help me I knew that was going to be lower than the others and sure enough when she tested, it was she says got to be in the 90's in order for you to be a money magnet. Also expressing your creativity now I thought that we're gonna be super high but it wasn't as high as it needed to context with what is your potential. She taught me a very important lesson she says Karen, let's expand your God team to infinite, you can have an infinite God team, we can use all the help we can get. Now I have infinite number of higher-level help healers spiritually, my big big big big God team just like she has a humongous God team. So I'm finding that the healings are occurring faster, the intuition is coming faster, and I basically have to do less work which is awesome. She let the God team do the work, that's very wise. I truly believe and I'm testing at least 40% of my success with how I got sales and FHTJ was really due to this work that I've been working with Jenny for a while and especially this money magnet work, it was totally awesome and so she found that I had resistance energetic resistance at selling just 50 packages, I want to help a lot more people than 50 people. She and the God team removed that and all the other resistances. I think the number is like over 400 now, of packages for the week of my launch which is a phenomenal awesome. I am so happy, the people I've connected with are so amazing and my VIP group and so this is such amazing stuff and so I think that you if you were like a money monk that I used to be, don't pay too much attention to money, and wonder why we don't have any, then you really need to check out Jenny's program because she is the real deal. She's got very high vibration, I think it will really benefit from it. So I take it for me a former money monk, who is learning to enjoy and appreciate my value, as well as the value of money and prosperity abundance, It's time for you!"
~ Dr. Karen Kan, Holistic Physician & Spiritual Medicine Expert #1 Bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain - Holistic Approach
Helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products
“I found Jenny Ngo’s energy work to be very powerful. I Love her open, honest, authentic nature. She works as very clear channel to bring her GOD Team into work with your GOD Team, without any egoic intellect getting in the way. With this technique she was able to facilitate very profound clearings from my energetic fields to help me release the resistance I was feeling towards taking my work to the next level. She also offers sound practice advice from her Heart, and has helped me naturally attract more clients and develop and sell more products so I can feel on purpose. Thank You Jenny, Big Love.”
~ Matt Andrews, Channel and Facilitator for ManTarA
Shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out.
“Jenny.., the real deal!!! As she started working on the issue I could sense shifts happening around as if a veil being removed to let the treasure out. I'm impressed with her in depth knowledge and explanation about her process. That's really amazing!!!!”
~ Aparna Vemuri, Inner Alchemy Facilitator
Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness.
“Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels--body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one's life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing.”
~ Nancy Gordon, Ph.D., Psychoneuroimmunologist, Corporate Coach, National Wellness Consultant, & Author- "The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It's Not What You Think...(Actually It Is What You Think"!)
Let me ask you…
Are you ready to uncover your greatness and transform your life?
Are you willing to do your part of letting go of what you are not, to overcome your challenges so you can LIVE your life?
Have you been looking for energetic healing tools, support, and guidance to help you to transform your challenges into possibilities?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then this is for you! You will have the GPS navigation roadmap to guide and support you in your transformational healing journey.
Imagine what is possible for you.
Isn’t it time to stop suffering and LIVE your life?
Then, give yourself the gift of healing now.
Jenny and her God Team are Ready to Help You Overcome Your Challenges. Are You?
Pick a Package of Your Choice and See Amazing Possibilities Opening up in Your Life
Free Trial
Discount : 98%
Total Package Value $6,059
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
4 MP3s & 3 Healing Videos
(3) Live 90Min Group Support Healing Calls
14 Days of Remote/Distance Healing
90 Days Abundance Bubble from date of purchase
Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials PDF
Private Facebook Support Community
Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $6,559
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 MP3s & 3 Healing Videos
(3) Live 90Min Group Support Healing Calls
14 Days of Remote/Distance Healing
90 Days Abundance Bubble from date of purchase
Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials PDF
Private Facebook Support Community
30 Min 1 on 1 session with Jenny
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Note: no refund after the 1st group call on November 25th, 2017.
Package A |
This Package Include:
- 4 MP3s & 3 Healing Videos
- (3) Live 90Min Group Support Healing Calls
- 14 Days of Remote/Distance Healing
- 90 Days Abundance Bubble from date of purchase
- Abundance Living Key Essentials PDF
- Private Facebook Support Community
Knowing All is well
Value: $222
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless & PDF usage instruction
Length: 5 min

Regardless of the situation that you are now experiencing or experienced in the past, this MP3 helps support you working through the underlying reasons that prevent you from knowing in your heart that all is well. In addition, this MP3 helps you to release all the trapped negative energy or “gunk” that builds up in your bodies and prevents you from having a higher perspective of everything, including your sense of well being. Finally, this MP3 also helps support you to release the negative energies that are causing you to have worries, fears, and doubts and that are preventing your from experiencing your True Essence of deep calm, peace, love, and well being that your deserve.
