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Download Eram and Mary's Interview

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Package A


The 4 Master Keys that Accelerate Your Highest Soul Purpose - PDF

Discover the 4 Soul Keys that are the catalysts to accelerate your Soul Purpose journey:

  • Learn what true Service to self and others requires according to Spiritual Law
  • Discover what it takes to find and amplify your passion
  • Unleash the hidden power of your heart as a guidance system
  • Understand why nourishing your body supports your Soul Purpose
  • Understand how nature supports your Soul Purpose
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Guided Meditation to Open Your Soul Purpose - MP3

  • Release the reliance on your brain / mind as a guidance system
  • Travel into the vast infinite realms of your heart and Soul where your purpose is written
  • Connect with Source and your higher Soul Purpose
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Sufi Heart & Soul Activation — The Master Key Needed
For Ascension to 5D - MP3

Travel the inner dimensions and worlds of your heart and Soul:

  • Enter into the doorway of the heart that opens to your Soul
  • Align your third eye with the eye of your heart
  • Experience the Ocean of Love and the secret worlds inside your heart
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Sufi Soul Chanting Meditation Tool - MP3

  • Relieves & Heals Fear, Doubt, Anxiety
  • Experience Sufi sound technology that quickly shifts your energy into high vibration
  • Feel a sense of calm when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed
  • Discover a Sufi self-healing chanting tool
  • Learn how to become permanently re-wired for Peace, Safety, Security and Healing
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Clearing Your Soul's Ancestral Lineage
and False Programming - MP3

Releasing the false maxtrix of Unworthiness, Guilt, Shame and lost self-worth:

  • Release the false matrix of Unworthiness, Guilt, and Shame
  • Recover your Divine Sovereignty as a Divine Representative of Source on Earth
  • Open to the Truth of your Divine Soul Creation
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Introduction to Sufi Spiritual Healing - MP3

  • A brief overview of Sufi spiritual healing
  • Explanation of the Sufi healing method
  • Discover the Secrets of the Divine Names or Sound Codes that heal
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Steps to the Heart Meditation “REMEMBRANCE” - A daily practice - MP3

  • A simple, yet profound daily practice that opens the inner dimensions of the heart, Soul and spirit
  • When practiced over time leads one to Divine Union with the Beloved
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Self-Discovery Workbook - Immediate actions and exercises you can implement that will lead you to your Soul’s Purpose - PDF

Use this workbook tool to remember your gifts and talents and to assist you with crafting your mission statement. This workbook contains exercises that are especially helpful for those who either don’t know their purpose, or are looking to express their purpose in their daily lives or in a career.

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Soul Purpose Acceleration:
30 day Healing/Coaching Immersion

30 days to accelerate your confidence to shine your light, live your unique Soul path and make a difference in your life for yourself, your family and the world. The 30 day immersion is designed to help you tap into your Soul and passion to get you on track for holding the highest vision of your Soul and divine destiny!

It's time to Accelerate Your Divine Soul Purpose and start envisioning and living a life of your highest possibility and fulfillment. Let’s do this!

To make lasting change, it takes three things:

  • Doing something out-of-the-box for you
  • Doing it over time - 30 days or more
  • Receiving Support

For 30 days, you’ll receive:

  • 4 weekly live online group calls

  • Immediate actions and exercises you can implement that will lead you to your Soul’s highest purpose

  • Teaching - learn self-healing tools

  • Healing - receive group healing that opens the Soul, clears blockages Journaling

  • Homework exercises

  • Private Facebook group with daily inspiration and opportunities for live Q & A

  • Receive quantum help from the power of a group coming together with common focus and intentions

  • Leave with a plan for your next steps and the tools to tweak it anytime

About the 30-day Soul Purpose Acceleration and healing immersion:

The Sufi Way is a process of “purifying and beautifying.” Each week we will be purifying the ‘not you’ by clearing your Soul lessons or patterns that are holding you back from expressing your highest Soul purpose. This is followed by a transmission of Divine Lights that will fill you and beautify your Soul so that you have more space to carry even more Divine Light and ignite more passion and joy.

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  • WEEK ONE - What’s in the way IS the Way

Purify: Group teaching and clearing to identify spiritual/emotional barriers and heal from your past that may be holding you back from living your highest Soul Purpose.

Beautify: Learn a secret Sufi self-healing practice that opens the heart and Soul that lasts a lifetime, and receive Soul activations / transmissions that accelerate your Soul’s Purpose.

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  • WEEK TWO - Shining your Light and Finding your Voice

Purify: Group Healing to clear Ancestral Soul Lineage and any false programming that’s held in our Soul and DNA such as unworthiness, slavery, people pleasing, guilt, shame, powerlessness, tribal belief systems, money issues and more!