Experiences of blissful, love-filled, expansive feeling
"It was such a wonderful feeling to know that imbalances from deep within were surfacing AND RELEASING. So many times before I could feel these energies just below the surface, but with this MP3, the releases were HUGE. I was able to have that blissful, love-filled, expansive feeling while at the same time with deep releases. I really enjoyed the music used with each of these MP3’s as well. I found my feet wanting to dance along on several occasions, even though I was lying down while I listened! Wonderful, wonderful MP3! This will definitely be one of my “go to” tools! You continue to amaze me with your sessions, MP3’s, and healing gifts, Jenny! Just so POWERFUL!"
~ Jill, USA
Feelings of hope, belief, spiritual strength and knowing that all is perfect as is
“It brings with it elated feelings of hope, belief, spiritual strength and knowing that all is perfect as is. I found this track to be most beneficial in helping me trust my guidance, have easier time being in the flow and trusting my journey. I listened to it once while I was feeling anxious, overwhelmed and angry and felt noticeable shift in mood. I now know that guidance never leaves me and with proper intention I can always remain connected to Source.”
~ Vlad, USA
Felt empowered to act from the heart and trusting all is well!
"In this past week since I listen to these MP3s "All is well" & "Loving my life", I have noticed that my actions were more guided by my heart than my head, and the results have been great -- achieving more in less amount of time, with more joy and less stress! In the past, I would be more "disciplined", making sure I finish certain work deliverables before I would do something "fun" to reward myself. This week, somehow I was motivated to do things differently (MP3s are helping me "rewire" my behavioral patterns!). Instead, I would take breaks when I "felt like it", not worrying about work deliverables. I was able to be more "present". After some joyful breaks, I was able to tackle work deliverables with great focus/clarity (thus more efficient and effective). All these are making me feel more empowered to act from my heart and trusting all is well! I find them easy to listen to (cheerful tunes)."
~ Arden, USA
Gives me security and rest for my body and mind
“I feel that listening to the MP3 gives me a rest in my body and mind and I'm left with a comfortable feeling afterwards. It gives me some kind of security and I do not get so easily tilted by the stick.”
~ Trude, Norway
Loving My Life
Value: $200
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless & PDF usage instruction
Length: 6 min

Want to love your life more? Or take living your life to the next level. Then this MP3 will help support you in working through the underlying “gunk” energies so that you can love your life. The key to transforming challenges into possibilities with more ease and grace is to cross-the-bridge to really love your life. Then, the Universe is your partner. Imagine what you will do or where you will be when you truly and completely love your life!
"I went away for two days with my new Love. And it was lovely. I feel light and feel like dancing when I listen."
~ Kit, Denmark
“This track just makes you want to dance! Whenever I played it and closed my eyes, the Dance of Joy erupted in my mind's eye visions. With it came sense that everything is just as it should be. My World is taking care of me and it always has, even though at times I have forgotten that. I felt gratitude for such wonderful care! The more I listen to it, the closer I get to accepting and embracing my past, my present and my future.”
~ V.T., NY, USA
"When I listen to MP3, I find that energies move in the body, especially in the heart area. I feel immediately happy and uplifted and this is often a feeling I take with me further into the day."
~ Trude, Norway
Weight Loss Healing
Value: $200
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless & PDF usage instruction
Length: 5 min

This MP3 helps to support you to transmute the deep-rooted core beliefs and limiting thought patterns that affect your weight, self-image, food addictions, poor eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and metabolism issues that are different for each person. In addition, it helps you to release all the trapped negative energy or “gunk” that builds up in your bodies and prevents you from having a higher perspective on your weight issues which you may be using to compensate for other issues in your life.
As you listen to this MP3, you will receive insights or download information to help you to achieve your goals especially as you have less gunk. In addition, your intuition can further help you to know which foods and exercises are best for you. Remember if there’s a will, there’s a way; with your ongoing commitment and healing support you can lose weight as you heal the deep rooted underlying reasons why you have your weight issues in the first place.
Note: This MP3 is safe for everyone to use even if don’t need to lose weight. Everyone can benefit from healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices.
Wow!!! Much needed healing around self-image/body image from my past!
"Wow!!! I had no idea how much needed to be healed around self-image/body image from my past! I am at a comfortable weight for me, so I wasn’t sure if I needed this MP3. Boy, was I WRONG! I had memories surfacing about derogatory and insulting remarks made about some physical part of me from those dreaded middle school years through to my twenties. I had no idea that there was still a “charge” to these things that happened in the past. But the memories clearly came up, and I cried with the releasing! These crying spells felt so good, knowing that things I never would have identified consciously had come up for healing! In my humble opinion, this is a wonderful MP3 for everyone! Who has been picked on at some time for their nose, or their hair, their weight, their height, etc."
~ Jil, USA
“I felt the belief that ideal weight and body shape is reachable and the process can be easy and enjoyable. I also find myself pondering about better food choices and supplementation.”
~ Vlad, USA
Guided to buy certain vegetables, exercise regularly and eat healthier
"I noticed I felt the need to buy certain vegetables that I had not gotten for a while-- and within a day of purchase, I learned that they have good detoxing properties (but I did not know that when I purchased) what synchronicity! I also felt more motivated to take better care of myself (e.g. exercise more regularly, eat healthier) and felt the urge to clean out my closet and only keep what brings me joy!"
~ Arden, USA
Eating more variety of nutritious foods
“I have been eating all sort of things that were not in my everyday diet for a long time. I’m 60. And I feel ok. I mean that because my intention was to gain weight and probably I will as my body is at ease with what I eat. And I love the music of every mp3, it wakes up happiness and feelings like dancing.”
~ Mai, Belgium
Holiday Spirit Jingle
Value: $100
Format: MP3 - Music and Soundless & PDF usage instruction
Length: 5 min

Need to rock into the holiday spirit? Or feeling down, need to overcome the holiday blues? Say hello to holiday joy and good-bye to holiday blues! Amp up your mood and feelin’ good again. Must have for the holiday jingle or anytime you need a-pick-me-up. Working through the underlying reasons preventing you from feeling good and connected to your joy.
Magic in the air... memories of big happy family, joyful feasts, celebrations
"While listening to this MP3, memories of childhood winter holidays flooded in. I loved the holiday season and was embraced with memories of big happy family, joyful feasts, continuous celebrations and heightened spiritual awareness. Even though somewhat nostalgic, I felt lightness in the air and joyous singing mood. I will surely play this MP3 throughout holiday season to amplify the magic in the air."
~ Vlad, USA
Healing of past traumas and memories from family holidays
“Each time that I listened I felt such joy, and found myself smiling, which continued for quite a while after the MP3 was done playing. Yet, simultaneously, I had waves of releasing past traumas, and memories surfaced from family holidays that brought up pain, sadness, and grief. I found that along with tapping my toes to the music, it also felt like trauma energies were coming up all the way from my toes too! Huge releases took place, and afterward I was right back to feeling joy, peace, and bliss. Another WONDERFUL healing tool, Jenny!!!”
~ Jill, USA
Booked a holiday in 8 yrs with ease and fluidity
"I have planned a holiday with my son for 5 days in November. Since 2009 we didn't have a single trip together. It has been so easy to book everything that I could not believe it. When the booking was finished I realized that the fluidity was because of the Holiday Spirit Jingle. Isn't that nice? I love that!!!"
~ Theresa, Belgium
Let go of your pain
Value: $150
Format: Healing Video MP4
Length: 20 min

Are you experiencing pain whether this is physical, emotional, mental and/or even spiritual? It's vital that you are able to let go of whatever that is causing you pain. The healing messages and the Light Language transmissions will support you in understanding why you have pain and how to let go of your "gunk" energies so you can have pain relief now. Healing energies are embedded in this video.
Change your life, change your perspective
Value: $150
Format: Healing Video MP4
Length: 34 min

Change how you see the world and your world will change! Change your stories and your reality will change! The majority of us got it backwards or we really need a major, vital shift in our perspective of how we see our challenges. So you can move closer to your goals and propel you forward to living your amazing life with possibilities. The healing messages and the Light Language transmissions will support you in making this paramount perspective shift. Healing energies are embedded in this video for you. Healing energies are embedded in this video.
Seeing & working through your challenges faster
Value: $150
Format: Healing Video MP4
Length: 26 min

Seeing & working through your current challenges faster. Desire to come closer to your goals with more ease & grace? Want to have more rainbows in your life? The healing messages and the Light Language transmissions will support you in letting go of your resistance, limiting beliefs, and aligning more to Creator’s perspective to healing so you can work through your challenges faster. Also, there's a nice healing process to further support you to be more of the vibration match of what you desire. Healing energies are embedded in this video.
90 Days Abundance Bubble
Value: $800
Format: Remote energetic support with PDF instruction

Jenny's healing "Abundance Bubble", is an energetic supportive bubble for abundance. It's like holding you and those on your "Abundance Bubble List" in a safe, protective, and supportive environment similar to the analogy of "your garden", providing energetic support/nutrients for you to grow your "abundant" garden. You and those on your list — which can include your immediate family members in your household, spouse/partner, pets, businesses, banking accounts will also benefit from Jenny's signature healing of clearing/healing of negative entities attachments, heart walls, trapped emotions, and frozen emotions. NO detoxing or processing symptoms from being a part of or included in this Abundance Bubble. Safe for everyone/everything and it is for the Highest Good of all involved. Abundance Bubble ends 90 days from date of purchase.
Condo saved in a fire. So fortunate!
"I just wanted to let everyone know that my condo, in my abundance bubble, smack in the middle of an area severely impacted by the fire in Gatlinburg, came out completely unscathed. Feeling super supported and fortunate right now!"
~ Erin
Husband won $2,500 and I won $200
“I just thought of what and who I wanted in the bubble. Last night my husband won $2,500. Playing slots at a local casino!!! A few wks. later, I won $200 at casino!!! Every little bit helps. Feeling more abundant every day. Thank You Jenny!”
~ Vickie, USA
Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials
Value: $88
Format: PDF

This is your GPS, navigation map to abundance living. You can check your own levels to the list of Abundance Living Key Essentials, where tipping point for progressive flow of abundance are possible your life.