Beautify: Receive, fill up, open to receive the Divine Lights that rewire you for success. These Lights or Divine Codes are exactly what you need to activate Divine Guidance, Protection, Creativity. We will pay special attention to opening your throat, your unique voice and the seat of your higher creative center of expression.

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  • WEEK THREE - Identify your "Big Why" and your "Great Work Mission"

Purify: Remember your Soul lessons and see how everything in your life has conspired to bring you here and has been a training ground for your Soul’s purpose.

Beautify: Experience a group meditation and healing where you will tune in, download, and experience your Soul’s true passion, joy and what you value most. We’ll connect with your highest Soul Purpose, mission, and your “superpowers.” You will receive a direct transmission (knowing, seeing, feeling, hearing) from your sacred heart / Soul, the angels, and the Divine.

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  • WEEK FOUR - Guidance for Visioning your next steps

Purify: Release the brain / mind and connect to your sacred heart to receive Divine guidance.

Beautify: Experience a guided meditation and exercise to vision your next steps, and begin to make a plan for your immediate next action steps on the inner and the outer levels of your being. You will receive an “opening the energy” tool you can use forever and that connects you to the people, places, and things you need.

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  • WEEK FIVE - Personal Opening

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DAY 30 - Celebrate and Launch Your Next Steps

Beautify Beautify Beautify

  • Group call to celebrate your wins, insights and transformation

Package B

This Package Includes:

  • All of Package A Plus
  • 1:1 Private Sufi healing / clearing session with Mary


1:1 Private Sufi Healing / Clearing Session with Mary

In this breakthrough healing session, we will be focusing primarily on your heart energy center (or heart chakra). Your heart center is a hologram and contains your entire existence, including your physical body, your memories, and it is the gateway to your Soul, your DNA and where your Soul’s decreed purpose and assigned Soul lessons are written.

I will be invoking and transmitting the Divine Codes which are Lights of Source that automatically illuminates, heals, transmutes and transforms your heart and Soul. If you’re open to it, we might be chanting the Divine Names, or Divine Qualities of Source together in the sacred language of Arabic. Your Soul recognizes the sacred language and also recognizes your own voice vibrating these Divine Names. Traditionally, there are 99 Divine Names and each has a different sound code and numerology that your Soul recognizes and responds to. I may also be reciting certain prayers in the sacred language that heal, re-wire you or that clear dark energies depending on what you’re needing. These recitations are taken from sacred texts and are powerful healing prescriptions that work!

  • Release the "not you" and false matrix Unworthiness, Guilt, Shame, Fear, Unprotected, Powerless or whatever is your Soul pattern that is holding you back or keeping you from shining your Divine Light.
  • Experience and Step into your full divine worth, sovereignty, passion and purpose
  • Receive the exact Divine Name Codes you specifically need that will support you to stand in the truth of your Divine Nature more fully, and that re-wires you for success.
  • Experience a powerful Soul infusion upgrade that opens a new pathway for SHINING YOUR LIGHT for yourself, your family and the world unapologetically!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can my life really change?

Yes, and that’s what this program is all about! It’s about doing the deep dive and making real and lasting transformation. Just knowing your Soul Purpose is not enough. It takes healing, courage, and commitment to live it fully. Your Soul Purpose is a journey not a destination. We’ll be clearing what’s in the way. Mary will be teaching you secret Sufi self-healing tools that you can use on your journey that last a lifetime. Change and transformation is the way of life and our highest Soul Purpose. We know that by changing our inner world, the outer world changes effortlessly. We are each programmed for success.

Q. How do I know if my Soul Purpose is calling me?

  • You have a deep feeling inside that you know there’s gotta be more to life than this!
  • Your work life and your spiritual life feel like two different lives – it’s painful.
  • You’d rather be doing anything else except what you’re currently doing.
  • You’re “retired” and know there’s more to do.
  • You’ve brought up your children and now it’s time for you.
  • You (still) don’t know what you wanna be when you grow up.

Q. How will I know if I am living my Soul Purpose?

When you are living your Soul’s Purpose your life flourishes, and it becomes an array of splendor. As we grow and transform, we carry ever more Light and Love which also transforms our clients, our family and the collective Soul of humanity. YOU BEGIN TO ENJOY right livelihood – visioning and manifesting your passion and purpose in the world in a way that supports you on all levels. And you cultivate right relationships – healing the past wounds from parents, past relationships and using your life lessons to propel you forward onto right spiritual growth.

In Mary’s program, you will learn practical tools and spiritual practices that establish you in your Soul so that your Life Purpose unfolds effortlessly, with ease, flow, grace and joy.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.

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