14 Days Remote Healing
Value: $999
Format: Remote/Distance healing with pdf instruction
14 days Remote Healing starts December 11th - 24th, 2017

- Jenny, her God Healing Team, and your Divine Self will work on your top 3 stubborn issues whether it be physical, emotional, mental, Spiritual, and/or financial health.
- Supporting you in letting go of what you are not, those limiting beliefs and traumas so you can come more into alignment to Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials, where abundance can flow through you.
- Transmitting healing energies 3 times/day for 14 days to work through the “gunk” energies regarding your issues so that you can uncover your greatness.
- Enjoy Jenny’s signature healing of negative energies of attachments, heart walls, frozen emotions, etc. Clearing negative entities 24 hours for 14 days for you, your home/living space, those living in your home including pets, personal and/or business banking accounts, and/or your primary business.
- Also raising your vibration and Light Score to the highest possible level for you so you can be free from attachments and living your life, as you step into your authentic alignment and empowerment.
- No special diet or restrictions. The healing energies will be delivered to you when you can best receive them. Also, safe if when also combined with other therapy or energy work.
Feeling huge shifts and received £460
"Jenny, I been feeling the energies from your healings! For the last hour or so my chronic sinuses have eased up as I had headaches in the last few days thus grateful the energy is pleasant! I received £60.00 refund on my phone. Also I was credited £250.00 into my bank account from a fee I had paid and turns out this was waived ! thank you so much! Both occurred today!
A few days later during 14 Days remote healing...thank you Jenny. God bless you, felt huge shifts! I received £150.00! Money gift from a close relative yesterday! This morning my angels sent me a 1 dollar coin silver found it in my path whilst walking. Feeling blessed!"
~ Angel
Not an issue anymore!!!
“I can tell you honestly my first 14 days remote healing prior to I was a mess energetically. Jenny's remote healing grounded me and helped my focus. I don't remember what my three issues were but that simply tells me they are fixed and not an issue anymore!!!”
~ Jeanne, Florida, USA
In this 30 minutes livestream, I've made 3 sales of my coaching programs!!!
"The first time I've listened to a livestream done by Jenny.... in this 30 minutes livestream, I've made 3 sales of my coaching programs!!! It's just incredible!! Even my husband, that is really skeptical, was blown away. In this last 14 days, I've noticed that I was only attracting positive comments on my ads and also a lot of positive and lovely feedback on my products... I'm so happy Thank you so much Jenny!!"
~ C.F., Canada
Discover toning for the first time and spontaneously receiving messages
“During the last 14 Days remote healing, at the time of the Lion’s Gate, when this light and, or the support of the light beings were especially strong – to pull us through – I did my first and real toning. I also began speaking, or writing messages, from what felt like my over-soul (or the galactic light) to someone I love. These were messages of unconditional love – a concept I finally then understood.”
~ Eva L.
Got more clients!
"JENNY, I want to give a testimonial. So far I am seeing results in my financial realm. From day 1 of the free (won gift) of 14 Days remote healing. People are showing up saying they have been watching my videos for 2 years now and want to contribute. Others are becoming clients. Your work is a blessing! I am also using your MP3s to amp up the vibes! Thank you so much!"
~ M.J., USA
Feeling peaceful and calm being in neutral state no matter what unfolds
“The 14 day remote healing transmissions and 3 x a day entity clearings by Jenny helped me enormously. I noticed a huge difference with the shifts and free of entities. My attitude is more positive and interactions with others seem to be happier. I wake up feeling peaceful and calm being in neutral state no matter what unfolds. I felt connected and have more clarity and continue to listen to her mp3's on a daily basis helps clear more gunk. Having Jenny is a true blessing she is an amazing healer”
~ Nina, Canada
Two real estate listings sold in one day!
"I realized that all sorts of things have been happening since doing the 14 days remote healing. I got my first real estate listing that sold in a day. Got another yesterday and most importantly meeting lots of people that are more expensive and more in vibration with me. That was really the core desire, not the money...Thanks so much Jenny and Global Quantum Healing Community"
~ Ashley, USA
(3) 90min Group Healing Calls
Value: $3,000
Group Healing Calls including Q & A time with Jenny. Healing activations and Light Language transmissions to support you to work through your challenges with more ease and grace. Healing energies are being amplified by collective give. If unable to attend, healing energies are embedded and same as live.
#1 Group Call: Saturday, November 25th, 2017 at 12:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Eastern
#2 Group Call: Saturday, December 9th, 2017 at 12:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Eastern
#3 Group Call: Saturday, December 30th, 2017 at 12:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Eastern
- Understanding why you have challenges and how you can directly work through
- Supporting you to let go of the “gunk” negative energies including limiting beliefs so you can transform your challenges faster
- Letting go of resistance to your healing progress
- Working through your healing list
- Supporting you to work through overcoming challenges into possibilities
- Experiencing the calm, peace, and/or love that’s your true Nature
- Aligning you more to the Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials, where abundance can flow through you
Most amazing
"I 've been to many group calls but these one were the most amazing. The power and accuracy disentangle me in all levels. I felt that was really the real help to help me ascend. Thank you Jenny"
~ Shanti
Flowing in a giant bliss bubble!
“Prior to group call, I was feeling weak and run down. Soon after Jenny worked on me, I feel so peaceful and filled with love and bliss! I'm flowing in a giant bliss bubble!!! Thank you, Jenny! Much love and gratitude to you!”
~ Jill, New York, USA
ITEM 10:
Private Facebook Support Community
Divine Rub - MP3
Value: $55
Have a boobo or ouchy hurt? Use this energetic Divine healing rub and feel better. Countless celestial helpers present to soothe and comfort you and the ouchy. A must-have for any first aid kit!
Use it as often as you need when you or someone have a boobo or outchy. You can use this anywhere and to help anyone just like an energetic first aid. Can use either MP3 version music or soundless. When unable to play or on-the-go, can also be used by intention, just say Jenny’s “Divine Rub” mp3 and the healing energies will be present right away as if you are actually playing it. Safe for ALL to use and for the Highest and best good of all. Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state.
Cheers to your Quantum Healing Journey!
Package A
Total Package Value $6,059
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $147
*** 98% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Package B |
This Package Include:
- All of Package A
- A Private 30 minute 1 on 1 session with Jenny
ITEM 11:
A Private 30 minute 1 on 1 session with Jenny
Value: Priceless, let’s say $500
A Private 30 minutes 1 on 1 session with Jenny via Phone or skype audio. Quickly help you come into your authentic alignment and uncover your greatness is Jenny’s gift. In addition to, transmuting all kinds of negative energy massively. Can work on ANY issues or blocks. Many of Jenny’s clients experience clarity, self love, and self worth; further feeling safe, supported, and loved; having pain relief and improvements of their health conditions; letting go of their lack and scarcity and connecting to the abundance flow; and more loving, fulfilling, and harmonious relationships in their lives
Together, Jenny, her God Team, and your Divine Self will be
- Working through your comprehensive “list", while focusing on your top 3-5 pressing issues, supporting you in working through and clearing out “gunk” energies not limited to limiting beliefs and traumas so can be more in alignment / closer to your goals.
- Checking / raising your levels to the Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials, where abundance can flow through.
- Checking / clearing negative energies like entity attachments, heart walls, and frozen emotions as needed. Also, raising your vibration and/or Light Score - your ability to remain free from lower vibrational energies and be the beacon of Divine light.
Saved my life and the lives of my family
"I have so much gratitude for Jenny' works and want to personally thanked her for bringing this work to the Light and sharing with the masses. Jenny has literally saved my life and the lives of my family. My life has gone from 0 to 90 in the short time as we began this work with Jenny."
~ Reverend Sophia B, USA
Seeing through my blindspots and helping transcend them
“I wanted to acknowledge Jenny for the profound healing that I have received during our one-on-one sessions and also how much her packages have helped me. Jenny she's so kind and nurturing and compassionate that it’s like my inner child finally feels like she's safe and she wants to come out and she wants to play! Jenny is able to look at you, know kind of seeing my blind spots whatever limitations that I have and help me transcend them. Working with Jenny has been really a very good decision in my life not only for my own mental emotional health but absolutely from from a spiritual perspective... I would say if one is considering on whether or not to to work with Jenny on a one-on-one basis I would say definitely. Definitely yes”
~ Demetria,USA, Host & Creator of The Fierce Soul Freedom Video Summit
My home foreclosure has been cancelled
"Hello Jenny! No words to qualify the help you gave me. I tried pinching my skin to feel if it's me and if the results I got was real. Thank you so much! The home foreclosure has been cancelled after a couples of days of our 1-1 session. Thank your Team very fervently for me also. They were very lovely and very much caring than usual. I had joyful tears when they were advising me."
~ Mr T., Washington D.C., USA
I got a high paying job. I’m a money magnet
“Jenny many thanks to you for your healing energies and showing me the way to Abundance and True Happiness.
Since Joining your group less than a month ago, I got a high paying job and I my life is shifting in a very harmonious way...I am looking forward to your call .I AM A MONEY MAGNET....Much Love”
~ Elise, USA
Family dynamics improved, over $12,000 savings, lost 45lbs, & 2 PRICELESS miracles
"Amazing experiences with Jenny's work. I was bitter, unhappy, unable to relax, unable to feel love, to feel support, didn't have any energy, always tired and exhausted. After using Jenny's way looking at life has completely changed for the better. I see now any situations as a learning opportunities. Now, I see Divine order everywhere. I have peace and my life flows easily. My family dynamics has improved! From her, I've learn... of heartwalls, trapped emotions, and not only to get rid but to avoid negative entities attachments.
The love connection to my Higher Self that used to make me feel abandoned and lonely, is now restored. I feel supported at all times. I experience every day many aha moments. My life is now enjoyable. My self-esteem and self love has grown to the point that I have lost 45lbs. I have a lot of energy and I look great.
Also experienced many since Miracles... My dog became ill in the middle of the night, and was healed in minutes by Jenny's MP3. Another, my refrigerator it was declared dead by the technician but began working perfectly after requesting help from the God team and playing the Dimensional healing MP3. Since both the doggie and refrigerator working in perfect condition. situation, before working with jenny it was very stressful. NO matter how much or how hard we have we worked, it was always a struggle to meet the ends. Now our money situation has improved. During the last 14 days remote healing session, my son received a scholarship that lowered our monthly experiences by $500 USD. We feel better, we have less stress and now we can enjoy the life of "empty nesters". Two weeks ago, I was selected to Jenny's Abundance beta tester program. After the 1st group call, within 24 hrs, I received a call for a job, making $400 additional a month... We have added almost $12,000 a year. In just 2 weeks, I've meet all the minimum requirements to become a "Money Magnet". I feel abundant...the journey has amazing. I really wish a lot of you take the opportunity to improve your life in every aspect just like I did. Thank you!"
~ Dr Martha Umana, PhD in Education, USA
Package B
Total Package Value $6,559
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer $197
for 1st 100
*** 97% Saving ***
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Since working with Jenny I am thriving in my career and feeling so much more empowered.
"I've been in a very challenging relationship for the past 4 years with a man I love dearly but he doesn't have the tools necessary to love me the way I need to be loved. It has left me frustrated broken hearted and feeling had got to the point where even financially I was struggling as this love had rendered me stagnant. Since working with Jenny I am thriving in my career and feeling so much more empowered. I'm picking myself back up and excited about moving forward and feeling so much less detached whether it's with him or not. Jenny you are a gift from God thank you so much for your generous heartfelt and sincere passion for what you do!"
~ N.B., Virginia
My pain is gone the rest of the day after listening, as well as any anxiety
“I have been a registered nurse for 30 years. In my long career I have dealt with many people who were in severe pain, anxious and even forlorn about their love life. I too experience pain, anxiety and feelings of missing my one true love. I feel so much more at peace every day when I listen to the MP3s. I love to sit in my serenity garden I am building and meditate while listening to them. My pain is gone the rest of the day after listening, as well as any anxiety. Also, I am gaining perspective on my love life in a very positive manner. Jenny had a live Q&A call for us where she helped me significantly with a question I had about my love partner.”
~ Retta, RN
Money is pouring in
"Since purchase Jenny's program, I got $10,000 unexpected backed payment from the government. Financially is so good now. I play bingo x 30 yrs, recently I won $750, $850, and then $1,400. I'm telling you I can't lose. It's been amazing. The money is pouring in every time I turn around I'm getting money. I got another $1,000 sitting right here and I even haven't take to the bank yet. I have not had any financial issues since. Where I was, compared where I am now, it's like two different places. I am giving thanks! You are such an angel. I am so grateful for you Jenny!"
~ Del, USA
I was really sick & was able to move out of always being sick into being well & happy again. Started my dream job. So much love, happiness and laughter in my life and that is priceless.
“I cannot express in words the incredible impact Jenny's work has had on my life. At the time I first started using her MP3s I was really sick & was able to move out of always being sick into being well & happy again. Her MP3s are the best but what really is the most beneficial is adding the remote healing & live calls with her. I really feel those helped me have my incredible breakthroughs. I was able to re-find the love of my life, the man that I had been engaged to 9 years ago that went back to his country & we had lost contact with each other 5 years ago after we both suffered the loss of a parent. Working with Jenny last year brought me big changes: I left the job I hated it to start my dream job, I moved to a new state, got a new home, I started believing in myself again. Jenny's God team and Angels & my angels & the remote healing & her live calls & her MP3s truly made this possible. They got me to get out of my own way to experience the most magical time of my life. Fast forward to February 2017, I am engaged to be married to the love of my life, working on getting my paperwork together to get married to him in the next few months, we talk all the time as though he is around the corner. I thank God for Jenny and the work she does everyday!! There is so much love, happiness and laughter in my life and that is priceless.”
~ L.B
I have my soulmate!
"I’m in my 70’s and been single since my divorce 30 yrs ago. I meet a man but now thanks to your work I realized he’s my soulmate. I never connected at this deep level that I am able to do now, in a way not understood before"
~ Kala, France
Desperate for peace and love in my family
“I was desperate for peace between my kids! The car rides to/from school were starting to wear me down! I play her MP3s to and from school (they have no idea!) and it's made a clear difference. The intensity has gone down. I feel like before doing this the "negative" aspects of their personalities were really amplified and that's really toned down so their gifts are able to shine through more. More joking, sharing their day and ease.”
~ Raquel, USA
Found the courage to remove myself from toxic relationships that I was afraid to end for several years. Few weeks my abundance improved far greater than before
"My experience working with Jenny 1-on-1 has given me the ability to finally TRUST and know that I am supported by my god team. On a scale of 1-10, I would definitely give Jenny a 10! Within a few weeks my abundance improved far greater than with any other program or healer and I no longer have the constant feeling of lack and worry. I've also found the courage to remove myself from toxic relationships that I was afraid to end for several years. I've always had such a hard time letting go of people but I completely understand now that this is part of "clearing the gunk" so that we can heal. It's so incredibly empowering to know how much I have improved my self love and connection to God/Source working with Jenny and her energy is so loving and supportive!"
~ Laura
Our wedding anniversary saved within minutes
“I have never purchased a package as readily as I bought Jenny's. When I first heard Jenny, it was my wedding anniversary, and I had no intention of going near my husband let alone going out with him. Within minutes of the purchase, I felt a huge shift, and I ended up having a peaceful dinner at a restaurant that night. Also, my husband, a skeptic who felt that investing in energy work was a waste of time and money, listened to the Replay of the call as well as the MP3 tracks, said he felt as though he were being scrubbed and encouraged the purchase of the package.
The private session with Jenny was amazingly accurate and healing. I could literally feel things peel away, and the transmutations extended beyond my household. Clearly, Jenny is a kind, clear, knowledgeable vessel, divinely appointed and greatly appreciated. Need I say that I highly recommend her!? YESSSSS…”
~ Marie, USA
Has been amazing. So much healing and improvements in 2 weeks!
"The journey since ~2 wks I started...have been amazing.
1) Relationships with myself and others, myself, ex-partners, friends and family: all have improved up to 8
2) Love and Intimacy/Sex:I wrote a list of qualities I wish I could have for myself and of a desire partner. In this domain I have improved above 5
3) Forgiveness towards my father: 10/10
All areas of my life have improved a lot. The most important and the base for my love and relationships life has been conditioned by my BELIEF of the wounds and anger I have hold on towards my father. This is completely over. Not only that I had the most profound HEALING of my life but at the same time it is redirecting other areas as now I can accept my father’s qualities that are also my own qualities. My relationship with my family and friends has improved up to 8 - my DESIRES for a better and fulfilling life by 9 - Abundance and MONEY have improved up to 5 but I know it is on its way."
~ Maite H., Natural Healer, Spain/Belgium
My relationship with my daughter re-connected & is healed
“Before using Jenny's MP3s, and the Remote Healing programs, my relationship with my daughter had become sadly very strained & distant, due to her partner's controlling & domineering ways. However, after I started using the MP3s & also participating in two x 14 day Remote Healings, for maybe one month, my relationship with my daughter re-connected & is healed. Furthermore, she even found the strength & courage to leave this difficult young man. She is very very happy now and I have my beloved daughter back in my life! Thank you!”
~ Mum, Australia
Family, friendship, and folks at work are more loving and supportive!
"I have made a list of all the people to help heal the relationship with. I ask my God team to work on the list and have noticed that most on the list have treated me slightly better especially in friendships they are more softer and engaging. My brothers have been more expressive, loving and supportive which really warms my heart. Have renewed contacts with my cousins and relatives. There’s shared feeling of love and support. Folks at work that have been more challenging seem to be a lot more supportive. I have also received gifts and won free coffee twice! People in general have been helpful."
~ Nina L., Vancouver, Canada
Interested in being in a relationship again after many years
“I have also noticed an interesting change in relation to romantic relationships. My fiancé passed about 8 years ago now. Ever since that time I have simply not been interested in seeing anyone. He was such an amazing and special individual and we were so connected that I was simply not interested in going through any sort of "dating" scenario. Since I began to play these MP3s, I have noticed a gradual, but definite readiness appear to get "out into the world" again as far as potentially being interested in being in a relationship again. That is really big for me, as nothing anyone has done or said in the last 8 years has at all tempted me in that way! So thank you Jenny. Once again you have provided stellar work!”
~ B.K.
Husband more supportive. Money saved paid for package investment!
"Love, trust and general well being-- I had challenges with marriage, and also insecurity about trusting the Divine and high anxiety about uncertain future. Since the participation of remote-healing, I have signed up for 6- months bundle. Listening to various MP3s, I have felt being supported and loved by the "unknown Divine". Even when things got challenging, I would regain my balance much quicker (e.g.; from being depressed for weeks to re-focusing within days). Also, there were a few times when I thought I would need to spend a few hundred dollars on home/auto repair, I ended up finding options of taking care of the problem within a hundred dollar! Those along paid for the investments in those MP3s! My husband also has been much more supportive and helpful so I am also feeling better about my relationship. I have yet to schedule the 1:1 and cannot wait to do so soon!:) Thank you so much Jenny!!"
~ A.S., USA
WOW, this is amazing, a miracle! My relationship with my son improved!
“Before working with Jenny, my relationship with my son was very hard. He gets angry when I talk, so I hold back and don't talk very much when around him. He is a teenager, lives with me, so this is hard for both of us. Since, our relationship has improved so much when he saw the changes in me and my businesses growth in # of clients coming in daily and before I was struggling to get clients, that he even want to buy one of Jenny's package. WOW, this is amazing, a miracle!”
~ L.S., Mexico
My relationship wih my parents and my sister have greatly improved
"I must say my relationship wih my parents and my sister have greatly improved in 2016. My sister and me had a cold relationship and there has come new love in the way we talk to each other. Also I started to realize i have to keep more in touch with my parents."
~ Bart, Belgium
Amazing reversal. Anxiety disappeared
“I have been in a very stressful situation lately with my finances that caused me to feel very isolated, impatient, anxious, etc. Within the first 24 hours of beginning to use the MP3, I noticed an amazing reversal in how I felt about life in general. My anxiety disappeared, my impatience level went from a 10 to a 2. I suddenly felt as though I was being cradled in the arms of the Universe, I just felt to surrounded by love, and therefore was able to feel so much more loving to those I came in contact with. And people with whom I've come in contact (as in customers at work, or random people outside of work) have responded to me in a more loving way as well. I've been able to remain more in "observer" mode. My responses to those circumstances have changed dramatically.”
~ B.K.
Things are flowing, almost like magic. Sense of humour returned!
"Things were not flowing for me on any level. I had a huge amount of resistance going on. It was at a 10/10. No matter how much work I had done, and how many Healers I worked with, stuff just didn't seem to shift. I went through quite a heavy Transformational Storm and now, things are flowing, almost like magic. People are so helpful, friendly, and are drawn to chat to me. Small daily miracles have begun to show up, and I am feeling a lot more positive and uplifted. My sense of humour returned this week and I no longer sweat the 'small stuff'. I am still a work in progress, but I am so grateful that things have finally begun to turn around and start working in my favour."
~ M.B., South Africa
I start speaking my own Light Language!
“I am happy to tell you (and you are the only one I have told now) that I spoke my own light language on Feb. 28! Thank you for all that you do”
~ E., South Africa
Aligns me with my inner abundance and burst out with creativity
"I've been loving the Money Magnet. It aligns me with my inner abundance and honest gifts, pointing inwards to where the treasures are. I feel I want to burst out with creativity, and it's where money manifests from. So far I feel reaffirmed in my path of painting, feel like it’s something being born."
~ Marta, Ireland
About Jenny Thao Ngo

Jenny Thao Ngo, RN, MSN, CNM, Transformational Energy Healer/Catalyst, Transformational Life Coach, Energy Intuitive, and Entity Clearing specialist collaborates with her God Healing Team to quickly and painlessly release countless negative energies. Specializing in her own unique healing modality, Quantum Dimensional Healing transmutes negative energy attachments including dimensional attachments at lightning speed, eliminating energetic blockages, imbalances, and misalignments in all bodies, generations, and dimensions to quickly assist you into your clarity, inspired new vision of wellness and happiness.
Jenny simultaneously embarked on her spiritual path and her energy healing work in her mid-20s. After becoming a Reiki Master she continued working as an RN and a Certified Nurse Midwife for the next 12 years. In addition she has studied many energy healing modalities. Jenny’s commitment to fulfill her passion supporting global alignment and harmony is achieved daily in supporting and transmuting trauma, pain, suffering and dis-ease into wholeness and wellness with countless individuals she aligns with the Quantum Dimensional Healing Technique.
Her God Team comprised of infinite celestial beings enable her to achieve phenomenal results in her energetic healing work in remote and in person sessions delivering powerful results immediately to individuals just like you. The benefits and results that Jenny’s clients receive allow them to have clarity, re-ignite their passions, love themselves; find true value in their worth and their self confidence, and further feel safe - free from harm, supported and loved; pain relief and improvements of their health conditions; connecting to the abundance flow, and having more loving, fulfilling, and harmonious relationships in their lives.
Jenny and her God Team are Ready to Help You Overcome Your Challenges. Are You?
Pick a Package of Your Choice and See Amazing Possibilities Opening up in Your Life
Free Trial
Discount : 98%
Total Package Value $6,059
From Heartache to Joy Special Offer
4 MP3s & 3 Healing Videos
(3) Live 90Min Group Support Healing Calls
14 Days of Remote/Distance Healing
90 Days Abundance Bubble from date of purchase
Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials PDF
Private Facebook Support Community
Discount: 97%
Total Package Value $6,559
From Heartache to Joy Special offer
4 MP3s & 3 Healing Videos
(3) Live 90Min Group Support Healing Calls
14 Days of Remote/Distance Healing
90 Days Abundance Bubble from date of purchase
Abundance Living GPS Key Essentials PDF
Private Facebook Support Community
30 Min 1 on 1 session with Jenny
Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644
Note: no refund after the 1st group call on November 25th, 2017.
Part of proceeds from the sale of FHTJ exclusive packages is donated to Alnoor Charity School in Pakistan which comprises of children coming from extremely poor families who cannot afford to put their children in school and they end up working part time as garbage collectors or are victims of child labor. The school provides them with free education, uniforms, stationary and other such things.
Although the school is funded through various donations, FHTJ funds over 90% of all the educational and administrational costs for this charity. For very impoverished children, balanced and healthy meals are also provided.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that From Heartache To Joy has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.
REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.